Surviving Martial Law

Survival E-Book


This is an excellent guide for prepping for a condition most of us don't give much thought to - Martial Law. It was sent to me by SAA Holdings, who also generously gave their permission for me to post and Tweet and Facebook it to everyone I knew. (I pasted their address below.) It's a scary read, but has lots of info good to think about. I hope you like it. God bless you!Saa Holdings LLC | PO Box 4091 | Independence, mo 64050

Transcript of Surviving Martial Law

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Survival E-Book

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Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................ 5

It's for Your Own Good; It Always Is ............................................................................ 5

The United States and Martial Law .............................................................................. 6

Word War II and Martial Law .................................................................................... 7

Even the Founding Fathers… .................................................................................. 7

Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................... 10

The Executive Order .................................................................................................. 10

What is an Emergency? ......................................................................................... 14

Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................... 16

FEMA, Government and Mechanisms of Control ...................................................... 16

Budgetary Black Holes ........................................................................................... 18

Culture of Crisis ...................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 4 ...................................................................................................................... 21

A Different Narrative .................................................................................................. 21

The Philippines ....................................................................................................... 22

Unionists ................................................................................................................ 22

Word War II ............................................................................................................ 23

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FEMA and REX-84 ................................................................................................. 23

Civil Disobedience and Oppression ....................................................................... 24

REX-84 and What It Means .................................................................................... 25

Bringing it Together ................................................................................................ 26

Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................... 28

It Takes a Crisis ......................................................................................................... 28

The Airport ............................................................................................................. 29

Outside the Airport ................................................................................................. 30

Threats and Real Threats....................................................................................... 31

What it Means ........................................................................................................ 32

Chapter 6 ...................................................................................................................... 34

Martial Law and Surviving it in Practice ..................................................................... 34

Being Realistic ....................................................................................................... 35

Keep Your Head Down .............................................................................................. 40

Chapter 7 ...................................................................................................................... 41

Staying Alive .............................................................................................................. 41

The Mentality of an Oppressor ............................................................................ 42

Networking with a Network ................................................................................. 45

Chapter 8 ...................................................................................................................... 48

Surveillance and the Police State .......................................................................... 48

Basics.................................................................................................................... 49

Step 1: Get Offline ................................................................................................ 50

Step 2: Smile for the Camera .............................................................................. 51

Step 3: One-Time Communications .................................................................... 53

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Cell Phones, PDAs and Other Risks ................................................................... 55

Chapter 9 ...................................................................................................................... 56

Communications ..................................................................................................... 56

Useful Bands ........................................................................................................ 57

HAM Radios .......................................................................................................... 60

Appealing to Everything ...................................................................................... 60

Chapter 10 .................................................................................................................... 62

Preparation vs. Paranoia ......................................................................................... 62

FEMA Centers ....................................................................................................... 63

Chapter 11 .................................................................................................................... 65

The Economics of Martial Law ................................................................................... 65

Precious Metals .................................................................................................... 65

Hoarding................................................................................................................. 67

Other than Food ..................................................................................................... 68

Chapter 12 .................................................................................................................... 70

Understanding and Managing Current Threats .......................................................... 70

Hoarding Dangerous Substances .......................................................................... 70

Arsenals ................................................................................................................. 71

Bunkers and Other Structures ................................................................................ 72

Navigable Waters ................................................................................................... 72

Survival Preparedness ........................................................................................... 73

Chapter 13 .................................................................................................................... 76

Is this a Real Threat or Just a Fantasy? .................................................................... 76

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If you're familiar with the military and what military service entails, you understand that

there's a paradox involved for people who fight for a nation with civil liberties. You might

be fighting for the civil liberties of others, but you do not enjoy those liberties yourself

during your stint as a soldier. This is something that soldiers accept and, once their time

is served, they are treated as ordinary citizens again.

Military law is harsh. Civil law in the United States has some characteristics that are not

necessarily true of military law. For example, a citizen cannot be held without charge. If

a police officer detains you, they only have a limited amount of time to explain why

you're being held and to formally charge you with a crime before they have to let you go.

Habeas corpus allows individuals to demand their freedom, or to have their freedom

demanded by another on their behalf, and prevents the government from arbitrarily

detaining civilians.

In the years following September 11, 2001 and, to a lesser extent, in the years before

that, interpretations of existing law and new laws reduced the amount of power that

citizens have against their government. The United States was originally set up as a

government that had very restricted authority. It was assumed that the citizens

themselves were the ultimate authorities in their lives. The rights that citizens enjoy,

derived principally from the Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to the constitution—

have been greatly infringed upon over recent years. Like all incidents where a

government has moved to strip rights from the citizenry, these actions have largely been

cast as necessary for security and for national defense. Political dispositions and

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ideologies notwithstanding, many people in the nation are greatly concerned with the

prospect of being forced to live in a police state or a state of martial law should things

degrade further.

Chapter 1

It's for Your Own Good; It Always Is

One of the characteristics that most states

with martial law in effect have in common is an officially-declared crisis. Whenever

martial law is declared, it's declared for the citizenry's own good, whether or not it

actually does the citizenry any good, or actually does them outright harm. Martial law, in

some cases, is warranted. In the aftermath of natural disasters, looting and violence can

become commonplace and may be impossible to quell otherwise. Riots sometimes

explode and, because of the dangers posed to people in the area of the riot, martial law

may be declared to bring the situation back under control. In the United States, various

law enforcement agencies and the National Guard may work to bring things back under

control in these situations. In some cases, however, these law enforcement and military

agencies end up infringing on people's constitutional rights. Sometimes, this is

propagandized so that citizens exercising their right to peaceably assemble and petition

the government for the redress of grievances are cast as an angry mob that poses a

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danger to those around them, when this is not at all the case. This tactic can and has

been used against both right- and left-wing protesters in the United States.

The United States and Martial Law

Martial law has been used in the United States many times over the years. As is almost

always the case, these instances usually involved cases where the government decided

that abridging the rights of the citizenry was necessary toward the fulfillment of one

national security goal or another.

While the federal government is usually cast as the real danger to citizens where

declaring martial law is concerned, be aware that it doesn't take the federal government

to make this happen. A governor or the military can just as easily start throwing their

weight around. Again, this is sometimes warranted but is also sometimes used as a tool

to quash politically inconvenient or unpopular voices. Labor activists, civil rights

activists, women's suffragists, anti-tax activists, religious communities and others have

all been victimized by official mechanisms of control and the legitimized use of force, as

have other types of protestors.

There have been several instances where marital law has been used in the United

States. You'll see that the justification for the application of this law is largely the same

across all of the instances where it was used, though the exact circumstances differ.

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Word War II and Martial Law

World War II is usually pointed to by those who want to take a bit of pride in the United

States. Just as it's easy to forget that the US didn't do most of the fighting in the Second

World War—the Soviet Union saw far more bloodshed and hardship—it's easy to forget

that the US engaged in some of the most egregious abuses of power and violations of

civil law in its history during this period.

During the Second World War, there as a brief period where martial law was applied to

the west coast of the United States. The reason given for this was, of course, the threat

against national security. This passed rather quickly, as challenges erupted almost

immediately. Those challenges to martial law, however, did not prevent the interment of

thousands of Japanese Americans by a government that used national security as a

pretext for violating their civil rights.

The Hawaiian Islands were also under martial law following the bombing of Pearl


Even the Founding Fathers…

Using the Founding Fathers to bolster one's political arguments is a common enough

tactic. It might be applied so readily if people studied history a bit more. Andrew

Jackson put New Orleans under martial law during 1812, during the war with the British.

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The Kent State University shooting of war protestors is one of the most famous

examples of martial law being applied by govern ors. The governor of Ohio, James

Rhodes, used the National Guard against protestors at Kent State. The troops shot and

killed unarmed students.

Much further back in history, the Governor of Texas, Ross Sterling, used martial law to

enforce regulations on oil drilling in eastern Texas. This occurred in 1931 and was

invalidated by the Supreme Court, which found that the rights of the property owners


There were many instances where governors called upon the military in civil matters

during the 19th and 20th Centuries where martial law was not declared formally, but the

difference is only procedural.


During World War I, numerous different infringements on civil liberties were committed

in the name of national security. Sedition became a crime, rather than a manifestation of

a citizen's right to disagree with their government's policies. In addition to the war,

conflicts had erupted over labor rights all over the nation or, rather, had continued

erupting, which had been going on since the 1800s. Woodrow Wilson went as far as

disarming citizens—even police officers—in Colorado in 1914 because of the threat to

power that these protests were believed to embody.

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During the Civil War, martial law was in effect on a national basis. This is the only time

that this has actually happened in the entirety of US history. Lincoln declared this

himself. It would eventually lead to the Posse Comitatus Act. This makes it illegal to use

the US military against the US citizenry. This can be done, however, in the even that

congress authorizes as much.

Much has been made of the term "enemy combatant" in recent years. Insurrectionist

and other terms have also been used to strip unpopular people of their constitutional

rights. The Supreme Court has held that the President of the United States can suspend

the constitution in some instances. There are instances, of course, where such powers

make sense. Were there to be an actual insurrection that threatened the Republic, it can

be argued that it is logical that the president should have the power to use the military to

put down that rebellion and to restore order. People who are concerned with the

overabundance of power placed in the executive argue that these powers can be used

to go after unpopular speech under the guise of crushing a threat.

