Surveyor for Students

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Transcript of Surveyor for Students

  • Surveying

    Dr. Mohamed AshourAssistant Professor of Removable Prosthodontic, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Al- Azher University

  • The Component Parts

    of Removable

    Partial Dentures

  • Denture BaseArtificial Teeth Supporting Rests

    Retainers Direct retainersIndirect Retainers

    Connectors: Major ConnectorsMinor Connectors

    The Component Partsof Removable Partial Dentures

  • It is the procedure of locating and delineating the contour and position of the abutment teeth and associated structures before designing a removable partial denture


  • Why do we survey dental casts ?and What are the objectives ?

    A partial denture must be designed so that it can be easily inserted and

    removed by the patient,

    It should be retained against reasonable dislodging forces and have the best

    possible appearance.

  • EssEntial tErminology

  • Undercut

    Survey line

    Guiding planes

    Path of insertion and path of removal of the denture.

  • which is the most bulbous and convex part of the tooth, also called maximum bulge .

    The Survey LineIs a line outlined on the cast by A surveyor marking the greatest prominence of tooth contour (height of contour)

    Undercuts on Teeth:

    Height of contour:

    Is a dig or a burrow lie below the height of contour .

  • Definitions Height of contour

    UndercutUndercut == InfrabulgeInfrabulge UndercutUndercut == InfrabulgeInfrabulge

    SuprabulgeSuprabulge SuprabulgeSuprabulge

  • Undercut Area

    Undercut: An undercut is formed when the base of an object is smaller than its top

  • No undercut

  • Survey line

    Undercut Area

  • Types of undercuts

    Tooth Undercuts (Proximal undercuts)

    Soft Tissues or bony Undercuts(on lingual side of ridge)

  • Partially edentulous mouth has many undercuts that result due toII-- Bulbous shape of the crowns of natural

    teeth resulting in buccal and lingualundercuts.

    2- The inclination of the long axes of teeth in relation to A vertical line

    44-- Proliferation of soft tissues covering the edentulous ridge

    33-- The inclination of soft tissues or bone to A vertical line

  • 1-Desirable Undercuts 2-Undesirable Undercuts

    All the Undercuts areUndesirable undercuts

    Except That used for denture retention

    Types of undercuts

  • Components of metallic removable partial dentures are all rigid, with the exception of the flexible retentive clasp arm located in an undercut area for retaining the restoration against dislodging forces Flexible clasp arm engaging tooth undercut

  • Path of insErtion and

    Path of rEmoval of a dEnturE

  • The direction in which a restoration moves from the point of initial contact with the supporting teeth to the terminal resting position where the occlusal rests are seated and the denture base is in contact with the tissue

    The direction of movement of the restoration from its resting position to the last contact with the supporting teeth". It is the reverse of the path of insertion

    Path of Insertion

    Path of Removal

  • Selection of The Path of InsertionThe Most Favorable Path of Insertion (PI) Is That Perpendicular to the Occlusal Plane

    Most Patients Tend to Seat Their Dentures Under Biting Force

    If Undercuts are Present but Not Efficient at the Zero Tilt

    If Displacement of the Prosthesis Is AnticipatedWith the Least Displacing Forces

    Another Path of Insertion Should Be Decided

  • Factors Affecting Path of InsertionInterferences

    -- Contouring the tooth surface

    -- Retentive undercuts-- Surgery to remove interfering structures

    should be equal in depth and permit the location of clasp tips in the gingival third of the tooth

    -- Esthetics

    -- Changing the path of insertion

    Made possible with less clasp metal and less base material displayed

    Guiding planes

    Health of teeth used as abutment

    Place the clasp on the stronger abutment

  • Guiding planesFlat Axial Surfaces

    In an occluso-gingival direction on the proximal or lingual surfaces of teeth.

