Sunshine Herald Druid Hills United Methodist › files › 17898 ›...

From the Pastor 1, 3 Financial Report 2 Caring and Sharing 2 Calendar 5 Activities 4, 6, 7 Scouting News 6 Thanksgiving Dinner 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER 2013 Sunshine Herald Druid Hills United Methodist Church From the Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen Sunshine Herald A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving Greetings Brothers and Sisters! I love this church! I love the people. I love the atmosphere of hospitality. I love how people will step forward and help out in various and wonderful ways. I love that we serve with different agencies here in Ocala, like Interfaith and Sisterhood/ Brotherhood, among others, to reach out to those that need assistance. As be- lievers, as disciples of Christ, we are called to be in mission to this community, finding ways to reach out and bring the hope and grace of Christ to everyone. Several weeks ago in worship, we looked at the life of the Apostle Paul. We talked about how God’s grace redeems, we talked about how Paul mentored a young man named Timothy, and we talked about how Paul adopted for himself a servant mindset as a new way of life. Paul did all of this to be more like Christ. Paul did all of these things to draw himself closer to God. As believers in Jesus Christ, made in the image of God, we become transformed. We have our values reworked, our priorities reorganized, our perspectives shifted. What was once of paramount importance, may no longer hold truth for us. We take all that we are and we willingly turn it over to God. We also join commu- nities of faith to help us in this new life and to give us strength on this new jour- ney. In fact when you join the United Methodist Church, you take a vow to support this church with your time, your talent, your gifts, your service, and your wit- ness. That means we give of ourselves, we give of our time, and we give of our finances to support our church. We hold nothing back, opening the door for God to hold nothing back from us. We give of our time, talents, and finances, not out of a pursuit for reciprocation, but as a response to our faith. We give all of this as an outward response to the inward grace we receive when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord. As this community of faith, as Druid Hills United Methodist Church, we give of ourselves and talents in extraordinary ways. The lives we touch as we serve din- ners, the souls we help as we donate out of our material abundance, is wonder- ful to witness and moving to see. But, we have decreased in our financial giving this year. It has been a decrease that has grown over the last several weeks and a decrease that will not allow us to do everything we want or used to do in the (continued on page 3) 11/02 Josef Johnson 11/04 Jim Knepp Mary Lou Welsh 11/07 David Palmer 11/13 Peg Hamilton 11/14 Marge Grieves 11/16 Phyllis Ward 11/24 Mary Ann Roos 11/28 Wesley Allen 11/29 Daryl Allen 11/30 Joyce Baugher Joyce Thompson 11/03 Roxana & Bob Greene 11/05 Violet & Raymond Dyer

Transcript of Sunshine Herald Druid Hills United Methodist › files › 17898 ›...

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From the Pastor 1, 3

Financial Report 2

Caring and Sharing 2

Calendar 5

Activities 4, 6, 7

Scouting News 6

Thanksgiving Dinner 3



Sunshine Herald

Druid Hills United

Methodist Church

From the Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen

Sunshine Herald A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church

Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!

I love this church!

I love the people. I love the atmosphere of hospitality. I love how people will step forward and help out in various and wonderful ways. I love that we serve with different agencies here in Ocala, like Interfaith and Sisterhood/Brotherhood, among others, to reach out to those that need assistance. As be-lievers, as disciples of Christ, we are called to be in mission to this community, finding ways to reach out and bring the hope and grace of Christ to everyone.

Several weeks ago in worship, we looked at

the life of the Apostle Paul. We talked about

how God’s grace redeems, we talked about

how Paul mentored a young man named

Timothy, and we talked about how Paul

adopted for himself a servant mindset as a

new way of life. Paul did all of this to be

more like Christ. Paul did all of these things

to draw himself closer to God.

As believers in Jesus Christ, made in the

image of God, we become transformed. We

have our values reworked, our priorities reorganized, our perspectives shifted.

