Sumeria, Enki and the flood - 2 Sides of the coin

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2 versions of the same story, but told from different perspectives. The first section is a classical evaluation of historical data concerning the cataclysm/flood event - the second section (slide 97 onwards) offers a completely alternative description of the same, similar events, but from different sources and from unorthodox sources. Both sections are sources and referenced as best as possible. It is for you, the viewer, to decide which has more validity, plausibility or temerity DISCLAIMER: i own no thing in this presentation. All information collated is represented by zeros and ones otherwise know as binary language or computer code. i did not create that language, therefore, i own no thing with in that digital realm.

Transcript of Sumeria, Enki and the flood - 2 Sides of the coin

  • 1. CHAPTER I The First Perspective Sumer, Supernovas, Consciousness, Adaption and Blue eyes

2. Why is the Constellation of OrionOrion and TaurusTaurus important/relevant? Did humankind Genetically adaptGenetically adapt due to being literally cast into darknesscast into darkness and the SunSun was not observable? (Due to a Supernova or celestial eventSupernova or celestial event) Is there any significant time missing? What do we know about the Flood/DelugeFlood/Deluge? Who were EnochEnoch, MethuselahMethuselah, LamechLamech, NoahNoah and AbramAbram? Was there an ancient warancient war [between rival factions]? Is humankindhumankind suffering from a forgottenforgotten Past traumaPast trauma? 3. The Egypt Code Robert Bauval The Great Pyramid Decoded Peter Lemesurier 4. The First Question arises What time frame or epoch of time we, the viewer and interpreter, should contend to focus upon? If One should take into account the biblical chronology of all the patriarchs from the original appearance of the entity ADAMA/ADAM, to NOAH, and then unto ABRAM, the Father of the Hebrews, then One could deduce what Deity (observable planetary Epoch) or god (planetary of otherwise), and what time frame is involved to elucidate a reasonable conclusion to the proposed details found written in more unknown past periods, especially regarding the Giants The colour codes used as a key for this presentations follows the same process as my others. Words colour coded YELLOW are simply a highlighter for keywords that are neutral and are high- lighted to inform the viewer of a place, thing, name, date, location of other relevant keyword search to verify the information presented Words colour coded RED emphasises a CHARACTER, PLACE, CONTRADICTION, DATE, or other more relevant detail that deserves more scrutinised evaluation to the text and context of the passage AS A WHOLE. Colour coded GREEN represents a more favourable detail, or element that denotes CHANGE, ACTION, CONTRADICTION, POSITIVE or BENEFICIAL ASPECT, DATE, ADVERSE CHANGES or PERSONAS/CHARACTERS that may supply change or offer a more challenging role within the context of the text that deals with the same subject matter COLOURS AND ASSOCIATED KEY 5. A Sign of the AgesA Sign of the Ages Age of Leo - 10498 BCE (Summer Equinox) Age of Cancer - 8540 BCE Age of Gemini - 6380 BCE Age of Taurus: 4220 BCE (Autumn Equinox) Age of Aries: 2060 BCE Age of Pisces: 100 BCE Age of Aquarius: (Winter Equinox)Age of Aquarius: (Winter Equinox) 6. 1 Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men, Page 114-115 1 The Sumerian King list records the priestly reign of Enmerduranki in Sippar under the control of Utu/Shamash. His name, Priestly lord of the Dur-an-ki, indicates that he had been trained in Nippur. A little known tablet, reported by W.G.Labert (Enmerduranki and Related Material), reads as follows: 1 Enmerduranki (was) a prince in Sippar, Beloved of Anu, Enlil and Ea (Enki). Shamash in the Bright Temple appointed him. Shamash and Adad [took him] to the assembly [of the gods] ...They showed him how to observe oil on water, a secret of Anu, Enlil and Ea. They gave him a Divine Tablet, the kibdu secret of Heaven and Earth They taught him how to make calculations with numbers. .... the learned savant who guards the secrets of the great gods. (Tablet from Nineveh, 19) ENMERDURANKI / ENOCH 7. .... the learned savant who guards the secrets of the great gods. (Tablet 19 from Nineveh) 1 Two recent important studies in Enochic traditions trace the origin of the image of Enoch as a primeval sage preoccupied with divine secrets to some heroes of the Mesopotamian lore. According to these studies, one of these possible prototypes can be an intriguing character of the "Sumerian" Kings list - Enmeduranki, king of Sippar. In three copies of the List he occupies the seventh place, which in Genesis' genealogy belongs to Enoch. 1 Paper: Secrets of creation in 2 (slavonic) Enoch, Page 1 In other Mesopotamian sources Enmerduranki appears in many roles and situations remarkably similar to Enoch's story. One of these roles is that of the knower and the guardian of the secrets of gods. The tablet from Nineveh, possibly dated before 1100 B.C.E is a primary witness to the parallels between the stories of Enoch and Enmerduranki. 8. 1 Abraham The Son of a Sumerian Oracle Priest Robert D.Mock MD 1 Here is the origin of ancient Sumer, where Enmerduranki, the first High Priest was devoted to the service of an extra-terrestrial (non-terrestrial) dynasty of rulers, known as Watchers in the inter-testament books of Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees. Here, the Sumerian god, Marduk, the son of Enki, became the god of *Sumer and Chaldea. Here was the family of Enki, a brother called Enlil, who caused the flood of Noah, and the father, Anu, the Ancient and Hidden One. In this realm of the ancients, the Priesthood of Sumer was given access to the Divine Celestial tablets of Anu. *The Land of Shinar 9. The following slide depicts the chronology and ages of all patriarchs from the creation of ADAMA/ADAM all the way through NOAH and finally to ABRAM/ABRAHAM and the assumed ages that these lineages precess through in their lineages of descent. Please note the timeframe that is concluded from ADAMA/ADAM to ABRAM/ABRAHAM! The viewer should note that there are TWO distinct lineages that delineate very early on within these passages of Genesis. The viewer is also asked to ponder on the numerology of the Watcher Enoch, 365 days (a definite solar connection) and the Epoch, or time frame in which Enoch was anchored within, according to these ancient texts, which could suggest a change, recalculation or alteration of calendrical systems to adjust to some environmental disturbance, Cataclysmic Earth changes 10. In the second part to this thesis and presentation, the time-frames will be explored further and the causative action that caused (on purpose?) the event known historically as The Flood epic But, for now, let us explore some other elements to fine tune the time- frame or epoch that we may deduce is being referenced by some anchor points or Time Event Markers (TEMs). The ages and lifetime numbers recorded in Genesis of the patriarchs from the beginning with ADAMA/ADAM through NOAH to ABRAMs time have been taken to mean literal Solar Years (although, this could also be numbered for calendar months and not literally years as will be shown in future slides). Let us assume it is a normal solar year. 11. Enoch and Sumeria ADAM 800 Years The Genealogy of Adamic man to Noah Years total 8575 Years SETH(White Race?) 807 Years CAIN Brought fruit Of the ground ABEL Brought Firstborn of his sheep and of their fat ENOSH 815 Years LAMECH 595 Years CAINAN 840 Years NOAH Lived 950 Years METHUSELAH 782 Years JARED 800 Years ENOCH 300 Years MAHALALEL 830 Years Begot SETH At 130 Years 930 years Begot ENOSH At 105 Years 912 Years 905 Years Begot MAHALALEL At 70 Years Begot CAINAN At 90 Years 910 years Begot JARED At 65 Years Begot ENOCH At 162 Begot METHUSELAH At 65 Years 895 Years 962 Years 365 Years Begot LAMECH At 187 Years 969 Years 777 Years 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation 6th Generation 7th Generation 8th Generation Begot NOAH At 182 Years 9th Generation 10th Generation Tiller of the Ground Keeper of Sheep EVE The EVE Gene EXILED TO THE LAND OF NOD East of Eden CAIN Kills his own brother ENOCH Built a City Named ENOCH Firstborn Son of CAIN Conceived and Bore by His WIFE IRAD MEHUJAEL METHUSHAEL LAMECH ADAH(White?) WIFE of LAMECH ZILLAH(Black?) WIFE of LAMECH JABAL Tent Dwellers JUBAL Harp & Flute TUBAL-CAIN Son of ZILLAH NAAMAH Daughter of ZILLAH To ENOCH was Born IRAD IRAD Begot MEHUJAEL MEHUJAEL Begot METHSHAEL METHUSHAEL Begot LAMECH Genesis 4:25- A new Son And ADAM knew his WIFE again, and she bore a Son and named him SETH, For GOD has Appointed a another SEED for me INSTEAD of ABEL Whom CAIN KILLED Genesis 4:23 And Lamech said to his WIVES: ADAH and ZILLAH, hear my voice; WIVES of LAMECH, hear my speech! For I have killed a man for wounding me, Even a young man for hurting me. If CAIN shall be avenged sevenfold, Then LAMECH seventy-seven fold 7 (Seven) Genesis 4:25 A NEW SON Genesis 4: CAIN (firstborn) murders ABEL Genesis 5:22 After he begot METHUSELAH, ENOCH Walked with God 300 Years and had Sons and Daughters [24] And ENOCH walked with God; and (then) he was not, for God took him 777 365.24 divided by 7 = 52.17 (weeks) 365.26 divided by 7 = 52.18 (weeks) 2 Distinctive family genealogies No length of Reign or age 12. [1] Source: Manly P Hall The Secret teaching of all ages p.49 Concerning the annual passage of the sun through thethe twelve houses of the heavens, Robert Hewitt Brown, 32,32, makes the following statement: "The Sun, as he pursued his way among these 'living creatures' of the zodiac, was said, in allegorical language, either to assume the nature of or to triumph over the sign he entered. The sun thus became a Bull in Taurus, and was worshipped as such by the Egyptians under the name of Apis, and by the Assyrians as Bel, Baal, or Bul. In Leo the sun became a Lion- slayer, Hercules, and an Archer in Sagittarius. In Pisces, the Fishes, he was a fish-- Dagon, or Vishnu, the fish-god of the Philistines and Hindus. [1] To the Egyptians the sun was the symbol of immortality, for, while it died each night, it rose again with each ensuing dawn. Not only has the sun this diurnal activity, but it also has Its annual pilgrimage, during which time it passes successively through the twelve Celestial houses of the heavens, remaining in each for thirty days. Added to these it has a third path of travel, which is called the precession of the equinoxes, in which it retrogrades around the zodiac through the twelve signs at the rate of one degree every seventy-two ((72)) years. The Age of Leo The Presumed goldenThe Age of Leo The Presumed golden ageage 13. Leo the LionLeo the Lion [1] The sun rising over the back of the lion or, astrologically, in the back of the lion, has always been considered symbolic of power and ruler ship. A symbol similar appears on the flag of Persia, whose people have always been sun worshippers. Kings and emperors have frequently associated their terrestrial power with the celestial Power of the solar orb, and have accepted the sun, or one of its symbolic beasts or birds, as their emblem. Witness the lion of the Great Mogul and the Eagles of Caesar and Napoleon. [1] Manly P Hall The Secret teachings of all ages, p.49 14. Mithras of Persia (The Sun) Bull (Taurus) Scorpion (Ophiucus) Serpent (Alpha Draconis) Dog Star (Sirius) The Sun conquering the Age of Taurus 15. 