Susan Campbell : Ultimate Home Workouts™ PDF-Book



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Transcript of Susan Campbell : Ultimate Home Workouts™ PDF-Book

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You must receive your Physician’s approval prior to using this workout program or starting any new exercise or nutrition program.

You must have a physical exam by a Physician if you are sedentary, overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, are diabetic, take any medications, have any other pre-existing medical condition or injury, or if you experience any shortness of breath, dizziness, or lightheadedness while exercising.

Talk with your physician about all exercise and nutritional changes. If your Physician does not approve of the exercise and nutritional changes you plan to make, please follow their recommendations. Do not replace a currently prescribed fitness and nutrition program from your Physician with this program.

The recommendations in this program are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only and was designed for otherwise healthy individuals with their doctor’s consent over the age of 18 years.

You must take full responsibility for your safety while implementing any part of this program. All exercise poses some inherent risk. Always do a proper warm up prior to exercising. Always get instruction of proper technique from a certified personal trainer prior to performing an exercise. Do not lift heavier weights than you are capable of. Do not exercise if you are fatigued or injured.

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Use 10 Minute Express Workouts Safely

* Get an exam from your Physician before starting this program. Get his/her approval on the new exercise and nutrition program you wish to start.

* Always use proper form and technique when performing exercises.

* Always seek out the instruction from a Certified Trainer on proper form and technique.

* When you first begin a new exercise program be sure to exercise at a lower intensity level (both weight load and volume) than you are actually capable of. You will be sore the next day.

* Only do exercises in the program you are strong enough to do. If you find an exercise that is too difficult, find an alternative. If you need more rest in between intervals, take it.

* Always do a proper warm up before exercising, as provided in the program.

* Do not start this program with a pre-existing medical condition or injury. Get your Physician’s approval.

* Make sure any equipment you use is safe, in good condition, and is operated correctly.

* If you have any questions about exercise technique, exercise alternatives, workout alternatives, or have specific exercise and nutrition questions please visit

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10 Minute Express Workouts

Use these 10 minute express workouts in lieu of your regularly scheduled workout any day that you are extra pressed for time, when you are extra low on energy, or if you want to turn an off day into a work day.

Time should never be an excuse with this workout arsenal in your back pocket!

Express Workout #1: Burpees

Thatʼs right, just burpees! Set the timer and complete as many as you can within 10 minutes. Rest as little as possible.

Express Workout #2: Stair running

Use a flight of stairs in your house or head to the local park or ball field. Set a timer for 10 minutes and run up and come down in a controlled manner. Try adding stair skipping and stair hopping to make it more challenging. Rest as little as possible.

Express Workout #3: BW squats

Set the timer for 10 minutes and do as many BW squats you can in this time. Rest as little as possible. To increase the challenge, every 25th squat hold the down position of the squat for 20 seconds before continuing with the rest of the squats.

Express Workout #4: Jump rope - Push ups

Alternate 1 minute intervals of jump rope with 6-10 push ups. Repeat for 10 minutes and rest as little as possible.

Express Workout #5: KB swings

Set the timer for 10 minutes and complete as many KB swings as you can during this time resting as little as possible. Beginners may need to start out at 6 minutes, as this is a very powerful exercise and you may need to work up to a full 10 minutes.

Express Workouts #6: Hill repeats

Find a moderate sized hill, set a timer for 10 minutes, and run up it as many times as possible during that time. Jog back down and use this as your recovery time.

Express Workouts #7: Sprints

Head out in front of your house or use a treadmill if you have one at home. After warming up, sprint at a perceived intensity level of 8/10 for 30 seconds. Follow that with a recovery walk of light job for 60 seconds. Repeat for 10 minutes.

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Express Workouts #8: SB Rollouts - Side plank R w/ rotation - SB jack knife - Side plank L w/ rotation.

Set the timer for 10 minutes and complete each of these exercises one right after another with no rest in between. If you need to rest do so at the end of the circuit before starting again. Complete 10 reps/ exercise.

