Survey Results

1 | Page In-Service Survey Results Tuesday, August 28 2012 Survey # 1 (administered preceding the in-service): Q: On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to change the way you teach? (10 = incredibly willing and 1 = incredibly opposed) Survey # 2 (administered after lecture/models provided and initial reflections/discussions): Q: On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to change the way you teach? (10 = incredibly willing and 1 = incredibly opposed)


August 28th

Transcript of Survey Results

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In-Service Survey Results – Tuesday, August 28 2012

Survey # 1 (administered preceding the in-service): Q: On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to change the way you teach? (10 = incredibly willing and 1 = incredibly opposed)

Survey # 2 (administered after lecture/models provided and initial reflections/discussions): Q: On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to change the way you teach? (10 = incredibly willing and 1 = incredibly opposed)

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Survey # 3 (administered proceeding the in-service): Q1: On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to change the way you teach? (10 = incredibly willing and 1 = incredibly opposed)

Q2: How would you characterize the focus of today's in-service (i.e., assessment redesign)? (1 = not helpful, 5 = extremely helpful)

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Q3: Do you feel you have the support you need to complete your assessment redesign and implement it in the 1st quarter? (1 = no confidence, 5 = extremely confident)

Q4: What worked well about today's in-service?

See responses below:

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Having time to collaborate with others, having additional time to complete the assigned task, and having the opportunity to review material with Ron worked for me.

8/29/2012 4:32 PM-

It was helpful and at the same time challenging to produce a concrete document that we will implement. Many times I feel these 21st century meetings are more just for the sake of discussing the issue and not for making any actual changes.

8/29/2012 2:42 PM-

I thought that your final comments were particulary helpful. To paraphrase: beware/be cautious of simply using technology as simply a dumping ground for a presentation/project previously done otherwise. Consider a digital portfolio.

8/29/2012 12:48 AM-

Feedback from my fellow math teachers.

8/29/2012 11:57 AM-

particularly the real example sof a 21st centiru lesson as weel as colaborating with other teachers

8/29/2012 11:56 AM-

WOrking collaboratively on something concrete and staying focused on it all day. Too many in services it's a little of this, a little of that and I can't really tell what the overall goal is. Many thanks!

8/29/2012 11:13 AM-

Time for collaboration, sharing, clarity on goals

8/29/2012 11:04 AM-

I never saw so many people engaged and on board with what was asked of them. It was a nice change.

8/29/2012 10:04 AM-

That it was led by the Head of School.

8/29/2012 8:42 AM-

Got to learn about the new head of school. As a young teacher I like the direction.

8/29/2012 8:15 AM-

group work and pair work

8/29/2012 8:08 AM-

there was a competence and a purpose behind the in-service. we were able to collaborate with peers but also take time for work individually.

8/29/2012 7:55 AM-

Collaborating / brainstorming

8/29/2012 7:35 AM-

-Working in groups.

8/29/2012 7:27 AM-

Definition and then tim e to implement with the ability to check in with thoughts and proposals.

8/29/2012 7:22 AM-

We focused on educational issues...not a menu of administrative items from the various offices....very refreshing....

8/29/2012 7:15 AM-

Ability to work together to share ideas and then individually when necessary.

8/29/2012 7:06 AM-

We were given time during the in-service to work on a practical application of what we discussed. Rather than spend all of our time discussing what could be done we had a chance to work out specifics regarding what we will actually do. Often an in-service ends with the expectation that we will find free time to try out what we were asked to do, it was nice to have that time set aside for us.

8/29/2012 6:50 AM-


8/29/2012 12:18 AM-

Time allotted to talk, plan and brainstorm. And to have you as an immediate resource.

8/28/2012 10:59 PM-

Collaborating with others within our department and sharing our ideas with other departments helped me develop a better understanding of how to implement changes one step at a time within my class.

8/28/2012 10:15 PM-

Collaboration with colleagues.

8/28/2012 10:09 PM-

The initial film presentation was a great anchor, and the discussion showed a lot of buy-in..

8/28/2012 9:44 PM-

Video and departmental discussion!

8/28/2012 9:29 PM-

The chance to get input from many sources.

8/28/2012 9:18 PM-

The time to work with colleagues, pose and discuss questions in a small groups and then try to actually create a lesson plan that reflects our goals. I also found it helpful that there is an honest regonition of possible potholes along the way..

