Summer of Supernovas_Chapter Sampler

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    CROWNNew York

    Keep Reading for a Sneak Peek. . . .

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to

    actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Text copyright © 2016 by Darcy Woods

    Jacket art copyright © 2016 by Vincent Besnault/Getty ImagesJacket design by Liz Casal

    All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crown Books for Young

    Readers, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Penguin

    Random House LLC, New York.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Woods, Darcy.

    Summer of supernovas / Darcy Woods.—First edition.

    pages cm

    Summary: As the daughter of an astrologer, Wilamena Carlisle knows the truth lies

    within the stars, so when she discovers a rare planetary alignment she is forced to

    tackle her worst astrological fear—The Fifth House of Relationships and Love—butWil must decide whether a cosmically doomed love is worth rejecting her mother’s

    legacy when she falls for a sensitive guitar player.

    ISBN 978-0-553-53704-8 (trade)—ISBN 978-0-553-53705-5 (ebook)

    [1. Love—Fiction. 2. Astrology—Fiction.] I. Title.

    PZ7.1.W66Sum 2016 [Fic]—dc23 2014048932

    Printed in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    First Edition

    Random House Children’s Books

    supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.

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    C h a p t e r 1

    Be humble for you are made of earth.

    Be noble for you are made of stars.


    Two fears have plagued me from the time I was little, andtoday I must face one of them.

    It’s not the clowns. A lot of kids get squeamish around

    clowns, I know. But no one else at Jessica Bernard’s sev-

    enth birthday party screamed bloody murder and wet

    their pants at the sight of one. That’s when I earned the

    nickname Wila- pee-na. The nickname is quasi-forgotten—

    thank heavens. Though the fear of clowns is not.

    Still, what I’m about to tackle is worse. Way worse.

    Carefully I take my place at the top of the water tower,

    letting my bare legs dangle. The early summer breeze

    rushes to greet them. One hundred and twenty feet

    stretch between me and the ground. My pulse doesn’teven flicker. I wish it did. Because heights are a perfectly

    reasonable fear.

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    Twenty-two days of planetary alignment to find my

    perfect match. If I don’t, it will take another decade for the

    stars to produce conditions this ideal. And by age twenty-

    seven, I could be a whacked-out spinster with eleven catsand a raging case of agoraphobia.

    Well, that’s a risk I can’t take. Especially when born

    with an ill-fated Fifth House that already tipped the scales

    toward a dysfunctional love life. So help me, if I don’t find

    my match now, I am staring down the barrel of ten years

    of falling for the wrong guys. Ten years—or more  —of

    heartache, heartbreak, and widespread astrological mal-


    I have no choice. I must swallow my fear and seize this

    cosmic opportunity.

    Eyes closed, I inhale deeply.

    From the moment my mother cast it, I have never  devi-

    ated from the guiding wisdom of my chart. After all, its

    importance is as genetically predisposed as the blue color

    of my eyes. Failing just isn’t an option.

    So I set to work. I dig out my notepad, pen, and iPod,

    slipping the latter in my dress pocket. Popping in my ear-

    buds, I press play, letting the music take me higher. But

    even the upbeat song isn’t enough. I stand and pace the

    platform. Movement of body breeds movement of ideas—

    gospel according to Gram.

    I begin my brainstorming by compiling a list of the

    twelve zodiac signs, placing stars next to Aries, Gemini,Libra, and Sagittarius for their intellectual-mindedness

    and passion for adventure. I add a couple more stars with

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    question marks to the signs that are possible matches.

    Scanning the list, I cross off Taurus and Scorpio—too

    possessive; Leo—too outwardly absorbed; and Cancer—

    too feely. I don’t mesh with the emotionally upheaved.And then there is Pisces. Absolutely out of the question.

    Why did I even write it down? I scribble until the word is

    an unreadable inkblot.

    But this measly list doesn’t scratch the surface of the

    daunting research ahead. I’ll have to consult the astrol-

    ogy books tucked under my bed and, of course, my best

    friend, Irina.

    Irina says she has a surprise for me. Something I’ll find

    quite  valuable in my search. Hmm  . . . a surprise from

    my dear Russian comrade doesn’t exactly lower my blood


    I lean back, resting my elbows on the waist-high railing.

    Cumulus clouds drift overhead, their undersides ironed

    and starched. One of my finger waves has come loose and

    slaps the lens of my cat eyeglasses. I tuck the chin-length

    wave behind my ear, and lose myself in whirling thoughts

    of sun signs, decanates, and cusps. How in the world will

    I narrow my search? Where do I even—

    All of a sudden vibrations carry from my feet all the

    way up my legs. And there’s another noise. Faint at first,

    but growing louder.

    Confused, I yank out an earbud.

    “—it! Okay?” a voice bellows from the ground.I spin around, searching for the source. A guy stares

    back. The distance between us is too great to make out

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    I topple against him, feeling the punch of his heart at

    my back. His arms remain shackled around me.

