Supporting Information for Concepts of Learning and ... · educational concepts and theories are...

Concepts of Learning and Teaching 15 Credit masters module. 1 Supporting Information for Concepts of Learning and Teaching 15 credit masters module for Associate Fellowship of Higher Educational Academy April 2015

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Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Supporting Information for Concepts of Learning and Teaching 15 credit masters module for Associate Fellowship of Higher Educational Academy

April 2015

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.



Content Page

1.0 Introduction and module overview References to the HEA and the UKPSF in the definitive document and module handbooks



2.0 Module handbook – including assessment brief


3.0 Module descriptor 34

4.0 HEA recognition 38

1.0 Introduction

Support for teaching, and teaching quality as a benchmark in Higher Education have become increasingly prominent in recent years. Sheffield Hallam University's own mission and values statement states that the University will be "recognised for the excellence of our learning and teaching". In addition, within the field of Healthcare Education, the mandate from the Department of Health recognises the role of educator as central to assuring high quality effective and compassionate care, where the educator role is worn with a ‘badge of honour’ (Health Education England 2011). Alongside those working in practice, the module is aimed at associate lecturers to gain recognition for their active participation in the framework. For the Sheffield Hallam associate lecturers, the course makes a vital contribution towards the University's key performance target of all academic staff achieving HEA recognition. This programme illustrates the institution’s engagement with the UKPSF, enables staff across the module and from across the university to engage with the framework as they influence the design of the course, requires an active knowledge of and participation with the framework for lecturers and lecturers as students and provides recognition which involves a judgement against the standards. The Concepts of Learning and Teaching (CLT) module was validated in 2014 and was previously delivered under the title of Teaching Skills in Higher Education. CLT has been developed to fulfil the requirements of the UKPSF for associate fellowship of the HEA through its delivery and assessment. The CLT module offers Sheffield Hallam staff and healthcare staff with a significant educational role in clinical settings to gain AFHEA. 1.1 References to the HEA and the UKPSF in the definitive document and module handbooks The module was designed to be mapped to the UKPSF and within the module handbook reference to the UKPSF are made. As this module forms part of a full master’s program that (MSc Advancing Physiotherapy Practice and MSc Advancing Professional Practice) there are generic aims and learning outcomes. While these do not refer to the UKPSF as they cover a

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


number of other pathways, the module descriptor relates closely to the framework e.g. the module aims to:

This module aims to facilitate reflection and critical appraisal of adult learning and teaching models involved in the teaching of adults. The emphasis is on exploring how educational concepts and theories are implemented and how they impact on the professional practice and development of the practising educator and tutor in higher education. The module will embrace current technologies and on-going technical and professional developments in the field of education.

and one learning outcome states that learners will be able to:

Reflect on personal and professional development and evaluate factors that have had an impact on your professional practice in the context of teaching and learning.

1.2 Structure of the programme The program is part time and is one 15 credit module at level seven. There are two intakes each academic year and students may choose from face to face delivery or distance learning. Modules are offered in both semester one and two and run if viable numbers are achieved. The face-to-face module is delivered with 24 contact hours and 126 independent guided study. For the distance-learning route, online collaboration tools are used to foster peer learning, tutor led discussions, which replicates the same contact and non-contact hours. 1.3 Learning and teaching : delivery, content and assessment Students’ own practice in teaching and supporting learning is an important source of learning. They will be expected to draw on their developing experience and use their own specific professional context to examine the content of the module within the UKPSF, including the Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values. This practical approach, with theoretical underpinning, encourages the development of reflective and thoughtful approaches to learning, teaching, assessment and evaluation, based on a sound grasp of fundamental principles.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.0 Module Handbook

Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

Module Handbook

Module Code: 66-7652-00N

Module leader - Carol Garcia

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Concepts of Learning and Teaching This handbook seeks to give additional information regarding the module and should be read in conjunction with the Sheffield Hallam University Student Handbook. This handbook is divided into 6 sections.



2.1 Introduction and Background

Aims of module

Higher Educational Academy

6 6

2.2 Unit and Course management

Learning Outcomes

Indicative Learning, Teaching & Assessment Activities

Additional Support

What is Master’s level learning?


2.3 Timetable Arrangements

Guided reading

11-16 16

2.4 Additional Learning Resources 19-21

2.5 Assessment Details

Assessment, Marking and Feedback


2.6 Support and Guidance 26

2.7 Contextual Analysis and Teaching Session Plan 27-29

2.8 Feedback Task 1 Teaching Session Marking Criteria 30-31

2.9 Viva Marking Criteria 32-33

We hope you will find the following pages useful. If there are any unanswered questions or you need further help please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will try to help.

Carol Garcia Module Leader Fellow of the HEA Faculty of Health and Well Being Collegiate Crescent Campus Sheffield Hallam University 0114 225 5366 [email protected]

Sally Bradley Principle Fellow of the HEA Academy lead for accreditation and UK Professional Standards for teaching and learning. [email protected]

Myles Butler Fellow of the HEA Faculty of Health and Well Being Collegiate Crescent Campus Sheffield Hallam University 0114 2252231 [email protected]

Helen Batty Fellow of the HEA Faculty of Health and Well Being Collegiate Crescent Campus Sheffield Hallam University 0114 2252375 [email protected]

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.1 Background to the unit and general information This module gives you the opportunity to explore the theories and practical aspects of adult learning and teaching. It is aimed at facilitating the skills and knowledge to plan teaching to undergraduate students, patients and other professionals. You may also be planning to gain an academic post in a higher educational establishment so this module provides an opportunity to gain skills and knowledge within this area. You will learn how to plan and deliver effective imaginative teaching, which is a key aspect of health care delivery and working with “students” of all types. Professional bodies and employers require the professional health care practitioner to teach and educate their peers, future medical staff and patients. The purpose of this module is to offer a sound preparation whilst exploring the skills needed to work effectively in adult teaching. There will also be the opportunity for you to put into practice the delivery of the teaching and learning strategies discussed in the module. You will be encouraged to reflect on their own learning experiences and how this has affected your educational learning and attainment in order to discover ways in which people learn most effectively and how this can be utilised in adult education.

