Survey Analysis

Tia Maletta

Transcript of Survey Analysis

Page 1: Survey Analysis

Tia Maletta

Page 2: Survey Analysis

As I handed out my survey to fifteen respondents who fit into my target audience criteria, the survey respondents were predominately aged sixteen to eighteen.Therefore this will impact my production of my coursework as my production campaign will need to appeal to this age of target audience. This will be slightly easier due to the fact I fit into this age bracket meaning I know what will appeal to my target audience.

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As I handed out my survey to fifteen respondents who fit into my target audience criteria, the survey respondents were all females due to the fact my target audience are females. Therefore this will impact my production of my coursework as my production campaign will need to appeal to this gender meaning the protagonist character and storyline will have to appeal to them. This will be slightly easier due to the fact I am a female myself so I know what will appeal to my target audience.

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I then decided to ask what my target audience’s hobbies were; by asking them what their hobbies were I get to know my target audience on a slightly more personal level. Fourteen out of fifteen respondents hobbies are going to the cinema followed by ten out of fifteen respondents hobbies are going out with their friends. These results will impact my coursework as when constructing my film trailer, film poster and magazine front cover all three products will have to appeal to my target audience and their friends due to the fact that my target audience enjoy going out with their friends to the cinema as a hobby.Six out of fifteen respondents attend the gym as a hobby which shoes that they like to maintain their fitness as well as they enjoy fast paced action which is one of the conventions of an action thriller film which is the genre of my film.

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By asking what media platforms my target audience are most likely to use I have a clear vision in which media platform needs to be more successful in comparison to the two other media platforms. When creating my coursework the E-Media platform such as social networking needs to be more effective due to my target audience are using that particular media platform more meaning my film trailer needs to be the most effective product appealing to my target audience.

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The results to this question tells me that my target audience are using every social network listed in their everyday lives to keep up to date with all the latest gossip. The most common social network is ‘Whatsapp’ and this is how they communicate with their family/friends. ‘YouTube’ is the next social networking site they use the most and this is where my film trailer will be posted in order for them to view it. Therefore when creating my coursework I need to make sure that my film trailer, magazine front cover and film poster will be promoted on all of these social networking sites in order for my target audience to see the products numerous of times making my film memorable in the long term as well as “must see film.”

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Twelve out of fifteen respondents want the protagonist character to be a male aged twenty. However a small amount of three respondents don’t – this could be due to the fact they are older than twenty so they don’t want to be watching a film where the protagonist character is younger than them. Overall; the majority of respondents said yes meaning when constructing my coursework the protagonist character needs to be a male aged twenty and if not just under the age or potentially above the age of twenty. I will take these results into consideration when constructing my coursework as the protagonist needs to appeal to my target audience. He is the main focus as well as the unique selling point of my film trailer, film poster and magazine front cover as he will feature in all three products.

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By asking my target audience if they can relate going to parties with their friends this is a key element of my storyline due to the fact the film is set in the beginning at a party.Therefore, the target audience are able to relate to the storyline making them feel more involved in the film as if they are one of the characters themselves. All fifteen respondents said yes which is successful meaning they will all be able to relate to the storyline in some aspect. In the long term, this means they will talk about the film with their friends encouraging other people to go and see the film making the film more successful with increasing views.

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All fifteen respondents like the idea of the consistent font that is used throughout my promotional campaign. Therefore when creating my film trailer, film poster and magazine front cover I need to make sure I use the same font especially for the film title as then this makes the font iconic to my film which makes it memorable to my target audience. The font that appealed to the respondents the most was the font used on my film poster title due to the fact it looks like car tyres going at a fast pace which is one of the conventions of an action thriller film.

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All fifteen respondents said yes that they want the protagonist character to be the main focus of my film poster and magazine front cover. This tells me that the protagonist character needs to appeal to my target audience as he will be a unique selling point for my products. This will impact my production work as I need to make sure I have good quality images of my protagonist character as these images will be the main focus for both my film poster and magazine front cover.

