SUMCD Board of Directors...

SUMCD Board of Directors Meeting March 26, 2014 6:00pm light dinner/6:30 pm meeting Lewistown Children’s Center I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes February 26, 2014 (ACTION) III. Approve Election of New Board Members and Terms (ACTION) IV. Announcements V. Committee Reports VI. Old Business A. Summary of Resolutions/Votes by Email B. Leadership Susquehanna Valley Follow Up C. Restoring Sequestration/COLA Grant Amendment (ACTION) D. Designation Renewal System Update E. Self Assessment Update F. EI Program Update G. Insurance Update Cyber Liability, Bids VII. New Business A. Correspondence from OHS B. Approval of ERSEA (ACTION) C. New Contract Approval D. CEO Performance Evaluation E. OSHA Complaint F. Sale of Lawn Mowers VIII. Personnel/Human Resources A. Report of all programs IX. Head Start/Early Head Start A. Policy Council Report B. Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports (February) (ACTION) C. Winter Outcomes Report X. Child Care A. Narrative B. Efficiency report XI. CCIS: Encumbrance Report XII. Adjourn

Transcript of SUMCD Board of Directors...

SUMCD Board of Directors Meeting March 26, 2014

6:00pm light dinner/6:30 pm meeting Lewistown Children’s Center

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes February 26, 2014 (ACTION)

III. Approve Election of New Board Members and Terms (ACTION)

IV. Announcements

V. Committee Reports

VI. Old Business A. Summary of Resolutions/Votes by Email

B. Leadership Susquehanna Valley Follow Up

C. Restoring Sequestration/COLA Grant Amendment (ACTION)

D. Designation Renewal System Update

E. Self Assessment Update

F. EI Program Update

G. Insurance Update – Cyber Liability, Bids

VII. New Business

A. Correspondence from OHS

B. Approval of ERSEA (ACTION)

C. New Contract Approval

D. CEO Performance Evaluation

E. OSHA Complaint

F. Sale of Lawn Mowers

VIII. Personnel/Human Resources

A. Report of all programs

IX. Head Start/Early Head Start A. Policy Council Report

B. Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports (February) (ACTION)

C. Winter Outcomes Report

X. Child Care

A. Narrative

B. Efficiency report

XI. CCIS: Encumbrance Report

XII. Adjourn

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes (ACTION)


Board Members:

Amy Coleman

Marilyn Huff

Peggy Peeler

Shirley Spangler

Karen Woland-Payne

Ron Stauffer

Kathy Guyer

Leo Weidner


Jane Campbell

Sue Snyder

Marni Napp

Sally Miller

Carol Budd

Lisa Storer

Board Members:

Michael Hurlburt

Melissa Keister

Michael McMonigal

Linda McMillin

Rachel Smith

David Fassett


I. Call to Order Karen Woland Payne called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes Shirley Spangler made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting held on January 22, 2014. Kathy Guyer

seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

III. Announcements 1. PHSA Administrator’s Meeting (attended by Jane, Cathy Dysinger): There were presentations by an OHS

representative and OCDEL. New laws on abuse/neglect were presented. The definition of what constitutes abuse or

neglect was expanded. A new reporting requirement goes into effect in December – the person who is aware/made

aware of a possible abuse/neglect situation is the person who must report. We are already doing this; we changed our

policy. To support the person making the report/call, we ask that he/she goes to his/her supervisor, but this can’t delay

the call. Staff and management participated in training on new Mandatory Reporting Laws.

MINUTES, February 26, 2014 BOARD MEETING

2. PACCA Meeting (attended by Jane, Lori Artman, and Donna Walter): focused on federal and state early childhood

education funding opportunities. They learned of increases in State Budget to address the CCIS waiting list; PACCA

revealed there are no waiting lists in PA (or very few), even in Philadelphia area. Pennsylvania remains underfunded

from where we were four years ago, even with recent increases proposed by the Governor.