1 "The Book of Enoch, like so many canonical books of Christians and Jews, is an allegorical and metaphorical document about the calendrical battles fought for so many years between those who insisted that holy days be calculated according to the ancient astronomy and those who insisted that holy days be calculated according to the improved mathematical understandings of solar- lunar-astral periodicities. The 'Watchers,' 'Archers,' or 'Tetramorphs' whom Ezekiel and the early Christian astronomers expressed as Lion, Ox, Man, and Eagle, are the four 'Guardian Stars' (Regulus, Aldebaran, Fomalhaut, and Antares) which fixed the two solstices and the two equinoxes to the wheel of time, the Zodiac or Ecliptic, back when archaic astronomy first was learning (the hard way) about precession of the equinoxes." 1 Lee Perry, Jesus Silenced (private correspondence) ENOCH 16. The 4 Guardian Angles (Dan Winters) STAR CONSTELLATION DESCRIPTION Regalus Leo (Fire) Latin meaning "The Little King"' Al-da-baran Taurus (Earth) Arabic Al-debaran meaning "The Follower" - the brightest member of the Hyades which follows the Pleiades across the heavens Formalhaut Pisces Austrinus (Water) Arabic Fum al Hut meaning "The Fish's Mouth" Antares Scorpius (Air) (Ophiucus/Aguila) Greek anti ares meaning "The Rival of Mars" due to its red color or association of Scorpius with Mars in astrology Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 17. Cycles of timesCycles of times The Orobouros from Hungarian coinThe Serpent eating its own tail is a re- presentation of the Orobouros by Alain Roth 1915 18. The Orobouros and the CircleThe Orobouros and the Circle 25 - Knight of the Brazen Serpent (SRF) In Occult Geometry, A.S. Raleigh examines the symbol of the circle. He writes: One form of the circle is a serpent with a tail in its mouth...It is the return to Unity...The true circle symbolizes evolution, the Serpent Circle involution, the power brings Unity out of diversity...The Serpent Circle is, therefore, ever the symbol of the destructive Left: An early, hand-painted Masonic apron depicts many occult symbols, including the serpent Orobouros, the skull and bones, pentacle stars, the pyramids, the mallet, and the X 19. 1 Adam is placed in the Garden of Eden to tend it but there is no suitable helper found for him. Therefore God opens up the flesh to take one of his rib bones, This is symbolic of Capricorn whose astrological rulership is over the bone structure found in man. From mans bones a woman is formed, symbolised by Cancer, the opposite sign in the Zodiac, which is governed by the Moon that rules the female gender. It is the Serpent or Ophiuchus, the constellation denoted by the serpent that entices the woman to eat 1 The Bible of Hermes, Andrew Frew, Pen press production 2006 20. 12 x 2160 = 25,920 yrs is a Great Year or Grand Cycle Highest Point of Power circa 10,500 BC in the Age of Leo The Lion 6380 BC Age of Gemini - Mercury 8540 BC Age of Cancer - Moon 4220 BC Age of Taurus - Venus Gilgamesh, The Louvre, Paris 21. 2160 Miles Buzz Aldrins Picture of moon 1969 22. 1 The Bible of Hermes, Page 14, Andrew Frew, Pen press production 2006 1 The name of Abram meaning exalted father is changed to Abraham meaning the father of many. We have come to a very interesting part of the Torah for there is a change in the exegesis of the cosmology. Each story dealing with a sign now also deals with its counterpart or opposite sign in the wheel of the zodiac. ARIES - LIBRA TAURUS - SCORPIO GEMINI - SAGITTARIUS CANCER - CAPRICORN LEO -- AQUARIUS VIRGO - PISCES 10498 BC 8540 BC 6380 BC 4220 BC 2060 BC 100 BC 23. 2000 AD +[3600] 1600 BC +[3600] 4200 BC +[3600] 7800 BC +[3600] 11400 BC +[3600] THERA, SANTORINI SUPERCALDERA AGE OF TAURUS AGE OF GEMINI AGE OF LEO/CANCER 4 WORLD AGES (Suns) in 13000 2160 YEARS = A CONSTELLATIONAL AGE AGE OF ARIES AGE OF PISCES VELA X SUPERNOVA CATACLYSM 2160 Miles VELA X SUPERNOVA (*The 3600 period is taken in reference to a possible cycle of appearances of a cometary or energetic stellar body, or cosmological effect which may cause terrestrial change) 24. The Giza Correlation TheoryThe Giza Correlation Theory Robert Bauval circa 10,500 BCRobert Bauval circa 10,500 BC 25. The Pyramid of Giza Orion Correlation theory 26. 1 Timelines of Ancient Sumer Ubaid Period: 5000 4000 BC (+/- 200) Early Uruk (Erech) Period 4000-3400 BC (Vela X) Late Uruk Period 3400-2900 BC The Jendet Nasr Period 3400-3000 BC Early Dynastic Periods 3000-2370 BC (+/- 100) Akkadian Dynasty Period 2350 2150 BC (Event?) Sargon and Naram-Sin 200 years of disputes IIIrd Dynasty of Ur 2150 BCE 2002 BC Amorites/Elamites Conquered Uruk Isin-Larsa Dynasties 2000-1800 BC 1 Paul Collins, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, The Sumerian Goddess Inanna, 1994 Babylonian Empire established 2000 BC after the decline of Sumer c.1800 BC 27. 2 Gen 6:4 :There were also giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came into the Daughters of Men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men, the men of renown 1 Here, the Sumerian god, Marduk, the son of Enki, became the god of Sumer and Chaldea. Here was the family of Enki, a brother called Enlil, who caused the flood of Noah, and the father, Anu, the Ancient and Hidden One 1 Robert D.Mock MD 1 Abraham The Son of a Sumerian Oracle Priest 2 The Book of Genesis 28. The purpose of these epochs and timelines is to find a valid anchor point or common denominator that establishes a plausible time-frame to base events from The authors approach is to look upon the epochs concerning the Age of Taurus and the numerology that presents itself. When was Genesis 6:4 a reference too. What age or epoch would that date anchor to? The next few slides attempts to coalesce the time frame and the ages of the biblical patriarchs as given in the books in the bible, primarily Luke and Chronicles, and track the numbers backwards. Lets explore these pointsthe 4 patriarchs Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah 29. Enoch and Sumeria ADAM 800 Years The Genealogy of Adamic man to Noah Years total 8575 Years SETH(White Race?) 807 Years CAIN Brought fruit Of the ground ABEL Brought Firstborn of his sheep and of their fat ENOSH 815 Years LAMECH 595 Years CAINAN 840 Years NOAH Lived 950 Years METHUSELAH 782 Years JARED 800 Years ENOCH 300 Years MAHALALEL 830 Years Begot SETH At 130 Years 930 years Begot ENOSH At 105 Years 912 Years 905 Years Begot MAHALALEL At 70 Years Begot CAINAN At 90 Years 910 years Begot JARED At 65 Years Begot ENOCH At 162 Begot METHUSELAH At 65 Years 895 Years 962 Years 365 Years Begot LAMECH At 187 Years 969 Years 777 Years 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation 6th Generation 7th Generation 8th Generation Begot NOAH At 182 Years 9th Generation 10th Generation Tiller of the Ground Keeper of Sheep EVE The EVE Gene EXILED TO THE LAND OF NOD East of Eden CAIN Kills his own brother ENOCH Built a City Named ENOCH Firstborn Son of CAIN Conceived and Bore by His WIFE IRAD MEHUJAEL METHUSHAEL LAMECH ADAH(White?) WIFE of LAMECH ZILLAH(Black?) WIFE of LAMECH JABAL Tent Dwellers JUBAL Harp & Flute TUBAL-CAIN Son of ZILLAH NAAMAH Daughter of ZILLAH To ENOCH was Born IRAD IRAD Begot MEHUJAEL MEHUJAEL Begot METHSHAEL METHUSHAEL Begot LAMECH Genesis 4:25- A new Son And ADAM knew his WIFE again, and she bore a Son and named him SETH, For GOD has Appointed a another SEED for me INSTEAD of ABEL Whom CAIN KILLED Genesis 4:23 And Lamech said to his WIVES: ADAH and ZILLAH, hear my voice; WIVES of LAMECH, hear my speech! For I have killed a man for wounding me, Even a young man for hurting me. If CAIN shall be avenged sevenfold, Then LAMECH seventy-seven fold 7 (Seven) Genesis 4:25 A NEW SON Genesis 4: CAIN (firstborn) murders ABEL Genesis 5:22 After he begot METHUSELAH, ENOCH Walked with God 300 Years and had Sons and Daughters [24] And ENOCH walked with God; and (then) he was not, for God took him 777 365.24 divided by 7 = 52.17 (weeks) 365.26 divided by 7 = 52.18 (weeks) 2 Distinctive family genealogies No length of Reign or age 30. Please check out the presentation number 3 on this site Look closely at the next slide, primarily Lamech and 777. Crowley also did a book titled 777 31. If you havent seen the other presentations on this site that cover the media and music industry, (checkerboard floor and occult symbolism in the media Parts I & II) and the symbolism that is employed at most of the concerts and musical events, this should be of no surprise to you. To the left is a screen shot of the VMA music awards 2013 Interesting to note that Jay Z, Beyonces handler/husband endorses Crowleys epitome, Do what thou wilt from his Thelemic book, the Book of the Law as did Peaches Geldof recently. The Music industry seems to be completely saturated with darker aspects of occult symbolism. The question remains Why? The 777 clothing the singer (above) is wearing is from a new clothes line called *Clothesminds (a play on words for closed minds, we believe) which features symbols such as crosses and the triple trinity of the number 777. The red, white and black colour schemes also suggest more. Why he chose to endorse this particular product is for you, the viewer, to deduce. The occult symbols usually show up with the black and white Checkerboard floor (or other dualistic colour scheme), and do note the female model has black angelic/demonic wings and wears the monochrome black and white patterned checkerboard trousers. 32. Methuselah 1 Methuselah is the grandfather of Noah. He is also the man with the longest life- span in the Bible (969 years). The name Methuselah consists of two elements. The first part is equal to that of Methusael, which is one of a few words to denote man or mankind, and used most often to indicate a male capable of combat The second part comes from the verb (shalah 2394 ) meaning send, send out; let go. The charge of the verb becomes clear in the meaning of the derivatives: (shelah 2394a), a sort of weapon that was thrown, like a javelin 1 2 Lamech probably followed the profession of his father, Methuselah, but he died at the age of 777, which was young compared to the average lifespan of 912 years for the pre- flood patriarchs not counting EnochCould his death have been the result of wounds inflicted in battle? 