    “It’s . . . okay.” The climber’s ragged breath blows the

    hair at my neck. Heat radiates from his body, carrying

    the scent of sweat and something clean like dryer sheets.

    “I’ve . . . I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall. I won’t let you

    fall.” Despite the insane strength of his arms, the rest of

    him shakes.

    I wriggle in the stranger’s grip. “Let me go!”

    His heart continues jackhammering. “Only if you prom-

    ise to keep away from the edge.”

    “Okay, I promise! Now loosen your death grip before

    you shatter my ribs!”

    He immediately drops his arms.

    “Thank you.”   I heave a breath of relief and turn. His

    eyes are first to demand my attention. They’re brown.

    Brown isn’t always memorable, but his are. It’s as though

    something lights them from within. But maybe it’s just the

    glow from the setting sun.

    “What are you doing up here?” I ask.

    “I’m saving you, obviously.” The last bit comes out in a

    wheeze as his tall frame doubles over to brace his hands

    on his knees. His back sags with another heavy exhala-


    “Saving me,” I repeat with a bemused smirk. “Which is

    why you’re the one needing CPR?”

    Ignoring my remark, he squints down, pushing thedamp hair at his forehead. “Um . . . It’s really high up

    here.” The guy doesn’t appear to be trembling anymore

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    but remains less than steady. He slides down to a sitting

    position against the tower.

    “Well, yeah. That’s sorta the point.”

    The breeze shifts, plastering my vintage yellow dress tomy body. Sure, there was a time I felt self-conscious about

    my curviness. But the hourglass gene wasn’t something I

    could alter with diet or exercise. It was simply a force of

    nature—easier to accept than fight.

    His face flushes darker and he quickly looks away.

    “Look, whatever it is, this can’t be the solution. Because if

    you think jumping off a tower is going to be—”

    “I am not a jumper!” I cry. “How many times do I have

    to tell you guys? Sometimes I come up here to think, to

    clear my head, not . . .  flatten it.” My gaze wanders the

    vista. I don’t need daylight or twenty-twenty vision to

    know how Carlisle’s homes and businesses align in static

    rows. Or how the railroad tracks suture the well-to-do

    east side to the blue-collar west. There’s the hazy outline

    of the three smokestacks guarding the south, smokestacks

    that watch everything with winking, tireless eyes. There

    is place and purpose to every single thing if you’re high

    enough to see it.

    “Being up here gives me a different perspective, you

    know? Sometimes it’s all a person needs.” I bend to col-

    lect my scattered belongings, shoving my papers into my

    bag before he can question the scrambled charts and lists

    of signs.“Whoa, whoa . . . wait.” His dark brows knit. “You se-

    riously climbed all the way up here just . . . to think?”

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    I nod.

    He scratches his head; dark hair sticks up every which

    way. Somehow I get the impression his hair is a serial mis-

    behaver.“Well, I came to think and for the Milky Way.” I tap

    the mini telescope in the side pocket of my bag. “I’m refer-

    ring to the band of stars. Not the candy bar.”

    “So I gather.” He gives the ladder a sideways glance and


    “Summer’s the best time for viewing, and up here, it’s

    easier to see without all the light pollution from the city.” I

    squint. “Sun should be fully set soon; then it’ll be spectac-

    ular. Hey, did you know some Native Americans believed

    the Milky Way to be a pathway for departed souls? Like a

    sort of astral skyway they traveled until they found a star

    to inhabit. And you know what’s even more amazing?”

    He shakes his head.

    “Some scientists are predicting a supernova will be vis-

    ible inside the Milky Way within the next fifty years!

    Can you imagine? Witnessing a star going supernova in

    our very own galaxy! That moment a star dies, it explodes

    and emits the most brilliant . . .” My smile collapses when

    I find him staring like I’ve just declared the moon made of

    cheese. “Sorry. I, um, didn’t mean to go all tangential on

    you. I’m Wil, by the way.” I offer my hand. “Wil Carlisle.”

    Yes, the same Carlisle our fair Midwestern city is named

    for. Some quadruple great-uncle or other founded it backin 1847. Which is reason enough for Gram to live and

    die here.

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    He rises before taking my hand in his. “You’re kind of

    an unusual girl. No offense, Wil.”

    I grin. “Yeah, well, I tried ordinary once and got bored.”

    “I’m Grant, Grant Walker. And somehow”—he giveshis head a small shake—“that doesn’t shock me.” When

    he finally smiles, it is for real. It shows in his eyes and

    where his skin touches mine.

    My pulse unexpectedly flutters. “So, Grant Walker”—I

    pull back my hand, wiping my palm down my dress—

    “mind calling your friend off suicide watch? As you can

    see, I’m pretty intent on living.” I notice four lines of

    orangey-brown where the metal rail has left marks across

    my midsection. I look like a grilled banana. Awesome. I

    brush at the unmoving lines.

