Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City...

Sustainable Leeds 3 rd November 2018 Energy and the local grid, Decentralised Energy. The home, people & transport. A future for Leeds and an example of a power supply enabler? Part 2 of 3

Transcript of Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City...

Page 1: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Sustainable Leeds


November 2018

Energy and the local grid,

Decentralised Energy.

The home, people & transport.

A future for Leeds and an example of a power supply enabler?

Part 2 of 3

Page 2: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Paul Quarmby

Author & questioner

of the status quo!


My engagement with community and social

issues started some 5 years ago when I

was able to leave employment and choose

my own path.

My early career as a builder, designer and

surveyor, involved in the provision of

homes, schools, hospitals, social units,

community and business premises, gave

me an insight into the relationship between

people and the structures in which we live

and work.

The latter years brought questions and

insights about people’s social needs, our

future and the potential stratification of


My current concerns are with today’s

problems and ensuring an equitable

sustainability into the future.

I have instigated several projects, designed

to put people first, improve lives and create

community. While these projects have not

yet progressed to completion they have

promoted discussion and spin off projects

which are being taken forwards by local


For me, one of the bigger issues is how we

engage with our Local Authority. Our local

governance system is supposed to plan

and prepare for the future and yet we see

little by way of action and trialling of new

ideas and concepts.

The Council’s governance structure

appears unable to engage with community

groups and larger visioning for a greener

and more community orientated way of

doing things.

This Outline is a continuation of our

Sustainable Energy Concept, A West

Leeds Distributed Energy Grid. We now

Ask the question: How do we, how will we,

get generated power and energy from

generators to users?

We hope this element proves to be

comprehensible and promotes discussion

and maybe trials of options moving Leeds

towards our common and legally required

decarbonisation objectives.

We hope through partnerships and

community engagement to make Leeds a

forward-looking and green city where jobs

and businesses have a positive impact on

people’s health, outlooks and opportunities

and make Leeds a truly great place to live.

Paul Quarmby

Sustainability Advocate,

[email protected]

Mob: 07905 005983

Page 3: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Contents About .......................................................................................................... 1

Executive Summary .................................................................................... 3

Northern PowerGrid, say: ........................................................................ 3

Introduction ................................................................................................. 5

Without a visible governmental plan we speculate .................................. 6

Proposal ..................................................................................................... 8

A typical Secondary School ...................................................................... 10

Potential benefit for the school .................................................................. 11

A school as an energy hub ....................................................................... 12

Potential to expand and adapt the concept ............................................... 16

Social Benefit ........................................................................................... 17

Stakeholder Consultation .......................................................................... 18

Planning ................................................................................................... 19

General concerns about local hubs, local generation & distribution .......... 20

Promotion of the project and concept ....................................................... 21

Page 4: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Executive Summary

Northern PowerGrid, say:

The government have put clean growth at the centre of our

modern Industrial Strategy: changing the way we heat our

homes, power our cars, and run our electricity grid. Traditional

ways of distributing electricity to our customers in our region

are no longer appropriate in a world where patterns of

generation and consumption are increasingly complex. We

now need to play a more active role in order to continue to

deliver a safe, reliable and affordable service to our eight

million customers.

Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) have taken the first steps

towards becoming Distribution System Operators (DSOs), the term

given to a model where the operator takes a more active role in

managing local electricity generation and use.

The relationship between the national transmission network, local

distribution, generators and purchasers of power are changing and

the areas of responsibility may become, dangerously, blurred by new

technologies and a desire of Government and Consumers/Suppliers

to push for reduced costs while allowing all, including the public, to

derive a greater income.

Whilst I do not yet see an agreement on how systems will operate in

harmony the ENA ‘Open Networks’ project, launched at the start of

2017, has brought together UK’s transmission and distribution grid

operators and was recognised in the 2017 BEIS & Ofgem Smart

Systems and Flexibility Plan as a ‘key initiative’ for decarbonisation

and change.