2Secrets of the Lost Races, New English Library Publishing 1980, Rene Noorbergen, Page 40 33. 1 Methuselah took a wife for his son, Lamech, and she bore him a son. And his body was as white as snow and as red as a rose; the hair of his head was as white as wool and beautiful and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sunand when he arose from the hands of the midwife, he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord with righteousness. And Lamech was afraid of him and fled to Methuselah, his father; and said to him, 2 I have begotten a strange son. He is not like a human being, but he looks like the Children of the Angels of Heaven; his form is different, and he is not like us. His eyes are like the rays of the sun, and his face glorious. It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels; and I fear that a wondrous phenomenon may take place upon the earth in his days[Methuselah went to EnochEnoch who answered:] Make known to Lamech that the one who has been born is in truth his son; and call his name Noah 1 The Lost Bible, J. R. Porter (2001), Professor Emeritus of Theology, University of Exeter, Page 39 commenting on the 2 First book of Enoch, Chapter 106 34. A Paper on The Angel Of The Lord By Heinrich Vogel The word rendered angel in our English Bible is the Hebrew malakh, derived from an unused Hebrew root laakh, which, however, occurs in both Arabic and Ethiopian and in these languages means to send. The meaning of malakh, is one who is sent, or a messenger. Angel of the Lord or angel of God then means one who is sent by God, or messenger of God In every passage of the Old Testament (the Torah) where the expression Angel of the Lord or Angel of God occurs, it designates someone who is an emissary of God; someone sent by God. 35. Above: Sir Leonard Woolley 1Ur of the Chaldees, Page 24 [Pelican Books, first published 1929] 1 The discovery that there was a real deluge to which the Sumerian and the Hebrew stories of the Flood alike go back does not of course prove any single detail in either of those stories. This deluge was not universal, but a local disaster confined to the lower valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates, affecting an area 400 miles long and 100 miles across, but for the occupants of the valley that was the whole world! 2All the Miracles of the Bible, Page 33 By Herbert Lockyer 2 Sir Leonard Woolley and Dr. Langdon who both discredited the Genesis record of the Flood, went out and excavated the regions of Ur and Kish in 1927 and found so much unmistakeable evidence of a flood that in March 1927 they wrote to the London times; We were loathe to believe we had discovered confirmation of the deluge of Genesis, but there is no doubt about it now 36. The following is a chart, taking into account the ages of the patriarchs from Noah descending to Abraham and the time- frame or epoch that these names anchor to (ages taken from Luke 3:34-38 and Chronicles 1:1-3) to ascertain when a flood event may have occurred 37. Enoch and Sumeria ADAM 800 Years The Genealogy of Adamic man to Noah Years total 8575 Years SETH(White Race?) 807 Years CAIN Brought fruit Of the ground ABEL Brought Firstborn of his sheep and of their fat ENOSH 815 Years LAMECH 595 Years CAINAN 840 Years NOAH Lived 950 Years METHUSELAH 782 Years JARED 800 Years ENOCH 300 Years MAHALALEL 830 Years Begot SETH At 130 Years 930 years Begot ENOSH At 105 Years 912 Years 905 Years Begot MAHALALEL At 70 Years Begot CAINAN At 90 Years 910 years Begot JARED At 65 Years Begot ENOCH At 162 Begot METHUSELAH At 65 Years 895 Years 962 Years 365 Years Begot LAMECH At 187 Years 969 Years 777 Years 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation 6th Generation 7th Generation 8th Generation Begot NOAH At 182 Years 9th Generation 10th Generation Tiller of the Ground Keeper of Sheep EVE The EVE Gene EXILED TO THE LAND OF NOD East of Eden CAIN Kills his own brother ENOCH Built a City Named ENOCH Firstborn Son of CAIN Conceived and Bore by His WIFE IRAD MEHUJAEL METHUSHAEL LAMECH ADAH(White?) WIFE of LAMECH ZILLAH(Black?) WIFE of LAMECH JABAL Tent Dwellers JUBAL Harp & Flute TUBAL-CAIN Son of ZILLAH NAAMAH Daughter of ZILLAH To ENOCH was Born IRAD IRAD Begot MEHUJAEL MEHUJAEL Begot METHSHAEL METHUSHAEL Begot LAMECH Genesis 4:25- A new Son And ADAM knew his WIFE again, and she bore a Son and named him SETH, For GOD has Appointed a another SEED for me INSTEAD of ABEL Whom CAIN KILLED Genesis 4:23 And Lamech said to his WIVES: ADAH and ZILLAH, hear my voice; WIVES of LAMECH, hear my speech! For I have killed a man for wounding me, Even a young man for hurting me. If CAIN shall be avenged sevenfold, Then LAMECH seventy-seven fold 7 (Seven) Genesis 4:25 A NEW SON Genesis 4: CAIN (firstborn) murders ABEL Genesis 5:22 After he begot METHUSELAH, ENOCH Walked with God 300 Years and had Sons and Daughters [24] And ENOCH walked with God; and (then) he was not, for God took him 777 365.24 divided by 7 = 52.17 (weeks) 365.26 divided by 7 = 52.18 (weeks) 2 Distinctive family genealogies No length of Reign or age 38. 98 Years old at the time of the flood NOAH (1)SHEM Lived 350 years after the flood AGEREACHEDATDEATH 600 100 years begat Arphaxad, 2 years after the flood 950 ELAM ASSUR (2)ARPHAXAD LUD ARAM 35 Years old begat Salah (Cainan) 403 (3)SALAH/CAINAN403 (4)EBER (5)PELEG (6)REU (7)SERUG (8)NAHOR (9)TERAH (10) ABRAM Parenthesis () = GENERATIONS Ur of the Chaldees 2112 - 2000 BC 30 Years old begat EBER 34 Years old begat PELEG 3O Years old begat REU 32 Years old begat SERUG 30 Years old begat NAHOR 29 Years old begat TERAH 20 Years old begat ABRAM, NAHOR & HARAN 430 209 207 200 119 205 2,6764798 BC FROM ADAMA TO NOAH 85758575 YEARS FROM NOAH TO ABRAM 26762676 YEARS TOTAL (8575 + 2676) = 11,25111,251 YEARS (+ 2000 BC to 1 AD) Ref: Luke 3:34-38 Chronicles 1:1-3 39. After the Flood 40. 11 The Sumerian Kings ListThe Sumerian Kings List After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for *64800 years. Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43200 years. En-men-gal- ana ruled for 28800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for **108000 years. Then Bad-tibira fell 1 The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kic (Kish). In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for 1200 yearsLugalbanda, the shepherd, ruled for 1200 years. Dumuzid, the fisherman,.., ruled for 100 .. Gilgamec, ..ruled for 126 years *+***+**172800years *2 Kings combined reign **3 Kings combined reign In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade 157 are the years of the dynasty of Sargon In Urim, Ur-Namma became king; he ruled for 18 years Then Urim was defeated .. The very foundation of Sumer was torn out (?). The kingship was taken to Isin. 41. The King of Agade (Akkad), Sargon the Great is specific because of the historical time marker (time anchor) for this figure. We will address this a little later into this thesis. 42. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs Genesis 9:3 43. Genesis 13:8:12 And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth Curious that this contract is solely between God and the Earth. No mention of that contract/covenant extending to man that lives upon the Earth in that verse, post flood. 44. Genesis 7:7 7:10 - The Flood of Noah [[Post Flood]] Genesis 14:1 Amraphel ((HammurabiHammurabi)) [[Post Flood]] Genesis 17:2-7 ((Abrams covenant)) Genesis 17:7 And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you. Genesis 17:6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you; and kings shall come from you. Genesis 17:5 No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of nations. Genesis 17:4 As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you and you shall be a father of many nations. Genesis 17:2 And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly. 45. Although we dont know much about Sumerian Law, scholars agree that the Code of Hammurabi written by a Babylonian monarch, reproduces Sumerian Law fairly accurately. Sumerian law, as represented by Hammurabis code, was a law of exacting revenge, which we call 2 Lex Talionis. 1 [post flood] Genesis 9:6, "Whoever sheds a man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." 2 Bowker, John, The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, New York, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 944 This great invention, law, would serve as the basis for the institution of law among all the Semitic peoples to follow: Babylonians, Assyrians, and, eventually, the Hebrews This is revenge in kind: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, and reveals to us that human law has at its fundamental basis, revenge. Sumerian law recognised class distinctions,.everyone was not equal under the law. 1 Richard Hooker states, 46. Genesis 17:8 Also I give to you and yourI give to you and your descendants after youdescendants after you the land in which you are a strangeryou are a stranger, all the land of Canaanall the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I willand I will be their Godbe their God 47. The Book of EZEKIEL [1] I heard the voice of the OneOne speaking, And He said to me, son of man, stand on your feet and I will speak to you [2] Then thethe spiritspirit entered meentered me when he spoke to me .. [7] YouYou shall speak My words to themMy words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious.. Ezek 6:1 Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israelset your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophecyprophecy againstagainst themthem, and saysay Ezek 11:12 And you shall know that I am the LORD; for you have not walked in Mywalked in My statutesstatutes nor executednor executed MyMy judgmentsjudgments, but have done according to customs of the gentiles which are all around you 48. Genesis 26:3 .. and I will perform theI will perform the OathOath which I sworeI swore to Abraham, your father *Note: refer to Romans 13 and The Book of Ezekiel The Sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham (Abraham and Isaac - Rembrandt 1624) Genesis 26:5 because Abraham obeyedobeyed my voicemy voice and keptkept My chargeMy charge, MyMy commandmentscommandments, MyMy StatutesStatutes and MyMy LawsLaws 49. [1] When man can mold his thoughts, his emotions, and his actions into faithful expressions of his highest ideals then liberty is his, for ignorance is the darkness of Chaos and knowledge is the light of Cosmos. The First three stages of Freemasonry are the blue degrees; Entered Apprentice (the 7 arts and sciences), Fellow craft (material), and Master Mason. [3] The court of the tabernacle of the ancient Jews was divided into