    “Yeah, about that. Unfortunately, I think it might be—”

    Wee ooh, wee ooh, wee ooh.

    The distant wail draws nearer. I jerk my head up.

    “Too late,” he finishes with a grimace.

    Several police cars and a fire truck barrel down the side

    road, red lights whirling, sirens screaming. Rocks spray,

    ricocheting off the base of the tower as the truck screeches

    to a halt. I watch in horror as firemen and emergency per-

    sonnel spill from their vehicles. They’re barking orders

    while unfurling a large trampoline that bears a striking

    resemblance to the Japanese flag.

    This. Can’t. Be. Happening.

    A nasally voice projects over a loudspeaker.“Wah-wah,

    wah-wah-wah. Waaaahhh!” 

    I can’t make heads or tails of what’s being said because

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    Grant shouts mockingly over the whooping sirens. He

    holds up a hand. “Sorry . . . I’m sorry.” Working to un-

    kink the lines of panic on his face, he adds, “Look, I’m

    not phobic or anything. Heights just make me a little”—hesways—“uncomfortable.”

    I take his arm to steady his teetering form. “Easy there.

    Hey, look at me.” I give him my most reassuring you’ll-

    live-to-see-another-day smile. “Stay with me. It’s gonna

    be okay, Grant. I promise. I’ve been up and down this

    ladder more times than I can count. We’ll just take it one

    step at a time. I’ll even go first. All right?”

    The nasally fireman is making out with the mic again. I

    wish he’d stop. It only agitates Grant.

    “No,” he says, sliding his hands up and down on his

     jeans. Grant grips the top rung as his nostrils flare with

    determination. “I’ll go first.”

    I pat the tense muscles of his back, doubting there’s a

    soft spot on him. “Okay, you’ve totally got this. You can

    do it.”

    His mouth twists in a grim line. “Yeah.”

    I wait until he’s made decent progress before I climb on.

    He’s moving, slow and steady . . . well, steady enough.

    “You’re doing great!” I holler. We clamber down the

    ladder as I continue to shout random encouragements. I’m

    not sure if it helps. Grant’s been funeral-procession quiet

    for a while now. I squint, trying to assess the remaining

    distance. “Almost halfway there!” I report. Give or take.The breeze, which had the civility to die down, notches

    up again. My dress flutters. I’ve been so preoccupied with

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    keeping Grant from full-on freak-out that it doesn’t sink

    in. It takes me all of four rungs to realize why I feel so


    No. I freeze.

    Why? Why today? Because it’s laundry day, that’s why.

    And I was out of clean bikinis. So I had to opt for the

    scrap of beige lace balled in the back of my drawer. Emer-

    gency use only.

    A thong.

    An effing thong.

    My forehead thunks to my arm. When I consulted my

    daily horoscope, it said to consider new prospects for cur-

    rent obstacles. Nowhere, repeat, nowhere did it tell me to

    consider my prospect in undies!

    “Wil? What’s wrong? Why’d you—”

    “Don’t look up!” I shriek.

    “Why, what’s . . .” Silence. Blaring  silence.

    I squeeze my eyes shut. “If you’re finished with your

    study of my backside, can we keep moving?”

    “I, uh . . .” Grant clears his throat, snapping his head

    down. “I don’t know how to answer that without being

    offensive. But thank you,” he says over the resuming

    creak of the ladder.

    “Don’t mention it. Seriously. Ever.”

    “No, I just mean”—he chuckles nervously—“for a sec-

    ond there I almost forgot my fear of—”

    CLUNK!“Grant!” Twisting my neck, I see he’s missed a rung

    completely and has slid down to the next. There’s a groan

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    of rusted metal giving way. Part of the ladder is breaking.

    I scramble to close the space between us, to try to catch

    his flailing arm. “Grab my hand!” Knees slightly bent, I

    lean back. All my muscles quiver as I strain to reach himfrom above. “Grab it!”

    Shouts erupt. Sirens woot. The firemen jostle to posi-


    Grant’s brown eyes are wide and terrified as his grip

    loosens. In sheer panic, he reaches out. His hand clamps

    around my ankle.

    I am not prepared for that.

    The bottom of my ballet flat slides, slipping effortlessly

    beneath me. Corrosion scrapes my palm. My knee gongs

    against the metal. I scream.

    And Grant is falling.

    Correction . . . we are falling.

    We sink like graceless stones through darkening sky.

    My yellow dress flaps—useless, broken wings at my sides.

    For a nanosecond, I wonder if I’m flashing the world my

    full moons. Butts aren’t meant to be seen moving at this


    Then it hits me. I could die!

    And here I am, traveling at the speed of ass, and I can’t

    form a single profound thought. Pray. Yeah, I should

    pray. . . .

    Dear God, please don’t let me die. I promise to be a better

     person and be more efficient with my laundry and . . . andto never wear these devil’s panties again.


