Sustainable Futures Institute Annual Report 2015 Director ...€¦ · Sustainable Futures Institute...

Sustainable Futures Institute Annual Report 2015 1 Prof. David Shonnard Director’s Letter I am very pleased to summarize accomplishments and activities of the Sustainable Futures Institute (SFI) faculty, staff, and students for the year 2014–2015 (July 2014-June 2015). In the following pages you will find information on new and ongoing projects in the various thrust areas of the Institute as well as core education and outreach activities. Included also is a list of scholarly output from the faculty and students affiliated with the SFI. At the very end can be found information on the financial status and other aspects of SFI operations. The SFI continues to benefit from the dedication and talents of a number of notable individuals. Dr. Robert Handler continues to show steady leadership in the SFI as Operations Manager in a wide range of duties such as supervising the SFI staff (Dr. Jiqing Fan, postdoctoral engineer) and students, managing the institute budget, supporting sustainability research and education through distance technology, supervising MS and PhD students, and writing scholarly publications. He is doing an excellent job and I am very lucky to have Robert as Operations Manager! Professor Barry Solomon deserves recognition for helping SFI with managing aspects of the RCN project as co-editor of the special feature articles and conducting the project’s graduate course in Fall 2014. Professor Kathleen Halvorsen (Social Sciences) is providing great leadership on the PIRE grant, which is much appreciated. The SFI hosted two PhD exchange students this academic year; Kareen Encinas Soto from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo and Fernanda Lares Orozco from the Technological Institute of Sonora in Mexico. Both conducted research based on life cycle assessment expertise and resources in SFI. We are managing a portfolio of sustainability research and education projects valued at approximately $10 million dollars from a range of funding sources; NSF, DOE, USDA, and several industry sponsors. Many of these projects involve international collaborations, which are raising the visibility of Michigan Tech and increasing our standing in the research and education community. During this reporting period, SFI scholars published 219 peer-reviewed research articles, book chapters, and proceedings papers. We look forward to an even more productive 2015-2016. Financial support from the Richard and Bonnie Robbins endowment fund is much appreciated. Graduate student support of PhD candidates Suchada Ukaew and Ulises Gracida Alvarez from the Royal Thai Scholarship and from CONACYT in Mexico, respectively, are acknowledged. We continue to benefit from an active and engaged advisory board. I invite your comments and continued interest and support in sustainability research, education, and outreach at Michigan Tech through the Sustainable Futures Institute. David Shonnard, SFI Director Richard and Bonnie Robbins Endowed Chair in Sustainable Use of Materials Department of Chemical Engineering Michigan Technological University Ph: 906-487-3468 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Sustainable Futures Institute Annual Report 2015 Director ...€¦ · Sustainable Futures Institute...

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Sustainable Futures Institute Annual Report 2015


Prof. David Shonnard Director of SFI

Director’s Letter

I am very pleased to summarize accomplishments and activities of the Sustainable Futures Institute (SFI) faculty, staff, and students for the year 2014–2015 (July 2014-June 2015). In the following pages you will find information on new and ongoing projects in the various thrust areas of the Institute as well as core education and outreach activities. Included also is a list of scholarly output from the faculty and students affiliated with the SFI. At the very end can be found information on the financial status and other aspects of SFI operations. The SFI continues to benefit from the dedication and talents of a number of notable individuals. Dr. Robert Handler continues to show steady leadership in the SFI as Operations Manager in a wide range of duties such as supervising the SFI staff (Dr. Jiqing Fan, postdoctoral engineer) and

students, managing the institute budget, supporting sustainability research and education through distance technology, supervising MS and PhD students, and writing scholarly publications. He is doing an excellent job and I am very lucky to have Robert as Operations Manager! Professor Barry Solomon deserves recognition for helping SFI with managing aspects of the RCN project as co-editor of the special feature articles and conducting the project’s graduate course in Fall 2014. Professor Kathleen Halvorsen (Social Sciences) is providing great leadership on the PIRE grant, which is much appreciated. The SFI hosted two PhD exchange students this academic year; Kareen Encinas Soto from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo and Fernanda Lares Orozco from the Technological Institute of Sonora in Mexico. Both conducted research based on life cycle assessment expertise and resources in SFI. We are managing a portfolio of sustainability research and education projects valued at approximately $10 million dollars from a range of funding sources; NSF, DOE, USDA, and several industry sponsors. Many of these projects involve international collaborations, which are raising the visibility of Michigan Tech and increasing our standing in the research and education community. During this reporting period, SFI scholars published 219 peer-reviewed research articles, book chapters, and proceedings papers. We look forward to an even more productive 2015-2016. Financial support from the Richard and Bonnie Robbins endowment fund is much appreciated. Graduate student support of PhD candidates Suchada Ukaew and Ulises Gracida Alvarez from the Royal Thai Scholarship and from CONACYT in Mexico, respectively, are acknowledged. We continue to benefit from an active and engaged advisory board. I invite your comments and continued interest and support in sustainability research, education, and outreach at Michigan Tech through the Sustainable Futures Institute. David Shonnard, SFI Director Richard and Bonnie Robbins Endowed Chair in Sustainable Use of Materials Department of Chemical Engineering Michigan Technological University Ph: 906-487-3468 Email: [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Director’s Letter ........................................................................ 1

Table of Contents ....................................................................... 2

List of Abbreviations ................................................................. 3

1.0 Institute Thrust Area Projects .......................................... 4

1.1 SFI Highlight of the Year .................................................................. 41.2 Sustainable Energy ............................................................................. 71.3 Sustainability Education .................................................................. 101.4 Complex Systems Analysis .............................................................. 111.5 International Development .............................................................. 131.6 Materials, Design, and Manufacturing for Sustainability ............ 14

2.0 SFI Core Education Activities .......................................... 17

3.0 Outreach ............................................................................. 18

4.0 Other University Sustainability Partners ........................ 20

5.0 SFI Publications ................................................................. 22

Acknowledgement of Advisory Board ................................... 38

List of 2015 SFI Members ....................................................... 39

Sustainable Futures Institute Metrics .................................... 42

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List of Abbreviations ASEE American Society for Engineering Education AQIP Academic Quality Improvement Program BS Department of Biological Sciences CEBFM Center for Environmentally Benign Functional Materials CEE Civil and Environmental Engineering Department CFARNLM Center for Fundamental and Applied Research in Nanostructured and Lightweight Materials CH Department of Chemistry ChE Chemical Engineering Department CLS School for Cognitive Learning Sciences CSEO Center for Science and Environmental Outreach DoE Department of Energy ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering ERC Engineering Research Center, an NSF funding program ESC Ecosystem Science Center or Environmental Sustainability Committee GMES Geological Mining Engineering and Sciences LCA Life-cycle Analysis MA Department of Mathematical Sciences MEDC Michigan Economic Development Corporation MDEQ Michigan Department of Environmental Quality MEEM Department of Mechanical Engineering—Engineering Mechanical MiSTI Center for Materials in Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure PCMI Peace Corps Master’s International MTCWS Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society NGO Non-governmental Organization NSF National Science Foundation PH Department of Physics Publ. Policy Public Policy SB&E School of Business and Economics SFI Sustainable Futures Institute SFRES School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences SME Society of Mechanical Engineers SS Department of Social Sciences STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math W2W Wood-to-Wheels

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1.0 Institute Thrust Area Projects

1.1 SFI Highlight of the Year 2015 Research Coordination Network (RCN) Workshop on Pan-American Biofuels and Bioenergy Sustainability June 3-5, 2015, Houghton, MI USA – Michigan Tech. University

This workshop was the final event in the 4-year NSF Research Coordination Network (RCN) on Pan-American Biofuels and Bioenergy Sustainability, which began in January of 2012 and ends on December 31, 2015. The ~ 40 workshop attendees involved not only the core organizing group in the RCN but also a good number of new invitees to the network. The purpose for this final workshop was to review progress on proposed tasks and to plan for future sustainability research and education activities beyond the end of the project. Specifically, objectives for this final workshop were to review the status of the Special Issue Articles (SIA), to review the graduate course, to discuss plans for publishing a Research Roadmap Report (RRR), and discuss future of the RCN on Pan-American Biofuels and Bioenergy Sustainability beyond the end of the NSF project. The Special Issue Articles were published in Fall of 2015 in the journal Environmental Management with Professors David Shonnard and Barry Solomon (Michigan Tech, Social Sciences) as guest editors. The RRR is the capstone activity in the RCN in which the major findings from the Special Issue Articles are summarized along with lists of recommendations for closing knowledge gaps through research and education. The graduate course was conducted in Fall 2014 by lead instructor Professor Barry Solomon with Dr. Robert Handler taking charge of the enabling distance learning technology issues. Students taking this course were from numerous institutions throughout the Pan-American region and with support from faculty participants in the RCN at their home institutions. Discussions on future funding of the RCN centered on mechanisms to support coordinated research among international research teams representing several Pan-American countries. The workshop agenda is shown next showing the sequence of topics and other activities.

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RCNWorkshopProgramOverviewWednesday,June3 HotelCheck-in,FranklinSquareInn 12:00pm–5:00pmWelcomeReceptionDinnerSheldenGrill,7thFloorofFranklinSquareInn


Thursday,June4(Day1) MTUMemorialUnionBuilding(BallroomB)WelcomebyMaxSeel(ProvostandVicePresident)AssessmentIntroduction(J.HuntoonorC.Wojick)


ReportsonStatusofSpecialFeatureArticles 9:00–10:30amCoffeeBreak 10:30-11:00amRCNCourse/Education–OutcomesandFuturePlans 11:00–12:00Lunch,atMemorialUnion 12:00–1:00pmIntrotoRCNResearchRoadmapReport(RRR) 1:00–1:30pmBreakouts–HowtointegrateArticles/Conference/otherinformationintoRRR


CoffeeBreak 2:30pm–3:00pmGroupDiscussion,RRRtimelinesandneeds 3:00–4:30pm Dinner,PilgrimRiverSteakhouse PickupfromHotelat6:45pmFriday,June5(Day2) MTUGreatLakesResearchCenter(202)Kick-offandIntroonFutureDirectionsforRCN 8:30-9:00amBreakoutsandfeedback,futuregoalsforRCN 9:00–10:30amCoffeeBreak 10:30-11:00amIntro,fundingstrategiesforRCN 11:00–11:30amBreakouts–bycountry?Discussfundingtargets/timelines 11:30–12:30Lunch,atGreatLakesResearchCenter 12:30–1:30pmGroupDiscussion,Howtointegrate/coordinatefuturefundingplans


ClosingremarksandAssessment(C.Wojick) 2:30–3:00pm VanstoCopperHarbor(TBD) PickupfromHotelat4:00pmDinner,KeweenawMountainLodge 7PM A survey of attendees indicated that most participants were faculty and were from the United States, however wide representation from other institutions and Pan-American countries was evident.

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The pictures to follow were taken from the workshop on Friday June 5 at the Great Lakes Research Center at Michigan Tech. The workshop ended with plans to complete all outstanding tasks involving the SIA, RRR, and future support of the RCN. The final event was a tour of the Keweenaw Peninsula by vans from Michigan Tech and dinner near Copper Harbor, MI at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge. Many thanks to the graduate students who helped as van drivers; Bethany Klemetsrud, Michelle Cisz-Brill, and Brad Barnett. After the tour, we heard many positive comments from our domestic and international guests about the magnificent beauty of the surroundings near Michigan Tech.














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1.2 Sustainable Energy Sustainable energy continues to be an important thrust for research and education initiatives and projects for the SFI, for its affiliated faculty and students, and for Michigan Tech. Many projects are focused on sustainability of biofuels and biofuel production systems, including feedstock supply chain analyses, life cycle environmental assessments, and the Wood to Wheels (W2W) forest-based biofuels projects.

Featured Collaboration – LanzaTech, Inc.

LanzaTech is a renewable energy company that is focused on making productive use of low-value or waste carbon sources. They have developed a series of novel Clostridium microorganisms that can directly ferment carbon-containing gas feedstocks into ethanol and a variety of co-products, including acetic acid, butanediol, and other commodity chemicals. Ethanol can also be upgraded into jet fuel and other drop-in hydrocarbon fuels. Their initial research and development initiatives have focused on making productive use of steel mill exhaust gases, which are often simply flared and emitted to the atmosphere. LanzaTech has initiated several partnerships with steel mills in India, China, and Belgium. They have also investigated other carbon-containing feedstocks, including stranded natural gas, municipal solid waste, and terrestrial biomass feedstocks like corn stover. LanzaTech is a respected leader in the renewable fuels industry and have a short but distinguished record of awards for sustainability and green chemistry advances.