three parts: the outer court, the holy place, and the most Holy of Holies. These three divisions represent the three grand divisions of human consciousness. The degree of Entered Apprentice is acquired when the student signifies his intention to take the rough ashlar which he cuts from the quarry and prepares for the truing of the Fellow Craft. [2] The universe is divided into planes and these planes are divided from each other by the rates of vibration which pass through them. [1] Source: Manly P Hall - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Page 21 [2] Source: Manly P Hall - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Page 23 [3] Source: Manly P Hall - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Page 23 50. [1] Time is the differentiation of eternity devised by man to measure the passage of human events. On the spiritual planes of Nature it is the space or distance between the stages of spiritual growth and hence is not measurable by material means. [2] The ancients taught that the sun was not a source of light, life, or power, but a medium through which life and light were reflected into physical substance. [3] The true Mason realizes that behind these diverse forms there is one connected Life Principle, the spark of God in all living things. The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. [1] [2] Source: Manly P Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Page 31 [3] Page 36 51. Who is the Light Bringer? [1] LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable; blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not! [1] MORALS and DOGMA by ALBERT PIKE Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States: Charleston, 1871 52. [1] All growth is the result of exercise and the intensifying of vibratory rates. It is through exercise that the muscles of the human body are strengthened; it is through the seven (7) liberal arts and sciences that the human mind receives certain impulses which, in turn, stimulate internal centers of consciousness. [2] We know that the cube block is symbolic of the tomb (or prison of the soul). [1] [2] Source: Manly P Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Page 24 [3] Page 27 [3] On the second step (2nd degree) of the temple stands a soldier (Hiram, Warrior King of Tyre, symbolic of the Fellow Craft of the Cosmic lodge) dressed in shining armor, but his sword is sheathed and a book is in his hand. He is symbolic of strength, the energy of Mars. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. 53. Mathew 16:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven Statue of St Peter with Keys to North and South Gates - Antwerp Cathedral 54. [2] The ultimate origins of Latin religio are obscure. It is usually accepted to derive from ligare "bind, connect"; probably from a prefixed re-ligare, i.e. re (again) + ligare or "to reconnect." This interpretation is favoured by modern scholars such as Tom Harpur and Joseph Campbell, but was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius. The Etymology of the word Religion [2] Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary [1] Marcus Tullius Cicero 106 - 43 BC [1] The English word religion has been in use since the 13th century, loaned from Anglo- French religiun (11th century), ultimately from the Latin religio, "reverence for God or the gods, careful pondering of divine things, piety, the res divinae". A historical interpretation due to Cicero on the other hand connects lego read.. re (again) + lego in the sense of choose, go over again or consider carefully. It may also be from Latin religi, religin - perhaps from religre, to tie fast. 55. The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum of Light We can attribute two opposing forces here at all times: + & - (such as a Hegelian dialectic [opposing principle]) and denote a region of Light Frequency to those signs of polarity, or a certain range of frequencies: Ultraviolet is Positive/Faster (+) Infra-Red is Negative/slower (-) .Lifting the Veil would be the revealing of Darkness that has so far, been concealed or is invisible to us, depending on your own perception 97%3% Junk DNA Junk DNA 56. In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events; light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always; either or + Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine Every technology based on explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic. Thule member, Dr. W.O. Schumann of the Technical University in Munich, declared, The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, divine technology. 57. TheThe LightLight Versus theVersus the DarkDark Ever wondered why everyonesEver wondered why everyones suddenly goingsuddenly going GREENGREEN?? 58. 1 The head of this family of Gods of Heaven and Earth was AN (or ANU in the Babylonian/Assyrian texts). He was the Great Father of the Gods, the King of the Gods. His realm was the expanse of the heavens, and his symbol was a star. 1 Zecharia Sitchin The 12th Planet [1976] Page 89 2 For ANU was not only the Great King, King of the Gods, but also the one who by grace others could be crowned as kings. By Sumerian tradition, rulership flowed from ANU; and the very term for Kingship was Anutu (Anu-ship). The insignia of ANU were the Tiara (the divine headdress), the scepter (symbol of power), and the Staff (symbolising the guidance provided by the shepherd). The Staff may now be found more in the hands of bishops than of kings. But the crown (Tiara) and scepter are still held by whatever kings Mankind has left on some thrones. 2 Zecharia Sitchin The 12th Planet [1976] Page 94 59. [1] This Bent Crucifix is ... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term Mark of the Beast. [1] Roman Catholic author, Piers Compton, writing in his book, "The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the Vatican", Channel Islands, Neville Spearman, 1981 (p. 72) Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ. 60. The great-hearted mistress, the impetuous lady, proud among the Anuna gods and pre- eminent in all lands, the great daughter of Suen, exalted among the Great Princes (a name of the Igigi gods), the magnificent lady who gathers up the divine powers of heaven and earth and rivals great An, is mightiestmightiest among the great gods -- she makes their verdicts final. The Anuna gods crawl before her august word whose course she does not let An know; he dares not proceed against her command. She .. changes her own action, and no one knows how it will occur. She makes perfect the great divine powers, she holds a shepherd's crook, and she is their magnificent pre-eminent OneOne. She is a huge shackle clamping down upon the gods of the Land. Her great awesomeness covers the great mountain and levels the roads. At her loud cries, the gods of the Land become scared. Her roaring makes the Anuna gods tremble like a solitary reed. At her rumbling, they hide all together. Without Inana great An makes no decisions, and Enlil determines no destinies. Who opposes the mistress who raises her head and is supreme over the mountains? Wherever she ......, cities become ruin mounds and haunted places, and shrines become waste land. When her wrath makes people tremble, the burning sensation and the distress she causes are like an ulu demon ensnaring a man. She stirs confusion and chaos against those who are disobedient to her, speeding carnage and inciting the devastating flood, clothed in terrifying radiance. It is her game to speed conflict and battle. 61. Her symbol of Regal Insignia is the Crook and the Flail, (Hammer & sickle) Agriculture gods associated with Osiris and Isis (Orion and Sirius) 62. 1 Timelines of Ancient Sumer (Flooding/events) Ubaid Period 5000 4000 BC (+/- 200) Early Uruk (Erech) Period 4000-3400 BC (Vela X) Late Uruk Period 3400-2900 BC The Jendet Nasr Period 3400-3000 BC Early Dynastic Periods 3000-2370 BC (+/- 100) Akkadian Dynasty Period 2350 2150 BC (Event?) Sargon and Naram-Sin 200 years of disputes IIIrd Dynasty of Ur 2150 BCE 2000 BC Amorites/Elamites Conquered Uruk Isin-Larsa Dynasties 2000-1800 BC Babylonian Empire established 2000 BC (Akkadian / Akkad/ Babylon) after the decline of Sumer 1800 BC 1 Paul Collins, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, The Sumerian Goddess Inanna, 1994 63. Sumerian cuneiform documents dating as far back as 3100 BCE have been found. A flourishing cuneiform literature in the Sumerian language developed, reaching its peak in the centuries circa 2000 BCE Third Dynasty of Ur (2300 BC) "Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, the king of Sumer and Akkad, has built the splendid Gig- Par for his Lady Ningal" (Plate VII, Nos. 2 and 3) The Uruk period, 3,750-3150 BCE, warrior hero kings, magnificent temples, intensive agriculture by means of irrigation, and the first pictographic writing in 3300 BCE 64. In this important code is found the first written reference to the concept of liberty (amagi or amargi, literally, "return to the mother"), used in reference to the process of reform. The exact nature of this term is not clear, but the idea that the reforms were to be a return to the original social order decreed by the gods fits well with the translation. Urukagina (ca. 2350 B.C.) Implemented a sweeping set of laws that guaranteed the rights of property owners, reformed the civil administration, and instituted moral and social reforms. Banned both civil and ecclesiastical authorities from seizing land and goods for payment, eliminated most of the state tax collectors, and ended state involvement in matters such as divorce proceedings He saw that reforms were enacted to eliminate the abuse of the judicial process to extract money from citizens and took great pains to ensure the public nature of legal proceedings J. N. Postgates Early Mesopotamia. Society and Economy at the Dawn of History (1992), reveals that early Mesopotamians used the expression when referring to the freeing of one for debt. Early monarchs used indebtedness for taxes as a means of binding the people for service to the king. To release one back to ones family was often literally to be returned to ones mother. When Urukagina assumed power in the Lagash region, following a revolt over the massive increases in taxes, he released large segments of the population from such compulsory service. The entire reform was designated as amar-gi, meaning that they were at liberty to return home, but it also TIME-FRAME 65. 