summer with ephesians study guide



Crossroads Christian Church summer study guide.

Transcript of summer with ephesians study guide

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Summer 2010

WEEK 1: June 26/28 A Father’s Plan and Pleasure (Ephesians 1:1-14)

WEEK 2: July 3/4 Family Privileges (Ephesians 1:15-2:10)

WEEK 3: July 10/11 Family Foundations ( Ephesians 2:11-3:21)

WEEK 4: July 17/18 A United Family (Ephesians 4:1-32)

WEEK 5: July 24/25 The Family Likeness (Ephesians 5:1-20)

WEEK 6: July 31/August 1 The Family Legacy (Ephesians 5:21-6:24)

How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.

Ephesians 1:3-6, The Message

An Introduction to EphesiansOur summer series will focus on the New Testament book Ephesians which was written by the Apostle Paul about thirty years after Jesus’ crucifixion from a prison cell in Rome. This is one of four letters written by Paul known as the “Prison Epistles”.

Although the words of Ephesians were penned about 2000 years ago to Christ-followers in a different world and time it still has incredible relevance for the church in the 21st century. Every generation is confronted with the same ques-tions when they take time to reflect and ponder on the meaning of life:

Where do I belong?

Who am I?

What is my purpose and destiny?

In Ephesians Paul paints a beautiful, clear picture of our divine purpose being accomplished through the mighty acts of God in Christ. Paul states in the early part of chapter one that long before the world was even created God had us in mind and decided that we would be the focus of his love. Consequently, because of God’s incredible love we now belong to him and to one another through Christ Jesus. In essence we are a spiritual family. Not only that, we have been invited to participate in God’s cosmic plan of creating a new humanity—a third race, the body of Christ that serves as a means of grace to the broken, fragmented world around us.

Paul lays a strong theological foundation in chapters 1-3 that describes the blessings and spiritual treasures that we posses as part of God’s family. Then he gets real specific and practical in chapters 4-6 about the life, character and standards for those in His family. Simply put, our beliefs and actions are inseparable.

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Multiple Reinforcements - In order to gain the greatest benefit from this series we encourage you to do the following:

1. ATTEND A WEEKEND SERVICE - If you can’t make a service, look for it on our website or subscribe to our pod-cast. Record your thoughts in the Weekend Reflections in your guide.

2. SPEND PERSONAL TIME IN THE STUDY GUIDE - Each week there are opportunities in your guide to deepen your experience with God and his Word. We encourage you to set aside 10-15 minutes each day to read, reflect and apply.

Devotional Ref lection - Each week will begin with a devotional reflection that will touch on the overall theme for that week.

Daily Scripture Readings - In addition to the devotional we have broken down each week’s scripture read-ings into four portions. Note: “Day One” of each week you will read the entire assigned section for the week in order to get a “big picture” view.

Personal Reading Guidelines

Read: Set aside a specific time and place to read without noise and interruption. Before you start reading, pause for a few moments of silence and invite God to lead you through this time of reading and reflection. Invite the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you in reading God’s Word.

Take your time and read through the passages slowly and pay attention to details. We encourage you to read through the assigned passage two to three times.

Reflect: Take a few moments to ponder and meditate on what you have just read. What verse(s), words or phrases do you seem to resonate with or where do you notice any resistance on your part? Is there a promise to receive? Is there a sin to confront and confess? Is there something you have learned about God, yourself or others? Write down your observations or questions.

Respond: How will you apply the things you have learned? What is “one thing” you want to focus on today as a result of what you read? This may be a change in perspective or attitude about your circumstances or it may be an action you need to take. Close out your time with a simple prayer that expresses what is on your heart. This may be a simple prayer of gratitude, a prayer of confession or a prayer for a personal need or prayer for others. You may want to write out your application points and prayer concerns.

3. SHARE WITH OTHERS - If you are in a small group, you can use the Small Group Prompts as a guide for your meeting. If you are not currently in a group, you can pull an old group back together or grab some friends to study along for the six weeks.

