29 Copyright 2016 Lily Fontas Custom Workouts & Nutrition 1

Transcript of SUMMER BODY SECRETS 6_16

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Table of Contents

Let's Get Started 3

Goal Setting For Success 4

Progress Monitoring 6

Summer Body Formula 8

Balanced Eating 101 8

Meal Prep: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail 11

Food Sources: What To Eat 13

Treat Yourself: The Importance of Dessert 16

Sample Meal Plans 18

Building Curves 20

Sample Workout Plan 22

High Intensity Interval Training 23

Le Fit Plan Templates 25

Disclaimers 29

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Summer Body Secrets

Tired of hav ing to ‘d iet ’ each t ime

swimsui t season ro l ls around?

Follow along this simple Le Fit Plan guide and

you’ll be sculpted & lean all year long!

F i tness ‘Secrets ’

Some people want rock hard six pack abs while others just want to feel healthy and

comfortable in their own skin. Regardless of your goals this guide will lay the foundation to

changing your body and mindset when it comes to eating well and exercising.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of health and fitness information out there-

you’d think that getting results was rocket science! It seems like every other week a new

diet or exercise fad is being promoted, with each one being more extreme than the next.

The truth is that changing your body is as easy as one, two, three once you have the right


Before we begin…

Weight loss and body t ransformat ion isn ’ t a lways an easy process. Of ten

times this isn’t because the steps to success are complicated. It’s based on the fact that

who we are inside is often reflected in our habits surrounding food. In my experience as a

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binge eater I used food to calm myself down and relieve stress and anxiety. When I stopped

binge eating I was confronted with a whole host of emotions I never encountered before

because I no longer had food to silence my emotions. Yes, I was looking better than ever,

but without diving deep and working on my development on the inside I still felt lost.

Whether you have ten pounds or 100 to lose without that internal component you’ll never

be satisfied no matter how great your body looks!

M indset

What can we do about this at the beginning of your journey with Summer Body

Secrets? Start by staying positive. Do not berate yourself for getting to this point- you’re

here so let’s use that energy in a productive way instead! Quit saying “never” “can’t”

“should”. Remove them from your vocabulary. Start by congratulating yourself for taking

your health seriously. Unfortunately many people don’t even get this far so you’re already

ahead of the game! Change is challenging for a reason, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be

rewarding and absolutely worth it.

From Goals to Reality

Success doesn’t occur by accident. You need to make reaching your goals a priority and in

order to do that you need boundaries. Our minds work much bet ter when we

commit to ourse lves on a da i ly bas is . Follow these quick and simple guidelines and

hold yourself accountable for reaching the next step on your fitness journey!

1 . Set a dead l ine :

Write down the day and time when you’ll have reached your goal. Not “next month”

or “this summer”. We’re talking day, month, year and TIME. This will make the goal

concrete in your mind so you can’t back out.

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2 . Ref lect :

Buy yourself a nice new journal and start writing. Reflect each night for 5 minutes

about your day. List at least three things that you’re grateful for every day. Talk to

yourself, give pep talks, write out your zany dreams…connect with YOU because

that’s what health and fitness is all about. Once we become aware of our bodies

and how they work it’s imperative to keep the line of communication open.

Keep Your Vision

A vision board is a collage that includes words, pictures and anything that inspires you.

Creating a vision board is a great way to remind yourself of your goals in an easy,

accessible way. Before you begin remember to include only positive goals- kick out that

negativity! Write down a list of 10 things you are grateful for in your life right now, just as

you are. Think about all the people that care about you, your warm and cozy house, favorite

pets, people, anything! When you’re done read the list and smile- look how lucky you are

already and we’ve just begun!

Now set a timer for 3 minutes and write down your life goals. Whether it’s a new job, better

car, improved health or finding your ideal partner put down anything that you desire. When

the 3 minutes is done do the same for your health and wellness goals. Remember- do not

put yourself down, just write out what your ‘ideal’ life would include.

‘O ld ’ Goa l Summer Body Goa ls Get rid of my muffin top

Maintain a healthy level of body fat

Fit into my white jeans

Feel confident in my favorite clothes

Stop eating junk food Make healthy, balanced food choices Eat less carbs Choose foods that nourish my body and provide me

with energy Workout more Exercise to feel and look amazing

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You can keep your goa l l i s ts or turn them into fu l l on v is ion boards- I

recommend the latter because it’s a positive, fun activity that will really get you going and

increase your motivation. Don’t be afraid to get crafty- take out old magazines, glue sticks,

markers and go wild! This is for you and investing time in your goals is an important step to

holding yourself accountable on the journey you’re about to begin.

