ensign in U. S. Navy, is enjoying a 15-day leave fol lowing completion of a course at...

THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1144 TORRANCE HERALD. To e. Califo PACE 3 3 SERVICE SHORTS * AWARDED D. F.C. . . . Tech- nical Sergeant Francis V. Kaspar ^PTorrance, Calif., radio opera- tor and gunner on the Eighth AAF B-17 Flying Fortress "Miss Jeannie," lias been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for "extraordinary achievement" while participating in a series of attacks on industrial and mili- tary targets in Europe. The citation stated that "dis- playing great courage and skill, and in addition to warding off many enemy attacks from his gun position, Sgt. Kaspar dis- tinguished himself by calm and skiUM operation of his radio during aerial combat." Sgt. Kaspar is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaspar of 1736 JH4 mercy ave., Torrance, and <ie entered the AAF in Sep- tember, 1942. \VII.I.IAM A. I.OKTi;.S . . . :i corporal, stationed at I'alni .Springs, spent the weekend with his hrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mis. II. K. Ullu-lght, here. LESLIE I-OSTEK ... a ser- geant, stationed at Sedalia Army Air Field, Kansas City, Mo.," is enjoying a ten-days' furlough he-re. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Fos- ter of Oil C'ota ave. ft llt.'KTON" LEE IJIMB . . . is a private at Camp Hob- erts. Hi- i* a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lamb of this city. TAT C'AKLIN . . . pharma- cist's mate, 3/c, serving with the WAVE, stationed at San Diego, and her sister, Mrs. Steve Schmidt of this city, were leecnt dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kin-hen of Los Angeles. NOK.MAN L. I'KTKKSON ... seaman, 1/c, serving in the South Pacific, arrived recently for a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Jesse L. Peter- Mill lit 1C.02 W. 223rd st. 1 KEDEKIt K CKIIAI.II WEST . . . has recently en- listed in the Marine Corps Ke- seive and is now stationed at San Diego. He is a sun of Mi. and Mrs. Simon Joseph West of 22801 Pennsylvania ave. His father i.v a Marine veteran of the last war. IAMEK A. DANIEL . . lieutenant in Army Air Fore recently arrived nt his n base at Kono, Nev. ...._.. KOSSI ... a staff sergeant, serving in the South Pacific, states- "I am still alive and ticking. Have been working steadily, now due for a little lost." .< <-* A CHARLENE STYLE HIT! The Sensational Lumberjack 2 PIECE SLACK SUITS Smjit rayon lumberjack style jacket and form-fittiny pleated slacks in the beautiful new colors of Watcimelon Red, Gold, Aqua, Tan, Biown and Navy. Sizes are 10 to 18 ... and the price so reasonable. $795 7 Close-Out of All HAND BAGS S3.25 and $7.50 CHARLE^iE SPORT SHOP 1327 SARTOKI AVE. TORRANCE I Ne«t to Toirance National Bank MfANK It. KI.M'I'KIt . . . li:is lii'Cil ;i(|Viinc'C(| to col'[K)i:il .-it WcstuviT KiHcl, Mass. Ho is :i Kin (if Mrs. Bculah C. Klcppcr, 21040 Lomita !ivr., Ton-nice. Bi.-fori; cntci inn M'l-vki; her was a bailiff in I,. A. County Superior Com I. IOE BAY . . . pharmacist's nwto 1/c, having served for tho past 15 months with an aviation Marine .squadron In thn South Padflc, is enjoying a ISO days' ]c;wi> with his par- cms hcrc>. KICIIAIil) T. HIOOINS . . . has town transforied from Paterton, N. J., to Macon, Ga. Hu is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. If. HiKKins of 1329 Por- tol.