SUMMER 2015 LBI& LTIA nnounce ThirdNew TradePro gram… · SUMMER 2015 LBI& LTIA nnounce ThirdNew...

SUMMER 2015 L BI& LTIAn n o u n ce Third New Trad eP ro g ram: Electrica l Techn o lo g y Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: Laurel Business Institute (LBI) and Laurel Technical Institute(LTI) is pleased to announce we will start our first class for the Electrical Technology program this September. The new program, to be offered at a newly renovated 10,000 square foot facility on the LBI campus in downtown Uniontown and 12,000 square foot industrial training facility on Dock Street in Sharon, PA, was initiated to address an ongoing need for electrical technicians in the region. The school developed the program in conjunction with an advisory committee comprised of electrical contractors and manufacturing facilities in Western Pennsylvania. The 18-month, five-semester Specialized Associate Degree program will prepare graduates for entry-level positions in the electrical industry. A few of the diverse careers open to graduates are construction electricians, maintenance electricians, power system technicians, electrical relay technicians, and industrial electricians. Students will take classes in Electrical Studies, NEC, Residential Wiring, Commercial Wiring, Low Voltage Wiring, Electrical Motors, Transformers, Raceway Systems, Hazardous Locations, Cost Estimating, Industrial Wiring, PLC Programming, Electrical Distribution, and Industrial Automation Nancy Decker, LBI & LTI President, says, “There has never been a more exciting time to become an electrician. With a large number of electricians approaching retirement age, and the growth of the construction industry, the electrical industry is vibrant, and growing. The increase in new construction will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the demand for electricians, as they are integral to all projects. According to, employment for electricians is expected to grow 20% by 2022 with a median hourly wage of $23.96.” Fo rad d itio n al in fo rmatio n o rto applyfo r the fa ll Electrica l Techn o lo g ycla ss, visit thew eb sitea tw w w .la u rel.ed u o rema il a d missio n @la u rel.ed u The Sputum Bowl is a knowledge contest that is similar to the game show “Jeopardy.” The prime objective of the Sputum Bowl is to stimulate interest in the current knowledge and practice of respiratory care. The students must answer questions quickly and accurately in topics ranging from anatomy and physiology to mechanical ventilation. Since the late 1970’s, the Sputum Bowl has been a part of every American Association for Respiratory Care’s (AARC) national convention. The AARC’s annual gathering is the largest respiratory care meeting in the world. The national contest is divided into two divisions: practitioners and students. The student division started in 2004. The state Sputum Bowl, which is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society for Respiratory Care, starts at the regional level. The LBI students competed against Respiratory Care programs from the western part of the state on March 5,2015 at Seven Springs resort. The win at the regional level advanced them to the state competition which was held on April 16, 2015 in King of Prussia, PA. Winning at the state level will allow them represent Pennsylvania at the AARC Congress 2015 being held in Tampa, Florida, November 7-10, 2015. Competing at the national level is nothing new for the LBI Respiratory Therapy students. The program has taken part in the competition since 2010. They have been regional winners for four years, and this will be their third trip to nationals. One benefit of the competition is the preparation the team members get in advance of the tests they must pass to become credentialed respiratory therapists. This year’s LBI team members include Janelle Brangard, Ben D’Amico, and Alyson Milan. April Butchki, Respiratory Therapy Program Director, and Jack Albert, Respiratory Therapy Clinical Director, served as the team advisors. LBIR espirato ryTherapy Program W ins 201 5 StateSputum Bo w l 1985–2015 It was 1985 in Uniontown, PA and things were changing. Heavy industry and manufacturing jobs had been declining for more than a decade, and many people weren’t prepared for jobs that required new skills, and, in many cases, a completely new mind set. Chris and Nancy Decker saw a need in the community, and decided to do something about it. LBI founder and CEO, Chris Decker, envisioned a school that educated students in a uniquely different way. He wanted to create an environment where students learned in small classrooms, got hands on training and were treated with love, dignity and respect. So, on November 4, 1985, in just a few rooms, LBI started by offering programs in banking, retailing, and secretarial studies to deal with these shifts in the economy. The buzz and snap of IBM Selectric typewriters was the norm, and shelves were stocked with whiteout. A few personal computers – Apple IIc’s, the ones with the green screens – made their way into classrooms. The school’s first class graduated on August 1, 1986 and had 19 members, secretarial graduates of a program sponsored by the Private Industry Council. What a difference 30 years can make. From those few classrooms to three buildings, one on East Penn Street and two on Beeson Boulevard. From a few programs to more than a dozen and a half that serve professions including accounting and business, early childhood education, cosmetology, skilled trades, healthcare, information technology, massage, and office administration. From those electronic typewriters and Apple IIc’s to fully integrated, high- speed networks. From a first class of 19 to more than 2500 graduates. From a single location in Uniontown to two sister schools in Sharon and Meadville, PA and a learning site in Morgantown, WV. We’re proud to have been part of the community for 30 years, and we plan to continue to foster meaningful educational and employment opportunities for area residents. Most importantly, we never could have made it without you – graduates, students, staff, instructors, business owners, board members, and supporters in the community. And for that, we extend to you our biggest thanks. Happy 30 th Anniversary to entire Laurel community! L BI Then an d No w La u rel Bu sin ess I n stitu te An n o u n c es Scho la rship R ec ipien t Nancy M. Decker, President and CEO of Laurel Business Institute, is pleased to announce that Triston Tyler Hughes has been awarded the 2015 John D. Mihm Memorial Scholarship. Towards the end of our previous semester, our cosmetology students were asked to write an essay on one of these two topics: How would you spend the last day of your life? OR How do you plan on living your best life? This all began with a benefit 5K run, Run for Love, that was dedicated to Amy Hinton-Derr, whose life was suddenly cut short just months before she was set to marry the man of her dreams. Amy was a fun-loving, outgoing person who lived every day to the fullest. She spent her time as a stylist at Lindy’s at the Beach. The co-organizers (Michelle Thompson and Shon Derr), as well as the family of Amy, wanted her legacy to live on and help a cosmetology student fulfill their dream of going to cosmetology school. The money raised at Run for Love 5K was used to dedicate a bench in Amy’s honor at Buhl Park and 2 one-time scholarships for LTI students. The winners were Natasha Willingham and Sheila Mulhullond. Co smeto lo g yStud entsW riteEssays Triston, a recent graduate of Albert Gallatin High School, was one of several local seniors to apply. His application was vetted by a panel comprised of area educators and LBI staff. Triston has accepted the award and has enrolled in LBI’S Welding & Fabrication w/Pipeline Technology Program. He was excited to be the recipient of the ½ tuition scholarship and offered the following inspirational quotes: “There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure” - COLIN POWELL- And his own of “Life is not about what you want…it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it.” We congratulate Triston and expect him to accomplish whatever he sets his mind to. Area 201 6 sen io rsa rew elco m eto co n ta ctLBI AD MISSI O N (724 .4 39.4 900)o ra sktheirhig h scho o l g u id an ced epartmen tfo rd etailso n fu tu rescho larship o ffering sw ithLBI .

