Suyūṭī wrote

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  • 7/28/2019 Suy wrote


    Suy wrote an important work on religious astronomy, whose sources derived from the traditions

    of the Prophet. Born into a family engaged in religious scholarship and holding administrative offices,

    he became the most prolific authors in all of Islamic literature. His father was a preacher, taught

    Shfii religious law, and acted as a deputy judge (q). He died prematurely when his son was only 5

    years old, but he had made financial arrangements that allowed Suy to pursue a path of

    scholarship through the guardianship and aid of his fathers friends and students. Suy commenced

    his studies at an early age, with the study of Islamic religious sciences under various teachers. This

    included the study ofadith (statements and actions of the Prophet Muammad and his companions

    as recorded by his contemporaries and collated into collections by later authors), some rudimentary

    arithmetic for the solution of problems of inheritance, and probably the study of rudimentary

    timekeeping (miqt) and traditional medicine. At the young age of 18, he assumed his fathers former

    position of teaching religious law at the Shaykh mosque and provided juridical consultative

    opinions. Soon afterward in 1467, Suyui reinitiated the study ofadith at the mosque of Ibn ulun.

    He was appointed to teach adth at the prestigious Shaykhuniyya madrasa (religious college) in 1472

    and then was given a royal appointment by the Mamluk Sultan Qit By (reigned: 14681495) to the

    directorship of the Baybarsiyya khnqh (f lodge) in 1486. Suys personality and convictions

    resulted in controversy and polemics with contemporary scholars as well as officials among the ruling

    Mamluks. He withdrew from public life in 1501, following a conflict over the finances of the

    Baybarsiyya khnqh and spent the rest of his days editing and revising his works. Suy wrote over

    500 works that primarily focus on topics and issues in the Islamic religious and the Arabic linguistic

    disciplines. Two of his works deal with astronomy and medicine. His interest in astronomy, however,

    was not in what we or his contemporaries would call scientific, i. e., related to the pre-Islamic

    astronomical heritage that had been transmitted in the 8th and 9th centuries. Rather his interest in

    astronomy lay in the discussion of celestial objects and phenomena as found in the corpus ofliterature and activity, which comprises adth. As such, his al-Haya al-saniyya f al-haya al-sunniyya

    (The radiant cosmology: On sunn cosmology) is a religiously oriented account of cosmology, that is

    to say, celestial and terrestrial entities from the perspective ofadth, or more precisely the adth

    corpus which, in Suys view, reflects the position of the Sunn community as laid out by Sunn

    religious scholars. In the introduction of the Radiant Cosmology, Suy states, This is a book on

    cosmology (ilm al-haya), which I have compiled from the traditions (al-athr) and have appended it

    with reports *by earlier narrators+ (akhbr) so that those with intelligence may find delight and those

    with vision may reflect. I have titled it The Radiant Cosmology: On Sunn Cosmology. On the one

    hand, Suy wanted to inform his readers about Sunn cosmology, as it was discussed in traditions

    and reports of earlier narrators. On the other hand, Suys choice of the term cosmology (haya) forhis religious enterprise was novel. The astronomers had utilized the term haya since the 9th century

    to signify the configuration of the celestial orbs. Thus the term ilm al-haya was used to signify the

    discipline of astronomy. Suys appropriation of the terms haya and ilm al-haya for his

    enterprise indicates a conscious attempt to present an alternative religious cosmology, that is to say

    an Islamic cosmology, to replace the scientific cosmology of the astronomers. In his

    Autobiography, Suy is quite explicit regarding his views on science: I do not occupy myself *with+

    logic and the philosophical disciplines (ulm al-falsafa) because they are forbidden, and even if they

    were permissible, I would not prefer them to the religious disciplines. During this period, astronomy,

    and other sciences, certainly fell under the classification of philosophical disciplines. Suy and

    other religious scholars regarded them with suspicion for, in their view, these disciplines ultimately

