SUNDA -...

Ixjnova.n, bf Potsdam, w** the guest last week ot his *«** Wfr* Dr. Bliss Felton has gon* to Roches* Jiatn B., in SJalofier and Richard X, at ter, where he will asstet in the dental Infirmary for school children. Miss Catherine Warrfer returns this week to Oberlin College" 1 tQ enter upon her second year at that institution. Libe Washburn Jias returned from Ids Canadian camp and is spending the balance of the month with his fam-. ily at Lake Titus. Mrs. Mary Keefe and daugnter, Alice,.have been visiting friend*; in Jtfon treal and Quebec, itrs. James P. Keefe and daughters, of Norfolk, Va., liave been guests the past week at the Mr. Taylor is on the staff of the Bof- Keefe home on Maple strjeet; falo Courier. V- Miss Stella McCarthy has returned to Hanover, N. J.. ta resume her da- ties as an instructor in the high school there. J. W. Genaway, Mfgh Chief.Ranger ot the High Cotnrt of Central New York, is attending the World's Trien- nial meeting of the Supreme Court of the Order of Foresters a* Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Taylor and child, of Buffalo, are enjoying: a two weeks' vacation with Malone relatives. PERUNjfi Stomach Troubles Since ChOdhood ! Health Made Me Well U,eut. "F*rtry Redwood is serving with the 48th U. S. Infantry at the Syracuse camp and expects soen to go to France with his regiment. Mr. and Mrs. George Burchell have been spending ten days in Ottawa vis- iting relatives and attending the Ot- tawa fair. E. N. W. Robbins attended a con- vention &t motorcycle dealers in Rochester last week. He was absent. several days, returning on Saturday. Mrs. Ruth HcCoy, Mrs. I* H. Les- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spencer have been enjoying an automobile trip to Burlington, Vt., and visiting rela- tives and friends in that city. Miss Sadie Itichey, for a long term of years the competent clerk in But- trick's book store, will enter the em- Mr. Wm. W. Everly, 3325 North Haneock Street. Philadelphia, F^ writes: "I have been trembled with stomfch disorders since childhood, but after taking six bottles of your Praia, I new enjoy the best of health. I also had catarrh In the head, which prac- tically has disappeared, thanks to the Peruna Co. for their good work-!* Those who object to liquid nwdi- ofn— can procure Peruna Tablets. J AMES W. GERARD tells you the astounding story of German treachery and intrigue— why Germany wanted war—how the Ger- man people were fooled into wanting war—what Germany expected to get out of warjyith us—and Mr. Gerard answers all of the questions you have wondered about since war began. begins September 16th exclusively in SUNDAY POST-STANDARD Of Syracuse arid runs for about 6 weeks ORDER EARLY and DAILY | I $1 pays for six weeks (42 issues)} Daily and SUNDAY Pus-t-Standard—by mail. TEAR THIS AD OUT—Sign it enolo-e $1 (ca>h, money order or stamps;—NOW. Name Sead P t t - t t u d a r i beflinnln* Sept. 16th to «ix»e City. tot >!x week* (Daily *ad SUNDAY) The Lake Sfeu&4 riub will adopt nd educate twelve of the fatnerlc&a children of France, furnishing them a cottage on tfe* Club grounds at Lake Placid and seeing that they are given a fair start in life; Tli^ only condition is that an educated Fi^ch woman be sedlt with them to thtn new home in the Adirondack^. Infantile paralysis has finally ap- peared in Burlington, Vr , and the city will be quarantined unless the epi- demic is controlled. rdinal, Ont., is in the midst of an epidemic of the dis- ease, about 50 cases having been brought to the attention of the health officers, who are doing tin- stamp out the malad\ At a meeting at the c here Friday the RepuM of the bar of Franklin < > Free Food Demonstration Thursday. Mrs. R. I). Oliver, and* little daugh- ter, Marie of New York city Spent a few days here the past week, guests' of her cousin:, Mrs. Andrew J. Starr and calling on friends. * •v Mrs, William Stebbins went to Mas* «W^ on Thursday to assist in the' care of a relative who is seriously ill*. Mrs. Mary Long and son, Robert, are at present visiting her son, John Long and family "In Boston and other rela- tives in Massachusetts, Young men from here, who .have already left for active war service are Ralph Hutchtns, in the National Army, the American bosrft&is ocenptedtoythe 8t. touis and Harvard unite/tO Sis latter ot which Wesley B.%Sr^ and Arthur c Rowley, of this ctranty, are attached, and that they had killed and wounded several, naturally caused great'aiuciety to their friends here. 1 T5S was much relieved a day lat«r by a cabelgram from Dr. Emerson now In charge of the Harvard hospital corps in France, to Herbert White, of Cam- !f d ^\.S taaB " ****** al1 *o»V which Mr. white took to mean that none of the Harvard unit were killed ar tricks book store, will enter the em- ploy of H. D. Thompson & Co. Sept. ,* resolution heartily en«! 