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WEEK 1: A Father’s Plan and Pleasure - EPHESIANS 1:1-14

Weekend Service: June 26/27NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:








Devotional—Week 1

I remember as a kid growing up we lived out in the country. It wasn’t like living out on a farm on major acreage but all the homes had at least two acre lots with a lot of trees and there was more undeveloped than developed land around. It was great because there were lots of woods and ponds and room for adventure. In the summer we would build forts, climb trees, play kickball or some other sport, rides bikes, go fishing, or sometimes even dig a hole (for no apparent reason). It was a fun way to grow up.

I also remember that usually just before dark my father would come out in the yard and call my name. He would call it loudly and clearly, over and over until I would respond. No matter if I was in the woods up a tree or down the street in a friend’s yard, I could always seem to hear him calling my name. I would always yell back as loud as I could, “I’m coming.”

You know, it never dawned on me to not answer his call. I knew it meant that he wanted me home with the fam-ily. Sure enough, there was usually dinner on the table and the rest of my family waiting on me to share the evening together. It would end with a much needed bath and being tucked into my cozy bed as I would drift off to sleep very secure and content.

As we read Ephesians together we’ll see that in much the same way God, our Father, is calling out to us wherever we are spiritually. He is calling us home to be a part of His family where there is always something comforting and se-cure. For some reason though many times we hear him calling and we are not sure if we want to answer. Somehow we think it might be better to stay away from our Father’s plan and desire for us. In the next couple weeks we will get a chance to see exactly what His plan and desire for us really is.

In this first chapter in verses 4-6 we see that His desire for us. I love that it says he “freely chose” to do all these won-derful things for us, that he chose us and decided to adopt us as His own. I don’t know what your father experience in this life has been like. I can assure you as good or bad as your experience has been, the call of this father to be part of His family is beyond your wildest dreams and imagination. Wherever you are, listen closely. He is calling your name, loudly and clearly, over and over; He wants you to be a part of His spiritual family.

Griff Ray



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Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 1:1-14

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Paul describes several spiritual blessings from our Father in this section. Which one(s) do you identify with the most?


Express your gratitude for these spiritual blessings by writing a letter to God, your Father.



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Day 2 - Ephesians 1:1-4

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

How does it make you feel to know that God chose you to be part of his family?

Paul makes it clear why we have been chosen to be holy. To be holy means to be “set apart for God’s purposes”, which involves a transformation in beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Ask God to show you where you need to experi-ence more growth and transformation. Write down one or two action steps.

Day 3 - Ephesians 1:5-10

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________






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RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What is your response to the fact that God has chosen and adopted us because it brings him “pleasure” (v. 5-6)?

What does that say about how much God treasures you?

Paul reminds us that in Christ we have redemption, which means to be set free from the bondage of sin through the price Jesus paid in blood. Our sins are also forgotten. In what ways have you experienced “freedom in Christ”?

What places in your life do you need to experience more freedom?

What gets in the way of you living more fully into God’s promises and blessings? Spend some time talking to God about this and write out your reflections in your journal.

Day 4 - Ephesians 1:11-15

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________






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Ref lection Questions/Prompts

In verses 13, 14 Paul describes the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of every Christ-following. What impact do these verses have on your assurance and confidence that Christ is at work in you?

Paul states at the end of the section that we are “God’s possession”. What impact should that reality have on the way we live and make decisions?

Week 1: Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 1:1-14 or from the weekend message?

Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.

Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week.

How can the group specifically pray for you?

Next week: Read Ephesians 1:15-2:10



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WEEK 2: Family Privileges - EPHESIANS 1:15-2:10

Weekend Service: July 3/4NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:








Devotional—Week 2

Do you remember when you were “once dead,” living as the rest of the world? Living out of the “corrupt nature,” and your own desires? Or, maybe you are like me and wonder sometimes if you might still be living there! As I was reading the text for this week, one version stood out to me. The KJV puts it this way, “And you hath He quick-ened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” The word “quickened” caught my eye. The definition of quicken is: To come to life; to become alive; to become vivified or enlivened; hence, to exhibit signs of life; to move, as the fetus in the womb. In light of this definition, is your spirit “quickened”? I also noticed that it was the Lord who acted, not us. (See ch. 2 verses 4-9) Because He loves us so much, He brought this once dead person to life. Now I am living, truly living. We respond to the “quickening” and make that decision to give lordship of our lives to the risen Christ. Then a trans-formation occurs from the death of our “corrupt nature,” to living a life in the Spirit. When Jesus takes over our lives, we will have to be reconditioned. We may need to walk more slowly through each day, allowing God to re-train our way of thinking and acting. This means that our “corrupt nature” will have to be starved to death. By “starving to death,” I mean we cannot feed the “corrupt nature.” We may have to walk away from conversations. We may have to turn off the TV, or limit our time on the computer (and in some cases where it is a conduit for evil influences, get rid of it!) We may need to sever an un-Godly relationship.