3. Update on EHS/CC Grant (OHS webinar attended by management): we are not going to compete for this. There will be

one or two awards given for each state (if acceptable proposals are received). We cannot take this on because of the

expectations of EHS/CC, requiring that EHS develops collaborations with other child care and family providers and

ensures that they comply with the regulations. If they don’t we could be put in jeopardy.

4. Management viewed a webinar by the NHSA about recompetition/redesignation (see report below).

5. Pre-K Counts Grant Update: we will resubmit for continuation and are in the process of reaching out to school districts

about how they want to collaborate. Barbara White, Education Coordinator, will be talking with Midd West and

Mifflinburg principals to get feedback and evaluate their satisfaction. Middleburg elementary already has a classroom

for us.

6. Carol and Jane presented on the grants and outcomes to the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way. We will hear by

March about our application to continue funding. They were not sure about their level of funding at that time.

7. Jane, Denise Wehr Wetzel, and staff from Danville Child Development Center (DCDC) met with CMSU management

to discuss concerns in January. On February 27th

, Sue, Jane, Marni, and Denise will meet with CMSU management

regarding our contract.

IV. Committee Reports

A. HR Committee – staff termination Jane reported that one staff was terminated via email vote by the Human Resources Committee.

B. Finance Committee 1. End of Year Budget Projections – Sue reviewed the financial report as of December 31, 2013.

HS, EHS zeroed out

CC overspent (enrollments are steady now; end year may look better than this report)

EI – in the hole/projected to be further in the hole

Pre-K and MIECHV: good; zeroed out

CCIS $38,000 balance – normal

Other: depreciation, etc. will fluctuate, gap adjustments will affect

Overspent by $121,000

Issues over the year include: sequestration; $75,000 lost revenue because CCIS reduced by $5/day (due

to temporary licenses); Early Intervention lack of referrals; snow/weather.

Predict $150,000 in the red by the end of the fiscal year. We should not have to utilize our line of credit

or cash out CDs because of our cash flow.

2. Early Intervention Program – Jane reported about the Early Intervention Program discussion by the finance

committee. Recent history of the program: we had contracted with therapists and they left employment in April

2013 to contract directly with CMSU. CMSU indicated that they would still refer to SUMCD. This has not

happened. When the contracted therapists left, there was a $30,000 loss during the three months afterward.

Danville Child Development Center has seen the same reduction in referrals. Budget for this year projected it

would take six months to build up referrals at a loss of $35,000. The coordinator’s responsibilities expanded to

include supervision of EHS Combo-Classes and her salary was split between EI and EHS. With the number of

referrals we are now getting and even with pulling all expenses out, we would still be losing. If we pulled out of

this program/contract, children would still get services; we would lose nothing.

Ron Stauffer indicated that the finance committee is recommending that we pull out of the program. We have a

60 day contract to be honored, which gives us time to get the children transitioned as needed. Jane will meet with

CMSU tomorrow and report the decision. Unless something major changes, it doesn’t make sense to put costs

into other departments to run this program. Sue noted that this is hard because we have dealt with the program

since the 70’s. It will be difficult for staff as well.

The motion to approve termination of the contract with CMSU was made by the finance committee and

unanimously approved. It was noted that the period could be less than 60 days if mutually agreed by SUMCD

and CMSU.

V. Old Business A. Summaries/Resolutions/Votes by Email

On February 15, 2015, with twelve votes, the Board voted via email to grant permission for the agency to take

part in the University of North Carolina Evaluation of the Head Start Designation Renewal System. Jane noted

that the researchers have already been in contact with staff.

B. Leadership Susquehanna Valley Follow Up Some of the group will be meeting with us to go over recommendations on Friday. They would like to present to the

board at the April meeting.

C. March Meeting – Change Location to LCCO; Board Recognition Dinner – Change Date to April 23rd

Marilyn Huff made a motion to approve the changes to the board meeting schedule. Amy Coleman seconded the

motion, which was unanimously approved. New board members will be scheduled for orientation in early April.

D. Election of Officers and Board Ballot Update Marilyn Huff made a motion on behalf of the Nominating Committee that the nominated slate of officers become

the elected slate, which was unanimously approved.