What was once of paramount importance, may no longer hold truth for us. We

take all that we are and we willingly turn it over to God. We also join commu-

nities of faith to help us in this new life and to give us strength on this new jour-


In fact when you join the United Methodist Church, you take a vow to support

this church with your time, your talent, your gifts, your service, and your wit-

ness. That means we give of ourselves, we give of our time, and we give of our

finances to support our church. We hold nothing back, opening the door for

God to hold nothing back from us. We give of our time, talents, and finances,

not out of a pursuit for reciprocation, but as a response to our faith. We give all

of this as an outward response to the inward grace we receive when we accept

Jesus Christ as our Lord.

As this community of faith, as Druid Hills United Methodist Church, we give of

ourselves and talents in extraordinary ways. The lives we touch as we serve din-

ners, the souls we help as we donate out of our material abundance, is wonder-

ful to witness and moving to see. But, we have decreased in our financial giving

this year. It has been a decrease that has grown over the last several weeks and

a decrease that will not allow us to do everything we want or used to do in the (continued on page 3)

11/02 Josef Johnson 11/04 Jim Knepp Mary Lou Welsh 11/07 David Palmer 11/13 Peg Hamilton 11/14 Marge Grieves 11/16 Phyllis Ward 11/24 Mary Ann Roos 11/28 Wesley Allen 11/29 Daryl Allen 11/30 Joyce Baugher Joyce Thompson

11/03 Roxana & Bob Greene 11/05 Violet & Raymond Dyer

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The Sunshine Herald is the monthly pub-lication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church.

Editor: Carole Newlin

Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen

Pastor’s Blog:

Director of Worship Arts: Joan Foren

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 352-629-5688

Mail: 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471

Hours: 9:00 a.m. to Noon Monday through Friday


Our Mission:

We are a fellowship of believers

Serving Christ by

Learning, Leading and Loving


The Newsletter deadline each month is the 3rd Sunday. If you have infor-mation you want published, you can write it up on the proper submission form and submit it to the church of-fice prior to the deadline or email to [email protected]. Please remember when writing articles for publication to include all the basics of the information you want commu-nicated: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Articles may be edit-ed as necessary.

December Newsletter deadline will be Nov. 17.

January Newsletter deadline will be Dec. 15.

Thank you for your cooperation.



(9-29 through 10-20)

Offering: $9,622.00

Children’s Home: $ 363.55

Parking Income: $ 750.00

Average Attendance

Worship ……………………........106

Sunday School

Adult Focus…………..…..……….12


Children’s Church………..…..….6

Bible Study……….………..………19

Prayer serves as the backbone of the church. It is what sup-ports all our efforts of ministry. In that spirit, you are invit-ed to hold these persons in your prayers and thoughts. Just as the Spirit needs healing, so does the body. The two, it seems, go together in God’s plan.

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Please remember these people in prayer: Luann Bainbridge, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, Joyce & John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tiffany Critchfield, Barry & Marie Decker, Cynthia DeKersky, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Judy Fitch, Lizzie Fowler, Chris Garris, Evalyn Gouge, Roxana Greene, Marge & Jack Grieves, Ruth Griffith, Dan Grishkin, Joe Hager, Tola & Emil Hass, Joanne Heil, George Hettel, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Gayle Huels, Ariana Hutchinson, Ellen Keller, Tom Klotz, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Joanne Knepp, Alene Krouse, Flo LaVine, Barbara Luider, Michael MacPherson, Carolyn McCar-thy, Lillie McCarty, John Martin, Sandi Moore, Sue & Karen Murray, Wally Orbison, Pat Painter, Landon Parish, Eula Perry, Jenny Piner, Doris Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Ric Roos, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Amy Smith, Floy Smith, Jane Stahurski, Dorothy Stein, Mickey Stevens, Frank & Joyce Thompson, Norma Jean Uher, Eileen Zimmerman, Suzi Zoll


St. Paul African Methodist Episco-pal Church, 718 NW 7th St. Ocala presents The Edward Waters Col-lege Concert Choir in the Third An-nual Christmas Concert, Sunday, Dec. 8 at 5 pm. Tickets are $20 per person.

Ticket information, call 352-454-9576 or 352-239-9707.

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FROM THE PASTOR: (continued from page 1)

life of this church. Right now, I believe that we can get back on track with a group effort to increase our giving. There will be a few changes we have to make, but nothing permanent or drastic. However, this will not hold true if we continue down our current path.