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    Grant yells, too, but I doubt he’s bargaining with God

    over his choice in Skivvies.

    He touches down first with a muffled thud.

    My impact closely follows. “Uuuhhh!”  The trampoline

    stings my skin; all the air is slapped from my lungs. I

    bounce and my head strikes something hard.

    I see stars. I blink to clear my vision.

    Faces hover in a frantic circle above, red lights streaking

    across them. Mouths are moving, but I don’t hear what

    they’re saying over the ocean in my ears. A fireman with

    a push-broom mustache is directly over me. He spittles

    when he talks. He needs a bigger mustache.

    If this is heaven, I want my money back.

    There’s a dip in the fabric as someone moves. His face

    appears inches from mine. Full lips, prominent straight

    nose, and those striking brown eyes all volley for my at-

    tention. Lush. If Webster gave me only one word to de-

    scribe Grant’s features, that’s the one I’d pick. Did I notice

    that before? Yes. No. Maybe. My head is fuzzy. It’s made

    fuzzier by his concerned gaze. His lips compress in a tight

    line. I want to tell him not to worry. I’m alive. Honestly,

    I’ve never felt more so. And my heart is slamming so hard,

    I’m sure it registers on a Richter scale somewhere.

    “Wil?” My name tumbles from his lips; it is the only

    sound I hear. Like sound didn’t exist until this very mo-

    ment. “Wil? Are you hurt?” He brushes back the hair at

    my cheek, inspecting my temple.The grin on my face feels crooked, like a picture frame

    you tap this way and that, impossible to level. “Grant . . .”

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     “What do you mean, ‘There was an incident at the watertower’?” Gram’s got a shriek that rivals the sonar sys-

    tem used by bats; I instantly cringe. “Where’s my grand-

    daughter? I demand to know her condition!”

    Letting out a soft sigh, I sink back into the flat-as-a-

    pancake hospital pillow. I know, without moving my blue

    privacy curtain a centimeter, that the lines on Gram’s

    face have just carved themselves deeper. And I’m certain

    the silver hairs on her head are now outnumbering the

    black ones. She’s probably even clutching the crucifix that

    rarely sees the light of day because it’s buried in her cav-

    ernous bosom.

    How many times have I been the reason for Gram’s hold

    on the cross? Sadly, too many to count.My fingers gingerly probe the lump on my head. It isn’t

    so bad. At least, my hair provides a nice camouflage. Ex-

    C h a p t e r 2

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    My mother always had a fondness for vibrant colors.

    Colors just like the ones in the van Gogh print hanging

    on the hospital wall. In fact, I bet I could pluck the exact

    shade of yellow from those swirling sunflowers that was

    the color of her favorite dress.

    I close my eyes, letting my mind drift to the last time

    I saw her in that dress. It was an event I’ll never forget.

    Because it was the first time I ever saw my astrological


    There it was. My entire destiny neatly confined to 8½ 

    by 11 inches of paper. Every cell in my six-year-old body

    fizzled like a shaken-up can of soda ready to explode.

    And my wide eyes devoured the paper with its scatter

    of funny shapes sprinkled about the wheel-like image. I

    didn’t know what any of it meant.

    But Mama did.

    “Tell me what you see, Mena?” Mama asked. Her eyes

    sparkled like sapphires in the candlelight.

    “A chart! Like the ones you read for people. And it

    shows where all the planets were in the constellations the

    very minute I was born,” I proudly announced.

    Mama held her finger to her red lips with a look of

    warning. “We must keep this our little secret. Your gram

    wouldn’t understand.”

    The small, forgotten space on the third floor with its

    stacks of sealed boxes and dusty sheets was made for

    keeping secrets. I was not. But I would try.“One day you’ll be fluent in the language of the

    stars,” she said. “But for today, I will read them for you.

    Okay, sweetheart?”

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    “N’kay.” I slid from my seat. The creaky attic floor-

    boards moaned as my feet touched them.

    Mama then lifted me, setting me on her lap. She always

    smelled like rain mixed with flowers. “The Fifth House is

    also the House of Love—of Heart,” she explained. “And I

    now see that this will be your greatest challenge to over-

    come. Just as it has been mine.”

    I fiddled with the stone hanging from her necklace, try-

    ing to understand what could possibly be hard about love.

    Because it was pretty clear to me boys were gross and

    should be avoided like black jelly beans.

    “You see, sweetheart, there was a time I thought I knew

    better than the stars. When I fell in love with your daddy,

    I thought it could be enough. But”—her head shook—

    “fate doesn’t always follow our heart. It follows this.” She

    tapped the paper. “Our astrological chart holds the key

    to all the answers. But you must listen  to this wisdom,

    Mena—especially in matters of love.”

    I gazed up at her. “I’ll listen, Mama. I promise.”

    “And”—she frowned once more—“beware of Pisces.