We can now see a change in the way cities, homes and businesses

look to Smart technologies and philosophies to reduce costs and

ensure supply continuity, and it is now predicted that near doubling

of the electrical grid capacity will be required in the not too distant


Currently electricity networks are planned and designed on the basis

of meeting the local peak demand or peak generation placed on

them. This peak might only occur for a few hours on a handful of

days a year. When a new customer (demand or generation)

requests a connection to the network, companies assess whether

the capacity requested will breach demand or generation limits at

this peak time. If it does, then reinforcement of the network is

required. These costs can be considerable and with the expansion of

cities and urban areas become increasingly likely.

On the back of successful trials, funded through Ofgem’s low carbon

network fund, many companies are now allowing new customers to

connect to networks without reinforcement, but this becomes

increasingly risky as alternative generation, often weather

dependant, introduces an unknown element and increased risk of

oversupply and unmatched demand.

These so called non-firm connections require a greater degree of

control and we speculate problematic contracting.

We thus suggest that district energy hubs with active network

management and automated grid balancing provision be considered

to combat high levels of intermittent and inflexible generation and

feel more responsive local grids will be possible if areas are islanded

around such hubs.

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And for administration of the new generation of customer/supplier,

we note the progress of Blockchain related concepts. GE Power

Digital has joined a study to evaluate the use of blockchain

technology for energy industry applications. The study – launched by

the German energy agency, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – will

investigate whether blockchain applications can be operated

economically and reliably in the energy industry.

This document suggests that a small scale trial of a distributed

energy grid, established within an existing urban area, takes place.

And from such a trial we extrapolate the practicality of adopting such

ideas across Leeds and the rest of the Country.

That Energy Hubs could be created in 65 community areas within the

Leeds area and could be used to moderate supply and demand and

protect local distribution networks by:

Generating electricity at peak times to aid the balancing of the

local distribution grid.

To absorb, store or utilise surplus capacity from the local grid.

That the technology and philosophy of green energy is used

as a teaching resource.

That the power of community, that is established around these

hubs be utilised to create interest and take up of Green and

Smart technologies within the local community and distribution


These hubs already exist within the quite densely populated

areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of

Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study

to establish the practicality of such a concept.

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Climate change, the 2050 Carbon Reduction targets

and the regulations we have created to offset

problems and protect our planet and ourselves in

future years mean that:

We must reduce our CO2 production, and halt the release of other

gasses that blanket the earth and add to the earths heat retention

problems, This requires our action in the following ways:

As our energy systems are major producers of carbon we must

decarbonise electricity and heat.

That district heat networks will be required.

That electricity will be in greater demand for heating, cooling and to

power heat pumps and networks.

That transport will be via electric propulsion units. That cars, delivery

vehicles and means of public transport will use a large proportion of

our generated electricity by 2030 - 2035

That people will look to generate and store electrical power within

their own homes and expect to be able to sell electricity to the Grid &


That business will employ means of on-site electrical generation,

heat production and storage, and will look to avoid peak electrical

use and costs.

Cities, houses and businesses will look to Smart technologies and

philosophies to reduce costs and ensure supply continuity.

And thus a need for the near doubling of the electrical grid capacity

has been predicted.

What does this mean for the future of the existing

energy sector, the transmission and distribution

networks we currently use?

Comment: National Grid: Future Energy Scenarios.

July 2018.

We are entering a new world of energy. The expected growth of low

carbon and decentralised generation means the electricity system

will need to change.

Capacity could increase from 103GW today to between 189GW and

268GW by 2050, with the more decarbonised scenarios requiring the

highest capacities. Up to 65 per cent of generation could be local by


High levels of intermittent and inflexible generation will require high

levels of new flexibility, and there may be some periods of

oversupply. Interconnectors and electricity storage will play a key

role in easing this.

The changing generation mix also means new ways to maintain

system balance will have to be found.

