Supernatural S1 S5

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Transcript of Supernatural S1 S5

  • 8/18/2019 Supernatural S1 S5



    Season 1

    S1, Ep1

    16 Jan. 2006Pilot 

    Sam and Dean Winchester were trained by their father to hunt the creatures of thesupernatural. ow, their father has mysteriously disappeared while huntin! the demonthat "illed their mother, 22 years a!o.

    S1, Ep2

    20 Sep. 200#Wendigo Sam and Dean ma"e a stop at $lac"water %id!e and end up helpin! a youn! woman andher brother find their other brother, who mysteriously disappeared, while on a campin!trip, in the woods.

    S1, Ep&

    2' Sep. 200#Dead in the Water Somethin!, in the la"e of a small town, is "illin! innocent people.

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    S1, Ep(

    ( )ct. 200#

    Phantom Traveler Sam and Dean are called in to in*esti!ate when a plane crashes under mysterious

    circumstances, leadin! them to the conclusion that a demon is possessin! people andcausin! them to crash the plane they are on.

    S1, Ep#

    11 )ct. 200#Bloody Mary 

    +ll o*er the world, "ids play the $loody -ary !ame, darin! each other to say her namethree times in a mirror. $ut no one has e*en died from it. ntil now. Sam and Dean mustfind a way to stop her before she claims another *ictim.

    S1, Ep6

    1/ )ct. 200#

    Skin When one of Sams old school friends is framed for the murder of his !irlfriend, Sam and

    Dean in*esti!ate, disco*erin! that a shapeshifter is responsible for that murder andpossibly other similar murders.

    S1, Ep'

  • 8/18/2019 Supernatural S1 S5


    2# )ct. 200#Hook Man Sam and Dean help a !irl whose date became a *ictim of the oo" -an, a famousurban le!end that turns out to be real, in a small colle!e town somewhere in owa. norder to sa*e her and her father, the local minister, the brothers ha*e to find the !hostsbones so they can destroy them. $ut Sam and Dean run into a problem when they

    disco*er that the bones are in an unmar"ed !ra*e.

    S1, Ep/

    / o*. 200#Bugs Sam and Dean head to )"lahoma to in*esti!ate a recent spate of insect related deathsaround a new housin! de*elopment.

    S1, Ep3

    1# o*. 200#Home 4ollowin! *isionary Sams recent ni!htmare about the former Winchester home in5awrence, ansas, where the present dwellers, Jenny from Wichita and dau!hter to twosmall "ids, are suspiciously accident7prone, Dean reluctantly accepts to dri*e there.Dean and Sam reassure Jenny but follow up on the "ids fear of a flamin! creature in thecloset. 8hey consult -issouri -oseley, their father Johns old medium friend, and

    to!ether with the spirit of -ary Winchester, confront an e*il polter!eist, but a second!host inter*enes and someone hides behind -issouri.

    S1, Ep10

    22 o*. 200#

    Asylum Sam and Dean in*esti!ate an abandoned sanitarium and disco*er that when the hospitalwas open, the patients held a re*olt a!ainst the cruel and unusual e9perimental

  • 8/18/2019 Supernatural S1 S5


    treatments carried out by the head doctor. ow the !hosts roam the halls, dri*in!anyone who spends the ni!ht insane. While tryin! to rescue two lost teena!ers, Sam iscaptured and turns a!ainst Dean.

    S1, Ep11

    10 Jan. 2006

    Scarecrow While in a motel, Sam and Dean recei*e a call from their father, as"in! them to !i*e up

    tryin! to find him and to ta"e note of the names of three youn! couples that had

    disappeared in ndiana alon! the last three years, always on the second wee" of +pril.Sam decides to !o after his father in :alifornia and lea*es Dean, who arri*es in the smalltown of $ur"its*ille for in*esti!ation of the missin! couples. Sam meets the drifter -e!,who is also hitchhi"in! to :alifornia on the road, and stays with her waitin! for a bus inthe bus station. Dean discloses that a pa!an ...