Transcript of SUMMER 2015 LBI& LTIA nnounce ThirdNew TradePro gram… · SUMMER 2015 LBI& LTIA nnounce ThirdNew...


L BI& LTIAn n o u n c eThird New Tra d e P ro g ra m :Elec tric a l Tec hn o lo g y

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:Laurel Business Institute (LBI) and Laurel

Technical Institute(LTI) is pleased toannounce we will start our first class for theElectrical Technology program thisSeptember. The new program, to be offeredat a newly renovated 10,000 square footfacility on the LBI campus in downtownUniontown and 12,000 square foot industrialtraining facility on Dock Street in Sharon,PA, was initiated to address an ongoing needfor electrical technicians in the region. Theschool developed the program in conjunctionwith an advisory committee comprised ofelectrical contractors and manufacturingfacilities in Western Pennsylvania.The 18-month, five-semester Specialized

Associate Degree program will preparegraduates for entry-level positions in theelectrical industry. A few of the diversecareers open to graduates are constructionelectricians, maintenance electricians, powersystem technicians, electrical relaytechnicians, and industrial electricians.

Students will take classes in ElectricalStudies, NEC, Residential Wiring,Commercial Wiring, Low Voltage Wiring,Electrical Motors, Transformers, RacewaySystems, Hazardous Locations, CostEstimating, Industrial Wiring, PLCProgramming, Electrical Distribution, andIndustrial AutomationNancy Decker, LBI & LTI President, says,

“There has never been a more exciting timeto become an electrician. With a largenumber of electricians approachingretirement age, and the growth of theconstruction industry, the

electrical industry is vibrant, and growing.The increase in new construction willundoubtedly lead to an increase in thedemand for electricians, as they are integralto all projects. According to,employment for electricians is expected togrow 20% by 2022 with a median hourlywage of $23.96.”

Fo ra d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n o rto a pply fo rthe fa ll Elec tric a l Tec hn o lo g y c la ss, visitthe w eb site a tw w w .la u rel.ed u o rem a ila d m issio n @ la u rel.ed u

The Sputum Bowl is a knowledge contest that issimilar to the game show “Jeopardy.” The primeobjective of the Sputum Bowl is to stimulate interestin the current knowledge and practice of respiratorycare. The students must answer questions quicklyand accurately in topics ranging from anatomy andphysiology to mechanical ventilation.

Since the late 1970’s, the Sputum Bowl has been apart of every American Association for RespiratoryCare’s (AARC) national convention. The AARC’sannual gathering is the largest respiratory caremeeting in the world.

The national contest is divided into two divisions:practitioners and students. The student divisionstarted in 2004.

The state Sputum Bowl, which is sponsored by thePennsylvania Society for Respiratory Care, starts atthe regional level. The LBI students competedagainst Respiratory Care programs from the westernpart of the state on March 5,2015 at Seven Springs

resort. The win at the regional level advanced themto the state competition which was held on April 16,2015 in King of Prussia, PA. Winning at the state levelwill allow them represent Pennsylvania at the AARCCongress 2015 being held in Tampa, Florida,November 7-10, 2015.

Competing at the national level is nothing new forthe LBI Respiratory Therapy students. The programhas taken part in the competition since 2010. Theyhave been regional winners for four years, and thiswill be their third trip to nationals.

One benefit of the competition is the preparationthe team members get in advance of the tests theymust pass to become credentialed respiratorytherapists.

This year’s LBI team members include JanelleBrangard, Ben D’Amico, and Alyson Milan.

April Butchki, Respiratory Therapy ProgramDirector, and Jack Albert, Respiratory TherapyClinical Director, served as the team advisors.

L BIR espira to ryThera pyP ro g ra m W in s201 5Sta te Spu tu m Bo w l


It was 1985 in Uniontown, PA and things werechanging. Heavy industry and manufacturing jobshad been declining for more than a decade, and manypeople weren’t prepared for jobs that required newskills, and, in many cases, a completely new mind set.

Chris and Nancy Decker saw a need in thecommunity, and decided to do something about it.LBI founder and CEO, Chris Decker, envisioned aschool that educated students in a uniquely differentway. He wanted to create an environment wherestudents learned in small classrooms, got hands ontraining and were treated with love, dignity andrespect.

So, on November 4, 1985, in just a few rooms, LBIstarted by offering programs in banking, retailing, andsecretarial studies to deal with these shifts in theeconomy. The buzz and snap of IBM Selectrictypewriters was the norm, and shelves were stockedwith whiteout. A few personal computers – AppleIIc’s, the ones with the green screens – made theirway into classrooms. The school’s first classgraduated on August 1, 1986 and had 19 members,secretarial graduates of a program sponsored by thePrivate Industry Council.

What a difference 30 years can make. From thosefew classrooms to three buildings, one on East PennStreet and two on Beeson Boulevard. From a fewprograms to more than a dozen and a half that serveprofessions including accounting and business, earlychildhood education, cosmetology, skilled trades,healthcare, information technology, massage, andoffice administration. From those electronictypewriters and Apple IIc’s to fully integrated, high-speed networks. From a first class of 19 to more than2500 graduates. From a single location in Uniontownto two sister schools in Sharon and Meadville, PA anda learning site in Morgantown, WV.

We’re proud to have been part of the communityfor 30 years, and we plan to continue to fostermeaningful educational and employmentopportunities for area residents. Most importantly,we never could have made it without you – graduates,students, staff, instructors, business owners, boardmembers, and supporters in the community. And forthat, we extend to you our biggest thanks. Happy30th Anniversary to entire Laurel community!

L BIThen a n d No w

L a u relBu sin essIn stitu te

An n o u n c esSc ho la rship

R ec ipien tNancy M. Decker, President and CEO of Laurel

Business Institute, is pleased to announce thatTriston Tyler Hughes has been awarded the 2015John D. Mihm Memorial Scholarship.

Towards the end of our previous semester, ourcosmetology students were asked to write an essay on oneof these two topics: How would you spend the last day ofyour life? OR How do you plan on living your best life?

This all began with a benefit 5K run, Run for Love, thatwas dedicated to Amy Hinton-Derr, whose life wassuddenly cut short just months before she was set to marrythe man of her dreams. Amy was a fun-loving, outgoingperson who lived every day to the fullest. She spent hertime as a stylist at Lindy’s at the Beach.