President: Karen Woland Payne

Vice-President: Kathy Guyer

Treasurer/Secretary: Ron Stauffer

Board Ballot, in addition to current members remaining:

Michael Redding, Director of Marketing and Communications, Evangelical Community Hospital

Colleen Flewelling, Assistant Provost and Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Susquehanna


Nina Croll, Policy Council Representative

Seeking one more in Human Resources field; possibilities are from Geisinger Lewistown and Ohesson

Manor in Lewistown.

Kathy Guyer made a motion to approve the ballot. Ron Stauffer seconded the motion, which was

unanimously approved.

E Restoring Sequestration and COLA The 5.27 percent reduction in funds is being restored and grantees are being provided with a 1.3 percent cost-of-living

adjustment (COLA) effective with the start of our FY 2014 budget period. We will bring the amended budget draft to

the March meeting for approval, and possibly hold a meeting of the finance committee. Amendment to grant application

is due April 25, 2014.

VI. New Business

A. Correspondence from OHS 1. Designation Renewal System (2/3/14)

2. Overview of Findings – previously identified findings have been closed (2/11/14)

3. FY 14 funding levels available online, restores sequestration and includes COLA (2/25/14)

B. Designation Renewal System (DRS) 1. Information –

Jane provided information from a webinar and others to whom she has spoken that have gone through the

process. This is the 3rd

round or cohort of grantees. Our Training/Technical Assistance Specialists, Eleanor and

Laverne, referred Jane to the Lancaster program. Program administrators on the Webinar and from the Lancaster

program had a lot to share, some of which was: take advice you receive from national and state agencies; you are

not alone in this; difficult but must get past the “walk of shame;” get started right away; it is a long process; we

will have three months to do the grant after it is posted; it is a birth to five grant; it is an opportunity to identify

our weaknesses and go through every system we have; identify things we have to change; we will need to focus

on deficiencies and hit these head on – explaining them and what we’ve done to be sure they will never happen

again. Others used their attorney a great deal; they contracted out the grant writing to specialists. We learned that

there is a 40% goal of re-competition that OHS was given when this started; even agencies with minor

infractions are required to re-compete; high quality programs are in re-competition.

2. Our Focus Areas

a. Accounting for/Supervision of Children

b. Medication Management

c. Grounds/Site Safety

d. Home Visits/Timelines

e. Data and Monitoring Systems

f. Improving Instructional Quality

3. Tangible personal property report (inventory) was submitted, as required by the DRS process.

4. Western Kentucky University was recommended by Lancaster to write/review the Recompetition grant. We are

requesting approval of up to $20,000 for the process. Jane spoke to the grant writer and his supervisor. They

were the Head Start T/TA center for Head Start Region Four previously. A few years ago they established their

own T/TA. They guaranteed the individual that we requested to write the grant. He has been in Head start since

the 70’s. They are familiar with the DRS process. They limit the number of DRS grants they will do so they are

not overextended. They will start working with us immediately.

a. $12,000 for writing Phase 1

b. $140 for approximately 40 hours to review/edit Budget/Budget Justification section of Phase I and Phase

II (Financial Management Systems and Additional Information) – we will write/develop; they will


c. Billed monthly once we start; $140/hour will be deducted from the $12,000. Contract includes timelines

and deliverables.

The money to pay for this will come from child care revenues (we will need to manage costs). We have no idea

when the grant application will be posted/due. Last year it came out in June/July and was due in October. We

will start working with the grant writer now, but will not make any payments until April. We will still have the

grant for next year, which will go through March 2015. The government is moving all grants to a July 1st start

date. If we are the selected agency, we would have an extension from April through June 2015, or when they

make the award. It will be likely that we will apply for the extension in December 2014. Ron Stauffer made a

motion to approve that Jane sign the contract with WKU for assistance in writing the redesignation grant.