    S1, Ep12

    10 +pr. 2006Faith When Dean is accidentally electrocuted fi!htin! a monster, he permanently dama!es hisheart. When hes dia!nosed as only ha*in! a month, at most, to li*e, Sam searches for ameans to sa*e him and finds %oy 5e ;ran!e, a faith healer who may actually be the realdeal. +fter 5e ;ran!e heals Dean, the brothers disco*er that 5e ;ran!e is usin! blac"

    ma!ic to bind a %eaper to do his biddin!... and each healin! comes with a terrible priceof someone elses life.

    S1, Ep1&

    1' +pr. 2006

    Route  Dean !ets contacted by his first lo*e, an +frican +merican woman, about racist murdersthat occur on a desert route, caused by a truc" that seems dri*er7less

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    S1, Ep1(

    ' 4eb. 2006!ightmare 

    Sam has a premonition in which a man is "illed, but the murder is made to loo" li"e asuicide. Sam con*inces Dean that they must in*esti!ate the case, but the two are


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    S1, Ep1'

    &0 -ar. 2006Hell House Sam and Dean in*esti!ate the case of a maniacal !host inhabitin! a lon! abandoned

    8e9as farmhouse "nown as ell ouse. 8hey belie*e the !host is the spirit of adeceased Depression7era farmer who "illed his family, but they soon reali

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    S1, Ep20

    20 +pr. 2006

    Dead Man"s Blood +fter Daniel El"ins, a *ampire hunter and Johns mentor, is murdered, Sam and Dean are

    surprised when John himself shows up to sol*e the case. John disco*ers the *ampiresha*e ta"en an anti=ue !un, which has the power to "ill all supernatural bein!s. 8heWinchester family sets out to retrie*e the !un from the *ampires so they can use it to"ill the demon that too" Sam and Deans mother.

    S1, Ep21

    2' +pr. 2006Salvation -e! turns to "illin! Johns friends in order to !et the :olt. Sam and Dean sta"eout the

    Demons ne9t tar!et? a family with a si9 month old baby showin! si!ns of specialabilities. John heads off alone to confront -e!.

    S1, Ep22

    ( -ay 2006

    Devil"s Tra# Sam and Dean see" help from $obby Sin!er, an old family friend in their mission to sa*etheir father from -e!. 8he brothers set a trap for -e!.

    Season 2

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    S2, Ep1

    1# Jan. 200'

    $n My Time o% Dying n the aftermath of the car crash, the sur*i*in! Winchesters !o to the hospital, where

    one is stal"ed by a %eaper while another must consider sacrificin! himself to sa*e theothers.

    S2, Ep2

    22 Jan. 200'&very'ody (oves a )lown 

    Sam and Dean listen to a messa!e on Johns cell phone from a woman named Ellen@!uest star Samantha 4errisAand decide to trac" her down. 8hey are shoc"ed to disco*erEllen runs a road house that also ser*es as a !atherin! place for hunters li"e themsel*es.

    -eanwhile, at a small town carni*al, a demonic clown is persuadin! children to let it intotheir home so he can murder their parents.

    S2, Ep&

    23 Jan. 200'

    Bloodlust 8he Winchester brothers en>oy Deans new babyB a shiny newly restored car, whilechec"in! out a report of two recent human deaths and o*er a do

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    S2, Ep(

    # 4eb. 200'

    )hildren Shouldn"t Play with Dead Things Sam insists to *isit ma -arys !ra*e, althou!h empty and meanin!less to Dean, who is

    howe*er intri!ued in the cemetery by the perfect circle of dead *e!etation around thethree days old !ra*e of local colle!e student +n!ela -ason who died in a car accident,suspectin! the !round is desecrated, Sam thin"s its another di*ersion not to ha*e tothin" about either deceased Winchester parent. er roommate 5indsey says +n!elas!rie*in! boyfriend -att arrison >ust slit his throat, all plants in his place are also dead.+nother student, eil 5e*ine, tells -att blamed ...

    S2, Ep#

    12 4eb. 200'

    Simon Said Cisions show Sam, still huntin! for the master demon with Dean, the way to anothersmall town where paranormal e*ents occur, some innocent, some chillin!ly e*il. 8heWinchester brothers are con*inced its all the paranormal wor" of 2& year7old +ndy;alla!her, but doubt as that boy, althou!h a bit of an outcast looser li*in! in a *an filled

    with philosophy as well as roc" music seems sincerely surprised and usin! his powerswith self7control. Soon they find after rescuin! 8racy from what seems his wor" there is

    another at least as able and less scrupled, in fact +ndys...