The co-organizers (Michelle Thompson and Shon Derr),as well as the family of Amy, wanted her legacy to live onand help a cosmetology student fulfill their dream of goingto cosmetology school. The money raised at Run for Love5K was used to dedicate a bench in Amy’s honor at BuhlPark and 2 one-time scholarships for LTI students. Thewinners were Natasha Willingham and Sheila Mulhullond.

Co sm eto lo g yStu d en tsW rite Essa ysTriston, a recent graduate of Albert Gallatin High School,

was one of several local seniors to apply. His applicationwas vetted by a panel comprised of area educators andLBI staff. Triston has accepted the award and hasenrolled in LBI’S Welding & Fabrication w/PipelineTechnology Program. He was excited to be the recipientof the ½ tuition scholarship and offered the followinginspirational quotes: “There is no secret to success. It isthe result of preparation, hard work, and learning fromfailure” - COLIN POWELL- And his own of “Life is notabout what you want…it’s about how hard you’re willingto work for it.” We congratulate Triston and expect himto accomplish whatever he sets his mind to.Area 201 6 sen io rsa re w elc o m e to c o n ta c tL BIAD M ISSIO N (724 .4 39.4 900)o ra sk theirhig h sc ho o lg u id a n c e d epa rtm en tfo rd eta ilso n fu tu re sc ho la rshipo fferin g sw ith L BI.

Ro w 1 L -R Stephanie S ha u lis , T im o thy Bo s s a rd , M a tthew Po rter, Jes s ica Ha in es , Des tin ee S eherRo w 2 L -R Andrea F a u lha b er, Ro n d a Ja n icki, M ichelle Pro p er, Am b erM cGu iga n Ro w 3 L -R NathanOhm er, Brittn ey K a is er, M ega n M o o re, Na tha n Gu in ey, Da n An d ers o n , Ad rien n e L u ika rt, Victo ria Bo o k

Director Patricia Campbell awarded the followingstudents Specialized Associate Degrees and Diplomas:

M ea d villeCa m pu s

LTIAn n o u n c esTheirJa n u a ry201 5 Gra d u a tin g Cla ss

JJaannuuaarryy 2211,, 22001155,, MMeeaaddvviillllee,, PPAA.. ––Laurel Technical Institute Meadville Campus celebrated the

graduation of its Fall 2015 graduating class at the New BeginningsChurch in Meadville, PA. Jessica Haines was recognized as

Valedictorian and Matthew Porter was recognized as Salutatorian.

Degree in Ad m in is tra tiveOffice Techn o lo gy

M ichelle Pro p er(Gu ys M ills , PA)

Degree in Bu s in es s Ad m in is tra tio nDa n An d ers o n (M ea d ville, PA)Jes s ica Ha in es (Co chra n to n , PA)M a tthew Po rter(Co chra n to n , PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gyM ega n M o o re (M ea d ville, PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gy -Es theticia n

Ro n d a Ja n icki (E rie, PA)Chris tin e Zieziu la (M cK ea n , PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gyN a il Techn icia n

An d rea F a u lha b er(W a terfo rd , PA)

Degree in Hea lth In fo rm a tio nTechn o lo gy

Brittn ey K a is er(M ea d ville, PA)Am b erM cGu iga n (M ea d ville, PA)Pa u l S m a glik (Gu ys M ills , PA)

Degree in M ed ica l As s is ta n tVicto ria Bo o k (Co n n ea u tville, PA)T im o thyBo s s a rd (M ea d ville, PA)Na tha n Gu in ey (Co n n ea u tville, PA)Ad rien n e L u ika rt(M ea d ville, PA)Des tin ee S eher(M ea d ville, PA)S tep ha n ie S ha u lis (M ea d ville, PA)

Degree in N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio n &S ecu rity

Na tha n Ohm er(M ea d ville, PA)

The following students were awarded SpecializedAssociate Degrees and Diplomas:

L BIAn n o u n c esJa n u a ry201 5 Gra d u a tin g Cla ss

JJaannuuaarryy 2222,, 22001155,, UUnniioonnttoowwnn,, PPAA.. ––Laurel Business Institute held its 85th graduation on January 22,

2015, at the State Theatre Center for the Arts in Uniontown.Carolyn Renee Hanabeck of Uniontown and Brian M. Cummings

of Smithfield were the Valedictorians. Elizabeth M. Britt ofScottdale and Sabrina Thomas of Tunnelton, WV, were the

Salutatorians. Brian Casey, a local business owner, delivered thecommencement address.

Ro w 1 L -R Christian Chretin,M elanie Harm on,Sadie Paul,Elizabeth Britt,Brian Cum m ings,Carolyn Hanabeck,M ianna Hunter,Jessica Joseph Ro w 2 L -R Joseph M cCorm ick,Kaylie Sheets,LaceyM athews,Kenneth Lint,JeffreyM yers,Jam es Riggin,W illiam Siebert,Thom as Com insky Ro w 3 L -R Gretchen Belan,Felicia M cKinney,Ryiah Rancjik,Chelsea Tosadori,Olivia W iley,Am berW ilkens,Priscilla M orris,KristiKeith,Florence Guthrie,CourtneyHixen Ro w 4 L -R Curtis M oreland,M akayla M oore,M egan Bungard,Jessica Richter,Dylan Geary,Tre M cCargo,M organ Kijowski,Jeslyn Lyttle,Em ilyM cAtee

Co m pu terS o ftw a reK en n ethA. L in t– F a yetteCity, PA

Co s m eto lo gy (Degree)F lo ren ce E lla Gu thrie – M a rtin , PA

Ca ro lyn Ren ee Ha n a b eck – Un io n to w n , PACo u rtn ey L ee Hixen – Un io n to w n , PA

M ed ica l Billin g & Co d in gPris cilla M . M o rris – Ves ta b u rg, PA

N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio n & S ecu rityDyla n M a thew Gea ry– S co ttd a le, PAK en n ethA. L in t– F a yetteCity, PAJeffrey S . M yers – S m ithfield , PA

Thera peu tic M a s s a geE liza b eth M . Britt– S co ttd a le, PA

Chris tia n L . Chretin – Un io n to w n , PAM ela n ie S . Ha rm o n – S m ithfield , PA

K ris ti E ileen K eith – Ho m e, PAS a d ie Ren a e Pa u l – Ro ckw o o d , PA

Co s m eto lo gy (Diplo m a ) Un io n to w nM ega n Ju s tin e Bu n ga rd – E vers o n , PA

M ia n n a L . Hu n ter– E vers o n , PAJes s ica Da w n Jo s ep h – F a ircha n ce, PA

Jes s ica M o rga n Richter– Co n n ells ville, PA

Co s m eto lo gy (Diplo m a ) M o rga n to w nAm y L . Ayers m a n – M o rga n to w n , W V