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Michigan Tech researchers within the Sustainable Futures Institute have collaborated with LanzaTech to evaluate the life-cycle environmental footprint of many different potential LanzaTech process scenarios since 2010. LanzaTech was aware of Michigan Tech’s leading reputation in this area from prior work between the SFI and UOP (a Honeywell Company), where several LanzaTech employees had previously worked. The SFI has partnered with LanzaTech on several funded proposals from different agencies of the U.S. federal government, including the DOE, FAA, DOE DARPA, and DOE ARPA-E, and have current projects with LanzaTech that will stretch into 2017. We have enjoyed the working relationship with have cultivated with this innovative company, and look forward to pursuing new projects together that lead to new knowledge in this important field.

Pending Projects

Project: CAREER: An Integrated Research and Educational Plan for Multiscale Modeling and Design of Microbial Biochemical Processes Sponsor: National Science Foundation $500,407 Investigator: Wen Zhou (ChE, SFI) Project: Molten Salts Impregnated with Composite Nanoparticles for High Energy-Density Thermal Storage Sponsor: University of Texas at Arlington $299,852 Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE,SFI) Project: Cooperative-Based Diverse Feedstock Bioenergy Project in Ontonagon County, Michigan Sponsor: US Dept of Energy $4,284,292 Investigator: Dr. Audrey Mayer (SFRES, SFI) Project: Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires to Generate High-Value Chemicals and Fuels Sponsor: Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality $110,002 Investigator: Robert M. Handler (ChE, SFI) Project: Assessment of the L'Anse Warden Electric Company Sponsor: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community $540,095 Investigator: Robert M. Handler (ChE, SFI) Project: Life Cycle Assessments to Support GTI: Direct Catalytic Synthesis of Acetic Acid from CO2 and CH4 Sponsor: Gas Technology Institute (GTI) $47,602 Investigator: Robert M. Handler (ChE, SFI) Project: Environmental Life Cycle Assessments of PyGasoline and PyDiesel From Different Feedstocks: Hardwoods, Corn Stover, and Diseased Softwoods Sponsor: US Dept of Energy w/ UOP, $257,076 Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: Environmental Life Cycle Assessments of Drop in Hydrocarbon Fuels and Chemicals using Methane/Hydropyrolysis-Hydroconversion (DE-FOA-0000974) Sponsor: Gas Technology Institute (GTI) $165,845 Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI)

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New Projects

Project: Spatial Patterns of Forest Values for Bioenergy Production in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan Sponsor: Us Dept Of Agriculture $2,233 Investigator: Dr. Audrey Mayer (SFRES, SFI) Project: Characterization of Products from Fast Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste: Preliminary Analyses Using Micro-Pyrolysis Sponsor: Battelle Energy Alliance LLC / Idaho National Laboratory $24,482 Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI)

Ongoing Projects

Project: Collaborative Research: Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Small Organic Fuels on Encapsulated Metal Catalysts in Gas Diffusion Electrode Environment Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $184,567, (09/01/2012 – 08/31/2015) Investigator: Dr. Wenzhen Li (ChE) Project: Life Cycle Assessments to Support LanzaTech: DOE FOA 0000467Sponsor: LanzaTech, $149,960, (10/01/2012-06/30/2016) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) in Support of UOP-USDA BRDI Proposal 2011 Sponsor: US Department of Agriculture, $300,000, (01/01/2013 – 06/30/2016) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: Life Cycle Assessments in Support of UOP and Envergent Renewable Energy and Chemicals Projects in 2013 Sponsor: UOP LLC/Honeywell, $43,707, (1/1/2013-12/31/2014) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: RCN-SEES: A Research Coordination Network on Pan American Biofuels and Bioenergy Sustainability Sponsor: National Science Foundation , $769,996, (01/01/2012 – 12/31/2015) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: SEP: Sustainable Forest-Based Biofuel Pathways to Hydrocarbon Transportation Fuels: Biomass Production, Torrefaction, Pyrolysis, Catalytic Upgrading, and Combustion Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $1,800,000, (09/01/2012 – 08/31/2016) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: OISE-PIRE: Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, and Bioenergy Development across the Americas Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $4.8 million (10/01/2012 – 09/30/2017) Investigator: Kathleen E. Halvorsen (SFRES)

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Project: LanzaTech Proposal to Federal Aviation Administration: Integrated Life Cycle and Techno-economic Assessments of Industrial Waste Gas to Jet Fuel Conversion Sponsor: US Department of Transportation, $150,016, (4/1/2012-3/31/2014) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: A Forest Based Biofuels Pilot Plant for Wood-to-Wheels at Michigan Tech Sponsor: Gerstacker and Strosacker Foundations, $125,000, (1/01/2011 - 12/31/2014) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI) Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Hydropyrolysis Integrated with a Petroleum Refinery Sponsor: Gas Technology Institute (GTI), $198,654, (3/04/2013 – 06/15/2015) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE, SFI)

1.3 Sustainability Education

Featured New Project Michigan Science Teaching and Assessment Reform (MiSTAR), Dr. Jacqueline Huntoon PI

MiSTAR is made possible by the generous support received from the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation which was established by Mrs. Grace A. Dow in 1936 in memory of her husband Dr. Herbert H. Dow. This ambitious three-year project seeks to transform the way science is taught at the middle school level in the State of Michigan. The Sustainable Futures Institute staff are helping with project management and curriculum development during this project. A large, interdisciplinary team of MiSTAR investigators are developing and testing the effectiveness of three initiatives:

• A new integrated science curriculum for grades 6-8 that is aligned with state and national science standards and assessments, uses a Michigan-centric, problem-based approach to stimulate students’ interest, and demonstrates how science and engineering are used to develop new knowledge and innovative solutions to contemporary problems.

• A new model for teacher education in integrated science that prepares pre-service middle grades teachers to engage students in science and engineering practice and emphasizes core ideas and cross-cutting concepts.

• An in-service professional development program in integrated science that prepares teachers to integrate science and engineering in the middle grades and augments their science and engineering content-area knowledge and pedagogical skills.

Project: Michigan Science Teaching and Assessment Reform (MiSTAR) Sponsor: Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation, $4.8 million (07/01/2014-11/15/2017) Principal Investigator: Dr. Jacqueline Huntoon (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)

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Ongoing Projects Project: RET Site: Wood to Wheels-Research Experiences for High School Teachers in Sustainable Transportation Technologies Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $378,942, (01/15/2011-12/31/2014) Investigators: Drs. David Shonnard (ChE), Brad Baltensperger (CLS), Chandrashekhar Joshi (SFRES), Jeffrey Naber (MEEM), Kedmon Hungwe (CLS), Shawn Oppliger (CCISD), Christine Anderson Project: New GK12 GlobalWatershed: Integrating Rural and Global Perspectives with Research and Technological Advances Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $2,499,352, (09/01/2009-08/31/2014) Investigator: Dr. Alex Mayer (CEE) Project: Building Communtity Capacity to Manage Private/Public Forests and Develop Forest Stewards Sponsor: US Dept of Agriculture, $81,510, (09/01/2011-09/30/2014) Investigator: Joan Chadde (CEE)

1.4 Complex Systems Analysis Dr. Audrey Mayer has taken on the role of SFI Associate Director in this focus area, and she is working diligently to develop a cohort of Michigan Tech faculty with expertise in a variety of methods for modeling the networks and metrics associated with a comprehensive assessment of systems for sustainability. One example of this work is featured below with a submission to the DOE Landscape Design for Sustainable Energy program

Featured Project in Development

Department of Energy Landscape Design for Sustainable Energy, Cooperative-Based Diverse Feedstock Bioenergy Project in Ontonagon County, Michigan

PI Dr. Audrey Mayer (SFRES / SS) In this proposed project, we will demonstrate how a small-scale, diverse, locally-owned bioenergy production system can be sustainable and improve community resilience; we propose that this should be the new “state-of-the-art” in bioenergy production. Our objectives are to 1) Increase adoption of hybrid poplar and switchgrass feedstocks; 2) Establish a self-supporting bioenergy cooperative with operational bioenergy production facilities that are vertically integrated and locally owned; and 3) Initiate and maintain an enhanced environmental sustainability monitoring system relative to existing agricultural and forest land uses. While this project will be producing important innovations in research and development of cellulosic ethanol products, an equally important component of this project is education and outreach to the community. Our project is organized into three tasks: cooperative establishment and community outcomes (Task 1); environmental monitoring (Task 2); and logistics, LCA and TEA (Task 3). Task 1 activities include surveys of landowners (potential cooperative members), and businesses and residents (potential end users of energy products), the development of business and management plans for the cooperative, and facilitated peer-to-peer workshops for landowners and residents to increase awareness and adoption of

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cellulosic energy products. Informal focus groups with area farmers will collect information on how the energy production system is impacting (positively or negatively) local agriculture. Information gathered from landowners and customers on desirable feedstocks and end products will drive the types and placement of feedstock sources in Task 2. Task 2 activities primarily focus on the identification of existing feedstocks and establishment of new feedstocks, and environmental monitoring of feedstock production on biodiversity, water, soils, and greenhouse gas emissions. This information will feed into Task 3, which uses modeling and simulation to investigate the potential efficiency, profitability, and environmental impacts of each feedstock-to-energy-product pathway, using Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Analysis models. This project will dramatically reduce the region’s dependence upon imported energy sources, and will showcase how regions can deploy innovative renewable energy technologies while keeping profits local and building local economies. Our cooperative-based approach uses multiple stakeholders to identify preferred feedstocks and energy products, and partnered with local rural development agencies and farmers, we can ensure that the energy system does not negatively impact other industries in the region. The final results of this project will include a self-sustaining bioenergy cooperative, a systematic review of advantages and disadvantages of feedstock-to-energy product streams, an ongoing environmental and social assessment program, established feedstock plantations for long-term research, a landowner information program run by the cooperative (including periodic facilitated peer-to-peer workshops), and an educational outreach program on bioenergy production for landowners and residents.

Project: Cooperative-Based Diverse Feedstock Bioenergy Project in Ontonagon County, Michigan Sponsor: US Dept of Energy $4,284,292 Investigator: Dr. Audrey Mayer (SFRES, SFI)

New Project Project: Collaborative Research: Nexus of Simulation, Sensing and Acuation for Aerodynamic Reduction of Wind Turbine Blades Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $10,000 (05/15/2013 - 04/30/2016) Investigator: Dr. Qingli Dai (CEE)

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Ongoing Projects Project: Integration of Mainshock-Aftershock into Performance-Based Engineering using Publicly Available NEEShub Data Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $286,000, (05/01/2011 - 04/30/2016) Investigator: Dr. Yue Li (CEE) Project: Virtual Water Accounting: A New Paradigm for the Adaptive Management of Great Lakes Water Sponsor: Great Lakes Protection Fund, $399,999, (02/03/2011 – 4/30/2015) Investigator: Dr. Alex Mayer (CEE) Project: Integrated Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Hydrodynamic and Microbial Controls on DNAPL Dissolution and Detoxification Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $376,192 (12/28/2009-2/28/2015) Investigator: Dr. Jennifer G. Becker (CEE) Project: IDR: Collaborative Research: Sustainable Water Resources for Communities Under Climate Change: Can State-of-the-Art Forecasting Inform Decision-Making in data Sparse Regions? Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $317,390, (09/15/2010-08/31/2016) Investigator: Dr. Alex Mayer (CEE) Project: Collaborative Research: Nexus of Simulation, Sensing and Acuation for Aerodynamic Reduction of Wind Turbine Blades Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $278,812 (05/15/2013 - 04/30/2016) Investigator: Dr. Qingli Dai (CEE)

1.5 International Development Although he has been instrumental in several International Development projects in the past, Dr. David Watkins (CEE) has taken on a more integral role within the SFI as the Associate Director in this focus area. His experience within this area while serving Michigan Tech as head of the D80 Center and coordinating the variety of internationally-focused programs will serve as valuable experience as we work to develop externally-funded projects in this area.

Featured Project in Development-

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, AFI and CPM The Michigan Tech Consumer Product Manufacturing (CPM) Enterprise has partnered with the Agri-Forestry Investment (AFI) company led by Marc Blanchard. AFI is working to develop the supply chain that will lead to greater adoption of clean cookstoves in West African countries, and most of their work is located in Benin currently. They have identified a few important aspects of the supply chain that could be improved:

• Using agriculture and forestry residues as raw materials, • Introducing engineering for the carbonization process in order to reach a rapid and semi-

continuous process, and

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• Adding a briquetting module to the supply chain in order to facilitate the handling of the final product and to obtain a longer burning time in the family kitchen.

