Sunreav Spellbreak s - · 2018. 11....

Sunreav Spellbreaks Training Full Training List Spellbreaking Abilities Oaths Standds of Pfecti

Transcript of Sunreav Spellbreak s - · 2018. 11....

  • Sunreaver Spellbreakers ✦Training ✦Full Training List ✦Spellbreaking Abilities ✦Oaths ✦Standards of Perfection

  • ✦Training Generation two Spellbreakers are to be trained and directed by the Sunbreaker, whom through a series of events and test shall appoint them with their title and rank if they should complete it. Generation one Spellbreakers while already trained are encouraged to share in the training demonstrations for team building.

    The Training exercises are to be focused in the ability of the Spellbreakers, developing and mastering the powers and focus required to perfect this ancient tradition. This list includes but is not limited to:

    (For full examples of the events, please scroll to the bottom)

    MeditationLearning various techniques to help focus the mind, this process will vary from person to person but educate each Spellbreaker in a method usable by them to ensure perfect clarity of mind.

    Magical SensoryLearning the ability to detect magic and its type, this process will use a variety of magical types and include lessons on what can and can not be broken by the Spellbreakers ability.

    Magical DetectionOtherwise known as breaking, this process will teach the Spellbreaker the methods require to “break” a spell at will.

    Spellbreaking AbilitiesThis training will focus on the wide arrange of abilities open to the Spellbreaking, including draining mana, erasing spells from the mind of a Magi, reflecting spells and tracking magic.

    Physical TrainingAs the name suggests this will push the Spellbreakers to their limits in order to ensure physical perfection.

  • ✦Full Training ListMeditationThe Spellbreakers will be invited to a chamber in perfect silence and magical equilibrium, as such to ensure there are no disturbances. They will start by being placed within robes and instructed to sit on cushions. From there the Sunbreaker shall lead them through a magical process of mediation to calm their minds as they seek what calms them most. After that they will be instructed to hang onto that image as the Sunbreaker tries to distract them from their meditation, they most hold their thoughts strong and resist the distractions. After the Spellbreaking has mastered this they will be told to repeat the process without magical aid and in their armour. Again to a wide array of distractions. The final stage of the training is to be able to calm yourself during combat, which will involve a live fire (no pun intended) training event against a Magi whom shall be on the offensive while the Spellbreaking is required to act defensively, only breaking the magic that comes at him.

    Magical SensoryThe Spellbreakers will be taken to a training hall where they will be exposed to various magic by a trained Magi, where upon they must guess the type of magic whilst blindfolded. This will range from every school and form of magic available to us. After the mastery of this they will be required to track a Magi by their magic and hunt them down at a hiding location. Finally, the Spellbreaker must detect the partial remnants of a spell cast an hour prior and use this essence to track which specific Magi it was casted from. Detecting the subtle and personal mark of the Magi.

    Magical DeconstructionThe Spellbreaker will be taken to a training hall where they will be presented with four torches, each burning with a different magic type. They will be expected to extinguish the flame using their ability alone. After mastery of this they will be presented with a variety of complicated spells and items that they will be expected to break the magic of and subdue. Finally, the Spellbreaker will be placed into a live fire (no pun intended) scenario against a Magi where they will be exposed to a variety of spells and must break all of them to pass. Including a magical item of the Magi.

  • ✦Spellbreaking AbilitiesEach ability that is accepted by the Sunreavers Order will be practiced over the course of training exercises.

    Mana BreakingThe enchanted weapons of the Spellbreaker are designed to destroy mana upon contact with the Magi or their extensions (such as familiars, shields, conjurations) They will be set against a conjuration from a Magi until they are drained.

    Spell ErasingThe Spellbreaker will be expected to prevent the use of a spell before the Magi cast it or as it is being channeled using their ability alone.

    Spell ReflectionThe Spellbreaker will be given shield alone and taken to a fire squad of Magi where he will be marked on his ability to reflect a number of different spells back at the attacker.

    Magical TrackingRefer to Magical sensory.

    Physical TrainingNo specific events are in place but a number of extensive and expansive events around muscle building, strength tests, teamwork and leadership, and other such training events will be instigated here.

  • ✦OathsWhen the training is done and they are ready to receive their title of Spellbreaker, a Oath Swearing ceremony will take place where upon they will be expected to repeat the oath as dictated by the Sunbreaker. While this will vary from person to person, an example of one is below.

