Super 6 information pack




Transcript of Super 6 information pack

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“Super 6 Conditioning”

A 6 week group personal training product designed

to improve health, fitness and body composition.


Composed and ran By – Brett Bowen & Chris Whitelock

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Welcome to our Strength & Conditioning Training Course

Strength and conditioning could be considered to be by many as the new “buzz” word in the fitness industry

but the truth of it is that it always has and always will be the very core of health and fitness.

During your “super 6” course we will aim to educate, demonstrate and motivate you to a new level of

health and fitness allowing you to finally see the results that so many training programs and fad diets have

failed to deliver to you in the past.

“Strength and Conditioning is the physical and physiological development of athletes for sporting

performance. Strength and conditioning encompasses all forms of training to increase the sporting

performance of an individual or team.”

Course Aims

Knowledge is power! A big failure in many programs, courses or whatever you want to call them is the failure

to educate people on why they are actually doing it! Our end result in a fitter, stronger, leaner you. But how

are we going to get there? With our knowledge and your effort and commitment you will see why a

structured fitness regime really is fool proof.

With set sessions each week with clear and specific training goals your training will finally be accountable.

The best thing is we will also give you all the help and guidance with what to do when you are not seeing us

between sessions. From nutrition plans to home workouts and stretch routines we have it all covered! Simply

turn up, give it your all, be ready to learn and most importantly action what we teach you.

Training Objectives

By the end of the programme, participants should be able to demonstrate:

• Increased aerobic and anaerobic fitness

• Increased speed, agility, balance, strength and power

• Increased coordination and balance

• Improvement in body composition

• Improved determination and ‘competitive edge’

• Great team spirit

Training Methodology

Training is delivered in group sessions of no larger than 8 participants. This keeps the product personal and

the level of teaching quality at its very best.

Training will be made saleable to each individual’s fitness ability and will incorporate a wide range of

training methods strategically delivered in a periodised fashion allowing progression and delivering results.

Sessions will incorporate drills that target different biomotor abilities. Biomotor ability is a term used to

describe the various qualities of performance needed for particular activities such as; Strength, Speed,

Endurance, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.

To some of you these may all just seem scary fitness words with no meaning. There is nothing to be

frightened about. Within the 6 weeks you will continually learn only ever increasing your potential fitness

arsenal. Weapons in the battle to a new and improved you!

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Regular assessments of your progression will take place and also assess weaknesses and areas that need

more attention. As you progress through the course they will without doubt notice a difference in your

mental focus. Strength and conditioning programmes also help improve that ‘competitive edge’ that

players need when competing at top level sports.

Training Session Conduct

Each session will generally run for 1 hour unless specified otherwise. All attendees will participate in an initial

warm up and dynamic stretching to reduce the risk of injury before moving on to the allocated drills for that

particular session. Some drills will also incorporate the use of specialised equipment and all participants will

be expected to treat equipment with the respect it deserves to avoid injury. At the end of the session all

participants will be expected to take part in the cool-down and stretches part of the session to ensure you

remain injury free and at optimum performance levels.

Fitness Assessments

Fitness Assessments are generally carried out in weeks 1 and 6 of the 6 week course. We do not test for

testings sake! The tests we use help us assess each individualss explosive power, agility, anaerobic fitness,

aerobic fitness, local muscular endurance and body mass index. All results are then passed on to you at the

end of the course to show progression and areas that still need addressing.

The Trainers

Brett Bowen Bsc (hons)

Brett Bowen is an award winning personal trainer who strives for excellence. He

has a background of national sporting excellence and has worked with world

champion sporting athletes. Not only does he have a wealth of knowledge, he is

able to apply that knowledge practically through his motivational methods.

As the Director of DNA Fitness he is able to harness his passion and dedication to

fitness and health in a way which inspires others to get the most out of

themselves and yet still push for further self improvement.

In the past Brett has represented his country at Judo but excels in Adventure

Racing, Triathlons and Tough Man events.

Chris Whitelock BA (hons)

Leading by example and inspiring change within my clients is the way I like to do

things with Personal training. I know how hard it can be to have to get up and go

to begin that fitness journey; over the two years that I have been a PT I have had

the pleasure of working with some amazing people who have managed to

reach their goals through hard work inside and outside of the gym. I like to

explain to my clients that sessions are not just about coming in and getting

"beasted", it's also an education of how to attain a healthy mind and healthy

body through diet, rest and of course hard work!

I wouldn't make you do something I haven't done myself....after passing selection

for the Royal Marines Commandos I began the 32 week intensive training, only to

receive an injury early on which curtailed my career. I can assure you I know

what it takes to get you fit, but more importantly keep you there once you've reached your goal! Passing on

everything I have learnt is my main priority to ensuring you get the most out of the 6 weeks with myself and


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All our instructors are Level 3 Register of Exercise Professionals accredited.

They are also all CRB Checked.

In addition our coaches have:

o Full First Aid and Defib training

o NASM training accreditations

o SAQ accreditation

o OUTBOX coaching awards

o Body Training systems qualified

o English Federation for Disabled Sport Inclusive Sports awards

o NASM Kettlebell certifications

o Community Sports Leaders Awards

o UK Sport training certifications

o Vipr certified trainers

o Trx certified trainers

o Activ Kids certification

o Degrees in Sports and Exercise Sciences and Sports Management

Course Duration

The training course has two options:

Course 1: Mondays and Fridays 11am-12 noon for six consecutive weeks

Course 2: Sundays at 11am for six consecutive weeks

Training Location

The training courses are carried out at the Unique Results. This is a first class training facility which has been

specifically selected to hold this course. Should you wish to take a look at the centre online please feel free

to do so.

Unique Results Personal fitness and development studio

Waterhouse Business Centre

2 Cromar Way,


Essex CM1 2QE

01245 392139

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Clothing and Equipment Training sessions are conducted indoors and all participants will be required to dress accordingly with

appropriate footwear. Suggested clothing is sports clothing with a tracksuit.

All other equipment will be supplied by the training team. Some equipment the participants can expect to

use the may include;

Power Bags Vipr’s Kettlebell’s

Training Course Administration

The training sessions are adaptable for participants of all ages and abilities. All participants are required to complete a Pre Exercise Questionnaire before undertaking any exercise

which can be found online during the booking process. All participants under the age of 18 will also require

the Parental Consent part of this form to be signed.

Course Fees

Here is the best bit. All this and more is yours for the amazing price of £99! That’s two training sessions per

week with all nutritional and program based mentoring for less than £8.50 per session.

Better still for those of you unable to commit to the mid week training times and days we will be running a

Sunday course allowing you to truly benefit even if you commute or work away! The only flaws is that you will

only have one chance a week to see our highly qualified team but for an amazing £69 we can assure you

that we will not only get the results you deserve…, We will check up on you to insure you are putting in the

hours to get there!

So all is that is left to do is get booked in…


As we have already mentioned places are limited and demand is high. Do not miss out on your chance to

gain a wealth of knowledge and an amazing body in the process!

Book now at

Contact Details

Head Trainers

Brett Bowen Mobile: 07734 470 727 email: [email protected]

Chris Whitelock Mobile: 07525 933 374 email: [email protected]

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What happens next and how do we book?

The beauty of the DNA product is its flexibility and ability to appeal to the masses without segregation. If you

believe that you have been looking for a product that promotes fitness and a healthy lifestyle and offers a

variation from the norms of the training environment you need not look any further.

Please use the contact details above to get in contact to arrange a meeting with us.

All bookings are done online via

We look forwards to hearing from you.

*Once registered, fees are not refundable, under any circumstances.

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