8/28/2012 9:09 PM-

I liked the structure. I found it helpful to have a goal that we worked toward by the end of the day.

8/28/2012 9:04 PM-

We were given sufficient time to collaborate.

8/28/2012 8:58 PM-

concrete examples of the type of assessments we are moving towards

8/28/2012 8:45 PM-

The opportunity to work with others in our department and outside of our department was helpful and offered a chance to gain input from a number of people.

8/28/2012 8:42 PM-

Group work

8/28/2012 8:19 PM-

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discussion was kept on target and an outcome was always in the sight

8/28/2012 8:10 PM-

Understanding assessment vs. evaluation.

8/28/2012 8:10 PM-

The "breaks" for me were very helpful. It allowed time to reflect, collaborate and re-reflect.

8/28/2012 8:03 PM-

relaxed atmosphere, freedom to brainstorm

8/28/2012 7:52 PM-

Administrative Leadership Creative thinking Collaboration Colleagueship

8/28/2012 7:50 PM-

Produced thought! You could feel the wheels turning. It united our curriculums in a simple way, paving the way for further collaboration.

8/28/2012 7:41 PM-

We were forced to complete something that is going to be reviewed by the administration. Some of the faculty won't like this, but on a whole I think we all appreciate constructive feedback.

8/28/2012 7:37 PM-

Collaborating with colleagues from different departments.

8/28/2012 7:35 PM-

It was focused, interactive and has very practical applications.

8/28/2012 7:34 PM-

Conversations were happening about curriculum. I had an opportunity to speak with people on staff that I rarely converse with.

8/28/2012 7:31 PM-

I felt like we actually learned something. It wasn't just a lot of information thrown at us that could've been taken care of via email.

8/28/2012 7:19 PM-

Your clarification of the issues and responses to the questions.

8/28/2012 7:10 PM-

Most helpful was the time we were given to deliberate with our colleagues on the subject. During the school year, these opportunities are rare, if not non-existent.

8/28/2012 7:09 PM-

Collaborating with fellow teachers and brainstorming- feeling our way into the new ways of assessment.

8/28/2012 6:57 PM-

Creating a new perspective

8/28/2012 6:57 PM-

The ability to work on our own with our own materials

8/28/2012 6:46 PM-

The time in between discussions to talk with my peers and hear their thoughts.

8/28/2012 6:46 PM-

The openness and clear signals from the administration that change is to be embraced and encouraged.

8/28/2012 6:45 PM-

I liked taking time to work in small groups. I thought that was very effective.

8/28/2012 6:38 PM-

Small group/Large group feedback

8/28/2012 6:33 PM-

Having people talk together, sharing ideas, and examining practices.

8/28/2012 6:26 PM-

I was very excited that we HAD an in service. IT has been a few years since we had an on campus in service that was productive. I think any conversation regarding 21st c. education will need time to accurately and thoroughly carry out. The time today was a nice step in that direction.

8/28/2012 6:15 PM-

Having time to collaborate and plan meaningful content was terrific. This was the first time in my tenure at Malvern that we were asked to do so at the Back-to-School in-service. The opportunity got me inspired and motivated for the school year. Thank you for that.

8/28/2012 6:13 PM-

Great dialogue as an entire school, a focus on us becoming better teachers!

8/28/2012 6:01 PM-

opportunity to collaborate since we all had the same time blocked off. It is much tougher during a regular week to work as a team.

8/28/2012 6:00 PM-

Dialogue and networking could were great!

8/28/2012 6:00 PM-

The ability to talk and share.

8/28/2012 5:59 PM-

It was truly inspiring and invirgorating

8/28/2012 5:59 PM-

It was direct. The time was used efficiently.

8/28/2012 5:55 PM-

Collaboration within the department...math for me...very worth-while.

8/28/2012 5:42 PM-

Having the opportunity to work with other people and the folks who are in our departments.

8/28/2012 5:42 PM-

Having an expectation set, working on it, and then being able to work with others and get their feedback.

8/28/2012 5:40 PM-

Receiving specific examples from the HOS regarding the framework for redesign.

8/28/2012 5:39 PM

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Q5: What about today's in-service could be improved?