    Parallel To The Path Of Insertion

    Help in guiding the prosthesis during insertion and removal

  • Guiding planes

  • The functions of guiding planes Guide the prosthesis in or out of place

    without exerting excessive forces against the teeth

    The frictional contact of the prosthesis against these parallel surfaces, contribute to the retention of the prosthesis Provide bracing and stability when they are located on the axial lingual surface of the tooth

    Lowering the Height of Contour

  • Guide the prosthesis in or out of place without exerting excessive forces against the teeth

  • Aid in Stabilizing the Prosthesis Against Horizontal Stress

  • It is a paralleling instrument used to determine the survey

    line of teeth, identify and measure tooth undercuts and

    to determine the relative parallelism of the surfaces of teeth and other areas on the



  • Parts of the Dental Surveyor

  • A- The Base

    B- Vertical Upright Column

    C- Cross Arm with Spindle Housing

    D- The Vertical Spindle With Tool Holder

    E- Screw To Lock The Spindle

    F- Tool Holder

    H- The Surveyor Table

    M- Ball Retaining Ring

    O- Storage Compartment

    N- Tool Rack

  • Surveying Tools

    3- Undercut Gauge

    1- Analyzing Rods

    4- Wax Trimmer

    2- Carbon Marker

  • Analyzing Rod


  • Carbon Marker

  • XFalse survey line

    Moved around the tooth and along the alveolar


  • Undercut Gauges

    Of an inch

    ??? of mm.

  • Undercut Gauges. . 0101. . 0101 . . 0303. . 0303. . 0202. . 0202

  • Undercut Gauge

  • Excessive retention areas: Require tooth alteration to lower the height of

    contour so we can keep the I-bar retention contact close to the cervical


  • Undercut Gauges

  • Wax Trimmer

  • Wax Trimmer


  • Permit an Accurate Charting of the Required Mouth Preparations

    Determine soft, bony or tooth undercuts and areas of interferences Identify and Measure Tooth UndercutsDelineate Height of Contour

    Trimming Blockout Material Parallel to the Path of Placement Recording the Cast Position

    Determine the relative parallelism of teeth surfaces that act as guiding planes

    Determine the Most Acceptable Path of Placement and Removal


  • 1- Interference Features of the mouth which interfere with

    easy insertion and removal of a denture

    Undercut Alveolar Ridges The labial undercut here is a source of interference


  • Mandibular Tori

    Severe Lingual Inclination Of Teeth

  • Recontouring the tooth surface

  • The prosthesis can goes smoothly into place without interference after analyzing the proximal

    tooth surfaces and making the necessary alteration

  • The location of the undercut area can be changed by changing the tilting

  • The location of the undercut area can be changed by tilting the cast anteriorly or lateral

  • A Cast in a Tilted Relationship Represents a Path of Placement Toward the Side of the Cast That Is Tilted Upward

  • Cast at zero tilt. Creation of undercut by tilting cast

    Without guiding planes, Clasps designed are ineffective when restoration is subject to dislodging

    forces in occlusal direction.

  • Selection of The Path of InsertionThe Most Favorable Path of Insertion (PI) Is That Perpendicular to the Occlusal Plane

    Most Patients Tend to Seat Their Dentures Under Biting Force

    If Undercuts are Present but Not Efficient at the Zero Tilt

    If Displacement of the Prosthesis IsAnticipated With the Least DisplacingForces

    Another Path of Insertion Should Be Decided

  • Selection of the Path of Insertion

    Place the Clasp Tips in a Better Esthetic Po.

    Create Suitable Undercuts2- Tilting the Cast to

    Equalize Undercuts on both Sides of the Arch

    Undercut Areas Should Be Present at Both Zero Tilt and the New Tilt

    Gross Inclination of the Cast to Create Apparent Undercuts Should Be Avoided

    1- A Rotating or Curved Path


    3- Tilt the Cast Laterally Until Equal Retentive Areas Exist on the Principal Abutments

    1- Placement of the Cast2- Altering the Cast Position Anteroposteriorly

    To Provide Parallel Proximal Surfaces That May Act As Guiding Planes by

    4- Eliminate Areas of Interference by Reshaping Tooth Surfaces

    5- Permits a More Esthetic Placement of Clasp Arms Than the Othe

  • * Tripoding or Scoring

    After Selection of the Proper Path ofInsertion, the Cast Is Secured in Place

    * Drawing of the Survey Line* Location of the clasp terminals

    * Blocking the Undesirable Undercuts

  • Tripoding the Cast Scoring the Cast

  • Tripoding Or Scoring are Performed While theMaster Cast isStill Mounted on the Survey Table Without Changing the Tilt toPreserve the Established Cast Tilt