Sustainable and renewable energy generation now

looks to be practical, but, How are we going to move

electricity from generators to where it is needed while

maintaining the frequency, voltage and consistency of


Page 7: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Without a visible governmental plan we speculate

Regulatory groups and interested parties present various scenarios

but as yet we see no clear guidance or plan from our Local

Authorities or Central Government.

We look to; explore here, how the 2050 decarbonisation target can

be achieved through a decentralised energy landscape. And we do

this because People, where they live, where they work and how they

transit between places dictates energy need, and the time and

volume of energy consumed. But we also must acknowledge that

the distribution and predictability of energy consumption, people’s

ability to pay for changes, and their dependence on the energy

systems we have and will create are a matter of life and wellbeing.

Businesses and industry are consumers of large amounts of energy

but this is predictable and can be accounted for by on-site generation

and planned contracting of supply with generators.

The drive towards decarbonisation and demand side action will


Electricity demand will be dictated by the Densification of our city, the

future high use of Electric Vehicles, the use of Heat Pumps, Air

Conditioning and the uptake of District Heating.

Challenges will exist for the use of Smart technology and success

may depend on socio economic grouping and cost / spend abilities

within the household.

The management of peak electricity demand within areas and

districts will depend on the economic wealth of an area. The

wealthier areas will be stable, will have the ability to employ Smart

Systems, Could afford heat efficient homes and newer A+++

appliances, and have 2 or more electric cars and employment away

from the home.

Less wealthy areas may face redevelopment and an encroaching of

multi-occupation blocks and apartments, (leading to less living space

and greater energy use per M2 of ground) Appliances which are less

efficient and a lack of financial resources to invest in smart systems.

Transport: The Government’s aspiration to end sales of

conventional petrol and diesel powered cars and vans by 2040

means EV’s will become the mode of personal transport. Heavy

goods vehicles will also be decarbonised but without a Mass Transit

system the proliferation and charging of EV’s will be an issue and be

disruptive in respect of grid supply within some localities. (charging

at work or at destinations may not be possible leading to an

overnight charging culture)

Heat: The Homes of the wealthy will become more thermally

efficient, and Heat Pumps or small CHP units will be dominant

technologies for these households. In Leeds much is being pinned

on a Hydrogen mains gas supply but this may falter over: cost to

consumers; manufacturing of adequate Hydrogen; regulatory

complications over the supplier monopolies that will be created.

District heating will not penetrate the market because of the

difficulties of establishing Energy Centres and delivery pipework

routes. The lack of Local Authority support will stifle the

implementation and funding of many such green projects.

Electricity supply: Large scale Offshore / Onshore wind and Solar,

co-located with storage will come to dominate the generation sector,

there will be interconnection of regions and countries to facilitate

transmission. Electricity via Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Hydrogen

production by electrolysis will remain expensive and a niche market.

At a domestic level, wealthier areas will have on roof solar and

Page 8: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

expect to be able to connect to the grid in order to receive payment

for the electricity generated.

Flexibility at the domestic level will be provided by small scale

storage and small gas-fired CHP plant,

But all this will cause distribution headaches for the carriers.

Gas supply: Gas from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), Norway

and liquefied natural gas (LNG) will remain important in the short and

medium term. Fracking will continue to be controversial; Biogas from

waste will be local and small scale.

The challenge will be to upgrade electricity networks

to accommodate increased demand, particularly at


Additional electricity generation and network capacity will be needed

to meet peak demand from EV’s and heat pumps. The domestic

generation of electricity via Solar, CHP and Car Battery discharge

will increase the pressure on local grids.

People will expect to be able to sell their generated electricity to the

grid and to neighbours and thus Local Networks will need

substantial reinforcement and the ability to cater for peaks and

troughs, discharging overcapacity and generating additional short

duration uplift. This could be very difficult and expensive for the grid

and network providers.

How areas and neighbourhoods function, how demand

is created and how electrical generation takes place all

need further analysis. We thus speculate:

Demand on the network, both to provide customers with electricity

and to absorb electricity generated domestically is problematic.