See responses below:

The technology presentation should be virtually glitch free. Please provide varied resources and websites. Have we considered a program like K.12? Have we considered purchasing a program that includes ongoing professional technology development for 21st century educators from educators online? May I ask that other healthy options like a fruit and vegetarian menu be provided during lunch? Thank you.

8/29/2012 4:32 PM-

I do not know what work was done in the past about this move to a more progressive/21st century school but a discussion on what the school's direction or vision is for the future as a whole would be helpful.

8/29/2012 2:42 PM-

My question is about the purpose/goal of the end product digital portfolio. Who is going to read it? A college rep? A college professor in a student's potential field of study? Or is it for the self esteem of thestudent?

8/29/2012 12:48 AM-

Better define "21st Century Assessment"

8/29/2012 11:57 AM-

Is what I designed is truly "21st Century "

8/29/2012 11:56 AM-

As the day went on, it felt like things disintegrated a bit. I do feel that faculty need structured time to set up classes, supplies and pick the brains of our colleagues. I vote for making retreat a half day and use the rest of that day for that structured class set up time.

8/29/2012 11:13 AM-

An example of the final product of the lesson and assessmnet viewed by all in the theater.

8/29/2012 11:04 AM-

I can't really think of anything.

8/29/2012 10:04 AM-

I would have liked to see and discussed more examples of what other teachers are doing. It might also be helpful to divide the faculty into smaller groups based on things like grade level (middle vs. upper school) and content level ( AP vs academic).

8/29/2012 8:42 AM-

I dont think we are addressing the fact that some teachers such as myself are creating things like online lessons with a project based curriculum, and are looking to tweek that to make it better, but some are still using chalk and talk. I feel like we are assuming we are all on the same level in terms of being innovative and advanced but we are not.

8/29/2012 8:15 AM-

buffering on video we watched

8/29/2012 8:08 AM-

more time would have been nice.

8/29/2012 7:55 AM-

Too much 1st marking period planning for the first day back - teachers want to get ready for a good start to the year.

8/29/2012 7:35 AM-

I thought that it was fine just as it was.

8/29/2012 7:27 AM-

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Need to have a period on changes and expectations, e.g. the cell phone question.

8/29/2012 7:22 AM-

When your pony comes in first, keep feeding it what you are feeding it....well done today.

8/29/2012 7:15 AM-

More examples of what exactly 21st Century education is and how it will benefit our students who will be attending traditional colleges.

8/29/2012 7:06 AM-

I found it very useful but would have liked it if this particular in service was either a week earlier (to provide more time to make adjustments to course structure before school starts) or a week later (to have more recent experiences to relate to the discussion). Obviously this is a small critique but perhaps we might consider a workshop/in-service day offered a bit earlier in the summer to give teachers more opportunity to absorb and reflect on the topics of discussion before we are asked to apply them in our classrooms. In any case, I felt this was one of the most useful in-service days that we have had since I began working at Malvern.

8/29/2012 6:50 AM-

not sure

8/29/2012 12:18 AM-

Follow up!

8/28/2012 10:59 PM-

I wish we had more than one day to work together on developing our plans of implementing these changes.

8/28/2012 10:15 PM-

Create time in the coming weeks for another time for teachers to meet to further develop their lesson plans they created today.

8/28/2012 10:09 PM-

It would have been great to know more about the agenda ahead of time.

8/28/2012 9:44 PM-

Better ability to connect to malvern network!

8/28/2012 9:29 PM-

More time with departments to focus on our own subject area.

8/28/2012 9:18 PM-

I found out that I don't know enough about creating the products that we are talking about. I will need help in this aspect of the process.

8/28/2012 9:09 PM-

I am still uncertain about the idea of the 21st Century Assessment. I left the day wishing I had asked for more clarity on the topic.

8/28/2012 9:04 PM-

Clearer instructions on what needed to be e-mailed at the end of the day.

8/28/2012 8:58 PM-

More technological help

8/28/2012 8:45 PM-

For the first of the year it was fine.

8/28/2012 8:42 PM-

More practical suggestions as to how to implement ideas

8/28/2012 8:19 PM-

with this topic, more focus on departmental examples and discussion

8/28/2012 8:10 PM-

Maybe our ability to open and facilitate discussion. Some were apprehensive??