Higher Education Academy The module has been designed to align with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching and supporting learning (2011) and the session plan provides an indication of this alignment. The UKPSF is nationally recognised as a bench mark for teaching and supporting learning within the UK and beyond. Higher Educational Academy (HEA) fellowships are underpinned by the UKPSF and demonstrate an individual’s commitment to teaching and supporting learning. If you have a role in educating healthcare students in clinical practice and/or teach undergraduate/postgraduate students within a higher education provider you will have the opportunity, on successful completion of the module and an additional viva, to apply for Associate Fellow of the Higher Educational Academy (AFHEA). Fellowship is an indicator of professional achievement for higher education practitioners. It confers the entitlement to use the post-nominal letters AFHEA (Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), SFHEA (Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy) and PFHEA (Principal of the Higher Education Academy) Fellowship is not only valued at Sheffield Hallam University. It is rapidly becoming a sought-after qualification listed as a Desirable or Essential requirement in an academic job person specification. It is also increasingly being explicitly linked to progression, promotion and teaching award criteria. This may be particularly beneficial if you are already working as an Associate Lecturer within Higher Education or looking to gain such a position.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Module Aims This module aims to facilitate reflection and critical appraisal of adult learning and teaching models involved in the teaching of adults. The emphasis is on exploring how educational concepts and theories are implemented and how they impact on the professional practice and development of the practising educator and tutor in higher education. The module will embrace current technologies and on-going technical and professional developments in the field of education.

2.2 Module Management Learning Outcomes By the end of the module you will be able to:

1. Devise, implement and justify an adult teaching session using a variety of approaches appropriate to the teaching and learning situation with reference to adult learning theories.

2. Critically reflect on, and evaluate your teaching and learning experience with respect to adult


3. Critically appraise the relevant literature underpinning the theoretical models on the adult learning and teaching activities of curriculum planning, delivery, assessment and evaluation in adult education.

4. Reflect on personal and professional development and evaluate factors that have had an

impact on your professional practice in the context of teaching and learning.

The award is valued nationally as a professional qualification by universities and colleges who have collectively established the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) on which recognition is based. Practitioners who have gained recognition have found it to be an important reflective process. It has increased their confidence in what they do by formally recognising its quality and appropriateness. Within this module handbook, additional information is provided. If you wish to consider this additional award and you will be identified and signposted appropriately. If you are not employed as an associate lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University there would be an additional fee of £100 (as of 7th April 2015) to gain Associate Fellowship of the Higher Educational Academy. Choosing to work towards AFHEA is optional.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Indicative, Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Tutorials and seminars will be used to encourage experiential learning and promote a student centred approach. Seminars will encourage collaborative and group learning. The module is intended to be experiential and collaborative with staff and students participating to support and learn from each other. Success on the module depends on you and your peers engaging with the recommended background reading to inform the debates and discussions that are a key feature of the module. This module will be delivered using an experiential, student centred approach to learning involving group work, seminars, presentations (micro- teaching) and on-line learning. Background reading has been provided to familiarise the students with related research. Keynote lectures, practical work, reflective practice, self-directed learning and directed reading will also be utilised.

2.3 Content of the module… In the module programme a framework delivered by staff is planned to promote discussion. The following is indicative of the content:

Curriculum Planning

Theories of adult learning and teaching

Curriculum Delivery

Student assessment

Student Support

Curriculum Evaluation Additional aspects of education may be added depending on the needs and requests of students.

AFHEA The UKPSF requires you to engage with two areas of activity in order to be considered for the award of AFHEA. We also require evidence of engaging in scholarship and continuing professional development (CPD). By engaging with, and fulfilling the learning outcomes of the module a claim can be made for AFHEA in conjunction with the passing of the summative assessment and the additional viva indicated in section 5.


There will no opportunity for students to make a RPL claim in order to gain AFHEA.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Additional Support SHU Space is the student portal where further information will be available to support your studies. The web site address is . To access the site, log in using your student or staff username and password. The site will be used through blackboard to act as a repository for information, provide links to internal and external learning resources, facilitate assessment for learning activities, facilitate collaborative and group working and to encourage learner autonomy. There is a requirement that students will be responsible for familiarising themselves with the University’s Assessment Regulations, including the policy and procedure relating to plagiarism. All this information is available via shuspace. What is Masters Level learning? This module is at master’s level, but what does this mean for you? It means having to take responsibility for your own learning. You will be guided but you need to recognise that what is covered in the sessions is an introduction to educational theory and needs to be augmented by further study. The module allows for 24 contact hours with a further 126 hours for self-directed study. See The Quality Assurance Agency for more information regarding Master level standards To acquire M level credit for the module you will need to complete its assessment. This assessment is at Master's level to fulfil the module learning outcomes. The skills needed to achieve success will be developed as you progress through the module. Here is a list of the key features of Master’s level learning that you will need to develop and demonstrate in the assessment. M level learning is:

work that builds on prior knowledge

advanced enquiry and techniques of evaluation

study requiring advanced, independent learning

a high level of integration between theory and practice

in-depth knowledge of current literature

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


advanced evaluative skills

the ability to demonstrate critical analysis, interpretation and synthesis of knowledge

the ability to work as an independent reflective practitioner

generation of work of external value. e.g. professional significance

working effectively in teams and as an individual. Timetable arrangements: Proposed Module calendar The taught part of the module runs on 4 days plus on line activity. The timetable will be posted on the BlackBoard site and you are also recommended to check your online timetable, which can be found on SHUSpace in case there are any unplanned room changes. We will start promptly at 10am. If you think you will be delayed please let a member of the teaching team know. Background reading material will be provided prior to each session to inform a discussion led by students. This material will be reviewed during the session. It is essential that you are up to date with it. As a group you will only be expected to read in depth ONE article but will be expected to lead the discussion about that paper. The interim tasks are to guide and develop your thinking as the module progresses. They will complement the background reading.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