    S2, Ep6

    13 4eb. 200'

    !o &*it Sam and Dean meet up with +mericas first serial "iller, while Jo lies to her mother about

    !oin! to Ce!as and >oins Sam and Dean to help them on their hunt.

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    S2, Ep'

    26 4eb. 200'

    The +sual Sus#ects Dean has been framed for murder. Sam tries to find the one behind it.

    S2, Ep/

    # -ar. 200')rossroad Blues 

    8he people of a small town ha*e been sellin! their souls to a crossroads demon.

    S2, Ep3

    12 -ar. 200')roatoan +nother one of Sams *isions in which Dean "ills a man by name of Duane 8anner sends

    the Winchesters to %i*er!ro*e, a near !host town facin! mass demonic possession. Samand Dean be!in to belie*e that the demons are tryin! to destroy the town from the

    inside out when the remainin! town7fol" try to "ill them.

    S2, Ep10

    13 -ar. 200'Hunted

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    Sam is shoc"ed when Dean finally tells him their dad as"ed him to watch o*er Sam tosa*e him, or if that fails "ill him. Sam lea*es alone to let +sh loo" up a same7typeclair*oyant demonic *ictim. +*a Wilson, from eoria, ndiana, fits that bill and loo"s upSam to warn she saw his death, then lea*es ridiculin! him. Dean followed Sam, >ust intime to inter*ene when cra

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    n ro*idence, %hode sland, the local ;loria "ills a man claimin! that an an!el in abeautiful white ni!ht had chosen her for redemption and as"ed her to stab the sinner toaccomplish ;ods will. Dean and Sam in*esti!ate the case and they disco*er that otherpeople had been *isited by the an!el and committed murders. 4urther, the an!el hasappeared after the death of 4ather ;re!ory, who was murdered on the steps of hischurch two months a!o. When Sam is *isited by the an!el and as"ed to "ill a man, the

    s"eptical and atheist Dean confronts the faith of Sam tellin! ...

    S2, Ep1(

    / 4eb. 200'Born +nder a Bad Sign +fter Sam !oes missin! for o*er a wee", Dean finally recei*es a phone call from hisbrother. Dean finds Sam in a hotel room, co*ered in blood and sufferin! from the effectsof a wee" lon! memory blac"out. pon in*esti!ation, the brothers find a *ideo7tape of

    Sam "illin! another hunter in cold blood, which leads Sam to belie*e his dar" side ista"in! o*er. When the dar" side finally emer!es Sam attac"s Dean and continues on his

    hunter "illin! spree with his ne9t tar!ets bein! family friends Jo ar*elle and $obbySin!er.

    S2, Ep1#

    1# 4eb. 200'Tall Tales 

    When collea!ue hunter $obby Sin!er arri*es, the Winchester brothers tell him alternati*e*ersions, each incriminatin! the other, of their weird e9periences in a uni*ersity where

    improbable stories happened. rofessor :o9 made a fatal fall when seduced by a non7student !irl, a frats pled!e7master reportedly suffered e9treme ha

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    1# -ar. 200'Roadkill -olly and her husband are dri*in! alon! a lon! deserted hi!hway at ni!ht when theycome upon a farmer. 8he ne9t thin! -olly "nows both the husband and the farmer ha*edisappeared. 8hin!s !et worse when the Winchesters inform -olly that the farmer is

    actually a hi!hway !host who, it seems, appears annually to claim a new *ictim, whohappens to be -olly this time.

    S2, Ep1'

    22 -ar. 200'Heart Sam and Dean come across werewolf acti*ity when they in*esti!ate the death of lawyerwho was belie*ed to ha*e been "illed by a wild animal. While Dean trac"s the werewolfon the outside, Sam offers to protect -adison@!uest star Emmanuelle Cau!ierAwho is

    li"ely to be the werewolfs ne9t tar!et.