Leo Weidner seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

C. Self Assessment Plan

Self-assessment proposal: February 2014

Approved by Council: Approved by Board: 2/26/14



Parents Policy

Council Board of Directors

Direct Service


Mgmt Team

Sally March Staff satisfaction surveys: via survey

monkey for April 2014 Report X X





Evaluate Management Re-org For Board

and Policy Council X

Sally March Targeted salary and benefit comparability

study - Report due April 2014 X

Lisa S March

Board evaluation of Board role and

activities via survey monkey for 3/26/14



Lisa S.

and Carol

March –


Center visitations with written report by

Board and Council members – need

personal invitations!








Cross Program Focus Groups to evaluate

ECE services, including family

engagement, transportation,

health/nutrition, and disabilities


Lisa S April

Parent program evaluation surveys: to

CC parents via survey monkey and to

sites in mail run week of 4/14/14 and

available at Parent-Teacher conferences


Lisa S April Council evaluation of Council role and

activities X

Cathy – Mifflin Donna- Union Barbara- Snyder,





At Building and Staff Meeting, All

Classroom Teachers and Home Visitors

complete self evaluation based on

program data and Individualized

Classroom Monitoring Progress



Carol May Detailed assessment of teaming process

and approach X


Directors April

Center/Facility CQI completed at STARS

Children’s Centers X X



April -


Review above for individual Staff

Professional Development Needs /Staff

Performance Evaluations


Carol April -


Complete Family Engagement

Assessment Report X X X



May Develop Individual Site’s Classroom

Monitoring Progress Report/Summary X






Develop Agency-wide Report based on

the Individual Site Summaries of

Classroom Monitoring Progress



Sue and

Marni June

Fiscal Department evaluates and updates

the fiscal and purchasing/procurement

plan and procedures



Lisa W. June

Written Evaluation and Tally of

relationship with the TIU and CSIU

related to inclusive placements at

SUMCD sites


Jane July Full Management Team Subcommittees

review Self-Assessment Data and drafts X

Continuous Quality Improvement Goals

Jane and

Carol August

Continuous Quality Improvement Report

presented to Board and Policy Council

for review/input


Jane and

Carol August PIR completed and submitted: 8/31/14 X

Jane and

Carol Sept

Continuous Quality Improvement Report

presented to Board and Policy Council

for approval and distribution to staff and

place on website


Peggy Peeler made a motion to approve the Self Assessment Proposal. Kathy Guyer seconded the motion, which

was unanimously approved.

VII. Personnel/Human Resources A. Report of all programs

Personnel Action Summary Report: January 21, 2014 – February 24, 2014 Head Start/EHS: two resignations, one dismissal, five hirings, four vacancies, one new/continuing Leave of


Child Care: four vacancies.

SACC: one resignation, one dismissal, three hirings, three new/continuing Leaves of Absence.

Admin: two hirings.

CCIS: one new/continuing Leave of Absence.

VIII. Head Start/Early Head Start A. Policy Council Meeting Summary

The Policy Council met on February 21, 2014. The following summarizes the meeting:

Approved Minutes from Policy Council Meeting held on January 17, 2014.

Received summary of January board of directors meeting.

Received, reviewed, and approved Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports for December and January.

Received, reviewed, and approved Personnel Action Report.

Received and reviewed ERSEA policies and procedures. (We will bring to Board in March.)

Received information on and approved Program Curriculum.

Discussed outreach ideas.

Approved adding Nina Croll to ballot for board of directors.

Discussed PA Head Start Association Annual Meeting.

Received information about and discussed the Federal Review Findings and Redesignation.

B. Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports The board was provided with the December and January Monitoring Reports, January Financial Report, and January

Credit Card Report. Marilyn Huff made a motion to approve the reports. Shirley Spangler seconded the motion,

which was unanimously approved.

IX. Child Care A. Narrative

Child care sites, with the exception of Taylor Park are looking very good. Efficiency overall is at 96%.

LCC: three children will start on the infant/toddler wing the first week of March which will move three children

into the preschool wing.

SCC: two infants are enrolling the first week of March

TP: Currently there is one infant room, a younger toddler room, and an older toddler room at TP. When two

toddlers move to preschool classroom (March), we will not have sufficient enrollment for three classrooms.