The centralised control of the National Grid is complex and the firing

up of generation and the long distant transmission is expensive and


Problems of demand and takeback will be local and areas of the

distribution network will come under great pressure and maybe

outages will increase as circuit’s burn out.

The Smart Grid and Smart City, The Smart Neighbourhood, will need

to be controlled automatically and locally, traditionally generated and

controlled supply will not be appropriate for streets and areas where

capacity is challenged.

Local Hubs of generation and of overcapacity absorption appear to

be a natural conclusion and necessity.

Is local generation the answer, is the distributed energy grid a

practicality and if so, how might we trial and plot a way forward?

The 2050 legislation is upon us. Given that we should and need to

be planning for the long term; that infrastructure changes of this

magnitude are enacted over decades and necessary plant

replacement planned over periods in excess of 20 years, we must

thus start now.

Our proposal suggests that local generation and uptake of

overcapacity can be catered for, reducing the expense and

disruption of new infrastructure by using community facilities to

island areas.

We suggest that schools may provide the potential to create

Electrical Distribution Hubs and facilitate not only electrical demand

stability but social change, cooperation and uptake of green


Page 9: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial


This proposal suggests that a small scale trial of a distributed energy

grid, established within an existing urban area, takes place. And

from such a trial we extrapolate the practicality of adopting such

ideas across Leeds and the rest of the Country.

That Secondary Schools in the Leeds area could be used to

moderate supply and demand and protect local distribution networks


Generating electricity at peak times to aid the balancing of the

local distribution grid.

To absorb, store or utilise surplus capacity from the local grid.

That the technology and philosophy of green energy is used

as a teaching resource.

That the power of community, that becomes established

around a local school, be utilised to create interest and take

up of Green and Smart technologies within the local

community and distribution area.

Secondary Schools are distributed across the Leeds Region

in response to areas of population and are often in the heart

of communities.

Secondary Schools are of such size and such energy

consumers that the installation of CHP plant to replace school

boilers is a practical and financially beneficial proposition.

That the timescale for moving to a decarbonised grid fits with

the planned maintenance and replacement of school boilers.

Secondary Schools will be needed and remain at the heart of

communities for as long as children need education.

That the summer shut down periods should not be seen as a

disadvantage to the network or a cost in running plant when

the school is empty. ( see generation options and issues )

The following map shows the distribution of

Secondary Level Schools.

There are 65 Schools and Colleges of this type in Leeds, ranging

through Maintained Schools, Academies, Special Schools and

Independent Schools.

It can be seen that the location of such schools reflects the

population and urbanisation of Leeds.

The densification of urban Leeds thus also reflects the demand for

domestic energy.

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Abbey Grange Church of England Academy Allerton Grange School Allerton High School Benton Park School Bishop Young Church of England Academy Boston Spa Academy Brigshaw High School Bruntcliffe Academy Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School Carr Manor Community School Co-operative Academy Priesthorpe Co-operative Academy of Leeds Cockburn John Charles Academy Cockburn School Corpus Christi Catholic College Crawshaw Academy Dixons Trinity Chapeltown (Secondary Campus) Dixons Unity Academy Farnley Academy Garforth Academy Guiseley School Horsforth School John Smeaton Academy Lawnswood School Leeds City Academy Leeds East Academy Leeds Jewish Free School Leeds West Academy Morley Academy Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School Otley Prince Henry’s Grammar School Specialist Language College Pudsey Grangefield School Ralph Thoresby School Rodillian Academy Roundhay School –All-through education from 4 to 18 Secondary Campus Royds School Ruth Gorse Academy St Mary’s Menston, a Catholic Voluntary Academy Temple Learning Academy Temple Moor High School UTC Leeds Wetherby High School Woodkirk Academy

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A typical Secondary School

We suggest that this school be used as a base for a trial of our

proposed distribution hub and distributed energy grid.

