Summer Institute on Implementation of FULL DAY...

S S p p e e a a k k e e r r s s STUART SHANKER __________________ Jane Beach __________________ Jane Bertrand __________________ Brenda Boylan __________________ Marilyn Chapman __________________ Pat Holborn __________________ Sharon Jeroski __________________ Carol Johns __________________ Fiona Morrison __________________ Janet Mort __________________ Caitlin Paterson __________________ Nancy Perry __________________ . . . and more. The Coquitlam and Mission School Districts are pleased to present a Summer Institute on Implementation of FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN July 5th & 6th, 2010 HERITAGE WOODS SECONDARY SCHOOL PORT MOODY, BC P l a y fu l P o s s i b i l i t i e s : M ov ing to Pl ay and P rojects i nF u ll D a y Ki nd e r g a r ten P l a y fu l P o s s i b i l i t i e s : Moving to Pl ayand P rojects in F u ll D ay K in d ergarte n Summer Institute on Implementation of FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN LOCATION: HERITAGE WOODS SECONDARY SCHOOL 1300 David Avenue, Port Moody, BC DATE: JULY 5, 2010 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. JULY 6, 2010 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. AUDIENCE: Kindergarten Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Community Partners, Principals, Vice-Principals, District and Ministry Staff FOR MORE INFORMATION: Maureen Dockendorf Assistant Superintendent SD43 [email protected] or Brenda Lightburn Assistant Superintendent SD75 [email protected] REGISTRATION: $25.00 for Mission/Coquitlam educators and community partners. $25.00 for all BC Strong Start Facilitators and Community-based Early Childhood Educators. $100.00 for out of district Administrators and Teachers. Lunch provided each day. REGISTRATION FORM Please complete this registration form and return it along with your cheque, to Donna Lemmen, Coquitlam School Board, 550 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, BC V3J 6A7 ([email protected]). Please make cheque payable to SD43 and be sure to note “2010 FDK Summer Institute” on the information line of your cheque. Registration and payment can also be made in person at the Board Office. Payment by cash or cheque only. Registration Deadline: June 25, 2010 SCHOOL DISTRICT / ORGANIZATION ________________________________________________________________________________ NAME ____________________________________________________________ POSITION __________________________________ TELEPHONE ( ) _______________________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Transcript of Summer Institute on Implementation of FULL DAY...

SSppeeaakkeerrssSTUART SHANKER__________________

Jane Beach__________________

Jane Bertrand__________________

Brenda Boylan__________________

Marilyn Chapman__________________

Pat Holborn__________________

Sharon Jeroski__________________

Carol Johns__________________

Fiona Morrison__________________

Janet Mort__________________

Caitlin Paterson__________________

Nancy Perry__________________

. . . and more.

The Coquitlam

and Mission

School Districts

are pleased to

present a

Summer Institute



July 5th & 6th, 2010


Playful Possibilities:Moving to Play and Projects in Full Day KindergartenPlayful Possibilities:

Moving to Play and Projects in Full Day Kindergarten

Summer Institute on Implementation of FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN




JULY 5, 2010 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

JULY 6, 2010 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

AUDIENCE:Kindergarten Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Community Partners, Principals, Vice-Principals,District and Ministry Staff

FOR MORE INFORMATION:Maureen Dockendorf Assistant Superintendent SD43 [email protected]

or Brenda Lightburn Assistant Superintendent SD75 [email protected]

REGISTRATION:$25.00 for Mission/Coquitlam educators andcommunity partners. $25.00 for all BC StrongStart Facilitators and Community-based Early

Childhood Educators. $100.00 for out ofdistrict Administrators and Teachers.

Lunch provided each day.


Please complete this registration form and return it along with your cheque, to Donna Lemmen, Coquitlam School Board,550 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, BC V3J 6A7 ([email protected]). Please make cheque payable to SD43 and be sure to note“2010 FDK Summer Institute” on the information line of your cheque. Registration and payment can also be made in person atthe Board Office.Payment by cash or cheque only. Registration Deadline: June 25, 2010

SCHOOL DISTRICT / ORGANIZATION ________________________________________________________________________________

NAME ____________________________________________________________ POSITION __________________________________

TELEPHONE ( ) _______________________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Morning keynotes followed by practical break-out sessions for educators and community partners. In addition,there will be specific sessions for administrators. Participants can choose to attend any session.

Conference Format

M O N D A Y , J U L Y 5 T H

MORNING KEYNOTES 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.

STUART SHANKER: Self-Regulation and Learning• Overview of the self-regulation process

JANE BERTRAND: Play to Projects• Bridging early childhood education to formal schooling, FDK is an opportunity to engage childrenand extend learning opportunities

ADMINISTRATORS 10:45 a.m. - noon EDUCATORS 10:45 a.m. - noonSmall group discussions: What does self-regulation • Break-out sessionsand play/project learning mean for schools and FDK?

AFTERNOON SESSIONS 12:30 - 2:15 p.m.