    “Do you -Enter name here- seek only the glory of your kin? Do you swear above all else that you will serve your duty to the High Kingdom in all you do? Do you promise to remain untouched by in battle, to ensure that no spell defies your mind? Do you swear to lead by example in the pursuit of perfection in battle and mind? The chosen weapon of the Spellbreaker is lowered into his hands as he kneels down, it lays across his open palms“Do you swear upon this weapon that you will only turn it on your foe? Do you pledge that it shall only know victory and never defeat? Do you, -enter name here- swear to the Sunbreaker that you will be the very essence of the glory of the Children of Blood?”

    The trainee will give his promise, “I swear upon the Sunbreaker, I swear upon the High Kingdom, I swear upon this weapon.”

    “Rise, -enter name here- Spellbreaker, and begin your path of perfection, for Quel'Thalas!”

    Before battle, the Spellbreakers will assemble before the Sunbreaker and write upon parchment the Oath that is decreed to them. They will then attach the parchment to their pauldrons as a symbol of the duty they uphold this day. While also variable, a version is below.

    “Do you, -name here- accept your role in this battle? Do you promise to uphold your duty as you slay your foes? Do you swear to the perfection of your craft that not a single scratch will lay upon your armour? Do you pledge to crush the foe before you no matter their force, beliefs not cunning? Do you promise above all else, that you will do your duty to Quel'Thalas?”

    “I swear upon this armour, this parchment and my weapon.” They will reply.

  • ✦Standards of PerfectionPerfection of Visage: The Spellbreaker's apperance and grooming must at all times be kept in the highest of levels. They must have no blemishes or scars, no wounds nor marks. Each of these is to tarnish the very idea of the pursuit of perfection.

    Their hair must be kept long, its colour while variable must be bright and radiant, they must excel beauty. It may -never- be cut, be it by enemy or ally hands.

    Their physical form must be perfected, muscular, agile, strong. They must resemble the highest ideal of the Sin'dorei.

    Their voice must speak softly, calmly, it must be able to soothe and seduce the masses. While at the same time the Spellbreaker must possess the ability to lead, to command. They must have a voice that can blacken the sky and change hearts. They must be a leader and lover.

    Their abilities and strikes must be perfected, there is no room for missing, no room for a failed attack, no room for a loss of concentration. The Spellbreaker must represent the highest ideal of the High Kingdom. They are not to be cruel to their kin, they are not to be unthankful nor look down upon their brothers. It is only in war and by command that a Sin'dorei should feel as if the a Spellbreaker is to insult them.

    If the Perfection of Visage is broken from tarnishing of the skin, armour, weapons, abilities, voice, actions or hair. They will be subject to re-education and forced to re-take their oaths.

    Perfection of Mind: The Spellbreaker must be a tactician as well as a man of sciences. While they are not expected to know and understand each science nor element of life, they are expected to be versed as scholars. They must be able to understand -every- school of magic. including its history, mis-use and laws around it.

  • They must have a speciality in a minimum of one creative art. From music to drawing to blacksmithing. They must be known for having a creative medium of which they can be shown to be creative.

    They must have a speciality in a minimum of one scientific form. From medicine to alchemical studies to engineering. They must be known to have a medium where upon they can be shown to be experts.

    They must argue and defend against anyone that would speak ill of the High Kingdom, this is to known as heresy and will -not- be tolerated. Those that show heresy within the ranks of the Sin'dorei are to be restrained and re-educated by force until they are of the right mind.

    If the Perfection of Mind is broken from showing unsavoury knowledge, allowing heresy to spread, failing to educate others, failing to capture beauty in creative mediums or to show a lack if diligence in an argument. They will be subject to schooling by artisans and poets and forced to re-take their oaths.

    Perfection of Soul: The Spellbreaker must uphold the ideal of the High Kingdom, to this respect they must have a complete and utter control of their sympathy and empathy. They must know love, kindness, passion, faith. They must understand the purest virtues of the cleric and the must heart felt words of the poet. They must show compassion towards their kin, a love that is beyond measure. They must show an empathy that is beyond understanding, they must allow their kin to know that they will die for them without a seconds notice. They must know a lovers embrace, they must know the feel of love on their skin, the ectasy of love, the nirvana of the bodies. They must respect the faiths put forth by the High Kingdom, they must understand that hope is the most powerful weapon that can ever be used, that without it we are nothing.

    If a Spellbreaker is to break the Perfection of Soul, by sconring a lover, by showing hatred towards their kin, by insulting the pious, by striking their kin outside of commands of war, by showing a dislike for their brothers. They will be subjected to re-education and forced to re-take their vows.