survey results

Gender Male Female 40% of the people who took part in this survey were male whilst the other 60% were female. The total amount of participants is 10. As the majority of participants were female, the camera angles, camera movement, and shot sizes are going to be fitting to a majority female audience. For example it is unlikely that I will apply the male gaze theory to my product.

Transcript of survey results

Page 1: survey results


Male Female

40% of the people who took part in this survey were male whilst the other 60% were female. The total amount of participants is 10.As the majority of participants were female, the camera angles, camera movement, and shot sizes are going to be fitting to a majority female audience. For example it is unlikely that I will apply the male gaze theory to my product.

Page 2: survey results

10 to 15 16 to 21 22 to 27 28 to 33 34 to 39 40+0











Male Female

These results show that: 2 people were between the ages of 10 and 156 people were between the ages of 16 and 210 people were between the ages of 22 and 271 person was between the ages of 28 and 330 people were between the ages of 34 and 391 person was ages 40 or above. As 80% of the participants in the survey were aged 10 to 21, I have decided that my product will suit the age range of the target audience. This decision is likely to have a large impact on the mise en scene and characters.

Page 3: survey results

Yes No Other0








Would you say you watched horror films regularly?

Male Female

This graph shows how regularly the audience watches horror films. 4 out of the 10 people asked answered yes, 3 answered no and 3 answered other. The common answer for people who ticked other was that although they watch horror films often it’s not on a regular basis. We can deduct from this that the survey participants are familiar with the conventions of a horror film and that the target audience for my product should be both male and female. I also found that the younger people that took part in the survey watched horror films more frequently.

Page 4: survey results









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Which is your favourite of the following horror sub-genres?

Female Male

Gore and romance were the most popular horror film sub-genres chosen. For my horror film I am likely to combine the two genres in order to appeal to a male and female audience but also to apply my research and successfully create an effective product.

Page 5: survey results

Who are you most likely to watch a horror film with?

Friends Family Partner Alone Other

This chart shows that 70% of the survey participants are most likely to watch a horror film with their friends. This means in order to create a product that is relatable to the audience I will have to think about what character relationships there will be on screen. A group of friends would be the most relatable but also characters that are in a relationship or characters that are family would work effectively as the other 30% of the audience would watch a horror film with their family or a partner.

Page 6: survey results

Happy Scared Paranoid Anxious Excited0








Which of the following best describes how horror films make you feel?

Male Female

6 out of the 10 people surveyed said that horror films make them feel scared. This information suggests that the audience watch horror films to feel scared above other emotions. This implies that in order to create a successful horror film I need to use apply a range of horror film conventions in my product in order to make the audience feel the desired emotion.

Page 7: survey results

Morning Midday Afternoon Evening Night0







What time of day do you think makes horror films the most effective? (select two answers)

Male Female

This chart shows that the afternoon, evening and night are the preferred times of day for a horror film to be set. This information supports my research into horror film conventions, many of the films were set in dark places or when it was just starting to go dark outside. This information suggests that a dark setting makes the audience more likely to feel scared- which is the desired emotion.

Page 8: survey results

What type of music would you say best suits a horror film?

Slow, Loud music Fast, Quiet music A mixture of the two No music Other

From this chart I can gather that music is a key element of a horror film as none of the survey participants selected no music or other. Slow, loud music is the most popular choice whilst Fast, Quiet music comes in second. However, a mixture of the two (which has the 3rd highest result) is likely to be the most effective in order to build on the tension and suspense of the film.