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The majority of my target audience watch one to five films a month, this information tells me that my target audience have a good amount of luxury time to relax and watch films. This gives me a good chance for my target audience to have time to go and see my film in one month which means a large amount of viewings in one month. This will impact the production of my coursework as I will make sure I include the release date month on every product which I create making it clear to my target audience that my film will be released during that particular month.

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All fifteen respondents like action thriller films which is outstanding due to the fact my film genre is action thriller. This tells me that my target audience like the thrill they receive when watching these films and the suspense it creates for them – it is an element of entertainment for them. This impacts the production of my coursework as I need to make it obvious that my film is an action thriller film by following the conventions of other successful action thriller films.

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All fifteen respondents stated that if they enjoy a film trailer they are more likely to go and see the film. The film trailer is one of the first media products which the target audience come to terms with for the latest new films. Therefore this tells me that my film trailer needs to make my film memorable and a must see film that my target audience want to see.

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Fourteen out of fifteen respondents said that a film would appeal to them more if the protagonist character was around their age. My target audience is sixteen to twenty four year olds meaning that my protagonist character needs to fit into this age bracket. The protagonist character needs to be of an age which will appeal to all of my target audience therefore I believe my protagonist character needs to be nineteen as this an age which will appeal to all of my target audience.

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The location in which my target audience believe is most effective in an action thriller film is the woods. This impacts the production of my coursework as my film needs to have a large amount filmed in the woods as this location appeals to my target audience. The woods can be seen as a dark, mysterious location creating suspense and thrill for my target audience making my film successful. The woods need to be an iconic location to my film.

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All fifteen respondents agreed that the soundtrack in an action thriller film trailer creates more intense adrenalin for them, encouraging them to go and see the film. This tells me that the soundtrack I use in my trailer needs to be another unique selling point which will promote my film. By my target audience just hearing the soundtrack on its own this needs to be memorable to them and the main link to my film.

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The techniques included in a trailer that encourage my target audience to go and see the film the most are the costumes the characters wear followed by the setting and editing techniques. This tells me that the costumes the characters wear need to appeal to my target audience and potentially clothing they will go out and buy themselves as they aspire to be like the characters in my film. As well as this the setting needs to be iconic to my film such as they liked the location of the woods. Plus the editing techniques need to be effective conforming the conventions of an action thriller film; such as fast paced short clips which are different jump cuts from scenes of my film.

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Seven out of fifteen respondents said yes they would like there to be a sequel film however eight of fifteen respondents said the opposite. This tells me that the majority of my target audience don’t like the idea of a sequel film and when asked personally why they said they think it kills out the storyline of the first film and the sequel is never as good as the first film just like “Taken 2” in comparison to the initial “Taken” film.

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Nine out of fifteen respondents stated that their favourite action thriller film was Taken. This tells me that my target audience like the storyline of “Taken”; idea of someone being taken and their loved one doing their best to find them. This impacts the production of my coursework as my storyline follows this idea of a loved one being taken by the antagonist creating numerous of enigmas for my target audience. As well as this a sense of thrill which my target audience will receive when watching my film. The next film was “The Purge Anarchy” this tells me that my target audience like the idea of two groups of people fighting for what they believe is right. This impacts the production of my work as there are two characters in my film which then go against one another so I need to make this clear to my target audience.

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The media product that entices my target audience to see a film the most is the film trailer. This tells me that my film trailer needs to be the most successful media product in which I create to promote my film. The film trailer is so instant and a product which will be shared amongst friends – therefore my film trailer needs to be effective and promote my film in the best possible way.

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The thrill and suspense the target audience receive as well as the enigmas in which the film creates for the target audience are the two elements which make a successful action thriller film for my target audience. This tells me that my target audience love the adrenalin which they receive when watching the film and like the idea of them asking themselves questions such as “why an event has occurred?” “will the protagonist character be able to save their loved one in time?” All these elements make the target audience feel involved with the film.