Susanne Hauer

Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan for the World Heritage Site Regensburg │ Planning and Building Division | World Heritage Management │ Susanne Hauer/ World Heritage Management, City of Regensburg


Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan for the World Heritage SiteSusanne Hauer (City of Regensburg, head of department on the World Heritage Coordination, OWHC Regional Secretariat North West Europe, Regensburg)International NGOs forum«Protection of World Heritage Properties»June 22-24, 2012St.Petersburg, Russia

Transcript of Susanne Hauer

Page 1: Susanne Hauer

Regensburg’s Approach to an

Integrated Management Plan for the World Heritage Site Regensburg

│ Planning and Building Division | World Heritage Management │

Susanne Hauer/ World Heritage Management, City of Regensburg

Page 2: Susanne Hauer

Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

1. World Heritage Site Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof

2. Why Managementplans?

3. Challenges

4. Elaboration Process of the Management Plan

5. Civil Participation Process

6. Next Steps

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

The City of Regensburg

Location: Federal Republic of Germany, Land: Bavaria/ At the northernmost point of the River Danube

Other World Heritage Sites in Bavaria: Würzburger Residenz und Hofgarten (seit 1981); Wallfahrtskirche Die Wies (seit 1983), Altstadt von Bamberg (seit 1993); Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Obergermanisch-raetischer Limes (seit 2005); Altstadt von Regensburg mit Stadtamhof (seit 2006).

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Old Town Hall

Thurn & Taxis castle

Old Stone Bridge


Visitor´s Center

I. World Heritage Site

Boundaries of Heritage zone

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I. Characteristics

•In 2006 July 13th the Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List

•Regensburg is the 32nd UNESCO World Heritage site in Germany

•The whole ensemble is about 183 hectares in size and includes almost 1000 monuments. “Additional protection zone”: 776 hectares.

•Approximately 15.000 people live in Regensburg’s historic city centre

•Total area in historic city centre: approx. 80.000 sqm

24. November 2007Inscription document was committed at24th. November 2007

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The architecture of Regensburg represents the city's

role as a medieval trading centre and its influence in

the region north of the Alps.

Regensburg was an important transition point on continental trade routes to Italy, Bohemia, Russia

and Byzantium. It also had multiple connections with the transcontinental Silk Roads.

As such, the city exhibits an important interchange of cultural and architectural influences, which have

shaped its urban landscape.

I. Heritage because…

>> Criterion (ii)Interchange of human values

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The Old Town of Regensburg bears an exceptional

testimony to cultural traditions especially in the Holy

Roman Empire .

In the 12th century Regensburg was an Imperial Free City and hosted

assemblies of the Empire.

Regensburg also significantly contributed to more recent European history being the seat of the

Imperial Diet from the 1663 to 1806.

As a testimony to these functions, there are the remains of two imperial palatine palaces from the

9th century, and a large number of other well preserved historic buildings, which are testimony to

the wealth and political importance of the community.


I. Heritage because…

Criterion (iii)

exceptional testimony to cultural tradition

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The Old Town of Regensburg is an outstanding example

of a central-European medieval trading town, which has

well preserved its historical stages of development.

The Old Town is an exceptional illustration to the development of commerce particularly from the

11th to 14th centuries.


I. Heritage because…

Criterion (iv)outstanding example

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

•UNESCO requires management plans. (Operational Guidelines Nr.108)

•To safeguard preservation and development of World Heritage sites

•Historic city centres can only remain vital by bringing together the actual requirements of old town areas with the mission to preserve their heritage.

•work out concept which allows a future without conflict for the World Heritage site.

•Management plans for world heritage cities contain: explanation of the World Heritage site(Visitor`s Centre)• World Heritage properties• Tools and methods for protection and preservation.

Why Managementplans?

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

Our Tasks in Regensburg are:

Balancing the safeguarding of the UNESCO World Heritage site “Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” with the sustainable development of the area (social, economic and environmental aspects)

Securing a multifunctional, vital and attractive old town for residents and visitors, retail, tourism) No Museum.

Managing even conflicting needs and interests of all stakeholders concerned (e.g. residents, visitors, conservators, etc

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan


Printed Version in June 2012

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

The Working Group

Working group in Regensburg (local support group) incorporated all main stakeholders as there are all relevant local municipal authorities, including the PR-department and the Tourist-department, as well as external cooperation partners.

