Summative Assessment Paper-7

1 Maximum Marks : 90 Maximum Time : 3 hours General Instructions : Same as in CBSE Sample Question Paper SECTION-A 1. Two similar vehicles are moving with the same velocity on the roads such that one of them is loaded and the other one is empty. Which of the two vehicles will require larger force to stop it? Give reasons. 1 2. What is the physical state of water at 100°C? 1 3. Bacteria do not have chloroplast but some bacteria are photoautotrophic in nature and perform photosynthesis. Which part of bacterial cell performs this? 1 4. Give two reasons, why an alloy is regarded as a mixture. 2 5. (a) What is a tissue? (b) What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms? 2 6. Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their masses. Why does, a heavy object then not fall faster than light object? 2 7. Name the two nucleic acids present in the cell. What are their function? 2 8. List any six characteristics of parenchyma tissue. 3 9. (a) Give reasons for the following. (i) It is advised to tie any luggage kept on the roof of a bus with a rope. (ii) A gun recoils after it is fired. 3 10. Write the main function of the following. (a) Plasma membrane (b) Mitochondria (c) Chromosomes (d) Nucleolus (e) Lysosomes (f) Cell wall 3 11. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200 m in 40 s. What will be the distance covered and displacement at the end of 2 minutes and 20 s? 3 12. MODEL TEST PAPER – 4 (UNSOLVED)

Transcript of Summative Assessment Paper-7


Maximum Marks : 90 Maximum Time : 3 hours

General Instructions : Same as in CBSE Sample Question Paper


1. Two similar vehicles are moving with the same velocity on the roads such that one

of them is loaded and the other one is empty. Which of the two vehicles will require

larger force to stop it? Give reasons. 1

2. What is the physical state of water at 100°C? 1

3. Bacteria do not have chloroplast but some bacteria are photoautotrophic in nature and

perform photosynthesis. Which part of bacterial cell performs this? 1

4. Give two reasons, why an alloy is regarded as a mixture. 2

5. (a) What is a tissue?

(b) What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms? 2

6. Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their masses. Why does, a

heavy object then not fall faster than light object? 2

7. Name the two nucleic acids present in the cell. What are their function? 2

8. List any six characteristics of parenchyma tissue. 3

9. (a) Give reasons for the following.

(i) It is advised to tie any luggage kept on the roof of a bus with a rope.

(ii) A gun recoils after it is fired. 3

10. Write the main function of the following.

(a) Plasma membrane (b) Mitochondria (c) Chromosomes

(d) Nucleolus (e) Lysosomes (f) Cell wall 3

11. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200 m in 40 s. What

will be the distance covered and displacement at the end of 2 minutes and 20 s? 3




(a) Identify the tissue.

(b) Infer the characteristic features of these cells.

(c) Specify any two parts of the plant where such tissues are present. 3

13. Observe the apparatus shown below and answer the following questions :

(a) Name the apparatus.

(b) State one use of the apparatus.

(c) State the principle involved in this process. 3

14. What is the difference between a gas and a vapour? Support your answer by an

example. 3

15. A stone is released from the top of a tower of height 19.6 m. Calculate its final

velocity just before touching the ground. 3

16. What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming? 3

17. From a rifle of mass 4 kg, a bullet of mass 50 g is fired with an initial velocity of

35 ms–1. Calculate the initial velocity of recoil of the gun. 3

18. What are the factors responsible for storage losses of grain? Give any two preventive

control measures before storage of grains. 3

19. Gravitational force on the surface of moon is only 1/6 as strong as gravitational force

on the earth. What is weight in newtons of a 10 kg object on the moon and on the

earth? 3

20. Explain giving reasons :

(i) Ice at 0°C is more effective in cooling than water at 0°C.

(ii) Steam produces more severe burns than boiling water even though the

temperature of both are 100°C.

(iii) A gas can be liquefied easily.

(iv) Wet clothes do not dry easily in the rainy season.

(v) One feels cold after taking a hot shower. 5


(i) How does the rate of diffusion of the following change?

(a) Diffusion of a solid in a liquid on heating.

(b) Diffusion of a gas in a liquid on heating.


(ii) Gases diffuse faster than liquids and solids.

(iii) Name the process due to which water kept in an earthen pot oozes out of its


21. Give reasons :

(i) It is difficult to balance our body, when we accidentally step on a peel of a


(ii) Pieces of bursting cracker fall in all possible directions.

(iii) A glass pane of a window is shattered, when a flying pebble hits it.

(iv) It is easier to stop a tennis ball than a cricket ball moving at the same speed.

(v) A javelin thrower is marked foul, if an athlete crosses over the line marked for

the throw. Athletes often fail to stop themselves before the line. 5


A motor-car of mass 1200 kg is moving along a straight line with uniform velocity of

90 kmh–1. Its velocity is slowed down to 18 kmh–1 in 4 s, by an unbalanced external

force. Calculate the acceleration and change in momentum. Also calculate the

magnitude of force required.

22. What is plant breeding? Write about one technique of plant breeding. 5


What is organic farming? Write about its advantages.

