Sum Newsletter 03.pdf

The safe place for all to grow in friendship, body and mind within the foundations of the Christian faith. There are no awards to tell you about this week so straight onto school news. SCHOOL NEWS Year 6 SATs Our Year 6 cohort will be taking their SATs next week. They have worked incredibly hard this year so far and have been an absolute credit to the school. I am sure you will agree that as a school we are very proud of them whatever results they achieve and wish them the best of luck next week. Reception Places for September 2015 Although we have been over-subscribed in reception for the past couple of years we still have a few places available for this September 2015. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a place at St Oswald’s for September but for whatever reason didn’t apply, please advise them that there are spaces and that they can either apply online asap or contact the school office for further details. Bag2School Collection Bag2School bags were sent home with the children last week. Please fill them with all your unwanted adult and children’s clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts, ties, hats and soft toys and bring them in before 9am on Thursday May 14 th . This is a fantastic way to have a good ‘sort out’ and raise money for the PTA. Please note that Bag2School no longer collect bedding, pillows, rugs, curtains, towels, school uniform or material offcuts. In previous years the school has raised over £500 a year with 2 annual collections, so please start filling your bags! Thank you.

Transcript of Sum Newsletter 03.pdf

  • The safe place for all to grow in friendship, body and mind within the foundations of the

    Christian faith.

    There are no awards to tell you about this week so straight onto school news.


    Year 6 SATs

    Our Year 6 cohort will be taking their SATs next week. They have worked

    incredibly hard this year so far and have been an absolute credit to the school. I

    am sure you will agree that as a school we are very proud of them whatever

    results they achieve and wish them the best of luck next week.

    Reception Places for September 2015

    Although we have been over-subscribed in reception for the past couple of years we still have a few

    places available for this September 2015. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a place at

    St Oswalds for September but for whatever reason didnt apply, please advise them that there are

    spaces and that they can either apply online asap or contact the school office for further details.

    Bag2School Collection

    Bag2School bags were sent home with the children last week. Please fill them with all your unwanted

    adult and childrens clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts, ties, hats and soft toys and bring them in

    before 9am on Thursday May 14th. This is a fantastic way to have a good sort out and raise money

    for the PTA. Please note that Bag2School no longer collect bedding, pillows, rugs, curtains, towels,

    school uniform or material offcuts. In previous years the school has raised over 500 a year with 2

    annual collections, so please start filling your bags! Thank you.

  • Parent Questionnaire Feedback

    Did you see the response to the recent parent questionnaire that I sent out? If not you can find it on

    the school website under Parents and then This terms letters where we will be aiming to add word

    copies of all the letters sent out this term in case you missed any.

    Y3/Y4 Football Club

    There will be no Y3/4 football club session on Monday 12th May. It will go ahead as normal the

    following Monday

    Reception and Y6 photographs

    Please return your group photograph orders on Monday 12th May please.

    Dates for your diary this term

    Monday 11 May Year 6 SATs week

    Thursday 14 May Bag2School

    Friday 15 May Football match (home)

    Monday 18 May Andy Avery leading worship

    Tuesday 19 May Art Day for Reception / Wrens

    Wednesday 20 May Art Day for Reception / Wrens and Y2

    Wednesday 20 May Y6 residential to PGL

    Wednesday 20 May Mrs Spence holding informal meeting after school about SRE materials