“Sustainable Energy Initiatives: Global Impact, Local Opportunities

ainable Energy Initiatives: l Impact, Local Opportunities OUR VISION: To enable Massive Scale Sustainable Energy Initiatives that will generate the next vibrant economy while protecting our planet for future generations to enjoy. Together, We can.


OUR VISION: To enable Massive Scale Sustainable Energy Initiatives that will generate the next vibrant economy while protecting our planet for future generations to enjoy. Together, We can. “Sustainable Energy Initiatives: Global Impact, Local Opportunities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “Sustainable Energy Initiatives: Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Page 1: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

“Sustainable Energy Initiatives: Global Impact, Local Opportunities


To enable Massive Scale

Sustainable Energy Initiatives that will

generate the next vibrant economy

while protecting our planet for

future generations to enjoy.

Together, We can.

Page 2: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

• Global Energy Impact Overview: – Why the world needs to move towards disruptive massive

scaling of Sustainable Energy Initiatives (SEI).

• invVEST : Global SEI Leadership thru’ Massive Scaling – Converting Global Energy impact into local opportunities – invVEST Virtual Market Place & How you directly benefit

from supporting the initiative

Page 3: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Energy Use: Global Impact

USA‘06 pop. 307M

3rd in 1990 to 3rd in 2030



on B


Steady Economic Growth in USA & OECD Europe CAUSES…

……increased demand for Energy… adapted from EIA databases

OECD Europe:06 pop. 400M

1990 to 2030 practically flat

2000 GDP: $11T2030GDP: $16T

OECD Europe have similar GDP/Capita profile as USAYet, USA Consumes 54% more energy/capita


Page 4: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

China will consume more energy than USA by 2020& by 2030 will consume 155 Quadrillion Btu, 30% more than USA

USA‘06 pop. 307M

CHINA‘06 pop. 1,280M

3rd in 1990 to 3rd in 2030

1st in 1990 to 2nd in 2030



on B


India is a non player as far as current energy generation trends and pollution it causes globally.


Energy Use: Global ImpactRapid Growth in Developing Countries

Page 5: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Energy Consumption in Quadrillion Btu

‘06 pop. 307M ‘06 pop. 1,280M

3rd in 1990 to 3rd in 2030

1st in 1990 to 2nd in 2030

China exceeded USA in total CO2 emissions by 2008

and will emit double of USA by 2030

CO2 Emissions Million tons/yr1990 2010 2030

USA 4,989 6,011 6,851China 2,241 6,898 12,007OECD Europe 4,101 4,512 4,834World 21,226 28,051 42,325


Energy Use: Global ImpactSOURCES OF ENERGY EFFECT GHG Emissions


Page 6: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities


What this means is by 2050- 2100 at the current trend rate of greenhouse gas release: There is a 99% probability the Global Temperature will rise by 3 degrees Celsius or 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit There is a 50% probability the Global Temperature will rise by 5.5 degrees Celsius or 10 degrees FahrenheitThe world will see severe environmental impact that may be irrevocable

There is a 10% probability the Global Temperature will rise by 10+ degrees Celsius or 18 degrees FahrenheitHigh likelyhood of Environmental Calamity impact that will be irrevocable

For a more complete presentation please refer to “Carbon Dioxide: What is Earth’s Point of No Return?”Alexander E. MacDonald, Director, NOAA ESRLSee VSNI website: Data& Links & NOAA website for more .

Page 7: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Countries with Leading Renewable Energy Initiatives& 2007 USA Energy Consumption Profile

Hydropower: Norway98% of electric60% of total energy needs

Nuclear: France70% of electric39% of total energy needs

Wind & Solar: GermanyWind installed: 22.2 GWSolar PV Installed: 3.8GW

Bio fuels: Brazil40% of Transportation fuel11% of total energy needs

Use of Energy USA

Transportation 8,510 28.64%

Residential 6,362 21.41%

Commercial 5,391 18.14%

Industrial 9,453 31.81%

Total 29,716

USA is a poor second on all Renewable Energy components when compared to OECD EuropeWhile still being the first by a huge margin for Fossil fuels.