    S2, Ep1/

    13 +pr. 200'Hollywood Ba'ylon 8he Winchesters !o underco*er as +s on a haunted mo*ie set after !ettin! wind ofreports of ta! teamin! !hosts. 8he brothers deal with an asinine studio e9ecuti*e out toma"e cheap mar"etin! stunts@!uest star ;ary :oleA, a disenfranchised screenwriter

    see"in! re*en!e for unnecessary re*isions to a formally !reat script, and Deans fan7

    boyish feelin!s for the leadin! lady.

    S2, Ep13

    26 +pr. 200'Folsom Prison Blues

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    When an old bloc" is reopened in the ;reen %i*er :ounty Detention :enter after thirtyyears, a fiend is released, "illin! the inmates. 8hree months later, Dean and Sam arearrested durin! a heist to be sent to the haunted prison to help Deacon, a former friendof their father. While 4$ +!ent Cictor enric"sen presses Dean, the public defender -araDaniels belie*es the brothers are not !uilty of most of the inconsistent char!es a!ainstthem, and helps the Winchester brothers in the end.

    S2, Ep20

    & -ay 200'

    What $s and What Should !ever Be Dean !ets attac"ed by a D>inn, a creature capable of warpin! reality. 8he ne9t thin!s he"nows hes in 5awrence, ansas, in a stable relationship with a woman named :armen,his mother is ali*e and well, and he and Sam are no lon!er on spea"in! terms. When theidea of a peaceful e9istence be!ins to settle in, *isions of his pre*ious life as a hunter

    start appearin! out of nowhere.

    S2, Ep21

    10 -ay 200'All Hell Breaks (oose, Part - 8he ellow Eyed Demon transports Sam, +ndy, and +*a alon! with other Special:hildren Ja"e and 5ily to the remains of a !host town to initiate the first steps of his wara!ainst man"ind. Dean contacts $obby Sin!er, +sh, and Ellen for help in locatin! his


    S2, Ep22

    1' -ay 200'All Hell Breaks (oose, Part . 

    Dean hits an emotional roc" bottom after a de*astatin! personal loss. 8he ellow EyedDemon be!ins a calculated strate!ic mo*e to unleash the armies of hell.

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     Season 3

    S&, Ep1

    1# )ct. 200'The Magni%icent Seven Sam, Dean, and $obby deal with the ramifications of the ;ate to ell openin!, meetin!the demon incarnations of the Se*en Deadly Sins, while Dean is li*in! life to the fullest inthe shadow of a deal he made with the :rossroads Demon, and a mysterious blondewoman with a demon7"illin! "nife assists Sam.

    S&, Ep2

    22 )ct. 200'The /ids Are Alright + stran!e death reported in the newspaper prompts Dean and Sam to find 5isa $raeden,a woman Dean had a wee"end flin! with about /.'# years a!o, only to find she has ason turnin! /. While in*esti!atin! the death in the paper alon! with se*eral othermysterious recent deaths, Sam and Dean find they are chasin! a :han!elin!, who is

    replacin! children with its offsprin!. 8he mysterious blond woman is bac", !i*in! Sam acryptic messa!e that he should loo" into his mothers friends.

    S&, Ep&

    23 )ct. 200'Bad Day at Black Rock 8he Winchesters are called re!ardin! a robbery of their fathers stora!e unit, and trac"down the robbers to find the item stolen is a cursed rabbits foot, which pro*ides !reat

    luc" until lost, and once lost the pre*ious owner dies within a wee". Sam pic"s up thefoot and has !reat fortune, until it is pic"poc"etted away by the mercenary $ela. Dean

    must then !et it bac" before Sams bad luc" !ets him "illed. 8o complicate the whole

    situation, ;ordon, from his prison home, has con*inced two other hunters that Sam ispure e*il and must be "illed.

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    S&, Ep(

    2# )ct. 200'Sin )ity 

    8he Winchester boys head to )hio to research se*eral deaths in a small town, where sinhas ta"en a firm foothold on the population? prostitution, adultery, alcohol abuse,

    murder, and suicide are all pre*alent in the once =uiet town. Dean has a re*ealin!con*ersation with a demon possessed woman. 8he demon %uby assists $obby in

    restorin! the :olt to its demon7"illin! !randeur.