Jen n a Cla rk – K in gw o o d , W VM o rga n J. K ijo w s ki – W a yn es b u rg, PA

Jes lyn H. L yttle – Dells lo w , W VE m ily L o u is e M cAtee– Beverly, W V

Jo s ep h Ja m es M cCo rm ick –M o rga n to w n , W V

M a ka yla Beth M o o re – W a yn es b u rg, PARyia h Reb ecca Ra n cjik – Reed s ville, W V

K a ylie S heets – M o rga n to w n , W VS a b rin a L . T ho m a s – T u n n elto n , W V

Chels ea A. T o s a d o ri – M cK ees Ro cks , PAOlivia Qu in n W iley– W heelin g, W V

Ha irs tylin g (Diplo m a )L a ceyJ. M a thew s – M t. M o rris , PA

N a il Techn icia n (Diplo m a )Gretchen A. Bela n – M cClella n d to w n , PA

Co u rtn eyCo n n – Co n flu en ce, PAF elicia M cK in n ey– L em o n tF u rn a ce, PA

Am b erW ilkin s – Ben tleyville, PA

W eld in g & Fa b rica tio n w ith Pipelin eTechn o lo gy (Diplo m a )

T ho m a s Co m in s ky– S co ttd a le, PABria n M . Cu m m in gs – S m ithfield , PAT re M . M cCa rgo – M a s o n to w n , PACu rtis M . M o rela n d – Un io n to w n , PAJa m es L . Riggin Jr. – Du n b a r, PAW illia m S ieb ert– Nem a co lin , PACha zW a rd ell – Un io n to w n , PA

Director Douglas Decker awarded the following studentsSpecialized Associate Degrees, Associate in Specialized

Technology Degrees, Diplomas and Cerfificates:Sha ron Ca m pu s

LTIAn n o u n c esJa n u a ry 201 5Gra d u a tin g Cla ss

JJaannuuaarryy 2222,, 22001155,, SShhaarroonn,, PPAA.. ––Laurel Technical Institute celebrated the graduation of its fall

2014 graduating class at Brookfield High School, Brookfield, Oh.Lauren Marie Cuda was valedictorian, and

Mark S. Tomack was salutatorian.

Ro w 1 L -R: Leslie Dunlap,Elizabeth Anderson,Yarletts,Brooke,M arkTom ack,Lauren Cuda,BrittanyBuhovecky,Virginia Horvath,M elissa Ram sey,Leanne Houck,ZoeyCuscino,Aim ee Nail Ro w 2 L -Rt: Cole Flinspach,Sam uelHoseyJr,Jam es Songer,Brianna Bistyga-Dale,Aaron Abram ,Dem arClaiborne,Dennis Coom bs,Jam ie W illiam s,Gabrielle Catale,Julianna Ball,JohnelScharba,BrittanyLeister,M acyM cBeth,Catherine Slaven,M ichelle Crum ,Brooke M cLaughlin,Kaveeda M yers,Tyra Robinson

Certifica te in Es theticsJu lia n a R. Ba ll (Green ville, PA)

L es lie S u s a n Du n la p (Vien n a , OH)

Certifica te in N a il Techn icia nGa b rielle B. Ca ta le (New W ilm in gto n , PA)

Degree in Co s m eto lo gyE liza b eth Jo yAn d ers o n (New Ca s tle, PA)Zo eyGa b rielle Cu s cin o (Pu la s ki, PA)Britta n yM a rie L eis ter(M cDo n a ld , PA)K eveed a Ra y’Na yM yers (F a rrell, PA)Aim eeAleeceNa il (New Ca s tle, PA)T yra Ra elle Ro b in s o n (F a rrell, PA)

Degree in Hea lth In fo rm a tio nTechn o lo gy

L a u ren M a rie Cu d a (Cla rk, PA)Jo hn el R. S cha rb a (F a rrell, PA)

Ca therin e R. S la ven (Herm ita ge, PA)

Degree in Res pira to ry Thera pyBria n n a V. Bis tyga Da le (E d in b u rg, PA)Britta n yM . Bu ho vecky (S ha ro n , PA)Virgin ia R. Ho rva th (S ha ro n , PA)L ea n n e R. Ho u ck (Gro ve City, PA)

M elis s a Ren ee Ra m s ey (W a rren , OH)Nico le L yn n Red a (M ercer, PA)M a rk T o m a ck (Herm ita ge, PA)

Bro o keAn n e Y a rletts(Bes s em er, PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gyM ichele Britta n yCru m (T ra n s fer, PA)

M a cyAlexa n d ria M cBeth (New Ca s tle, PA)Bro o ke L . M cL a u ghlin (New Ca s tle, PA)

Diplo m a in W eld in g & Fa b rica tio n w ithPipelin e Techn o lo gy

Aa ro n Ab ra m (F a rrel, PA)Dem a rA. Cla ib o rn e (F a rrell, PA)Den n is M . Co o m b s (Green ville, PA

Co le T ren to n F lin s p a ch (S hip p en ville, PA)S a m u el L o u is Ho s eyJr. (F a rrell, PA)

Ja m es S o n ger(S ha ro n , PA)Ja m ie D. W illia m s (Herm ita ge, PA

more than $1.6 million ineducation grants are awarded tomore than 1,200 women.Respiratory Therapy student KellyYeagley is this year’s winner of theSoroptomist International ofFayette County award. Kellyreceived a $1,000 scholarship forwinning at the local level, and willnext advance and compete at theregional level.

Since the Live Your DreamAwards program began in 1972,about $30 million in educationgrants have been disbursed toassist tens of thousands of womenachieve their dreams of a betterlife for themselves and theirfamilies.

L BIstu d en tw in sSo ro pto m istAw a rd

The Soroptimist Live YourDream Award (formerly theWomen’s Opportunity Award)assists women who provide theprimary source of financial supportfor their families by giving themthe resources they need toimprove their education, skills andemployment prospects. Each year,

June 9, 2015-Laurel Business Instituteand Laurel Technical Institute, one ofPennsylvania’s leading career traininginstitutions, is preparing students forsuccess in the workforce of today and thefuture. An adopter of tablet technology inthe classroom, LBI/LTI will be providingMicrosoft Windows 2-in-1 hybrid tablets tostudents by the end of fall 2015 as one ofthe primary tools students and faculty willuse to facilitate the educational experienceacross all of its campuses.