Energy Source USA 2007

Billion KWH/Yr 2007 % of TotalWorld Rank Trend

Fossil Oil 11,644.56 39.185% 1 Imports 70%+

Coal 6,691.07 22.516% 2 Exports 2%

Natural Gas 6,955.18 23.405% 2 Imports +2%

Nuclear 2,459.78 8.277% 1 low growth

Hydropower 839.43 2.825% 2 Flat

BioMass 775.08 2.608% 1? Growth

Wind 31.91 0.107% 2 H Growth

Solar 0.76 0.003% 4? V.H Growth

BioFuels 299.50 1.008% 2 H Growth

Biogas 2.67 0.009% 2? H Growth

Other Renewables 16.57 0.056% 2? Growth

Total Energy 29,716.51 100.000% 1

Electricity 11,874.82 39.96% 17

Page 8: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

USA & Germany: A Perspective:Land Area: USA has 26 times more land mass & 1,000 times free/arid land space.Sun Radiance: SW corner of USA (5 times larger than Germany) has 40 - 60% more sun radiance.USA GDP is 4 time more than GermanyYet, USA installed a mere 340MW of Solar PV compared to Germany’s 1,800MW in 2008. USA should have deployed 8,000MW to be on par

What is wrong with this picture?

1 KW panelProduces1530 kWh/yr40 -70% more

Germany Solar Energy

I KW panelProduces947kWh/yr

Page 9: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Total energy needed globally is 100,000 times less than the amount of solar energy falling on earth.

Solar Energy generates less than 0.05% of total global energy. If solar energy generates 25% of global energy, it needs to scale 10,000 times, creating a $3 Trillion Solar Energy Market.

Focus on slicing the pie or make the pie exponentially bigger through massive scaling?

Total energy need of the world

Total energy from Sun falling on earth surface Total energy

need of the world

Current Solar Energy generatedas % of total energy needs

Understanding the Exponential Size of the Pie for the Solar Energy Opportunity:

Page 10: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities








invVEST Virtual Market Place


We use energy in almost anything we do Energy drives economy

Page 11: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

What is invVEST?invVEST stands for: invest in Energy that’s Sustainable thru’ Virtual Teams.

invVEST sole purpose is to enable Global Leadership in Sustainable Energy Initiatives for USA through Massive Scaling.

invVEST will be a technologically & politically agnostic nonprofit organization made up of virtual clusters of thought leaders who are well verfocused on deploying initiatives that fulfills its purpose.. invVEST will enable Close Collaboration between diverse thought leaders from public and private sectors in vertical and functional clusters.

invVEST will work with all other associations & organizations who are involved directly or indirectly with Sustainable Energy Initiatives. invVEST is focused on exponentially increasing the pie size for SEI.

Page 12: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

The invVEST team has identified Three Sustainable Energy Initiatives for Massive Scaling.

1.BreakThrough Solar Energy: Generate at least 20% of total US energy consumption by 2030. Drive price below power parity.

2.Garnering Education Community Support for Massive Scaling of SEI: Involving the Students and Faculty of Schools, Colleges and Universities in generating a mass grassroots movement.

3.Energy Efficiency and Conservation Initiative: The US consumes 54% more energy than a comparable OECD country. Our goal is to reduce energy consumption per capita incrementally by 1% a year for 12 years for a total 12% reduction by 2020.

Other well defined ideas that hold the promise of meeting SEI set definitions.

Page 13: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities











2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Incremental Energy Efficiency & Conservation PlanIncremental Rooftop solar PVIncremental Central Solar PV & CSPIncremental CST: Solar Thermal with StorageIncremental WindIncremental Geo ThermalIncremental Other

Bold Energy Efficiency & Conservation Project:Reduce per capita energy consumption 1% per yearuntil we reach 12% by 2020Quick Wins & Quick Job Creation



PV & CPVSolarCentralBreaktrough


Energy Effeciceny &Conservation ProjectsMaintain at 12%after 2020

Geo Thermal

Breakthrough point fromRadical InnovationsMassive ScalingAggressive programs &Funding put in place in 2009

The Outcome of successful invVEST SEI

Page 14: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities









2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

FOSSIL FUELS : OIL, COAL, GASusage reduces from24,423 B kWh eq. in 2009 to10,747 B kWh usage in 2030

The dip in total energy usage is occuring due to the stretch energy efficiency& conservation programGoal 12% per capita energy consumptionreduction by 2020 & maintain in future years



BIOMASSOTHER RENEWABLESwind,solar, geothermal, etc




B kWh





breakthrough innovationrequired for solar & wind energy storage



The Outcome of successful invVEST SEIChanging the Dynamics of our Energy Usage

Page 15: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Participants in the invVEST Virtual Market Place

Supporters: are any person/organization that supports: Global Leadership in Sustainable Energy Initiatives (SEI) for USA through Massive Scaling for invVEST.

Thought Leaders: are individual (independent or part of an organization) who have a deep knowledge/influence in the specific energy cluster they are participating in and/or people who have deep knowledge/influence in any of the functional clusters.

Ambassadors: The role of the Ambassadors is to facilitate a group of thought leaders that are focused around each vertical energy cluster to bring ideas and initiatives to a logical conclusion.