Now that you’ve taken the time to reflect and get your mind on the same page as your body

put your goals in a place where you can see them. When you wake-up in the morning look at

your board, read your lists, take it all in and pat yourself on the back. You’ve got some work

to do but with persistence and positivity everything you see before you will soon be a reality.

Continue this pattern before you go to sleep as well, staying focused and keeping those

concrete goals in your mind will make it easier to stay on track.

Monitor Your Progress

You should weigh yourself once a week on the same day at the same time. Just once!

Challenge yourself to get on the scale this infrequently. We are tak ing on long-term

goa ls and we igh ing yourse l f each day isn ’ t go ing to he lp you, espec ia l l y i f

you’re work ing on be ing more pos i t ive . If you’re a woman weight can fluctuate

almost constantly, between hormones, water, and stress you could ‘gain’ pounds overnight

even if you had a ‘perfect’ day! I used to be the kind of gym goer that would weigh myself

before and after a workout as if the pounds were going to magically disappear in between.

That ’s not how we ight and fa t loss work- in fact you could consistently hit your

goals for weeks before the scale shifts, and that’s okay! However if you are not meeting

your goals, overeating or skipping too many workouts take this time to assess the why

behind your actions.

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The sca le can be a f i ck le too l so you can ut i l i ze p ic tures in add i t ion to

we igh- ins to assess your progress. Take a front, side and back picture in the same

clothes (ex: swimsuit/sports bra & shorts) each week when you weigh yourself. You’re about

to start building some sexy muscle and you’ll be amazed at the visual difference that

becomes apparent after a month or two of training! And no- you won’t get bulky…you’ll get

lean, streamlined and feel stronger than ever. And who doesn’t want that?

My Personal Transformation- from ‘skinny fat’ to strong and sculpted

I we igh the exact same amount in both p ic tures

On the left I was ‘dieting’ and restricting my calories with lots of cardio, no weights and frequent binging. On the right I was eating a balanced, healthy diet, weight training five days

a week and doing 60 minutes of cardio a week.

Now that you know what you want & you’re committed to working towards your goals let’s get started!

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Summer Body Formula Are you ready for the three simple steps that can transform your life? Fabulous!

Let’s do this…

1. Balanced eating 2. Weight training 3. High intensity interval training

That ’s i t !

These three steps will help you change how you look and feel. They’re simple and easy to

follow so let’s dive a little deeper so you can get started on your transformation!

Balanced Eating 101 Ingred ients are Every th ing

Ideally each of your meals will contain three key components: protein, complex

carbohydrates and vegetables*. Mixing and matching these three groups will keep you

feeling full and energized all day long- a stark contrast from how most extreme, deprivation-

based diets will make you feel. If you choose nutrient dense, whole foods 80% of the time

you will feel better and losing fat and building muscle will be a no-brainer for your body. No

one is saying you have to skip dessert forever or never indulge, but pick and choose wisely

and be aware of your portion sizes.

*You may not be eating greens at breakfast or during dessert but aim to have healthy portions of veggies

at lunch and dinner.

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Port ion S izes : Let ’s Get Rea l

Have you ever been served a meal that was bigger than your head on a plate the size of a

toilet seat? It’s easy to see why our sense of control and portion management is out of

whack. Our “normal” is o f ten 2-3x more food than what we need at any

g iven t ime! The best thing you can do is to get a digital food scale from for

about $20 and start weighing your food. You don’t even have to make any changes to what

you’re eating, simply get out the scale before each meal and see exactly how much you’re

consuming. This type of awareness will help you manage your portions when eating out as

well. You don’ t need to br ing the sca le w i th you to restaurants- remember you

can ask the server about portion sizes, sauces, etc. so that you can train your eye to see

how much you should be eating. Create a mini food diary and keep track of everything you

eat for a few days, are you under eating? Overeating? What times of day are you getting

hungry? Keep track of how you feel before you eat too- if you see ‘stressed’ or ‘tired’

throughout the day you may be using food as a panacea instead of as fuel.

Sample Food Diary*

Date% Time% Location% Mood%


hungry9%5%ravenous)% Food/Meal%


!May!3! 2:45pm! Desk!