Express Workouts #9: DB Overhead lunges - Renegade Rows

Alternate these exercises for 10 minutes completing 10 reps/ exercise. Rest as little as possible during this time. To make this easier, do the push up part of the renegade rows on your knees or eliminate the push up all together.

Express Workouts #10: Squat jumps - T Push Ups

Alternate these exercises for 10 minutes completing 10 reps/ exercise. Rest as little as possible during this time. To make this easier, eliminate the push up part of the T push ups or just do kneeling push ups.

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Exercise Descriptions

Burpees - Start in a standing position. Squat down and place your hands on the floor directly in front of you about shoulder width apart. Hands should be directly below your chest. Jump up and thrust your legs back and out landing in an extended push up position. Jump back up and bring your legs back in to a squat. Stand up to starting position.

BW squats - Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides. Brace your core, keep your back flat, and bend your knees to lower yourself to the floor while simultaneously bringing your arms straight out in front of you until parallel to the floor. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor then push yourself back up, lowering your arms and standing up straight.

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Push ups - get down on the floor facing down with all of your weight distributed between your toes and your hands. Arms should be fully extended with hands directly below your shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Use your core to hold your body in a straight line between your head and your toes. Lower your chest to the floor by bending your elbows. Lower yourself until your chest is about 1-2 inches off the floor. Return to starting position by pushing your body back up until arms are again fully extended. Can also be performed on the knees.

KB swings - Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with the kettlebell on the floor directly in front of you. Squat down, keeping your lower back flat, bracing your core, and sticking your butt back and out. Pick up the kettlebell with both hands and swing it back in between your legs. Change directions and bring it back through your legs coming out of your squat beginning to stand, keeping your core braced with flat back, and extending the hips. Arms will swing up to about eye level, at which point you will be standing up straight. Begin to squat back down and swing the kettlebell down and back through the legs. Can also be done with 1 arm.

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Side plank w/ rotation- Get down on the floor on your right side with all of your weight distributed between the right side of your right foot and your right hand. Your right arm should be straight and your right hand should be directly below your shoulder. Your left arm should be straight up in the air. Use your core to hold your body in a straight line between your feet and head. No sagging hips! Bring your left arm down and around your body and rotate your trunk so that your hand can go just past your body mid way between your shoulder and hip. Return to starting position with your left arm straight up in the air.

SB jack knife - Begin in a push up position with your arms extended out straight and your feet resting on a stability ball. Brace your core and balance yourself as you bring both your knees in towards your chest. Roll back out straightening your legs and return to starting position.

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DB Overhead lunges - Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and your arms overhead with locked elbows, holding dumbbells. Brace your core and take a big step forward with your right leg and bent at the knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure your knee does not go further than your toes. If it does, then take a bigger step out as your lower leg should be almost perpendicular to the floor. Drive up through the right leg to stand back up and return to starting position. (Pic below does not show arms overhead with DB).

Renegade rows - Get down on the floor in a push up position with arms fully extended and hands gripping hexagon dumbbells (do NOT use round dumbbells). Lower yourself down to do a push up and return to starting position. Then brace your core and lift one dumbbell up to your chest and lower back down. Repeat on the other side. Can also be done with bodyweight only or kettlebells.

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T push ups - get down on the floor facing down with all of your weight distributed between your toes and your hands. Arms should be fully extended with hands directly below your shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Use your core to hold your body in a straight line between your head and your toes. Complete one regular push up (as per description above) then rotate to your left side to be in a side plank with extended arm (as per description above). Hold for 3 seconds and return to push up position. Complete another push up and rotate onto your right side to be in a side plank with extended arm. Hold for 3 seconds and return to push up position.

SB rollouts - Begin on the ground on your knees with your legs bent to a 90 degree angle with a stability ball in front of you. Extend both arms out in front of you so that the outsides of your wrists are on the ball. Brace your core and lean forward so that you roll the ball out using your arms. The further you go out, the closer the ball will get to your elbows. Stop and roll back in returning to the starting position.

Squat jumps - Stand with your hands at your sides and feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Squat down half way and explosively jump as high as you can. Land with your feet shoulder width apart and immediately go into another squat with jump.

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