23. (i) The teacher instructed three students ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ respectively to prepare a 50%

(mass by volume) solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). ‘A’ dissolved 50 g of NaOH

in 100 ml of water, ‘B’ dissolved 50 g of NaOH in 100 g of water while ‘C’ dissolved

50 g of NaOH in water to make 100 ml of solution. Which one of them has made the

desired solution and why?

(ii) During an experiment the students were asked to prepare a 10% (mass/mass) solu-

tion of sugar in water. Ramesh dissolved 10 g of sugar in 100 g of water while Sarika

prepared it by dissolving 10 g of sugar in water to make 100 g of the solution.

(a) Are the two solutions of the same concentration?

(b) Compare the mass % of the two solutions.

(iii) Calculate the mass of sodium sulphate required to prepare its 20% (mass percent)

solution in 100 g of water? 5


Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following?

(a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water

(b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium


(c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car.

(d) Different pigments from an extract of flower petals.

(e) Butter from curd


(f) Oil from water

(g) Tea leaves from tea

(h) Iron pins from sand

(i) Wheat grains from husk

(j) Fine mud particles suspended in water.

24. An object starts linear motion with a velocity ‘u’ and under uniform acceleration ‘a’

it acquires a velocity ‘v’ in time ‘t’. Draw velocity - time graph. From this graph

obtain the following equations. 5

(a) v = u + at

(b) S = ut + 1



(a) What is a velocity-time graph?

(b) Derive the third equation of motion v2 = u2 + 2as graphically. (With the help of

a velocity-time graph).


25. According to the second law of motion, the rate of change of momentum of an object

is directly proportional to :

(a) force (b) acceleration (c) inertia (d) impulse 1

26. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to granulated zinc placed in a test tube, the

observation made is :

(a) the surface of the metal turns shining.

(b) the reaction mixture turns milky.

(c) greenish yellow gas is evolved.

(d) a colourless and odourless gas evolves with bubbles. 1

27. Ice –10°C is heated slowly until water formed starts boiling. The temperature-time

plot that will explain the changes correctly is : 1

28. The components of a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder are separated by :

(a) Sublimation (b) Filtration

(c) Using a magnet (d) Distillation 1


29. Four students recorded their data in the experiment done to detect the presence of

metanil yellow in adulterated arhar dal.

Student Procedure Observation Inference

(i) 5g dal + 5g metanil dal turns yellow metanil yellow is present


(ii) 5g dal + 5ml water + 2 solution turns pink metanil yellow is present

drops of HCl in the sample

(iii) 5g dal + 5ml water + a water turns yellow metanil yellow is present

pinch of metanil yellow

(iv) 5g dal + 5ml water + 2 water turns yellow metanil yellow is absent

drops of HCl and then pink

Which recording has been correctly reported by student :

(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv) 1

30. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

(a) Sugar + water (b) Salt + water (c) CuSO4 + water (d) Oil + water 1

31. In the reaction 2Pb(NO3)

2 2PbO + 4 NO

2 + O

2, which one will turn litmus


(a) PbO (b) NO2

(c) O2

(d) Pb(NO3)


32. Amit prepares a temporary mount of onion peel and stains it with safranin. The

colour the nucleus takes is :

(a) blue (b) brown

(c) red (d) transparent as it will not be stained 1

33. In which of the following you observed that the particles settle down on standing?

(a) Common salt solution (b) Muddy water

(c) Starch solution in water (d) Egg albumin in water 1

34. Carbohydrates are stored in the human body as :

(a) starch (b) glucose (c) glycogen (d) sucrose 1

35. The compound iron sulphide is prepared by heating 7 g of iron filings with 4 g of

sulphur. The compound is ground in a pestle and mortar and then a small amount of

the powder is spread on a white paper and its particles are observed through a

magnifying glass. The appearance of the particles of the compound throughout is :

(a) grey (b) yellow (c) yellowish grey (d) black 1

36. In the determination of boiling point of water, the correct reading in the thermometer

is noted when :

(a) water starts boiling (b) whole of the water evaporates

(c) temperature starts rising (d) temperature becomes constant 1

37. The first step involved in the separation of a mixture of sand, common salt and

ammonium chloride is :


(a) filtration (b) crystallisation

(c) sublimation (d) decantation 1

38. The cover slip is gently pressed down to :

(a) crush the cells so that the organelles can be seen distinctly

(b) remove extra stain and water

(c) allow the entry of glycerine into the slide

(d) spread the cells uniformly 1

39. Where would you look for meristematic tissue in a plant?

(a) leaf (b) flower

(c) root tip and shoot tip (d) flower buds 1

40. If ‘x’ is the initial weight of raisins and ‘y’ is final weight (after soaking), percentage

of water absorbed by raising is given by :

(a) 100x y


−× (b) 100

y x



(c) 100x y


−× (d) 100

y x


−× 1

41. A mixture consists of powdered chalk, sand, common salt and camphor. The

component which can be separated by just heating is :

(a) chalk (b) common salt (c) sand (d) camphor. 1

42. The force required to produce an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2 in a body of mass 10 kg is :

(a) 5 N (b) 20 N (c) 25 N (d) 40 N 1