As a family, I want all of you to know that things are tight financially. The Finance Committee is in the process of set-ting up several fundraising dinners and we are always looking at our expenses. But, we need you. Please be in prayer about this so we can all work together and get our finances back on track.

I always reserve this space each month for the thoughts that pop into my mind; reflections on what is going on in my

life. This topic has been weighing heavy on my heart. Our finances are not separate from our faith, they are part of it.

This church, this congregation is too important to me, to you, and too many others for us to lessen our ministry and out-

reach over finances. Thank you for listening and thank you in advance for your consideration.

Have a great November!


Our Thanksgiving dinner will be held Nov. 22 at 6 PM in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is open to all members, friends and families. It is our tradition to provide the turkeys, stuffing, gravy & beverages. If you would like to volunteer to roast a turkey, make stuffing & gravy, please contact Mary Lou Welsh. Res-ervations are required in order to determine how many turkeys to purchase. All others attend-ing are asked to bring a dish that will serve 10-12 persons. Some suggestions are mashed pota-toes, sweet potatoes, hot macaroni dishes, hot vegetables, salads (molded, 3 Bean, slaw, tossed), pies or other desserts. Make your reservations, (including your name, the number at-tending and the dish you plan to bring), at the Connection Station, by email to [email protected] or by calling the office at 629-5688. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, Nov. 10. We are going to continue last year’s idea of showing a slide show during din-ner. Pastor Daryl would like to create a slide show, to play on the projector, that is full of pic-tures from the lives of each of you, showing something you are thankful for from this past year. It can be a picture of a new addition to the family, a picture from an incredible trip, or any other reminder of how you have experienced the feelings of thanksgiving this year. If you would email those to him, or lend it to him to scan, along with a brief caption about the picture, he can put those together to share with everyone in attendance. If you have any questions, please call the office at 629-5688 or email him at [email protected].


It was so gracious of you all to allow us to have Mr. Gallagher’s funeral at your lovely church. Everyone was so kind & helpful at such a difficult season - the gospel at work. Thank you for all the help.


John & Tara Gallagher


MODELs (Mostly Older Debutantes Eating Lunch) will meet at 12:30 pm on Nov. 21 at Don Chepe’s Café, 2506-A SE 17th St. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to [email protected] or call the office by Nov. 19. Don’t forget to bring a dollar to be donated to a charity at the end of the year.


“Mystery History Outing”. Pack a bag lunch & beverage & join us for a brief trip into “Old Florida History. Meet in the church parking lot Monday, Nov. 4 at 10:30 AM to carpool. All widowed ladies are invited to join us. Please contact Linda Hughes, 732-8280 or Doris, 299-4015 if you plan to attend.

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The next meeting of the UMW is Tuesday, November 19 at 10 am in Fellowship Hall.

The annual Advent breakfast, sponsored by UMW, will be held Saturday, Dec. 7 at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. The breakfast is open to members & friends of DHUMC. In order to

know how much food to prepare, we need to know how may will be attending. Please sign-up at the Connection Station. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, Nov. 24.

If you have any questions, please contact Hilda Bolomey or Vivian Bathurst.

ATTIC TREASURES/HOLIDAY FAIR December, 14, 2013 - 9 am to 3 pm

Sponsored by Druid Hills UMC Chancel Choir Rent a space, bring your own table - $15. For reservations, call Becky Klotz at 625-6853. Bake Sale Lunch may be purchased: Pulled chicken barbeque, chips & beverage for $5 Hot dog, chips & beverage for $3 All proceeds from rental space, bake sale & lunch will benefit Druid Hills United Methodist Church.


We are doing something different this year for the Christmas Cantata. This year, we are going to join voices with Belleview UMC. We are going to perform the Cantata, Saturday, Dec. 7th at Belleview UMC at 2 pm & at Druid Hills UMC, Sunday, Dec. 8th at 2 pm. During the intermission, we will take a love offering. The offering will go to help sup-port the Advent Conspiracy Fund.