-i ave. * * * I'AltKi; MONTACJUK . . . an ensign in U. S. Navy, is enjoying a 15-day leave fol- lowing completion of a course at University of Arizona, Tuc- son. After June 1 he will re- poit lor ftn-t her study at Har- vard University, iiccording In his mother, Mrs. i: I,. Parks. HA i.i'ii i!i:<;ii.\i r . . . serving with the Army Air Forces at Douglas, Aiix., was host recently to his wife, Mickie, who arrived this we(U< for a two weeks' visit with him. liOHIOItT .IOSKI'11 McNAI.- I.V ... is a machinist's male, 2/f, serving with the Naval Operations Base in the South Pacific. WAl.TKIt <:'l.Al!SIN«i . . . serving with the Army Air Forces at Douglas, Ariz., was bust recently to his wife, the cr Nurnia McConiiick, who arrived this week for a two weeks' visit with him.' IIOFKMAN ... a sergeant, in a recent letter stated: "I am sold on radio as a piofession. Many of the things we are discovering on (he o|K-ration of new equip- ment will he used for post-war radius, .-o 1 feel I am doing something to win the peace as well as the war." * VICTOK A. MADDOCK . . . a private at Fort Knew, Ky., has liec-n awarded a modal for rifle exports, according to a recent announcement by Col. N. li. Briscoo, Post Command'- STKWAKT SMITH . . . HCM- niiin 2 i; in ;i ri'ocnt li'llcr ad- visi'd: "Jim Prime and I arc still toKFther and liltc HIP Navy and our radar .school." JOK VAN KKAI.INiiKN ... advi.scs thai while he has traveled extensively, he has lieen more or less cut off from civilization. He reports hav- ing recently seen John Lyiiio, son of Mr. and Mis. John HallaiiKcr. KIIIN UIOYNOl.ns ... a private, now convalescing from a serious illness, states: "Tho Alaskan town where I am sta- tiiini'd is similar lo many otlH'iw here with its nuid >ti(cls, board walks, gambling hoiiH's, cuilo shops and small rc.stnurants, whero one can a steak from $3.50 to $5.00. The inhabitants arc mostly While Knssians." niunr.R CI.UB OKOUP AT KASI.KY IIO^IK The home of Mrs. C, E. Eas- ley at Hollywood Riviera was a setting for an enjoyable party Tuesday evening when she entertained her bridge club. Arrangements of ruf- fled petunias and other col- "i ful blossoms enhanced tho setting for the tables. Club guests were Mmo.s. Fred Har- der and her sister, Vivionne Twyman of Redondo Beach, and G. J. Derouin of this city. Refreshments were served. K * * VACATION ENDS Mrs. Fred Lydy, Mrs. Hazel Frauhigor and Miss Mildred Bower of 1309 Manuel St. are expected to arrive tonight from Foil Wayne and Bluff- ton, Ind., where they have been visiting for the past two weeks. niNNKU PARTY FRIDAY HONORS NAVAI. KNIJSTERS Honoring thoit son, Jim, on the occasion of his birthday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Post en- tertained Friday evening at dinner at their home. Covers wore placed for the honoree, Bob Leech and John Agapito and Mrs. Harriett Leech. The boys, sworn in for naval train- ing service last week, will leave Monday, May 29, follow- ing graduation exercises at Toirance High school. * * * TO ATTEND REUNION Rev. Ben Lingenfeltcr of 1050 W. Carson st. has made reservations for a trip to DOS Moines, Iowa, where he hopes to attend the 50th reunion of his class at Drake University. The commencement banquet will be held May 29. I.A C'RESrENTA GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. n. Sandstrom of 1514 Madrid ave. are en- tertaining her sister, Mrs. H. HAVE WEEKEND GUEST Mr. .