The school recently began a pilot programat its Meadville, PA campus and is currentlyrunning another pilot program at theSharon, PA campus. In each program, thestudents gained valuable skills that willseamlessly translate to their careers post-graduation. For example, students usedtheir devices to do the following:

• Access the school’s LearningManagement System, course materials andassignments online

• Access and read their e-books• Communicate with faculty and fellow

students through email, chat and videoconference

• Save and share files with Google Driveor with the integrated USB 3.0 port

• Use Office 365 to complete classassignments and activities

• Submit assignments for classes and real-time peer review

• Use additional apps such as Flash Cardsand Nurse Tabs

“The experience students receive withthe enterprise-quality technology of theAcer Microsoft Windows devices andMicrosoft productivity tools help us achieveour goal of preparing them with the skillsand experiences they need to succeed intheir career now and 20 years from now,”said Douglas Decker, Executive Director.“We need to provide students with the toolsthey will use when they graduate and theskills that will translate in the future astechnology continues to evolve, so the Acerand Microsoft software was perfect for us.”

Connected to the Internet, and loadedwith the Office 365 suite, including storagein the cloud, the Acer devices allowstudents to read, produce, share and storematerials. The Windows 8.1 operatingsystem enhances student productivity withthe seamless ability to multitask amongdifferent applications, for example,simultaneously watch a video and takenotes in the OneNote app. Students are alsoable to search across the operating system,the Web and the cloud at once, and with aUSB and HD video out port, students canconnect to dozens of peripheral devicessuch as printers and projectors.

The Acer offers a solution for a collegethat teaches a variety of disciplines.Healthcare students can use Windows 8 RTanatomy apps to study anatomy andphysiology. Students in the business

administrative and accounting programs cancreate reports, spreadsheets andpresentations using the Office Suite. Inaddition to the students, administratorsanticipate a number of benefits for faculty,including greater flexibility to interact withstudents and provide feedback within andoutside the classroom.

L a u rel c ho o sesW in d o w sTa b letto en ric h ed u c a tio n a l experien c e

Ro w 1 L -R Valedictorians:Em ilyDocter,JodiCrowther,Annan Henderson and TiffanyKlakam p. Salutatorians:Jenna M ason,M atthew M cCrillis,and Sheila Roos Ro w 2 L -R Addie Huff,Brittanee Gorm an,SherriAnthony,Rebecca Coolbeth,CrystalFrantz,M ariah M cM illian,BrittanyShidem antle,Katelin Slye,Natasha W hitesideRo w 3 L -R Travis Curtis,Stephanie Catalino,Allen Pegg,Kain W iniecke,Sandra Hall,Irene Turner,M ackenzieGillingham ,Crysta Bell,Brittanie Binkert,Jared Risinger,Tim Dennis,Shannon Novosel,M ichaelRearick,andDavid Heeter

Director Patricia Campbell awarded the followingstudents Specialized Associate Degrees and Diplomas:

M ea d villeCa m pu s

LTIAn n o u n c esTheirSprin g201 5 Gra d u a tin g Cla ssMMaayy 1122,, 22001155,, MMeeaaddvviillllee,, PPAA.. ––

Laurel Technical Institute Meadville Campus celebrated thegraduation of its Spring 2015 graduating class at the Meadville

Area High School in Meadville, PA. Jodi Crowther, Emily Docter,Anna Henderson, and Tiffany Klakamp were recognized asValedictorians and Jenna Mason, Matthew McCrillis, and

Shelia Roos were recognized as Salutatorians.

Degree in Acco u n tin g & Bu s in es sAd m in is tra tio n

S tep ha n ie Ca ta lin o (M ea d ville, PA)Allen Pegg (New Ca s tle, PA)K a in W icieke (M ea d ville, PA)

Degree in Ad m in is tra tive OfficeTechn o lo gy

E m ilyDo cto r(Ca m b rid ge S p rin gs , PA)Britta n ee Go rm a n (M ea d ville, PA)

Ad d ie Hu ff(M ea d ville, PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gyS a n d ra Ha ll (Co n n ea u tL a ke, PA)An n a Hen d ers o n (S to n eb o ro , PA)

Iren e T u rn er(Oil City, PA)

Diplo m a in Co s m eto lo gy –Es theticia n /N a il Techn icia nHea ven Ba rco (M ea d ville, PA)

M a cken zie Gillin gha m (Green ville, PA)

Diplo m a in M a s terTea chin g inCo s m eto lo gy

T iffa n y K la ka m p (Bea rL a ke, PA)

Degree in Ea rly Child ho o d Ed u ca tio nCrys ta Bell (S a egerto w n , PA)

Britta n ie Bin kert(Co o p ers to w n , PA)Degree in Hea lth In fo rm a tio n T echn o lo gy

S herri An tho n y (M ea d ville, PA)Ra chel Ho rn s tro m (M ea d ville, PA)M icha el Rea rick (M ea d ville, PA)

Degree in M ed ica l As s is ta n tReb ecca Co o lb eth (M ea d ville, PA)Jo d i Cro wther(Co o p ers to w n , PA)Crys ta l F ra n tz(M ea d ville, PA)Jen n a M a s o n (M ea d ville, PA)

M a ria h M cM illa n (S p rin gb o ro , PA)S heila Ro o s (M ea d ville, PA)

Britta n y S hid em a n tle (Co n n ea u tville, PA)K a telin S lye (Ha d ley, PA)

Na ta s ha W hites id e (E s p yville, PA)

Degree in N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio n &S ecu rity

T ra vis Cu rtis (Un io n City, PA)T im Den n is (Co o p ers to w n , PA)

M a tthew M cCrillis (Co chra n to n , PA)S ha n n o n No vo s el (Ca m b rid ge S p rin gs , PA)

Ja red Ris in ger(M ea d ville, PA)

Degree in N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio n &S ecu rity &Co m pu terS o ftw a reDa vid Heeter(M ea d ville, PA)

Ro w 1 L -R LoriStewart,M aryRose Fabian,Kristen Nuce,HayleyFuller,M elissa Prunty,Sara Stankiewicz,JoylynGuzik,RandyGolden,M ichaelSchwenger,Joshua M cCoy,M ichaelBartko,M arina Stefano,Trisha Savage,EricaRoadm an,TiffanySpringer Ro w 2 L -R Tina Spitznogle,RachelCline,Karisa Cum berledge,Kayla Bayne,KalieKerm es,M egan Stafford,Kayla Dicosim o,Kim berlyRowan,Dylan Banasick,Nicole M inerd,Am anda Showm an,NeilM orris,Am anda Dionis,Jam es Golden,Am anda Nickelson Ro w 3 L -R Alyson M ilan,Janelle Brangard,Thom asTiberi,Deanna Carpeal,Ben D’Am ico,Loren Koklarinis,Frauke Fanning,ShelbySpeelm an,Jocelyn M inor,ChelseyStiles,BrandiFisher Ro w 4 L -R Chelsea Ewart,Jenna Hicks,Richelle Blackburn,RachelPonceroff,JessieBlackstock,Debra Kooser,KrystalJudy,Stephanie Keffer,Am anda Cesarino,M egan Holt,Travis Farrier,EdwardKostelnik,Alexandria Kief,David Hager,GaryPrice

The following students were awarded SpecializedAssociate Degrees and Diplomas:

L BIAn n o u n c esM a y 201 5Gra d u a tin g Cla ss

MMaayy 1144,, 22001155,, UUnniioonnttoowwnn,, PPAA.. ––Laurel Business Institute held its 86th graduation on May 14,2015, at the State Theatre Center for the Arts in Uniontown.