*See templates section for your own diary!

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I s your “hea l thy” d ie t mak ing you fa t?

You might be surprised at how much or little you’re eating, and yes, under eating can also

stall your fat loss goals as much as overindulging can! Another thing to be mindful of is

overeating “healthy” food. Just because a food has a green label and is sold at the “health

food” store doesn't mean it’s going to get you to your fat loss goals any faster. A calorie is

a calorie and eating too much of anything can cause you to gain weight or plateau! This is

why a food scale is so great, you begin to understand just how much you’re eating so that

you can make more informed choices.

Once you complete your diary for a week look at your intake and consider the following


What t rends do you see? • Are you eating a certain type of snack (salty or sweet) • Are you drinking enough water? • When you get stressed out do you over or under eat? • Do you pack your food for work? If you don’t, would this help you make more

balanced choices? • What times of day are you eating? • Are you skipping meals? • Do you skip meals during the day and then go overboard at night? • Are you eating more on days that you exercise?

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Meal Prep 101 “Fail to Plan- Plan to Fail!”

Half the battle is having healthy, goal-minded foods on hand at all times. If cakes surround

you, chips and trail mixes lurk in every cupboard and ice cream is calling your name guess

what’s going to happen? You’ll indulge- and not because you really want or deserve a treat!

You don’ t have to e l im inate these foods f rom your home for good but

o f tent imes people f ind i t eas ier to keep them to a min imum when they’ re

f i rs t s tar t ing out . Once you start seeing results it’s easier to limit your portions- you

want to maintain so you’re not as tempted to go overboard!

Before you hit the grocery store think about your favorite nutrient-dense, goal minded foods.

Make sure you pick up options for breakfast, lunch and dinner so that you can never use

the common excuses of lack of availability or no time. No lifestyle change will stick if you feel

forced to eat things you don’t like. This isn’t a race; it’s a journey to a balanced, healthy life!

I have found that some quick, careful planning when it comes to your meals can allow you to avoid the pitfalls many people face when trying to lose weight and gain muscle. You don’t have to be rigid about what you eat- instead you need to pay attention to what your body needs

and make sure that you’re fueling it properly. Why Mea l Prep? Gaining muscle and losing fat stresses your body out. While lowering your body fat and getting stronger is great for you in the long-term, your body needs the support of proper nutrition as you begin your fitness journey. Meal planning may appear to be an arduous task but in reality it can be just another routine that you perform each week. Take your time getting used to preparing your food in a different way- enjoy the process of learning about your body & what foods fuel you best!

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You can choose to meal prep in batches by using large containers and portioning out your food each day. I find this method easiest for dinner since larger containers can stay in the refrigerator and don’t need to be taken to work. For lunch it’s often easier to pre-pack your entire meal so you don’t need to spend precious time measuring in the morning before work. Simply prep your food, measure and pack your lunch and stick a post-it note on top with the macros (protein/carbs/fat) or items in each container. This makes it a no-brainer in the morning- grab your lunch and go knowing you have a healthy choice waiting for you!

P lan Your Prep!

It might be hard to imagine now but soon your meal prep time will feel sacred!

This is when you’ll be investing the most time in making sure your food for the week will align to your goals. You’re working so hard at changing and getting healthy- pick a day and time each week to prep and stick to it. I like preparing my food on Sunday afternoon after I go grocery shopping. I have all the ingredients I need so I put on a chick flick or a podcast and get down to business- no excuses! You can even set a reoccurring reminder on your phone or email to make sure you don’t “forget”. Persona l ize your s t ra tegy There is no wrong or right way to meal prep! You need to pick a time and day that works best for you consistently. When do you have a few hours to spare? Do you like the idea of having all your meals planned out in advance or would you like to choose different breakfasts and dinners each day but have your lunches and snacks squared away?

1 . Macro mea ls (Le F i t P lan Favor i te) : This strategy is great when you’re starting to become aware of what you are consuming. It may take a bit more time to pack all your meals in advance but after a few weeks you’ll understand the balance of nutrients you need throughout the day. Cook and portion out your food into each container, use a post-it to write what’s inside and ta-da! Healthy, delicious food is on hand whenever you need it.