15h charge of 15th. where she will ha the silverware department. Dr. Beaupre writes from Montreal that he has recovered from his recent attack of appendicitis sufficiently to resume his practice. He was serious- ly ill, but the necessity of an opera- 1 lion was avoided. Millartf Laplante, of Malone, who re- cently enlisted in the army and was stationed at Fort SJocum, has been transferred to the 6th Field Artillery, stationed at Fort Myer, Virginia, on account of his skill as a baker at which he is employed at the camp. Mrs. C. S. Andrews, of Barre, Vt, has been spending: a few days with her brother,' Guy C. Dewey, and other Franklin county relatives. She came here to attend the funeral of her uncle, Clark J. Lawrence, but missed her train connection at Burlington and did not arrive till after the service. Miss Marion Haskell, who is about ;o enter Columbia University, won one of the state scholarships for Franklin county by her high standing at Frank- lin Academy at which she was vale- dictorian of the class of 1917. The other four scholarships this year went to students ot the Saranac Lake High School. Herbert Donaldson and his nine as- sociates, selected recently after thor- ough examination to go into the avia- tion service -as experts on aeroplane motors, reeen ed orders last week to hold themsehes in readiness to go to Pensacola, Florida, where they will doubtless receive further practical training: for a few weeks, after which they exnect to be connected with the American aviation camp m Prance Leo Doohy, of Osrdent-burg. who ha*, been stud\mg a\i.iUon for the pasj four month. 1 - at The urm\ *;<h«>ol m Co- lumbus, Ohio, is to he transw *-re-d to the Royal Flying: Curps at Toronto H>- is greatly pleased with tlvmg and is sorry he did not begin to tram earlier so as to be aiding his ccunrry on the battlefields of France Aviation re- quires steady nerve and presence of mind, but it i.s the least hazardous of Of any of tin- branches of the army service. didacies of Hon. J c -i Hon. Henry T. Kellagtr a Salisbury for Republi«.ir for the supreme cour* Republicans to vote cure all possible votes 1 forthcoming primary. The new Co. K ot Guard had 41 men ou 1 day evening and is fa* efficient military body now has a members!,]; ind urging all d work to s-e- i 1 hem at the lie New York to drill Thurs- 50 and hopes to reach thp maximum of 100 men soon. Men os find membership in this organization j and C. C. Corey, Benjamin Lester, Sam rniirt hnii«>' *>ashjaaw *"<* Earle Maloney in Co. K, court house SeveraI others are expected t o g o i n can rncmoers the next c a H t o t h e National Army ser- >unty adopted .vice. rsmg the'can- J Miss Winifred Nash, state firod con- M Kellogg, serration agent, will give the third d Hon Geo demonstration for Constable on Thurs* day afternoon. September 18th, In the town hall, at 2:30. New methods of making bread —using other cereals with wheat-flour, will be shown. Miss Nash plans to make this an interest- ing and profitable event and i» desir- ous of a large attendance from all parts of the town. These meetingb are free to all and no contribution or fee is becoming an expected! The methods employed and The company instruction and recipes given are worth the obtaining. The ladies are cordially invited to attend- on Thurs- day. ilraft age who Major Henry H. Stickney, son of Dr. may soon be called to 'he service will }and Mrs. H. H. Stickney, who has been here on a short furlough, from Fort Levenworth. Kansas, has been called to report at Annapolis, Md., to take up his duties as a battalion commander of engineers. He expects later to go to France. Mrs. Stickney accompanied him to Albany on Momlav. where she " be the guesi of parent* lui a short time before joining her husband at An- napolis. The best wishes of all go with the soldier. Hops are being harvested at present by the grower.-;. The acreage is the smallest we have known in the past 40 years. The quality is good, but the yield in most yards is le?s than half t should be, compared to former years. The destructive mould was but litOe in evidence and the hop injects did lit- tle damage this \ear. The continued dry weather, followed by hail storms, did much harm. Mrs E\a Spaulding of Malone has engaged to teach the school in district No. 2 on Fountain >tre*»f. Miss Marion Wilber the *-choo5 m Badore district. No. 6, Mi.** Lizzie Penneen in district No 7. Con.^tabl" and Westville; Miss Beulah Iicnnt-Tt. distnrt No 4. South of < 'orMabJe: Mi"*s Lillian ''ahill. No. 3, norther..-.-? >>\ th»*- \ill'igp; Mi«s Luel- Rosrei**-. flisrirjct No ', Trout River of particular advanta them for joining the J i The organization will .