Because the CPM enterprise has prior experience investigating biomass carbonization methods through a D80 project in Panama, AFI has sought out a partnership with the CPM for technical advancement of the proposed biomass carbonization process. The CPM enterprise has been studying the air flow within the current biomass carbonization chamber design, and how to turn the process into a semi-continuous system instead of a batch process through more advanced feedstock handling. The D80 has been facilitating the relationship between the Michigan Tech CPM and AFI, and hopes to further this relationship for more technical study and in-country visits to Benin in support of this project.

Pending Projects Project: Restoring the Environmental through Prosperity, Livelihoods, and Conserving Ecosystems (REPLACE) Sponsor: US Agency for International Development / Cloudburst Consulting Group, (01/01/2013 - 08/01/2017) Investigator: Dr. Blair Orr (SFRES)

1.6 Materials, Design, and Manufacturing for Sustainability Dr. John Gershenson is the SFI Associate Director in this project area, and we have made plans for re-invigorating this thematic area of research and education within the Michigan Tech community with a series of small, concrete projects that draw on our expertise in environmental life-cycle assessment, as a gateway to explore different manufacturing processes and materials systems. We have heard from several employers of Michigan Tech students that current graduates often lack this background in sustainability and systems thinking, and we will work to re-introduce this mindset into the research and education programs within ME-EM and associated departments.

Featured Project in Development: Kohler Manufacturing Sustainability Partnership

The SFI is developing a relationship with Kohler, Inc in an effort to help the company understand and improve its operations in regards to its environmental footprint and larger sustainability goals. This year, the SFI was approached by a few Kohler employees who are Michigan Tech alums. They work in the small but active Kohler group that is charged with documenting Kohler sustainability initiatives, and are interested in recruiting more Michigan Tech students that have a holistic view of product life cycles and sustainability thinking. Kohler is a large company that makes a surprisingly diverse array of products, with increasingly global supply chains. In order to make improvements in the environmental impacts of Kohler products, it is first necessary to understand the full life cycles of these products, including raw materials acquisition, materials processing, product use, product disposal/recycle, and all of the interconnected transportation steps along the way. This is a daunting challenge, but Kohler has made impressive strides in this area and should be able to move more quickly by partnering with the SFI. During the past year, we have had several productive meetings with Kohler, where we have outlined several potential areas for collaboration between Michigan Tech and Kolher, including using real-world

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Kohler problems as term projects in SFI-led classes, involving Michigan Tech graduate students in Kohler-sponsored research, and pursing more advanced research about adapting novel sustainability metrics and indicators to the Kohler company. This appears to be a fruitful collaboration that can be beneficial for both partners, and the SFI is excited to deepen the relationship with Kohler in the coming years.

Pending Projects Project: Sustainable Biomaterials from By-Products Generated in Agriculture and Food SystemsSponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture, $79,954 Investigator: Dr. Patricia A. Heiden (CH) Project: Environmental Sustainability Analysis of Hydrotreated Palm Oil from the eni Venice Refiinery Sponsor: Eni SpA $4,085 Investigator: Dr. David R. Shonnard (ChE) Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Canned and Fresh Produce: Greenhouse Gases and Energy Balances Sponsor: Foodminds LLC $30,609 Investigator: Dr. David R. Shonnard (ChE) Project: "High-tech analysis of low-tech methods for sustainable Class A biosolids production" Sponsor: Water Environmental Research Foundation $154,909 Investigator: Dr. Jennifer G. Becker (CEE)

New Projects

Project: Economic Feasibility of a Hydroponic Green House in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Utilizing Waste Heat or Cogeneration Sponsor: Verso Paper, $30,000, (02/01/2015 – 06/1/2016) Investigator: Dr. David Shonnard (ChE)

Ongoing Projects Project: Selective Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Biorenewable Polyols over Bimetal Catalysts Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $259,998, (09/01/2012 – 08/31/2015) Investigator: Dr. Wenzhen Li (ChE) Project: Biomediated Geomechanical Processes for Dust Mitigration and Monitoring at Mine Tailings Impoundments Sponsor: National Science Foundation, $208,913, (09/01/2012 – 08/31/2015) Investigator: Dr. Eric Seagren (CEE) Project: Novel Techniques for Stabilzation and Conservation of Ferrous Metals in Industrial Heritage Sponsor: US Department of the Interior, $25,000, (5/1/2012-6/30/2013) Investigator: Dr. Timothy Scarlett (SS)

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Project: REF-TC: Performance Testing of Michigan Tech Rechargeable Asymmetric Capacitor with a Carbon Foam Supported by Nickel Hydroxide Electrode Sponsor: Internal, (7/1/2012 - 8/31/2013) Investigator: Dr. Bahne Cornilsen (CH)

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2.0 SFI Core Education Activities

Courses SFI has developed the following sustainability related courses in order to support sustainability education on campus as well as off campus. ENG 5510 - Sustainable Futures I (3 credits) Instructor: Dr. David Shonnard Students registered during Fall 2014: 21 including 5 online students This course covers introductory and intermediate concepts of Sustainable Development. The course explores methods/tools for assessing sustainability from economic, environmental, societal perspectives for current and emerging industrial technologies. It also explores applications of Life Cycle Assessment in the public policy arena and in the private sector. Industrial applications of sustainable development are further explored through case studies and guest lectures. ENG 5520 - Sustainable Futures II (3 credits) Instructors: Dr. David Shonnard, Dr. Joshua Pearce, Dr. David Watkins, Dr. Audrey Mayer, Dr. Latha Poonamallee, Dr. Amlan Mukherjee, and Dr. Robert Handler Students registered during Spring 2015: 10 This course covers additional sustainability themes in developed and developing countries. Topics include policy analysis, sustainability indicators, innovation, laws & regulations, international disasters, GIS applications, green manufacturing, and evolution of environmental policy in U.S. and other countries.

Graduate Certificates in Sustainability SFI has developed the Graduate Certificate in Sustainability to recognize curricular breadth in the following three areas: 1) Policy, societal, and economic systems; 2) Environmental systems; and 3) Industrial systems. The Sustainable Futures Model takes a systems approach that combines information and insight from a meta-disciplinary perspective to help students understand how disciplinary information connects to larger systems. To students seeking employment or further education in this field, the SFI Graduate Certificate provides a competitive edge - through the study of current, accurate information and research surrounding the impact of society's ecological footprint. The systems approach provides a platform for critical and responsive analysis of the interdependence of each structure. As the need for sustainable development and management becomes more important in an increasingly interdependent world, a well-trained problem-solver is a valuable asset to the global environmental system. A graduate student can integrate the certificate into a specialized education in engineering, forestry, science, social sciences, humanities, business, and economics. To achieve the Graduate Certificate in Sustainability, students need to have earned a total of 15 credits, including SF 1 and SF 2 as described above. Graduate students can integrate the certificate into a specialized education in engineering, forestry, science, social sciences, humanities, business, and economics. The remaining 9 credits are to be divided equally among three areas of interconnection between the pillars of sustainability: Industry – Society, Environment-Society, and Industry-Environment. The full listing of allowable course for the Graduate Certificate can be seen on the SFI website: Since 2004, 96 students from throughout Michigan Tech and the SFI IGERT program have received Graduate Certificates of Sustainability. In the most recent fiscal year, 2 students were awarded the certificate. If a healthy number of students are still enrolling in ENG 5510 and 5520, this means that we need to redouble our communication efforts about the Graduate Certificate in Sustainability in many of the academic departments on campus. Students may be completing all of the required coursework without filling out the paperwork required by the Graduate School to qualify for the certificate.

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3.0 Outreach Members of the SFI were engaged in numerous outreach activities throughout the year. Highlighted activities are described below.

Houghton Energy Efficiency Team (HEET)

SFI has been supportive of the Houghton Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) and Houghon County’s current bid to win the Georgetown University Energy Prize, which will be awarded to one of 50 competing communities at the end of 2016. Communities that demonstrate measured decreases in utility consumption, along with a plan to involve the community in energy reduction efforts and increase awareness of energy issues, will fare well in the competition. The SFI participated in the development of the HEET proposal for entry into the Georgetown prize, and now the SFI is supporting the HEET group through fundraising efforts, participating in energy awareness activities, and community outreach.

CleanTech Open – Midwest Sustainability Guidance SFI Operations Manager Robert Handler became associated with the leadership team behind the CleanTech Open through our connections with the Next Energy group within the State of Michigan. The CleanTech Open is a national accelerator program for cleantech businesses, mostly at the startup stage but encompassing many company scales. Dr. Handler is a member of the CleanTech Open Midwest Sustainability Committee, a group that tries to provide consistent guidance to companies participating in the accelerator program concerning internal sustainability assessments and communicating that information to stakeholders. Dr. Handler assisted one company in particular, SurClean, with an environmental life-cycle assessment of their laser-based paint removal system versus conventional paint stripping operations, and SurClean was awarded a Regional Finalist position at the Midwest Innovation summit and will be competing at the national level later this year.

Summer Visiting Researcher Scholars In FY 15, the SFI hosted 3 summer research scholars from Mexico (2) and Brazil. The Brazilian student, Natalia Teixeira, identified Michigan Tech and the Sustainable Futures Institute through her participation in the Brazilian Scientific Mobility Program (BSMP) as an ideal place to spend her mandatory summer

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Academic Training internship, learning about life-cycle assessment and applying it to her main undergraduate research interest in pesticides. Under guidance from SFI staff, she developed a life-cycle assessment study that compared two different types of neonicotinoid pesticides, which is a class of compounds that has come under increasing scrutiny lately for their harmful impacts on bees. Kareen Encinas Soto came from Hermosillo, Mexico to learn life-cycle assessment techniques from SFI researchers and develop a life-cycle assessment study of buffel grass, a native grass to her region that is currently being studied for ethanol production. Fernanda Lares Orozco came from Sonora, Mexico to learn about life-cycle assessment and further develop an environmental impacts study about wheat cultivation in the Yaqui valley, a major area of intensive agricultural production in Mexico. These students were all a pleasure to work with, and taught us at least as much as we were able to teach them during their stays here. The SFI is excited to continue the recent trend of hosting summer visiting research scholars, through the BSMP program or through connections developed from our various international research efforts.

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4.0 Other University Sustainability Partners The SFI is one of several entities at Michigan Tech with a focus or thrust directed at sustainability. As the only center/institute on campus with a campus wide mission of developing large inter-disciplinary projects, SFI has partnered with these campus centers as well as sustainability related centers across the US. Together, all of these Michigan Tech groups contribute their ideas and insights to advancing the goal of sustainability. Advanced Power Systems Research Center (APSRC) Director: Jeffrey Naber (MEEM) The purpose of the Advanced Power System Research Center is to create a multidisciplinary organization that will foster large, collaborative, research efforts in the areas of clean, efficient, and sustainable Power Systems technologies. Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Center (ASISC) Director: S. Komar Kawatra (ChE) This Center’s mission is to investigate and develop novel, advanced methods for producing the 130 million tons of iron and steel needed annually by the U.S. in a sustainable, environmentally-acceptable manner. Biotechnology Research Center (BRC) Director: Michael Gretz, (BL) The mission of the Biotechnology Research Center (BRC) at MTU is to promote education and research in the areas of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and biotechnology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels for the benefit of society and the environment. Center for Water and Society (CWS Director: Noel Urban (CEE) The mission of the CWS is to promote research, education, and outreach in all disciplines at Michigan Tech related to water issues, and the purpose is to enhance the ability and the visibility of MTU personnel to solve water-related problems of local, regional, and international interest. Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) Director: Andrew Burton, (SFRES) The Biotech Research Center fosters interdisciplinary research at Michigan Tech. Biotechnology encompasses the applications of various science and engineering disciplines for industrial utilization of living organisms or their products. The mission of the Biotechnology Research Center (BRC) at Michigan Tech is to promote education and research in the areas of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and biotechnology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels for the benefit of society and the environment. The multidisciplinary nature of the BRC is reflected in the diverse expertise of the BRC faculty. Participation includes faculty from the Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, and Forest Resources and Environmental Science departments. Faculty, staff and students are open to collaborating on research projects and joining together for research symposiums, seminars and conferences. Working together helps to achieve their common goal: the advancement of biotechnology.

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Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) Director: Guy Meadows The mission of the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) is to be a leader in interdisciplinary aquatic science and engineering, focused on the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin in its entirety through excellence in research, education, and outreach. GLRC is a Michigan Tech research institute, and the Center for Water and Society (CWS) has chosen to become affiliated with the GLRC. CWS brings a broader scope of research to the GLRC, which fosters more interdisciplinary and collaborative research among all members. Power & Energy Research Center (PERC) Director: Bruce Mork (ECE) Increased focus on alternate and renewable energy, development of new energy technologies, and deregulation of the utility industry are redefining the role of the Power Engineer and creating a wealth of technical and educational challenges. This Center is focused on addressing those challenge. University Transportation Center for Materials in Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (MiSTI) Director: Larry Sutter MiSTI focuses on the identification and use of naturally occurring, industrial byproducts, and/or recycled materials in the design/construction of a more sustainable transportation infrastructure. Transportation Materials Research Center Director: Zhanping You (CEE) This Center partners with the Michigan Department of Transportation and Michigan Tech to maintain highly qualified technical staff and certified labs. The specific focus includes the behavior, performance, and sustainability of portland cement-based materials, asphalt-based materials, unbound granular materials, and soils. Rail Transportation Program (RTP) Director: Pasi Lautala (CEE) The RTP provides the foundation for all the activities in the field and has become a permanent part of university curriculum and research. The RTP has three integrated components:events & extracurricular activities, projects & research, and education.