-ind Mrs. John V. Mur- ray entertained as their week- end gurst her cousin, L. Long and baby daughter of Ethel t'onovan of Beverly La Crescenta. . Hills. READ OUR WANT-ADS MONEY to LOAN BE Income Properties LINCOLN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Phone Michigan 4335 615 S. Spring St. Los Angeles, Calif. SECOND LIEUT. THOMAS A. FITZGERALD ... 21, of 2103 235th st.. To'rrance, Calif., at the hatch of the Flying Fortress "Groundpounder" at this Eighth AAF base in England. The Tor ranee bombardier, holder of the Air Medal, has recently been awarded the first Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal for participation in and contributing to the success of Eighth AAF bombing assaults on Germany and occupied Europe. The presentation was made by his commanding offi- cer, Colonel Hunter Harris, Jr., of Athens, Ga. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus J. Fitzgerald of the Torrancc address, Lt. Fitigerald was graduated from Narbonne high school and later worked at California Ship Building Corp. in V/ilmington. He entered the AAF in July, 1942, and was commissioned in July, 1943. ItOBKKT A. KKNST ... a taff tt-rgcant, is serving in ho South Pacific. Ho is a on ol Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. i list of 1023 Madrid avr. .Y BEKYI.E COAST ... a cor- poral: "I have just completed a year's service with this fighter squadron." ft KKKI) W. EKNST ... a private, is stationed at Rich- mond, Va. His wife, Henri- etta, is enjoying a visit here with family and friends. WII.UAM KKKK WILSON' . . . has recently been com- missioned as; second assistant engineer. His home is at 1551 E. Carson St. ft PAUL V. JONES . . . car- penter's mate 1/c, arrived home last. Friday from Male Island to spend a 15-day leave hero with his wife at 2030 Cabrillo ave. He has been an instructor since the first of the year and upon returning to hit- base will continue his ching. r.VI'HOMC I'AKTy 'I HIS EVKMMi Hostesses t'oi this evening's Catholic ladies card party are Mrs. T. D. McNeil and her committee, Mines. Dean, Phoe- nix, Welly, J. E. McMaster, Turner, Thompson . and Tap- per. Everyone is cordially in- vited. The fiist 'door prize will be drawn at 8 o'clock and games of contract and auc- tion bridge, pinochle and 500 will begin immediately. He- ll c'.shnienls will lie served. Torrance Foursquare Church Presents THE WATSON PLAYERS In a Four-Act Sacred Spoken "THE CRIMSON CROSS" By Manford Evans 10 Characters Depicting the Persecution of the Jews In Geimany Under Hitler FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1207 El Prado St. Thursday Night May 25th, at 7:45 7EV. RAX WATSON. Director REV. C. F. FREEMAN. Pastor ADMISSION FREE Ha Touance Hobby Shop Ideal Ranch Market Bcu M.i. Beauty Salon Alien's Lunch Discount Drug Stoic Hie Gay Shop $5.00 Carson Meat Elite Cleaners Christy's Cifc Tonance Laundry Evans Gift Shop Hen House Cafe Baker Smith Jewelry Becky's Cafe New Grand Sweet Shop Star Furniture Aber's Baby Shop Bernard's Charlene Sport Shop Busy Bee Cafe Di.K. F. Siekmann, M.A.,Ph.D. Beacon Drug Daniels Cafe Stone & Myeis Moituary Schilling's Cleaners J. C. Penney Co. E. & D. Market National Home Appliance Co. Many canned vegetables are in such plentiful supply right now GARDENSIDE that you can stock up to your heart's content. And without worrying co,.i u ii, ,.i.,,.d,..., PMI Co,. 