1. Guided Reading prior to the start of the first session: The culture of UK HE has changed over the years. The chapters in this text give you an introduction to the theories of adult learning and teaching that inform the module and educational practice. Fry H, Ketteridge S and Marshall S (2009) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher education: Enhancing academic practice Pub: Routledge Chapter 2 Understanding Student Learning. Chapter 4 Planning teaching and learning Consider a cohort of Adult learners, like yourselves; you bring with you a range of experience and requirements. Which educational models might be more suitable to this group to stimulate learning? Be prepared to support your view with references from the reference list or other articles found in the Learning Centre catalogue. Available in SHU library and electronically via the following link.

Date AM PM

Session 1 Thursday 9th October 10:00 - 4:00 Room N204

Introduction to the unit and to the blackboard VLE and module assessment. Review of background reading What makes a good teacher?

Models of adult teaching learning Linking theory to practice

Interim tasks to This will be based on your allocated summative teaching session.

AFHEA Including an introduction to the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning (UKPSF 2011) and its relevance to Concepts of Learning and Teaching

AFHEA Addressing aspects of the UKPSF K2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/ disciplinary area(s)

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


prepare prior to the next session

Prepare a ten minute micro teach, using only two slides. Think about one or two key learning points that you wish your audience to take away with them. How are you going to do that? How are you going to ensure that they have learnt what you have taught them? Do you need to think imaginatively to ensure this takes place? You will need to bring a USB, or similar, with your two slides to the session on the Thursday 16th October. Formative feedback will be given.

2. Guided reading prior for the second session: This will be confirmed on the Blackboard site, under learning materials.

Session 2 Thursday 16th October 2014 N104 (10-13) N204 (11-13) D005 (14-16)

Guided reading and Critical Evaluation review of background reading

Micro teach –

What is formative assessment and feedback? Formative assessment with peer marking and feedback-guidelines will be provided

Discussion re the preparation for the online group work

Interim activities For the next teaching date you will be working in your previously allocated groups. You will be expected to post onto the Blackboard site a document or presentation showing the key findings of your investigation around the selected teaching and learning strategies.

AFHEA Addressing V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching

AFHEA A3 Assess and give feedback to learners K2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


You should include key aspects of the strategy, theory underpinning it, the advantages and disadvantages of that strategy. Rather than listing individual strategies you are expected to choose a strategy that you feel is most appropriate to teaching in one of the following ways and offer suitable references to support your claims. You will choose one of the following;

use of e learning in physiotherapy

use of practical teaching in sessions

understanding student engagement Each group member must contribute up to 3 relevant postings by Thursday 23rd October. Following this there will be tutor feedback given. After this the group will draw together the groups' conclusions regarding their chosen topic ready for presentation on 30th October 2014. This can be done by powerpoint, flip chart of as "chalk and talk".

Week beginning 20th October 2014 online activities

The above activities will be made live from 16th October for you to participate. These will include reviewing other students' documents/presentations in your group on teaching and learning strategies.

You will be required to contribute to a discussion board which facilitates reflection and evaluation of your chosen area. You will be able to contribute up to the 23rd October Tutor feedback will be given after this date but the progression of the discussion will be monitored. At this point the group is expected to draw together the group’s contributions and produce a powerpoint presentation for delivery at the next session. A supporting contextual analysis and lesson plan will be expected. This activity will form part of the presentation assessment for discussion on the 30th October 2014

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: A4 Develop effective learning environments A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices K1 The subject material K2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


3. Guided reading prior for the third session: This will be confirmed on the Blackboard site, under learning materials.

Session 3 Thursday 30th October 2014 N204

Presentation re Blackboard discussion These presentations will form mini lectures where you deliver your findings to the other groups. It is expected that all members of the group will take part in the presentation. The presentations will be peer assessed using the criteria developed during the previous session.

Guided reading and Critical evaluation review of background reading

Inclusive Practice and use of learning technology

Interim task Continue to plan your teaching session. Tutors will be available for assistance if needed. Consider how the theories of teaching and learning fit into what you are planning to deliver. What equipment will you need? Do you want to use handouts or power point? Do

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: A2 Teach and/or support learning K1 The subject material K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


these need preparing before hand.

4. Guided reading prior to the start of the fourth session: This will be confirmed on the Blackboard site, under learning materials.

Session 4 Monday 3rd November 2014 N104

Guided reading and critical evaluation review of background reading

Who are your learners? Experimental/ clinical learning The particular challenge of adult learners building on prior experience/ experiential learning (link to Bb materials)

The Reflective Practitioner - clinician, educator and client. What is it, when do we do it and how can we help? Assessment of reflective practice, should we assess and how? CG

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development

AFHEA Addressing aspects of : A2 Teach and/or support learning A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance K2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/ disciplinary area(s)

AFHEA Addressing aspects of: K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Assessment: Observed teaching Thursday 13th November 2014 F204, F208, F314. You will be expected to attend for one hour – confirmation of the time will be made. Viva Friday 14th November N204. You will be expected to attend for 20 minutes – confirmation of the time

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Guided Reading Sessions The purpose of using guided reading in the module is to broaden your understanding of educational research in an open discussion and non-threatening environment. The papers selected will always have relevance to the topics covered that week and thus will add to the understanding of the topics. The guided reading should emphasize the notion of scholarship in learning and teaching. Teaching is not just about performing in the classroom. It is also about a way of thinking as an academic and being able to use the research to support the direction taken in the classroom. The module is about adult teaching and with that goes the expectation of research informed teaching and teaching informed research. You need to engage, at M Level, with a different literature base using different “technical” language. It is integral to scholarship, research and professional activities, demonstrating how these factors can be used to support learning. Management The guided reading review of papers will last approximately 30 - 45 minutes. You will be put into groups and each group expected to read and critique ONE of the selected papers to present back to the whole group on the following session. Goals of Guided Reading

To evaluate merits of a study

To evaluate the applicability to higher education and professional practice

Checklist The following checklist is a general basic guide to evaluating an article. Please feel free to use your own methods if that simplifies the analysis. 1. The introduction and background information:

Is the problem statement/introduction clearly described?