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5.0 SFI Publications


2014, "Sharing Our Intellectual Traces: Narrative Reflections from Administrators of Professional, Technical, Scientific, Communication Programs", editors: Bridgeford, T., Kitalong, K., Williamson, W., Baywood, Amityville, NY, Published.

Book Chapters

2014, "Free and Open Source Appropriate Technology", editors: Parker, M., Cheney, G., Fournier, V., Land, C., Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization, Routledge, 308-328, Published.

Dubiel, R.F., Huntoon, Jacqueline E., Stanesco, J.D., Hasiotis, S.T., 2014, "Depositional setting of the

Hoskinnini Member of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation, southeastern Utah", Utah's Far South: Utah Geological Association Publication, Published.

Gillespie, J., Mayer, Alex S., 2015, "Exploration of the hydrogeology of the Mission Creek Fault: Faulting as a

barrier to groundwater flow", Palms to Pines Guidebook, South Coast Geological Survey, Santa Ana, California, 151-155, Published.

Golden, D., Mayer, Alex S., McLaren, B., Dampier, J., Maher, P., Smith, M., Stroink, M., 2014, "Synchronous

e-learning on rural sustainability: A reflection on course delivery with six universities across Canada, Mexico, and the United States", editors: Muga, H., Thomas, K., Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, Published.

Gwamuri, J., Güney, D. Ö., 2014, "Advances in Plasmonic Light Trapping in Thin-film Solar Photovoltaic

Devices", editors: Tiwari, A., Boukherroub, R., Sharon, M., Solar Cell Nanotechnology, Wiley-Scrivener Publisher, Hoboken, NJ, 243-269, Published.

Huntoon, Jacqueline E., Boks, K., Mankowski, L., Campbell Wyrembelski, T., Dubiel, R., Stanesco, J., 2014,

"Fossil plants from a proximal alluvial-fan complex: Implication for late Paleozoic sedimentary processes in western tropical Pangea", Utah's Far South: Utah Geological Association Publication, 473-490, Published.

Jacobs, Peter H., Jokimäki, Ari, Rice, Ken, Green, Sarah A., Winkler, Bärbel, 2014, "Polluted Discourse:

Communication and Myths in a Climate of Denial", editors: Kontar, K., Communicating Climate Change and Natural Hazard Risk and Cultivating Resilience: Case Studies for a Multi-disciplinary Approach, Springer, Accepted.

Kitalong, Karla M., 2014, "Afterword: Forty Years of Stories from Technical Communication Program

Administrators", Sharing Our Intellectual Traces: Narrative Reflections from Administrators of Professional, Technical, and Scientific Communication Programs, Published.

Kitalong, Karla M., 2014, "Afterword: Forty Years of Stories from Technical Communication Program

Administrators", Sharing Our Intellectual Traces: Narrative Reflections from Administrators of Professional, Technical, Scientific, Communication Programs, Baywood, Amityville, NY, 201-207, Published.

Seely, Bruce E., 2015, "The Challenges of Transportation Integration in the U.S.A., 1890-1960", editors:

Schiefelbusch, M., Dienal, H.-L., Linking Networks: The Formation of Common Standards and Visions for Infrastructure Development, Ashgate Publishers, United Kingdom, 229-247, Published.

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Seely, Bruce E., 2014, "Inventing the American Road: Innovations Shaping the American Freeway", editors: Roth, R., Colin, D., From Rails to Roads: Between Competition and Interdependency, Ashgate Publishing, UK, 233-273, Published.

Solomon, Barry D., Wellstead, Adam, 2014, "Environmental and Energy Ballot Measures in the 2012

Elections", editors: Archer, J., Watrel, R., Davidson, F., Fouberg, E., Martis, K., Morrill, R., Shelley, F., Webster, G., Atlas of the 2012 Elections, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 220-222, Published.

Sweitz, Samuel R., 2015, "Las Cadenas que más nos Encadenan son las Cadenas que Hemos Roto: The

Yucatecan Hacienda, Capitalist Mentalities, and the Production of Space and Identity", editors: Leone, Mark and Knauf, Jocelyn, Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Springer, New York, Published.

Journal Articles

Abbas, Dalia, Handler, Robert, Hartsough, Bruce, Dykstra, Dennis, Lautala, Pasi T., Hembroff, Larry, 2014, "A

Survey Analysis of Forest Harvesting and Transportation Operations in Michigan", Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, 179–192, Published.

Abbott, Megan, Jennifer, O'Neill, Barkdoll, Brian D., 2015, "Adaptive greedy-heuristic algorithm for

redundancy augmentation by loop addition in branched water distribution systems", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol 141, No.6, Published.

Adams, Ellis A. Halvorsen, Kathleen E., 2014, "Nongovernmental Organization Staff Views of Global Water

Privatization.", Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, Vol. 8, No. 2, 35-50, Published.

Ahmed, Zeyad, Hand, David W., 2015, "The Direct Adsorption Isotherms of AEA's and Fly Ash Alpha Olefin

Sulfonate and Combination Admixtures", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 216-223, Published.

Ahmed, Zeyad, Hand, David W., Watkins, M E., 2014, "Fly Ash Iodine Number for Measuring the Adsorption

Capacity of Coal Fly Ash", ACI Materials Journal, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. V.III, No. 4, Published. Ahmed, Zeyad, Hand, David W., 2014, "Quantification of Adsorption Capacity of Fly Ash,” Industrial &

Engineering Chemistry Research Journal", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Journal, New York, NY, Vol. 53, 6985 – 6989, Published.

Alafita T., Pearce, Joshua, 2014, "Securitization of Solar Photovoltaic Assets: Costs, Risks and Uncertainty",

Energy Policy, No. 67, 488-498, Published. Anderson, Derek T., Havens, Timothy, Wagner, Christian, Keller, James M., Anderson, M F., Wescott, D J.,

2014, "Extension of the fuzzy integral for general fuzzy set-valued information", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1625-1639, Published.

Asbjornsen, H., Mayer, Alex S., Wendland, K., Kolka, R., Halvorsen, Kathleen E., 2015, "Assessing the

impacts of Payments for Watershed Services on Sustainability in Coupled Natural and Human Systems", Bioscience, Vol. 65, No. 6, 579, Published.

Auer, Nancy A., Corcoran, Miles J., Auer, Martin T., 2014, "Measurement of Diporeia respiration rate for Lake

Superior", IAGLR, Elsevier, Vol.40, No.4, 1033-1036, Published. Auer, Martin T., Bradely, Alexa, Auer, Nancy A., 2015, "Growing the seed of a Great Lakes Commons",

Journal of Great Lakes Research, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol.41, No.3, 667-668,Published.

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Bal, Tara L., Storer, Andrew J., Jurgensen, Martin F., Doskey, Paul V., Amacher, Michael C., 2015, "Nutrient stress predisposes and contributes to sugar maple dieback across its northern range: a review", FORESTRY, Vol. 88, No. 1, 64-83, ISBN/ISSN 0015-752X, Published.

Ballantyne, D M., Hribljan, J A., Pypker, Thomas G., Chimner, Rodney A., 2014, "Long-Term Water Table

Manipulations on Great Lakes Peatland Carbon Fluxes", Wetland Ecology and Mangagement, Vol. 22, 35-47, Published.

Bar Ziv, Ezra, Saveliev, R., Korytnyi, E., Perelman, M., Chudnovsky, B., Talanker, A., 2014, "Evaluation of

Performance of Anglo-Mafube Bituminous South African Coal in 550 MW Opposite-Wall and 575 MW Tangential-Fired Utility Boilers", Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 123C, 92-106, ISBN/ISSN DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2014.01.026, (2014), Published.

Bar Ziv, Ezra, Mody, Jaisen, Saveliev, Roman, Perelman, Miron, 2014, "Firing Tests of Biocoal", ASME, USA,

Vol. Power2014-32037, No. ASME POWER 2014, Power2014-32037, Published. Bar Ziv, Ezra, Mody, Jaisen, Saveliev, Roman, Perelman, Miron, 2014, "Production and Characterization of

Biocoal for Coal-Fired Boilers", ASME POWER 2014, Vol.1, No. Power2014-32036, Power2014-32036, Published.

Bar Ziv, Ezra, Mody, Jaisen, Saveliev, Roman, Perelman, Miron, 2014, "Selection of Biomass Feedstock for

Production of Biocoal for Coal-Fired Boilers", ASME, USA, Vol. ASME POWER 2014, Power2014-32031, Published.

Bar Ziv, Ezra, Mody, Jaisen, Saveliev, Roman, Perelman, Miron, 2014, "Torrefied-Biomass (biocoal) for the

600MW Boardman Power plant", Energy Technology, USA, Published. Bess, James A., Chimner, Rodney A., Kangas, Laura C., 2014, "Ditch Restoration in a Large Northern

Michigan Fen: Vegetation Response and Basic Porewater Chemistry", Ecological Restoration, No.3 September, 260–274, Published.

Bouckaert, Emily K., Auer, Nancy A., Roseman, E. F., Boase, J., 2014, "Verifying success of artificial

spawning reefs in the Huron-Erie corridor for lake sturgeon.", Journal of Applied Ichthyology, Wiley-Blackwell, Berlin, Germany, Published.

Brennan, M. P., Abramase, A. L., Andrews, R. W., Pearce, Joshua, 2014, "Effects of spectral albedo on solar

photovoltaic devices", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 124, 111-116, Published. Brooks, Colin, Dobson, Rick, Banach, Dave, Dean, David, Oommen, Thomas, Escobar Wolf, Rudiger P.,

Havens, Timothy, Ahlborn, Theresa M., Hart, Ben, 2015, "Evaluating the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for transportation purposes", MDOT Research Reports, RC-1616, Published

Caneba, Gerard T., Tasdemir, Munir, Wang, Bo, 2015, "Processing and Properties of Recycled ABS and

Recycled Nylon 6 Composites with Alumina Production Tailings", SciKnow Publications, USA, Accepted. Canter, Christina E., Blowers, Paul, Handler, Robert, Shonnard, David R., 2015, "Implications of widespread

algal biofuels production on macronutrient fertilizer supplies: Nutrient demand and evaluation of potential alternate nutrient sources", Applied Energy, Vol. 143, 71 - 80, ISBN/ISSN 0306-2619, Published.

Chakrabarty, Rajan, Beres, Nicholas, Moosmüller, Hans, China, Swarup, Mazzoleni, Claudio, Dubey,

Manvendra, Lu, Li, Mishchenko, Michael, 2014, "Soot superaggregates from flaming wildfires and their direct radiative forcing", Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, No. 5508, 1-8, Published.

Chimner, Rodney A., Ott, Cassandra a., Perry, Charles H., Kolka, Randall K., 2014, "Developing and

Evaluating Rapid Field Methods to Estimate Peat Carbon", Wetlands, Vol. 34, 1241-1246, ISBN/ISSN 1315701405, Published.

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Chimner, Rodney A., Resh, Sigrid, 2014, "Are Riparian Bur Oak Phreatophytic? A Stable Water Isotope Study in Homestead National Monument, Nebraska", Natural Areas Journal, Vol. 34, No. 1, 56–64, Published.

China, Swarup, Scarnato, Barbara, Owen, Robert C., Zhang, Bo, Ampadu, Marian T., Kumar, Sumit, Dzepina,

Katja, Dziobak, Michael P., Fialho, Paulo, Perlinger, Judith A., Hueber, Jacques, Helmig, Detlev, Mazzoleni, Lynn R., Mazzoleni, Claudio, 2015, "Morphology and Mixing State of Aged Soot Particles at a Remote Marine Free Troposphere Site: Implications for Optical Properties", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 42, 1243-1250, . Doi: 10.1002/2014GL062404, Published.

Ciavola, Benjamin, Gershenson, John K., 2015, "Integrating Function- and Affordance-Based Design", Journal

of Mechanical Design, Vol.137, No.5, 051101, Published. Cook, John, Nuccitelli, Dana, Skuce, Andrew, Jacobs, Peter, Painting, Robert, Honeycut, Rob, Green, Sarah A.,

Lewandowsky, Stephen, Richardson, Mark, Way, Robert, 2014, "Reply to ‘Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature: A re-analysis’", Energy Policy, Elsevier, Vol. 73, 706-708, ISBN/ISSN DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.06.002, Published.