2 . M ix and match prep : If you’re short on time but have a few more minutes each day to portion out your meals this is a great option! Prepare batches of food that can be used in a variety of ways throughout

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the week. Choose 1-2 foods from each category and prepare them ahead of time. This way you’ll be able to easily build balanced meals during the week! o Starches : Grains (quinoa, rice, farro), sweet potato, butternut squash soup,

Beans (chickpeas, lentils, black beans), Oats (baked, overnight) o Prote ins : Hard-boiled eggs, chicken (baked, grilled, roasted whole, shredded),

poached salmon, Shrimp (roasted, grilled, boiled) o Vegetab les : Greens/lettuce (wash, spin and store), Raw vegetables (carrot

sticks, pepper slices), Cooked vegetables (Steamed broccoli, roasted cauliflower, blanched green beans

F ibrous Vegetab les : These vegetables will fill you up without adding too many

calories to your daily meal plan. Make sure to eat them steamed, grilled, roasted, raw, or

sautéed. I recommend consuming 1-2 cups (85g for 2 cups) at least once a day. Without

adding too much extra fat you can cook any of these choices with zero calorie cooking


Alfalfa Sprouts Artichoke Hearts Arugula Asparagus Bamboo Shoots Bean Sprouts Beet Bok Choy Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Celery

Celery Root

Chard Chicory Chives Collard Greens Cucumber Dandelion Endive Escarole Fennel Green beans Greens Kale

Leeks Mache Mushrooms Okra Red or Yellow Onion Parsley Peppers Radicchio Radishes Romaine Rhubarb Sauerkraut Scallions Snow Pea Pods

Sorrel Spaghetti Squash Spinach String beans Summer Squash Tomatoes

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Water Chestnuts Wax beans Zucchini

F ru i t : Fruit is a great snack that contains carbohydrates, fiber and many vitamins and minerals. However, it does contain sugar and calories so make sure to weigh it just like you would any other food! I like to have some fruit in the morning or early afternoon for energy. It can also be a great pre or post-workout meal as well! Apple Banana Oranges/Tangerine/Clementine Grapefruit Cantaloupe Blueberries Grapes Cherries Blackberries Raspberries Strawberries Kiwi Pear Peaches Nectarine Watermelon

Prote in Sources : Meat is high in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc and magnesium. It is important to differentiate between lean meats and those high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts and turkey cutlets are your leanest poultry choices; as for beef, round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin, chuck shoulder and arm roasts are the leanest cuts. When making burgers use the leanest ground beef available, labeled at least “90% lean.” For lunch meats (like ham, turkey), check labels to make sure they’re low in fat and sodium. For our vegetar ian/vegan f r iends… If you follow a plant based diet there is no need to go without protein- you have many choices that are both delicious and good for you. Beans and soy-based products and foods can be made into a main course, side dish or added to your daily snacks. Be creative and eat up! (*Vegetarian protein sources)

Beans (lentils, garbanzo, kidney, Cannellini, black)* Beef (lean ground or filet) Bison (ground or filet) Chicken (white or dark meat) Cottage Cheese (1% milk fat)* Edamame (soy beans, can be dry roasted or steamed)* Egg whites (from carton or remove the yolk from an egg)* Greek yogurt (0% and plain, add fruit, honey or stevia for sweetness or use in place of sour cream)*

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Ground turkey breast Lean (90%) ground beef Lean cut steak (petit filet or sirloin) Low-fat cottage cheese* Oysters Plain low fat greek yogurt* Pork tenderloin Protein Powder (choose an option with less than 5g carbohydrates per serving)* Rainbow Trout Salmon (baked or Ahi, wild caught or from Alaska) Sardines Shrimp Tempeh* Texturized Vegetable Protein (or TVP)* Turkey breast Whole eggs*

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…But What About Desser t?

Treats are great & essential to living a full, balanced life! There’s no better feeling than

eating well and giving yourself the mental freedom to have one of your favorite cookies or a

scoop of rich, creamy ice cream. But that doesn’ t mean you should over do i t

and you def in i te ly shouldn’ t be do ing i t as you stand over the s ink or are

dr iv ing in your car . Make it a big deal, put it on a real plate, turn off the television, put

away your phone and actually experience what you’re eating! You’ll enjoy each bite and find

yourself more satisfied afterwards.

Most people are surprised that you can eat dessert

every night and still lose weight.