Is it relevant to the educational topic selected?

What are the objectives or aims of the research article?

2. The presentation of the article:

Is the research question or hypothesis clear?

In the literature review: is it informative, is it research-based and does it

support the purpose/problem?

Are the references current and from respected sources?

3. The Study

What study design and methods are used to collect the data? What is the

sample size and characteristics, what statistics are utilized – are they


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


What are the results & conclusions drawn by the author?

Any implications for teaching and learning?

Can the conclusions be generalized to various settings and populations of


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.4 Additional learning resources As an active learner you will be expected to contribute a significant amount of self-directed learning. This unit offers 24 taught hours plus the assessment time. As a guide you are expected to contribute approximately 126 hours of self-managed study. The course encourages students to be self-directed and autonomous learners, and offers resources to facilitate this. Internet You can receive an introductory session on the use of the internet to familiarise you with searching for information, sources and resources on the Net, mailing lists and newsgroups. The Learning Centre will be able to assist you in this. Books and Journals The Collegiate Crescent Learning Centre stocks a number of journals applicable to the module.

Profession Specific Education Specific

British Medical Journal Active Learning in Higher Education

The Lancet Issues of Teaching and Learning

All the major international physiotherapy journals

Learning in Health and Social Care

Physical rehabilitation Teaching and Learning

Etc Teaching in Higher Education

Please check the library stocks for other journals. Journals not currently held by the library will be available on interlibrary loan. KEY TEXT Fry H, Ketteridge S and Marshall S (2009) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice [Electronic book ]Pub: Routledge Additional Texts Shirley Bach, Philip Haynes and Jennifer Lewis Smith. (2007) Online learning and teaching in higher education [ELECTRONIC BOOK] Maidenhead : Open University Press

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Peter Hartley, Amanda Woods, and Martin Pill (eds.) (2004). Enhancing teaching in higher education [ELECTRONIC BOOK] : new approaches for improving student learning New York : RoutledgeFalmer Brenda Judge, Patrick Jones and Elaine McCreery (2009). Critical thinking skills for education students [ELECTRONIC BOOK] Exeter : Learning Matters, 2009 Rowena Murray (ed.) (2008). The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education [ELECTRONIC BOOK] Maidenhead : Open University Press Raymond P. Perry, John C. Smart, (eds) (2007).The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education: an evidence-based perspective [ELECTRONIC BOOK] Dordrecht ; [London] : Springer Useful links - a good place to start, an overview. - a detailed site giving lots of useful information on a wide range of learning theories. - What is learning? Is it a change in behaviour or understanding? Is it a process? a survey of some common models - specifically about training - learning theories - the UK Professional Standards Framework The following databases, which can be found using LitSearch, offer a comprehensive range of articles relating to learning and teaching

British Education Index (via Datastar) The British Education Index provides information on research, policy and practice in education and training in the UK.

ERIC (CSA) The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is the American equivalent of British Education Index.

ProQuest education journals Suggested additional materials

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Stathopoulos, I. and Harrison, K (2003). Study at master’s level by practising physiotherapists, Physiotherapy, 89(3): 158-169. (Article held in BB module site)

Gentle., P. (2001). Course Cultures and Learning Organizations Active Learning in Higher Education. 2(1): 8 - 30 (

(This article can be found on the Learning Centre (library) catalogue.) Kell, C. and van Deursen, R. (2003). Does a Problem-solving Based Curriculum

Develop Life-long Learning Skills in Undergraduate Students? Physiotherapy, 89(9) 523-530.

Briggs, Senga (2005) Changing roles and competencies of academics. Active Learning in Higher Education. 6 (3): 256–268

Peacock, S and Hooper, J. 2007) E-Learning in physiotherapy education, Physiotherapy 93(3): 218-228

Scott , S (2007). College hats or lecture trousers? Stage fright and performance anxiety in university teachers Ethnography and Education, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 191–207 (Article in the Black Board site)

Mountford, Hazel, Jones, Sue and Tucker, Beatrice (2006)'Learning styles of entry-level physiotherapy students', Advances in Physiotherapy,8:3, 128 - 136 (

Holroyd, C. (2000). Are assessors professional?: Student assessment and the professionalism of academics. Active Learning in Higher Education ; Vol 1(1): 28–44 (

Meldrum, D., Lydon, A.M., Loughnane, M, Geary, F., Shanley, L., Sayers, K., Shinnick, E., Filan, D. (2008). Assessment of undergraduate physiotherapist clinical performance: investigation of educator inter-rater reliability Physiotherapy 94, p212–219

O’Sullivan, J. (2004) Editorial: Continuing Professional Development—is it beneficial? Physiotherapy 90, p 174–175

Gunn, H. and Goding, L.,(2008) Continuing Professional Development of physiotherapists based in community primary care trusts: a qualitative study investigating perceptions, experiences and outcomes, Physiotherapy (article in BB site)

O’Shaughnessy, D. F., Tilki, M. (2007). Cultural competency in physiotherapy: a model for training. Physiotherapy 93, 69–77.

Cross, V., Liles, C., Conduit, J. and Price, J. (2004). Linking reflective practice to evidence of competence: a workshop for allied health professionals, Reflective Practice, 5: 1, 3 — 31.