Horsforth School is a science specialist secondary school with

academy status in Leeds. Opened in 1972 and located in Horsforth,

it educates around 1,500 boys and girls, aged 11 to 18. It gained

Special Science status in 2002.

We suggest this school, for a trial, because of its Science Academy

status and that it falls within a moderately urban area, having a mix

of dwelling type and a mix of residents falling within a range of socio-

economic banding.

Horsforth is an area where the uptake of rooftop solar and the

purchase of Electric Vehicles will give a fair understanding of

demand network variability over the coming years.

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Potential benefit for the school

We hope that Horsforth School, Education Leeds, and those

responsible for planning and ensuring the continuity of electrical

supply will find merit in this outline and agree to talk and plot a way

forward, establishing the potential benefits for each .

Through the creation of an Energy Hub at a Secondary School, in

this case Horsforth School, we envisage:

Modifications to the schools plantroom to encompass CHP

Plant and a Grid Scale Battery.

The installation of such plant may replace out of date and

inefficient plant that is approaching end of life. This may

reduce capital costs for the Schools and Education Leeds.

In having such plant located at the school we believe that a

plant manager will be provided and their services will be

available to deal with heating and power issues throughout

the school.

That revenue derived from having the Hub located at the

school will be returned to the school by way of reduced costs

in the supply of Heat & Power.

That the plant installed will be a teaching resource for the

pupils of the school.

That by being part of the energy supply system of the local

neighbourhood a community relationship might be formed that

was supportive of the school and its educational ethos.

In future years and with community help other teaching

possibilities may become available. If the energy hub creates

spare heat, electricity and CO2 then the provision of a

greenhouse, indoor or vertical farms may be utilized to teach

pupils about food and maybe training for jobs in urban food


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A school as an energy hub

Suggesting that the plant that keeps a school running might also be

used to balance the local grid and keep the local neighbourhood

functioning might at first appear to be fanciful and extremely costly.

But we are not talking about supplying all the needs of the local area,

just sufficient power to balance the grid when the drain on supplies

or the power being pushed back into the grid exceeds the capacity of

the existing provision. This would avoid the upgrading of

transformers and distribution cables to take account of maximum

demand usage scenarios.

The following plant and examples of what might be installed are, at

this time, just a list of options and ideas. What is installed will

depend on the perceived local future demand and that which is

necessary to stabilise the network.

The possibility of creating a full Distributed Energy Grid, network and

district heating system, will be considered but is not envisaged at this


The project is ambitious, given the regulatory and political outlook at

this time. The measure of success of the project will be in providing

a thorough testing of the possibility of creating and maintaining a

future and local energy grid.

A major hurdle to the project or to any trial of such a concept will be

the usual comments from our leadership and authorities, when they

say: Where is the money coming from!

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CHP Unit

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems, also known as cogeneration, generate electricity

and useful thermal energy in a single, integrated system. CHP is not a technology, but an

approach to applying technologies.

Where the heating and power requirements of a building are considerable it is more effective

to generate the power, electricity, by CHP and then utilise the heat created in the electrical

generation process to heat a building, or feed a Heat Network supplying many buildings.

Grid scale battery storage

Energy storage is an emerging disruptive technology and used in power grid management,

because it enables integration of larger quantities of intermittent renewable generation

sources like wind and solar, for real time stabilization of the grid at a lower cost than using

traditional generators. These batteries can shift loads to avoid peak demand on strained

transmission and distribution facilities deferring costly utility investment.

Cars as transport, Electrical storage and generator

Battery storage, of energy, within cars is a recognised way of energy demand balancing and

will soon be common place and maybe, in future, required by regulation.

The provision of charging points at places of work and within / at community facilities may

facilitate a way of balancing the grid via smart charging, allowing take and give back of

electricity to the local grid.

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Roof top solar

The urban environment provides a large amount of empty rooftop spaces and can inherently

avoid the potential land use and environmental concerns.