    S&, Ep#

    12 o*. 200'

    Bedtime Stories 8he 8hree 5ittle i!s and ansel and ;retel come to life and attract Sam and Deans

    attention to -aple Sprin!s, , where they try to pre*ent 5ittle %ed %idin! ood,:inderella, and Snow White from ha*in! unhappy endin!s. Sam also confronts the:rossroad Demon with the newly refurbished :olt.

    S&, Ep6

    13 o*. 200'

    Red Sky at Morning Stran!e land7loc"ed drownin!s are happenin! and the boys head to the coast to find out

    why, disco*erin! a ;host Ship has been witnessed by each of the *ictims shortly beforetheir deaths. 8hey find that $ela is already in*ol*ed, runnin! a scam on elderly ;ertrude:ase, the aunt of the first *ictim with a crush on Sam.

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    S&, Ep'

    26 o*. 200'

    Fresh Blood ;ordon Wal"er is out of prison and out for blood, Sams blood, and pays $ela to re*eal

    their location. -eanwhile, the Winchesters are hot on the trail of a *ampire namedDi9on, who in turn has a beef with ;ordon.

    S&, Ep/

    11 4eb. 200/A 0ery Su#ernatural )hristmas 

    Sam and Dean follow the trail of an +nti7:laus when *ictims are apparently pulled up thechimney ne*er to be seen a!ain. +fter a lead !oes nowhere, the Winchesters learn the+nti7:laus in in fact a pair of old pa!an !ods who ha*e assimilated into society and ha*e

    found a new way of !ettin! their yearly sacrifices. + flashbac" to :hristmas E*e 1331re*eals how Sam found out for the first time what their father really did and where Dean!ot his !old amulet.

    S&, Ep3

    1/ 4eb. 200/Malleus Male%icarum 8he seemin!ly harmless practices of a !roup of nei!hborhood witches !oes bad whenone of them "ills a woman. %uby offers her assistance... but she has a few secrets of herown.

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    S&, Ep10

    2# 4eb. 200/

    Dream a (ittle Dream o% Me When $obby Sin!er is disco*ered in a coma, Dean and Sam unco*er a demon who wor"s

    throu!h peoples dreams to destroy them.

    S&, Ep11

    & -ar. 200/

    Mystery S#ot Sam reli*es the same day o*er and o*er, continually ha*in! to deal with Deans death.

    S&, Ep12

    10 -ar. 200/1us in Bello 

    Sam and Dean are arrested by +!ent enri"sen and thrown into a >ail cell in :olorado >ust as an army of demons ma"es their first mo*e under a new leader who wants Sam


    S&, Ep1&

    / Jun. 200/2host%acers

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    Sam and Dean ine9plicably encounter the ell ounds while in*esti!atin! a case thatJohn failed to crac" years earlier and become fi9tures in their pilot for a reality showcalled ;hostfacers.

    S&, Ep1(

    1# Jun. 200/

    (ong Distance )all Sam and Dean are on the trail of the :rocotta, an entity that secures its *ictims by

    communicatin! as a lo*ed one *ia phone and computer. While Sam watches o*er a

    family bein! tormented by the !hostly communi=ues, Dean wal"s into a trap when a*oice from beyond the !ra*e !i*es the whereabouts of the demon who holds hiscontract.

    S&, Ep1#

    / -ay 200/Time $s on My Side 8he Winchesters encounter the mysterious and *ery much still ali*e Doc $enton whenthey loo" into a series of abductions where the *ictims report missin! body parts afterforced sur!ery. When $obby mana!es to locate $ela, Dean heads off to confront her and!et the :olt bac". -eanwhile Sam stays behind hopin! that Doc $enton can ma"e Deanimmortal to !et him out of the Deal.

    S&, Ep16

    1# -ay 200/!o Rest %or the Wicked Deans time is up and he has to pay the De*il his due. When 5ilith resurfaces in ewarmony, ndiana terrori

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    Season 4

    S(, Ep1

    1/ Sep. 200/(a3arus Rising Sam tries to mo*e on without his brother and becomes hardened and more rec"less inthe way he hunts. $obby and his psychic friend amela try to contact the other side tofind out more about Deans ultimate fate.

    S(, Ep2

    2# Sep. 200/Are 4ou There5 2od6 $t"s Me5 Dean Winchester 

    8he Winchesters and $obby Sin!er encounter the an!ry spirits of people they couldntsa*e.