Executive Management is recommending we decrease to just one infant and one toddler classroom. The teacher

and assistant teacher can move to other classes/vacant positions.

SACC sites: lots of drops this time of year. Most are parent losing job or family is moving. We need to look at

limiting enrollment at Turbotville next year to 12 if interest is low. We gambled this year by going up to 24 and

we haven't maintained full enrollment.

Staffing at SACC is based on attendance on a daily basis. The total enrollment for which we are staffed is on the

high side.

B. Efficiency Report: February 2014 The Board received and reviewed the CC Efficiency Report.

X. CCIS: Encumbrance Report The Board received the CCIS Encumbrance Report.

XI. ADJOURN Amy Coleman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Kathy Guyer seconded the motion, which was

unanimously approved.

III. Approve Election of New Board Members and Terms (ACTION) A. Ballots



Marilyn Huff (3rd term)

4/14 – 3/17

Rachel Smith (2nd Term)

4/14 – 3/17

Karen Woland Payne (2nd Term)

4/14 – 3/17

Nina Croll (new)

4/14 – 3/17

Colleen Flewelling (new)

4/14 – 3/17

Michael Redding (new)

4/14 – 3/17

Pat Jordan (new)

4/14 – 3/17

B. New Member Mentoring In addition to attending new member orientation, board member mentors will be requested to greet and sit with new

members at meetings and be available for questions from new members.

IV. Announcements 1. We were advised that Susquehanna Children's Center will be granted a full license and be off provisional status as of April




2. There was a change in the DPW regulations that now require we employ a life guard for any Summer Camp swimming

trips. The life guards must be employed by SUMCD and cannot count to ratios. STARS will no longer pay for swimming

trips so we are charging a $20 per child activity fee to help defer costs.

3. Staff have been participating in the interview process for the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation for the evaluation

of the Head Start Designation Renewal Process.

4. Gary Hackenberg will be retiring April 30th. Julie Mitchell will replace Gary as Controller of Operations and is moving to

central office on April 1, 2014 for training and transition of his duties.

5. Recruitment has begun for Head Start and Pre-K Counts. Open recruitment day will occur in May.

6. We were awarded $28,459.10 from the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way this year. They had a challenging

fundraising year and had to pull from their reserves to award funding, which may not be available next year. We had applied

for $35,000 for child care tuition assistance and $5,544 for HS/EHS transportation stipends.

7. Healthy Families America is partnering with Mifflin Juniata Human Services and Mifflin County Communities that Care

for a Parent Café. Parents of children 0-3 will have an opportunity to share ideas, make their voices heard, get new ideas,

make new friends, and share hopes and dreams for their families.

IV. Committee Reports A. HR Committee

1. Staff Suspension

2. CCIS Director Job Description Changes

V. Old Business A. Summaries/Resolutions/Votes by Email


From February 27, 2014 To March 26, 2014

Date Voting

Concluded Motion

Quorum Number

For Against Abstained

3/13/14 Add Ms. Pat Jordan to the ballot for the board of directors.

5 11 0 0

B. Leadership Susquehanna Valley Update The LSV team drafted short term and long term goals, which are being reviewed and revised by our management team,

including specific timelines and needs. They also developed business cards, letterhead, and brochure templates for

consistency, using the same fonts, colors, and logo from our website. We plan to have them present at the board meeting

on April 23rd

. They have requested an opportunity to obtain input from the Board prior to finalizing their project.

C. Restoring Sequestration/COLA Grant Amendment (ACTION)

See Draft Refunding Application Amendment (handout).

D. Designation Renewal System Update In a Pennsylvania Head Start Association conference call, the director indicated that the DRS FOAs are expected to be

released in the next two to three weeks. We are working with our consultant to establish a time for him to come on site

and have been providing him with the documents needed to get started.

E. Self Assessment Update The board self assessment has begun via survey monkey. The staff self assessment will be done via survey monkey as

well. We are also planning to send the parent survey to child care parents via survey monkey this year. Board members

are invited to visit the centers/classrooms/programs to observe. Contact Lisa or one of the centers directly to schedule.