Page 16: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Thought Leaders & Influencers Energy Cluster

Customers to Energy Clusters

Funding & Financial Sector Cluster

Policy and Regulatory cluster

Behavorial change cluster

Education Services Cluster

Job Creation Services Cluster

Marketing & Strategy Planning Cluster

Media & Promotion Cluster

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Cluster

Solar Energy Cluster

Wind Energy Cluster

Geo Thermal Energy Cluster

Bio Fuels Energy Cluster

Biomass Energy Cluster

Nuclear Energy Cluster

Hydro Energy ClusterOther Sustainable Energy Clusters

Energy Storage Cluster

Energy Transmission ClusterEnergy Transportation and infrastructure cluster.

Coal Energy cluster

Oil Energy cluster

Gas Energy Cluster

Vertical Clusters

Horizontal Clusters

The invVEST Virtual Market Place for Sustainable Energy Initiatives Visit www.invVEST.org to get to virtual market place & SEI useful links

Page 17: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Massive Scalability in future Carbon FootPrint PPI slope

Reducing Energy Dependence on one Region or Source Side Effects Job Creation

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Cluster

Solar Energy Cluster

Wind Energy Cluster

Geo Thermal Energy Cluster

Bio Fuels Energy Cluster

Biomass Energy Cluster

Nuclear Energy Cluster

Hydro Energy ClusterOther Sustainable Energy Cluster

Energy Storage Cluster

Energy Transmission ClusterEnergy Transportation and infrastructure cluster.

Coal Energy cluster

Oil Energy cluster

Gas Energy Cluster

Vertical Clusters

SEI Traits0-10

BASE MAPPING TOOL: SEI selection Criteria. 6 traits defined for Sustainable Energy (SE). The index of 0 means worst, 10 means best.

Visit www.invVEST.org to get to virtual market place & useful links

Page 18: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Colorado Renewable Energy InitiativesWhere are we? A Global Perspective

Most Data : 2007 California Colorado Texas

Population in millions 36.6 4.9 23.9GDP per capita 41,571$ 41,042$ 37,187$ State GDP $ Billion 1,813$ 236$ 1,142$ Farmland million of acres 27.60 31.10 129.90

Total Energy Consumption Trillion Btu 8,360 1,426 11,558 Energy Consumption per Capita Million Btu 232 305 506

Carbon Dioxide metric tons 59,389,047 41,847,344 257,552,164 Sulfur Dioxide metric tons 26,537 58,569 558,350 Nitrogen Oxide metric tons 90,597 65,600 260,057

Total Electric Generation 2006 Data MWH 216,799 50,698 400,583

Geothermal 12,821 Solar 495 Wind 4,883 866 6,671 Wood/Woodwate 3,422 901 MSW Biogenic/Landfill gas 1,684 219 Other Biomass 585 31 44 Renewable Generation (without Hydro) 23,890 897 7,835 % of total 11.0% 1.8% 2.0%Hydro Conventional 48,047 1,791 662

Total Renewable 71,937 2,688 8,497 % of total 33.2% 5.3% 2.1%

What does Colorado as leader in Renewable Energy mean to you?

How can we make Colorado a much more significant player?

Significant increase in Renewable Energy Initiative since 2007 in all 3 states.

Colorado has since installed:

• 4 MW residential & commercial solar panels • Commissioned 8.2 MW utility scale solar plant in

Alamosa. 2nd largest in US. • RFP to install 600MW solar plant, which may become the

largest install in the world.

Significant increase in Wind turbine installs

NREL and Xcel working on several wind, solar, hydrogen fuel cell, hybrid designs…

Xcel Smart Grid pilot in Boulder…

Conoco Philips Renewable Center, Louisville

NREL going through major expansion…


Page 19: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Industry Data & Links :Partial list. Global Organizations dealing in Energy:German Advisory council for Global Change http://www.wbgu.de/wbgu_home_engl.htmlInternational Energy Agency http://www.iea.org/World Watch Institute: http://www.worldwatch.org/McKinsey Institute: The Carbon Productivity Challenge: http://www.mckinsey.com/mgi/GE: http://ge.ecomagination.comGoogle Going Green: http://www.google.com/corporate/green/WALMART: http://walmartstores.com/Sustainability/ US Public Sector Organizations dealing in Energy: US Department of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy http://www.eere.energy.gov/National Renewable Energy Labs home page http://www.nrel.gov/Energy Information Administration home page: http://www.eia.doe.gov/The California Public Commission: http://www.energy.ca.gov/renewables/emerging_renewables/index.html Global Level Solar:First Solar: http://www.firstsolar.com/SunPower: http://www.sunpowercorp.com/SunTech: http://www.suntech-power.com/Q.Cells http://www.q-cells.com/en/index.htmlUnisolar: http://www.ovonic.com/eb_so_solar_overview.cfmNanosolar: http://www.nanosolar.com/Solyndra: http://www.solyndra.com/Greenvolts: http://www.greenvolts.com/Esolar: http://www.esolar.com/BrightSource: http://www.brightsourceenergy.com/Asura: www.ausra.comAbengoa Solar: http://www.abengoasolar.com/sites/solar/en/