-u mustered into the state in preparing ational army. m be -formally service and a requisition for equipment made. Two bright young Porto Rican boys, anxious to learn American farming methods, have been located on two farms in Theresa. They were furnish- ed at the request of the Theresa farm- ers, who were badly m need or help, by the Robinson Miss-ion School of Porto Rico. The farmers advanced their passage money They speak Spanish fluently, know enough Eng- lish to make themselves understood and are so courteous and gentlemanly that they are becoming great favorites in tht locality The\ sing well and have appeared at a R<*d Cross social singing Spanish ballads ,md in church, singing h\mns in thon native tongue. They dre becoming rim larm hands. TRY THEM The next time you suffer with headache, indigestion, bilious- ness or loss of appetite, try— BEECHANS PILLS Ur«~t Sale of A«y M«Hc«. in the World, j Sold evarywhen. IttboXM. 10c^25c j sl'frN in the surr" where th( \ had been ich were seriously 1 0i troin rhe Plain** There were r>(M> of X.Y- h ,n ross fields A «tampede of ar 1 ii! Pine Plain? last \V. I wrought $20 ony dam •./ town propwtv, in ini j hules anil crops Ant 1 1 >i '-ai'i in the road, the noises- coming ai. irto th* din h. but li" s-'iucl-" tit ear and o ".a.- injured by flyint broK^'i vm.islnfld. < into the A.'ams bus o road, damaging the ' the front jjjrhtP and be fender**. The horse v,* n hud to be kilk- turc b+torc the runn« uil loundel up. As I r! noon o^ ol the a 1 horses at inesday night :ge to Water- Jit'i ear*>, \ e- niobilists were 1 >nt man i>aw Irove his car ** j after horfae ni his par'y trlctpv from "a '- diurnal ran 1 the Syracuse ')"(!. smashing !'iig the front - >=.) r>adl\ hurt villa aie =chno{ MI t h-.ol ildmgs in T Mr? Amelia Tn-nthle of MonT.t.1 ar*> vs.tmK and lutle t-on, HT '.i^*-r. Ar- < H \SM ! ALLS. of <Jt'<>r^t > ( \icklaw ) Rourcicr. ueinji Xanu". Only Make- </<>n- u. Wh> Shonlf! we Kit j) IK>ini? Marrijigt' of f'haiios <. Lincoln 3Ii— Kdnu kcuipttm. the nex f v ere still ( Helen street in tn.^ IM ****** " al1 k t which part *t the ec nfear relatives. Mrs. ttohna G07W, of 1 I., is vtsiti»g her ' Goyer, and other FaJIa. ' Mrs. Sarah Cbar«Ue hai from a visit to relatve* \m Distinction in Dress GOATS and SUIT For Woman Who Appreciate Distinction In Style In Quality In Value K. E. CALDWELL i'it«- •A a>- gtv 'i IH? 1*1 ripe gr <nd alti.oueh irte- J hi 111 a= prom ft ly i road Jt 10U c to^n co\ erea wi them raced thr and one ir\c>d in but landed on t" lights, fender^ :T jthe animal* r>ani 'Mr<Ue a touring- 'v i * 1 iod. breaking t>n * j 'i w-ndshield. Six o' killed un the Black rciei riou- River road by a train. A Word About Comfort «SOCONY! W What yon get out of your car depends to a large extent upon what you put into it. Just as a matter affecting your own comfort it pays to get only the best gasoline SOCONY. There is no gasoline more highly refined or 'more pow- erful than SOCONY. Audit is the only gasoline which is always the same, wherever yon buy i t That means a welcomefreedomfromfaulty carburetion. Lookfor the Red, White and Blue SOGOl>nf Sign, It in- saxes you more miles to the gallon and more power to iOCONYl STANDARD 0ILC05LN.Y Hie Sign of a Reliable Dealer and the World's Best Gasoline DEALERS WHO SELL . SOCONY MOTOR GASOLINE MALONE—Eldredgre & Mason. H. F. Perkins. Burt Brown, J. B. Twaddle & Co . L F. Keyes, Napoleon Dufore, R. R. Berry, pond & Jobert. BttRKB—Fred H. Mason, R. H. Weir NORTH BURKE—John Jami.on, I>. M. G1I- lett, J, B. Flynn. CHATEAUaAT—Hyland & Co., T P. Moo- aey. Ghateaugay Garagft, Mrs. J. C Cook. WjKIPPUSVlJut«E—H. A. Carpenter CHASM 1PAULS-W. M. Wescott. Fied Thomas MOUNTAIN VIEW—H. A. Glazier NORTH BANGOR—F. W. McKenzie & Co. WEST BANGOR—B. T. Fish. CONSTABLE— R. B. Childs. TROUT RIVER—A. J. Elliott. - WrlSTVfLLB CENTER—John Bfnn. « FORT COVINGTON—Farquhar Bn- . W. C. Tail] on. BRUSHTON—B. F. Hair is & Son. F W Flint, Johnson's Oarajre. MOIRA—Mahoney & Peers. N. E r »ru. C. E. Brbsh & Son. I.AWHENCEVILLE—J. O. Skinn. - DICKINSON CENTER—W. L sSr we .ST.-REOIS FAL.LS—E. 8. Ami . .. 11. B. Standtod Oil Co. of Mew York DICKINSON—E. A. Tebo. ' CHERUBUSCO—H. H. Humphrey &• Sons, Geo. S. Coopcy. EL.LENBURG DEPOT—Clark B»o" F. I* Myers ^ Son, N. I. White. Geo. W Gi'bert. ELLENBURG CTR.—James J Blow . BLJ.ENBURG CORNERS—E. W ' " ' * Son, Geo. chiiton. MOOERS FORKS-^-J, ii. Corl ins, Moses I^a- Valtey. BRAINARDSVILLE-J. H. En«hs)j, F\ M. Hoy MERilUJU—O. ioui.v. I a^id 1hft |thr3 jioifton innar.ioa .11 hi- ^^'cni to 1 ii in. lend hi? lne, aftti about t\\fn'\ hour?.] ;t^ *o the 1 Mr. BourriT had long been subject tot Watertown. JthtPo s?i» II«= of .it-prfe^iun and | >,„,, TVMt< r \ li - Kd ritently -.hie-aenoil. while- m V V, I Uhem 10 rake hi- Ut\- Mr lioarcsor A dozen or , w a < h ( > | n m , , hnj , m FaIls>> t r : d w a s a > >m«i <"eliuda He \sa- imiu«- honest »n hi-* deal.*, and had v,i<:r. hini^rlf and t\unil> a comfort- ,!.U- l.onw H>s wife- wa.