    That is a poor match that would only bring you heart-


    My head bobbed.

    “Good girl.” Mama kissed my forehead and took off her

    necklace, placing it around my neck. “I want you to have


    I blinked. “But . . . it’s your favorite.” And of all her pretty,sparkly jewelry, it was my favorite, too. “How come?”

    “Because I love you.”

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    Throwing my arms around her, I pressed myself like a

    second skin to her sunny yellow dress. “Love you, too,


    “For longer than the stars will shine above,” shewhispered.

    The snap of the curtain as Gram flicks it aside with the

    force of a matador tugs me out of the past. And while the

    subtle ache of missing my mother still lingers, I force my-

    self to focus on my present quandary.

    “Mena!” She throws her arms around me briefly be-

    fore pulling away. “What in heaven’s name—let me have

    a look at you, child.” Sure enough, the lines on her face

    grow more determined as she inspects the bruise on my

    knee and the small bump on my head. Now, last I checked,

    there wasn’t an MD after her name, but I have the good

    sense to keep quiet and let her finish. “Hmm.” She holds

    my chin, gently directing my head left then right.

    “Gram, I’m fine, I swear. Gram”—I end her exam by re-

    treating back into the pancake pillow—“I’m okay. See?” I

    smile widely, proving once and for all I’m alive and well.

    “Well, I’m delighted to hear it.” She places her hands

    on her hips. “Because you’ve got a lot of explaining to do,

    young lady. What in blue blazes gave you the notion to

    scale that tower?”

    I consult the hospital wristband on my arm, which of-fers no helpful answer. “Uh . . .” I gulp and squirm under

    Gram’s steady gaze. “The Milky Way?”

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    Her mouth puckers like she’s swallowed vinegar. “Tell

    me this does not have to do with astrology. Because I be-

    lieve I’ve made myself quite clear about spending too

    much time with your head stuck in the cl—”

    “It’s astronomy,” I correct under my breath. I mean,

    technically, I was up there to see the Milky Way. Gram

    doesn’t need to know the superfluous details.

    “Oh? Is that meant to be amusing, Wilamena Grace?”

    To avoid digging myself deeper, I answer with the only

    response she’s keen on hearing. “No, ma’am.”

    “Good. Now start talking.”

    Gram’s not mad. Not anymore anyway. Following last

    night’s hospital discharge and my glowing health pro-

    nouncement, I was forbidden by Gram and  the city of Car-

    lisle from ever climbing the water tower again. Which is

    tantamount to telling a bird not to fly. I memorize their

    exact words and vow to find a loophole once the ladder’s


    But I won’t be curtailed by yesterday’s debacle. No way.

    I reason when you survive a forty-something-foot drop,

    things have nowhere to go but up.

    And it’s Sunday—an auspicious day for an Aquarian.

    The card in my hand confirms today’s stroke of luck. His

    signature is scribbled on the front, along with the words

    “admit two.” I flip over the Carlisle Community Hospitalbusiness card, rereading the compact slanted writing on

    the back.

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    Wil (aka Gravity Goddess),

    Deepest apologies. Please accept this olive branch.

    I hope you can come.

    Grant (aka Gravity Amateur)PS This is your ticket.

    PPS Absinthe—Sunday 8 PM

    Absinthe is a hot music club on the city’s west side, fea-

    turing up-and-coming indie bands. It’s damn near impos-

    sible to gain entry without having an in, which I’ve never

    had . . . until now.

    I tap the card on my thumbnail, ignoring the unex-

    pected swell of nervousness. But I have no reason to be

    nervous. The day could not be better aligned. I pocket the

    card the nurse had discreetly given me, and smooth on a

    layer of my signature red Parisian Pout lipstick—the only

    makeup I wear most days.

    “Gram?” I shove my keys and phone in my purse and heft

    the overnight bag onto my shoulder. “Gram? I’m leaving!”

    “Hold on!” she hollers from the kitchen, moving to the

    entryway as fast as her arthritic knee allows. She pushes

    a basket into my hand. “You be sure and give these to

    Irina. Lord knows that girl could stand to have some meat

    on her bones.” Gram’s convinced all the problems of the

    world can be solved with baked goods. As the aroma of

    banana-nut muffins funnels to my nose, I’m not inclined

    to argue. Really, who doesn’t find peace in simple carbs?“Thanks. I’ll be back in the morning. Oh, and bleed ’em

    dry at bridge club.” I turn to leave.

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    “Mena”—she catches my elbow—“you certain you’re

    well enough to be out and about?”

    Okay. Subtlety isn’t Gram’s modus operandi, but it’s re-

    cently dawned on her I’m graduating in a year. I’m not a

    kid anymore, which . . . she knows. Still, it’s a massive

    change in her thinking. Change. Nothing is more excruci-

    ating to a Taurus.