We will perform portions of the Cantata during worship service on Dec. 15th, but if you want to see the entire concert, you will need to attend either the service at Belleview or Druid Hills the first weekend of December.


Ocala Health and Rehabilitation Center and Druid Hills UMC have been partners in ministry for 8+ years. The Activi-ties Department is providing us with three (3) opportunities for salty service during the month of December. In other words, they could a little help this holiday season. Many of the residents have little or no family and they would like to see that all the residents receive a gift. Theresa Jarchow, Activities Director, is looking for people who would like to adopt a resident for Christmas and provide a gift. Items like sweat suits, sweaters, non-skid socks, men’s t-shirts and pajama pants, personal hygiene items, hair accessories and CDs and CD players. Deadline for gifts is December 10.

December 18, 2 pm - Christmas Party December 24, 10 am - handing out gifts

If you are interested in participating in any of these opportunities, please call Theresa to sign-up. If you have any ques-tions, please call her or ask Terri Silvola-Finch.

Contact information for Theresa Jarchow, Activities Director, Ocala Health and Rehabilitation Center, 1201 SE 24th

Road, 732-2449.

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APRIL 2007 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



3 9 am - Adult Focus Group

10:30 am - Worship

White Sunday

4 11 am - Moving Forward 6:30 pm - Charge Conf. 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts

5 8:15 am - RO-MEOs

7 pm - Choir

7 pm - Boy Scouts


11 am - Bible Study 6 pm - Jr. Girl Scouts 7 pm - Bible Study


6 pm - Girl Scouts


9 9 am - noon - Jr. Girl Scouts (FH & Ed Bldg)

10 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship

Canned Food Sun.

11 Veterans Day 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts


8:15 am - RO-MEOs 10 am - Wor-ship Cmte

7 pm - Choir

7 pm - Boy Scouts


11 am - Bible Study 5:30 pm - UMM 6 pm - Jr. Girl Scouts 7 pm - Bible Study


6 pm - Girl Scouts




9 am - Adult Focus Group

10:30 am - Worship

12:30 pm - S.O.S.

2 pm - Ocala Health & Rehab

Sisterhood/Brotherhood Sunday

18 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts


8:15 am - RO-MEOs

10 am - UMW

7 pm - Choir

7 pm - Boy Scouts


10 am - Prayer Shawl 5 pm - Trustees 6:15 pm - Church Council 6 pm - Jr. Girl Scouts

21 12:30 pm - MODELs 6 pm - Girl Scouts

22 6 pm - Thanks-giving dinner


24 9 am - Adult Focus Group

10:30 am - Worship - Christ the King Sun-day

25 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts

26 8:15 am - RO-MEOs

10 am - UMW decorate FH 7 pm - Choir

7 pm - Boy Scouts

27 6 pm - Jr. Girl Scouts

28 Office closed

29 Office closed


November 2013

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Hello Druid Hills! The month of October has been a busy one! We have 53 active boys after all our recruiting. We are thrilled to have so many boys that are interested in scouting. We started off our fall events with a bang. This year, we did two car washes, one was Oct. 5 at Pep Boys on SR 200 and the second on Oct. 26 during the Pumpkin Patch at DHUMC. On Nov. 23, we are looking forward to marching in the Light Up Ocala Parade. So come to see us! As always, we are looking forward to our weekly Den meetings where the boys enjoy a variety of fun & interesting activities. Thank you for your on-going support! If you have any questions about Pack 112, you may contact Netha Lawrence at 895-8242 or [email protected]. We also have a website filled with information about the pack. We will add pic-tures when they become available. You can find us at

Troop 269

Lately, we have been really busy working on Gold Projects (equivalent to Eagle). We have 3 going on at the same time, so we have been splitting our time between them. Chelsea’s project is for Austistic children from pre-school age & older. She is making visual schedules & file folder games & lots of clip art for the schedules to be used for everyday needs, to help the children communicate. Megan’s project is build-ing a garden at ARC & teaching the clients how to garden & also beautifying the area around where the garden will be. Claire’s project is at MOM’S Park (Memories of Missing Smiles). She is making new areas so that family & friends can have a place to reflect on memories of their loves ones. So, as you can see, we are very busy. In addition, the girls are collecting personal care items for teenage girls & boys for their annual stuff the Christmas stockings. The girls do this every year & this year they would like to try to make even more than the usual 40. If anyone would like to help by donating items (trial size & up), the girls would real-ly appreciate it. You can give them to Miss Carole in the Church Office.