- MJS> Vina whom he new leave* with ,i \oi^ 5Oti ml t«D flaughter^. Be- sides 'neve, h>~ leaver one brother and -JN pi-'fi- %sl,.. rt-y»ik in thi? Mcinity. and o'.t--i-*f! m Mai-sachusettt-. His luneral v>a? li« Id H'inday morning from It .-ft nis .stiange 'lia+ people having gu<~>d respects hie fa'inly names that their aneestoib l>a.\ e borne for hun- dred*, of year;-, .-hould preier to be called by other n;»me<?—marv of them 7101 a-> pretiv as then own, and some of them belonging to other nationalities. Thus, Seguin it- made Sawyer. Bour- eier ^ put asule Tor Nicklaw. (doubt- lesb derned from >ome great grandfa- ther whose Christian name was Nich- olas ) The .Madeleine are prone to take the Scotch name McDonald, be- eau-e thcr grandfather's Scotch neigh- bor> in Canada asked him tn do PO. The Steinbergs or Steenbere:^ add an "e" to their narnt, which almost cov- ers, out ot sight itb onginal meaning—^ "a rocky t-oak or eminence" Now the* rise ot a name is to designate an in- dividual or a family and to indicate one'> origin and nationality So, if one is not ashamed nf his iace ami family, there can be no object in changing his family name; and at the best it only works contusion. The school.** opened last week with Mi.-s Florence Wescott. teacher in the River street school; Miss Elsie Eddy, StandJff district; Miss Edith Bafchel- der. Titusville: Mrs. Harriet Ellis, Riverbend; and Miss Katie Sullivan, Fayette street William Duquette, a member of Co., K, in view of the fact rhat the com- pany is about to leave New York city, sent for his wife to come to New York to visit him. Accordingly, she, with, Mr. Duquette's mother, left here Satur- day evening to make the desired trip and visit. Charles S. Lincoln, son of Mr and Mrs. Ansleni Lincoln, of Malone and Miss Edna Kempton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Ketnptor who re- ide on the old Kempton r -'e.-'Tead. one mile south of Whipplev !N> were married last Thursday evening i:< v L. E. Rose, pastor of the Chasi" Fa'?** Methodist church offlciatini; T'le ceremony was witnessed onlv t the near relatives of the bride and UM^'H who were atrended by Miss Sarah L>n- rnln and Harold Hapgood FHI!OWI»J corcmony, supper was «erve'l h\ Mr-* Hoy Hunsrorford. *-ister of rhe bride, arid Miff-*.-* Sadie Pease '<nd "Rose Timmons of Malone. after wh»oh the low 1\ wed*, left for T*r>:>or^nac. vhfrf 1 th'^v will cpend a few da\s and hen return to Malone to reside Rofh Mr and Mr* Lincoln have a ho^T of Tiends sn M.ilone and vicinity who •\n »id congratulation? nnd best \vlphe« or their future happiness and pros ipritv Mr Lincoln i*= a valued em- Uovco of the Malone Ice company. The news that the German airmen had made an attack September 8th, on A Victrola adds the pleasures of the theatre to the comforts of home It brings the funniest comedians in the world right to your Jiving room, so you can sit back in your easy chair and laugh at them and with them. Or you just start the Victrola and en- joy the melodious songs, the tuneful dance numbers, from the latest operettas and musi- cal comedies. If you want band music, the VictroJa will summon the greatest bands of the earth. It. will bring the greatest of all operatic artists at your beck~or the greatest violinists and pianists. On the Victrola the most famous choirs sing for you. If you like popular songs, the best ballad-singers and the best quartets are yours. In fact, the whole musical world is yours with a Victrola. Come in and let us prove it with a demonstration. Victroias $15. to $400. M. SLASON &SOIM MALONE'S MODEL BAKERY S The bread-making methods of the old Romans may have been satisfactory to the people of their day, but such methods would not suit the fastidious taste of the people of this community at the present time. OUR BREAD does satisfy the people of this community because it is wholesome, is scientifically made in a sanitary bakery,and is everything that the best bread should be. It has the desired home flavor. —WHOLESALE; BREAD SHIPPING A SPECIALTY— KERN'S BAKERY, 16? East Main Street, * MALONE, N. T. O'Neil and Hale „ Reduced Rates on FARM PROPERTY INSURANCE T GEORGE P. WRIGHT Piano Tuning, Voidngr. Action latin* No. 57 Fort Covtngton Street, Malon«, N. T Telephone 153-M. 4<tf FELT HATS JUST IN Art Novelties Circulating Libary. 116 East Main St, Malone, N. Y, The New York Slate Law After Aug. 1 Requires that vou u»e a N>Glare Headluht OP va -r car THE WARNER LENS not oniy f-Uy complies » ith the New York State law, but acruaii'y will ijive you more and better light. Different sizes tor j-ferent cirs We can fit your car. H. D. THOMPSON & CO. Distributors of Kelly SpringfielJ, McGr* v an: «Jjij -..,- 1W-IES. PEARL ST. GARAGE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Expert Mechanicians wftb Factory £ Storage at Commercial Rates, PURE GAS and OILS. Cars Washed by Experienced Men •«•"• s**. T ~^vis*^f*y^^'-->*'• ^