But i t ’s t rue! The key is to indulge wisely. Are those cupcakes in your office’s break room really what you

want? Or are you bored? Wouldn’t you rather have a homemade brownie with a scoop of

frozen yogurt at home later? What about a few pieces of your favorite chocolate and a glass

of wine? Being lean and toned all year round means taking charge of your nutrition:

choose when you want to have a t reat , don’ t le t the ava i lab i l i ty o f junk

s teer you o f f course.

Tra in ing Your M ind

Most people go on a diet to find that they mess up almost immediately. Life happens and if

you are on a plan that isn’t flexible you’re bound to deviate from the “perfect” model you’re

trying to follow. Instead of brushing it off and staying the course we fall into the mentality of

“Oh well! It’s all ruined now. Might as well clear out the pastry tray…” In order to be

lean for l i fe you have to throw that mindset out r ight th is minute !

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What about “Cheat Mea ls”?

Cheat meals are usually defined as meals where you have something special and indulge

more than you usually do. There is nothing wrong with having a special treat- as stated

above that is what life is all about sometimes! However if you’re on a mission to lose

weight and lean out you have to decide. You must choose wisely and take into consideration

your previous decisions as well. If you’ve been off track with your eating all week- skipping

meals, eating extra chocolate- should you get that burger and fries tonight? The hard truth

is…probably not! This might sound harsh but you have to be aware of your habits. If you’ve

had a tough week that’s okay! Don’t beat yourself up about it. Take a breath, evaluate WHY

you haven’t stuck to your goals and make a plan of attack. Have you been reflecting daily?

Are you experiencing a particularly stressful life event? Things happen and we all go

overboard sometimes. That does not mean you have to keep going however- stop now,

assess why you are acting this way and re-commit to your goals. You are worth making

those healthy choices; remember you are doing all this to improve your life. Choose the

workout and the meal planning so that you can achieve success! The treats will always be

there and the time to commit to your health and wellness is now.

M istakes Happen Don’t turn a fender bender into a 10-car pile up

Life is a journey, and a long one at that. So- you ate the cupcake . Or three…

Hopefully you enjoyed it and while it might not have been the absolute best choice, who

cares? Drink some water and keep going. Don’t give-up on yourself so easily! One misstep

is not an indicator that you are a failure, it just means you’re human. Don’t starve yourself

the next day or go crazy with cardio either, what’s done is done and the best thing you can

do is just go back to making balanced choices. Punishing yourself with negative thoughts

and extreme exercise and diet measures isn’t effective or healthy. You’re making these

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health and fitness changes because you are worth it, being negative is last thing you need

to be!

*The following meal plans are presented to illustrate Le Fit Plan’s ‘balanced intake’ philosophy. They are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or disorder.

For custom nutrition guidance based on your abilities and goals contact [email protected]

Sample Balanced Eating Plan #1-1500 calories

Meal% Food% Calories% Protein% Carbs% Fat%Meal!1! 2!pieces!whole!grain!toast! 150! 5! 27! 3!!! 1/4!!c.!blueberries! 26! 0.3! 6.3! 0!

!!1/2!c.!low!fat!cottage!cheese! 85! 11.5! 4.5! 2.2!

!! !! !! !! !! !!

Meal!2!2!whole!grain!WASA!crackers! 120! 2! 24! 0!

!! 1!1/2!tbsp.!almond!butter! 95! 4! 3! 8.5!!! 100g!red!grapes! 69! 1! 18! 0!!! !! !! !! !! !!Meal!3! 4!oz!chicken/lean!protein! 150! 26! 0! 4.1!

!!Veggies!of!choice!up!to!8!carbs! 40! 1! 8! 0!

!! 28g!almonds! 162! 7! 7.1! 16.5!!! !! !! !! !! !!Post!Workout! 1!scoop!whey!protein! 120! 25! 4! 1.5!!! 50g!strawberries! 16! 0.3! 4! 0.2!

!!2!plain,!salt=free!rice!cakes! 70! 2! 14! 0.8!

!! !! !! !! !! !!!Meal!4! 4!oz!chicken/lean!protein! 150! 26! 0! 4.1!


Veggies!of!choice!up!to!8!carbs! 40! 1! 8! 0!

!! 2.5!oz!avocado! 117! 10.4! 6.2! 10.4!!! !! !! !! !! !!!Meal!5! 3/4!c.!low!fat!ice!cream! 90! 8.5! 17! 2!

!50g!strawberries! 16! 0.3! 4! 0.2!

!! !! !! !! !! !!!! TOTALS% 1516! 131.3! 155.1! 53.5!

