Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) Committee

Education Program Policy Number EP-05 Supervised Alternative Learning Committee The Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board shall establish and maintain a Supervised Alternative Learning Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act, Regulation 374/10 and Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999. Procedural Guidelines Follow Approved: Board Meeting #10-2008 (Wednesday, June 11, 2008) Revised: Board Meeting #11-2011 (Wednesday, May 25, 2011) Revised: Board Meeting #05-2015 (Wednesday, March 25, 2015)

Transcript of Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) Committee

Page 1: Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) Committee

Education Program Policy Number EP-05

Supervised Alternative Learning Committee

The Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board shall establish and maintain a Supervised Alternative Learning Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act, Regulation 374/10 and Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999.

Procedural Guidelines Follow

Approved: Board Meeting #10-2008 (Wednesday, June 11, 2008) Revised: Board Meeting #11-2011 (Wednesday, May 25, 2011) Revised: Board Meeting #05-2015 (Wednesday, March 25, 2015)

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Policy Number EP-05


An Alternative Learning Pathway


May 2008

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Table of Contents

1. What is S.A.L.EP.?..........................................................................1

2. What is the objective of S.A.L.E.P.?................................................1

3. Reasons to Consider S.A.L.E.P.?...................................................1

4. S.A.L.E.P. Programming Options....................................................2

5. S.A.L.E.P. Program Duration...........................................................2

6. Return to School..............................................................................2

7. S.A.L.E.P. Application Procedure/Intake Process...........................3

8. How is the home school involved once S.A.L.E.P. is approved ....4

9. S.A.L.E.P. Committee Membership.................................................5

10. S.A.L.E.P. Committee Operating Guidelines....................................6

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Supervised Alternative Learning for Excused Pupils (S.A.L.E.P.) is a programming option under the Education Act (Regulation 308) that allows an alternative learning pathway for secondary students aged 14 to 17 who are not experiencing success in the mainstream.

The parent(s)/guardians, in consultation with the school principal or designate may apply for the student’s release from full-time attendance by completing the appropriate application process.

What is the objective of S.A.L.E.P.?

The intention of S.A.L.E.P. programming is to provide the student with a short term holistic alternative pathway that will promote educational, spiritual and personal growth. The primary goal is to have the student reintegrate back to the mainstream once educational success has been formally established.

Reasons to consider S.A.L.E.P.?

S.A.L.E.P. should be explored when creative and supportive school interventions have been exhausted with little or no success. This alternative learning pathway may be considered when two or more of the following criteria are evident:

The student has failing marks in several courses;

The student has an inability to cope in a structured school program;

The student is experiencing significant attendance problems;

The student has shown a dislike of school over a significant period of time;

The student has personal challenges: social, emotional and/or behavioural issues; In addition to the aforementioned criteria, the following must be evident:

The student is likely to benefit from an alternative learning pathway in lieu of mainstream programming;

The student is committed to an alternative learning model;

The parent(s)/guardians are committed to an alternative learning model.


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S.A.L.E.P. Programming Options

Many variations are combined to develop and customize a program for each student taking into account their

individual educational needs. Each case is considered separately and may have a component of (but not limited


Curriculum that follows the Ontario Secondary School Program and Diploma Requirements (either at

school or off site i.e., ILC courses)

Part-time employment or volunteer work and curriculum component;

Part-time employment and part-time volunteer work;

Full-time employment;

Full-time volunteer work;

Employment programs;

Youth programs;

Referral to counseling programs/services;

Personal life management workshops;

Other activities directed to towards the student’s needs and interests that is acceptable to the


S.A.L.E.P. Program Duration

A student can remain in the program until their last date of compulsory school attendance. Generally, the program

must be reviewed each semester unless otherwise approved by the S.A.L.E.P. Committee.

The student may remain in the program only if the parent agrees and only if the student is cooperating with the

conditions of his/her S.A.L.E.P. contract.

Return to School

Since the student remains on the home school register until he/she is of compulsory school age, he/she has the

right to request a return to mainstream programming within their home school at any time while in the S.A.L.E.P.



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However, as the student has likely missed a significant amount of school to this point, the availability and feasibility

of in school programming must be discussed and agreed upon by the principal or designate and the S.A.L.E.P.


S.A.L.E.P. Application Procedure/Intake Process

1. A) The Student Success Team recommends application for S.A.L.E.P. programming to the



B) The parent/guardian approaches the P/VP to express an interest in applying for

S.A.L.E.P. programming.

2. The P/VP meets with the parent/guardian. This meeting is intended to:

provide school’s rationale for the recommendation or clarify parent/guardian’s rationale for the


review S.A.L.E.P. legislation;

review the application procedure/intake process.

3. If the parent/guardian agrees to proceed with an application, the P/VP (or designate):

A) contacts the S.A.L.E.P. facilitator to discuss the application;

B) completes the S.A.L.E.P. application package;

C) forwards the application package to the facilitator.

The application package includes:

Principal’s (or designate) report;

Signed parent application form;

Signed student application form;

Student Transcript;

Daily Attendance Report;

Signed psychologist/social worker/other consultation permission form;

Copied pertinent OSR contents.


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4. Upon receipt of the application package, the S.A.L.E.P. Facilitator contacts the P/VP to discuss the


The dialogue is intended to:

clarify any questions in the application package;

request missing components of the application package if necessary;

obtain additional information related to the applicant and application;

review OSR in preparation for:

A) meeting with the parent/guardian;

B) formal report to the S.A.L.E.P. Committee.

5. The S.A.L.E.P. facilitator contacts the parent/guardian to arrange a meeting.

This meeting is intended to:

review the application;

review S.A.L.E.P. legislation;

list and explain programming options to the parent/guardian;

determine the appropriateness of the application;

if deemed appropriate, advise parent/guardian and student of date and time of the

S.A.L.E.P. meeting (parent/guardian and student must attend the meeting)

6. S.A.L.E.P. facilitator compiles a package for the S.A.L.E.P. Committee to consider. The package is

forwarded to members of the Committee five days in advance of the meeting.

The package includes:

all documentation and forms from the school;

Parent application form;

Student application form;

Facilitator’s Report.


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7. S.A.L.E.P. Committee meets and decides to approve or reject the application.

Attendees include committee members and:

S.A.L.E.P. Facilitator;

Referring P/VP (or designate);



At the meeting, the application package is discussed, followed by questions and a general discussion with

the parent/guardian and the student.

8. If the application is rejected, the student continues to attend his/her home school. If the application is

approved, the S.A.L.E.P. Facilitator monitors the student’s progress and reports to the stakeholders at

prescribed intervals.

How is the home school involved once S.A.L.E.P. is approved?

A student in the S.A.L.E.P. program will still be considered a full-time student and continue to

be recorded on the register of the home school. The home school principal keeps the S.A.L.E.P. committee

informed of the student’s progress through regular communication.

S.A.L.E.P. Committee Membership

The SMCDSB shall establish a S.A.L.E.P. Committee annually. The Committee shall be composed of the

following members:

a) A trustee and an alternate, both appointed by the Board;

b) An academic superintendent and an alternate appointed by the Director of Education;

c) Chief Psychologist;

d) Principal for Student Success;

e) A community representative and alternate, neither of whom is a member or employee of the



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In addition to the composition of the Committee, the committee shall:

Designate one of its members as Chair annually.

Designate one of its members as Secretary annually.

S.A.L.E.P. Committee Operating Guidelines

The SMCDSB Committee shall:

a) Keep minutes, but not circulate the information to protect the privacy of individuals.

b) The Committee will consult with resource people where appropriate.

c) The committee will meet every semester or more often if necessary.