ADMINISTRATORS EDUCATORS Case studies with Stuart Shanker and Janet Mort • Break-out sessions

MORNING KEYNOTES 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.

JANET MORT: Leading for Early ChildhoodJANE BEACH: ECE and Education - A Partnership that Makes Sense

ADMINISTRATORS 10:45 a.m. - noon EDUCATORS 10:45 a.m. - noonSmall group discussions: Schools for children, families • Break-out sessionsand communities - what has to change?

AFTERNOON SESSIONS 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

ADMINISTRATORS EDUCATORS Small group discussions with Jane Beach, Jane Bertrand, • Break-out sessionsJanet Mort, and Stuart Shanker

CLOSING PANEL 2:15 - 2:45 p.m.• Next Steps: Themes brought forward from Stuart Shanker, Janet Mort, Jane Bertrand, and Jane Beach.

T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 6 T H

Conference Format Speakers include:Speakers include:STUART SHANKER is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at York University. Among his recentmonographs is the Early Years Study II (with J. Fraser Mustard and Margaret McCain, 2006). Dr. Shanker is currently Director of the Councilfor Human Development and Past President of the Council of Early Child Development.

JANE BEACH is a child and family research and policy consultant based in Victoria, British Columbia. She has been principaland co-investigator on several pan-Canadian studies for public, voluntary and private sector organizations, and has authored numerousstudies and reports on early learning and childcare in Canada. Jane has several years experience in the public sector working on child carepolicy and program development, and is a former Director of Child Care for the Province of British Columbia.

JANE BERTRAND is Professor at the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College. Jane was a member of theToronto First Duty Research and Development team from the Atkinson Centre at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University ofToronto and one of the founding Directors of the council for Early Child Development. Recently, she chaired the Ontario Best Start Expert Paneland Early Learning and led the development of Early Learning for Every Child Today, a curriculum guide for early childhood settings in Ontario.

BRENDA BOYLAN is a primary teacher in the Vancouver School District. She is currently a sessional instructor andmentor at Simon Fraser University. From 1996 to 2004 she was a literacy mentor for her school district supporting teachers and schoolsin their literacy initiatives.

MARILYN CHAPMAN is a professor at UBC and Director of the Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research(IECER). She is the author of the BC Ministry of Education Guide to Full Day Kindergarten (2010) and the revision of the Primary Program (2010).

PAT HOLBORN was the Coordinator of the Kindergarten Learning Project which produced the developmental continuaused by many kindergarten teachers for assessment purposes. She is passionate about learning based play and assessment practicesthat support children's holistic development.

SHARON JEROSKI is a researcher, writer, and speaker with special interest in assessment and evaluation, Englishlanguage arts, and action research. Dr. Jeroski has developed many professional resources including the BC Performance Standards,Thinking in the Classroom, and Enhancing and Evaluating Oral Communication. She is the lead author of Literacy in Action, (PearsonCanada), and a contributing author to Mathematics Makes Sense (K-9) and LiveInk a resource for English 9-10.

CAROL JOHNS was a Kindergarten/ Primary/Special Education teacher for over 35 years. Past President and Honorary LifeMember of the B.C. Primary Teachers Association, has been an Early Literacy Support Teacher, was on the Steering Committee for theoriginal Primary Program.She is currently on a Ministry Reference Committee for Full Day Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten.

FIONA MORRISON is currently Director of Family Literacy at 2O10 Legacies Now a non profit organization in B.C. Fionahas more than 30 years experience as an educator in a variety of roles. She co-developed the PALS (Parents as Literacy Supporters)program with Jim Anderson from UBC. Fiona is passionate about her work with young children and their families and is an advocate forplay at the heart of learning.

JANET MORT has been an award winning innovator and school administrator throughout her career. She has been a frequentspeaker on educational change and has published two books: Teaching with The Winning Touch (1983) and A Passion for our Grandchildren(2001). She received her PhD in Language and Literacy with a specialty in early child development (University of Victoria) and is a fellowwith the Canadian Council of Early Child Development (CECD).

CAITLIN PATERSON is an Early Childhood Educator at Toronto's Bruce-WoodGreen Early Learning Centre in the full-day,school-based early learning program for 4- and 5-year-old children. BWELC is a Toronto First Duty site that has influenced Ontario's newpolicy directions. Caitlin works with a team of educators (ECEs and kindergarten teachers) to implement an emergent curriculum thatblends Ontario's early learning framework and Kindergarten Program.

NANCY PERRY is an Associate at UBC Her research has had two main goals: (a) helping elementary school children to developattitudes and actions associated with self-regulated learning; and (b) working with teachers to design activities and structure interactionswith students to promote self-regulated learning. She works with both practicing teachers and student teachers in the Self-RegulateLearning Cohort in the Teacher Education Program at UBC.

COQUITLAM EARLY LEARNING TEACHERS will present practical sessions on the possibilities for theʻShape of the Day in FDKʼ and ʻLearning Through Playʼ. PRESENTERS: Nancy Carl, Nicole Daneault, Andrea Hunter, Debbie Nicholson, Anita Strang and Pat Symonds.