Take a minute here and think about this. What is one step you can take to begin starving the “corrupt nature”? I pray that God will open our spiritual eyes to see those activities and ways we typically think/act that need to stop, so that the “corrupt nature” is being starved to death. Only when this happens will we be able to take advantage of what our Father has done for us.

I also pray that He will help us see that which will feed the Spirit in us, allowing it to grow and become the dominate authority over us. As we talk with God more (prayer and reading His Word) He will reveal to us more and more of His plan for our life. The promise is there in our reading this week. Verse 10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” As our “corrupt nature” dies, the fruits of the Spirit will grow in us. He will begin to plant dreams in our hearts. He will open our eyes to reveal those things He has gifted us to do (our talents and passions.) I pray that we will not be “dormant” believers, but that we will be courageous; that we will step out and step up into the life He has planned for us; that we will use these gifts He planted in each of us for the purpose of glorifying Him, and for building up others.



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I leave with a prayer that is paraphrased from our text this week. It is a prayer that I have copied down and am praying for each of you. - I pray that the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, will quicken your spirit; that He will give you wisdom and insight into His glorious ways. I pray that He will reveal Himself to you every day in every way, and that you will come to know Him deeper. I pray that you will know that He is with you as you step out into this glorious plan He has for your life; that you will see His power at work in the life around you, and that it would give you confidence and strength to be His servant. I pray that you will grasp hold of the knowledge that He is above all other authorities, and that you will live under His authority only. I pray for your protection from the evil one as you are working for Him and His kingdom. I pray this in the name of Jesus, and for the glory of God and His kingdom. Amen

Kim Messick


Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 1:15-2:10

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

As you read through this section write down all the things that God has actively done for you. When you reflect on all of this how do you feel?

Now read 2:1-4 and consider this is where God found us. Instead of getting his anger we got the list of things we just reflected on. Stop and try to think about how amazing God really is. Tell Him about, right now, go ahead and tell Him what you are thinking. After all, it’s the least we can do and He can’t wait to hear.



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Day 2 - Ephesians 1:15-23

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Notice in verse 17 where everything really begins.

It begins “as you come to know Christ better” Now look again back at verse 17-19 at everything that comes out of us knowing Christ better.

Have you ever felt (or more honestly acted) like spending time getting to know Christ wasn’t really that important? As you reflect on that, how important is it that we make “knowing Christ” a huge priority in life? What do you think about that?



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Day 3 - Ephesians 2:1-5

READ: ________________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Read verses 1-3. Think about your life when you are/were controlled by your corrupt desires. On a scale of 1-10, what is the level of regret in those times? What is your level of joy in those times? Notice in verse 2 what allows the spiritual ruler of this world (satan) to continue to work in your life.

Read verse 4 and 5 again. What does that stir up in you? Tell God about how you feel.

If God gives you the chance today, why not tell someone about how good God has been to you. You never know what might happen.

Day 4 - Ephesians 2:6-10

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________






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REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Read verse 6-7. Try to wrap your mind around that. How does it make you feel when you realize we are all going to die, to know that God already has that covered for you?

Verse 8-9 make it very clear that we have nothing to brag about to God (or anyone else for that matter.) Is that hard for you in any way? Regardless of your answer to that question, why did you answer it that way?

Read verse 10. How does that make you feel? Excited? Nervous? Relieved? Tell God how you feel about that. Now dream for a minute what that might look like in practical terms.

Week 2: Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 1:15-2:10 or from the weekend message?Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.

Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week.

How can the group specifically pray for you?

Next week: Read Ephesians 2:11-3:21



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WEEK 3: Family Foundations - EPHESIANS 2:11-3:21

Weekend Service: July 10/11NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:








Devotional—Week 3

We are familyI got all my sisters with meWe are familyGet up ev’rybody and sing(Sister Sledge-We are Family)

The entire restaurant focused their attention upon corner table as they listened to the birthday celebration. Laughter and smiles were shared freely by everyone as they observed this public display of affection.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Marla. Happy birthday to you.”