Executive power has been on the rise for many years. Richard Nixon famously believed

in the theory of the Unitary Executive, which essentially sets up the President as the

sole power over the Executive Branch of government. With Congress having ceded a

great deal of power to the President over recent years, particularly in matters related to

declaring war, there are plenty of examples of how the law has changed in recent years

so that preserving the structures and protecting the interests of the government has

taken precedence over preserving civil liberties and protecting the rights of citizens to

exercise them. The president can make use of Executive Orders to invoke his personal

will upon the nation. With more power being ceded to the Executive Branch by other

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branches, this has the effect of encouraging a sort of dictatorship with great potential for


Chapter 2

The Executive Order

For some ideologues, it becomes convenient to cast civil liberties, constitutional rights

and national security as things that cannot coexist. Presidents have, over the years,

taken more and more liberties with what is called an Executive Order. The Executive

Order occupies an odd position legally. In a nation that is ostensibly a democratic

republic, there should be no instance where the president can act as a dictator. An

executive order, however, can provide just that power. Presidents have used this power

to implement those changes or reforms that have been most important to them.

There are different types of executive orders. National Security Directives, for instance,

are different from a Presidential Determination in several ways. It is untrue to say,

however, that a president can act as a complete dictator based on executive orders

alone. There are been limitations found to their power and there has always been

conflict about them. While every president has, to some extent, used an executive order

as a tool of convenience, not all branches of government agree as to the scope of their

power or as to their validity in every situation.

One of the most contentious points about an executive order is how much it can be

used to effectively make law. In order for a president to use an executive order

successfully, they have had to make sure they were acting under existing law since

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1950. Prior to 1950, there were really no limitations on what a president could do via

executive order. In 1952, President Harry Truman was stopped from putting all steel

mills in the US under the control of the federal government by the ruling in Youngstown

Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer. The ruling held that a president has to be acting with the

authority of existing law when using an executive order. Every president since this ruling

has clarified the law that gives them the power to issue any given executive order.

There have been some egregious abuses of power by way of executive order, at least

according to how most people would define the term abuse. Executive Order 9066 is

probably the most notorious executive order signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The order

was the basis for forcing Japanese Americans on the West Coast into internment

camps without charge. This executive order is usually pointed to by those who strongly

object to the amount of power this hands to

the executive branch.

Another controversial executive order is

13233. This executive order was put into

force by President George W Bush in 2001.

Its effect and intent was to make the papers

of Presidents George HW Bush and Ronald

Reagan inaccessible to the public. It was revoked by President Obama.

The executive orders that tend to worry civil libertarians, conservative activists and

many people all along the political spectrum in between those poles are those that have

to do with war powers and those that have to do with establishing bodies that overrule

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constitutional law. The memory of Executive Order 9066 and its disastrous aftermath

certainly plays a role in this.

Some of the things that disturb those who take issue with executive orders most


Executive Order 11490: This executive order requires that federal agencies prepare for

an emergency where they exercise control over the majority of mobilization efforts. To

some, this is believed to have set up a situation where the federal government can

exceed the authority of almost any agency so long as an emergency of any declared

type exists. This was signed into effect by Ronald Regan.

Remember that any state of martial law is usually justified by an emergency of one sort

or another. Egypt, for instance, existed in a state of perpetual emergency and martial

law from the 1970s until the Arab Spring revolution of 2011.

Many people who are concerned about the growth of a police state, the expansion of

government size and power make a connection between some of the powers that are

given to the government in the event of an emergency and those that have been

claimed by a government as necessary in times of war. These powers include:

The relocation of people, by force if necessary, to a location from which they are not

free to go, such as an internment camp in war or a quarantine station in an outbreak of

some sort

The seizure of private resources and mechanisms of production by the government

under the pretense of necessity brought about by an emergent situation

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The authority to declare certain individuals as enemies of the state and, thus, to strip

them of some certain constitutional rights, such as habeas corpus and the right to a

speedy trial

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is believed by some to be a way

that the president can subvert the restrictions on using the military against the citizenry

under the pretense of an actual emergency, or by using an actual emergency as an

excuse to put into place onerous laws and, of course, to simply leave those laws in

effect after the crisis has passed.

Many of the original executive orders that give people pause were signed into effect by

President John F. Kennedy. These executive orders are designed around a crisis and

give the federal government a vast amount of power over the citizenry. Some of the

most controversial executive orders in this group have the following effects:

EO 10997: Authorizes federal seizures of public and private minerals, fuels and

electrical power.

EO 10999: Authorizes the federal seizure of any kind of vehicle, public or private. Also

gives the federal government complete control over roads and navigable waters.

EO 11004: Authorizes the federal government to seize all finances and housing. Also

allows the federal government to forcibly relocate people from areas that are considered

to be "unsafe".

EO 11002: The Postmaster General may register every US citizen.

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EO 12919: Bundles these executive order, and several others like it, into one executive

order. EO 12919 was signed into effect by President Bill Clinton in 1994.

The executive order from among those that were folded into EO 12919 that usually

disturbs people the most is the one that has to do with the authority to invoke the rest of

them. EO 11051 allows the Federal Emergency Management Authority to act upon

these executive orders in the event that there is increased international tension or

economic or financial crisis. National emergencies mean that FEMA gets complete

control. That fact that politicians from all ideological schools are almost always declaring

that there is one financial crisis or another in effect is not lost on many people worried

about the amount of authority these executive orders give to the president by way of


What is an Emergency?

Sometimes, the answer to this question is obvious. Hurricane Katrina, for example, was

obviously an emergency. There are situations, however, where many Americans

suspect that a state of crisis could be declared by a government out of political

convenience. Given the power that is handed to the president through FEMA in EO

12919, many people worry that this could lead to very serious impositions on the

constitutional rights of citizens. People who worry about this oftentimes have serious

concerns regarding the following:

• An emergency would serve as a pretext for the government to gather information

on citizens (blood type, immunizations, etc.)

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• An emergency could be used as a pretense to force injections/vaccinations on

the population

• An emergency could be used as a pretense to seize private land, housing and

industrial complexes

• An emergency could be used as a pretext to forcibly relocate people for political


There have been serious pandemics throughout history that have taken literally millions

of lives. In certain situations, it's likely that quarantining people, whether they wanted it

or not, would have saved many more. The refugees from the First World War are

thought to have exacerbated the flu epidemic that followed the Great War because of

their wandering, for example. Recently, the bird flu was identified as a threat, leading to

a much-criticized attempt by President George W. Bush to get the authority to use

military personnel for law enforcement should the US suffer an outbreak.

For many people concerned about the erosion of constitutional freedoms, a declared

emergency is always reason to be suspect.

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Chapter 3

FEMA, Government and Mechanisms of Control

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.-FEMA Mission Statement

The fact that FEMA is the focus of many of the people worried about martial law is not

surprising. The justification for martial law is usually due to an emergency. FEMA's

entire purpose is to respond to emergencies. It stands to reason that the power to direct

the nature and goals of those responses gives the person directing them a great deal of

power. What distresses many people is the fact that the president has the power to both

declare an emergency and to direct the response of the agency tasked with managing

the fallout of the emergency.

FEMA is no longer a standalone agency. It has been folded into the vast bureaucracy

that is the Department of Homeland Security since 2003. The agency is now part of the

response system against terrorist attacks and is part of an agency that has over 20

different sub-agencies under its umbrella.

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There is nothing particularly sinister about FEMA on the face of it and most people

would agree that having an effective and competent emergency response plan is a

necessary function of government. What concerns people is the fact that this agency is

very well-supplied, that it has plans that allow it to take control of vast areas very

quickly—including the seizure of personal wealth and the means of production—and

that it has limited accountability. So long as an emergency is declared to be in effect,

the agency is believed, by some, to have far more power than it ought to.

President Carter took several acts of Congress and bundled them together. These acts

give the president a significant amount of power in the event of an emergency. The

president may:

• Seize the money and property of any foreign national or nation

• Exercise great control over the economy

• Relocate people, industries and governments to respond to a disaster

From one perspective, these powers would all help a president to respond more

effectively in the event of a disaster and, potentially, to save more lives. From another,

they set up a situation where all a president needs to assume dictatorial powers is an

emergency and where the president can use FEMA as a way to exercise control over

the population.

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Budgetary Black Holes

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. -George Bernard Shaw

If you're a politician and you want to make an agency powerless, you defund it. If you

want to make it powerful, you give it a large budget. If you want to make it

unaccountable, you find a reason to prevent the agency from having to disclose its


FEMA is believed, by some, to function as a sort of shadow government or as a means

of making the will of a shadow government a reality. This view is held by people across

party lines. It is one of the few instances where people of different ideologies—

sometimes vastly different ideologies—share a mutual concern about the growth of

government power in what seems to be a particularly menacing way.

Because FEMA does not fully disclose its budget to the entire Congress. In fact, only 20

people currently in Congress have the security clearance to know how FEMA is

spending its money. Whether you're partial to thinking the worst every time you're

presented with the unknown or not, this means that the agency controls money without

the hindrance of oversight by the Congress, which is intended to be the most

responsive branch of government to the people.