Please utilize the Self Assessment Visitation Observation Form (provided at meeting and on Board only web page) and

return to Lisa by the May meeting.

F. EI Program Update (ACTION) Early Intervention program staff are in the process of trying to transition to other providers or contracting directly with

CMSU. The contracting process may take longer than our 60-day notice. To avoid having CMSU offer other therapists

to families, we are requesting an extension of the program on a contractual basis until the therapists transition to their

new positions. Before April 15th

the therapists will switch to independent contractors. Mifflin County has already

replaced the OT. Only the PT is serving Mifflin and Juniata Counties. She is looking into employment with an agency

there. Program coordinator Denise Wehr Wetzel is scheduled to be laid off as of May 2, 2014.

G. Insurance Update Our insurance agent, Craig Purdy, is procuring bids this year for our general liability package. We are working on

completing applications to submit to Philadelphia, Nonprofit Insurance Alliance, and Merkel. We also added the cyber

liability insurance to our Traveler’s policy for an annual premium of $4,144.

VI. New Business

A. Correspondence from OHS 1. Federal Oversight of Five Year Head Start Grants (3/19/14) – posted on Board only web page.

B. Approval of ERSEA (ACTION)

See handout.

C. New Contract Approval (ACTION) Automated Logic (HVAC company to take care of Lewistown Children’s Center): In the past year, we have paid

$9,083.50 to Automated Logic for maintenance on our HAVC at LCCO with no contract. While we operated with no

contract, Automated Logic's software has been updated four times. Our system is not being updated, so it will need the

four updates to get it functionally back online at this point. In addition to the software updates, Automated Logic has

training sessions for maintenance staff to attend and learn about monitoring the system. The cost would be $6,160 for

this year. Requesting approval of one-year agreement.

D. CEO Performance Evaluation Discuss process.

E. OSHA Complaint

F. Sale of Lawn Mowers We have two Hustler X-One 25 HP 60" cut zero turn mowers purchased April 2011 for $6453 each from Buffalo Valley

Repair. They have offered to buy them back for $4500 each. We may have a bid from a private landscaper for $5000

each. One mower has 176.5 hours usage and the other has 127.2 hours usage. By contracting out mowing services, we

can save approximately $1100, and gain 15 additional hours per week for maintenance work - time not spent on mowing


VII. Personnel/Human Resources A. Report of all programs

Personnel Action Summary Report: February 24, 2014 – March 26, 2014

SUMCD Program

Separations from Employment Hirings Current Vacancies

Active Leaves of Absence

(new/continuing) Resignations Dismissals

Head Start / EHS 1 0 1 1

Child Care 1 1

SACC 1 1 3

Admin 1 1

Early Intervention



Pre-K Counts

VIII. Head Start/Early Head Start

A. Policy Council Meeting Summary

The Policy Council met on March 21, 2014. The following summarizes the meeting:

Approved minutes from February meeting.

Approved Personnel Action Report.

Reviewed Board of Directors meeting summary.

Approved Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports.

Received Disabilities Plan for review.

Received information about Self Assessment Plan and approved Plan.

Invited and encouraged to observe classrooms as part of Self Assessment.

Received information about the Health Advisory Meetings.

Received information about, reviewed, and approved the Sequestration Restoration/COLA

Refunding Application.

Reminded of voting for Board of Directors.

B. Monitoring, Financial, and Credit Card Reports (ACTION)


Council Report DATE: March 21, 2014 Board Report DATE: March 26, 2014 REPORT PERIOD February 2014

Head Start Early Head

Start Requirement

Total Receiving Services 339 120


HS funded for 339

EHS funded for 120 + 25

Total - 484

Total Receiving Services - since beginning of year/ cumulative

363 149

On Waiting List as Income Eligible 144* 87* *includes referrals for


Diagnosed Disability and IEP or IFSP (cumulative)

95 17 Minimum required: 46

Above Poverty Guidelines

Percent of Funded Enrollment 34 5 Total- 39 Maximum allowed: 46

Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for month – Center-based Classes

86% 93% Standard: 85% or better

Volunteer Hours 157.25 Value: 1696.73

Well Child Appts % Completed 100%

Dental Exams % Completed 100%

Meals Provided

Breakfast 2573 Breakfast 136

Varies by service days in the month.