Allison beamed as she too, enjoyed the moment, her own heart filled with the tender warmth of love. The look on Marla’s face was priceless. Joyous embarrassment. Allison watched Marla’s feeble attempts to make everyone stop while she embraced the attention. She blew out a few candles and the restaurant returned to normal.

For a moment, Allison felt the world seemed perfect with all things as they should be. But, as the warmth faded, she picked at the asparagus and Chicken Cordon Bleu on her plate and fought back the tears of disappointment and grief. She could not remember the last time she shared a birthday celebration with her siblings. Not even several mar-riages had fulfilled her hope to have a genuine family.

Warren Buffet, one of the wealthiest men in the world, once told the students at Georgia Tech, “The purpose of life is to be loved by as many people as possible among those you want to have love you.”

This is what God is longing for. To be loved by you. He desires you to be a part of His family, that you might experi-ence joyous embarrassment, as the rest of the family sings happy birthday in a public display of affection.

John Pearson



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Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 2:11-3:21

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

If you have not joined God’s family yet, do you desire it? Does this thought frighten or excite you? Write a letter to God and share with Him how you truly feel about this.

If you have joined God’s family, take some time and reflect on the difference this has made in your life. Write God a letter sharing with Him how you really feel about this.

Day 2 - Ephesians 2:11-22

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________






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RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

It has been said, you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family. What does it mean to you to be part of a family? Are there responsibilities? Are there privileges?

If you have joined God’s family, take some time and reflect on the impact this could have on the rest of your life. What impact does this have on your values, time, money, possessions, etc.

Day 3 - Ephesians 3:1-13

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

The Apostle Paul felt certain of what God wanted him to do with his life. Describe as best you can, what you feel God wants you to do with your life.

What would you say is the consuming passion in your life? How would you assess your passion for Christ’s mission?



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Day 4 - Ephesians 3:15-21

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What words would you use to describe Paul’s concluding prayer in this section? What is Paul asking God to do for every Christ-follower?

Make a list of things that people glorify in others, such as sports talent, musical talent, etc. Make a list of things you have done in your life that others might glorify in you.

What can you do to give that glory to God?

Week 3: Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 2:11-3:21 or from the weekend message?

Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.



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Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

A major theme in Ephesians is that we are part of God’s family. In what ways has Crossroads and/or your small group become family to you?

Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week.

How can the group specifically pray for you?

Next week: Read Ephesians 4



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WEEK 4: A United Family - EPHESIANS 4

Weekend Service: July 17/18NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:







Devotional—Week 4

Unity, a five letter word, finds a home throughout Paul’s teachings in chapter 4 of Ephesians. Unity is not hard to de-fine but I would offer that it is challenging to find it exemplified as regularly as we might yearn for in Western Culture. One of the most recent images of unity for me can be found in a soccer game at the World Cup in South Africa. The fans are unified through their desire to cheer for the same team, unified through the colorful fashion that decorates the love for their country, unified through their passion for soccer. They are unified through the exhausting horn blowing, yelling, clapping, and stomping. For fans and players alike, it is a competitive experience that involves the whole body, yet at the beginning of every match is a time of humble centering. The two teams exchange handshakes and the team captains exchange what small flags, a sentimental gift for their opponent.

Unity was also a theme recently in Haiti, a country devastated by natural disaster. Unity was evident in monetary donations, evident through human relief efforts, evident through hugs, tears, and volunteers caring for others, feeding, and taking care of the most basic of human needs.

Unity and hope was instrumental in the election of the first African American president in the United States. On elec-tion night, I actually sat in a room with fellow African Americans in an historic house in Georgetown, Kentucky that was once a part of the Underground Railroad system. Late into the night it became evident that Mr. Barack Obama would indeed be elected. A friend to my right, an African American lady in her 40’s, shed several tears as she stared intently at the TV monitor and said, “I never thought I would see this day.” I sat quietly in the room and looked into the eyes of those around me and realized that unity surely was the thread of emotion that bound those around the table.See it could be said that unity is one of the most memorable feelings that man can experience. But it can be heart-breaking to take inventory of epic battles in our country that appear to lack unity. Examples include the divorce rate in the United States, which is a highly sacred commitment of unity, “the union of a man and a woman.” Others include the lack of momentum and teamwork that can be found between Republicans and Democrats and while respecting that a two party system is at the core of American history, it feels as though the common thread is to intentionally avoid opportunities to unify the parties. Lack of unity is also captured in ongoing wars, debate over health care, and even noticeable in poverty and loneliness.

