Surah Hujurat (MCNA)

Surah Hujurat The Quarters

Transcript of Surah Hujurat (MCNA)

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Surah HujuratThe Quarters

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What is Ethics?Peoples ideas about what is

right and wrong.

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What is difference between ethics and Akhlaaq?

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Ethics is “What a person knows is usual or customary in a society.”

Akhlaaq is “What is laid out by the Quran and Sunnah, and becomes the character of a person.”

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Husn Al Khuluq

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Good Character

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If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting, make peace between them. Then if one of them oversteps against the other, fight the one who has overstepped until he returns to the commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace between them with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fair and just. (9)

A Good Deed

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How to be an Upstander! Refuse to be a “bystander” and be a role

model instead.

 Help others who are being bullied.

Stop untrue or harmful messages from spreading.

Welcome new students.

Make friends outside of your circle.

Respect others’ difference and help others to respect differences.

Learn more about bullying and help others to learn more about bullying.

Ask an adult/teacher or principal to develop a program or project to reduce and eliminate bullying.

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The believers are brothers to one another, therefore, make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that you may be shown mercy. (10)

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If you meet him, greet him with Salam.

If he invites you accept the invitation.

If he asks for advice, give him sincere advise.

If he sneezes, praise him by saying “Yarhamuk Allah”.

If he falls sick, visit him.

If he dies attend his funeral.

Rights of a Muslim Brother

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O Believers, let not a group (of men) jeer at another group, it may well be that the latter (at whom they jeer) are better than them, nor let a group of women jeer at another group, it may well be that the latter are better than them. And do not seek fault of one another, nor taunt one another by nicknames. It is an evil thing to be a mischief maker after being a believer. And those who do not repent are indeed the wrong-doers. (11)

Message to the Bully!

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Respect! Don't insult people or make

fun of them.

Listen to others when they speak.

Value other people's opinions.

Be considerate of people's likes and dislikes.

Don't mock or tease people.

Don't talk about people behind their backs.

Be sensitive to other people's feelings.

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O believers! Avoid too much suspicion, for in some cases suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Surely you would abhor it. Fear Allah; for Allah is the Accepter of repentance, Merciful. (12)

Never lose Integrity

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Be Safe! Be Cautious! Always keep your passwords private

even from close friends.

Never discuss private matters, home or school.

Never give your personal information.

Never do/say anything that is not allowed in our Deen.

If someone bullies you, block them and talk to an adult immediately.

Always keep your parents aware of your online activities.

Your Online time is precious. Never click on ads or pop-ups!

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I always have the highest standards of Akhlaq.

I always do the right thing, even if its difficult or costly.

I never compromise my Akhlaq by giving in to my temptations.

I am conscious of everyday decisions I make, whether they are big or small.

I am always proud and confident of my Deen and its teachings.

My Integrity Checklist

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O mankind! We created you male and female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you might get to know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous. Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Aware. (13)

Tolerance and Acceptance

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