Michael A. Bartko of Fairchance was the Degree Valedictorian.Joylyn Guzik of Fairmont, WV was the Degree Salutatorian.

Randy Golden of Uniontown; Joshua M. McCoy of Morgantown,WV; Melissa A. Prunty of Monongah, WV; Michael Schwenger ofSmithfield; and Marina Pauline Stefano of Connellsville were theDiploma Valedictorians. Sara Ann Stankiewicz of Smithfield was

the Diploma Salutatorian. PA State Senator Pat Stefano, deliveredthe commencement address.

Acco u n tin gAm a n d a Jo S ho w m a n --Un io n to w n , PA

Ad m in is tra tive o ffice Techn o lo gyChels ea Ra e E w a rt--M cClella n d to w n , PAK im b erly Ho s kin s --Green s b o ro , PA

Bu s in es s Ad m in is tra tio nK im b erly Ho s kin s --Green s b o ro , PAK a lie K erm es --F a rm in gto n , PADeb ra S . K o o s er--M ill Ru n , PANeil A. M o rris -- S ta rJu n ctio n , PA

Co s m eto lo gyK a yla Ba yn e --Grin d s to n e, PA

Ha yley Da w n F u ller--Co n n ells ville, PA

Ea rly Child ho o d Ed u ca tio nJo ylyn Gu zik --F a irm o n t, W V

Jen n a Ro s e Hicks --Un io n to w n , PAJo celyn Ren ee M in o r--New S a lem , PAE rica C. Ro a d m a n --Un io n to w n , PAT iffa n y M . S p rin ger– Uled i, PA

M ed ica l As s is ta n tK a yla M a rie Dico s im o – New S a lem , PA

Bra n d i K a y F is her--L a Belle, PAM ega n L . Ho lt--S m ithfield , PANico le M in erd --Un io n to w n , PA

T ris ha Ren ee S a va ge --F a rm in gto n , PAChels ey K ia ra L ee S tiles --

Bru ceto n M ills , W V

M ed ica l Billin g & Co d in gAm a n d a L . Ces a rin o -- F a rm in gto n , PAAm a n d a Jo S ho w m a n --Un io n to w n , PAM ega n L yn n e S ta ffo rd --Ho p w o o d , PA

M ed ica l L a b o ra to ry Techn icia nF ra u ke F a n n in g --Un io n to w n , PA

E d w a rd Da vid K o s teln ik --Un io n to w n , PAS helb y G. S p eelm a n --M a s o n to w n , PA

M ed ica l Office Ad m in is tra tio nAm a n d a L . Ces a rin o -- F a rm in gto n , PA

N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio n & S ecu rityM icha el A. Ba rtko Jr. --F a ircha n ce, PAT ra vis L . F a rrier--Po in tM a rio n , PA

Res pira to ry Thera pyJa n elle N. Bra n ga rd --M t. Plea s a n t, PADea n n a L . Ca rp ea l --Un io n to w n , PA

Ben ja m in N. D’Am ico --W es tNew to n , PADa vid Ha ger--Bro w n s ville, PA

K rys ta l Nico le Ju d y --M o rga n to w n , W V

Res pira to ry Thera py (co n t’d )S tep ha n ie M . K eefer--Un io n to w n , PAL o ren M . K o kla rin is --M a s o n to w n , PAT a n a Ho p e M cBeth --Du n b a r, PAAlys o n N. M ila n --Belle Vern o n , PAT ho m a s Hu n terT ib eri --F a irb a n k, PACyn thia Y es key --Dickers o n Ru n , PA

Co s m eto lo gy (Diplo m a )K im b erly L yn ette Ro w a n --

Ca rm icha els , PAL o ri S tew a rt--S m ithfield , PA

Es thetics (Diplo m a )Richelle A. Bla ckb u rn --Un io n to w n , PA

Es thetics / N a il Techn icia n (Diplo m a )Ra chel Ra e Clin e --Gra p eville, PA

Am a n d a Ren ee Dio n is --Un io n to w n , PAAm a n d a M a rie Nickels o n --

Co n flu en ce, PAS a ra An n S ta n kiew icz--S m ithfield , PA

M a rin a Pa u lin e S tefa n o --Co n n ells ville, PA

In d u s tria l M a in ten a n ce Techn icia n(Diplo m a )

Dyla n F ra n klin Ba n a s ick --Co n n ells ville, PA

M icha el S chw en ger--S m ithfield , PA

N a il Techn icia n (Diplo m a )M a ry Ro s e F a b ia n -- S co ttd a le, PA

W V Co s m eto lo gy (Diplo m a )K a ris a B. Cu m b erled ge – Co re, W VBrid gettR. Gra ha m – K in gw o o d , W V

Alexa n d ra Nico le K ief– M o rga n to w n , W VS a m a n tha L yn n L o u ghry –

Bru ceto n M ills , W VRa chel An n e Po n cero ff– W es to ver, W VM elis s a A. Pru n ty – M o n o n ga h, W VT in a M . S p itzn o gle – Green s b o ro , PA

W V Ha irS tylin g (Diplo m a )Jes s ie K . Bla cks to ck – K in gw o o d , W VT ia S ha y Bra d s ha w – Rid geley, W V

Jo s hu a M . M cCo y – M o rga n to w n , W VK ris ten Bro o ke Nu ce – M o rga n to w n , W V

W eld in g & Fa b rica tio n w ith Pipelin eTechn o lo gy (Diplo m a )

Ja m es M . Go ld en --Un io n to w n , PARa n d y Go ld en --Un io n to w n , PA

Ga ry M icha el Price Jr. --Green s b o ro , PADerick W . Ro lla --Co n n ells ville, PA

LTIAn n o u n c esM a y 201 5Gra d u a tin g Cla ss

MMaayy 1144,, 22001155,, SShhaarroonn,, PPAA.. ––Laurel Technical Institute celebrated the graduation of its spring 2015

graduating class at Hickory High School, Hermitage, PA. Martin J.Shearer was valedictorian, and Karen T. Britton was salutatorian.