FEMA has some very impressive equipment, and this makes some people suspect that

the agency is being set up as what amounts to a domestic branch of the military. The

agency, for example, has some authority that civilian police cannot come close to

approaching. FEMA may:

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• Detain you without a charge

• Search you without a warrant

• Seize your property without a warrant

• Relocate you from your house without cause

• Seize your wealth without a warrant or due process

• Search or seize your vehicle without a warrant

• Prevent you from leaving or entering an area of your own accord

If you made a list of the types of authority that law enforcement agencies in police states

wield, these would certainly be among them. According to the Los Angeles Times,

FEMA is now spending on the order of 75% of its budget on terrorist related issues. Of

course, this means that those programs are classified based on their being an national

security element to them and, of course, that means that this federal agency has billions

of dollars to spend and no requirement that the public be informed as to the nature of

those expenditures.

Some claim that the expenditures are being used to provide protection for government

agencies above all other things. The famous "shadow government", in fact, is a

reference to the government that would take control in the event that there was a

nationwide disaster. FEMA is believed by many to be the agency responsible for

providing bunkers and other places of refuge for this government and the agency tasked

with keeping order among the populace if such a disaster were to occur.

FEMA operates several training centers across the nation where reporters have alleged

that the curriculum involves taking down terrorists, intervening against suicide bombers

and other paramilitary-style operations. For many, the fact that an agency that is so

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much under the direct control of the president via executive orders has such a great

deal of military and legal power is frightening, to say the least.

Taking the Power Back: Numerous executive orders require the surrender of certain powers to FEMA in the event of an emergency. Not one executive order specifies when or even requires that those powers are given back at all.

Culture of Crisis

Crisis is great for business and great for government. Manufacturing a new crisis for

every day of the week gives justifications for the most outrageous overreaches of power

and the creation of the most onerous laws. Doubting the existence of the crisis can be

construed as sedition, as can pointing out that the actual crisis is not the one being


Every day, the people of America are told that they are living in a time that is unique

within history, that today's crises are, by far, the most perilous of all and, because of

those things, they must give up more and more of their rights to stay safe. The

combination of the 24-hour crisis-driven news cycle, incompetent and ever-growing

government power and a Congress more willing than ever to cede its authority to the

Executive Branch, has made many people very worried about how free they remain, or

will in the future, and the role of seemingly unaccountable agencies such as FEMA in

the stripping of their freedoms.

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Chapter 4

A Different Narrative

No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. -Mark Twain

There is a very dangerous notion that everything the US has ever done historically

increased the level of freedom experienced by every individual involved. This is not the

case. The US has committed atrocities against freedom at home and abroad. The true

narrative of the US is a complex one and, in some instances, the US has resorted to the

same tactics of oppression, forced relocation and indefinite internment that the worst

dictatorships have indulged in. From the 19th Century to the 21st, the US has not always

been kindly to its citizens or its presumed enemies.

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The Philippines

The Philippine Islands were among the first places

the US went when it started expanding its global

influence. Seized after the Spanish-American War, it

was one of the first nations that the US began to treat

as a colony. Native fighters that had helped the US found themselves sent to camps

when the freedom they thought they were fighting for failed to materialize.

President Taft pursed a harsh policy toward the Filipino people for the duration of his

term. The military leadership objected to his heavy-handed tactics, but enforced them

on the Filipino people, nonetheless.


For Governor Eugene Talmadge of Georgia, it wasn't enough to charge textile workers

with civil crimes when they went on strike in 1934. He had them tried by military

tribunals and sent to internment camps where their rights were stripped of them.

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Word War II

It wasn't just Japanese who were sent to internment camps during World War II. Italian

Americans and German Americans were also sometimes rounded up and detained.

What people who object to the whitewashing of history are concerned with is not that

people are being too charitable to the US. The concern is that "it"—meaning massive

government oppression of individual rights and liberties—can and has already

happened here, and on more than one occasion.

FEMA and REX-84

There are occasions when it would seem perfectly sensible to give an emergency

management agency vast powers. In the event that a very contagious disease broke

out, it makes sense that some people may have to be detained or even quarantined to

protect the many they might infect. In the event of a terrorist attack that did substantial

damage to infrastructure, someone has to come in and make sure that emergency

supplies are delivered and that some sort of order is maintained in the chaos. There are

other things for which FEMA has prepared itself, as well, and these scenarios certainly

don't have the benevolent feel that FEMA's disaster relief activities have.

REX-84 was signed into effect by Ronald Regan. The authorization allowed FEMA to

engage in secret exercises to make sure they were ready for certain events, should they

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ever take place. It's important to consider something about the US government's

attitude toward security since the 20th Century.

Civil Disobedience and Oppression

In the 1960s, a great deal of unrest erupted surrounding the Vietnam War and the civil

rights movement. This would bring about some of the most famous instances of police

brutality, rioting and other mayhem in American history. This did not occur in a vacuum.

Events such as the Haymarket Riot in the late 1800s show that America has a long, and

somewhat proud, tradition of civil unrest against the government. During the 20th and

21st Centuries, however, the government's typical responses toward free speech, civil

disobedience and peaceful dissent have become more militant, less tolerant and have

oftentimes edged upon outright infringements of the constitutional rights of US citizens.

The Paramilitary Law Enforcement Culture

In the past, riot police were deployed when protests and other events got out of hand, or

when actual riots were taking place. Today, police clad in riot gear, using military tactics

and military equipment are deployed at the beginning of just about any protest. It

doesn't matter whether the protestors, demonstrators or other people assembling quite

in line with their constitutional rights are left-wingers or right-wingers; the riot cops are

almost always there.

Watch videos to establish for yourself that these aren't the classic neighborhood beat

cops of days gone by. These are units of police who employ very expensive and

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advanced equipment and who are trained in advanced tactics. They are oftentimes

aggressive and overzealous and are mostly unaccountable for what they do. Official

sources are usually employed almost exclusively as ways to get information about the

protestors, allowing the government to define the protestors and their demands. Police

are employed to literally keep the peace. These units act more like military units;

aggressively infiltrating, agitating or simply attacking their perceived adversaries, usually

without any real provocation.

FEMA has the power to use not only the local law enforcement to enforce the will of the

government. FEMA can also be empowered to deploy the National Guard, if they feel

the need.

REX-84 and What It Means

Keep in mind that the US has been developing the military aspect of law enforcement

agencies and that FEMA has been spending around 75% of their budget on terrorist-

related programs that they do not disclose to the public. REX-84 stood for Readiness

Exercise 1984.

REX-84 proposes the following. A State of Domestic National Emergency prevails. This

could be in response to an event such as the US invading a Central American nation

and subsequent unrest developing in the US because of widespread opposition to the

invasion. REX-84 involved declaring martial law, suspending the US constitution,

seizing control of state and local governments across the US and replacing their leaders

with military personnel. It also involved moving populations of people and taking people

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into custody if they were determined to be national security risks. This exercise was

written by Colonel Oliver North.

This is not a conspiracy theory. REX-84 is simply one of the most well known among

many different plans put forth by government agencies to seize control of the US

population through the use of unconstitutional military or law enforcement policies. The

government continues to have these exercises. Government resources for tracking and

cataloging people who are to be relocated or taken into custody based on their political

opinions have been in and out of use since the First World War.

Bringing it Together

In FEMA, you have an example of a government body with a great deal of authority and

very little accountability. This is something that is antithetical to the ideals of the

Constitution, which holds that the powers of the federal government are enumerated

and that those not specifically enumerated are assumed to belong to the people or to

the states.

At the same time that a huge government agency is being given the authority to act on

the whims of one government official—the president—the infrastructure that provides

police protection, disaster relief and other services has become more centralized and

more militarized. The military itself is already specified as being able to intervene in

cases where civil unrest becomes too much of a threat for the government to tolerate.

Of course, exercises such as REX-84 have been specific in preparing these agencies to

use military force to dismantle and take over the civilian government, with no limitations

being set on how long they may hold this power once it is seized.

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There is already a history of presidents, governors and other authorities abusing power

of this sort when it is given to them. There is very little history of those same authorities

ever surrendering that authority once it is given to them.

The pretext for these mechanisms of potential oppression is always national security

and public safety. This was the justification for the internment camps during World War

2 and the brutal policies of the American occupation of the Philippines. Even using only

these two examples, it's easy to establish that the federal government can enforce this

type of brutality here and abroad and that there is always a crisis that they can invoke to

justify such transgressions.

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Chapter 5

It Takes a Crisis

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.-Thomas Jefferson

You might be surprised to know that violent crime in the United States has been

trending downward since the 1970s. Children, on the average, are more intelligent than

were children of their same ages in generations past. There are situations that are

difficult, but today's economic recession, for example, pales in scale and impact to the

Great Depression, to which it is oftentimes compared. Why are so many Americans

convinced that right now, at this very moment, the world is teetering on the brink of


Because someone benefits from people thinking in this fashion. Every dictator is

benevolent just as every oppressive dictatorial law is designed for your own good. As

O'Brien said about Big Brother in 1984: "It's not enough to obey him. You must love


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People are conditioned to respond as if they are under constant deadly threat.

Americans today are expected to suffer the most intolerable indignities in the name of

national security, even though it's unlikely that those indignities do anything to make

anyone safer.

The Airport

In US airports, citizens are subjected to invasive,

embarrassing and sometimes downright humiliating

searches by TSA personnel with the justification that

it's for safety. Going through this line every time tends

to condition people to the idea that they have to put up with this in the name of safety,

because of the supremacy of authority or both.

The 9/11 hijackers, who are the ultimate threats that are being relied upon to justify

these searches, used nothing more than box cutters to take over the planes they

crashed. They weren't carrying binary explosives, guns or anything else on the plane

that would constitute an obvious threat. Even though there's really no way to justify the

invasiveness of these searches, customers are told that it is part of security. This

provides a way to condition the passengers to think that invasiveness on the part of

authorities automatically equates to better security for everyone.