  • 7/28/2019 Suy wrote


    derived from pre-Islamic sources. Suy regarded his sources, in contrast, to be the unimpeachable

    views of religious scholars from earlier generations. Just as they had provided the material for the

    sound formulation of Islamic Law that governed all aspects of life, including the proper practice of

    rituals, the sound understanding of the text of the Qurn, and so forth, only they could provide the

    basis for a sound Islamic cosmology, that is to say the cosmology for Muslims who follow the path

    of tradition and orthodoxy (i. e., the Sunns). He held similar views regarding medicine

    The subjects that Suy treats in the Radiant Cosmology comprise the Divine Throne (arsh), the

    Divine Footstool (kurs), the Tablet (law), and the Pen (qalam), which are entities mentioned in the

    Qurn, as well as the seven heavens and seven Earths, Sun, Moon, stars, night, day, hours, water

    and winds, clouds and rain, thunder, lightning, thunderbolt, Milky Way, rainbow, earthquakes,

    mountains, seas, and River Nile. Suys approach to these subjects is apparent in his chapter

    headings, which refer to reports of the views of selected earlier authorities regarding these

    cosmological entities. As such, the Radiant Cosmology preserves the views of these earlier religious

    authorities whose works are lost to us.

    Suyuti kaynaklar Peygamber gelenekleri tretilen "dini" astronomi, nemli bir alma yazd. Dini

    burs ve idari ofisler tutarak yapan bir ailenin ocuu olarak dodu, o slami edebiyat tm en retken

    yazar oldu. Babas, bir vaiz oldu afii dini hukuk retti ve bir milletvekili yarg (kad) olarak grev

    yapmtr. Olunun sadece 5 yandayken O erken ld, ama o Suyuti babasnn arkadalar ve

    rencilerin vesayet ve yardm ile burs bir yolu takip izin mali dzenlemeler yapmt. Suyuti eitli

    hocalarla slam dini bilimlerin alma ile, erken yata almalarn balad. Bu hadis alma (tablolar

    ve adalar tarafndan kaydedilen ve daha sonra yazarlar tarafndan koleksiyonlar halinde

    harmanlanm olarak Peygamber Muhammed'in ve arkadalarnn eylemleri), kaltm sorunlarn

    zm iin baz temel aritmetik ve muhtemelen ilkel zaman tutma alma (dahil miqt) ve

    geleneksel tp. 18 gen yata, o Shaykh camide dini hukuk retim babasnn eski yerini almtr ve

    hukuki danmanlk grler salad. Ksa sre sonra 1467 ylnda, Suyuti bn Tulun camide hadis

    yeniden balatlmasna alma.

    O 1472 ylnda prestijli Shaykhuniyya medrese (dini niversite) de hadis retmek atand ve daha

    sonra (hkm: 1.468-1.495) Memluk Sultan Q'it Krfezi ile bir kraliyet randevu verildi Baybarsiyya

    Tekke (Sufi lodge) ve mdrlne 1486 ylnda. Suyuti kiilii ve mahkumiyet tartma ve ada

    bilim hem de iktidar Memlkler arasnda yetkilileriyle polemie sonuland. O Baybarsiyya Tekke ve

    mali zerinde bir atma ardndan, 1501 ylnda kamu hayatndan ekildi ve eserleri dzenleme ve

    revize gnlerini geri kalann geirdi. Suyuti ncelikle slam dini ve Arapa dil disiplinlerde konu ve

    konularda odaklanmak 500 eser zerinde yazd. Eserlerinin ki astronomi ve tp ile anlama.