1 During the period from c. 2350 to 2150 BC, we continue to see Elam largely through Mesopotamian eyes. This was the time of the Old Akkadian dynasty in southern Mesopotamia which was founded by Sargon of Agade and ruled from an as yet unidentified capital in central Iraq. Elam figures in Old Akkadian royal inscriptions and literary works, though some of these are only known from much later copies 1 The Archaeology of Elam : Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State, Cambridge World Archaeology, Page 85 In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade 157 are the years of the dynasty of Sargon 66. The earliest known written legal code of which a copy has been found, albeit a copy in such poor shape that only five articles can be deciphered. Archaeological evidence shows that it was supported by an advanced legal system which included specialized judges, the giving of testimony under oath, tax codes, the proper form of judicial decisions and the ability of the judges to order that damages be paid to a victim by the guilty party. The Code allowed for the dismissal of corrupt men, protection for the poor and a punishment system where the punishment is proportionate to the crime. Although it is called [1] Ur-Nammu's Code, historians generally agree that it was written by his son Shugli. 2050 BC: Ur-Nammu's Code- [1] Samuel Noah Kramer, "History begins at Sumer", pp. 52-55. 67. The Clouds The Igigi (High ranked Anunaki) Angel A messenger Boat, Barque, Barge A ship/transportation Lion Regal Decree/Royal Descent Serpent (Adamic line) Enki Descendants (Genetics) Dragon (Older Lineage) Enlil Descendants (Command) Fruit Offspring, generations, (Race) Ark of the Covenant Communications Ark of the Testament Activated Weapon (?) Swords (words/orders) Royal Decrees of War (curses) Watchers The Igigi/Anunaki Ribs City states within a Kingdom Storms Destruction by Royal Decree Euphemisms and alternative definitions 68. [1] Lady whom Ningal has joyously made attractive with beauty, destruction has been given to you as to a dragon. Inana whom Ningal has joyously made attractive with beauty, destruction has been given to you as to a dragon. [1] A tigi to Inana (Inana E): translation Lady whom no one can withstand in battle, great daughter of Suen who rises in heaven and inspires terror, ..and for you he destroys the rebel lands and houses ....... For you Ama-ucumgal-ana, the mighty hero, kills everyone with his shining cita mace. Inana, when in your destructiveness you make storm-floods wash over everything Inana, you are the lady of the great divine powers. Your mother Ningal ...... great attributes. Your father Suen ...... great holy cows. Your brother, the youth Utu ....... Your spouse Ama-ucumgal-ana, the shepherd, lord Dumuzid, ....... Your beloved minister 1 Lugalbanda, the shepherd, ruled for 1200 years. Dumuzid, the fisherman, whose city was Kuara, ruled for 100 .. Gilgamec,, ruled for 126 years 1 Sumerian Kings List 69. [1] My father gave me the heavens and he gave me the earth. I am Inana! Which god compares with me? . Enlil gave me the heavens and he gave me the earth. I am Inana! He gave me lordship, and he gave me queenship. He gave me battles and he gave me fighting. He gave me the stormwind and he gave me the dust cloud. He placed the heavens on my head as a crown. He put the earth at my feet as sandals.. He put the holy sceptre in my hand. The gods are small birds, but I am the falcon [1] A hymn to Inana (Inana F): translation The heavens are mine and the earth is mine: I am heroic!...., in Agade the Ulmac is mine. Which god compares with me? 70. 2,500 years ? The time frame is very specific 2350 -2050 BC (the Code of Urukagina and the code of Ur-nammu,, and the founding of the City of Agade/Akkad by Sargon the Great). One cannot simply play around and leave a gaping 200 year hole of missing time like this. The Great Pyramid at Giza was allegedly constructed around 2,500 BC. What we have so far are 5 names Ur- nammu, Ningal (mother of Inana), Inana, Gilgamesh and Sargon the Great and his founded city, Agade all cited within the same time period. Inana is a Moon goddess as her Father was Suen, representing the Moon and the major deity of the city or Ur. But, Gilgamesh holds the Lion, symbolically.does it represent an older age of wisdom, or could it mean The heavens are mine and the earth is mine: I am heroic!...., in Agade the Ulmac is mine. Which god compares with me? 71. The Epic of Gilgamesh was originally called Surpassing all other kings" (Sumerian) and He who saw the deep (Akkadian) The earliest Sumerian versions of the epic date from as early as the Third Dynasty of Ur (2150-2000 BCE) (Dalley 1989: 41-42). The earliest Akkadian versions are dated to the early second millennium (Dalley 1989: 45). [1] The Nineveh Constant and the Art of Time Travel (from The "standard" Akkadian version, consisting of twelve tablets, was edited by Sin-liqe-unninni sometime between 1300 and 1000 BC and was found in the library of Ashurbanipal [1] who was in power from 669-625 BC in Nineveh. Gilgamesh, Louvre, Paris Nineveh is also the setting in the apocryphal Book of Tobit, and is where the Nineveh constant was discovered. 72. From The Epic of Gilgamesh (Bull Worship/Sacrifice) The Big Dipper Constellation The Plough Fertility & Agriculture/Crops [1] Angered by Gilgamesh's refusal, Inana goes up to heaven and complains to the high god ANU. She demands that ANU give her the Bull of Heaven. If he refuses, she warns, she will do exactly what she told the gatekeeper of the underworld she would do if he didn't let her in: ANU gives Inana the Bull of Heaven, and Ishtar/Inana sends it to attack Gilgamesh and his friend EN-KI-D-U. Gilgamesh and EN-KI-D-U kill the Bull and offer its heart to the sun-god Shamash. [1] The Epic of Gilgamesh. Trans.N.K.Sandars.Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985. If you refuse to give me the Bull of Heaven [then] I will break in the doors of hell and smash the bolts; there will be confusion [i.e., mixing] of people, those above with those from the lower depths. I shall bring up the dead to eat food like the living; and the hosts of the dead will outnumber the living." 73. 1 Lugalbanda, the shepherd, ruled for 1200 years. Dumuzid, the fisherman, whose city was Kuara, ruled for 100 .. Gilgamec, the lord of Kulaba, ruled for 126 years 1 The Sumerian Kings list Question: Why did the length of Earthly rule decrease so much from reigns of 1200 years to only 126 years for Gilgamesh/Gilgamec? Why the sudden and extreme 1000 year drop/change? Are we really dealing in earthly solar years @ 365.24 days at this time, as Enoch points to 365 so eloquently? The problem is, Enoch the Watcher is 5000 years earlier in the past Aeon. 74. Enoch and Sumeria ADAM 800 Years The Genealogy of Adamic man to Noah Years total 8575 Years SETH(White Race?) 807 Years CAIN Brought fruit Of the ground ABEL Brought Firstborn of his sheep and of their fat ENOSH 815 Years LAMECH 595 Years CAINAN 840 Years NOAH Lived 950 Years METHUSELAH 782 Years JARED 800 Years ENOCH 300 Years MAHALALEL 830 Years Begot SETH At 130 Years 930 years Begot ENOSH At 105 Years 912 Years 905 Years Begot MAHALALEL At 70 Years Begot CAINAN At 90 Years 910 years Begot JARED At 65 Years Begot ENOCH At 162 Begot METHUSELAH At 65 Years 895 Years 962 Years 365 Years Begot LAMECH At 187 Years 969 Years 777 Years 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation 6th Generation 7th Generation 8th Generation Begot NOAH At 182 Years 9th Generation 10th Generation Tiller of the Ground Keeper of Sheep EVE The EVE Gene EXILED TO THE LAND OF NOD East of Eden CAIN Kills his own brother ENOCH Built a City Named ENOCH Firstborn Son of CAIN Conceived and Bore by His WIFE IRAD MEHUJAEL METHUSHAEL LAMECH ADAH(White?) WIFE of LAMECH ZILLAH(Black?) WIFE of LAMECH JABAL Tent Dwellers JUBAL Harp & Flute TUBAL-CAIN Son of ZILLAH NAAMAH Daughter of ZILLAH To ENOCH was Born IRAD IRAD Begot MEHUJAEL MEHUJAEL Begot METHSHAEL METHUSHAEL Begot LAMECH Genesis 4:25- A new Son And ADAM knew his WIFE again, and she bore a Son and named him SETH, For GOD has Appointed a another SEED for me INSTEAD of ABEL Whom CAIN KILLED Genesis 4:23 And Lamech said to his WIVES: ADAH and ZILLAH, hear my voice; WIVES of LAMECH, hear my speech! For I have killed a man for wounding me, Even a young man for hurting me. If CAIN shall be avenged sevenfold, Then LAMECH seventy-seven fold 7 (Seven) Genesis 4:25 A NEW SON Genesis 4: CAIN (firstborn) murders ABEL Genesis 5:22 After he begot METHUSELAH, ENOCH Walked with God 300 Years and had Sons and Daughters [24] And ENOCH walked with God; and (then) he was not, for God took him 777 365.24 divided by 7 = 52.17 (weeks) 365.26 divided by 7 = 52.18 (weeks) 2 Distinctive family genealogies No length of Reign or age 75. "Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, the king of Sumer and Akkad, has built the splendid Gig-Par for his Lady Nin-Gal" (Plate VII, Nos. 2 and 3) In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade 157 are the years of the dynasty of Sargon 76. 1 O Nanna, he has chosen as your inheritance that you should surpass the Anuna gods.. He has seated you in a majestic place, a sacred place. O Nanna, he has seated you in a sacred place, a sacred dwelling. Enki purifies the dwelling for you, he makes the dwelling shine for you. He consecrates the heavens for you, he makes the earth shine for you. He makes the E-kic-nu-jal, the house of the cedar forests tower straight upward for you. He makes your majestic residence into a sacred place for you, the foundation of heaven and earth 1 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna E): translation A 77. 1 E. Burrows s research points to the Mesopotamian provenance of the concept of the foundation stone, which symbolises in these traditions the bond between heaven and earth. 2 Burrows traces the geographical origins of this cosmogenic pattern to the sanctuaries at Nippur, at Larsa, and probably at Sippar. 3 The possible connection with Sippar is especially important for the Enochic text, if we keep in mind the possible Mesopotamian origin of Enochs figure, based on the *antediluvian king Enmerduranki of Sippar. 1 Secrets of creation in Slavonic Enoch, Page 7 2 E. Burrows, Some Cosmological Patterns in Babylon Religion, 45-52 3 Ibid. 46-47 * Pre-Flood 78. For context, the next slide shows a lexicon of replacement terms (or euphemisms) that may change the way some texts are worded and written. We ask you, the viewer, to try using the words when required to do so, for context and contiguity, for when the second alternative section to this thesis is presented shortly, the continuity will continue as with this section. 