In many other nations, more sophisticated forms of airport security are relied upon.

Undercover law enforcement, for instance, keeps an eye out for people acting

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suspiciously—they would have certainly noticed the very nervous, sometimes vomiting

9/11 hijackers—and leaves everyone else alone for the most part. Simply put, this level

of invasiveness is not only degrading to passengers, it's not even necessary. It's great

for fostering a climate of fear, however, which is useful for encouraging obedience on

the part of the population.

Outside the Airport

Crime is always a boogeyman that politicians like to use to promote fear in the masses.

Far more frightening is the size of the US prison population. As of 2008, the United

States had approximately 5% of the world's population and nearly 25% of all the

prisoners in the world. The US has, more and more, been transforming law enforcement

into a tool that can be used to incarcerate people for long periods for very minor

infractions of the law. At the same time, privately run prisons have become enormously

profitable operations. The judgment of a judge is no longer even relied upon. The local

judge who may have once given a group of rowdy teenagers some community service

and a warning might now have to send them to jail for a long time simply for violating a

minor law. Fear of crime makes this possible; political mendacity, corruption and

convenience keep it going.

At the same time, we're conditioned to obey authority without question because of one

existential threat or another, we're told that pointing out the workings of the government

that make this sort of oppression possible is trading in conspiracy theories. It is possible

to establish with paper trails, testimony and the government's own records that there

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have been preparations made for martial law. It is possible to demonstrate, certainly

beyond a reasonable doubt, that some government agencies have been oriented

toward exerting almost totalitarian control over the populace, even though their mission

statements say nothing about it. It's possible to show reams of evidence that some of

the money that people pay in taxes is spent directly on oppressing those same people,

but all of this is still labeled as the stuff of conspiracy theories.

Threats and Real Threats

The threat of terrorism, domestic or otherwise, is always said to be multi-pronged. They

will take away our freedom, turn us into a third-world country and oppress the masses.

This threat doesn't seem to be one that requires outside agencies to be realized in full.

The government has given trillions of dollars to private banks after they took actions that

should have resulted in their downfall. In exchange for the lack of any sort of recovery,

the US is still saddled with the same corrupt institutions that were saved from their own

actions with taxpayer money. The government has literally lost billions of dollars in Iraq

and Afghanistan and has used a considerable sum of money to pay off regimes that are

clearly hostile to the US and its interests.

The US government has created a tax system so complex that no one really

understands it in full and so full of loopholes that some individuals pay huge amounts of

taxes and others pay none. Most of the time, this isn't based on their income; it's based

on how well they can game the system, or how easily they can buy a congressperson to

change the laws in their favor.

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RICO laws and drug laws are used by law enforcement as convenient ways to take, and

oftentimes sell, the property of private citizens. Never mind that many of the victims of

this sort of law enforcement are neither mobsters nor drug dealers and never mind that

allowing the government to sell items that it seizes for its own gain is simply a huge

invitation to all manner of corruption.

Americans of all political stripes, all belief systems and all ideologies are taking notice

that things seem to have gone wrong somewhere along the way and that things seem to

be getting more sinister by the moment. Freedom is defended by detaining foreign

nationals indefinitely without charge or trial because freedom, apparently, can have no

role in defending itself. Taxes are collected and spent, but little benefit is realized by the

people who pay them. Government redistributes wealth as it sees fit, oftentimes suing

backchannel ways to do it so that the amount of economic manipulation isn't as

apparent as it might be.

What it Means

The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. –William Butler Yeats

Imposing martial law requires that the population is in a state of almost constant fear—

either of some enemy or of the state itself—and it requires that people are conditioned

to obey. It requires that people believe that they have rights while it is established to

them every day by agents of the government that those rights are neither respected nor

the citizen's to defend. It requires that money be directed to the resources of the state

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and that the moneys that the state collects are spent secretly, so the populace never

quite understands the mechanisms of their oppression or, more importantly, how they

might, as a people, starve such mechanisms out of existence.

It requires what are oftentimes called "useful idiots": people who parrot the state line

without thought, who accept any and all forms of oppression as necessary to their

safety and who think of themselves as the masters of their own lives, nonetheless. It

requires a healthy dose of what Orwell called doublethink: the ability to accept to

contrary realities as if there were no conflict between them. In states where military

government and martial law was the norm, such as in Poland during the Communist

era, Orwell's writings were very popular for their dissection of the absurdities, and

brutalities, of state control of every aspect of a population's lives.

Surviving a state of martial law requires the exact opposite of what you're being

conditioned to do by society and by the government. It requires that you subvert

authority, but that you do not attack it directly. It requires that you understand that, no

matter how right you feel you are and no matter how oppressive the state, you have to

pick your fights so that you don't end up taking on more than you can handle. Surviving

martial law requires some common sense, in sort.

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Chapter 6

Martial Law and Surviving it in Practice

Were martial law ever to be

imposed, there would be no way for anyone to avoid its effects. It would only matter

whether you were at the top of the power structure or the bottom of the power structure.

Chances are if you're not at the top of the power structure now, you're not going to be

there if martial law is imposed, either.

Surviving martial law will require the average person to be smart. You'll have to

understand that there will be limits to what you will be able to do. Just as you cannot

change US trade policy toward China, you will not be able to exercise any control over a

government once it starts imposing martial law on the citizenry. It's important to

remember that closing borders is one of the first things that usually happens in a state

of martial law. If you plan to head to Canada or Mexico to avoid the worst of it, think

again. If you don't flee ahead of it, you probably won't be able to flee at all.

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Being Realistic

There are plenty of people across the United States that have paramilitary organizations

dedicated to surviving martial law or war or other disasters and to defending their rights.

There are people who hoard guns and ammunition thinking that they're going to defend

themselves against government troops. In reality, most citizens would be easily outshot

by any average street cop. Put the average citizen up against a trained solder with good

equipment and support and that citizen is going to die, no matter how many guns they

might have in their closet. You'll have to be smarter than that.

It's also important to remember the previous chapter and the information about

conditioning the population. Most of the time, the imposition of martial law on a

population is done with the good graces of the population itself. Remember: Hitler was

voted into office, he didn't take it in a coup. In many cases, martial law is imposed to

cheers and gratitude from a population that has no idea what they're in for and that has

no idea that their government is never relinquishing its power.

Your Guns

Those guns are going to be a big deal for the people who have them now. The majority

of people who own guns own them for sporting, target shooting or hunting, not for

military purposes. This means that those firearms are usually stored out in the open

and, quite often, in a prominent place, as they're objects of pride. If martial law is

declared, this display is the first thing that has to go.

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If you do have weapons, you'll want to hide them for two reasons:

• If there is disorder and your guns are confiscated, you will be defenseless

• Possessing guns may identify you as a potential threat by authorities

Again, think about martial law with some intelligence. You wouldn't want to be defending

yourself against government troops with your average deer rifle. Still, they're good to

have and you'd do well to hide them. Guns can oftentimes be disassembled and hidden

in pieces in various locations. Revolvers can be thrown together in a few moment's time

and, because they're durable, can be hidden for a long time without cleaning or firing

and still perform reliably. Long guns can be taken down and stored in parts or stored

away from the house, at least.

Other types of weapons, such as hand-to-hand weapons and bows and arrows, don't

usually merit so much caution, but it's still good to hide them, if possible. One of the

most important things that an unarmed person in a disordered and dangerous situation

needs to learn is that every tool can be a weapon if

you hold it right and that not having guns doesn't

necessarily mean being without protection.


The federal government has actually been

advocating that people store food and water for a crisis for many years. This is

something you should take them up on.

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Storing food is not suspicious, it doesn’t draw attention to you and it's empowering in a

crisis. Just as is the case with your guns, however, you'll want to keep your food stores,

or the presence of them, at least, as privileged information. It's likely that, if things get

too desperate, people may come knocking on your door—or come to knock it down—to

get at what you have. This is the same in any crisis, martial law being imposed or not.

Here are some things that you will want to have on hand if you're storing food:

Long Storage Times

• Rice

• Beans

• Canned Goods

• Peanut Butter

Medium Storage Times

• Powdered Milk

• Crackers

• Beef Jerky

• Oats and Other Grains

Short Storage Times

• Water

• Drink Mix

• Dried Fruits

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MRE (Meal, Ready to Eat) rations are good for storing food. You can get them at most

survival and military surplus stores. There are civilian versions of them, as well. The

meals are very high in calories, which will be necessary in a survival situation. These

can be expensive, however, and you need to make sure you check the expiration dates

and throw out what is expired.

Never eat food beyond the expiration date. It's more likely to get you sick than anything

else, which can be a disaster in a martial law situation where access to medical services

might be gone altogether.

Vacuum Packed Seeds

There are products out there that you can buy that consist of some seeds in a tube for a

very high price. Having seeds on hand is good, obviously, because you have at least

some way of planting food in a very serious crisis, presumably one that would destroy

modern infrastructure altogether. The caveat here is the money. You can do just as well

going down to your local seed store and storing seeds in a mason jar in a cool, dark

spot. You can always rotate the seeds when they reach their expiration rather than

counting on some preservation method—which may or may not actually work—keeping

them useable for the long-term future. If you're interested in learning about different

types of seeds and crops that you may want to work with, check agricultural sites.

Farmers know far more about this than do advertisers.