8/28/2012 8:10 PM-

I would like to have had knowledge about assessment design/validity prior to the in-service. It is a powerful and necessary topic, which I have not addressed fully enough.

8/28/2012 8:03 PM-

move to a facility more conducive to group discussion

8/28/2012 7:52 PM-

Thought the logistics and process of the day were well-developed and time allocation was smooth and directed. No observable improvement

8/28/2012 7:50 PM-

Have departments create a 21st century assesment idea for a different subject matter than their own. Sometimes it's easier to change your teaching style when less emphasis on the content. Plus it might be fun.

8/28/2012 7:41 PM-

The idea of "21st Century lessons and assessments" is still a little vague. It's as if no one really knows how to describe it, but we can identify it when we see it. I know that I am particularly excited to see how my students reach to small changes in the way I present material this year. I'm expecting positive feedback.

8/28/2012 7:37 PM-

The next step should be some technology training so I can implement my plan.

8/28/2012 7:35 PM-

I am very excited to see an in-service to start the year that makes everyone think and expand their view. I do not feel it could have gone better.

8/28/2012 7:34 PM-

Fostering sharing during the conclusion on the in-service

8/28/2012 7:31 PM-


8/28/2012 7:19 PM-

Better advocate for educational reform than Dr. Robinson. He beats up on the educational Kansas City Royals.

8/28/2012 7:10 PM-

Hearing the comments of the general faculty was helpful and enlightening. However, I could not always hear the comments, at times, not even those of Christian Talbot. Perhaps hand held microphones would be appropriate if we are to continue to use the Duffy auditorium for the meetings.

8/28/2012 7:09 PM-

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More notice so teachers had the opportunity to check their wireless access prior to the meeting.

8/28/2012 6:57 PM-


8/28/2012 6:57 PM-

I thought it went smoothly

8/28/2012 6:46 PM-

Need more of them.

8/28/2012 6:46 PM-

For an opener, it was great-- keep it up! And thanks, Christian!

8/28/2012 6:45 PM-

The final wrap-up could have included some key questions for reflection perhaps, but overall the day was just fine.

8/28/2012 6:38 PM-

More focus on the particulars of the school year ahead?

8/28/2012 6:33 PM-

Aside from Steve Valyo's outfit???? The "break-out sessions" could use a little better direction. There seemed to be a bit of waffling.

8/28/2012 6:26 PM-

I like the fact that we were given time to work on a single lesson as we prepare for the school year. I will say that the timing might not be the best. With students coming tomorrow, I have done much of my planning already including working on assignments. Overall, I thought it was a great day.

8/28/2012 6:15 PM-

Perhaps design a submission process for the outcome? Even though many of us weren't finished with our redesigns, it might have been useful to have a concrete checkpoint/expectation for the day. The next couple of weeks are going to be a blur of business, and I don't want the good conversations and planning to get lost - or itemized to a checklist of submission.

8/28/2012 6:13 PM-

I think maybe too much time spent in breakout. A more hands on walk through an example of a reassessment would help.

8/28/2012 6:01 PM-

I would have preferred a location where I could have a cup of coffee. It was freezing! And re support, my only concern is the potential overload on IT as we all request special capabilities or an education on capabilities our system already offers.

8/28/2012 6:00 PM-

Could have had handouts or articles that were recommended or related to the material!

8/28/2012 6:00 PM-

Not that this could have been accomplished today, but maybe after we complete our assessments a few would be willing to make presentations of what/how they created and results of their assessment.

8/28/2012 5:59 PM-

It was cumbersome to work on the computer in Duffy Hall.

8/28/2012 5:59 PM-

More detailed examples by fellow teachers on how they plan on implementing new techniques.

8/28/2012 5:55 PM-

Keep reiterating the fact that most of us at Malvern do assess much differently today than when we first started teaching in order to give our students every opportunity to show us what they know and how they learn.

8/28/2012 5:42 PM-

Maybe a little more time to work with others. I got really inspired hearing how other folks are approaching the problem.

8/28/2012 5:42 PM-

More ideas to help with the how to part of this.

8/28/2012 5:40 PM-

Take the next step: continue to provide specific examples and resources. Also, connect the dots with the rest of PD program.

8/28/2012 5:39 PM-