Corcoran, Miles J., Auer, Nancy A., Auer, Martin T., 2015, "Measuring the Effects of Food Availability on

Lake Superior Diporeia Consumption Rates Using Radiolabeled Algae", IAGLR, Vol. 41, 510-515, Published.

DeDene, Christopher D., Goh, Shu W., Hasan, Mohd R., You, Zhanping, 2015, "Laboratory Performance Based

Cost Assessment of Warm-Mix Asphalt Concrete Technologies", International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 38, Published.

Diab, Aboelkasim, You, Zhanping, Ghabchi, Rouzbeh, Zaman, Musharraf, 2014, "Effects of Regular-Sized and

Nanosized Hydrated Lime on Binder Rheology and Surface Free Energy of Adhesion of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol.27,0401254 , Published.

Diab, Aboelkasim, You, Zhanping, Hossain, Zahid, Zaman, Musharraf, 2014, "Moisture Susceptibility

Evaluation of Nanosize Hydrated Lime-Modified Asphalt-Aggregate Systems Based on Surface Free Energy Concept", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2446, 52–59, Published.

Dzepina, Katja, Mazzoleni, Claudio, Fialho, Paulo, Zhang, Bo, Owen, Robert C., Helmig, Detlev, Hueber,

Jacques, Kumar, Sumit, Perlinger, Judith A., Kramer, Louisa J., Dziobak, Mike, Ampadu, Marian, Olsen, Seth, Wuebbles, Don, Mazzoleni, Lynn R., 2015, "Molecular Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosol Collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory: A Case Study with a Long-Range Transported Biomass Burning Plume", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 15, 5047-5068, Published.

Enriquez, Andrea S., Chimner, Rodney A., Cremona, María V., Diehl, Paula, Bonvissuto, Griselda L., 2015,

"Grazing intensity levels influence C reservoirs of wet and mesic meadows along a precipitation gradient in Northern Patagonia", Wetlands Ecology and Management, Vol.23, No.3, 439-451, Published.

Enriquez, Andrea S., Chimner, Rodney A., Cremona, María V., 2014, "Long-term grazing negatively affects

nitrogen dynamics in Northern Patagonian wet meadows", Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 109, 1–5, ISBN/ISSN 01401963, Published.

Esisele, Timothy C., Haselhuhn, Howard J., 2014, ""Production of Inorganic Pellet Binders from Fly-Ash"",

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Published. Etkin, Derek, Kirshen, Paul, Watkins, David W., Hoogenboom, G., Roncoli, M., 2015, "Stochastic

Programming for Improved Multi-Use Reservoir Operation in Burkina Faso, West Africa", Journal of

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Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 141, No. 3, 04014056, Published.

Feese, Carley, Li, Yue, Bulleit, William, 2015, "Assessment of Seismic Damage of Buildings and Related

Environmental Impacts", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol. 28, 04014106, Published.

Flores, Rosa M., Perlinger, Judith A., Doskey, Paul V., 2014, "Using Multidimensional Gas Chromatography to

Define a Carbon Number-Functionality Grid for Characterizing Oxidation of Organic Aerosol", Atmospheric Environment, ISBN/ISSN 1352-2310, Published.

Floress, Akamani, Halvorsen, Kathleen E., Kozich, Andrew, Davenport, Mae, 2015, "Role of Social Science in

Successfully Implementing Watershed Management Strategies", Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Vol. 154, No. April, 85-105, Published.

Grazul, K., Huntoon, Jacqueline E., O'Keefe, J.M.K., 2015, "Stratigraphy and fossil plants from the Cutler

Formation (Late Paleozoic) and their Paleoclimatic implications, eastern Paradox Basin, Colorado", Geology of the Intermountain West, Vol. 2, Published.

Guo, Xin, Minakata, Daisuke, Crittenden, John, 2014, "Computer-based first-principles kinetic monte carlo

simulation of polyethylene glycol degradation in aqueous phase UV/H2O2 advanced Oxidation Processes", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 48, No. 18, 10813-10820, Published.

Gyawali, Rabi, Watkins, David W., Griffis, Veronica W., Lofgren, Brent M., 2014, "Energy Budget

Considerations for Hydro-climatic Impact Assessment in Great Lakes Watersheds", Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol. 40, No. 4, 940-948, Published.

Gyawali, Rabi, Griffis, Veronica W., Watkins, David W., Fennessey, Neil M., 2014, "Regional Regression

Models for Hydro-Climate Change Impact Assessment", Hydrological Processes, Vol. 29, No. 8, 1972-7985, Published.

Gyawali, Rabi, Griffis, Veronica W., Watkins, David W., Fennessey, Neil, 2015, "Regional regression models

for hydro-climate change impact assessment", Hydrologic Processes, Vol. 29, No. 8, 1972–1985, Published.

Gyawali, Rabi, Watkins, David W., Griffis, Veronica W., Lofgren, Brent, 2014, "Energy budget considerations

for hydro-climatic impact assessment in Great Lakes watersheds", Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol. 40, No. 4, 940-948, Published.

Ha, Jeong-Hyub, Song, Xin, Seagren, Eric A., 2014, "Oxygen transport across the capillary fringe in LNAPL-

pool source zones", Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, Vol. 140, No. 12, 04014040, Published.

Halt, Joseph A., 2014, ""Understanding the bonding mechanisms in iron ore pellet binders"", IMPC, Santiago,

No. 421, Published. Halt, Joseph A., Nitz, M C., Dube, M, 2014, ""Iron ore pellet dustiness Part I: Factors affecting dust

generation"", Minerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Published. Halt, Josesp A., 2014, ""Increasing the preheat strength of cornstarch-bonded pellets"", Minerals &

Metallurgical Processing, Vol. 31, No. 3, 179, Published. Han, Ruilong, Li, Yue, van de Lindt, John, 2015, "Assessment of Seismic Performance of Buildings with

Incorporation of Aftershocks", ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 29, No. 3, 04014088, Published.

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Han, Ruilong, Li, Yue, van de Lindt, John W., 2014, "Seismic Risk of Base Isolated Non-ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings Considering Uncertainties and Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences", Structural Safety, Vol. 50, No. 2, 39-56, Published.

Han, Xiaotong, Chadderdon, David, Qi, Ji, Xin, Le, Li, Wenzhen, Zhou, Wen, 2014, "Numerical analysis of

anion exchange membrane direct glycerol fuel cell under steady state and dynamic operation", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, No. 34, 19767-19779, Published.

Handler, Robert, Frierdich, A J., Johnson, C M., Rosso, K M., Beard, B L., Wang, C, Latta, D E., Neumann, A,

Pasakarnis, T, Premaratne, W A., Scherer, M M., 2014, "Fe(II)-catalyzed recrystallization of goethite revisited.", Environmental science & technology, Vol. 48, No. 19, 11302-11, ISBN/ISSN 0013-936X, Published.

Hasan, Mohd R. M., Porter, David, You, Zhanping, 2015, "Synthesis of Longitudinal Joint of Flexible

Pavement", Jurnal Teknologi, Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 73, No. 4, Published. Hasan, Mohd R. M., You, Zhanping, 2015, "Estimation of cumulative energy demand and greenhouse gas

emissions of ethanol foamed WMA using life cycle assessment analysis", Construction and Building Materials, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.93, 1117-1124, Published.

Haselhuhn, Howard J., 2015, ""The Role of Water Chemistry in the Selective Flocculation and Dispersion of

Iron Ore"", Minerals and Metallurgical Processing Journal, Published. Hasilhuhn, Howard J., 2014, ""Aqueous Ions in Process Water and Cake Moisture during Iron Ore Filtration"",

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Published. Havens, Timothy, Anderson, D. T., Wagner, C., 2014, "Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of

intervals and fuzzy numbers", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Issue 99, ISSN: 1063-6706, Accepted Hein, Gretchen L., Kemppainen, Amber J., Onder, Nilufer, 2014, "How to ENGAGE your students in your

classes: Everyday Examples in Engineering and Faculty-Student Interactions", Society of Women Engineers WE14, Chicago, IL, Published.

Holmes, Stacie A., Webster, Christopher R., 2014, "White pine restoration in a mesic forest: 3-year results",

Northeastern Naturalist, Vol. 21, 23-30, Published. Hribljan, J A., Kane, Evan S., Pypker, Thomas G., Chimner, RA, 2014, "The effect of long-term water table

manipulations on dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a poor fen peatland", Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Vol. 10.1002/20, 1–19, Published.

Hu, Na, Green, Sarah A., 2014, "Acetyl Radical Generation in Cigarette Smoke: Quantification and

Simulations", Atmospheric Environment, Elsevier, Vol. 95C, 142-150, ISBN/ISSN 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.06.027, Published.

Hu, Yanfang, Tian, Guohang, Mayer, Audrey L., He, Ruizhen, 2015, "Risk assessment of soil erosion by

application of remote sensing and GIS in Yanshan Reservoir catchment, China", Natural Hazards, Vol.79, No.1, 277-289, Published.

Huntoon, Jacqueline E., Tanenbaum, C., Hodges, Jill M., 2015, "Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences",96,

Published. Jin, Can, You, Zhanping, Zhang, Weihua, Liu, Kai, 2015, "Microstructural Modeling Method for Asphalt

Specimens Supporting 3D Adaptive and Automatic Mesh Generation", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Published.

Johnson, C P., Pypker, Thomas G., Hribljan, J A., Chimner, Rodney A., 2014, "Open top chambers and infrared

lamps: A comparison of heating efficacy and CO2/CH4 dynamics in a northern Michigan peatland", Ecosystems, Vol. 16, 736-748, Published.

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Johnson, Dana M., Russell, Roberta S., White, Sheneeta W., 2014, "Patient Perceptions of Quality: Analyzing

Patient Satisfaction Surveys", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 35, No. 8, 1-26, Accepted.

Johnson, Dana M., Russell, Roberta S., 2015, "SEM of Service Quality to Predict Overall Patient Satisfaction in

Medical Clinics: A Case Study", Quality Management Journal, Accepted. Johnson, Dana M., Graman, Gregory A., 2015, "Outsourcing Practices in Midwest U.S. Public Universities",

International Journal of Business Excellence, Inderscience, Vol. 8, No. 3, Published. Joshi, Chandrashekhar P., Gailing, Oliver, Puranik, Swati, Kumar, Kavitha S., 2014, "Modifying plant cell

walls for bioenergy production", editors: Joshi, C., CABI Reviews, CABI, UK, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1-10, Published.

Kangas, Laura, Maanavilja, L., Hájek, T., Juurola, E., Chimner, Rodney A., Mehtätalo, L., Tuittila, E., 2014,

"Photosynthetic traits of Sphagnum and feather moss species in undrained, drained and rewetted boreal spruce swamp forests", Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 4, 381-396, Published.

Kerfoot, W. Charles, Hobmeier, Martin M., Yousef, Foad, Green, Sarah A., Regis, Robert, Brooks, Colin N.,

Shuchman, Robert, Anderson, Jamey, Reif, Molly, 2014, "Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Multispectral Scanner (MSS) Studies Examine Coastal Environments Influenced by Mining", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, Vol. 3, 66-95 doi:10.3390/ijgi3010066, Published.

King, Julia A., Klimek, Danielle R., Miskioglu, Ibrahim, Odegard, Gregory M., 2015, "Mechanical Properties

of Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites", Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 49, No. 6, 659-668, Published.

Kashyap, Prem L., Xiang, Xu, Heiden, Patricia, 2015, "Chitosan nanoparticle based delivery systems for

sustainable agriculture", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Accepted. Kitalong, Karla M., 2014, "Interconnections: Revisiting the Future and ChronoLeap: The Great World’s Fair

Adventure: Cumulative Evaluation Report", National Science Foundation, Published. Kitalong, Karla M., DeVoss, Dànielle N., 2014, "Interdisciplinary Writing Program Consultants’ Report",

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, Published. Kline, Keith, Martinelli, Fernanda, Mayer, Audrey L., Medeiros, Rodrigo, Oliveira, Camila, Sparovek, Gerd,

Walter, Arnaldo, Venier, Lisa, 2015, "Bioenergy and biodiversity: Key lessons from the Pan America region", Environmental Management, 1-20,Accepted.

Klinger, J., Bar Ziv, Ezra, Shonnard, David R., 2015, "Predicting Properties of Torrefied Biomass by Intrinsic

Kinetics", Energy Fuels, Vol. 29, No. 1, 171-176, ISBN/ISSN DOI: 10.1021/ef501456p, Published. Klinger, J., Klemetsrud, B., Bar Ziv, Ezra, Shonnard, David R., 2014, "Temperature Dependence of Aspen

Torrefaction Kinetics", Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 110, 424-429, ISBN/ISSN doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2014.10.008, published.