    Astronomi ilgisi, ancak, ya da adalar 8. ve 9. yzyllarda iletilen olmutu slam ncesi astronomik

    miras ile ilgili bilimsel, yani dediimiz deildi. Hadis oluur edebiyat ve faaliyet, bir korpus bulunan

    olarak yerine astronomi olan ilgisi gk cisimlerinin ve olaylarn tartma yatyordu. Bu nedenle, onun

    el-Hay'a el-saniyya FI el-hay'a el-sunniyya (radyan kozmoloji: Snni kozmoloji On) dan, gk ve karasal

    varlklar demek ki ", kozmoloji" bir dini odakl hesab Hadis asndan, ya da daha dorusu Suyuti'nin

    grnmnde, Snni din alimleri tarafndan konmu gibi Snni toplumun konumunu yanstan, hadis

    korpus. Radiant Kozmoloji, Suyuti devletlerin giri blmnde, "Bu gelenek (Al-Athar) derlenen ve

    raporlar *nceki anlatclar tarafndan+ ile Sonuna kozmoloji (ilm-hay'a), bir kitap (Ahbar) kadar zeka

    ile bu zevk ve vizyonu ile bu olabilecek yanstabilir. . Ben Parlak Kozmoloji balkl adres: Daha ncede ravilerin gelenek ve raporlar ele olduu gibi Snni Kozmoloji Ak "Bir yandan, Suyuti, Snni

  • 7/28/2019 Suy wrote


    kozmoloji hakknda okurlarna bilgi istedi. te yandan, dini iletme iin vadeli kozmoloji (hay'a) bir

    Suyuti seimi roman oldu. Astronomlar gk kreler yaplandrmasn belirtmek iin 9. yzyldan beri

    vadeli hay'a kullanlan vard. Bylece vadeli ilm-hay'a disiplin belirtmek iin kullanlmtr

    "astronomi." Terimleri Suyuti'nin denek hay'a ve iletme iin ilm-hay'a alternatif bir dini kozmoloji

    sunmak iin bilinli bir giriim, gsterir gkbilimciler "bilimsel" kozmoloji yerine bir "slami kozmoloji,"

    sylemektir. Onun zgemi olarak, Suyuti bilim ilgili grlerini ilgili olduka ak: Onlar yasaktr

    nk mantk ve felsefi disiplinlerin (ulm el-falsafa) *ile+ kendimi igal etmez, ve izin olsa bile, ben

    onlar tercih olmaz dini disiplinlere. Bu dnemde, astronomi ve dier bilim, kesinlikle snflandrma

    altnda dt "felsefi disiplinler." Suyuti ve dier din adamlar kendi grnmnde, iin phe ile

    kabul, bu disiplinlerin sonuta slam ncesi kaynaklardan elde. Suyuti nceki nesillerden din

    alimlerinin kusursuz manzaras olduu, aksine, onun kaynaklar kabul. Bu kadar ileri ritellerin doru

    uygulama, Kur'an metninin anlayan, ve dahil olmak zere, hayatn her alannda ynetilen slam

    Hukuku ve ses formlasyonu iin malzeme temin ettii gibi, sadece temel salayabilir bir ses "slami"

    kozmoloji iin, bu gelenek ve ortodoks yolunu (yani, Snniler) takip Mslmanlar iin kozmoloji

    sylemektir. O tp ile ilgili de ayn grleri

    Suyuti Radiant Kozmoloji iinde davranr konular lahi Throne olumaktadr ( arsh), lahi krss

    (Kursi), Tablet (Levh) ve Kur'an ad geen irketlerin, hem de yedi gk ve yedi Yeryz olan Pen

    (Kalem), Gne, Ay,yldz, gece , gn, saat, su ve rzgar, bulutlar ve yamur, gk grlts, imek,

    yldrm, Samanyolu, gkkua, depremler, dalar, denizler, ve Nil Nehri. Bu konularla Suyuti

    yaklam bu "kozmolojik" birimlerine ilikin seilmi daha nce yetkililerin grlerini raporlarna

    bakn hangi, blm balklar olarak belirgindir. Bu nedenle, Parlak Kozmoloji almalar bize

    kaybolur bu eski dini kurumlarn grleri korur.