Donaghy, M. and Morss, K. (2007). An evaluation of a framework for facilitating and assessing physiotherapy students' reflection on practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 23(2) 83-94

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.



Achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed through two tasks. The summative assessment has two parts. Part 1 is a written reflective assignment. Part 2 is a viva. Guidelines will be given regarding the marking criteria for both assessments 2.5.1. Task one (30% weighting) You will prepare a formative teaching session through the development of a contextual analysis and session plan. The contextual analysis will support your teaching session and demonstrate an understanding of the educational theories and approaches being addressed in the session. To support your teaching session a detailed session plan with a rationale must be submitted.

Contextual Analysis of the session. This allows you to think carefully about your planned teaching session and helps you to focus on the relevance of your short session in the larger timeframe of the module.

This is an opportunity for you to focus on the factors that contribute to the session, both immediate and long term. It requires an understanding of the curriculum, learning theories as applied to adults and consideration of the most appropriate method of delivery of the content.

The diversity of the student group may need to be considered in terms of special needs.

The template for this is provided in 2.7

Session Plan for the delivery of the teaching This is essential to establish the aims, learning outcomes, delivery and development of the session plus the formative assessment of the learning. It also acts as a guide for you when delivering the session.

A template is provided for your session plan in 2.7

AFHEA In order to gain AFHEA, you will need to show competency in the following areas from the UKPSF.

A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study (Demonstrated in Task 1 – refer to assessment brief).

A2 Teach and/or support learning (Demonstrated in Task 1, observed teaching session and Task 2).

A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices (Demonstrated in Task 2 and additional viva).

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Contextual analysis and session plan regarding the session must be submitted by Friday 7th November 2014 If you require any additional equipment then you need to email Carol Garcia ([email protected]) by Thursday 6th November by 12.00. This may include: Skeletons, bones, walking aids, goniometers, etc Guidelines for the Formative Observed Teaching session Supporting Paperwork To support your teaching session you will have submitted a detailed session plan and contextual analysis. Observed Teaching Session The session will last for the duration of the session (normally 1 hour) depending on the content and delivery. This teaching session will be on a topic agreed by the module leader and yourself and based on the content being delivered at that time to undergraduate students on a BSc (Hons) course. You will be given formative feedback for your observed teaching session. You will deliver your observed teaching session on Thursday 13th November 2014.

2.5.2. Task 2 Oral viva (70% weighting) This will comprise of an oral viva lasting a maximum of 20 minutes. You will have a viva where you will be asked to reflect on the final formative teaching session which is underpinned by the contextual analysis showing their critical analysis of the adult learning theories utilised and reflect on their personal and professional development for further development. This will be on Friday 14th November 2014.

AFHEA The observation will be carried out by an observer with HEA fellowship/ senior fellowship/principle fellowship.

AFHEA The viva will be carried out by an examiner with HEA fellowship/ senior fellowship/principle fellowship. The viva asks you to reflect on your teaching session and to reflect on its delivery and the underpinning theory that supports it. This will provide evidence to show your engagement UKPSF Areas of Activity 1 and 2.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Guidelines, feedback sheet and marking criteria are available in 2.8

AFHEA If you are aiming to achieve Associate Fellowship of the HEA, you will sit an additional viva following the module viva for 10 minutes. This is where you are assessed on your knowledge of the UKPSF for AFHEA and your CPD in relation to teaching and learning. During the viva for AFHEA we will be looking at area of activity 2 which is teaching and supporting learners with a focus on clinical educators supporting students in the work place. Using the questions from HEA AFHEA application form: 1. The main ways in which you teach and/or support learners; 2. The activities or techniques you use and why; 3. How you came to use them and why you think they were successful in supporting student learning. Give reasons for your choice of activities and techniques and how they relate to developing the learners' understanding of the subject/discipline; 4. How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework such as:

You will be expected to draw on how you have developed yourself to support your students. You will need to demonstrate how your engagement in CPD has improved your practice and the impact of this on the student. This is conducted by an examiner with FHEA or SFHEA or PFHEA and is further listened to by another examiner with FHEA or SFHEA or PFHEA. At least one of these examiners is a reviewer on the SHU CPD scheme.

AFHEA In order to achieve AFHEA, you will need to provide evidence of:

I. Successful engagement with at least two of the five Areas of Activity [We will also expect you to show some evidence of A5 in addition]. This will be assessed in the CLT assessment tasks and the additional 10 minute viva.

II. Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to these areas of activity. This will be assessed in the assessment tasks and the observed teaching session.

III. Appropriate Core Knowledge and under standing of at least K1 and K2. This will be assessed in the CLT assessment tasks and the additional 10 minute viva.

IV. A commitment to appropriate Professional Values in facilitating others’ learning. This will be assessed in the additional 10 minute viva.

V. Relevant professional practices, subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities. This will be assessed in the CLT assessment tasks and the 10 minute viva.

VI. Successful engagement, where appropriate, in professional development activity relating to teaching, learning and assessment responsibilities. This will be assessed in the additional 10 minute viva

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Assessment marking and Feedback Audio feedback linked to the published marking criteria will be provided along with written feedback for task 1. It will include areas of strength in addition to areas requiring improvement. Any mark given in association with feedback will be provisional until considered at the semester 1 Examination and Award Board. Marking criteria for the viva can be found in 2.9. In module retrieval is allowed in the module.

Additional information regarding assessments

If you are unable to attend for either of the assessments on the given date, you must inform the module leader. In cases of extenuating circumstances you must submit an EC1 form (available from the PEP office) for consideration by the university extenuating circumstances committee. Extenuating circumstances can only be considered by this committee. Examination and assessment regulations impose a penalty on any work submitted after the hand in date. For further guidance on examination and assessment regulations you are encouraged to read the university student handbook.