Why do we not aspire more often to be unified? Why are we intrigued by independence, individuality, being right or getting the credit? Tough questions, May God encourage us to reflect upon these questions. For what Paul urges us to, to be unified in the Body of Christ will inevitably draw us to the Lord and allow us to experience His love and fulfillment.

Anthony Rupard



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Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 4

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Why is unity such an important value to champion in the body of Christ? Single space

What are the marks of an authentic, growing Christ-follower based on Paul’s instruction in chapter 4?

Day 2 - Ephesians 4:1-13

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________






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RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Paul makes it very clear that unity in the body is not situational, occasional, or temporary. He asks that we be com-pletely humble and gentle in bearing with one another, and to make every effort to keep unity of the Spirit.

Can you think of examples this past week where you were completely humble and gentle with others? Was that easy or hard for you to do? Why?

Can you think of times in the past week where pride got in the way of you being humble and gentle? What were the outcomes or consequences?

What do you learn from verses 11-13 in regard to the role of a pastor? What do you learn here about the expecta-tions God has for every member of the body of Christ? In what ways are you expressing your spiritual gifts in service to God?

According to verse 13 why are spiritual gifts essential for the growth and health of the body of Christ?

Day 3 - Ephesians 4:14-16

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________






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Ref lection Questions/Prompts

In these verses Paul has a clear expectation that spiritual maturity is normal for every Christ follower? How would you assess your desire and commitment to becoming a mature adult in Christ?

Paul encourages the Christian community to “speak the truth in love”. Why is speaking truth to one another in a Chris-tian community essential?

Who are some people you have difficulty speaking the” truth in love” to?

Day 4 - Ephesians 4:17-32

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What does Paul specifically teach about the natue of spiritual formation in verses 22-24?

In Paul’s list of sinful patterns in versus 25-32 which one(s) do you find the most difficult to change?

Note how Paul contrasts the nature of the old self with our new nature in Christ. What are some of the specific behav-iors and attitudes we will see when we are living from our new nature?



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Who is someone you can encourage this week with words that build them up? Spend time praying for them and then send a note or encouragement or call them?

Week 4: Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 4 or from the weekend message?

Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.

Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

How would you assess the oneness and unity in your small group at this stage? What barriers prevent your group from moving for with one mind and heart? Talk about these issues openly and honestly. Listen well without being defensive.

Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week.

How can the group specifically pray for you?

Next week: Read Ephesians 5:1-20



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WEEK 5: A United Family - EPHESIANS 5:1-20

Weekend Service: July 24/25NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:







Devotional—Week 5

Upon graduating from Transy, I took my well deserved B.A. in Art and hit the trail trying to find a job. Although I thor-oughly enjoyed college, I never gave a thought as to what kind of opportunities there might be for an artist upon gradu-ation. Seems that the market in this region was rather, shall we say, “limited” for a painter or sculptor! Then one day, a well known minister in this area gave me a piece of paper with a name written on it and a phone number. He said, “Call one of my elders. He will give you a job.”

The entry level job was outside of my field of study (big surprise!) but I was desperate. During the interview, the owner of the company asked me what kind of salary I needed. My reply was something like, “I know you are a Christian man and an elder at church, so you tell me what is fair.” I will never forget his reply: “Well…that is church and this is business.”

Is there really a difference in how we conduct ourselves inside versus outside of the church? Paul addresses that potential inconsistency in the letter we know as the book of Ephesians. Even though this letter was written centuries ago, it is just as relevant and timely for us today as it was then. It encourages us to imitate God in all areas of our lives, 24/7, not just during our time at church or in church settings. Saint Augustine writes in his 5th century book, “City of God”, that there are two ways we can conduct ourselves in the workplace. One is God’s way and the other is the world’s way.