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Again, this is only really going to be an issue if martial law was imposed following a real

disaster that ruined a fair amount of infrastructure. It's not unheard of for military coups

and other oppressive political takeovers to involve the cutting off essential services to

subdue the population, so it is a good idea to have water on hand.

First things first, filters come in all price ranges and many of them are more

appropriately thrown away than actually used. A real filter is going to run you over $200,

in most cases, and will have a very limited number of uses. If you want to make sure

you have water, there are two things you need to learn to do.

• Make sure you have emergency water stored up already and that you regularly

rotate it

• Learn how to purify water with bleach

If you are in a crisis and you get a waterborne illness, it could easily mean forfeiting your

life. It's important to make sure that everything in the water you drink is dead or inert

and there are few things that do this as reliable as does household bleach. Bleach does

lose its potency after a while, so be sure you have a fresh bottle on hand. Here's how

you use it:

• 16 drops per one gallon of water (1/8 tsp.)

• Add bleach and let stand for 30 minutes

• Check for bleach smell, if not present, repeat

• Check again, if there is still no bleach smell, throw the water out

• The water will not taste bad from the bleach

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You can also boil water. You only have to bring it to a rolling boil for a minute. After you

boil it, pour it back and forth between two glasses to oxygenate it and improve the taste.

Remember: Filters, bleach and boiling cannot remove petrochemicals or other pollutants from water. Runoff of floodwater must never be drunk, it is always hazardous, even when processed.

A gallon of water a day is the norm for adults. If you live in a dry or humid area, this will

obviously factor into how much water you actually need.

Water must never be rationed. You have to drink when you're thirsty. This is why it's

important to have effective means of purifying water at your disposal. Remember to get

all of the water out of your house's pipes in the even that such services are turned off.

Keep Your Head Down

Don’t stand out, don't lip off and don't get indignant with the authorities if you're in a

martial law situation. Remember, the contingencies that FEMA and other federal

organizations that have trained for include ones where forcibly removing people and

detaining dissidents are part of the plan. If you stick out too much or if you get in the

way, consider yourself part of that dissident removal plan and don't count on going

home anytime soon.

Your best bet in a martial law situation is to obey curfews—these may be, and quite

frequently are, backed up with deadly force—start networking with the people around

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you and to make sure that you don't reveal any resources that you have on hand.

Surviving over the long term is going to require supplies and a plan that will keep you

alive. The prospect is a terrifying one but remember, millions of people have survived

states of martial law throughout history and there's no reason to believe that millions

more won't have to endure the same hardships to survive themselves.

Chapter 7

Staying Alive

In a situation where martial law is in

effect, civil rights are completely

eliminated. Simply put, you have no

constitutionally guaranteed liberties. You have no right to speak your mind. You have no

right to assemble peacefully and, if you try, you can be sure that the assembly will be

broken up in short order, and probably with violence on the part of the state. To make

sure that you do survive such a situation, you have to learn a new set of strategies.

Some of these strategies will mean leaning on people who are also opposed the end of

constitutional liberties, but who are also in the same position you are and who are

unable to do anything about it at the moment.

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The Mentality of an Oppressor

Any oppressive government, whether it starts with a right- or left-wing movement, will

demand certain things of the people over whom it holds power. First and foremost, it will

demand obedience. This means not asking questions and, when you are forced to

answer a question, giving the answer you know you're supposed to give. Even though

there isn't currently martial law in effect, you've probably experienced this sort of a

dynamic before when dealing with law enforcement officers. When you get pulled over

for a minor traffic infraction—or just because the officer decided to pull you over to see

what you were doing under the pretense of a traffic stop—you've probably said "Yes,

sir" and "No, sir" a lot. This is the type of interaction you'll want to get used to with the

authorities. Understanding the nature of an oppressor starts by understanding an

oppressor's vision of authority.

Legitimized Force

All authority rests on the execution or the threat of force. Legitimized force is that force

that is applied by the state and that is not subject to the same restrictions as is the force

used by citizens. A good example of this can be found in self-defense laws. Under

certain circumstances, you have the right to use deadly force to defend yourself, your

property and other individuals, depending upon the state that you live in. A police officer

has far fewer restrictions to worry about if they decide to use deadly force. It's also

notable that you, should you choose to defend yourself using deadly force and later be

found to have done so without legal justification, could go to jail for a very long time. A

police officer would likely face unpaid suspensions, counseling and other bureaucratic

hassles for committing the same infraction and would be treated much more favorably

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by the system. It's not who has the guns that matters; it's who gets to use them that


In a martial law situation, the only entity that has the right to use force is the

government. The stripping of weapons from citizens would likely be one of the first acts

in such a situation. Any citizen found to be in possession of a firearm would most

certainly be suspect and would likely be disappeared. There are certain things that you

can never do openly to anyone who has the authority of the state behind them if you're

in a martial law situation.

• Do not argue with the authorities

• Do not protest, no matter how badly you're treated

• Do not talk back, no matter how undignified you feel

• Do not talk openly with others against the authorities

• Never lay a hand on or raise a hand to anyone with a badge or a gun

It Happens to Everyone

When the Founders wrote the US Constitution, they went to great pains to divide the

power of government. The idea behind this is that no one branch of government is

vested with so much power that it can dictate its will to the other branches of

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government. Checks and balances keep people's rights secure. Over time, the

executive orders, Unitary Executive theory and the concentration of power in two

branches of government—the executive and the judicial—have skewed the power

balance. When people get too much power, it always gets ugly. It doesn't matter what

they believe, what they think or where their allegiances lie. The Founders were well

aware of the axiom about absolute power corrupting absolutely.

In the early 1970s, researchers at Stanford University did an experiment with students.

It is usually referred to as the Stanford Prison Experiment. The concept was simple;

have some students be "guards" and some students be "prisoners" and document the

interactions between the two groups. This experiment became famous because of what

it revealed about human nature. Things got so bad that the experiment lasted only six


The students who got to play the role of "guards" quickly succumbed to the excesses of

power. They used brutality and domination to break the will of the "prisoners" in the

experiment. Eventually, the "guards" began torturing the "prisoners". The students who

were the prisoners became very passive, in most cases, and let the torture and brutality

go on, even visiting it upon their fellow prisoners when ordered to do so. The leader of

the experiment even became corrupted in this short period, not using the authority of his

"prison superintendent" role to stop the torture or abuse in any way. This experiment

was and is controversial, but most psychologists and sociologies admit that it shows

that there is something terrible that happens when people are put in positions where

they have too much power and authority.

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Now, instead of this experiment being carried out by college students, imagine that it's

not an experiment, the authority that the guards wield is very real and that their authority

is backed up by the legitimized use of force.

Surviving martial law will

require you to form networks,

but you'll have to keep some

things in mind about doing so.

Networking with a Network

In most every situation where

martial law has been applied,

people have formed networks for mutual protection and support. You'll have to do this to

survive a martial law scenario, but you'll also have to be smart about it.

You'll need to keep in mind, however, what the Stanford Prison Experiment revealed

about the oppressed as well as what it revealed about the oppressors. Importantly, the

prisoners in the experiment not only failed to intervene when one of their fellow

prisoners was being tortured, they also sometimes participated in the brutality


The most important thing you have to worry about in a martial law situation is your own

survival. Thoughts of revolution or other acts of rebellion may come to fruition at some

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point, but probably not right after martial law has been declared. Remember that the

people of Egypt waited three decades before they overthrew their regime and, to a large

extent, this was because there were plenty of loyalists to the police state. The same

would likely be true in any martial law scenario.

When forming networks with other individuals, you will have to be careful that they're not

going to report you to the authorities. You're not going to want to start openly speaking

against the state in situations where you might be overheard because anyone who

hears might report you. You're not going to want to be caught putting up flyers or

posting on computer networks because someone might see or detect you and report

you. Unfortunately, paranoia is part of a basic survival strategy under martial law.

Remember that the passionate revolutionary type may be exactly who you want to avoid

having in any network of people you join up with. Such individuals attract attention and

most revolutionaries are more narcissistic than committed to righting social injustices or

removing government tyranny.

It's a good idea to make sure you keep your distance from people who are looking to

form a visible rebellion or who insist on belligerence and confrontation when dealing

with the authorities. They might be walking around the streets at the moment gathering

followers, but it's unlikely that they'll be doing so for long.

Your network, ideally, should be made up of individuals who are interested in surviving

and who are willing to help one another do so. The first rule of surviving is not to be

noticed. This brings up another vital point about your social network: visible


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Make certain that you're not constantly seen in public with the same people. This can

create a situation where you inadvertently give away the members of your social

network. Anyone that works for a law enforcement agency understands that the people

that anyone hangs around with are likely parts of any criminal enterprises that a suspect

is involved in. Be sure you don't give away your connections by being seen with them in

public. In most cases, it's best never to be with more than one person from your network

at any given time.


Unfortunately, your most dangerous enemies are probably going to be close to you.

These will be the people that will snitch as soon as they're caught for something by the

authorities or whom will snitch because they believe that it will get them some power

within the existing structure.

One way that you can help to avoid becoming the victim of a snitch is to

compartmentalize information. For instance, if you share food stores with someone on

your block, there's no reason that anyone but the two of you have to know about it. In

fact, it's best if the two of you acted like complete strangers in everyday life. Anyone

who is snitching is going to be paying attention to those you spend time with and is

going to report it to the authorities.