Solar on school roofs is a well-established way of providing power, reducing energy costs and

helping to educate children about the benefits of utilising the resources our planet provides.

Solar in the UK is possible but seasonal in terms of output. In summer we could cutback the

CHP output and rely on solar to charge the Grid Storage battery and via the battery balance

the local grid.

Ground source heat pump

Secondary Schools have large playing fields and thus heat collectors, this could be used to

supplement the heating requirement of the school or contribute to a Local Heat Network.

Air source heat pump

Air at any temperature above absolute zero contains some energy. An air-source heat pump

transfers ('pumps') some of this energy as heat from one place to another, for example

between the outside and inside of a building.

Via a heat pump we might utilise the external air temperature but also capture waste heat from

our plantroom and from the school.

Again feeding the heat into a Heat Network or using the heat to preheat the schools hot water


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Anaerobic Digester Plant

These power plants/ concept, uses a natural process to transform waste into renewable

energy. Anaerobic bacteria digest organic matter such as manure, green waste or food waste

to produce biogas, a mixture which is primarily methane and carbon dioxide

The fuel, biogas, can be used to create heat and electricity via a CHP plant, while the leftover

organic matter can be used as agricultural fertiliser.

A school has a lot of suitable feedstock from school lunch residue, grounds maintenance and

general waste.

Hydrogen manufacture, storage & use

Integrated hydrogen energy solutions, which are modular, high pressure and rapid response,

could meet the demand requirements for electricity grid balancing and energy storage.

Hydrogen is a clean fuel for transport and onward energy production.

Surplus electricity generated at the school or in the local grid could be used to create


Thermal storage

As a response to an excess of electrical capacity on the grid it is possible to store energy as

heat, in hot water, and cold, as and in Ice.

Small scale storage would be useful for powering the schools heating and cooling systems.

But also, as these other technologies, play a part as a teaching resource.

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Potential to expand and adapt the concept

If we find such a concept has merit and the trial proves or adapts the

ideas to be functional, then Leeds and other Local Authorities might

look to protect the Local Distribution Network in similar ways and in

other areas.

If we in Leeds plan to implement such ideas across the region we

might also find additional benefit in improved engagement between

the school and community.

We may also be able to set up a Maintenance Unit that looks after

the equipment at the school, maybe extending that by way of

contract to cater for all the schools maintenance needs.

We then might also instigate a proper Planned Maintenance regime

which takes out of service, on a regular basis, the heat & generation

plant. This we envisage will be done by utilizing a modular plant

based system where units can be swapped over in a matter of hours

and proper maintenance undertaken in an off-site – centralised


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Social Benefit

It is essential for the health & wellbeing of Leeds residents that we

have an adequate, sustainable and guaranteed energy supply.

Further, it is necessary that Government, businesses and

households comply with the Climate Change legislation and

initiatives and that we all protect the planet and the future for our


The promotion of sustainable power to both business and domestic

customers will have benefits to society.

Although not obvious at first the benefits of promoting such new

technologies and concepts include the creation of new local jobs,

education and job readiness for our children, and may also change

social outlooks about how we live and depend on each other.

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Stakeholder Consultation

We believe that it is time to consider how we might, in future, ensure

and maintain local electrical supplies. Further, establish the

practicality of having a local Distributed Energy Grid.

Discussion with Stakeholders is required to confirm the need for

such planning and establish the extent of infrastructure

reinforcement and upgrade required.

Northern PowerGrid

Discussion and consultation is required around the need for

infrastructure and supply network upgrading.

National Grid

Discussion and consultation is required In respect of supporting local

electrical generation and transmission.