Knowlton, Jessie, Halvorsen, Kathleen E., Handler, Robert, O'Rourke, 2014, "Teaching interdisciplinary

science teamwork skills to graduate students using in-person and web-based interactions.” Sustainability, Vol. 6, No. 12, 9428-9440, Published.

Knowlton, Jessie L., Fleischer, Robert, Rotzel, Nancy, 2014, "First record of hybridization in the Hawaiian

Honeycreepers: Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea) x Apapane (Himatione sanguinea)", Wilson Bulletin of Ornithology, Vol.126, No.3, Published.

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Kuang, Wei, Brown, Laura E., Wang, Zhenlin, 2014, "Selective Switching Mechanism in Virtual Machines with Support Vector Machines and Transfer Learning", Machine Learning, Springer, Vol 101, no.1, 137-161, Published.

Kueber Watkins, Melanie J., Ahmed, Zeyad, Sutter, Lawrence L., Hand, David W., 2015, "Characterization of

Coal Fly Ash by the Absolute Foam Index", American Concrete Institute Journal of Materials, Vol. 112, No. 3, Published.

Kumar, Abhishek, Roy, Samit, King, Julia A., Odegard, Gregory M., 2015, "Fracture properties of

Nanographene Reinforced EPON 862 thermoset polymer system", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 114, 87-93, Published.

LIew, Ka H., Urip, Egel, Yang, Song-Lin, Mattingly, Jack D., Marek, Cecil J., 2014, "Performance Cycle

Analysis of Turbofan Engine with Interstage Turbine Burner", AIAA, New York, Vol. 22, No. 2, 411-416, Published.

Lautala, Pasi T., Hilliard, M R., Webb, E, Busch, I, Richard Hess, J, Roni, M S., Hilbert, J, Handler, Robert,

Bittencourt, R, Valente, A, Laitinen, T, 2015, "Opportunities and Challenges in the Design and Analysis of Biomass Supply Chains.", Environmental management, Vol.114, 87-93, ISBN/ISSN 0364-152X, Published.

Lemmens, R., Dai, Qingli, Meng, Desheng, 2014, "Side-Groove Influenced Parameters for Determining

Fracture Toughness of Self-Healing Composites Using a Tapered Double Cantilever Beam Specimen", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier, Vol. 74, No. 23-29, Published.

Li, Fei, Solomon, Barry D., Wellstead, Adam, 2014, "Michigan's RPS Ballot Defeat: A Policy Failure or

Success?” Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 5, 78-87, Published. Li, Xiaoyan, Ping, Lu, Wang, Hainian, Zhang, Chen, You, Zhanping, 2015, "Performance test of rubber asphalt

based on domestic and abroad test methods", Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 01, 10-17, Published.

Lind Riehl, Jennifer, Jeltema, Shelley, Morrison, Margaret, Shirkey, Gabriela, Mayer, Audrey L., Rouleau,

Mark D., Winkler, Richelle L., 2015, "Family legacies and community networks shape private forest management", Land Use Policy, Vol. 45, 95-102, Published.

Litmanen, Tapio, Solomon, Barry D., Kari, Mika, 2014, "The Utmost Ends of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Finnish

Perceptions of the Risks of Uranium Mining and Nuclear Waste Management", Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis, London, Vol. 17, No. 8, 1037-1059, Published.

Liu, Fang, You, Zhanping, Wang, Hainian, Sheng, Yanping, 2014, "Research Progress on Sulfate Resistance of

Concrete with Mineral Admixture in Different Environments", Materials China, Materials China, Vol. 33, No. 11, 682-688, Published.

Ma, Fen, Rehman, Abdul, Liu, Haiying, Zhang, Jingtuo, Zhu, Shilei, Zeng, Xiangqun, , 2015, "Glycosylation of

Quinone-Fused Polythiophene for Reagentless and Label-Free Detection of E. coli", Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Socity, Vol. 87, No. 3, 1560–1568, Published.

Marlor, K M., Webster, Christopher R., Chimner, Rodney A., 2014, "Disturbance and Wetland Type Alter Reed

Canary Grass Cover in Northern Michigan", Invasive Plant Science and Management, Vol. 7, 121-131, Published.

Mayer, Alex S., Winkler, Richelle L., Fry, Lauren, 2014, "Classifying watersheds: Integrating social and

biophysical sciences for characterizing place", Ecological Indicators, Vol. 45, 340-349, Published.

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Meredith, LaBeau, Robertson, Dale, Mayer, Alex S., Bryan, Pijanowski, David, Saad, 2014, "Effects of future land-use change on exports of phosphorus to the Laurentian Great Lakes", Ecological Modelling, Vol. 277, 27-37, Accepted.

Meingast, Christa L., Becker, Jennifer G., Seagren, Eric A., 2015, "Effects of biosolids moisture content on

indicator organism reduction via freezing and thawing", 2015 Michigan Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Michigan Water Environment Association, Published.

Minakata, Daisuke, Song, Weihua, Mezyk, Stephen P., William, Cooper, 2015, "Experimental and theoretical

studies on aqueous-phase reactivity of hydroxyl radicals with multiple carboxylated and hydroxylated benzene compounds", PCCP, Vol. 17, 11796-11812, Published.

Minakata, Daisuke, Mezyk, Stephen P., Jones, W, Daws, B, Crittenden, John, 2014, "Development of linear

free energy relationships for aqueous phase radical-involved chemical reactions", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 48, 13925-13932, Published.

Mirchi, Ali, Watkins, David W., Huckins, Casey J., Madani, Kaveh, Hjorth, Peder, 2014, "Water resources

management in a homogenizing world: Averting the Growth and Underinvestment trajectory", Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 50, No. 9, 7515–7526, Published.

Mohd Hasan, Mohd R., Hiller, Jacob E., You, Zhanping, 2015, "Effects of mean annual temperature and mean

annual precipitation on the performance of flexible pavement using ME design", International Journal of Pavement Engineering, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, No. ahead-of-print, 1–12, published.

Moraglio, Massimo, Seely, Bruce E., 2015, "Displaying Roads: Engineers as Cultural Actors – Introduction",

Transfers, Berghahn, Vol. 5, No. 1, 46-50, Published. Nazari, Negar, van de Lindt, John, Li, Yue, 2015, "Quantifying Changes in Structural Design Needed to

Account for Aftershock Hazard", ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Published. Nazari, Negar, van de lindt, John, Li, Yue, 2015, "Effect of Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences on Woodframe

Building Damage Fragilities", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol. 29, No. 1, 04014036, Published.

Nazari, Negar, van de Lindt, John, Li, Yue, 2014, "Effect of Aftershock Intensity on Seismic Collapse

Fragilities", International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Vol. 8, No. 2-4, Published. Norris, O'Rourke, Mayer, Alex S., Halvorsen, Kathleen E., 2014, "Doubling Down: Transdisciplinary Research

Team Formation as a Wicked Problem.” Landscape and Urban Planning, Accepted. Obrist, Daniel, Zielinska, Barbara, Perlinger, Judith A., 2015, "Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs) and oxygenated {PAHs} (OPAHs) in organic and mineral soil horizons from four U.S. remote forests", Chemosphere, Vol. 134, No. 0, 98 - 105, ISBN/ISSN 0045-6535, Published.

Ogren, Stephanie A., Huckins, Casey J., 2015, "Applicability and interpretation of fish indices of biotic

integrity (IBI) for bioassessment in the upper midwest", North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Vol. 35, No. 2, 281-295, Published.

Padgett, Jamie, Li, Yue, 2014, "Risk-Based Assessment of Sustainability and Hazard Resistance of Structural

Design", ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 04014208, Published. Paraic, Ryan, Stewart, Mark, Spencer, Nathan, Li, Yue, 2014, "Reliability Assessment of Power Pole

Infrastructure Incorporating Deterioration and Network Maintenance,” Vol. 132, 261–273, Published. Pastel, Robert L., Seigel, Marika A., Zhang, W., Mayer, Alex S., 2015, "Team building in multidisciplinary

client-sponsored project courses", ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Accepted.

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Pathak, M.J.M., Sanders, P. G., Pearce, Joshua, 2014, "Optimizing Limited Solar Roof Access by Exergy

Analysis of Solar Thermal, Photovoltaic, and Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Systems", Applied Energy, Vol. 120, 115-124, Published.

Pearce, Joshua, 2014, "Laboratory equipment: Cut costs with open-source hardware", Nature, No. 505, 618,

Published. Potvin, LR, Kane, ES, Chimner, RA, Kolka, RK, Lilleskov, EA, 2014, "Effects of water table position and plant

functional group on plant community, aboveground production, and peatproperties in a peatland mesocosm experiment (PEATcosm)", Plant and Soil, Vol. 387, 277-294, Published.

Pypker, Thomas G., Moore, P A., Waddington, J M., Hribljan, J A., Chimner, Rodney A., 2014, "Shifting

environmental controls on CH4 fluxes in a sub-boreal peatland", Biogeosciences, Vol. 10, 7971-7981, Published.

Rajasegarar, S, Havens, Timothy, Karunasekera, S, Leckie, C, Bezdek, J C., Jamriska, M, Gunatilaka, A,

Skvortsov, A, Palaniswami, M, 2014, "High resolution monitoring of atmospheric pollutants using a system of low-cost sensors", IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE, United States, Vol. 52, No. 7, 3823-3832, Published.

Ralls, Mary Loiu, Seely, Bruce E., Flom, Ewa, Brown, Randy, 2015, "Innovations Hit the Road,” Public Roads

78, no. 4 (January/February 2015):", Public Roads, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, Vol. 78, No. 4, Published.

Rebb, Raven R., Bunker, Kaitlyn J., Brown, Laura E., Onder, Nilufer, Bohmann, Leonard J., Hein, Gretchen L.,

2014, "People and Organizations Working towards Equity and cultural Responsiveness: The POWER of Diversity", Society of Women Engineers WE14, Chicago, IL, Published.

Rozario, J., Vora, A. H., Debnath, S. K., Pathak, M. J. M., Pearce, J. M., 2014, "The effects of dispatch strategy

on electrical performance of amorphous silicon-based solar photovoltaic-thermal systems", Renewable Energy, Vol. 68, 459-465, Published.

Ryan, Paraic C., Stewart, Mark G., Spence, Nathan, Li, Yue, 2014, "Reliability Assessment of Australian

Timber Power Poles Incorporating Pole Treatment, Decay and Network Maintenance", Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 132, Published.

Salman, Abdul, Li, Yue, 2015, "Age-Dependent Fragility and Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Timber and Steel

Power Distribution Poles Subjected to Hurricanes", Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Published. Sanders, Nada R., Graman, Gregory A., 2014, "Bias Magnification in Supply Chains: The Mitigating Role of

Forecast Sharing", Decision Sciences Journal, Accepted. Scarnato, Barbara V., China, Swarup, Nielsen, Kurt, Mazzoleni, Claudio, 2015, "Perturbations of the optical

properties of mineral dust particles", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Published. Schimelpfenig, D W., Cooper, D J., Chimner, Rodney A., 2014, "Effectiveness of ditch restoration on

hydrologic and soil processes in mountain peatlands", Restoration Ecology, Vol. 22, 257-265, Published. Seely, Bruce E., 2015, "Presidential Address: The State of SHOT- Organizational Capacity in a Volunteer-

based Organization", Technology and Culture, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, Vol 56, No.2, 508-29, Accepted.

Shonnard, David R., Klemetsrud, Bethany, Sacramento-Rivero, Julio, Navarro-Pineda, Freddy, Hilbert, Jorge,

Handler, Robert, Suppen, Nydia, Donovan, Richard P., 2015, "A Review of Environmental Life Cycle

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Assessments of Liquid Transportation Biofuels in the Pan American Region", Environmental Management, 1-2, Accepted.

Sigridur, Bjarnadotti, Li, Yue, Stewart, Mark, 2014, "Regional Loss Estimation Due To Hurricane Wind And

Hurricane-Induced Surge Considering Climate Variability", Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1369-1384, Published.

Solomon, Barry D., Banerjee, Aparajita, Acevedo, Alberto, Halvorsen, Kathleen E., Eastmond, Amarella, 2014,

"Policies for the Sustainable Development of Biofuels in the Pan American Region: A Review and Synthesis of Five Countries", Environmental Management, Published.