Many blessing to all!

Trina Shippee & Senior Girl Scout Troop 269


December January 2 11 am - Moving Forward 1 Happy New Year! - office closed 7 9:30 am - Advent breakfast 6 11 am - Moving Forward 8 Cantata 12 12:30 pm - S.O.S. 14 7 am - Attic Treasures/Holiday Fair 2 pm - Ocala Health & Rehab 15 12:30 pm - S.O.S. 16 12:30 pm - MODELs 2 pm - Ocala Health & Rehab 18 7 pm - S.O.S. Variety Show & dessert bar 19 12:30 pm - MODELs 24 Christmas Eve - office closed 6 pm - Christmas Eve service 25 Merry Christmas! - office closed 31 New Year’s Eve - office closed


Kid’s Central’s Resource Center food pantry is getting low. Please see the lists below if you are interested in donating. A donation box is located in Kid’s Central’s reception area, 2117 SW Highway 484, Ocala, 34473. Phone 352-387-3458.

Food items: canned vegetables, canned beans, peanut butter, jelly, pasta & rice, cereal, oatmeal, shelf stable milk, spa-ghetti sauce, macaroni & cheese, canned fruit, canned soup, canned meats, instant potatoes, granola bars, condiments (ketchup, mayo, mustard)

Hygiene items: shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, diapers, body wash, conditioner, bar soap, toothbrushes, baby wipes, toilet paper

Cleaning products: dish soap, window cleaner, fabric softener, disinfecting cleaner, dish cloths, paper towels, laundry soap.

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Dear Friends,

Most of the children in our care have never had what most of you would define as a “normal” childhood. That is espe-cially true for children who are admitted to our emergency shelter. In most cases, they have been removed from their biological parents due to safety concerns.

One incident we had recently involved two young sisters who were brought to the Children’s Home after police were called. Neighbors had called police because of domestic violence in the home between the mother and father. The police learned that the mom was beaten almost every day in front of her two young girls. And during the violence the girls would plead with their father, begging him to stop. Nevertheless, their mom defended dad and she told police she loved him more than her girls, which led to a very heartbreaking, but familiar outcome - the sisters were removed from their home and placed in our care.

Even though the girls were only with us for a few months and were eventually adopted, we were able to teach them about God and let them know how much they were loved during their time with us. Hundreds of children are removed from their homes each and every day in Florida and yet, I never stop feeling their pain. The only consolation I take is in knowing that we are here to help.

Thanks to your congregation’s third quarter gift of $670, we were able to provide these hurting children with the faith and love they so desperately need. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, not only for your donation, but for your prayers and support.

Mark Nelson

Vice President of Development


At this time of the year, many people are having problems coming up with gift ideas. Having trouble selecting that per-fect gift for someone special, a friend shared with me a few suggestions:

The gift of listening. No interrupting, no planning your response. Just listen.

The gift of affection. Being generous with appropriate hugs, kisses & pats on the back.

The gift of laughter. Sharing funny stories & jokes. Your gift will say, “I love to laugh with you”.

The gift of a written note. Expressing in a brief, handwritten note your appreciation or affection.

The gift of a compliment. Sincerely saying, “You look great today” or “You are special” can bring a smile.

But as we begin this special month of celebration, why not pass on the best gift you’ve ever received? The best gift was found in a manger. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.”

Judith A. Dunlap Summerfield


create (Colossal, Reading, Entertaining, Artsy, Teen Event) Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013 - Headquarters - Ocala Location

Edible Book Festival at 10 am. Fine Arts Show at 10 am Writer’s Conference at 11:30 am Filmmaker’s Festival at noon Talent Show at 1 pm.

Questions? Call 352-671-8551

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Druid Hills United Methodist Church

Sunshine Herald

1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd.

Ocala, FL 34471