Make sure you never give any information to anyone without real cause for doing so.

You don't want to make casual talk with someone from your network and tell him that

you have some fuel in your garage, some extra food under the floor or a generator out

in the woods. If you have a vehicle, you may want to pretend it's broken down so that no

one knows that you have access to transportation. Even within your network of

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associates, you have to think of yourself first and, by doing so, you can protect the

entire network

Chapter 8

Surveillance and the Police State

A modern marital law state

would be much different from

what you would expect if you

went by how these situations

unfolded in the past. In France during the Nazi occupation, Resistance members could

meet in the woods at night, behind buildings or in abandoned properties to make their

plans. They could hide out almost forever in convenient cellars or bars and could walk

around at night without worrying about being detected by anything but a trooper's eyes

or a security dog. The situation today is much different.

Today's security state has much more powerful means of monitoring its citizens than did

the regimes of the past. Since the terrorist attacks of 2001, surveillance efforts have

been constantly increased and oftentimes have skirted the constitution, when they

haven't defined the protections it affords citizens outright. The Patriot Act made it much

easier for the government to pry into our lives and for the government to establish

secret prisons for those it deems enemy combatants. The change from the Bush

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administration to the Obama administration was supposed to bring an end to some of

the most egregious abuses of the Patriot Act but, as government usually does, the

Obama administration kept most of the powers afforded to it by this invasive act.

Remember that surveillance is always advertised as something that keeps you safe. In

a martial law scenario, you'll soon find out how surveillance really only keeps the state

safe and puts everyone else at risk.


There are a few things you need to understand about today's surveillance technology

before you get into the complexities of dealing with being watched and listened to at

almost all times. Here are some things to consider:

• You cannot hide your IP address online, you can only make it harder to find

• Darkness will not hide you from surveillance cameras

• Surveillance cameras have no tapes that need to be checked; the information is

transmitted instantly

• Blacking out or otherwise damaging a security camera sets off an alarm in almost

all cases

• Motion detectors cannot be avoided

• Sound detection equipment cannot be avoided

• Infrared cameras are the standards now, not the expensive exceptions to the rule

The basic rule about surveillance in the 21st Century is that you can and will be seen

doing whatever you're doing, no matter where you are. If you understand this much, you

can understand how to thwart efforts to monitor your actions. As you consider this,

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however, remember one important thing: under martial law, there is no need for a

warrant, probable cause or a charge to detain someone. Whether the authorities have

evidence that you did something wrong or not, they can take you. This is why dealing

with surveillance in the right way is important.

You'll have to do things a bit differently than you're probably used to, or do things the

same way you did in the past, to survive under the watchful eye of the state.

Step 1: Get Offline

Anything and everything you do online can be monitored and the information gathered

can be retained. Whenever you make a request for a webpage or send an email, that

information is sent through several different routers before it reaches its destination.

Taps can be placed at any router along the way and the information gathered.

During the 2000s, the US was spying on Internet traffic via a secret room located in an

AT&T building in San Francisco. The Obama administration has recently announced

that it plans to request even more power to spy on Internet communications. Their plan

involves making sure that all ISPs and other Internet services are able to comply with a

wiretap order when given one. This means, of course, that those networks are able to

surrender their traffic data to the government whenever it's requested. Combined with

using the excuse of a terrorist threat whenever it's convenient, this means that anything

you do online is subject to being recorded by the government. This is happening even

before a police state or martial law has been declared!

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Online is never a safe place to communicate. When you do go online—assuming this is

allowed under martial law—remember the following practices:

• Never go to a site that opposes the government

• Never go to a news site that is not state approved

• Never use email or instant messaging to communicate with any member of your


• Never use coded messages online, they're more obvious than you think

• Never put anything incriminating on removable media or a hard drive

• Get a file shredding program and shred everything on your computer. Keep the

hard drive blank and use it as a dumb terminal, for all intents and purposes

The number one rule with any sort of online communication is to assume that someone

is always listening and that they're looking for a way to get you in trouble. Follow this

guideline and you'll at least be sure to be sensible about what you say and do online.

Step 2: Smile for the Camera

Americans are photographed without their consent over and over again on any given

day. There are surveillance cameras in most stores, restaurants and retail stores. There

are cameras in banks, at intersections, along the freeways and just about everywhere

else. Between the many different images taken of you every day, it's impossible to go

completely unnoticed. This means that you have to engage in a bit of image control to

avoid catching the attention of government troops.

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First and foremost, make sure you never make an obvious effort to duck a security

camera. There's probably another one nearby taking a picture of you acting suspicious.

Don't look into a security camera. Just ignore them. The number one rule, however, is to

be boring.

In the worst case scenario, there would be someone monitoring you live on a monitor

when you passed in front of the camera. People, no matter how enthusiastic they are

about enforcing marital law on their fellow Americans, have short attention spans. Be

boring and you'll likely avoid drawing attention to yourself. Assume that, however, you

are being monitored almost constantly. Remember that a security camera can be very

tiny device these days and that they can be hidden almost anywhere.

For Some Situations…

Many types of infrared cameras emit infrared light via LEDs that surround the camera.

These make them easy to detect in the dark. If you have a digital camera on your cell

phone or just a regular digital camera, point a television remote control at it and look

through the view screen. Depress the button on the remote control and look for the

flashing light. If you see it, it means that your camera detects light into the infrared

range. If you point such a camera at a security camera in the dark, you'll see a ring of

LED lights. This is a good way to determine whether or not there are cameras installed

with night vision capabilities. You can do this casually as if you were just taking a

picture; being obvious about it would obviously raise suspicions.

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They Have Sound

Most surveillance cameras also have sound gathering capabilities. If you're standing

near a camera and warn someone verbally that there's a camera nearby, the operator

probably will hear you. Be aware of this when you're near any security cameras. You're

probably being listened to, in addition to being watched.

Hidden Cameras

Modern technology means cameras that are downright tiny are very inexpensive and

easy to find. Imagine what you could buy if you had the financial resources of the

government to make such purchases. Remember that cameras can be hidden most

anywhere. It’s common for law enforcement officers and soldiers to have some sort of

video recording device handy to give a record of their actions. Whenever you deal with

people in positions of authority, assume that you're being recorded.

Step 3: One-Time Communications

There will inevitably be times when you have to communicate with people in some way

other than verbally. Most of us are accustomed to doing so over the Internet or other

electronic communications. In a situation where martial law prevails, this is far too

dangerous. The easiest and best way to communicate in these situations is by written

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letter. You'll want to adhere to some basics when communicating under the nose of the

agents of a martial law state.

First, use some sort of code to communicate. This doesn't necessarily have to be

encryption. During World War II, resistance communications famously made use of

codes that substituted meaningless phrases for direct information. For example "John

has a long moustache" was a code that was broadcast before the Allied invasion of

Normandy that told the resistance that the Allies were coming. You can use such codes

in your own letters. The more natural sounding they are the less suspicion they will

arouse. Talking about a flower garden in a letter, for instance, could be a coded way

about talking about exchanging food.

During the Cold War, espionage agents used what were called one time pads. These

were codes that were used only one time and, thus, they are unbreakable. These are

usually substitution codes that use numbers to deliver the messages. In order for a one

time pad to work, the person sending the message and the person receiving the

message must both have a copy of the code. After decoding the message, the receiver

destroys the paper used to decode the message and the sender destroys their copy, as

well. Because the code no longer exists and because it is used only once, it can never

be broken.

There are ways to encrypt messages electronically, as well, but you can count on the

fact that the government will have better means of encoding and decoding message

electronically than you will. They will also have access to the type of people who can

decode just about anything, so be sure that you don't rely on this too heavily.

Remember that, even if you do encrypt a message that you send online, you can be

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traced as the source of the message in the first place. In a state of martial law,

communicating with any type of encoding applied to the message will likely be as

criminal as whatever you're communicating in the first place, so be sure that you don't

make the mistake of thinking you're not going to get in trouble for an encoded message

simply because the authorities cannot read it.

Cell Phones, PDAs and Other Risks

Your cellular phone is capable of tracking your movements, storing the data,

transmitting the data or letting someone know where you are in real time. In fact, these

features are oftentimes used as ways to market these devices. Remember that these

are also features that can be used to track you.

Any type of portable network device can be tracked and it doesn't take long it figure out

where you are. Normally, this is a good thing. It's a feature that makes it possible for

someone to find you if you have a medical emergency and can't do anything more than

dial 911, for instance. It's also a feature that lets parents keep tabs on where their

children are and that lets people navigate new cities without getting lost.

Both iPhones and Android phones have been the subjects of controversy because of

the location information they give about their users. If you're living under a state of

martial law, you can be sure that the government will use these devices to keep tabs on

where citizens are.

These devices are also subject to monitoring. Cellular phones, for all their fancy

features, are really just radio devices. Any radio signal can be intercepted and decoded,

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provided that the intercepting party has the right technology. The government certainly

has that technology!

Never have a conversation on a cellular phone that you wouldn't want someone else to

hear. You'll also want to make sure that you have any GPS features on your cellular

phone turned off.

There is one very real risk of cellular phones that you must always keep in mind.

Cellular phones can be turned on remotely from the network. This means that someone

can turn on your phone and use the microphone to listen in on what's going on without

you knowing. The best policy under a state of martial law is to assume that any and all

methods of surveillance are being used by the government and to act accordingly.