As Christ followers, we are challenged to live differently. It is our responsibility. We are faced daily with a choice: to work God’s way and make Godly decisions based on excellence and integrity; or to work the world’s way and compro-mise our integrity. One member of our small group is a Christian businessman and recently he was sharing how difficult it is to make decisions that honor God. At times, he is tempted to give different counsel or steer a sale in a way that may not be best for his customer, but it is best for his bottom line. While everyone appreciated his honesty, we also identified that the Christian life is filled with hard choices, many times on a daily basis.

What about you? Are you tempted to compromise at work? Are you different at work than you are in the church lobby? There is a song by the Imperials written in the ‘70s called, “You’re the only Jesus”, that reminds us of the value of being careful how we live.“You’re the only Jesus, some may ever see And you’re the only words of life that some may ever readSo let them see in you the One in whom is all they’ll ever need‘Cause you’re the only Jesus, some will ever see”.

Jeff Rogers



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Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 5:1-20

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

If you have not joined God’s family yet, do you desire it? Does this thought frighten or excite you? Write a letter to God and share with Him how you truly feel about this.

If you have joined God’s family, take some time and reflect on the difference this has made in your life. Write God a letter sharing with Him how you really feel about this.

Day 2 - Ephesians 5:1-6

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________






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RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

It has been said, you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family. What does it mean to you to be part of a family? Are there responsibilities? Are there privileges?

If you have joined God’s family, take some time and reflect on the impact this could have on the rest of your life. What impact does this have on your values, time, money, possessions, etc.

Day 3 - Ephesians 5:7-14

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

The Apostle Paul felt certain of what God wanted him to do with his life. Describe as best you can, what you feel God wants you to do with your life.

What would you say is the consuming passion in your life? How would you assess your passion for Christ’s mission?



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Day 4 - Ephesians 5:15-20

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What words would you use to describe Paul’s concluding prayer in this section? What is Paul asking God to do for every Christ-follower?

Make a list of things that people glorify in others, such as sports talent, musical talent, etc. Make a list of things you have done in your life that others might glorify in you.

What can you do to give that glory to God?

Week 5 - Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 5:1-20 or from the weekend message?

Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.



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Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

Group Exercise: Paul instructs Christ-followers to imitate God (5:1). Take a few minutes as a group and brainstorm what imitating God looks like. Reflect back on previous chapters and what Paul says in chapter 5.

Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week.

How can the group specifically pray for you?

Next week: Read Ephesians 5:21-6:24



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WEEK 6: The Family Legacy - EPHESIANS 5:21-6:25

Weekend Service: July 31/August 1NOTES AND REFLECTIONS:








Devotional—Week 6

So we have learned that God is a great God who planned from the very beginning to set apart a group of people who would form a kingdom family with a unique identity. He invites us all to that family, but it is up to us to accept our new identity and to learn to live into all that He has for us who belong to him. We have come to understand that he desires for all of his children, both Jew and non-Jew (Gentile) to be united as one in Christ. And we have learned that the Jewish nation was chosen by Him very early on to be the vehicle through which the whole world would be blessed, and that in the later times that nation would be grafted back in (re-joined) to the kingdom God has created through Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.

It is a glorious story and a wonderful picture of salvation by grace! But what does it look like in our daily lives? If we have a new identity it surely touches upon everything about us. Paul finishes his letter to the church at Ephesus by bring-ing things down to where the “rubber meets the road”: our marriages, our home and family life, and our work! It is one thing to have a new identity at a church service on Sunday. It is entirely different to have that identity in the places where we can be either at our best or at our worst!

For example, in marriage we are charged as husbands and wives to be completely humble in our attitudes toward one another. We are to submit to one another, not because our spouse always deserves or earns our loving kindness, but because we love Jesus and he has asked us to be humble and meek as he himself is. As wives we are to submit to the leadership of our husbands without contention or strife. That doesn’t mean that we cannot ask for our point of view to be considered but that we honor our husbands as they lead within our households. At the same time, though, husbands are required to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. Christ was not demand-ing or did not force his will upon anyone, but lived in such a winsome way that people were drawn to his love and desired to follow his lead. This new identity takes away the competition and power struggles in marriage and presents a powerful unity for the rest of the world to see and desire for their lives.