Director Douglas Decker awarded the following studentsSpecialized Associate Degrees, Associate in Specialized

Technology Degrees, Diplomas and Cerfificates:Sha ron Ca m pu s

Ro w 1 L -R:Jessica Hancox,Sam antha Ziccardi,M egan Buckel,Doneice M cCullough,ChelseyJohnson,KaylaPerrine,Karen Britton,M artin Shearer,Diana Coppage,Regan Barclay,Natasha W illingham ,Cashm ere CozartRo w 2 L -R:RachelKing,Dana Surrena,Sam atha Rauber,Caitlyn Gibson,Cathie Turner,HeatherM cLaughlin,AudreyFaber,M ariOrtiz,Rachelle Fuchs,KelleySpeidel,Deborah Ernst,Ravana Adkins,JudyGregg,ChantalGuidice,YaniraM ercader,Yuana Hyatt Ro w 3 L -R:Brandon Long,Dre’Sean Hearndon,Brandon Conklin,CaseyBenner,JenniferW oodcock,GrantAlfano,Eric Sloan,KesiM cClinton

Degree in Acco u n tin g & Bu s in es sAd m in is tra tio n

Deb o ra h M . E rn s t(New Ca s tle, PA)Ra chel K in g (New Ca s tle, PA)M a ri Ortiz(Green ville, PA)

Degree in Ad m in is tra tive OfficeTechn o lo gy

Ra chelle M a rie F u chs (S ha ro n , PA)K elley S p eid el (New Ca s tle, PA)

Jen n iferW o o d co ck (New Ca s tle, PA)

Degree in Co m pu terS o ftw a re w ithDigita l M ed ia & Des ign

Bra n d o n M . L o n g (New Ca s tle, PA)

Degree in Co s m eto lo gyChels ea Pa ige K lein e (Herm ita ge, PA)Hea therM cL a u ghlin (Green ville, PA)Na ta s ha M . W illin gha m (S ha ro n , PA)

Degree in Hea lth In fo rm a tio nTechn o lo gy

Dia n a L . Co p p a ge (Green ville, PA)

Degree in M ed ica l As s is ta n tRa va n a L yn n Ad kin s (S ha ro n , PA)Gra n tC. Alfa n o (New Ca s tle, PA)Ca s eyBen n er(New Ca s tle, PA)M ega n Bu ckel (New Ca s tle, PA)

Ca s hm ere Y vo n n e Co za rt(F a rrell, PA)Au d rey E llen F a b er(T ra n s fer, PA)

Jes s ica Reb ecca Ha n co x (F a rrell, PA)Y a n ira M erca d er(Herm ita ge, PA)

Degree in M ed ica l As s is ta n t(co n t’d )S a m a n tha J. Ra u b er(Herm ita ge, PA)Ca thie Jea n T u rn er(Gro ve City, PA)S a m a n tha A. Zicca rd i (Hu b b a rd , OH)

Degree in M ed ica l L a b o ra to ryTechn icia n

Rega n L yn Ba rcla y (Gro ve City, PA)K a ren T . Britto n (E llw o o d City, PA)

Ca itlyn E liza b eth Gib s o n (Ja m es to w n , PA)Ju d y L . Gregg (Bro o kfield , Oh.)Cha n ta l Ca thleen Gu id ice

(New Brighto n , PA)Y a u n a M . Hya tt(F a rrell, PA)

K es i Ren ee M cClin to n (Herm ita ge, PA)

Degree in N etw o rk Ad m in is tra tio nJen n iferS heffer(Vien n a , OH)

Diplo m a in Es thetics /N a il Techn icia nDa n a S u rren a (New W ilm in gto n , PA)

Diplo m a in M a s terTea chero fCo s m eto lo gy

Chels eyM a rie Jo hn s o n (S ha ro n , PA)Do n iece S hereeM cCu llo u gh (F a rrell, PA)

K a yla M . Perrin e (M ercer, PA)

Diplo m a in W eld in g & Fa b rica tio n w ithPipelin e Techn o lo gy

Bra n d o n J. Co n klin (Herm ita ge, PA)Dre’S ea n I. Hea rn d o n (W . M id d les ex, PA)

M a rtin J. S hea rer(Gro ve City, PA)E ric T ylerS lo a n (S ha rp s ville, PA)

C la ssesSta rtSep tem b er21 -Ap p ly Tod a y!

LaurelTechnicalInstitute providescareerand professionaleducation w ith specialized associate degrees,diplom a program s,and professionalcertificationsfora varietyofindustries.Offering tw o convenientlocationsin Sharon,Pa.,and M eadville,Pa. LTIw asestablished to m eetthe em ploym entand educationalneedsofthe regionalcom m unity.

Forfurtherinform ation,visitw w orcontactthe Sharon cam pusdirectlyat724-983-0700 orthe M eadville cam pusat814-724-0700.

June 11th marked the start of LBI’s newestshort program: Certified PhlebotomyTechnician or (CPT). The program, which hasdrawn students from Maryland, Pennsylvania,and West Virginia, prepares students for acareer in Phlebotomy through an efficient 10-week curriculum that combines hands-oninstruction with real-world clinical fieldexperience. Held in Morgantown’s brand newlaboratory facility, the instructional portion ofthe CPT program offers students training invenipuncture, urinalysis, and centrifuging, as

well as certifications in CPR and First Aid.“The program is fast-paced and focuses on

what students will actually face in the field ona daily basis,” says Phlebotomy InstructorTania Bosley, a new member of the LBIfamily. A Phlebotomist for 12 years, Tania isexcited to share her knowledge of thePhlebotomy field with students- a career that,as she states, “opens the door into the medicalfield for students.”

During orientation, laughter could be heard

from the classroom as students wereintroduced to the faculty and staff and wereacquainted to one another. “Everything wentvery smoothly,” said Sherri Rimel, AssistantCampus Director for Morgantown, noting thatspecial thanks were in order to those involvedin the preparation of the program andorientation morning. “It is easy to see that theprogram will be a huge success,” she added.

Judging from the response of the students, italready is.

CPTCla s s S u m m er2015: Ca rolyn W ithrow, Em ilyBu rch, W en d yHoop en g a rn er,S tep ha n ieBla n ey, Ta n ia Bos ley-Phlebotom yIn s tru ctor, Britta n yHa rd y, A lta h Petrov.

P hleb o to m yTec hn ic ia n P ro g ra mL a u n c heda tU n io n to w n & M o rg a n to w nL o c a tio n s




LaurelTechnicalInstitute is accredited by the Accrediting CouncilforIndependentColleges & Schools and licensed by the Pennsylvania Departm entofEducation State Board ofPrivate Licensed Schools,the Pennsylvania State Board ofCosm etology,and the State College System ofOhio.


LTI Cordially Invites You to a PicnicThursday, July 30th 2015

t Buhl Park from 3:30-7:30pm715 Hazen Road

Hermitage, PA 16148Please Register at the Front Desk by July 15,






We will provide food, fun,and games.