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Sample Balanced Eating Plan #2-2000 calories

Meal% Food% Calories% Protein% Carbs% Fat% Meal!1! 80g!dry!oatmeal! 300! 10! 54! 6!

1/4!c.!blueberries! 26! 0.3! 6.3! 0!

1/2!c.!low!fat!cottage!cheese! 85! 11.5! 4.5! 2.2!

Meal!2! 2!wasa!crackers! 120! 2! 24! 0!

1!1/2!tbsp.!almond!butter! 95! 4! 3! 8.5! 100g!red!grapes! 69! 1! 18! 0!

Meal!3! 8!oz!chicken/lean!protein! 300! 52! 0! 8.2!

Veggies!of!choice!up!to!16!carbs! 80! 2! 16! 0!

1!c.!quinoa! 200! 8! 35! 3! Post!Workout! 1!scoop!whey!protein! 120! 25! 4! 1.5!

50g!strawberries! 16! 0.3! 4! 0.2!

2!plain,!salt=free!rice!cakes! 70! 2! 14! 0.8!

Meal!4 4!oz!chicken/lean!protein! 130! 27! 0! 1!


Veggies!of!choice!up!to!16!carbs! 80! 2! 16! 0!

Meal!5! 3!pieces!dark!chocolate!! 126! 0! 14.4! 7.8!

!! 6!oz!red!wine! 127! 0! 15.8! 7! TOTALS! 2032! 147.1! 229! 46.2!

In terested in learn ing more about how to ba lance your d ie t?

For custom nutrition guidance based on your abilities and goals contact [email protected]

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Weight Training: Burn Fat & Build Curves! Whether you’d consider yourself a gym rat or a complete novice the weight room is often a

mysterious place for most people. This is unfortunate because the secret to your Summer

Body is waiting for you in that mirrored, iron-filled arena!

Weight training is the best type of exercise that you can do if you’re trying to lose fat and

get toned. It might seem counter-intuitive at first; won’t your muscles just get bulky

underneath your skin and existing fat? Won’t lifting just make you bigger all around? The

simple answer is NO. If you are eating at caloric maintenance (what your body needs to

function) or below (for fat loss) your weight workouts will strengthen your muscles, which in

turn burns more energy. Energy in this case is FAT and who doesn’t want that to happen?

WHY you should get off the elliptical…and pick up those dumbbells!

1. Musc le is denser than fa t so i t appears to be much smal ler and t ighter

than i ts more j igg ly counterpart . Remember my transformation picture above? I

weigh the same yet I lost two dress sizes! Muscle has shape and looks aesthetically pleasing,

when you see a chiseled physique it looks great because you can see smooth, hard earned


2. Musc le requ i res more energy to ex is t than fa t . When you lift weights as you

cut calories you are more likely to maintain that muscle while you shed any unwanted fat.

Muscles create tight, sexy curves so keeping them around is of paramount importance!

3. As your body fa t drops you’ l l lose inches on your wa is t , h ips and th ighs

and rev up your metabol ism too! The best way to increase your metabolism is to up

your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body uses when you are at rest.

One way to do this is to exercise consistently with weight training.

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The Importance of Form

Whether you’re a shredded bodybuilder or a newbie in the weight room proper form is

essential! Without it you can injure yourself- and that can lead to long-term health problems

and derail your hard won progress. Focus on doing each exercise properly without any

weight first, and once you’re comfortable with the movement add those dumbbells. Our

bodies take time to learn the proper range of motion when exercising so enjoy the process

and don’t rush! If you’re not sure how to perform an exercise ask a certified personal trainer

at your gym to guide you or do your research online. Be ing prepared and safe

should a lways be your f i rs t pr ior i ty .

L i f t w i th your musc les , not your ego

When you do add weight start with an amount that challenges you by your last few

repetitions. This amount will be different for everyone so get comfortable with paying

attention to how your body feels during this process! There is no “one size fits all” weight-

training program; each and every one should be tweaked according to your abilities and

goals. That being said, try out the below routine and see how it feels to get started in the

weight room!