Transcript of SUNDA -...

Ixjnova.n, bf Potsdam, w**the guest last week ot his *«** Wfr*

Dr. Bliss Felton has gon* to Roches* Jiatn B., in SJalofier and Richard X, atter, where he will asstet in the dentalInfirmary for school children.

Miss Catherine Warrfer returns thisweek to Oberlin College"1 tQ enter uponher second year at that institution.

Libe Washburn Jias returned fromIds Canadian camp and is spendingthe balance of the month with his fam-.ily at Lake Titus.• Mrs. Mary Keefe and daugnter,Alice,.have been visiting friend*; inJtfon treal and Quebec, i trs. James P.Keefe and daughters, of Norfolk, Va.,liave been guests the past week at the Mr. Taylor is on the staff of the Bof-Keefe home on Maple strjeet; falo Courier.


Miss Stella McCarthy has returnedto Hanover, N. J.. t a resume her da-ties as an instructor in the highschool there.

J. W. Genaway, Mfgh Chief.Rangerot the High Cotnrt of Central NewYork, is attending the World's Trien-nial meeting of the Supreme Court ofthe Order of Foresters a* Toronto.

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Taylor andchild, of Buffalo, are enjoying: a twoweeks' vacation with Malone relatives.


Stomach TroublesSince ChOdhood !


Made Me Well

U,eut. "F*rtry Redwood is servingwith the 48th U. S. Infantry at theSyracuse camp and expects soen to goto France with his regiment.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burchell havebeen spending ten days in Ottawa vis-iting relatives and attending the Ot-tawa fair.

E. N. W. Robbins attended a con-vention &t motorcycle dealers inRochester last week. He was absent.several days, returning on Saturday.

Mrs. Ruth HcCoy, Mrs. I* H. Les-ter and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spencerhave been enjoying an automobile tripto Burlington, Vt., and visiting rela-tives and friends in that city.

Miss Sadie Itichey, for a long termof years the competent clerk in But-trick's book store, will enter the em-

Mr. Wm. W. Everly, 3325 NorthHaneock Street. Philadelphia, F ^writes:

"I have been trembled with stomfchdisorders since childhood, but aftertaking six bottles of your P r a i a , Inew enjoy the best of health. I alsohad catarrh In the head, which prac-tically has disappeared, thanks tothe Peruna Co. for their good work-!*

Those who object to liquid nwdi-ofn— can procure Peruna Tablets.

J AMES W. GERARD tells you the astoundingstory of German treachery and intrigue—why Germany wanted war—how the Ger-

man people were fooled into wanting war—whatGermany expected to get out of warjyith us—andMr. Gerard answers all of the questions you havewondered about since war began.

begins September 16th exclusively in


Of Syracuse arid runs for about 6 weeksORDER EARLY

andDAILY |


$1 pays for six weeks (42 issues)} Daily and SUNDAYPus-t-Standard—by mail. TEAR THIS AD OUT—Sign itenolo-e $1 (ca>h, money order or stamps;—NOW.


Sead P t t - t t u d a r i beflinnln* Sept. 16th to «ix»e

City.tot >!x week* (Daily *ad SUNDAY)

The Lake Sfeu&4 riub will adoptnd educate twelve of the fatnerlc&a

children of France, furnishing thema cottage on tfe* Club grounds at LakePlacid and seeing that they are givena fair start in life; Tli^ only conditionis that an educated F i ^ c h woman besedlt with them to thtn new home inthe Adirondack^.

Infantile paralysis has finally ap-peared in Burlington, Vr , and the citywill be quarantined unless the epi-demic is controlled. rdinal, Ont., isin the midst of an epidemic of the dis-ease, about 50 cases having beenbrought to the attention of the healthofficers, who are doing tin-stamp out the malad\

At a meeting at the chere Friday the RepuMof the bar of Franklin < >

Free Food Demonstration Thursday.

Mrs. R. I). Oliver, and* little daugh-ter, Marie of New York city Spent afew days here the past week, guests'of her cousin:, Mrs. Andrew J. Starrand calling on friends. *•v Mrs, William Stebbins went to Mas*«W^ on Thursday to assist in the' careof a relative who is seriously ill*.

Mrs. Mary Long and son, Robert, areat present visiting her son, John Longand family "In Boston and other rela-tives in Massachusetts,

Young men from here, who .havealready left for active war service are

• Ralph Hutchtns, in the National Army,

the American bosrft&is ocenpted toy the8t. touis and Harvard unite/tO S i slatter ot which Wesley B . % S r ^and Arthur c Rowley, of this ctranty,are attached, and that they had killedand wounded several, naturally causedgreat'aiuciety to their friends here. 1 T 5 Swas much relieved a day lat«r by acabelgram from Dr. Emerson now Incharge of the Harvard hospital corpsin France, to Herbert White, of Cam-!fd^\.StaaB" ****** al1 *o»V which

Mr. white took to mean that none ofthe Harvard unit were killed ar

tricks book store, will enter the em-ploy of H. D. Thompson & Co. Sept. ,* resolution heartily en«!15h charge of15th. where she will hathe silverware department.

Dr. Beaupre writes from Montrealthat he has recovered from his recentattack of appendicitis sufficiently toresume his practice. He was serious-ly ill, but the necessity of an opera-

1 lion was avoided.

Millartf Laplante, of Malone, who re-cently enlisted in the army and wasstationed at Fort SJocum, has beentransferred to the 6th Field Artillery,stationed at Fort Myer, Virginia, onaccount of his skill as a baker atwhich he is employed at the camp.