Summary of assessment tasks



Short Description of Task Task Weighting


Word Count or




1 Written. 30 2000 an examiner

with FHEA or


2 Viva 70

20 mins an examiner

with FHEA or


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Resubmission In the unlikely event of referral, you will be offered in module retrieval before the marks have to be processed by the examination board. Any subsequent resubmission will be 6 weeks after the examination board. Refer Task 1: You will a write and submit new contextual analysis and session plan. Refer Task 2: You will resit the viva where you will be asked to reflect on the taught session originally delivered with the added reflection from the deferred viva.

2.6 Support and guidance

This is through the module team listed at the beginning of this handbook. Additionally staff details are on the BB site.

The module leader is responsible for the smooth running of the unit, and the learning experience of the students. If you have any comments or questions regarding general course issues, please address them to Carol in the first instance.

The Postgraduate Education Programme office is located in Robert Winston Building telephone number 0114 225 5857. This is the administrative base for the whole postgraduate Physiotherapy programme. The staff are very helpful and efficient. They are responsible for sending letters to you, receiving your assignments and assisting with the examinations board.

Technical support is given by the technicians located in room F306. Tel 0114 225 2208. The technicians will assist you in loan of equipment needed for teaching sessions.

The Learning Centre staff are available to assist in searching the library stock and CD ROM and internet searches for relevant articles and journals. Some of the most relevant articles may be housed in the key text section of the library as short term loan is often unsuitable for students who are not based on Campus.

All the staff listed above are willing to assist you to achieve the best possible learning from this unit, if you have any questions or problems which you need help with please do not hesitate to contact them. If however you feel you need further help please refer to the section in your university handbook, The Student Experience.

AFHEA Though the resubmission of any referred tasks, you will be able to build your claim for AFHEA.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.7 Template for Contextual Analysis and session plan

Sheffield Hallam University Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Module: Concepts of Learning and Teaching 66-7652-00N

Contextual Analysis of the Teaching session

(to be completed prior to the observed teaching session and must be submitted 1 week before)

What are the teaching and learning activities I will use in the session?

How do these relate to the overall plan of the module in the curriculum delivery?

How do the theoretical modules of learning and teaching apply to my teaching delivery?

How have made sure that I have accommodated a variety of student learning styles in the session?

How have I built in formative assessment into the session to discover if students have learnt?

How have I adapted to students who may have a learning disability?

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Template Teaching Session Plan

Sheffield Hallam University Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Module: Concepts of Learning and Teaching

66-7652-00N Module Title:

Subject within module:

Title of session:

Date Time Room Tutor Group


Materials Needed

Equipment needed

Student preparation

Learning outcomes: By the end of the session the students should be able to:

Key points to cover :

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Time Tutor Activity Student Activity Assessment of Learning

Estimate how long the activity will take

Introduction Consider how to start the session in a positive fashion to stimulate the learners

What do you want students to do? How will you assess they have learnt? Q&A? Quiz? Demonstrations

Continue with recording re key information to show how you move from learning activity to learning activity

Conclusion A conclusion is appropriate in closing the session – how do you want to close the session?

Expand this table to accommodate your teaching session

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.8 Feedback Task 1 Sheffield Hallam University

Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Module: Concepts of Learning and Teaching 66-7652-00N

Task 1 (Contextual Analysis and lesson plan)

(30% weighting): Feedback Form

(Learning Outcome 1)





Comments: Formative Feedback on Observed Teaching session:

Signed: Moderated

This mark is provisional until ratified by the assessment board

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


Marking Criteria for Contextual Analysis and Session Plan



0-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-100%



implement and

justify an adult


session using a

variety of


appropriate to

the teaching

and learning

situation with

reference to

adult learning


You show no

evident planning

for the teaching


You have not

shown any




application of adult

learning theories

and absence of

awareness and

facilitation of

student needs

You show little

planning of the

teaching session.

You have little or no



regarding application

of adult learning

theories and minimal

awareness and

facilitation of student


Your teaching session

was planned

satisfactorily with

some justification of

approaches used with

supporting reference to

adult learning theories.

You demonstrated

awareness and

facilitation of student


Your teaching session

was planned


You showed a

justification of

approaches used with

supporting reference to

appropriate adult

learning theories.

You demonstrating

good awareness and

facilitation of student


Your teaching session

was planned and

implemented very

successfully. You

showed very good

justification of

approaches used with

supporting reference to

appropriate adult

learning theories. You

were successful in

demonstrating very

good awareness and

facilitation of student


You showed excellent

planning and


throughout your

teaching session. You

demonstrated thorough

justification of the

approaches used with

supporting references

therefore demonstrating

a depth of

understanding of adult

learning theories.

You showed excellent

awareness and

facilitation of student


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


2.9 Marking Criteria for Viva

LOs 0-29% 30 - 39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70-100% LO2:

Critically reflect

on, and evaluate

your teaching

and learning

experience with

respect to adult


You showed no

evidence of critical

awareness with

reference to your

designated teaching

session. You

demonstrated no

evidence of clarity in

thinking and minimal

discussion of related


You showed little or

no evidence of critical

awareness with

reference to your

designated teaching

session. You

demonstrated little

evidence of clarity in

your thinking and

minimal discussion of

related issues.

You demonstrated

evidence of

reflection and critical

awareness with

reference to the

designated teaching

session. You are

able to think clearly

but some issues need

to be expanded more


You showed insight

into the factors

involved in your

teaching session.


You demonstrated good

evidence of reflection

and critical awareness

with reference to your

teaching session. You

showed good insight,

frequently offering

personal thinking

within the teaching.