    S(, Ep&

    2 )ct. 200/$n the Beginning :astiel sends Dean bac" in time to 13'& where he encounters youn!er *ersions of hisparents and for the first time meets his !randfather Samuel :ampbell who holds a secretthat sheds a li!ht on the Winchester 4amilys connection to the hunter community.

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    S(, Ep(

    3 )ct. 200/Metamor#hosis + hunter named 8ra*is points Sam and Dean towards a meat eatin! creature called a%u!aru. :omplicatin! matters is the fact that 8ra*iss tar!et is a normal suburban dad in

    the earlier process of chan!in! and he hasnt "illed anyone yet.

    S(, Ep#

    16 )ct. 200/Monster Movie ts alloween time and the Winchesters face7off a!ainst a shapeshifter with a penchantfor impersonatin! classic mo*ie monsters li"e Dracula, the Wolfman, and the -ummy.

    S(, Ep6

    2& )ct. 200/4ellow Fever Sam and Dean disco*er a :olorado small towns dar"est secret as a wa*e of people fallprey to a !host sic"ness that induces fear, paranoia, and ultimately a fatal heartattac". Sam and $obby must fi!ure out the cause and cure of the sic"ness when Deanhimself falls prey to it.

    S(, Ep'

    &0 )ct. 200/$t"s the 2reat Pum#kin5 Sam Winchester n*esti!atin! two mysterious deaths in a small town, Sam and Dean disco*er a witch issacrificin! people to summon a dan!erous demon.

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    S(, Ep/

    6 o*. 200/

    Wish%ul Thinking Sam and Dean in*esti!ate when a small towns wishin! well actually starts to !rant the

    peoples wishes.

    S(, Ep3

    1& o*. 200/

    $ /now What 4ou Did (ast Summer Sam, Dean, and %uby disco*er the e9istence of a female prophet named +nna -ilton,

    who can hear the *oices of an!els and thus fi!ures into the plans of a demon named+lastair who wants to use her as a tool a!ainst the an!els.

    S(, Ep10

    20 o*. 200/Heaven and Hell 

    Dean and Sam fi!ure out why :astiel and his superiorFhandler, riel the +n!el of Death,want +nna -ilton dead when the three of them are forced to !o on the run, not only

    from hea*enly and *en!eful an!els, but from +lastair and his demon minions who alsotry to trac" down Sam, Dean, and +nna. With the assistance from the now7blindsoothsayer, amela $arnes, they disco*er that +nna is a fallen @formerA an!el and needsto see" her !race win!s before the forces of both ea*en and ell find them.

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    S(, Ep11

    1# Jan. 2003Family Remains 8he Winchesters try to stop a family from mo*in! into a haunted house.

    S(, Ep12

    22 Jan. 2003)riss Angel $s a Douche Bag 

    Sam and Dean in*esti!ate the acti*ities of a trio of ma!icians who are usin! a !rimoireto e9ecute real feats of ma!ic.

    S(, Ep1&

    1 Jun. 2003A%ter School S#ecial 

    Sam and Dean in*esti!ate a hauntin! at one of their old hi!h schools where we will seewhat school was li"e for the brothers.

    S(, Ep1(

    / Jun. 2003Se* and 0iolence 

    8he Winchesters in*esti!ation into a series of deaths ta"es a deadly turn when a sirentries to tear them apart for !ood.

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    S(, Ep1#

    1# Jun. 2003

    Death Takes a Holiday Sam and Dean try to find out why people in a small town are ha*in! near death

    e9periences with alarmin! fre=uency by !oin! into the spirit world.

    S(, Ep16

    22 Jun. 2003

    7n the Head o% a Pin :astiel and riel as" Dean to torture +lastair for information. $ut when +lastair brea"s

    free, :astiel starts to belie*e that there is a traitor amon! the an!els.

    S(, Ep1'

    23 Jun. 2003

    $t"s a Terri'le (i%e n an alternate reality mysteriously created as if Sam and Dean were ne*er brothers and

    ha*e ne*er met, Sam and Dean wor" at a mar"etin! office where they are forced toteam up with one another when a series of mysterious suicides point to a !host hauntin!

    the premises.