In the same way children are asked to obey their parents as a way of life and as a benefit to themselves. Parents, at the same time are to train their children lovingly, without the kind of hostility that can produce a response of bitterness in their children. Easier said than done, you might say, but not impossible if it is the normal practice of the home and family and not just something we super-impose on situations when they are out of control. Our new identities are a choice of daily life, not a fall-back position when things go wrong.



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Paul also speaks to slaves and masters, and while slavery is so offensive a thought to us that we don’t have a context for it, we can take his words and apply them to our jobs and workplaces. As Christians we are to give our best because of the Lord. We are not to be the one who slows down the assembly line or gives the bare minimum in our jobs. Our attitude to our employer is to do our jobs well, knowing that we are serving God and not just our career paths. And as employers we are to treat our employees fairly and with respect and consideration.

None of this is easy, but it is doable with the power of the Holy Spirit within us. In every case we are part of an unseen battle taking place in the spiritual world, and Jesus has given us strength through his spiritual armor to win the battles: truth, faith, salvation in Christ, a willingness to share his good news with those around us, and an assurance that we have God’s grace and approval as we make every effort to live into our new identity. We can pray in the Spirit in every situation we face and rely on God’s help, knowing that our undying love for him brings his favor upon us as we live as citizens of his kingdom. As Paul begins in Ephesians chapter one, “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing heaven has to offer.”

Sharon Wright

Day 1 - Overview of Ephesians 5:21-6:24

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

How would living the way Paul suggests in Ephesians 5 & 6 change your daily life from what it is now? Did one thought stand out to you as an area to make changes?

What positive impact has your faith had on your most important relationships: spouse, children, parents, friends, boss or employee, etc?



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Day 2 - Ephesians 5:21-33

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What is your “gut” response when you hear the word “submit”?

Why do you think our culture has such a negative reaction to the idea of submission?

Why do you think Paul compares the nature and role of husbands and wives in marriage to the relationship Christ has with the Church?

In verse 33 Paul implores husbands to love their wives “as he loves himself’. Why do you think Paul makes the way we love ourselves a benchmark for loving others? What does this imply?

Wives, what does it specifically look like for you to “respect” your husband?



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Day 3 - Ephesians 6:1-9

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________




REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

Parents: what does it mean to exasperate your children? If your children where interviewed by the news media what positive things would they about the way your parent? What would be some of their criticisms?

Take a few minutes and pray for your children today and then write them a note of encouragement.

Put Paul’s instruction in verses 5-9, in the context of your marketplace/work environment. What are important principles for employers? For employee?

Day 4 - Ephesians 6:10-24

READ: _______________________________________________________________________________________






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REFLECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________




RESPOND: __________________________________________________________________________________




Ref lection Questions/Prompts

What does it look like for you to “be strong in the Lord”?

Paul uses the metaphor of a Roman soldier’s battle armor to describe our spiritual armor. What pieces of spiritual armor do you have in place for battle? What changes do you need to make in your life to make sure you are prepared for spiritual attack?

Paul mentions pray and God’s Word as weapons. What does your personal practice of prayer and Scripture medita-tion look like in this season? What specific steps can you take to live more fully into these spiritual practices?

Prompt: Reflect over past six weeks and talk to God about what you have learned from Ephesians. Write God a letter of thanks and talk to him about the ways you want to live your live more fully devoted to him and his divine purpose. What is the “one thing” you will focus on for the next 30 days?

Week 6: Small Group Prompts

The small group discussion will flow from your personal reflections on the weekend message and from your personal reflections on the assigned readings. The following is a suggested guideline for your small group meeting.


Take turns and share one or two things you learned from Ephesians 5:21-6:24 or from the weekend message?

Refer to your daily readings journal and share one or two highlights from your personal reading. Encourage everyone to share at least one thing.

Are there any questions from your reading or from the message you would like to share with the group?

In Ephesians 6:1-9 Paul gives instructions for relating well to others in a variety of contexts: marriage, family, and work. Share with the group the one relationship area that you feel is an area of strength? Share the one relationship area that has created the most challenges.



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Group Exercise: Share one personal application you made as a result of your reading this week. You may want to share your experience with the Prompt for week 6.

Prayer Focus: Close out your group time by reading Ephesians 6:10-24. Ask God to equip you for living life fully for him and that you will have an “undying love” for the Lord Jesus Christ.