Mrs. C. S. Andrews, of Barre, Vt,has been spending: a few days withher brother,' Guy C. Dewey, and otherFranklin county relatives. She camehere to attend the funeral of heruncle, Clark J. Lawrence, but missedher train connection at Burlington anddid not arrive till after the service.

Miss Marion Haskell, who is about;o enter Columbia University, won oneof the state scholarships for Franklincounty by her high standing at Frank-lin Academy at which she was vale-dictorian of the class of 1917. Theother four scholarships this year wentto students ot the Saranac Lake HighSchool.

Herbert Donaldson and his nine as-sociates, selected recently after thor-ough examination to go into the avia-tion service -as experts on aeroplanemotors, reeen ed orders last week tohold themsehes in readiness to go toPensacola, Florida, where they willdoubtless receive further practicaltraining: for a few weeks, after whichthey exnect to be connected with theAmerican aviation camp m Prance

Leo Doohy, of Osrdent-burg. who ha*,been stud\mg a\i.iUon for the pasjfour month.1- at The urm\ *;<h«>ol m Co-lumbus, Ohio, is to he transw *-re-d tothe Royal Flying: Curps at Toronto H>-is greatly pleased with tlvmg and issorry he did not begin to tram earlierso as to be aiding his ccunrry on thebattlefields of France Aviation re-quires steady nerve and presence ofmind, but it i.s the least hazardous ofOf any of tin- branches of the armyservice.

didacies of Hon. J c -iHon. Henry T. Kellagtr aSalisbury for Republi«.irfor the supreme cour*Republicans to votecure all possible votes 1forthcoming primary.

The new Co. K otGuard had 41 men ou1

day evening and is fa*efficient military bodynow has a members!,];

ind urging alld work to s-e-i 1 hem at the

lie New Yorkto drill Thurs-

5 0and hopes to reach thp maximum of100 men soon. Men os

find membership in this organization

j and C. C. Corey, Benjamin Lester, Samrniirt hnii«>' *>ashjaaw *"<* Earle Maloney in Co. K,court house S e v e r a I o t h e r s a r e e x p e c t e d t o g o i n

can rncmoers t h e n e x t c a H t o t h e National Army ser->unty adopted .vice.rsmg the'can- J Miss Winifred Nash, state firod con-

M Kellogg, serration agent, will give the thirdd Hon Geo demonstration for Constable on Thurs*

day afternoon. September 18th, In thetown hall, at 2:30. New methods ofmaking bread —using other cerealswith wheat-flour, will be shown. MissNash plans to make this an interest-ing and profitable event and i» desir-ous of a large attendance from allparts of the town. These meetingb arefree to all and no contribution or fee is

becoming an expected! The methods employed andThe company instruction and recipes given are

worth the obtaining. The ladies arecordially invited to attend- on Thurs-day.

ilraft age who Major Henry H. Stickney, son of Dr.may soon be called to 'he service will }and Mrs. H. H. Stickney, who has been

here on a short furlough, from FortLevenworth. Kansas, has been calledto report at Annapolis, Md., to take uphis duties as a battalion commander ofengineers. He expects later to go toFrance. Mrs. Stickney accompaniedhim to Albany on Momlav. where she

" be the guesi of parent* lui a shorttime before joining her husband at An-napolis. The best wishes of all go withthe soldier.

Hops are being harvested at presentby the grower.-;. The acreage is thesmallest we have known in the past 40years. The quality is good, but theyield in most yards is le?s than halft should be, compared to former years.The destructive mould was but litOein evidence and the hop injects did lit-tle damage this \ear. The continueddry weather, followed by hail storms,did much harm.

Mrs E\a Spaulding of Malone hasengaged to teach the school in districtNo. 2 on Fountain >tre*»f. Miss MarionWilber the *-choo5 m Badore district.No. 6, Mi.** Lizzie Penneen in districtNo 7. Con.^tabl" and Westville; MissBeulah Iicnnt-Tt. distnrt No 4. Southof < 'orMabJe: Mi"*s Lillian ''ahill. No.3, norther..-.-? >>\ th»*- \ill'igp; Mi«s Luel-

Rosrei**-. flisrirjct No ' , Trout River

of particular advantathem for joining the J

i The organization will .-umustered into the state

in preparingational army.m be -formallyservice and a

requisition for equipment made.Two bright young Porto Rican boys,

anxious to learn American farmingmethods, have been located on twofarms in Theresa. They were furnish-ed at the request of the Theresa farm-ers, who were badly m need or help,by the Robinson Miss-ion School ofPorto Rico. The farmers advancedtheir passage money They speakSpanish fluently, know enough Eng-lish to make themselves understoodand are so courteous and gentlemanlythat they are becoming great favoritesin tht locality The\ sing well andhave appeared at a R<*d Cross socialsinging Spanish ballads ,md in church,singing h\mns in thon native tongue.They dre becoming rim larm hands.