79. Holy, Sacred Restricted Area/No U.A/Off Limits The Evil Wind Effects of Weaponry The Storm *An Ordered Regnal Military Strike Chariots Aircraft capable of Air/Space Flight Beast of the field Apa (Basic Follower of Commands) *Like a Lion Context Related Terms 80. Euphemisms and replacement meanings Cupbearer Next in line to Succession to a throne The Most High An (An-u, Anu) The King of Kings (Capitalised K) An (An-u, Anu) The LORD Enlil ? The Lord Enlil or Enki (Subjective) The Lord of Hosts Enki and/or Enlil Lord god Yahweh, Enlil (Jehovah?) god(s) (small g) Anunaki (Lower caste) The Heavens (Captial H) The Realm of Anu heaven(s) (small h) The Sky, Space The Lord God Almighty Anu Tablet of Destinies Navigation/Co-ordinates/Plotting course Ewes, Goats, Sheep, cows Generations of Males and Females; people Shepherd A *Nation Owner/A Vassal King/Lord Farmer *Manager of Cowpens and Sheepfolds Firmament Solid structure made of metal/tin/gold *A human Man formed of the Earth, given the title and authority over other Live stock/peoples/Men;Women. Todays modern Human Resources dept. 81. 136-143. "On that day, when such a storm had pounded, when in the presence of the queen her city had been destroyed, on that day, when such a storm had been created, when they had pronounced the utter destruction of my city, when they had pronounced the utter destruction of Urim, when they had directed that its people be killed, on that day I did not abandon my city, I did not forsake my land." 151-160. "A second time, when the council had settled itself in the pre-eminent place, and the Anuna had seated themselves to ratify decisions, I prostrated (?) myself and stretched out my arms. Truly I shed my tears before AN. Truly I myself made supplication to ENLIL. "Let not my city be destroyed," I implored them. "Let not Urim be destroyed," I implored them. "Let not its people perish," I implored them. But AN did not change that word. ENLIL did not soothe my heart with an "It is good -- so be it". 161-168. "They gave instructions that my city should be utterly destroyed. They gave instructions that Urim should be utterly destroyed. They decreed its destiny that its people should be killed. In return for the speech (?) which I had given them, they both bound me together with my city and also bound my Urim together with me. AN is not one to change his command, and ENLIL does not alter what he has uttered." THE LAMENT FOR URIM (UR) 82. 172-178. ENLIL called the storm -- the people groan. He issued directions to the evil storm -- the people groan. He entrusted it to Kin-gal-uda, the keeper of the storm. He called upon the storm that annihilates the Land -- the people groan...The storm that annihilates the Land roars below -- the people groan. The evil wind, like a rushing torrent, cannot be restrained. The weapons in the city smash heads and consume indiscriminately. The storm whirled gloom around the base of the horizon -- the people groan. In front of the storm, heat blazes -- the people groan. A fiery glow burns with the raging storm 197-203. The reaping storm dragged across the Land. Like a flood storm it completely destroyed the city. The storm that annihilates the Land silenced the city. The storm that will make anything vanish came doing evil. The storm blazing like fire performed its task upon the people. The storm ordered by ENLIL in hate, the storm which wears away the Land, covered Urim like a garment, was spread out over it like linen. 205. The storm, like a *lion, has attacked unceasingly (lion = *Royal Decree as it seemingly was ordered by the High Council) 83. He who stood up to the weapon was crushed by the weapon -- the people groan. He who ran away from it was overwhelmed (?) by the storm 286-291. "Woe is me, my city which no longer exists -- I am not its queen. Nanna, Urim which no longer exists -- I am not its owner. I am the good woman whose house has been made into ruins, whose city has been destroyed, in place of whose city a strange city has been built. 299-309. I am one whose cow-pen has been torn down, I am one whose cows have been scattered. I am NINGAL on whose ewes the weapon has fallen, as in the case of an unworthy herdsman. Woe is me, I have been exiled from the city, I can find no rest. I am NINGAL, I have been exiled from the house, I can find no dwelling place. I am sitting as if a stranger with head high in a strange city. Debt-slaves ...... bitterness ......." "Alas, my city". Woe is me, my slave-girls bear strange emblems in a strange city. My young men mourn in a desert they do not know. I am NINGAL whose city has been made into ruins, whose house has been destroyed, in place of whose house a strange house has been built." 84. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the principle developer of the atomic bomb was asked if this was the first nuclear explosion, he significantly replied: "Yes, in modern timesmodern times," ..implying that ancient nuclear explosions may have previously occurred. We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that one way or another. 85. THE LAMENT FOR URIM (Cont.) 331-341. O queen, how is your heart .... You are not a bird of your city which has been reduced to ruin mounds. You cannot live there as a resident in your good house given over to the pickaxe. You cannot act as queen of a people led off to slaughter May AN, king of the gods, declare "Enough!" to you. May ENLIL, king of all the lands, decree your fate. May he restore your city for you -- exercise its queenship! May he restore Nibru for you -- exercise its queenship! May he restore Urim for you -- exercise its queenship! May he restore Isin for you -- exercise its queenship! 1 341-354 In Urim, Ur-Namma became king; he ruled for 18 years. Then Urim was defeated /Abolished. The very foundation of Sumer was torn out. The kingship was taken to Isin. 1 The Sumerian Kings List 86. END OF SECTION 1 Have a 25 minute break 87. The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception The End of Time The Mayan Prophecies Revisited 88. 1 Critias: Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon, who was the wisest of the seven sages. ..They were of old, he said, great and marvellous actions of the Athenian city, which have passed into oblivion through lapses of time and the destruction of mankind, and one in particular, greater than all the rest 1 Plato, Timaeus, Page 3 (written circa 360 BC Translated by Benjamin Jowett) Socrates: Very good. And what is this ancient famous action of the Athenians, which Critias declared, on the authority of Solon, to be not a mere legend, but an actual fact? 89. Solon depicted as a bust in the US House Of Representatives Moses (Centre) Confucius (left) Solon (right) Rear of Supreme Court 90. 1 In the first place, you remember a single deluge only, but there many previous ones.For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which is now Athens was first in war and in every way,...performed the noblest deeds and to have had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of heaven 1,2 Ibid, Page 3 & 5 2 Neith, ..goddess who is the common patron and parent and educator of both our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours, receiving from the Earth and Hephastus the seed of your race, and afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in the sacred registers to be eight thousand years old. Sais (Egypt - Heliopolis) On Priest speaks to Solon 91. Vela Supernova Vela X Pulsar - Sumerian representation of the God of Creation EA, located in the Constellation of Orion (Ari-An) Vela is derived from the Spanish verb, Verar, to watch; to see Shumer, (Sumer/Shinar) Land of the Watchers Formerly known as the 3 part Constellation Argo, Vela is known as the sails and is the basis of the Greek epic story of Jason and the Golden Fleece myth Also associated with *Tell Ghassul (1931-33), circa 4000-2000 B.C; (8 Pointed star of Ishtar/Venus) 1 "This, we suggest, indicates that it was inhabited not by worshipers but by those who were the subject of worshipping: the 'gods' of antiquity, the Anunaki." - 1 Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men * 92. Crab Nebula: 4000 BC 4000 AL (Anno Lucis) 93. Iapetus was first seen via telescope by Jean-Dominique Cassini, in 1671. Iapetus [Eye-AP-i-tus] is the seventeenth of Saturn's thirty three (33) currently known moons, and the (3rd ) third largest. It was named after a Titan -- the son of Uranus and the father of Prometheus and Atlas (the latter said to be the fathers of Mankind). Thus, in Greek myth, Iapetus was also an ancestor . a progenitor of Homo Sapiens Sapiens King Louis XIV, who had appointed him Frances chief astronomer. The current names of Saturns major moons, taken from a group of superbeings in Greek myth called Titans, were given them by Sir John Herschel, in 1847. Herschels nomenclature for Iapetus and the other six (then) known moons, was based on the logical association of Saturn (Cronus in Greek) with the Titans; Herschel, continuing the ritual, named the largest Saturnian moon Titan itself in honor of the entire pantheon. 94. It bodes well! 1766 J.D Titius von Wittenburg postulated there was a vacant orbit between Mars and Jupiter where mathematical probabilities indicated that there should be a planet 1772 Johann Bode Titius-Bode Law of Planetary Distances gave astronomers a mathematical tool with which to hunt for distant planets within our solar system because the new law predicted where to look 95. The Royal Astronomical Society [1] The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), founded in 1820, encourages and promotes the study of astronomy, solar-system science, geophysics and closely related branches of science. [1] The Society is located at Burlington House, Piccadilly, which was developed by the Government in the nineteenth century as a meeting place for the arts and sciences. *The roundel of the Society incorporates the motto of Sir William Herschel, its first President, quicquid nitet notandum 'whatever shines should be observed' 96. The three people depicted on the stamp were influential in founding the society: Sir William Herschel, at left, the first President, holding his famous drawing of Uranus and two satellites; Francis Baily, of Baily's Beads fame; and John Herschel, William's son. In the background is William Herschel's 40-ft-long telescope, assembled at his home in Slough, as depicted in the RAS logo. 97. The Royal Astronomical Society The `Astronomical Society of London' was conceived on 1820 January 12 when 14 gentlemen sat down to dinner at the Freemason's Tavern, in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. A Royal Charter was signed by William IV on 1831 March 7, and the Society assumed the name it has used ever since. (Ref: Letters Patent) As well as private donations such as the magnificent Grove Hills collection, bequeathed in 1923,, a major accession to the Library took place in 1846 when the RAS absorbed the Spitalfields Mathematical Society, started in 1717 by the Huguenot silk-weavers in Spitalfields, East London. 98. 