Hot Dogs,Hamburgers,Chips, andDessert.

Bring blankets, lawn chairs,and beverage.

The second annual Shamrock N’ Run was held onSaturday March 14th in downtown Sharon, PA. LaurelTechnical Institute’s Respiratory Therapy program andPrimary Health Network’s Charitable Foundationjoined forces once again for a successful event. Theproceeds from the event benefit PHN-CharitableFoundation’s program, Caring for Our Neighbors,which provides rides to and from physician visits toindividuals who otherwise would be unable to make thevisits on their own, as well as a scholarship fund for arespiratory therapy students at LTI.

Although it was a rainy morning, the event drew over190 participants, 70 more than 2014’s inaugural event.Runners and walkers enjoyed a puddle-filled 3.1 mile

run through downtown Sharon, starting and ending atQuaker Steak and Lube, and passing LTI as well asPHN’s-Charitable Foundation on the route. The eventwas a chipped-time race provided by Miles for Smiles,the same timing company that handled the race theprevious year. Similar to 2014’s event, the race includeda costume contest, award metals to the top threefinishers in numerous age groups, a bagpiper, as well asa commemorative t-shirt.

The event required roughly 60 volunteers, includingLTI employees and students, PBL and HOSAmembers, as well as PHN-Charitable Foundationemployees. All participants, volunteers, and familymembers enjoyed breakfast donated by Quaker Steak

and Lube, which kicked off the post-race party. New tothe event this year was a Chinese auction, which allitems were donated by local vendors in and around theShenango Valley. The goal this year was to have over150 participants and raise $10,000, both of which wereachieved.

Although the event debuted in March of 2014, thisyear will be the first awarded scholarship in the amountof $1500. LTI’s Respiratory Therapy Scholarshipwinner is David Polonus, a first year respiratorytherapy student. David will be attending PHN-Charitable Foundation’s Scholarship Brunch on June20th, where he will be awarded and recognized as the2015 scholarship recipient.

2n d An n u a lSha m ro c k R u nW a sHeld

Pres cho o l M en to rin g Pro gra m pro vid ed b y HOS A L TIS ha ro n S tu d en ts d u rin g the S prin g S em es terHOSA m em bers worked in pairs to develop and delivera series ofhealth education activities forstudents atthe New LightChristianEducation Center. Pictured is recentgraduate and pastpresidentSam antha Ziccardidelivering herprogram entitled,You areBeautiful. M s.Ziccardipaired with Ravana Adkins to teach thechildren aboutpositive bodyim age.

HOS A field trip o n S u n d a y, M a y 31, 2015 The students attendeda lecture presented byGuyGiordano,M D,and networking houratFirstPresbyterian Church in Sharon. Dr.Giordano spoke abouthisvolunteerexperience as a physician in W estAfrica during the recentEbola outbreak. HOSA students also volunteered as servers duringthe welcom e reception forDr.Giordano. AdvisorJan Hogueaccom panied the students. Pictured leftto right: Dayna Linton,CortneyGearhart,Dr.Giordano,Jan Nigro,and Sierra Coccia.

1 8thAn n u a l8th Gra d e Ca reerExplo ra tio n Fa irLaurel Business Institute, The Fayette Chamber of Commerce, and Fayette Business Partnership held

the 18th Annual 8th Grade Career Exploration Fair on April 1, 2015. We are pleased to announce that 11school districts and over one thousand 8th graders attended, making this another successful event! Theschool districts were required to have students select one, of five, different areas of interest to learn moreabout. The Career Fair’s success relied on the participation of our local business professionals! Ourcommunity came together to provide valuable information and interactive activities. With this information,students gained a better understanding of the skills, working conditions, and educational/trainingrequirements necessary to be successful in these industries. Participation was volunteered in local lawenforcement, government, radio and television, and many locally owned businesses. We appreciate all ofthe efforts of our community, to make the 8th Grade Career Exploration Fair a success, see you all next year!

L a u rel Tec hn ic a lIn stitu teU n d erthe Sea

How do you turn a hallway into an underseaadventure? Just ask an ECE student. The EarlyChildhood Education program in conjunction withsponsor Scholastic Books held the annual bookfair. This year’s theme “Under the Sea”,highlighted a variety of books about the sea andanimal life in and around the sea.

Clifford the big red dog and mascot forScholastic books visited during the family funnight events. The event ran for a week. A portionof the proceeds from the sales event were donatedcredits to the Crawford County Read program andwill be used to buy supplies and books for theireducational programs. LTI ECE students will alsoincrease their library resources.

The Scholastics Book Events are one way LTIstudents give back to the community and spreadthe work about youth and literacy. Ms. Braymerlets the students manage the book store and planthe event activity. This activity prepares them forthe challenges they will face in their day carefacilities one day.

Paper plate fish…cut out awedge like a slice of pie. Theopening is the fish’s mouth andwhen taped to the underside,the wedge becomes a tail. Cutthe plate in half and addstreamers to the straight edge…Jelly fish.

L BIAn n o u n c esAn n u a l Go lfO u tin gJoin us at the 3rd annual LBI Alumni golf outing

benefiting the Imagination Library! TheImagination Library Golf Outing will be held onFriday, August 7th, 2015 at DuckHollow Golf Course. The golf outinghelps to raise funds to provide books tochildren ages 0 to 5, all proceeds godirectly to providing books for childrenin Fayette County. Registration beginsat 8 am with a shotgun start at 9 am.The cost per person is $60, whichincludes green fees, cart, BBQ lunchand a $15 donation to the Imagination Library.

Lunch will be served approximately at 2:30 pm andskill prizes will be awarded during lunch. Prizedrawings for the Chinese auction will be drawn

after lunch. For cash donations andregistration fees, please make checkspayable to Community Foundation ofFayette County and mail to 2 WestMain Street, Uniontown, PA 15401. Forsign sponsorship, prize sponsors or toreceive a flyer, please contact DerekHarshman at (724) 439-4900 or by emailat mailto:[email protected]


The Meadville Campus celebrated the start of thesummer term and the summer season with a backyardpicnic. The weather man delivered sun and cool breezesas students and staff lounged in the yard and chatted theafternoon away. Some Corn Hole games were underwaypitting students and faculty.Ask Ms. Braymer were she got her rule book from,

because it was different than Brody’s. No one had anofficial guide however, so some rules were discussed atregular intervals. Well, at least when the “old timers”

got into the game that is.Mr. Mountjoy manned the grill and cooked many

items to order. “Very well done” was a popular level ofready to eat grill fare.Ms. Campbell wishes to thank everyone who pitched

in to set up and break down the event.“Your help lent to thesuccess of this event”.

M ea d ville Celeb ra tesSu m m er