Solomon, Barry D., 2014, "Socioeconomic Analysis Options for Pesticides Management in Developing

Countries: A Review", Environmental Practice, Accepted. Song, Ruiqiang, Li, Yue, van de Lindt, John, 2014, "Collapse Fragility of Steel Structures Subjected to

Earthquake Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences", Vol. 140, No. 20, 04014095, Published. Song, Ruiqiang, Li, Yue, van de Lindt, John, 2014, "Impact of Earthquake Ground Motion Characteristics on

Collapse Risk of Post-Mainshock Buildings Considering Aftershocks", Vol. 81, 349–361, Published. Su, J., Havens, Timothy, 2014, "Quadratic program-based modularity maximization for fuzzy community

detection in social networks", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Accepted. Summers, Jason E., Havens, Timothy, Meyer, T K., 2014, "Learning environmentally dependent feature

representations for classification of objects on or buried in the seafloor", J. Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 135, No. 4, 2296, published.

Sun, X., Zhang, B., Q., Yu, X., 2015, "Investigation of Internal Curing Effects on Microstructure and

Permeability of Interface Transition Zones in Cement Mortar with SEM Imaging, Transport Simulation and Hydration Modeling Techniques", Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 76, 366-379, Published.

Sun, X., Dai, Qingli, Ng, Kenny, 2014, "Computational Investigation of Pore Permeability and Connectivity

from Transmission X-Ray Microscope Images of a Cement Paste Specimen", Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 68, No. 15, 240-251, Published.

Tortini, Riccardo, Mayer, Audrey L., Maianti, Pier-Alberto, 2015, "Using an OBCD approach and Landsat TM

data to detect harvesting on nonindustrial private property in upper Michigan", Remote Sensing, Vol. 7, No. 6, 7809-7825, Published.

Vaidya, Ashma, Mayer, Audrey L., 2014, "Use of the participatory approach to develop sustainability

assessments for natural resource management", International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Vol. 21, No. 4, 369-379, Published.

Virtanen, Aino, Toppinen, Anne, Mayer, Audrey L., Tuppura, Anne, 2015, "Standardizing CSR via ISO 26000:

empirical insights from the forest industry", Sustainable Development, Vol. 23, No. 3, 153-166, Published. Wagner, C., Miller, S., Garibaldi, J. M., Anderson, D. T., Havens, Timothy, 2014, "From interval-valued data to

general type-2 fuzzy sets", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol 23, No.2, Published. Wagner, Christian, Miller, Simon, Garibaldi, Jon M., Anderson, Derek T., Havens, Timothy, 2015, "From

interval-valued data to general type-2 fuzzy sets", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems., Vol. 23, No. 2, 248-269, Published.

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Wang, Hainian, Bu, Yin, Zhou, Yang, Li, Xiaoyan, You, Zhanping, 2014, "Research on Influencing Factors and Its Optimization of Scanning Asphalt Mixture Based on X-ray CT Technology", Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Vol. 31, No. 11, 9-15, ISBN/ISSN 1002-0268, Published.

Wang, Hainian, Zhang, Chen, Fang, Jun, Li, Xiaoyan, You, Zhanping, 2014, "Study on Low Temperature

Performance and Microstructure of Rubber Hot Recycled Mixture", Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science), Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science), Vol. 41, No. 11, 123-128, Published.

Wang, Hainian, Gao, Junfeng, You, Zhanping, Tian, Yuanyu, 2014, "Advances in Bio-binder Application on

Road Pavement", Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, Vol. 36, No. 7, 55-60, Published.

Wang, Zhaohui, Song, Houbing, Watkins, David W., Ong, Keat G., Xue, Pengfei, Yang, Q., Shi, X., 2015,

"Cyber-Physical Systems for Water Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 5, 216 - 222, Published.

Watkins, David W., Moraes, M.M.G., Asbjornsen, H., Mayer, Alex S., Licata, J., 2015, "Bioenergy

development policy and practice must recognize potential hydrologic impacts: Lessons from the Americas", Environmental Management, 1-20, Accepted.

Woodward, Xinxin, Kostinski, Alexander B., China, Swarup,, Cantrell, Will H., 2015, "Characterization of dust

particles' 3D shape and roughness with nanometer resolution", Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 49, No. 4, 229-238, Accepted.

Wright, Steven G., Muralidharan, Daya, Mayer, Alex S., Breffle, William S., 2014, "Using Contingent

Valuation to Estimate Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supplies in Rural Ugandan Villages", Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, IWA Publishing, Vol. 4, No. 3, Published.

Xiang, Xu, Long, Fei, Kinnunen, Ronald E., Yassar, Reza, Heiden, Patricia, 2015, "Polymer Modification of

Fish Scale and their Nano-mechanical Properties", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Accepted. Xing, L, Xie, Y, Wu, G, Xie, S, Zhang, S.Y., Minakata, Daisuke, Crittenden, John, 2014, "Activated carbon-

enhanced ozonation of oxalate attributed to HO• oxidation in bulk solution and surface oxidation: Effects of the type and number of basic sites", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 245, 71-79, Published.

Yang, X., Dai, Qingli, You, Zhanping, Wang, Z., 2014, "Integrated Experimental-Numerical Approach for

Estimating Asphalt Mixture Induction Healing Level through Discrete Element Modeling of a Single-Edge Notched Beam Test", ASCE's Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, U.S., Vol.27, No.9, Published.

Yang, Xu, You, Zhanping, 2015, "High temperature performance evaluation of bio-oil modified asphalt binders

using the DSR and MSCR tests", Construction and Building Materials, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 76, 380–387, Published.

Yang, Xu, You, Zhanping, 2015, "New Predictive Equations for Dynamic Modulus and Phase Angle Using a

Nonlinear Least-Squares Regression Model", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 3, Published.

Yang, Xu, You, Zhanping, Mills-Beale, Julian, 2014, "Asphalt Binders Blended with a High Percentage of

Biobinders: Aging Mechanism Using FTIR and Rheology", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 4, 04014157, Published.

Zhang, Chen, Wang, Hainian, You, Zhanping, Ma, Biao, 2015, "Sensitivity analysis of longitudinal cracking on

asphalt pavement using MEPDG in permafrost region", Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Vol. 2, No. 1, 40–47, Published.

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Zhang, Fengli, Johnson, Dana M., Johnson, Mark A., Froese, Robert E., Watkins, David W., 2015, "Decision

support system integrating GIS with simulation and optimization for a biofuel supply chain", Renewable Energy: An International Journal, Vol. 85, 740-748, Accepted.

Zhang, Fengli, Johnson, Dana M., Wang, Jinjiang, 2015, "Life-cycle energy and GHG emissions of forest

biomass harvesting and transport for biofuel production in Michigan", Energies, Vol. 8, 3258-3271, ISBN/ISSN 1996-1073, Published.

Zhang, Jingtuo, Yang, Mu, Li, Cong, Dorh, Nethaniah, Xie, Fei, Luo, Fen-Tair, Tiwari, Ashutosh, Liu, Haiying,

, 2015, "Near-infrared fluorescent probes based on piperazine-functionalized BODIPY dyes for sensitive detection of lysosomal pH", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Royal Society of Chemistry, Vol. 3, 2173-2184, Published.

Zhang, Yang, Xu, Bingqian, Zhou, Wen, 2014, "On a novel functionally based model for simultaneous

enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose considering morphology", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 111, 1767-1781, Published.

Zhang, Zhe, Mehendale, Sunil, Tian, JinJin, Li, YanZhong, 2015, "Experimental investigation of distributor

configuration on flow maldistribution in plate-fin heat exchangers", Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, Oxford, Vol. 85, 111-123, Published.

Zhang, Zhe, Mehendale, Sunil, Tian, JinJin, Li, YanZhong, 2014, "Fluid Flow Distribution and Heat Transfer in

Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers", Heat Transfer Engineering, Taylor and Francis, Oxford, Vol. 36, No. 9, Published.

2014, "Analysis of Biochar Feedstocks for Use by the Pavlis Institute in India", CPM Enterprise Sponsor: Pavlis

Institute (Kanwal Rekhi), Published. 2014, "Applications of nanoMAG in Sports Equipment", CPM Enterprise Sponsor: Dr. Robert Carnahan

(nanoMAG, LLC), Published. 2014, "Biochar Water Filtration", CPM Enterprise Sponsor: Pavlis Institute (Kanwal Rekhi), Published. 2014, "Designing an Aquaponics System at the Watersmeet Trout Hatchery", CPM Enterprise Sponsor:

Sustainable Futures Institute, Published. 2014, "Low Friction Folding Techniques for Material Webs", CPM Enterprise Sponsor: Kimberly-Clark

Corporation, Published. 2014, "Midland Watershed Modeling", CPM Enterprise Sponsor: Dr. Eugene Moore, Published. 2014, "The Application of Alternative Methods for Improving Part Drying and Measuring Dryness", Cinetic

Automation, Published. 2015, "The reduction of pathogen indicator organisms during biosolids storage: The role of moisture content

and freeze-thaw cycles", 2015 Research and Education Conference, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), Published.


Gorman, Hugh S., 2014, "Review of "River City and Valley Life," ed. C. J. Castaneda and Lee M. A. Simpson,

Choice, Published.

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Seely, Bruce E., 2015, "Review of Wind Wizard: Alan G. Davenport and the Art of Wind Engineering.",

Technology and Culture, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, Vol. 56, No. 1, 281-283, Published.

Solomon, Barry D., 2015, "Review of Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization? Edited by Majia

Nadesan, et al.", Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 6, 161-162, Published.

Proceedings Adeyeba, T, Anderson, Derek T., Havens, Timothy, 2015, "Insights and characterizations of l1-norm based

sparsity learning of a lexicographically encoded capacity vector for the Choquet integral", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, Accepted.

Anderson, D. T., Price, S., Havens, Timothy, 2014, "Regularization-based learning of the Choquet integral",

Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, 2519-2526, Published. Becker, Jonathan, Havens, Timothy, Pinar, Anthony J., Schulz, Timothy J., 2015, "Deep belief networks for

false alarm rejection in forward-looking ground-penetrating radar", Proc. SPIE, Vol.9454, Published. Bhatkhande, P., Havens, Timothy, 2014, "Real time fuzzy controller for quadrotor stability control", Proc. IEEE

Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, 913-919, published. Cung, Khanh, Johnson, Jaclyn, Lee, Seong-Young, Gupta, Sreenath, Siuchta, Gregory, 2014, "248ACS_DME-

Numerical simulation of High Pressure Dimethyl Ether (DME) Injection under Diesel Engine Conditions", American Chemical Society national Meeting, American Chemical Society, Published.

Cung, Khanh, Lee, Seong-Young, Siuchta, Gregory, 2014, " Experimental and numerical study of high pressure

DME injection under diesel engine conditions”, editors: Gupta, S., DME Conference, DME Conference., Published.

Cung, Khanh, Guo, Chunqiu, Johnson, Jaclyn, Lee, Seong-Young, 2014, "High-pressure Oil Intensified DME

Fuel Injection System Development for Engine-Condition Spray Combustion", editors: de Ojeda, W., DME Conference, DME Conference., Published.

Deilamsalehy, Hanieh, Havens, Timothy, Lautala, Pasi T., 2014, "Automatic method for detecting and

categorizing train car wheel and bearing defects", Proc. Joint Rail Conf., Accepted. Diab, Aboelkasim, You, Zhanping, 2014, "Evaluation of Foam-based Warm Mix Asphalt Modified with Nano-

sized Hydrated Lime Using Multiple Creep and Recovery Tests", T&DI Congress 2014, Trains, and Automobiles, 230–238, Published.

Gauchia, Antonio, Worm, Jeremy J., Naber, Jeffrey D., Davis, Christopher, 2014, "Modeling, Validation, and

Analysis of HMMWV XM1124 Hybrid Powertrain", 2014 NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Published.

Gupta, Sreenath, Parajuli, Bikash, Mittal, Gaurav, Cung, Khanh, Johnson, Jaclyn, Lee, Seong-Young, Siuchta,

Grzegorz, 2014, "RCM studies of DME ignition and combustion under highly diluent conditions", DME Conference, Published.

Hosseinzadeh, Arash, Middlebrook, Christopher T., Mullins, Michael E., 2015, "Optical waveguides using

PDMS-metal oxide hybrid nanocomposites", Proc. SPIE, SPIE, ISBN/ISSN 10.1117/12.2080582, Published.

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Hu, L., Anderson, D. T., Havens, Timothy, Keller, J. M., 2014, "Validity of different fuzzy integrals and

representations for mutiple kernel learning", Proc. IPMU, Published. Martin, Rachel, Mullins, Michael E., Feng, Zhuo, Qian, Zichen, 2015, "Electrospinning 3D Scaffolds for use in

Neural Tissue Engineering", Symposium proceedings - Soft Electronics-From Electronic Skin to Reliable Neural Interfaces, Materials Research Society, Published.