10 May 1845:- A meeting of the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society took place yesterday, and I brought forward the suggestions contained in your recent letters to me relating to the venerable Mathematical Society of London, and the Council were unanimous in regretting that this ancient Society of 130 years standing should be on the eve of dissolution and decline. This went ahead as planned and the Spitalfields Mathematical Society closed down. The members of the Council were also, I believe, unanimous that if the nineteen surviving members of the Mathematical Society should in their liberality and public spirit wish to keep the mathematical and astronomical and philosophical portions of their library together, and should kindly and considerately offer to present it to the Royal Astronomical Society, that the Council of the latter would not only be grateful to them for this act of judicious benevolence, but would be willing to elect all the members of the Mathematical Society members for life of the Royal Astronomical Society. 99. [1] The International Astronomical Union (IAU) was founded in 1919. Its mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. In addition, the IAU collaborates with various organizations all over the world. The IAU has 9417 Individual Members in 87 countries worldwide. Of those countries, 64 are National Members. The IAU works to promote astronomical education and research in developing countries through its Program Groups on International Schools for Young Astronomers (ISYA), on Teaching for Astronomy Development (TAD), and on World Wide Development of Astronomy (WWDA), as well as through joint educational activities with COSPAR and UNESCO. [1] The International Astronomical Union 100. COSPAR [1] [1] After the USSR launched its first Earth Satellite (*SPUTNIK) in 1957 and thereby opened the space age, the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), now the International Council for Science, established its Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) during an international meeting in London in 1958. *SPUTNIK is from a slavic term for traveller, to accompany, sojourner 101. The etymological origin of "Hebrew" is uncertain. The most likely origin of word "ibri" [Hebrew] is derived from "br" which means "to cross over a boundary". Included in this thought is that a "Hebrew" would be one "who crossed over" or one who went from place to place, a nomad, a wanderer, a sojourner, an alien 102. THE UNITED NATIONS United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: [1] In 1958, shortly after the launching of the first artificial satellite, SPUTNIK-1, the General Assembly decided to establish an ad hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (resolution 1348 (XIII)) [1]Source: In 1959, the General Assembly established the Committee as a permanent body and reaffirmed its mandate in resolution 1472 (XIV). In 1961, the General Assembly, considering that the United Nations should provide a focal point international cooperation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space.. 103. Sri Chinmoy - Indian Spiritual Leader and adviser of the UN UN Meditation Room 104. 1 An alignment of the outer planets that occurs only once in 176 years prompted NASA to plan a grand tour of the outer planets, consisting of dual launches to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in 1976-77 and dual launches to Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune in 1979. The original scheme was cancelled for budgetary reasons, but was replaced by Voyager 1 and 2, which accomplished similar goals at significantly lower cost. 1 105. Japan's Cultural Heritage Reflected in the Star Lore of Orion By Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara (pdf) October, 1999 A version of this article also appeared in the Griffith Observer, Volume 63, Number 10, October, 1999, pp.2-17. A further revised version appears in The Kyoto Journal, Issue 48, July, 2000. The stars Betelgeuse and Gamma Ori (Bellatrix) form one end of the drum while the stars Rigel and Kappa Ori (Saiph) form the other. The three belt stars represent the cord that is used to tie the strings snugly in the middle Rigel is sometimes called Genji Boshi, and Betelgeuse is called Heike Boshi (Nojiri, 1982). These names refer to a particularly significant period in Japanese history and are related to the apparent colors of the two bright stars, white and red (though it may be argued that Rigel has a bit of a bluish tinge). 106. The trapezoidal form of the stars forming the drum's outer edges are sometimes called Waki Boshi (literally corner edge stars; Nojiri, 1973) and have given rise to another object with rhythmical associations. The striking together of two wooden blocks (Hyoushigi) is a part of many traditional Japanese religious ceremonies as well as entertainment. Probably of native rather than continental origin, the simple sound of the striking of these blocks against one another has added drama to Nou and Kabuki plays as well as signaled the beginning and end of religious ceremonies UN Meditation Room 107. XENA - ERIS GABRIELE DYSNOMIA [ ERIS I ] 108. [1] This bubble is called the heliosphere, and Voyager 1 was the first spacecraft to explore its outer layer, when it crossed into the heliosheath in December 2004. As Voyager 1 made this historic passage, it encountered the shock wave that surrounds our solar system called the solar wind termination shock, where the solar wind is abruptly slowed by pressure from the gas and magnetic field in interstellar space. [1] Voyager 1 may have had only a single shock crossing and it happened during a data gap. But Voyager 2 had at least five shock crossings over a couple of days (the shock " sloshes" back and forth like surf on a beachsurf on a beach, allowing multiple crossings) and three of them are clearly in the data. They show us an unusual shock. "The important new data describing the termination shock are still being pondered, but it is clear that Voyager has once again surprised us," said Dr. Eric Christian, Voyager Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington. 109. 1 Anderson, J. D., P. A. Laing, E. L. Lau, A. S. Liu, M. M. Nieto, and S. G. Turyshev."Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an apparent anomalous, weak, long-range acceleration." Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1 Since about 19801980 evidence has been accumulating for what has become known as the Pioneer anomaly. This evidence was first brought to light and, has subsequently been analyzed, by John Anderson (Pioneer 10 Principal Investigator for Celestial Mechanics) and his colleagues at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Their first published results appeared in 1998; 110. 13.5 Hours to transmit and receive radio telemetry back to Earth. Voyager is now 16 Billion Miles away 111. CATACLYSMCATACLYSM Compelling evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe inCompelling evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9,500 BC D.S Allan & J.B DelairD.S Allan & J.B Delair Rand Flem-Ath (co-author of When the Sky Fell, St Martins press, 1995) who supplied the foreword to the book says on page xiii: They draw upon a vast range of sciences and disciplines to weave their story. And it is a compelling account that begins beyond our solar system, about 13,000 years ago with the explosion of the Vela Supernova. A large fragment of this star, christened Phaeton by the Classical Greeks, blasted across interstellar space and sped through the void. Then around 9,500 B.C, it careened into our solar system like a drunken driver. Neptune wandered across its path and Phaeton, pulled Sun wards, wrenched one of the moons from its orbit, sending it spinning through space like a spinning hub-cap This moon became the eccentric outer planet we know as Pluto. Phaeton continued on its Chaotic journey. Hurtling past Uranus, its gravitational pull dislocated the moons of Uranus. As the deadly foreign invader drew near Saturn, one of the ringed planets moons, Chiron, was also forced out of its orbit. Chiron bounced into a new path circling the Sun to become the Solar systems smallest planet. Jupiter and Mercury avoided the chaosJupiter and Mercury avoided the chaos because their orbits carried them to the other side of the Sun, and thus far from Phaetons destructive path. It was at this point on its reckless journey that Phaeton electromagnetically demolished a planet (Tiamat from Akkadian sources) that existed between Jupiter and Mars. 112. The evolution of Kuiper Belt objects, Pluto and its lone moon Charon may have something in common with Earth and our single moon; a giant impact in the distant past (Dr Robin Camp), who currently is a visiting professor at the California Institute of Technology [Cal-Tech], has worked extensively on a similar giant collision scenario to explain the Moons origin 113. As the stellar marauder, dragging the remnants of the planet Tiamat and its moon, *Kingu with it, catapulted past Mars; the red planets rotation was slowed by their combined gravitational pull. Mars two rapidly spinning moons may well be fragments of Tiamat it acquired then. After leaving its mark on Mars, Phaeton was now on a collision course with Earth charging through the emptiness between Earth and the Moon. Phaetons pull stretched the *Moons orbit and the Earths tilt was altered, condemning Earth to a worldwide catastrophe. The Swarm of Planetary debris accompanying Phaeton were veritable time bombs. Circling the Earth, the exploded one by one upon entering Earths Roche Zone, showering our planet with a celestial blizzard of rocks, stones, and dust. Atmospheric blast effects, ignition, and pollution were prodigious. The Earths crust shifted and plunged it into upheaval. This was the day the Earth nearly died. Phaeton continued its unstoppable flight. Venus flipped over, sending it into a rotation opposite that of the other planets .. *Cruithne (1997) the first, original moon before it was pushed out into a 770 year horse-shoe pattern(?) Source: Cataclysm; Compelling evidence for a Cosmic catastrophe in 9,500 BC Foreword Page ix by Rand Flem-Ath 114. Neptune (Poseidon) has 13 moons (2003) -14th moon is Pluto (in Hades) Pluto displaced or cast into hades - Snatched away from Neptune Saturn (Cronus/Kronus) lost Chiron/ Charon Jupiter (Zeus/Thunderbolt) unaffected. Tiamat electro-magnetically destroyed, the moon (Kingu) is displaced. Sky God AN, deposed by Cronus Illustration from: Zecharia Sitchin 12th Planet page 235 Mars affected. Atmosphere dies: Inherits 2 new moons; Phobos and Deimos Venus and the pentagram link Chiron 115. Chiron (Charon) moves to become plutos moon (having been dislocated from Uranus and Saturn) Apollo, Apollon, Helios, merging With Phaeton In the version of the myth told by Ovid in the Metamorphoses, Phaeton bragged to his friends that his father was the sun-god Helios. This story has given rise to two latter-day meanings of "phaeton": one who drives a chariot or coach, especially at a reckless or dangerous speed, and one that would or may set the world on fire. Venus flipped Phobos and Deimos, are named after Fear and Terror (Panic) Cruithne 2nd Moon (original 1st ) - 770 year horse shoe orbit. Kingu is our New Moon. Eris and dysnomia 116. Egyptian Elysian Fields Terrestrial Planets Jovial PlanetsDemeter Brothers Father & Son 117. Catastraphobia and The Travel of Phaeton Barbara Handclow Loses Pluto, other moons deranged Pieces torn off Marduk here Equatorial alignment changed, moons deranged Chiron (Gaga) deranged Kingu Captured Tiamat breaks up Orbit Changed, collects 2 moons Venus Rotational spin reversed Jupiter and Mercury unaffected 118. Is Phobos artificial? Picture source: 119. Is the Moon a hollowed-out spaceship sent to orbit our earth in the remote prehistoric past? 1 Don Wilson, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon 1 Vasin and Sherbakov proposed that the lunar crust was perhaps made of a titanium frame. In fact, it has been verified that the lunar crust possess an extraordinary level of titanium. The layer of titanium estimated by the Soviet team is nearly 20 miles thick. 