Total meals for agency:

24, 474

Lunch 4178 Lunch 161

Snack 2139 Snack 66

n/a Dinner 10

TOTAL 8890 Total 373

FINANCIAL REPORT: HEAD START & EARLY HEAD START Grant Year: April 1, 2013- March 31, 2014



88% of the year

Budget Expenses % Spent

Personnel $2,064,109 $1,874,950 91%

Benefits 606,139 582,822 96%

Equipment 0 0 0%

Supplies 77,783 54,808 70%

Contractual 83,950 129,447 154%

Other Operating Expenses 932,193 733,498 79%

Admin-Indirect Costs 566,093

93% 528,421

Total BUDGET $4,330,267


90% $3,903,946

Total Federal Funds $4,078,816 $3,742,660 92%

Total Other Funds * include CACFP 251,451 $161,286 64%

TOTAL ALL FUNDS RECEIVED $4,330,267 $3,903,946 90%

Revenues compared to Expenses 0

NON-FEDERAL MATCH REPORT Required Non-Federal Match (BUDGET) $1,019,704

4/1/13 - 2/28/14 Total Non-Federal Match received (THIS PERIOD) 984,585

Percent of BUDGET received 97%


REPORT PERIOD: 4/1/13 - 2/28/14

Budget Expenses in REPORT PERIOD

Total Federal Funds Used in Report Period $4,078,816 $3,742,660

Total Non-Federal Received in Report Period $1,019,704 $984,585


$5,098,520 $4,727,245


15% Admin Limit of Federal +non-Federal

Total Admin Costs $566,093 $528,421 93%

Are SUMCD Expenses at or below 15% limit? Yes Yes

Administrative Costs as % of

11% 11%

Total Federal + Non Federal Budget or Expenses

Comments: Contractual is over expended due to the increased usage HS/CC subsidy.

We are slightly overspent as of February 28, 2014.

Our Non-Federal share is very good at 97% currently.

Charge Card/Credit Card REPORT

Month: February

Year: 2014

Expense Category Bank of Am MBTC Card Services Walmart Lowes Staples Fleet

Fueling TOTAL





Employee Training








Pupil Transportation


7,062.33 7,537.07





Total Charge/Credit Card Expenses 0.00 5,460.26 0.00 328.84 1,339.01 7,062.33 14,190.44

C. Outcomes Reports Winter 2014 Outcomes - handout

IX. Child Care A. Narrative

Efficiencies at sites look really good - 99.3% overall. We closed one of the toddler classrooms at Taylor Park, moving

the infants and young toddlers together since enrollment was very low. In doing this we brought the efficiency up from

68% (Feb) to 92%. We were able to utilize the staff in other areas of the center. Wait lists are building for care in the

summer and fall, especially in Lewisburg and Selinsgrove areas.

SACC programs are showing some decreased enrollments at programs in Lewistown, Mifflinburg, and Selinsgrove

morning programs, and Montandon and Turbotville after school. Turbotville is staffed for 24, yet we have consistently

stayed at around 16/17 this year. We may need to hold that program at 12 next school year as we build a wait list.

Mifflinburg School District will offer a morning program at the school due to a change in their bussing. This may

affect our enrollment for next school year.