You demonstrated very

good evidence of

reflection and critical

awareness with reference

to your designated

teaching session. You

showed very good insight

shown, frequently offering

clear and consistent

personal thinking within

your teaching

You demonstrated

excellent evidence of

reflection and critical

awareness with

reference to your

teaching session. You

showed excellent

insight, demonstrating a

depth of your

understanding. You are

able to use this

experience as a

personal learning

opportunity to inform

your future practice.



appraise the


underpinning the


models on the

adult learning

and teaching

activities of




assessment and

You were not able to

satisfactorily appraise

any of the literature

relevant to your

teaching session. You

lacked the

understanding needed

regarding the breadth

of application of adult

teaching and learning

theories to delivery in

a variety of contexts

You showed little or

no appraisal of the

relevant literature

understanding and

therefore not showing

the breadth of

application of adult

teaching and learning

theories to delivery in

a variety of contexts

You were able to

appraise the relevant


satisfactorily. You

demonstrated some

understanding of the

breadth of

application of adult

teaching and learning

theories to delivery

in a variety of


You showed good

appraisal of relevant

literature and

understanding of the

breadth of application

of adult teaching and

learning theories to

delivery in a variety of


You showed very good

appraisal of relevant

literature and

understanding of the

breadth of application of

adult teaching and

learning theories to

delivery in a variety of


You showed excellent

appraisal of relevant

literature and

understanding of the

breadth of application

of adult teaching and

learning theories to

delivery in a variety of


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


evaluation in

adult education


Reflect on

personal and


development and

evaluate factors

that have had an

impact on your


practice in the

context of

teaching and


You demonstrated

no or minimal critical

self-awareness and

minimal plans to

develop your

professional practice

in teaching and


You showed some

limited, superficial

critical self-


demonstrated and

some plans to

develop your

professional practice

in teaching and

learning but there are

limitations in regard

to the feasibility.

You showed a

mostly realistic

critical self-


demonstrated and the

plans to develop your

professional practice

in teaching and

learning with insight

into how they will be


You showed critical

self-awareness and

clear and thoughtful

plans to develop your

professional practice in

teaching and learning

and how they will be


You thorough critical self-

awareness demonstrated

and insightful and

thorough plans to develop

your professional practice

in teaching and learning

and how they will be


You showed a

comprehensive critical

self-awareness and

insightful, thorough

and imaginative plans

to develop your

professional practice in

teaching and learning

and how they will be


Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


3.0 Module Descriptor

TITLE Concepts of Learning and Teaching





SUBJECT GROUP Physiotherapy

DEPARTMENT Allied Health Department


MODULE STUDY HOURS (based on 10 hours per credit)*

Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities

Placement (if applicable)

Independent Guided Study

Total Number of Study Hours

24 126 150

MODULE AIM This module aims to facilitate reflection and critical appraisal of adult learning and teaching models involved in the teaching of adults. The emphasis is on exploring how educational concepts and theories are implemented and how they impact on the professional practice and development of the practising educator and tutor in higher education. The module will embrace current technologies and on-going technical and professional developments in the field of education. MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES By engaging successfully with this module a student will be able to:

5. Devise, implement and justify an adult teaching session using a variety of approaches appropriate to the teaching and learning situation with reference to adult learning theories.

6. Critically reflect on, and evaluate your teaching and learning experience with respect to adult learning.

7. Critically appraise the relevant literature underpinning the theoretical models on the adult learning and teaching

activities of curriculum planning, delivery, assessment and evaluation in adult education. 8. Reflect on personal and professional development and evaluate factors that have had an impact on your

professional practice in the context of teaching and learning. INDICATIVE CONTENT In the module programme a framework delivered by staff is planned to promote discussion. The following is indicative of the content:

Curriculum Planning

Theories of adult learning and teaching in higher education

Curriculum Delivery

Student assessment

Student Support

Curriculum Evaluation Additional aspects of education may be added depending on the needs and requests of students.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT - STRATEGY AND METHODS Students will be supported in their learning, to achieve the above outcomes, in the following ways

Tutor led

Seminars will introduce key concepts and theories

interactivity will be a key feature of all tutor led sessions

students will be invited & encouraged to actively participate

Group work to explore own work context and how this relates to other examples.

Students will be guided through bespoke resources by tutors within taught sessions, they will have time to clarify learning through discussion with peers and the tutor

tutors will use VLE in sessions to ensure that students are comfortable with the medium and to ensure consistency between tutor led and student directed learning

Peer support will be encouraged and facilitated VLE

provide access to resources and key module documents

house learning materials used in sessions and additional supporting resources

provide links to web-based resources

encourage learner autonomy

provide two way communication between students and tutors

to ensure up to date info about the progression of the module is available. Student directed

Students will be directed & guided as they develop their skills in autonomous learning

They will complete tasks to consolidate prior learning and prime for future sessions.

They will be encouraged to engage with the VLE which will host recommended wider reading and web based resources that they can access to support tutor led sessions.

Peer support will be encouraged and facilitated

ASSESSMENT TASK INFORMATION Formative Students will have the opportunity to prepare and present formative teaching sessions and resources throughout the module. Summative The summative assessment has two parts. Part 1 is a written reflective assignment. Part 2 is a viva. Part 1: Students will prepare a teaching session through the development of a contextual analysis and session plan. The contextual analysis will support the teaching session and demonstrate an understanding of the educational theories and approaches being addressed in the session. Part 2: Students will have a viva where students will be asked to reflect on the final formative teaching session which is underpinned by the contextual analysis showing their critical analysis of the adult learning theories utilised and reflect on their personal and professional development for further development.