    “We’ve gone over this already, Gram. The doctor said

    my vitals are perfectly fine. I’ve rested all day and can

    report zero headaches, blurred vision, or dizziness. Now,

    I’m gonna be late. And so are you if you don’t finish up

    that order.”

    Carlisle Confections has been Gram’s business for over

    three decades. She makes delicious designer cupcakes and

    treats for the overprivileged who can afford them. She’s

    a sort of Monet of the baking world. And, not to brag,

    but I know my way around a baking tin. Gram’s had me

    assisting since my motor skills were reliable enough for

    precise measurements. Too bad I don’t possess one iota

    of Gram’s decorating panache. Nope, I leave that in her

    capable hands.

    I kiss her soft cheek, perfumed by cinnamon and

    toasted nuts. “You worry too much.”

    “You give me plenty to worry for, child,” she barks as

    I skip down the warping front steps of our old Victorian.

    “You keep away from that water tower!”

    “I will!”Which for today is the honest-to-God truth.

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    Adjusting the bag at my shoulder, I wait as traffic clears

    the crosswalk. My eyes fix on the freestanding single-

    story brick building. Its neon sign flashes: INKPORIUM

    TATTOO & PIERCING. Wexler Street isn’t the slums, per se,but it also isn’t the side of town where you want to look

    lost. Yes, Gram knows I come here. But Gram also remem-

    bers Wexler as it was, not as it is. Now it’s a mix of pawn-

    shops, bars, and check-cashing facilities that get seedier

    the farther west you go.

    The bell chimes as I push through the glass door. Heavy

    guitars assault the speakers, and the vocals sound like

    someone with a wicked case of stomach flu.

    “How’s the sheep, Bo Peep?” Crater calls without look-

    ing up from his artistry. His string-bean frame is hunched,

    vertebrae poking from beneath his T-shirt.

    The burly customer in Crater’s chair quickly wipes the

    pain from his expression. While he might be wearing a

    brave face, his complexion is paler than milk and he’s

    squeezing the life out of the armrest.

    “Crate, I wore that dress once  and it was adorable,” I

    holler over the metal music. “Just because it was white

    and had crinoline, it does not make me a sheepherder!”

    But arguing’s a lost cause. Once Crater names you, it’s as

    permanent as his tattoos. Could be worse. I could have

    Irina’s nickname. “How’d you know it was me?”

    “Because.” Crater adjusts the volume before turning

    around to swap out vials of ink. Then he flicks the over-grown Mohawk from his eye and grins. “You smell like a

    bakery. Dead giveaway.”

    I grin wryly. “Hazard of living in one, I guess.”

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    “Least you’re not the old lady who lived in her shoe.

    Imagine if you had to go around smelling like a foot.”

    I laugh, then peer down at the sample tattoos in the

    portfolio that lies open on the counter. The page shows

    off every ornate dragon tattoo Crater has ever done, along

    with every place he’s ever put them. Oh . . . eww. I can’t

    fathom a reason to tattoo that part of my body. I swiftly

    close the book.

    The guy in the chair squirms and grimaces. “How much

    longer, man?”

    “Hour,” Crater snaps. “Maybe more if you keep up your

    worm-wiggling.” Good thing what the twenty-something

    tattoo artist lacks in charm, he makes up for with talent.

    Crate glances back to where my hand rests on the port-

    folio. “Just promise when you finally decide to ink that

    virginal skin, you’ll come to me. Don’t trust anyone else.

    I’ll practically do it gratis.”

    “I promise.” And it’s a promise I have to reaffirm vir-

    tually every time I step foot in Inkporium. Crater, in his

    way, is very sweet. He’s also very Leo, so I forgive his

    fixed and headstrong ways. He can’t help that his ruling

    planet is the Sun.

    The electric needle whines as Crater resumes his work

    on Worm-Wiggler. “The harpy’s in back.” He means Irina.

    “Hey, you got anything in that basket for me?”

    I take out one of the muffins and set it on the counter.

    “You’re lucky I’m feeling charitable today.”He pauses, sniffing the air. “Banana-nut?”


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    since her uncle rarely speaks. “Oh, and fair warning, she’s

    making borscht for dinner. Which you’re going to have

    to pretend you love unless you want to start another cold


    My toes curl. “Then I’ll love the hell outta that icky

    pink soup, because your tetya is scary.”

    “Yeah.” Irina plucks a few platinum strands of her long

    hair from her tunic. “But better than my mom.”

    The fact that she’s brought up her mom is more jarring

    than hearing her switch from Russian to English.

    Iri never  talks about her mom. Any more than she talks

    about why, at the age of twelve, she came to America with

    her aunt. But I’ve pieced together enough to know there

    was poverty. Neglect. And that it was likely her mom’s

    drinking and the revolving door of men that caused Iri’s

    aunt to assume guardianship. I also know it took almost

    five thousand miles to create a comfortable distance from

    that past.

    I quickly change the subject.

