Superfoods to Boost Your Mental Capacity


Transcript of Superfoods to Boost Your Mental Capacity


Acai is known as one of the most potent superfooods there are. It is packed with antioxidants such as omega-3, ORAC, protein and vitamins. Acai can improve cognitive abilities, enhance brain health as well as build immunity to reduce the risk of diseases.


Kale is a green leafy vegetable that is among the best brain foods around. It is packed with nutrients and an extremely healthy choice. Kale has many vitamins that it is abound with such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It also has phytonutrients , also known as antioxidants as well as signalling molecules that help decrease inflammation of the body.


These ruby-hued berries improve the sharpness of your mind and allow you to retain information more effectively. It is a powerful memory booster and brain capacity facilitator. It also helps to reduce the accumulation of toxins in the brain and the damaging inflammation of the brain too.


This is fabulous news, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Cacao, which is essentially chocolate is good for you! It comprises many nutrients and minerals that help boost the neurotransmitters in your body and make you feel happy. But the only thing is that cacao's nutritional value is lost when eat chocolate that's been cooked or processed. Raw cacao is a great source of vitamin C and is packed with many nutrients that help fight against memory loss.


Vegetarians have to constantly grapple with the problem of not getting enough proteins into their systems. Spirulina is a great way to combat that. Due to the fact that it is packed with protein power, spirulina is a great alternative for meat. It also has many benefits for the brain. It prevents brain damage and reduces degeneration of the brain. According to certain studies, spirulina is also known to reverse damage done to the brain from aging.


Maca is a kind of radish that is found in the Andes and is a powerful superfood. It is extremely resilient and can survive high elevations as well as elemental obstacles. Maca helps combat anxiety, depression and stress and improves the brains neurochemistry.


Coconuts are a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and are known to be one of the most potent fuels to enhance healthy cognitive functions. MCT reach your liver and are processed into ketones. These ketones are then sent to the brain to be used as fuel. This makes coconut a constant supply of fuel for the brain to improve memory retention and to support your brain's learning capabilities.


Broccoli is yet another fantastic brain boosting food. According to research, broccoli has a compound called sulforaphane, that has been proven to improve the brain's performance and protect the brain after there's been an injury.

BeansYour brain depends on glucose as nourishment and beans are known to stabilize blood glucose levels. Beans are one of the most economical foods and are a great source of energy that have been known to prevent crashes. Stamina and concentration are both boosted with adequate consumption of beans

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are only now getting the recognition they deserve, but they have been a staple food for the Aztecs and Mayans for centuries now. These people used chia seeds for many dietary needs such as oil, flour, and an add-on for water. In the Mayan language chia means "strength" and it was considered to be a magical food due to the amount of stamina and nutrition it provided to the brain and the body. Chia seeds have a massive amount of calcium, omega-3, antioxidants, protein, iron, fibre, and potassium to leave you healthy.


Another great source of choline are soy products. As mentioned above, choline boost memory capacity, and builds neurotransmitters that pass electrical impulses between brain cells. Including soy that is found in natural products like soy isoflavone supplements or soy milk into your diet is a great way to boost mental flexibility and improve verbal and non-verbal memory. Other sources of choline are peanuts, egg yolks and liver.


Fish has always been called 'brain food' and there's a legitimate reason why. Fish, especially oily ones like mackerel, sardines, salmon and herring, are a rich source of EFAs known as omega-3 fatty acids. These good fats improve memory and our learning powers and also are vital components of our brain cells. Sardines also contain the nutrient choline, which is a brain chemical known to be an important factor in boosting memory.




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