Page 20: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Wind:World Cumulative Installed Wind Power Capacity 1980 -2007 http://www.earth-policy.org/Indicators/Wind/2008_data.htm#fig1BioFuels:Solix: http://www.solixbiofuels.com/Heartland Renewable Energy: http://heartlandrenew.com/Other:Hybrids Plus: http://hybrids-plus.com/ Energy Consulting & Services Companies:Ch2Mhill: http://www.ch2m.com/corporate/TDA: www.tda.comERM: http://www.erm.com/erm/main.nsf/pages/homepage?opendocumentVSNI: www.vsnicorp.com Colorado Associations/ nonprofitsCORE: Connected Organizations for a Responsible Economy http://www.corecolorado.org/CRES: Colorado Renewable Energy Society http://www.cres-energy.org/Rocky Mountain Institute http://www.rmi.org/CSIA: The Colorado Technology Association http://www.csiaonline.com/COSEIA: Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association: http://www.coseia.org/newsite/index.php?id=1Environment Colorado: http://www.environmentcolorado.org/eventsASEA: American Solar Energy Society: http://www.ases.org/iCAST; www.icastusa.orgTie Rockies: http://www.rockies.tie.org/Colorado Green Tech Group: http://www.coloradogreentech.net/invVEST: Invest in Energy that’s Sustainable thru Virtual Teams: www.invVEST.org

Page 21: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

BioFuels:Solix: http://www.solixbiofuels.com/Heartland Renewable Energy: http://heartlandrenew.com/Other:Hybrids Plus: http://hybrids-plus.com/ Energy Consulting & Services Companies:Ch2Mhill: http://www.ch2m.com/corporate/TDA: www.tda.comERM: http://www.erm.com/erm/main.nsf/pages/homepage?opendocumentVSNI: www.vsnicorp.com Colorado Associations/ nonprofitsCORE: Connected Organizations for a Responsible Economy http://www.corecolorado.org/CRES: Colorado Renewable Energy Society http://www.cres-energy.org/Rocky Mountain Institute http://www.rmi.org/CSIA: The Colorado Technology Association http://www.csiaonline.com/COSEIA: Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association: http://www.coseia.org/newsite/index.php?id=1Environment Colorado: http://www.environmentcolorado.org/eventsASEA: American Solar Energy Society: http://www.ases.org/iCAST; www.icastusa.orgTie Rockies: http://www.rockies.tie.org/Colorado Green Tech Group: http://www.coloradogreentech.net/invVEST: Invest in Energy that’s Sustainable thru Virtual Teams: www.invVEST.org

Page 22: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

• Colorado Based Public Organizations dealing in Energy:• National Renewable Energy Labs home page http://www.nrel.gov/• Colorado Governor’s Energy Office http://www.colorado.gov/energy/• Colorado Public Utilities Commission http://www.dora.state.co.us/PUC/• University of Colorado Energy Initiative: http://ei.colorado.edu/• CSU Engines & Energy Conversion Laboratory: www.EECLColoState.edu• ENVIROFIT: www.Envirofit.org

• Colorado Utilities:• Xcel Energy: http://www.xcelenergy.com/Company/Pages/Home.aspx• TRI-STATE: http://www.tristate.coop/landing.cfm• Colorado Based Solar Companies:• Abound: www.aboundsolar.com• Ascent Solar: http://www.ascentsolar.com/• PrimeStar: http://www.primestarsolar.com/• SkyFuel: http://www.skyfuel.com/• SunEdison: http://www.sunedison.com/• Namaste Solar: http://www.namastesolar.com/index.htm• REC Solar: http://www.recsolar.com/cm/Home.html• SolSource: http://www.solsourceinc.com/• • Wind:• RES Americas: http://www.res-americas.com/• Vestas: http://www.vestas.com/•

Page 23: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

Upcoming Forums & Sessions:Visit for extensive lists of SEI/REI events: http://www.ethanolplug.com/IndustryEvents/tabid/108/Default.aspxhttp://www.renewableenergyconferences.com/

Two renewable energy jobsiteshttp://jobs.renewableenergyworld.com/careers/jobsearchhttp://www.jobsinpv.com/

Visit www.invVEST.org to get to virtual market place & useful links

Page 24: “Sustainable Energy Initiatives:  Global Impact, Local Opportunities

“Sustainable Energy Initiatives: Global Impact, Local Opportunities

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