Support to Capacity Building and Implementation of...

1 Support to Capacity Building and Implementation of International Food Safety Standards in ASEAN Countries (GCP/RAS/280/JPN) Enhancement of Capacity on Codex Standards in ASEAN Countries

Transcript of Support to Capacity Building and Implementation of...

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Support to Capacity Building and Implementation of International Food Safety Standards in ASEAN Countries


Enhancement of Capacity on Codex Standards in ASEAN Countries

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Objective: To strengthen capacities of ASEAN countries to in contributing Codex standards-setting and implementing adopted Codex standards

Project Period: 8 Dec 2011 - 7 Dec 2016

Countries/Partner Agency (focal points):


MYANMAR - Ministry of Health PHILIPPINES - Department of

Agriculture SINGAPORE- Agri-food &

Veterinary Authority, THAILAND - Ministry of

Agriculture and Cooperatives VIET NAM - Ministry of Health

Participation to the events requested from different

ministries (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce).

BRUNEI - Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

CAMBODIA- Ministry of Commerce

INDONESIA - National Standardization Agency of Indonesia

LAO PDR - Ministry of Health MALAYSIA -Ministry of Health

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Total Budget : USD 1,904,307 (5years)

Background information With globalization and increasing volumes and diversity of

food and agricultural products, national capacity to implement national food safety standards harmonized with international standards for protecting consumers health as well as ensuring international trade is vital

This project focuses on strengthening national capacity to develop national food safety standards in line with Codex standards, implementation of standards and contribution to international standards setting process



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Beneficiaries ASEAN country governments - strengthening

participation in Codex, and understanding and implementing international standards

Stakeholders Food producers, processors, distributers and


Links with other projects and programmes “Enhancing food safety by strengthening food

inspection systems in the ASEAN countries” (GCP/RAS/222/JPN)


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Impact Enhanced food safety and quality at regional and national

levels, with the aim of protecting consumers and promoting the production and trade of safe, quality food.

Outcome Outcome1: Increased contribution of ASEAN Countries in

CODEX Activities

Outcome2: Refined Implementation of Codex standards in ASEAN Countries

Outcome3: Improving Ability for Quality Assurance of Data


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Output 1 Needs of countries identified

Output 1.1 Strengthened capacity for standard setting

Output 1.2 Strengthened National Codex structure

Output 2.1 Strengthened Codex implementation at various stages of food chain

Output 2.2 Developed guidance documents, training modules and other materials

Output 3.1 Strengthened capacity of data collecting and assurance

Output3 .2 Developed guidelines for data collecting and assurance


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a)Identification of current situation and needs Current situation and national interest was identified by

questionnaire, country visit and discussion in inception workshop and published in “Status of National Codex Activities in ASEAN Countries”.

b)Inception Workshop 17-19 September 2012, Bangkok Basic knowledge and information for implementing the

project was enhanced and prioritized future activities were identified.

c)2nd training workshop on Food recall and traceability

15-17 February 2013, Chiang Mai Capacity of risk management in emergency events was

- developed 7

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Activities (continued)

d) 1st Training course on Data Collection and Generation for Food Safety Risk Analysis 10-13 June 2013, Tokyo

Knowledge of risk assessment and capacity of data collection and generation for food safety risk analysis was enhanced

e)2nd Training course on Microbiological Criteria, 16 November 2013, Hanoi

knowledge of microbiological criteria and capacity for establishment and application of the criteria was enhanced

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Activities (continued) f) 1st National training on Food Standard Setting and

participation in Codex activities, 19-21 Feb 2014, Phnom Penh Capacity for food safety standards setting including

contributing to Codex standards work was enhanced g) 3rd regional training workshop on Design and Evaluation

of Mycotoxin Sampling Protocols, 11-12 September 2014, Manila, Philippines Understanding and capacity for proper use the Mycotoxin

Sampling Protocols was enhanced

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Activities (continued)

h) Case study on edible insects for designing of survey and data collection on edible insects has been carried out by support of Mahidol University (2014).

i) Publication

Status of National Codex Activities in ASEAN Countries (November 2012)

Report of the FAO Regional Inception Workshop (July 2013)

Report of Regional Training WS : Food recall and traceability -Application in National food safety control- (June 2014)

Report of Regional Training Course; Strengthening Capacity in Data Collection and Generation for Food Safety Risk Analysis

(Sep 2014)

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Status of National Codex Activities in ASEAN Countries (November 2012)

Information of ASEAN country

1. Food control system frame work ( food standards and Codex) 2. Institutional infrastructure for work on food standards/Codex activities 3. National standards and standards setting in the area of food 4. Level of Codex implementation 5. Data Collection and Analysis Systems 6. Other details relevant to food standards and Codex 7. Prioritized needs of capacity building for effective implementation of Codex standards

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Report of the FAO Regional Inception Workshop

1. Scientific sessions -WTO SPS and TBT agreements -The SPS Agreement and International Standards -ASEAN’s approach on Codex -Food Recall and traceability -Japanese approach for applying scientific principles and risk analysis -Microbiological risk assessment and risk management -Antimicrobial resistance 2. Codex activities in ASEAN countries -Status of implementing International standards at national level in ASEAN countries -Country presentation 3. Prioritization of subjects for future activities 4. Field visit

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Report of Regional Training WS : Food recall and traceability -Application in National food safety control-

1.Basic concepts of risk analysis 2.Application risk analysis in food safety emergency - Implementation of National food safety emergency response plans - Risk analysis principles and food safety emergency 3.Risk communications in food safety emergency 4.Codex Principles for Traceability/Product tracing 5.FAO/WHO Guide for Developing and improving National Food Recall Systems 6.Practical experience of traceability and food recall on the event of food safety emergencies 7.Table top exercises and group discussions for Emergency response 8 Group discussion on National road map for introducing traceability and food recall

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Report of Regional Training Course; Strengthening Capacity in Data Collection and Generation for Food Safety Risk Analysis

1. Overview of Risk Analysis (Introduction) 2. Risk Assessment of Contaminants by JECFA 3. Risk Assessment of Pesticide Residue by JMPR 4. Exposure Assessment of Contaminants by JECFA and Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Residue by JMPR 5. Contaminant Occurrence Data in ASEAN countries - Generation and use of Consumption data of Thailand - Current situation of exposure assessment in Philippines 6. Data Analysis including Basic Statistics 7. Data analysis and generation of pesticide residue in Philippine

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Report of Regional Training Course; Strengthening Capacity in Data Collection and Generation for Food Safety Risk Analysis

(Continued) 8. General Aspects of Sampling and the Specified Plan and Procedure for Aflatoxin 9. Quality Assurance of Monitoring/Surveillance Data - Chemical Analysis of Contaminants in Food 10. Quality Assurance - the case of Vietnam and way forwards 11. Chemical Risk Assessment related to Codex standard 12. Active Participation to Codex Standard Setting Process - Recent Topics of Standard Setting in Codex 13. Field Visit (Japan Food Research Laboratories)

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Newsletters of the project

Quarterly issued, 8th version issued in Sep. 2014

Subscribers over 350

Webpage of the project (

Recent activities,

Publication information etc

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In the website

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Training on data collection and sampling for chemical hazards

Regional workshop for enhancing national Codex programmes to effective participation

Regional workshop on cost benefit analysis and risk assessment

Regional training for risk based inspection including import control system

Any Further suggestions?

Thank you