Chapter 9


"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." –Mark Twain

The safest forms of communication to

use under a repressive regime are those that are one-to-many in design. This means

devices such as radios that do not transmit, but that allow you to receive information.

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When you're using these devices to get information, however, remember that some of

that information will be purely propagandistic.

Useful Bands

AM and FM radios are generally short-distance affairs. AM radio can sometimes pick up

signals from a long way away, but this is usually due to tricks of the atmosphere and

isn't reliable enough to depend on these devices. The reason that range will be

important is that media and information control is likely to be complete in a police state.

For many decades, people living in totalitarian nations have relied upon shortwave radio

as a means of getting information from the outside world.

A shortwave radio can pick up communications from around the globe. This means that

you can get information from them that is not approved by the standing government,

which will be vital in a crisis situation such as one where martial law has been imposed.

The best way to control a population, as far as many dictators are concerned, is through

fear. By making the population fearful of chimeric enemies, the state can exert total

control. This will be a hugely important strategy used by the government in a situation

where they want to keep martial law in effect for long enough to solidify their power.

There are a few lies commonly used to scare a population into submission:

• Fear of attack by outside militaries or terrorists

• Fear of attack by enemies of the dominant culture

• Fear of a natural disaster or illness

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Any of these will work well to keep the population from asking too many questions.

There are usually appeals made to the conscious of the citizens that are designed to

encourage obedience, as well. They include:

• Appeals to patriotism

• Appeals to religion

• Appeals to self-interest

Any one of these things can be twisted into something sinister. Loyalty to one's fellow

citizens can be twisted into loyalty to a repressive regime. Loyalty to a religion can be

twisted into a call to obedience to the government. Having a shortwave radio will allow

you to get information from outside the nation, which means that it will be outside the

control of the martial law state and, therefore, likely to be more useful and accurate.

A state of perpetual crisis is something that requires perpetual hype. This oftentimes

comes from the media and you'll have to learn to recognize, and ignore, the hype. This

may not be as easy as you think; Psyops are some of the most developed and effective

means of waging war.

Propaganda and Recognizing It

In a police state, you'll be encouraged to love your oppressors. You'll be told that

conformity and obedience bring prosperity and safety for all. Remember: every

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dictatorship every conceived has been "for the good" or the nation it oppressed. You're

going to have to think for yourself a bit to avoid falling prey to propaganda.

Here are some things to consider:

• FEMA has provisions for organizing clergy to preach a message of obedience

• Martial law is specifically against the constitution, anyone who imposes it is, by

definition, treasonous

• Being oppressed by your own government is no protection against being

oppressed by another

• All media should be regarded as suspect

• Be wary of repeated phrases in different venues: they're the signs of talking

points, one of the most basic propagandistic techniques

• If it seems like the media is trying to pound a message or idea into your head,

they probably are

• State-run media always lies: always, every single time it goes on the air

Seizing control of the media is a necessity for a state that wants to impose martial law.

Love it or hate it, the press in the US is free to speak truth to power and that, of course,

is one of the greatest possible threats to power. This means that, in a situation where

martial law is being imposed, freedom of the press will be the first thing to go.

What you'll need to remember is that the state will make every effort to keep the

appearance of a free press. Oppressive regimes almost never make it apparent that all

the media is state controlled. Slanted, biased and outright false information is given

under the guise of being objective; this is a necessity for the propagandist. If you want a

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good example of propagandized media, you can see plenty of videos of North Korean

television on the Internet. You'll see the repeated messages, fear mongering and

appeals to love for the government and the leader that are the hallmarks of propaganda.

HAM Radios

HAM radios allow you to transmit and receive, sometimes worldwide, depending upon

your equipment and your level of skill. Unfortunately, these radios make use of large

antennae and are likely to be confiscated if martial law is imposed. If you can keep one

of these tucked away, it may prove very useful. Remember that the transmissions can

be traced, however, and that you may wind up in a very bad position if you're found

broadcasting on one of these radios without permission. There are mobile versions of

these radios but, again, they require antennae that are painfully obvious to anyone

looking for clandestine broadcasting equipment. If you use one of these, tear it down

and hide it away immediately.

Appealing to Everything

There's a truth about torture that states that, given enough of it, anyone will crack. The

same is true about propaganda. No matter how strongly you believe in something and

no matter how much you object to a military state, there will be propaganda that will hit

you where it hurts or that will trigger your sympathies.

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Be aware that you're not invulnerable to falling for a pretty lie. They may tell you that

obeying is only necessary for a short while until the danger passes, but the danger

never will pass. They may tell you that you only have to give up your constitutional

freedoms for a while so that they can win a war, but that war will never end. They may

tell you that your religion, your nation or your family is imperiled by an enemy, when the

state poses the greatest threat of all to each of those things.

Don't believe the lies. The most dangerous kind of propagandist is not the bellowing

strongman who demands that he is followed. The most dangerous propagandist is the

reasonable, affable spokesperson who knows how to make you feel like all of the

wrongs that the state is committing are benefitting you and keeping you safe.

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Chapter 10

Preparation vs. Paranoia

When someone tells you not to believe anything you read or hear, it's actually a good

idea not to believe that person. There is a difference between paranoia and preparation

just as there is a difference between discerning and delusion.

Preparing requires a solid plan, a realistic idea of what you are preparing for and a

reasonable set of steps that you can take to make sure you and your family are as safe

as possible. Paranoia requires only that you believe everything that confirms what you

already suspect and deny everything that goes against your suspicious. Paranoia

makes you ineffective, unprepared and easily manipulated. For every left-wing radical

that wants you to give up your money and live under a state-controlled economy there is

a so-called patriot that wants to impose their right-wing version of America on you, as

well. If there's a boot on your neck, it doesn't matter whether it's on the left or right foot.

What matters is the threat posed by a government that has grown so large and so

powerful that it cannot resist growing further. Like a cancer, government will sometimes

grow and grow, even if it means killing the thing that gave it life in the first place.

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FEMA Centers

REX-84 and other operations like it are real. They are taken seriously by scholars from

all ideological backgrounds and are universally considered indications that the

government does make provisions for what amounts to martial law. There are centers

located in every state designated as places to take those who dissent if martial law is


You may want to avoid living near areas that are convenient for detaining people, such

as military bases. It's a good idea to have an evacuation plan in case martial law is

declared and to make sure that everyone in your family knows it. This doesn't have to

be a plan solely for cases where martial law is imposed. You could use this same plan

to evacuate the area in the event of a natural disaster, as well, or some other crisis.

Make sure your evacuation takes into account the routes that you'll be taken in terms of

what government buildings you'll be going by. Avoid:

• Military bases

• Police Stations

• Arenas and other areas where large groups can be detained

• Emergency shelters of any kind

• Main traffic arteries, if possible

• Well-maintained roads into wilderness areas (take the back roads)

Among the provisions of REX-84 was finding ways to detain people effectively. In a

martial law scenario, this usually means rounding people up in large numbers and

moving them around from place to place against their will. It's easiest to do this if you

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can get the people into a large group, supervise them with armed guards and vehicles

and keep them moving enough to keep them disoriented and to prevent them from

getting a plan of escape together. If this happens to you, don't try to flee. If you're

dealing with soldiers, they're not in the habit of missing what they shoot at and they're

very likely to shoot at anyone who defies the will of the state in a situation where martial

law has been declared. Defying the will of the state may mean speaking out against it or

it may mean just trying to go home when you're being detained. Live to fight another


Worry About Yourself

In some cases, martial law results in or is the result of completely social entropy. When

this happens, you're likely to be getting a lot of messages that tell you not to react to the

crisis and to do as you're told.

The most important thing you have to do is to make sure that you and your family are

provided for. Just ignore the appeals to guilt and other emotions that you'll be getting as

encouragement to obey. If you are out of water, get some. If you are out of food, get

some. Take care of yourself first and don't worry about what the martial law state wants

you to do beyond what is required to help you stay alive.

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Chapter 11

The Economics of Martial Law

The US dollar is still the standard for

economies but it is on shaky ground as of the

last few decades. Inflation and the US debt make the dollar unstable and, of course, an

economic crisis is one of the pretexts that can be used for the imposition of martial law.

If martial law is declared, one way that the government can control the population is by

manipulating the value of currency. This means that you're going to have to learn to

function by trading in other ways for goods and services.

Precious Metals

Gold, silver, platinum and palladium are oftentimes marketed as ways to save your

wealth in a situation where the dollar loses value. This is true, to an extent. This

presumes that there is a functioning market on which to trade, however, and this may

not be the case if martial law is declared.

If martial law is declared and if the markets are forcibly seized by the state, the state will

be the one to determine the market value of any commodity, including precious metals.

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In the underground economy, they'll function like anything else that exists outside the

official economy. These metals will be worth whatever people are willing to trade for

them. There are two possible ways that this can turn out and there is a significant risk to

consider here.

The first way that it may turn out is the more optimistic scenario. In such a scenario,

people agree that whatever they're using for currency has a certain value and they

exchange goods and services for that currency based on the established value. This is

basically a free market. This may happen if there is enough stability within society to

support it. Having a currency other than the dollar on hand may be very useful in this

situation. Precious metals can also be desirable as a means of underground trading

because they can be exchanged for the currency of other nations, as well.

The second scenario is less optimistic. In a very oppressive state of martial law, the

term "intrinsic value" will take on a whole new meaning. If you can't eat it, use it for

shelter or use it to defend yourself, it basically has no value at all in such a situation.

This is where bartering and networking come in.