Task: Conjoint elaboration of an integrated World Heritage Management Plan for the Old Town of Regensburg

The HerO-Methodology During the EU-funded project HerO (Heritage as Opportunity) Lead

partner Regensburg and the partner cities contributed to the development of an integrated methodology .

In the HerO Networt 9 historical Cities from all over Europe exchanged expertise and tested different methodologies in their Cities.

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Fields of action

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

1. Collection and Analysis of all relevant existing plans, concepts, studies and instruments for Regensburg (= Basis for the Management Plan).(Regensburg Plan 2005, Leitbild Einzelhandel, Fachprogramm Wohnen II)

2. Conjoint elaboration of an overall vision for the site and development of basic principles and objectives (e.g. regarding building preservation, retail industry, tourism, etc.) Discussion of concepts, identification of topical interfaces and potential conflicts

3. Development of an „Action Plan“ as part of the Management Plan (concrete measures to support the objectives defined)

4. Civic Participation Process

5. Involvement of the political level: Approval of the Management Plan by the City Council

Outline: Relevant steps for the elaboration of the Management Plan:

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

•Extern expert Nils Scheffler (Urban Experst) supported the Elaboration of the integrated World Heritage Management Plan.

•Nils Scheffler also moderated the working group sessions and the Civil Participation process.

•Early integration of funding authorities (in Working Group and in the Hero Network) helped to enhance the chances to use European or national funding resources

Important Support

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

for the World Heritage Site

Guiding Principle

The unique World heritage „Old town Regensburg with Stadtamhof“ – as a centre of European history – is to be preserved in its substance. It is essential to give citizens and guests an understanding of the great value of the World Heritage.


The unique World heritage „Old town Regensburg with Stadtamhof“ is due to be developed as a multifunctional and living place for citizens,guests and commercial activities.

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

Field of Action

Built Cultural Heritage

Guideline:Preserve authenticity and integrity of historic

urban landscape

Objective:Preserve of visual integrity

Action:Persistent Analysis of the planning and building development with regards to the visual impact.

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

for the World Heritage Site

Information - November 2009

Website, Email-Newsletter

PR and Media

Flyer about Management Plan

(Process, means of participation)

Dialogue - December 2009 – February 2010

Information evening

Information desk in Old Town

2-days workshop with interested citizens and other stakeholders. Identification and discussion of key measures.

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

for the World Heritage Site

•Early 2010 the City of Regensburg had invited interested citizens to discuss the future of the World Heritage site Regensburg. More than 70 people attended the meeting

Forming small Working Groups and Identification of Working Fields

Identification the needs and objectives of Participants

Working out proposals and objectives

Evaluation of the results, Presentation of the results

Dr Rosa Micus, a specialist in German studies, Dr Peter Morsbach, an art historian, will participate in all following working group meetings and contribute in particular the proposed actions of the citizenship to the process.

(elected by participants)


The Wold Heritage Dialogue with Citizens

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

Results of the Dialogue

Reality-check of the proposed measures.

Objectives were presented to Head of the City

The Wold Heritage Dialogue with Citizens

Important Aspects:

The actions will be implemented depending on financial resources, the congruence of the measures and their feasibility. A lot of the listed actions cannot be realized by the municipality only, but need support of urban society.

The process has shown how important contribution of civil society for World Heritage is. This great potential will be used in the future. It is planned to hold public discussion regularly in the future and to integrate those stakeholders in monitoring activities.

So public not only is informed about the implementation of the management plan, but influence the updating of it.

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

Structure Management Plan


II. IDENTIFYING ISSUES1. Understanding the historic urban area2. Stakeholders and Structure III. APPRAISAL1. Overall vision and objective for the historic urban area2. Field of actions, their principles, objectives and actions3. Organizational and operational structures

IV. IMPLEMENTATION1. Action Plan 2. Continuous monitoring and review

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Regensburg’s Approach to an Integrated Management Plan

What´s next?

Meeting of the working group on a regular basis (every year)

Monitoring and Evaluation of the process

Public Participation every two years

Heritage-Dialogue will be continued

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Thank you!

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