Leeds City Council

LCC Councillor and Officer Support is required

Education Leeds, discuss policy and practicality

Horsforth School

Discussion with the School Head, School Governors, Parents,

Teachers and Pupils, is required ensuring such proposals have

support and are not considered detrimental to the pupils health &


Areas requiring attention:

Gaining Local Community engagement and support

Compliance with Planning and regulatory requirements

Gaining consents from Government Departments

Preparation of environmental impact assessments and

sustainability appraisals

Raising the necessary funds

Government, Energy project support

Grant funders, General

Local community share offer

Commercial funders ( Aviva etc )

Energy Supply companies

Employment opportunities for local people

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The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that

planning should: “support the transition to a low carbon future in a

changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal

change, and encourage the reuse of existing resources, including

conversion of existing buildings, and encourage the use of

renewable resources (for example, by the development of renewable


At paragraph 97, the framework provides more detail on how local

planning authorities may support use and supply of low carbon

energy. “To help increase the use and supply of renewable and low

carbon energy, local planning authorities should recognise the

responsibility on all communities to contribute to energy generation

from renewable or low carbon sources”

They, LA’s, should have a positive strategy to promote energy

from renewable and low carbon sources.

To achieve this they should:

Design their policies to maximise renewable and low carbon

energy development while ensuring that adverse impacts are

addressed satisfactorily, including cumulative landscape and

visual impacts;

Consider identifying suitable areas for renewable and low

carbon energy sources, and supporting infrastructure, where

this would help secure the development of such sources;

Support community-led initiatives for renewable and low

carbon energy, including developments outside such areas

being taken forward through neighbourhood planning;

Identify opportunities where development can draw its energy

supply from decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy

supply systems and for co-locating potential heat customers

and suppliers.

The framework also advises that opportunities should also be

identified where development can draw its energy supply from

decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply


Planning and Energy Act 2008. A local planning authority in

England may in their development plan documents, include policies

imposing reasonable requirements for a proportion of energy used in

development to be: From Renewable Sources, For Energy to be Low

Carbon Energy, To set Energy Efficiency Standards.

Further: The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)

enables Local Planning Authorities to introduce a Local Development

Order (“LDO”). LDOs grant planning permission for specified

development in defined areas and can reduce bureaucracy, improve

the speed of decision-making and improve certainty for landowners,

communities and developers.

And: LCC have implemented this order in parts of Leeds and could

likewise implement such an order to facilitate the necessary planning

consent to create a sustainable electrical distribution grid and

decentralised energy grid.

Page 21: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

General concerns about local hubs, local

generation & distribution

There will be public concerns in respect of developing a local

distribution hub and in future a Distributed Energy Grid,

Local residents will be concerned by the potential for greater noise,

for added air pollution, from a perceived increase in transport and

late night working.

There will be, a not in my back yard attitude from some.

There will be a belief that an increase in radiation and EMF from the

plant will be detrimental to health and the pupils attending the school.

We also envisage a reluctance from within the Council, Education

Leeds, and governing bodies, the belief that a school should be a

school and nothing else, will I am sure be presented as an argument

against such future development.

The answer I might offer at this time is; We need to plan for the

future now and by doing so, having the discussion, we might

establish the best way of ensuring a good future for all, as opposed

to leaving the discussion, planning and trials to the last minute and

being faced with a system and outcome that is detrimental to many.

Lets talk and plan now…

Page 22: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

Promotion of the project and concept

Establish costs, benefits and disadvantages & undertake Community

Engagement via:

Have discussion forums within the school, involving pupils.

Engage parents by school meetings and outreach.

The Neighbourhood Planning Group: now in place and considering

sustainable energy issues.

Local Councillors

Local and well established Community Groups

Community engagement

Promote the concept in the local press, website and on social media.

We hope You, ----------------, will help and engage with this project

and look for ways to make Leeds a forward looking green city for the

enjoyment of all.

Thanks & Regards

Paul Quarmby

Sustainability Advocate

Sustainable Leeds

Page 23: Sustainable Leeds · areas of Leeds and thus what is needed is the cooperation of Leeds City Council, a Desire to plan for the future and a study ... efficient and a lack of financial

What signals are our Government and our

Local Authorities sending?