    “So, what’s with the flowering cactus?” I ask of the

    tiny plant beside the sink, dumping my stuff on the near-

    est counter.

    She smirks. “Oh, that. I had a consultation earlier with

    this guy. He asked for my number.”

    I pull out the doctor’s-office-like stool and take a seat.

    “And? Did you give it to him?”

    Her tall and thin form stoops as she restocks the cup-board beneath the sink with gloves. “I gave him a num-

    ber. I think it was to some support group for the wheat

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    intolerant—Wheat Beaters maybe?” She shrugs. While

    Irina’s only a couple of years older than me, sometimes it

    feels more like twenty.

    “You didn’t!”  I laugh. “And he got you a cactus becauseyou’re so prickly? That’s kinda clever and cute.”

    “Or maybe it’s because I work with lots of needles. Ei-

    ther way, I don’t think I could date anyone named Jordan


    “Jordan Lockwood sounds like he wears a suit.”

    “Actually, he does—total stiff. Hey, what’s the deal

    with you not texting me back last night?” Her kohl-lined

    gray eyes glint, competing with the diamond Monroe

    piercing above her lip.

    “Oh. Last night was a spectacular   disaster. I mean, I

    really outdid myself.”

    Her forehead immediately furrows. It doesn’t take much

    to rouse Irina’s protective-lioness streak. Not surprising

    she and Crater are always butting heads. Two Leos under

    one roof is one Leo too many. “Are you okay? What hap-

    pened, dorogaya?”

    So I tell her—everything. Right down to flashing my


    Irina stops the fretful turning of her diamond stud to

    ask, “Wait. Since when do you wear thongs? I thought

    they were your sworn enemy. You called them ass floss.”

    “Laundry day.”

    “Ah.” Her head tips knowingly. She opens a drawer thatcontains clamps and a slew of medieval torture devices.

    Looking at the hostile implements, I recall the exact

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    sensation of how my navel retreated to my spine the day

    I met my Russian friend. My belly button never did get

    pierced those two years ago, but we forged a close bond


    “Really? That’s your only question?”

    “Well, the other things seemed to be more”—she waves

    her hand—“in character. Speaking of in character, you

    haven’t even asked about my surprise. You’re usually a

    curious kitten.”

    Before I can reply, Oscar—another piercer at

    Inkporium—appears at the door. His short black hair has

    a streak of vibrant blue in the front, similar to the color

    of Irina’s shirt. Because of his bold appearance and carved

    features, people never expect him to be as soft-spoken as

    he is.

    “I’m heading out.” Oscar crams one of his infamous bat-

    tered copies of Shakespeare into the outer pouch of his

    backpack. “Hey, Wil.” He gives me a cursory glance. And

    I will never get why the Almighty would gift a guy such

    amazing eyelashes. Oscar’s hazel eyes briefly pan back to

    Irina’s fishnets as she bends to shut the bottom drawer.

    “So, Iri”—he cracks his knuckles—“the new seafood

    place on the riverfront is getting rave reviews. Can I in-

    terest you in—”

    “Sorry, Wil and I already have plans.”

    “Oh . . . okay.” Oscar toys with the ring on his lower

    lip, his thoughts as cryptic as his expression. “Maybe an-other time. Later.”

    “Bye,” I say as he slips away.

    The back door slams shut and I swivel to Iri. “Uh, ex-

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    cuse me, comrade, but did something happen between

    you two?”

    Irina hefts her messenger bag, decorated with metal

    rivets. She waves her hand airily. “We might’ve made outat a party last night.”

    My mouth drops open. I fight gravity to pull it shut.

    Irina rarely breaks her own rules, I think because there

    are so few to follow. “But doesn’t that go against your

    strict no-messing-with-coworkers policy?”

    “Momentary lapse in judgment. Won’t happen again.”

    A wistful grin touches her lips. “Pity, though. Why is it

    always the quiet ones who make the best kissers?” She

    shakes her head.

    “You and Oscar ?” I’m going to need a crash helmet.

    “Sure, he’s cute but”—I scrunch my face—“seems like a

    lot of hardware to negotiate.”

    Irina rolls her eyes. “And this observation would be

    coming from your extensive make-out experience?” She

    laughs when I give her a playful shove. “All right, grab

    your stuff and let’s fly.”

    On the drive to her place, I’m quiet. I can’t shake the

     joke about my “extensive experience.” Of course, she’s

    fully aware I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. I’m just

    not sure if she’s aware why.

    Irina pauses at a stop sign before rolling through.

    “What’s wrong?”

    I pull my gaze from the signs advertising liquor andlotto tickets outside the corner store. “What do you


    “There’s always something wrong when you breathe

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    like that. Like you inexplicably have an oxygen short-


    How she could discern my breathing over the deaf-

    ening exhaust system of her ’95 Ford Taurus—lovingly

    named Natasha—is miraculous. I angle toward her and

    take another breath. “Okay, I need to tell you something,

    but you have to promise not to laugh.”