2160 Miles 120. POST-CATACLYSM ADAPTION BLUE EYES 121. "It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep. The work raises a raft of new questions not least of which is why white skin caught on so thoroughly in northern climes once it arose. Some scientists suggest that lighter skin offered a strong survival advantage for people who migrated out of Africa by boosting their levels of bone-strengthening vitamin D; others have posited that its novelty and showiness simply made it more attractive to those seeking mates. Even study leader Keith Cheng said he was at first uncomfortable talking about the new work, fearing that the finding of such a clear genetic difference between people of African and European ancestries might reawaken discredited assertions of other purported inborn differences between races -- the most long-standing and inflammatory of those being intelligence. 122. A few genes have previously been associated with human pigment disorders -- most notably those that, when mutated, lead to albinism, an extreme form of pigment loss. But the newly found glitch is the first found to play a role in the formation of "normal" white skin. The Penn State team calculates that the gene, known as slc24a5, is responsible for about one- third of the pigment loss that made black skin white. A few other as-yet- unidentified mutated genes apparently account for the rest. "I think human beings are extremely insecure and look to visual cues of sameness to feel better, and people will do bad things to people who look different," Cheng said. Although precise dating is impossible, several scientists speculated on the basis of its spread and variation that the mutation arose between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. That would be consistent with research showing that a wave of ancestral humans migrated northward and eastward out of Africa about 50,000 years ago. Unlike most mutations, this one quickly overwhelmed its ancestral version, at least in Europe, suggesting it had a real benefit. Many scientists suspect that benefit has to do with vitamin D, made in the body with the help of sunlight and critical to proper bone development. 123. You are unique because you have your ownYou are unique because you have your own perspective..perspective.. But what is the significance of blue eyes?But what is the significance of blue eyes? Researchers from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen have tracked blue eye colour to a common ancestor. The team examined mitochondrial DNA from 800 blue-eyed individuals from countries which included Jordan, Denmark and Turkey. They found that blue eyes are caused by a genetic mutation in the OCA2 gene, in the chromosome that is normally responsible for melanin production. A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a switch, which literally turned off the ability to produce brown eyes ," said Hans Eiberg, the studys senior author. The switch lowered melanin production in the iris, causing brown eyes to become lighter. Eiberg and his team found genetic evidence that the mutation is relatively new and might have occurred around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago in a single ancestor. Originally, we all had brown eyes, noted Eiberg. The study can be found in the Journal of Human Genetics. 124. Do my eyes deceive me?Do my eyes deceive me? Do you see goodor evil? Me or you? 125. A Second Perspective ROBERT MORNING SKY 126. [1] My grandfather was one of six young Indian rescuers. When I was young, my grandfather told me the story of his star visitor. He and his friends called him Star Elder, a name given out of respect. But, as time passed, his name was revealed to the youths. The name was BekTi. This is his story.and mine Robert Morning Sky was born near Tucson, AZ and grew up within a Native American tribal tradition, Hopi & Apache, in the State of Arizona for most of his life. They have always been here, and they are still here now. When pressed to explain his presence (BekTi) on Earth, the Star Elder stunned the six. There was a war in the skies above, and his ship had been downed by enemy forces. [1] The Terra Papers: TERRA A hidden history of Planet Earth Page 3 127. [1] In the late 1960s, I was enrolled at a University in a Religious Studies program. Towards the end of my studies, I submitted a paper that briefly summarised the history of man and earth as told by BekTi. I titled the paper, "TERRA, a Hidden History of Planet Earth." I was sure I had presented a well researched and well documented work. It was immediately labeled a work of outrageous, if not blasphemous, distortion of historical records and not of the caliber of a serious student of Religion. The TERRA PAPERS, the story of BekTi, nearly got me thrown out of school. [1] The Terra Papers: TERRA A hidden history of Planet Earth Page 2 WeWe are not aloneare not alone...... The astronomers are wrong. The Scientists are wrong.The astronomers are wrong. The Scientists are wrong. They are here, butThey are here, but we cannot see them because they hidewe cannot see them because they hide. They. They hide in plain sighthide in plain sight.. We are their servants. We are their slaves. We are their propertyWe are their servants. We are their slaves. We are their property we are theirs.we are theirs. 128. [1] Referred to by other races as the ARI or masters, in time they would become the ARI of AN (Heaven), or the ARI-AN. Today it is known as ORIONORION. A brief historyA brief history [1] The TERRA PAPERS: The Hidden History of Planet Earth Page 4 [2] The TERRA PAPERS: The Hidden History of Planet Earth Page 8 [2] The Queens of ARI-AN called for a meeting of RoyalsRoyals. If the Kings of ASA- RRR pledge they loyalty to the SSS-T High Throne and submitted themselves to the service of the Throne then they would be granted control over the Ninth Sector. Realising the magnitude of power in the offer extended, the ASA-RRR Kings quickly agreed to the Alliance.. catapulted to a place as superpower by the Alliance, the Stars of ASA-RRR became known as the Empire of SS-RR-SSSS-RR-SS or SIRIUSSIRIUS. 129. [1] AR-ZU watched the progress of the battle carefully. The moment for releasing his captured AR had to be precise. As his attack ships struck with deadly accuracy, a sudden break appeared in the formations of AN-UsAN-Us invasion forces. AR-ZU immediately summoned the captured AR Deathship. For one brief moment, there was silence as the two large warships faced each other. As two mighty bulls with lowered heads, the pause only preceded the head-long charge. Chaos, thunder and lightening filled the starways. The weapons-fire was overwhelming. Lord King AR-ZU had to turn away from the blinding light and the deafening noise. [1] Ibid. Page 18/19 When the light flashes stopped, Lord AR-ZU lifted up his visor and strained to see through the smoke. As the haze cleared, AR-ZU realised what those final explosions had been. They had come from his captured AR Deathship. The mighty Flagship of AN-U had defeated AR-ZUs Deathship and continued to move steadily forward. 130. [1] AR-ZU watched in horror as the dying body of the warship hurtled flaming downward into the oncoming world of KAKKAB SHANAMMA (Uranus), the planet where experiments on plants and animals were being conducted by Prince EA. As the moon-sized ship of metal entered the atmosphere, a shower of sparks filled the skies. Bolts of blue lightening flashed from the ship to the surface of the planet. The sky over KAKKAB SHANAMMA was in chaos even before the miles wide globe of burning metal collided with the world. Striking at an angleat an angle, the stricken *AR careened off the planet, skidding, and bouncing, then catapulted into the black void. KAKKAB SHANAMMA was tipped over on its axis. Shudders pulsed along the inner caverns of the planet, its quaking core was shaken and toppled. Once an upright world, it now lay on its side *The Theogeny, a Greek tale of old, related the tale of Zeus (ZU-ZU) and the Olympus Gods (AL- AMBAHU-ZU) who battle against the Olden Gods of Mount Othyres (Osiris or Sirius) The Theogeny reveals that when Zeus went to war with the Olden Gods, Typhon (= AR), a great and hideous monster was sent by the Olden Gods to destroy Zeus. When Zeus vanquished Typhon, Typhon was hurled down a crippled wreck. The Huge earth groaned. A great part of the huge earth was scorched by the terrible vapour, melting as tin melts. ..In the glow of a blazing fire did the earth melt down [1]Ibid. Page 19 131. Johann Liss -The Fall of Phaethon 132. Egyptian Elysian Fields Terrestrial Planets Jovial PlanetsDemeter Brothers Father & Son 133. The Valiant IKU Pilots of AN-U took aim at the planet TIAMAT with the only weapon they had left, the AR Deathship itself! Manoeuvring the flaming and disintegrating warship, they hurled themselves directly at TIAMAT. The Great Palace of AL-AMBAHU-ZU was thrown into panic. The alarm was sent out. Star ships, cargo ships, ships of every sort were commandeered for the purpose of evacuating. But it was too late! Nothing could be done! The inhabitants of TIAMAT had no chance, they could not be rescued. It was too late! As the dying AR Deathship struck the planet, the ship of Lord AR-ZU was enveloped in blinding light. In moments, the shock wave struck the ship, bouncing it around as if it were a leaf caught up in a tidal wave. Tumbling and twisting, the ship of Lord AR-ZU was thrown in the direction of TARGALLO (Saturn), narrowly missing the stone rings. Lord AR-ZU could hear the screams over the beams of communication. Turning his head away, AR-ZU turned of the audio linkage. 134. but Lord ZU-ZU (Zeus) loses his Captured AR, the AR-ZU 135. [1] The search for life in the universe By Donald Goldsmith