Masarik, Matthew P., Burns, Joseph W., Thelen, Brian J., Havens, Timothy, 2015, "GPR anomaly detection

with robust principal component analysis", Proc. SPIE, Published. Mayer, A.S., Golden, D.M., Maher, P.T., and Stroink, M. 2015, “A multi-national, multi-disciplinary, multi-

platform course on rural sustainability", 7th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Accepted

Mehendale, Sunil, Irwin, John L., Marlor, Robert, 2015, "An Interactive Dynamics Learning Course", 2015

ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, USA, June 14-17, 2015, Accepted. Mehendale, Sunil, Aute, Vikrant, Radermacher, Reinhard, 2014, "Principles Of Refrigerant Circuit

Optimization In Single Row Microchannel Condensers", 2014 Purdue Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2099 USA, Published.

Meingast, Christa L., Becker, Jennifer G., Seagren, Eric A., 2015, "Effects of biosolids moisture content on

indicator organism reduction via freezing and thawing", Proceedings of the WEF/IWA Residuals and Biosolids 2015 Conference, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, Published.

Montanaro, A, Allocca, L, Migliaccio, M, Fraioli, V, Lee, Seong-Young, Naber, Jeffrey D., 2014, "Schlieren

and Mie-scattering Visualization for Single-Hole Diesel Injector under Vaporizing Conditions with Numerical Validation", editors: Zhang, A., SAE, SAE, Published.

Navale, V., Havens, Timothy, 2014, "Fuzzy logic controller for energy management of power split hybrid

electric vehicle transmission", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, 940-947, Published. Pinar, Anthony, Masarik, Matthew, Kelly, Jim, Havens, Timothy, Burns, Joseph W., Thelen, Brian J., Becker,

Jonathan, 2015, "Approach to explosive hazard detection using sensor fusion and multiple kernel learning with downward-looking GPR and EMI sensor data", Proc. SPIE, Published.

Pinar, Anthony J., Havens, Timothy, Anderson, Derek T., Hu, Lequan, 2015, "Feature and decision level fusion

using multiple kernel learning and fuzzy integrals", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, Accepted. Poonamallee, Latha, Joy, simy, 2014, "Intra- and Inter-organizational Controls in Outsourcing: Controlees’

Perspectives", Academy of Management Meeting Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management, New York, Published.

Price, Stanton R., Anderson, Derek T., Havens, Timothy C., 2015, "Fusion of iECO image descriptors for

buried explosive hazard detection in forward-looking infrared imagery", Proc. SPIE, Published. Su, J., Havens, Timothy c., 2014, "Fuzzy community detection in social networks using a genetic algorithm",

Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, 2039-2046, Published. Wang, Hainian, You, Zhanping, 2014, "Characterization on the morphological characteristic of coarse

aggregates and its influence on asphalt mixture's performance", Proceedings of 3rd China-Europe Workshop on Functional Pavement, 139-146, Published.

Webb, Adam, Havens, Timothy, Schulz, Timothy J., 2015, "An apodization approach for processing forward-

looking GPR for explosive hazard detection", Proc. SPIE, Published.

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Whitten, G, Hann, H, Robles-Morua, A, "Enhancing the link between surface and groundwater models for climate change assessment of water supply and demand in northwest Mexico", Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Published.

Zheng, Y. Cai and X.Y. 2014. "Dynamic Virtual Machine Placement for Cloud Computing Environments."

Parallel Processing Workshops (ICCPW), 2014 43rd International Conference. Minneapolis, MN: IEEE. 121 - 128.

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Acknowledgement of Advisory Board The SFI Advisory Board is an indispensable means of seeing that we are abiding by our mission and vision. This board meets semi-annually to consult on ideas and strategies for continued success. The board also offers invaluable resources and connections to possible partners. We would like to thank the following people for their willingness to serve on this board:

Daniel P. Alder is a MS graduate of Michigan Tech in the Department of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics. He is a senior engineer at Caterpillar in Peoria, IL. His expertise is

in design and manufacturing with applications to component recycle and waste reduction.

Christina Behr-Andres is a 1992 Civil Engineering graduate of Michigan Tech and is currently a Deputy Division Leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for the International, Space, and Response Division.

She served in management positions in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division and the Water Stewardship Program at LANL.

A. Harvey Bell IV is former Executive Director of General Motors North American Advance Vehicle Development, responsible for the Vehicle Integration Center, Performance Managers, Harmony & Human Factors, Vehicle Architecture & Design

Check/Integration, Energy, Drive Quality & Environment, Noise & Vibration, HVI Innovation Program, Aero/Thermal/Sealing Integration Center, Vehicle Dynamics & Control Systems and Vehicle Concept Engineering.

Stephen Kamin is a manufacturing consultant for Dow Corning Corporation.

Kevin Kuske is the President and CEO of izzy+, an office furniture and seating company based in Spring Lake, MI. He is dedicated to helping “create great experiences wherever work happens.” izzy+ brings together great design, advanced engineering, and lean manufacturing capabilities.

Clare Mendelsohn is a 1987 Chemical Engineering graduate of Michigan Tech and a 2002 graduate of the Sloan School of Management. She is the Public Service Team Leader for the Hiawatha National Forest, based in Gladstone,

Michigan, and a division of the U.S. Forest Service.

Mark Mleziva, a 1992 Chemical Engineering graduate of Michigan Tech, is Research Manager at Kimberly-Clark Corporation in its' Corporate Research & Engineering Department in Neenah, WI. His

responsibilities include longer range sustainable and environmental technology exploration and development focused towards solutions for Kimberly-Clark's global branded consumer and B-B products.

Bill Olson is Director of the Office of Sustainability and

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Stewardship for Motorola Mobile Devices. In his role, Bill leads the ECOMOTO program and is responsible for driving go-to-market strategy for green mobile device products like the Motorola W233 RENEW. Bill graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry. Bill has 23 US patents and more than 40 technical publications..

Chris Swanston is Director of the Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science (NIACS), and a Research Ecologist in the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Swanston studies carbon biogeochemistry and cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, and NIACS develops synthesis products, fosters communication, and pursues science in carbon management, climate change, and bioenergy.

The SFI thanks all SFAB members for their guidance, advice, and collaboration. We also like thank SFI’s external collaborators that include numerous corporations, government agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. All of these entities deserve recognition for their continuing support for and interaction with the SFI.

List of 2015 SFI Members

SFI Fellows Ann Maclean, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, MTU Chandrashekhar P. Joshi, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, MTU Neil Hutzler, Civil and Environmental Engineering, MTU David Shonnard, Chemical Engineering, MTU Alex Mayer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, MTU Michael Mullins, Chemical Engineering, MTU James Mihelcic, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida

Michigan Tech Administration Members Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Bruce E. Seely, Dean, College of Science and Arts Christa Walck, Associate Provost

Sustainable Futures Institute Staff Members Robert Handler, Operations Manager/Researcher Jiqing Fan, Post-doctoral Research Associate Jack Babcock, Undergraduate Research Assistant Kareen Encinas Soto, PhD candidate, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico (visiting scholar) Fernando Lares, MS candidate, Technological Institute of Sonora, Mexico (visiting scholar) Natalia Teixeira, undergraduate chemical engineer, (visiting scholar – BSMP program)

College of Engineering Martin T. Auer, CEE Ezra Bar-Ziv, MEEM Brian D. Barkdoll, CEE

Suzanne J. Beske-Diehl, GMES Leonard J. Bohmann, ECE & Assoc. Dean of Eng. Judith R. Budd, GMES

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Gerard T Caneba, ChE Jaime Camelio, MEEM Qingli Dai, CEE John S. Gierke, GMES John K. Gershenson, MEEM Veronica W. Griffis, CEE David W. Hand, CEE Timothy Havens, ECE Gretchen Hein, EEF S. Komar Kawatra, Chair, ChE Julia A. King, ChE Seong-Young Lee, MEEM Yue Li, CEE Alex S. Mayer, CEE/GMES, Scott A. Miers, MEEM Daisuke Minakata, CEE Bruce A. Mork, ECE, Dir. PERC Abhijit Mukherjee, MEEM Amlan Mukherjee, CEE

Michael Mullins, ChE Jeffrey D. Naber, MEEM Joshua Pearce, ME Wayne D. Pennington, Dean Judith A. Perlinger, CEE William Predebon, Chair, MEEM Tony N. Rogers, ChE William I. Rose, GMES Eric A. Seagren, CEE David R. Shonnard, SFI Director, ChE Sheryl A. Sorby, CEE Lawrence L. Sutter, (CEE) Dir. of Trans. Center Noel Urban, CEE, Dir CWS David W. Watkins, CEE Jeremy J. Worm, Research Eng., MEEM Song-Lin Yang, MEEM Zhanping You, CEE Wen Zhou, ChE

Center for Science and Environmental Outreach

Joan Schumaker Chadde, Educational Coordinator

College of Sciences and Arts

Susan Amato-Henderson, CLS Nancy A. Auer, BS Mary Ann Beckwith, FA Susan T. Bagley, BS Laura Brown, CS Bahne Cornilsen, CH Mary H. Durfee, SS Hugh S. Gorman, SS Sarah A. Green, CH Patricia Heiden, CH Kedmon Hungwe, CLS Casey J. Huckins, BS Chandrashekhar P. Joshi W. Charles Kerfoot, BS

Karla Saari Kitalong, HU Haiying Liu, CH Carol A. MacLennan, SS Patrick E. Martin, Industrial Archeology SS Claudio Mazzoleni, PH Phillip Merkey, Computational Sci/Eng Res Inst, MA Jingfang Ren, HU Mark Rouleau, SS Timothy Scarlett, SS Bruce E. Seely, Dean, CSA Barry D. Solomon, Geography and Env. Policy, SS Dario J. Stacchiola, CH Craig Waddell, HU Wenjun Ying, MA

Michigan Tech Research Institute

Colin Brooks Liza Jenkins

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School of Business and Economics

William Breffle Gary A. Campbell Gregory A. Graman Dana M. Johnson R. Eugene Klippel, Dean

Thomas E. Merz Paul A. Nelson Latha C. Poonamallee Mark C. Roberts

School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences Andy Burton Rodney A. Chimner David Flaspohler Robert E. Froese Oliver Gailing Kathleen E. Halvorsen Martin F. Jurgensen Ann Maclean

Audrey L. Mayer Blair D. Orr James B. Pickens Sigrid Resh James M. Schmierer Terry Sharik, Dean Andrew Storer Christopher Webster

School of Technology

Lynn A. Artman Jim Frendewey Yu Cai

Sunil Mehendale

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Sustainable Futures Institute Metrics The graphs below contain data on numbers of proposals, new awards, ongoing active projects, as well as financial indicators of SFI operations. In the period up to FY09, most proposals submitted were for smaller single discipline research and education. After FY10, more of a focus on large multi-disciplinary proposals is much more common than before, resulting in a small number of submitted proposals, new awards and active projects. However, the total value of all projects managed currently and in the past by the SFI is increasing and now is just over $30 million.

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SFI Operations Funds are shown above, reflecting the changing nature of SFI support in recent years. Other Income includes direct support of SFI staff from ongoing funded projects, as opposed to staff support from internal research and development (IRAD) funds, also known as Incentive Income. IRAD represent funds from the Michigan Tech general account and is based on the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs on external grants to the university through the SFI.

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The summary of expenses from the SFI IRAD account in FY15, totaling $110,750, provides an interesting look into how the SFI manages its funds while supporting research and education efforts at Michigan Tech. 60% of IRAD funding was used to pay the Operations Manager, with the rest of Operations Manager funding coming from externally funded research projects. IRAD support accounted for roughly 2/3 of the funding for the Operations Manager position in FY 15, which is a large increase from the roughly 8% support in FY 14. Over the long term we would like to keep the Operations Manager supported at least 50% from IRAD funds as opposed to direct support from research projects, to ensure the Operations Manager has enough time to work on developing new research and education projects with faculty and students at Michigan Tech. Employing undergraduate and graduate students accounted for 3% of IRAD expenses, while 3% also was spent on travel for SFI personnel on SFI-related assignments. A significant amount of SFI IRAD expenses, nearly 20%, were for monetary returns to other Centers and Institutes on campus as a result of memorandums of understanding (MOUs) developed with those organizations when developing large, multidisciplinary proposals. This obviously affects the funding structure of the SFI, but these MOUs were required by collaborating Centers and Institutes and may represent the future realities of proposal development within the SFI. These MOUs are for large projects that have been developed since 2012. 14% of SFI IRAD funds are used for supporting research projects, which includes providing conference calling and project management services to large projects under the SFI, life cycle assessment software licenses for classroom and research use, and stipends to teachers who co-taught ENG 5520. Just 1% of SFI IRAD funds were used for office expenses such as office supplies, normal MTU IT/phone charges, and the like.