    Her eyes veer from the road, measuring my seriousness.

    She holds up her pinky, which, in turn, I hook in mine.

    We shake.

    “All right, here goes. Irina, I think there’s a possibility

    I might be . . . asexual.”

    She snorts, quickly clamping her lips together.

    “Okay, that, that right there, counts!” I holler. “Asexu-

    ality is a very real and legitimate condition. I looked it


    Irina works to regain the neutrality in her face. “You’re

    not asexual, Wil. You were not given that body to be

    asexual. It would be a crime against nature.”

    I sniff, recalling how Brody Cooper had kissed me fresh-

    man year under the football-field bleachers. His tongue

    had done a full cavity search of my mouth. It was disgust-

    ing  and totally pointless, seeing as how I already have a

    dentist and my own saliva.

    And it wasn’t like sophomore year had gone any bet-

    ter when I dated Dylan “The Dyson” Murphy for an eye

    blink. The guy took the phrase “sucking face” way tooliterally. If I’d ever sought proof of my ill-fated romantic

    endeavors, then those boys had delivered it.

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    “Yeah? Well, tell that to my underwhelmed teenage li-

    bido.” I sigh, pushing shut the temperamental glove box.

    “Maybe I’m just being too picky. You know, Gram’s got

    this theory that I’m a late bloomer. Which is sort of tragi-cally funny given my measurements.”

    “You haven’t met the right person, Wil. The right per-

    son will change everything.”

    I shake my head. “I don’t know. The fact is, I lack . . .

     passion!” The word explodes from my chest. “How am

    I supposed to embark on a search for the love of my life

    without passion? I’m so screwed.” I poke her arm. “And

    I’m ending our friendship if you make a joke about


    We stop at a traffic light. “Dorogaya moya.”  Irina gazes

    with a softness that can’t be masked by heavy makeup or

    an abundance of piercings. Beauty this delicate and pure

    can’t be hardened, even by metal. But she tries anyway.

    Her fingers close around mine. “You live life with more

    passion than most people I know. Just because you don’t

    have the burning desire to hike up your dress for every

    guy with a line doesn’t mean you have a medical condi-


    “Pfft, you’re confusing living and loving.”

    Her eyes narrow as Natasha lurches forward, tires

    squawking. “And you’re an absolute fool if you think there’s

    a difference.” She mutters something else in Russian.

    “(A) I’m not a fool. And (b) don’t call me a hemorrhoid.”“I didn’t call you a hemorrhoid. I’m talking to the Cor-

    sica who just cut me off.” She lays on the horn and waves

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    her middle finger. “And your Russian is far too literal,

    Wil. Hand me my bag.”

    I grumble my displeasure, but dutifully reach in the

    backseat, hoisting the bag between us.

    She swerves in the process of her search. “Aha!” She

    pulls out a folded paper, tossing it to my lap. “Your birth-

    day came early. That’s my surprise.”

    I unfold it, pushing up my glasses. “An astrological


    Her mouth curls up at the corner. “You know how

    you only have twenty-two days to find your perfect


    “Twenty-one now, but yeah.”

    “Well, I might’ve fast-tracked it.” She smiles trium-

    phantly. “Wilamena Carlisle, say hello to Mr. Right.”

    I snap my head up. “Is this . . . ?”

    “You bet your sweet, star-obsessed ass. I discovered

    this program where you can upload your chart and cross-

    reference it with tons of potential matches. What you

    have in your hand is the one ranked most astrologically


    “But . . . how did I not know about this?”

    Iri shrugs. “Probably because your nose is always bur-

    ied in one of your books. Repeat after me—technology is

     your friend.”

    Of course I’d seen the sites that ranked the most compat-

    ible signs, but isolating it right down to the date of birth?This was taking matchmaking to a new stratosphere. My

    shaky finger traces the circle. “He’s Sagittarius.”

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    I should be jumping for joy. I’m not. Panic is making

    my arteries collapse like slashed tires. I am actually going

    to have to go through with this.

    “You look scared shitless,” Irina says.“No I don’t. This is my thinking face.” She gives me a

    disbelieving sideways glance. “What? It is. I’m fine . . .

    really. Besides, this is my lucky day. I can’t lose. And

    at least now we can narrow our search to a Sagittarius.

    So”—I clear my throat, gazing at the paper in my un-

    steady hands—“all we have to do is find him.”

    “Where should we start looking? Oh! I know a guy at

    the Vault who would let us in, no question.”

    Grant’s card with free admission to Absinthe develops

    a pulse in my pocket. “Actually, I, um, I think I know the

    perfect place.”

    My match is out there somewhere waiting to be discov-


    And secretly I am hoping, hoping that by discovering

    him, I will discover the parts of myself that lie dormant.

    I only hope it isn’t too late to bloom.

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    Summe o Supernovas by Darc Wod

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