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Le F i t T ip :

Don’t forget to make any substitutions necessary for your lifestyle and abilities! (DB = dumbbell) Day 1 : Off Lifting Day 2: Sexy Shoulders & Abs

1. Seated DB military press, 3x10 2. DB lateral raises, 3x10 3. DB front raises, 3x10 4. One armed DB row, 3x10 5. Starfish crunches, 3x10 6. Bicycle crunches, 3x10

Day 3: Legs & Booty Scu lpt ing

1. Shoulder elevated bodyweight hip thrusts, 3x20

2. Cable standing abduction, 1x15 (per leg)

3. Single leg press, 3x10 (per leg) 4. Walking lunges with DBs, 3x10

(per leg) 5. Bulgarian split squats with DBs,

3x10 (per leg) 6. Side plank, 60 seconds per side

7. Plank, 60 seconds Day 4: Off Lifting Day 5: Upper Body Ch ise l

1. DB curls, 3x10 2. Hammer curls, 3x10 3. Straight bar cable curls, 3x10 4. Straight bar cable triceps, 3x12 5. DB Triceps Extension, 3x10 6. Bench Dips, 3x15

Day 6: Back & Chest

1. Push-ups, 3x10 2. DB Bench Press, 3x10 3. Wide Grip Lat Pull-down, 3x12 4. Seated Cable Rows, 3x10 5. Bent-over Barbell Rows, 3x10 6. Back extensions, 3x10

F lex ib i l i t y is the key to long- term success

Fee l f ree to make th is program your own!

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): What is i t?

Repeated sequences of short duration, high-intensity exercise intervals broken up with periods of rest and active recovery.

Why do we do i t?

The first reason is time. You can do a 10-minute HIIT workout and be sweating- what’s

better than that? You don’t need to do hours of cardio a week (let alone day!) if your diet is

on point. Keep track of what you’re eating, get your workouts in and move on with your day.

With HIIT you can workout at home and if you have just a few minutes to spare.

HIIT has been shown to build endurance, burn more calories in a shorter amount of time

and to increase your metabolism! Not to mention that you don’t even need a gym or

equipment to complete your workout. What’s better than that?

Try this quick and easy workout at home! Perform your HIIT routine 2-3/week and combine with a balanced diet and weight training routine for best results.

Le F i t T ip :

Don’t forget to make any substitutions necessary for your lifestyle and abilities

Direct ions:

3 rounds : 20 work : 10 rest

For Customized Weight-Training & Coaching Programs


1 Skaters


2 Bodyweight squats


3 Plank with shoulder tap


4 Hip raise

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Congratu lat ions- You’re on your way! It’s time to get moving! Remember to keep it positive and stay consistent.

You’ve come this far and now you are ready to make some great changes that

will improve your health, physique and self-image.

Do yourse l f a favor and put an end to any negat iv i ty or cr i t i c ism you’re

d i rect ing towards yourse l f . Change is hard- that’s part of the journey that you’re on!

Giving up is no longer an option so start appreciating what you’ve been given and begin

working with what you have. You might need to change some habits or even overhaul your

lifestyle, but guess what? You’re doing it and without who you are right this very moment

you will not succeed. The truth is that negativity and hatred towards yourself will never

motivate you to change for life. Eventually you’ll fall back into who you used to be because

you’ll start hearing those critical voices again. Work to love you r ight now . Not 10

pounds from now or when you fit into that outfit you haven’t worn in years! Just you as you

are in the moment. This is the you you’re going to need to rely on when it’s tough to say no

to that slice of extra cake or when you’ve got to get up and workout earlier than you want to.

So treat yourself like the precious gift that you are!

Don’t forget to refer back to this guide if you ever need help! I’m also available to help answer questions, so reach out to me via email or on instagram- I’d love

to hear from you!

L i ly Fontas

www. le f i tp instagram: @l i lyb i rd l i f ts le f i tp lan@gmai l .com

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Qu ick Star t Gu ide: Goal Setting Guide

Da i ly Food D iary

HIIT Workout Planner

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Goal Set t ing: Stay positive & be grateful for what you have before you ask for more



















Le F i t P lan Goal Gu ide l ines • Don’t direct negativity towards yourself (name calling, etc.) • Be positive- focus on what you want not on what you don’t

have yet • Stay grateful • Take time to reflect on how success makes you feel • Create a vision board and use it to stay focused • Stay in touch with your goals- review them twice daily so

that they are always fresh in your mind

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Dai ly Food Diary : Balanced is the way!

Date:% Time% Location% Mood%


(0%not%hungry9%5%ravenous)% Food/Meal%


!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!

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HIIT Workout Planner Direct ions:

3 rounds : 20 work : 10 rest











































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