    S(, Ep1/

    6 Jul. 2003

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    The Monster at the &nd o% This Book +n author has been writin! boo"s about Sam and Dean since 200#. Sam and Dean try tofi!ure out how he "nows so much about them.

    S(, Ep13

    1& Jul. 2003

    1um# the Shark Sam and Dean are contacted by one +dam -illi!an who claims to be John Winchesters

    son. 8he boys immediately suspect a demon trap and !o to in*esti!ate. +dam turns out

    to le!itimately be Johns son and Dean is furious that John "ept +dams e9istence fromthem as well as sheltered +dam from the huntin! life. -eanwhile other supernaturalforces are at wor", which lead to a tra!ic twist that neither Sam, Dean, or their newsiblin! could ha*e !uessed.

    S(, Ep20

    20 Jul. 2003The Ra#ture :astiel has been sent bac" to ea*en. is human host, Jimmy, tries to re!ain his life.$ut the demons wont lea*e him alone and now his family is at ris". Sam and Dean canhelp a little, but theyre !oin! to need a miracle to win.

    S(, Ep21

    2' Jul. 2003When the (evee Breaks Sam is becomin! more and more inhuman. Dean and $obby put him in the safe holduntil he !ets o*er his addictions. +fter Sam escapes with help, un"nown to him, from:astiel, he finds %uby and be!ins to feed once a!ain. Dean be!ins to truly belie*e that

    the old Sam is !one for !ood.

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    S(, Ep22

    & +u!. 2003(uci%er Rising When the last few of the 66 Seals are bro"en by 5iliths minions, Sam and Dean prepare

    for the bi! and probably futile fi!ht in *ery different ways. Sam >oins %uby on a finalattempt to "ill 5ilith before 5ucifer rises, while :astiel and Gachariah tell Dean that its

    time to play his part in stoppin! 5ucifer.

    Season 5

    S#, Ep1

    &0 o*. 2003

    Sym#athy %or the Devil 

    n the aftermath of the De*il risin!, Sam and Dean are whis"ed away and they are !i*ena messa!e from :huc" Shurley that :astiel is dead and that 5uficer wal"s the Earth. +s aresult, Sam and Dean turn to $obby for help to find a mystical weapon, called -ichaelsSword. 8his will enable them to find the De*il before he ta"es on a new form to brin! theslow end of the world. $ut the Winchester brothers are pitted a!ainst the archan!elGachariah who has plans for Dean, as well as more demons. Sam and Dean reco!nise ademon, -e!, who has returned from ell.

    S#, Ep2

    &0 o*. 20032ood 2od5 4"All +n old friend of $obbys calls, panic"ed about demons attac"in! his town. Sam and Deanarri*e and e*erythin! appears e9actly as they had e9pected. +s time pro!resses they


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    S#, Ep&

    ' Dec. 2003

    Free to Be 4ou and Me ot sure he trusts himself, Sam decides to !i*e up huntin! and !oes off on his own. $ut

    that ni!ht, a late7ni!ht *isitor tells Sam that he wont let him off the hoo" that easily.Dean, intent on stoppin! the +pocalypse, continues huntin! on his own and teams upwith :astiel to find the +rchan!el %aphael since :astiel belie*es %aphael "nows thelocation of ;ods *essel on Earth.

    S#, Ep(

    ' Dec. 2003The &nd Dean awa"ens fi*e years in the future in an abandoned city and is attac"ed by humans

    infected with a demonic *irus that ma"es them mindless, flesh7eatin!

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    S#, Ep6

    2/ Dec. 2003

    $ Believe the )hildren Are 7ur Future Sam and Dean in*esti!ate a series of odd murders that stran!ely resemble fairy tales

    and urban le!ends. 8he brothers trac" down an 117year7old boy named Jesse, andreali

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    S#, Ep3

    12 +pr. 2010

    The Real 2host'usters Dean and Sam are at a Supernatural con*ention where they meet lots of fans of the

    Supernatural $oo"s. +fter a while they !et the impression that somethin! is not ri!ht atthe location of the con*ention.

    S#, Ep10

    13 o*. 2003A'andon All Ho#e 

    Dean and Sam !et to "now the whereabouts of 5ucifer and want to hunt him down. $ut5ucifer is well prepared and is wor"in! his own plans.