Task No.*

Short Description of Task


Task Weighting %

Word Count or Exam Duration**

In-module retrieval available

1 Written 30 2000 Y

2 Viva 70

20 mins Y

3 Y / N

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


FEEDBACK Students will receive feedback on their performance in the following ways: You will receive formative feedback from peers, tutors and through self-assessment activities. This will enable you to identify specific learning points relevant to yourself as an individual and generic learning points relevant to all. You will be encouraged to reflect upon your own performance and that of your peers and to incorporate these reflections within your professional development portfolio. Summative feedback will be provided in line with current SHU policy. LEARNING RESOURCES FOR THIS MODULE (INCLUDING READING LISTS)

Profession Specific Education Specific

British Medical Journal Active Learning in Higher Education

The Lancet Issues of Teaching and Learning

All the major international physiotherapy journals Learning in Health and Social Care

Physical rehabilitation Teaching and Learning

Etc Teaching in Higher Education

Please check the library stocks for other journals. Some useful links to help with your learning are: - a good place to start, an overview. - a detailed site giving lots of useful information on a wide range of learning theories. - What is learning? Is it a change in behaviour or understanding? Is it a process? a survey of some common models - specifically about training - learning theories The following databases, which can be found using LitSearch, offer a comprehensive range of articles relating to learning and teaching

British Education Index (via Datastar)

The British Education Index provides information on research, policy and practice in

education and training in the UK.


The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is the American equivalent

of British Education Index. ProQuest education journals

Key Text

FRY H, et al (2009) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher education: Enhancing academic practice Pub:Routledge

Suggested additional materials (This will be updated annually).

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


BRIGGS, SENGA (2005) Changing roles and competencies of academics. Active Learning in Higher Education. 6 (3): 256–268

CROSS, V.,et al (2004). Linking reflective practice to evidence of competence: a workshop for allied health professionals, Reflective Practice, 5: 1, 3 — 31.

DONAGHY, M. and MORSS, K. (2007). An evaluation of a framework for facilitating and assessing physiotherapy students' reflection on practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 23(2) 83-94

GENTLE., P. (2001). Course Cultures and Learning Organizations Active Learning in Higher Education. 2(1): 8 -

30 (

GUNN, H. and GODING, L.,(2008) Continuing Professional Development of physiotherapists based in community primary care trusts: a qualitative study investigating perceptions, experiences and outcomes, Physiotherapy

HOLROYD, C. (2000). Are assessors professional?: Student assessment and the professionalism of academics. Active Learning in Higher Education ; Vol 1(1): 28–44 (

KELL, C. and van DEURSEN, R. (2003). Does a Problem-solving Based Curriculum Develop Life-long Learning Skills in Undergraduate Students? Physiotherapy, 89(9) 523-530.

MELDRUM, D. et al (2008). Assessment of undergraduate physiotherapist clinical performance: investigation of educator inter-rater reliability Physiotherapy 94, p212–219

MOUNTFORD, Hazel et al (2006)'Learning styles of entry-level physiotherapy students', Advances in Physiotherapy,8:3, 128 - 136 (

O’SHAUGHNESSY, D. F. and TILKI, M. (2007). Cultural competency in physiotherapy: a model for training. Physiotherapy 93, 69–77.

O’SULLIVAN, J. (2004) Editorial: Continuing Professional Development—is it beneficial? Physiotherapy 90, p 174–175

PEACOCK, S and HOOPER, J. 2007) E-Learning in physiotherapy education, Physiotherapy 93(3): 218-228

SCOTT , S (2007). College hats or lecture trousers? Stage fright and performance anxiety in university teachers Ethnography and Education, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 191–207 (Article in the Black Board site)

STATHOPOULOS, I. and HARRISON, K (2003). Study at master’s level by practising physiotherapists, Physiotherapy, 89(3): 158-169.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


3.0 Process for HEA Recognition How will my claim for fellowship be evaluated? Your evidence will be peer reviewed by two SHU academics who have gained FHEA/ SFHEA or PFHEA. At least one of the assessors will have undergone training specifically on decision-making for fellowship. The two tutors will review your evidence (completion of both the assessment tasks and the additional AFHEA viva) that you have demonstrated the skills, knowledge and reflective skills to show engagement with A1, A2 and A5. Each piece of assessment contributes to your evidence for AFHEA. When your tutors mark your work

they will confirm against the relevant dimensions of practice (Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and

Professoinal Values) whether these have been met.

The Assessment Board for your course will consider whether you have met the required criteria for an

award of fellowship. You will receive a provisional outcome at this stage. All decisions made by

course teams are provisional until ratified by the TALENT Board.

If you have not been successful you will have an opportunity to resubmit your work following

feedback from the course team. You will then have an opportunity to work with your academic

advisor to further develop your AFHEA application to the required standard. Feedback about your

submission will be provided within 15 working days, resubmsssion timescales will be made clear so

that any resubmssion can be considered in a timely way at the next suitable course team panel

meeting and ratified at the next available TALENT board.

If you have been successful the University will confirm this with the HEA and you will receive an email

confirming your fellowship under the TALENT scheme. If you are external to the University (i.e. not a

member of staff) you will need to pay a fee to claim your fellowship. Currently these fees are:

Associate Fellow - £100

This fee pay should be paid directly to the HEA and the email will include instructions on how to do this. You will then be sent your certificate and HEA registration number.

Appeals Process The TALENT Board will receive reports from the external examiners for your course as well as the

recommendation from your assessment board along with the HEA Recognition/Programme form. This

Board will ensure that decisions about HEA Fellowship have been made fairly, consistently and in line

with all other HEA fellowship awards for AFHEA at SHU.

Appeals must be made in writing to the University's Professional Recognition Adviser within 14 days of receiving the decision. Appeals may be made on procedural grounds and covering any part of the

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

15 Credit masters module.


process. Contesting the decision is not grounds for appeal. The appeal and the outcome will be overseen by the TALENT Awards Board which is chaired by the Director of Learning and Teaching.

Diagram of the HEA Recognition Process

Module introduction. You will identify whether you aim to work towards AFHEA to module leader.

You undertake assessment for CLT module.

CLT marks are internally and externally moderated against the CLT marking criteria.

CLT marks ratified at Student Assessment Board.

Examiner and second examiner assess student viva against UKPSF.

You undertake additional 10-minute viva.

CLT module leader informs SHU TALENT board whether student has fulfilled the AFHEA requirements.