TRY THEMThe next time you suffer withheadache, indigestion, bilious-ness or loss of appetite, try—


Ur«~t Sale of A«y M«Hc«. in the World, jSold evarywhen. IttboXM. 10c^25c j

sl'frN in the surr"where th( \ had been

ich were seriously 10i troin rhe Plain**

There were r>(M> of X.Y-• h ,n ross fields

A «tampede of ar1ii!Pine Plain? last \V. Iwrought $20 ony dam •./town propwtv, in ini jhules anil crops Ant11 >i '-ai'i in the road,the noises- coming ai.irto th* din h. but li"s-'iucl-" t i t ear and o".a.- injured by flyintbroK^'i vm.islnfld. <into the A.'ams bus oroad, damaging the 'the front jjjrhtP and befender**. The horse v,* n hud to be kilk-turc b+torc the runn«uil loundel up. As I

r! noon o^ ol the a1

horses atinesday night:ge to Water-Jit'i ear*>, \ e-niobilists were1 >nt man i>aw• Irove his car

**j after horfaeni his par'y

trlctpv from "a'- diurnal ran1 the Syracuse')"(!. smashing!'iig the front

- >=.) r>adl\ hurt


=chno{ MI t h-.ol ildmgsi n T

Mr? Amelia Tn-nthleof MonT.t.1 ar*> vs.tmK

and lutle t-on,HT '.i^*-r. Ar-

< H \SM ! ALLS.

of <Jt'<>r t> ( \icklaw ) Rourcicr.ueinji Xanu". Only Make- </<>n-u. Wh> Shonlf! we Kit j) IK>ini?Marrijigt' of f'haiios <. Lincoln

3Ii— Kdnu kcuipttm.

the nexf

v ere still (Helen street in tn.^ IM

****** "al1k t which

part *t the ecnfear relatives.

Mrs. ttohna G07W, of 1I., is vtsiti»g her 'Goyer, and otherFaJIa. '

Mrs. Sarah Cbar«Ue haifrom a visit to relatve* \m

Distinction in Dress

GOATS and SUITFor Woman Who Appreciate Distinction

In Style In Quality In Value


l d . i l i ' i t«-•A a>- g t v

'i I H ? 1*1ripe gr

<nd alti.oueh irte- Jhi 111 a= prom ft ly i

roadJt 10U c

to^n co\ erea withem raced thrand one ir\c>d inbut landed on t"lights, fender^ :T

jthe animal*


'Mr<Ue a touring- 'v i* 1 iod. breaking t>n*j

'i w-ndshield. Six o'killed un the Black


River road by a train.

A Word AboutComfort


What yon get out of yourcar depends to a large extentupon what you put into it.

Just as a matter affecting yourown comfort it pays to getonly the best gasoline —SOCONY.

There is no gasoline morehighly refined or 'more pow-erful than SOCONY. Auditis the only gasoline which isalways the same, whereveryon buy i t That means awelcome freedom from faultycarburetion.

Lookfor the Red, White andBlue SOGOl>nf Sign, It in-saxes you more miles to thegallon and more power to



Hie Sign of a Reliable Dealerand the World's Best Gasoline


MALONE—Eldredgre & Mason. H. F. Perkins.Burt Brown, J. B. Twaddle & Co . L F. Keyes,Napoleon Dufore, R. R. Berry, pond & Jobert.

BttRKB—Fred H. Mason, R. H. WeirNORTH BURKE—John Jami.on, I>. M. G1I-

lett, J, B. Flynn.CHATEAUaAT—Hyland & Co., T P. Moo-

aey. Ghateaugay Garagft, Mrs. J. C Cook.WjKIPPUSVlJut«E—H. A. CarpenterCHASM 1PAULS-W. M. Wescott. Fied ThomasMOUNTAIN VIEW—H. A. GlazierNORTH BANGOR—F. W. McKenzie & Co.WEST BANGOR—B. T. Fish.CONSTABLE— R. B. Childs.TROUT RIVER—A. J. Elliott.

- WrlSTVfLLB CENTER—John Bfnn.« FORT COVINGTON—Farquhar B n - . W. C.Tail] on.

BRUSHTON—B. F. Hair is & Son. F W Flint,Johnson's Oarajre.

MOIRA—Mahoney & Peers. N. E r »ru. C. E.Brbsh & Son.


.ST.-REOIS FAL.LS—E. 8. Ami . .. 11. B.

Standtod Oil Co. of Mew York

DICKINSON—E. A. Tebo.' CHERUBUSCO—H. H. Humphrey &• Sons,Geo. S. Coopcy.

EL.LENBURG DEPOT—Clark B»o" F. I*Myers ^ Son, N. I. White. Geo. W Gi'bert.

ELLENBURG CTR.—James J Blow. BLJ.ENBURG CORNERS—E. W ' " ' *Son, Geo. chiiton.

MOOERS FORKS-^-J, ii. Corl ins, Moses I^a-Valtey.

BRAINARDSVILLE-J. H. En«hs)j, F\ M. HoyMERilUJU—O. ioui.v.

I a id1hft|thr3 jioifton innar.ioa .11 hi- ^^'cni to 1ii in. lend hi? lne, aftti about t\\fn'\ hour?.]