    S#, Ep11

    21 Jan. 2010Sam5 $nterru#ted 

    When a former hunter calls Sam and Dean for help from inside a mental institution, thebrothers !et themsel*es admitted as patients to chec" out his claims of supernatural

    phenomena. When their incarceration pushes them both to the brea"in! point theirpersonal issues send them o*er the ed!e.

    S#, Ep12

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    2/ Jan. 2010Swa# Meat n -assachusetts, se*enteen year7old nerd ;ary uses witchcraft to swap bodies withSam. ;ary has lots of fun with the se9y :rystal and followin! Dean, who is huntin! thewitch -a!!ie $ri!!s. -eanwhile, Sam is trapped in the body of the teena!er and tryin!to find out how ;ary had succeeded in the blac" ma!ic, and also tryin! to communicate

    with Dean. When Sam meets ;arys friends 8re*or and ora, he disco*ers that theintention of the teena!ers that are playin! a deadly !ame with the witchcraft.

    S#, Ep1&

    ( 4eb. 2010The Song Remains the Same 8he rene!ade an!el +nna escapes from her prison in hea*en. She tra*els bac" in time to"ill Sam and Deans parents so that Sam is ne*er born, and cannot be the *essel for

    5ucifer. :astiel sends Sam and Dean bac" to stop +nna.

    S#, Ep1(

    11 4eb. 2010My Bloody 0alentine + couple of days before Calentines Day, two *alentines de*our each other. )n the ne9tday, two lo*ers commit suicide. Dean and Sam in*esti!ate the murders and summon:astiel to help them. :astiel tells that the responsible is a cupid that has !one nuts. 8he

    an!el brin!s the cupid and they conclude that he is innocent. When Sam feels hun!er fordemon blood, they disco*er that the local population has been attac"ed by 4amine, one

    of the 4our orsemen of the +pocalypse.

    S#, Ep1#

    2# -ar. 2010Dead Men Don"t Wear Plaid

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    Sam and Dean in*esti!ate $obbys home town where the dead are risin! from the !ra*ebut instead of attac"in! humans, they are happily reunitin! with their families. 8hebrothers turn to $obby for help but he tells them not to worry about it and to lea*etown. Suspicious, Dean in*esti!ates and comes face to face with $obbys dead wife whohas no memory of what happened to her. )nce the

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    S#, Ep13

    22 +pr. 2010Hammer o% the 2ods 

    While dri*in! throu!h the road, Dean and Sam stop for the ni!ht in a remote four7starhotel. Soon they learn that ali, $aldur, )din and other pa!an !ods ha*e "idnapped the

    !uests to eat them as well as Dean and Sam to summon 5ucifer and a*oid the+pocalypse. )ut of the blue, ;abriel arri*es in the spot to warn ali and the other !ods

    that 5ucifer will destroy them? howe*er, it is too late since 5ucifer has >ust arri*ed in the


    S#, Ep20

    23 +pr. 2010The Devil 4ou /now 

    Dean and Sam are headin! east in their mpala trac"in! down a swine flu outbrea". )utof the blue, the cunnin! demon :rowley appears in their car and offers to help them tofind the last two orsemen to !et their rin!s. :rowley e9plains to the reluctant brothersthat he wants 5ucifer trapped and he "nows a demon that can tell the location ofestilence. Dean heads with :rowley to the i*eus harmaceuticals, and they abduct thedemon $rady, who had studied with Sam and was his friend. :rowley unsuccessfullyinterro!ates $rady? howe*er, when they hear a hell hound ...

    S#, Ep21

    6 -ay 2010Two Minutes to Midnight Dean has an ar!ument with Sam that wants to say yes to 5ucifer to trap him. owe*er,they !o to the Serenity Calley :on*alescent ome where estilence is and they are

    defeated by the orseman. )ut of the blue, :astiel appears and !ets his rin!. $obbysells his soul to :rowley to !et the information of where Death is. :rowley reco*ers$obby and ma"es him wal". Dean, Sam, $obby, :astiel and :rowley head to :hica!o to

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    meet Death. $obby, :astiel and Sam find that i*eus harmaceuticals will supply*accines with the :roaton *irus. When Dean sees Death in a pi