If you have other friends who like to be prepared, you can make sure you have a

relationship set up with them where you can trade goods. Perhaps you have food and

they have fuel or vice versa. They may have a great place to lay low that you can use

and you might have a vehicle that they can use to work and get money. There are

plenty of ways that you can do this so that you don't starve or freeze and so that you

support those who support you. A state of martial law is one where one's loyalty to their

fellow Americans will be incredibly beneficial. This type of trade is also untraceable by

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the state, which will be very important for anyone who wants to ensure the safety of

their family.


Believe it or not, many states have laws against hoarding resources, particularly in

times of crisis. This can be used as a pretense to take away what you have, of course,

which means that you're going to want to keep your stash of goods and wealth in a safe

place. This may be harder than you think in a situation where martial law has been

declared. Remember that martial law means that you have no right to life, liberty or the

pursuit of happiness, so expect to get searched, a lot.

There are several different ways that you can keep the authorities from finding anything

you have that's contraband. There are good guides to hiding such items that you can

find online, but here are some basics.

• Hiding things in the open is a good strategy, people never look there

• Keep vehicles non-descript and, preferably, beat-up looking

• If possible, store goods somewhere other than your house

• If you have a hiding spot, make sure you can watch it for a while before you

actually approach it

• Make sure that any food items are properly protected from pests and the


• Never tell anyone what you have or how much of it you do have

• Always keep a "captain's stash"; a little bit extra of everything just for yourself

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Some people like to use various means to either set up alarms for their goods or to

actually booby trap their goods. There is an important consideration here that you have

to take into account. When an alarm goes off, anyone who hears it will assume that

something valuable is in the area, which can be very bad. Alarms are usually used to

call the attention of the authorities, which is exactly that you don't want in a state of

martial law.

Booby traps tend to make fools out of everyone who sets them. They may backfire and

injure you or someone you care about. If the authorities do find whatever you have

stashed, and are injured or killed by your booby trap, you can imagine what's going to

happen to you when they find out that it was yours. In some cases, it might be best to

just leave your goods well hidden but otherwise unprotected. This ensures that an alarm

will not call attention to their existence and that you won't inadvertently make yourself

into a murderer by killing someone.

Other than Food

There are some items that you should have on hand other than food, just in case you

need them. These items will be handy whether you're dealing with martial law being

imposed or a natural disaster. Consider having the following stashed somewhere safe

at all times:

• Fuel

• Canned Heat

• Matches or lighters

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• Medications

• First Aid Kits

• Pain Relievers

• Extra Eyeglasses

• Extra Clothing—Seasonal Clothing

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Chapter 12

Understanding and Managing Current Threats

If you're going to prepare for martial law, you have to understand the laws as they

currently exist and learn to work within them so you don't get yourself into trouble. There

are differences depending upon where you live that you'll need to pay attention to as far

as storing certain items. These restrictions are

sometimes severe and you may find yourself in a bad

way if the authorities find out that you've been doing

something that they can fine or imprison you for.

Hoarding Dangerous Substances

There are regulations that govern how certain

substances have to be stored. For instance, if you're

storing fuels, they have to be in approved containers

and they have to be stored in a way that provides a

safe situation relative to the amount of fuel in question.

You may be able to store 10 gallons of gas in cans in your garage, but if you store 100

gallons, you may run askew of environmental regulations in your state. Be sure to check

to make sure you don’t cause any trouble.

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There are some substances that will draw attention because, when combined, they are

used for illegal activity. For instance, just about every farm in the nation has diesel fuel

and fertilizer on the property. Buy enough of these items without having a farm to justify

it, however, and it looks like you're building a bomb. Be sure you're not inadvertently

hoarding items that may get you placed on a terrorist watch list of one sort or another.

Remember that you can do so innocently without having a clue that the substances you

were buying could be used in that way. You might be buying sulfuric acid and drain

cleaner to fix up your plumbing, but that doesn’t mean that the authorities can't use it as

a pretense to say that you're manufacturing methamphetamine and raid your home.

Keeping your head low and making sure you don’t accidentally call attention to yourself

is imperative.


Gun laws change constantly in the US. One minute a certain type of weapon or clip is

illegal and the next it's perfectly fine. If you have firearms, you have to make sure you

stay on the right side of these laws. If you're already the kind of person that the

authorities don't particularly care for, they can always use one obscure gun law or

another as an excuse to invade your home.

Do everything according to the law and never buy any firearm on the black market.

There's no point and it's a very serious offense. In fact, it's one of the best ways to get

yourself thrown into detention when there isn't even martial law in effect.

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Possessing anything that is strictly prohibited, including fully automatic weapons,

explosives and explosive detonators and so forth can be construed as an indication that

you're a terrorist of some sort. This can land you in a lot of trouble. Again, no matter

how offensive you may find the impositions on Second Amendment rights, stay within

the lines and make sure you're not making yourself a target.

Some states are much stricter with gun regulations than others are. Generally speaking,

the Western US is more accommodating than are many of the states in the east.

Bunkers and Other Structures

Believe it or not, you can easily run askew of building codes by building shelters. There

are specific requirements in every city about what you have to do to build on your

property. If you live in rural area, you can probably get away with building something on

your land without asking anyone, but be sure you check into the requirements first. Any

structure on your property may affect your tax status, as well, so be sure you're doing all

of this correctly so you don't get into trouble.

Navigable Waters

If you're fortunate enough to live by the ocean or one of the Great Lakes and have a

boat, you may be able to escape the imposition of martial law altogether. Watercraft that

are big enough to take long distances usually have enough room to store supplies in

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them and, of course, once you hit international waters or another nation's borders,

you're home free. Many people who worry about martial law and the growth of

government have a plan to get out if need be and it sometimes involves a watercraft.

Watercraft that are smaller, such as canoes and fishing boats, can also be useful for

simply fleeing an area where people are being rounded up and they don’t require that

you take to the roads, which will most likely be patrolled, to get away.

Survival Preparedness

You can take survival training from many different sources

and get the skills you'll need to survive in the wilderness for

a time. There are so many resources for this type of

training that there's no reason not to take it. It doesn't cost

much money; remember that you're not blowing money on

luxury camping equipment here.

You can learn how to build fires, fish and hunt for your food

and basic first aid for a start. This will give you the skills you

need to get out of a hot area if you need to and to remain undetected while you're


Most of the people who are really into the survival end of things will recommend that

you have an evacuation kit prepared in advance. This should contain at least the


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• Food

• Water

• A Tarp

• A Sleeping Roll

• Soap

• Matches or a Lighter

• A Compass

• A Map

• Cash

• Identification

• Cookware, if needed

• A radio

• A knife

Remember that MRE rations contain everything you need to prepare a meal, including a

heat source. A few of these will easily fit into a backpack and they have enough calories

to keep you sustained for a long time.

If you're going into the woods, you may well want to take a firearm for protection.

Twelve gauge shotguns are versatile and, with buckshot or slugs, can bring down large

game for food. Single-shot and double-barreled break action guns are very simple to

clean and maintain. Single-shots are very lightweight.

You can also prepare a kit to keep in your car but remember, the roads will almost

always be heavily patrolled in a situation where martial law is imposed on the

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population. Get caught in a vehicle with survival gear in it and they'll know that you're

probably up to something.

Here are some resources for getting reliable, non-hobby survival gear:

Tarps and Tents: Camping and hardware stores

Backpacks, compasses, waterproof matches, knives: Sporting good or survival stores

MREs: Army surplus stores. Canned goods are also excellent choices

Identification: A passport is preferable, for obvious reasons. An officially issued state ID

is second choice.

Cash: This can be US currency, if it's all you have, or you can take precious metals, if

you want to convert that wealth into another form of currency, particularly if the US

dollar is completely devalued due to the takeover by the government.

Remember to have extra supplies of any medications you need and to have an extra

pair of eyeglasses, as well.

With these items and the right training, you should be fine roughing it for a while.

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Chapter 13

Is this a Real Threat or Just a Fantasy?

No matter what your politics may be, there

is good reason to be afraid of the direction in which government has been growing in

the US. Society has increasingly been more likely to imprison people for infractions that

wouldn't get them anything more than a small fine in other nations, even nations that are

ostensibly less free than the US. The government has been continually grabbing new

powers and using this or that threat as a justification to trample over the inalienable

rights of the people. Once these powers are seized, they are almost never given back.

Society has also become more dependent on means of communications that are easily

controlled. For instance, the Internet is the dominant means of communication among

young people today. It's a form of communication that the government can shut down at

will. An "Internet kill switch" has long been a goal of the government and, of course, the

justification for shutting down the freest forum of communication ever devices is national

security, as always.

Hurricane Katrina already showed how fast the government will act when it gets a

chance to seize firearms. Remember that, in the aftermath of Katrina, people were

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generally just using their guns to defend themselves against being robbed, which is

supposed to be their right. The Patriot Act and other legislative maneuvers have shown

that government will not hesitate to seize power given the right national security crises.

The government will always seek to create a narrative where there is some sort of

conflict between people having the rights that they are guaranteed by the constitution

versus the nation being safe, as if freedom is somehow inherently dangerous and

oppression is somehow safe.

Whether or not marital law ever comes to fruition, exercises just as REX-84 exhibit that

it is something that the government is ready to impose and that it has worked out to the

most exacting degree. The government is ready and able to enact martial law on the

population. All it takes is a politician that is willing, and the worst fears of many

Americans could be realized.