; t ^ *o the 1 Mr. BourriT had long been subject totWatertown. JthtPo s?i» II«= of .it-prfe^iun and |>,„,, TVMt< r \li-Kd ritently -.hie-aenoil. while- m

V V, I Uhem 10 rake hi- Ut\- Mr lioarcsorA dozen or , w a < h ( > | n m , , h n j , m FaIls>> t r : d w a s a

> >m«i <"eliudaHe \sa- imiu«-

honest »n hi-* deal.*, and hadv,i<:r. hini^rlf and t\unil> a comfort-,!.U- l.onw H>s wife- wa.- MJS> Vinal i j j u . r e . whom he new leave* with,i \ o i ^ 5Oti ml t«D flaughter^. Be-sides 'neve, h>~ leaver one brother and-JN pi-'fi- %sl,.. rt-y»ik in thi? Mcinity.and o'.t--i-*f! m Mai-sachusettt-. Hisluneral v>a? li« Id H'inday morning from

It .-ft nis .stiange 'lia+ people havinggu<~>d respects hie fa'inly names thattheir aneestoib l>a.\ e borne for hun-dred*, of year;-, .-hould preier to becalled by other n;»me<?—marv of them7101 a-> pretiv as then own, and some ofthem belonging to other nationalities.Thus, Seguin it- made Sawyer. Bour-eier ^ put asule Tor Nicklaw. (doubt-lesb derned from >ome great grandfa-ther whose Christian name was Nich-olas ) The .Madeleine are prone totake the Scotch name McDonald, be-eau-e thcr grandfather's Scotch neigh-bor> in Canada asked him tn do PO.The Steinbergs or Steenbere:^ add an"e" to their narnt, which almost cov-ers, out ot sight itb onginal meaning—^"a rocky t-oak or eminence" Now the*rise ot a name is to designate an in-dividual or a family and to indicateone'> origin and nationality So, ifone is not ashamed nf his iace amifamily, there can be no object inchanging his family name; and at thebest it only works contusion.

The school.** opened last week withMi.-s Florence Wescott. teacher in theRiver street school; Miss Elsie Eddy,StandJff district; Miss Edith Bafchel-der. Titusville: Mrs. Harriet Ellis,Riverbend; and Miss Katie Sullivan,Fayette street

William Duquette, a member of Co.,K, in view of the fact rhat the com-pany is about to leave New York city,sent for his wife to come to New Yorkto visit him. Accordingly, she, with,Mr. Duquette's mother, left here Satur-day evening to make the desired tripand visit.

Charles S. Lincoln, son of Mr andMrs. Ansleni Lincoln, of Malone andMiss Edna Kempton. daughter of Mr.and Mrs Robert Ketnptor who re-

ide on the old Kempton r -'e.-' mile south of Whipplev !N> weremarried last Thursday evening i:< v L.E. Rose, pastor of the Chasi" Fa'?**Methodist church offlciatini; T'leceremony was witnessed onlv t thenear relatives of the bride and UM^'Hwho were atrended by Miss Sarah L>n-rnln and Harold Hapgood FHI!OWI»J

corcmony, supper was «erve'l h\Mr-* Hoy Hunsrorford. *-ister of rhebride, arid Miff-*.-* Sadie Pease '<nd "RoseTimmons of Malone. after wh»oh thelow 1\ wed*, left for T*r>:>or^nac.vhfrf1 th'^v will cpend a few da\s andhen return to Malone to reside RofhMr and Mr* Lincoln have a ho T ofTiends sn M.ilone and vicinity who•\n »id congratulation? nnd best \vlphe«or their future happiness and prosipritv Mr Lincoln i*= a valued em-Uovco of the Malone Ice company.

The news that the German airmenhad made an attack September 8th, on

A Victrola adds the pleasuresof the theatre to the comforts

of homeIt brings the funniest comedians in the worldright to your Jiving room, so you can sit backin your easy chair and laugh at them and withthem. Or you just start the Victrola and en-joy the melodious songs, the tuneful dancenumbers, from the latest operettas and musi-cal comedies.

If you want band music, the VictroJa willsummon the greatest bands of the earth. It.will bring the greatest of all operatic artistsat your beck~or the greatest violinists andpianists. On the Victrola the most famouschoirs sing for you. If you like popular songs,the best ballad-singers and the best quartetsare yours.

In fact, the whole musical world is yourswith a Victrola. Come in and let us proveit with a demonstration.

Victroias $15. to $400.


MALONE'S MODEL BAKERY SThe bread-making methods of the old Romans may have been

satisfactory to the people of their day, but such methods would notsuit the fastidious taste of the people of this community at thepresent time.

OUR BREADdoes satisfy the people of this community because it is wholesome,is scientifically made in a sanitary bakery,and is everything that thebest bread should be. It has the desired home flavor.


KERN'S BAKERY,16? East Main Street, * MALONE, N. T.

O'Neil and Hale„ Reduced Rates




GEORGE P. WRIGHTPiano Tuning, Voidngr. Actionlatin* No. 57 Fort Covtngton Street,Malon«, N. T Telephone 153-M. 4<tf


Art NoveltiesCirculating Libary.

116 East Main St, Malone, N. Y,

The New York Slate Law After Aug. 1Requires that vou u»e a N>Glare Headluht OP va -r carTHE WARNER LENS not oniy f-Uy complies » ith theNew York State law, but acruaii'y will ijive you more andbetter light. Different sizes tor j-ferent cirs We can fityour car.

H. D. THOMPSON & CO.Distributors of Kelly SpringfielJ, McGr* v an: «Jjij -..,- 1W-IES.


Expert Mechanicians wftb Factory £Storage at Commercial Rates, PURE GAS and OILS.

Cars Washed by Experienced Men

•«•"• s**. T ~^vis*^f*y^^'-->*'• ^