B. Efficiency Report: March 2014

Group Name

Staffed Enrollmnt

Current Enrollmnt

Efficiency Mar-13

Last Report Feb-14

Efficiency Mar-13

By Center


Efficiency Mar-13

Lewisburg CC

Infants 8 8.4 105% 93% 100% LCC 101% 92%

Toddlers 34 33.8 99% 99% 87% Preschool 60 59.6 99% 96% 93% Sharon Koppel CC

Infants 8 7.8 98% 98% 75% SKCC 101% 85%

Toddlers (20) 10 10.4 104% 102% 88% Mifflinburg CC

Infants 8 7.2 90% 90% 95% MCC 93% 91%

Toddlers 10 9 90% 100% 100% Preschool 20 19.8 99% 99% 87% Susquehanna CC

Infant/Toddler 8 8.6 107% 83% 95% SCC 100% 93%

Toddlers 22 21 95% 99% 91% Preschool 40 39.2 98% 100% 95% Lewistown CC

Infants 8 8.6 108% 108% 100% LCCO 107% 93%

Toddlers 12 12.6 115% 105% 82% Preschool 60 59.2 99% 99% 96% Taylor Park CC

Infant/Toddler 10 9.2 92% 68% 95% TP 94% 92%

Preschool 20 19.2 96% 84% 90%

TOTALS 99% 95% 92%


Staffed Efficiency

SACC Enrollment Enrollment Mar-14 Feb-14 Mar-13

Lewisburg BFS 24 24.2 101% 81% 88%

Lewisburg AFS 27 26 96% 83% 113%

Watsontown AFS 24 23 96% 96% 97%

Turbotville AFS 24 17 69% 68% 71%

Montandon AFS 12 6.5 54% 54% 79%

White Deer AFS 12 12.4 103% 103% 92%

Mifflinburg BFS 12 9.6 80% 80% 85%

Mifflinburg AFS 36 33.8 94% 94% 91%

Selinsgrove BFS 24 14 58% 61% 79%

Selinsgrove Elem AFS 36 35 97% 100% 108%

Selinsgrove Interm AFS 27 23 85% 81% 93%

Lewistown Elem BFS 24 15.4 64% 65% 98%

Lewistown Elem -AFS 36 32.4 90% 87% 83%

Indian Valley Elem - BFS 12 9.6 80% 80% 88%

Indian Valley Elem - AFS 24 19.8 83% 85% 83%

TOTAL School Age 83% 81% 90%

X. CCIS: Encumbrance Report







Low Income $107,922 $108,505 -$583 101%

Teen Parent $1,200 $77 $1,123 6%

Former TANF $15,785 $14,153 $1,632 90%

TANF $24,327 $3,168 $21,159 13%


Low Income $471,385 $495,275 -$23,890 105%

Teen Parent $14,100 $12,220 $1,880 87%

Former TANF $141,107 $126,773 $14,334 90%

TANF $126,053 $95,359 $30,694 76%


Low Income $281,577 $280,929 $648 100%

Teen Parent $13,600 $11,611 $1,989 85% Former TANF $67,505 $68,724 -$1,219 102%

TANF $68,727 $49,381 $19,346 72%


Low Income $407,392 $409,368 -$1,976 100%

Teen Parent $13,600 $8,909 $4,691 66%

Former TANF $106,884 $119,101 -$12,217 111%

TANF $136,797 $68,044 $68,753 50%

Overbooking has been removed - these are true amounts of allocated funds.

All highlighted funding streams have had allocation changes as per OCDEL funding adjustments or CCIS moving some Teen Parent funds in or out of Low Income as needed. Teen Parents can't have funds removed to enroll Low Income until the end of April.

Families/Children Served this month

Juniata Mifflin Snyder Union


20/34 127/210 67/105 81/137

Waiting List (children not families)

Juniata Mifflin Snyder Union

Children 1 1 6 3

Waiting Since

2/28/2014 2/25/2014 2/5/2014 2/4/2014

Pending/Reopen Status (cases that will possibly be eligible & require funds)

Juniata Mifflin Snyder Union

Cases 2 9 0 2

Outreach to Ongoing families: CCIS has been making serious efforts by means of extra phone calls, extra paperwork, etc. to keep

families from falling off the program. They have been doing a monthly study since November and hope to see a decrease in the

percentage of lost families dropping off CCIS due to not turning paperwork.


Subsequent Meeting: April 23, 2014 – Victoria House – Invitation and menu choices will be

sent via email.