0( e«b 35 about ration points! Safeway is offering special case-lot prices on * ' '"" ""' "<>"" & several of the popular kinds that have been made point-free. Take HIGHWAY PEAS advantage of the savings to be had. Save points and money too! JS3ilm*i°ir<Mr diif Vr" lllr ' Coieol $O79 SILVER-DALE TOMATOES NIBLETS CORN HEMET SPINACH GARDENSIDE TOMATOES HIGHWAY CORN GARDENSIDE CORN IWEfclSfcir" 1 sas *2 7« SsEJ',u?l K.",r l i2: a?.s *2S9 .^OKl'll.u.l (20-01.1 f* tnftlTS^e^ IMII\ TYPICAl SAFEWAY VALUES Shredded Wheat^d" 'i"-12e RiceKrispies K BS3 5 ' PV" ' H e Shredded Ralston '^ 1 l c Wheat Nuts "'^ a,11 "£'21' Ritz Crackers ' P 6£- 21" Busy Baker Crackers pk' g b; 17 C ^J Thm Soiled Soda Crackers. 2-lb. pkj., 3Cc. California Prunes J;' t b; 34° Safeway Meats are literally and sincerely guaranteed: if you aren't pleased 100% in every way, your money will be'refunded. PORK ROAST K (Loin End Roast, Ib., 33c; Center Cut, Ib., 38c). Ib. PORK CHOPS C T Tender, j uicy, fine-flavored pork. No poi nts. Ib. 31 38 BOILING BEEF Plot! rib beel. Cook with »gilobli ICc LUNCHEON MEAT JOc ib. 13 jiic.dp.,ki,.i.u..i.,.. n d.i<h... ib. W Nob Hill Coffee B *;' n hd i b . 23° BEEF SHANKS Iflc PURE LARD Iflc Edwards Coffee *'££, 'f* 27e C«nltl lull ol ihonk. Icononkol cur. ft. 10 Snqwy while. Pocked In I .pound corlon. Ib. Vccuum packed m glow ior. ^fe 4* Certo s « u '!c«ionDc 3 bVt",' 41 C GROUND BEEF P?S flip f^el ' B<*:!L »5* Freshly ground, under State Government Inspection, W Jels-nite 8 . oun« bollk 11 SLICED BACON 'SSw?' ?0 C p *'<= 23:25= Grade A, quality. (Grade A Piece Bacon, Ib., 33c). Ib. NOTE: All meat items listed above ore now "point-free". Fruit Jars °™ B2« THESE FOODS NOW POINT-FREE ,. . ., pi,,, __, ouoii coc En'oy mon'h-o'-Moy freih frulti and vegotcblci by huylna" WeSSOn VJll boiiu * " bom, ** '"<"" «"lwoy» at Safeway, where they're deliclauily freih andJ .-. vcaciabie j.ib. eoc <old accurately by weight! w>riSCO |or OO Wartime Cookbook for lOc & label Alk for dcta Royal Satin Sir, 3(«' 6 Luncheon Meat p^,Bc " 0 d ',2 .',,°"2 Jeviled Ham Cu 0d ,t',bb, u ;" on «"' 1 LETTUCE JOINTS RATIONED FOOD ITEMS "«« IACH Rt d Slompi; VALUl (2) Dalewood 0X°Z''«< '" 22s (30) Chili Sauce 'b,° u ii-15- (30) Chili Sauce M~.'"/," 19" LARGE HEADS per head TOMATOES ° c per Ib. JUICY LEMONS gc By Head, undei OPA Regulation. Medium Size, Imperial Valley Grown. CHERRY RHUBARB 5 8 (3) Dinners -::: r 23- YOUNG CARROTS Jc FUERTE AVOCADOS OOc (6) Tomato Juice B L,^d ',';" 10s Ju " " ull « d - To ^ »« on. , b . «l p.,f«ctia 1-s I ,r,,..,t,,M.s i ,i.,,i.. ,.,. 40 H7-OI ion. Jie. plui Ibpoinlil ^ ^ M (6) Tomato Juice 5DUZ ",; " 9C B^ M(-OI. («n,lll. ylyt 13 ^ ^ ^ 1301 SARTORI AVENUE, TORRANCE SAFE POST-WAR PLANNING r,u, ... h...., 2171 PACIFIC "COAST HI6HM, LOMItA"

Transcript of ensign in U. S. Navy, is enjoying a 15-day leave fol lowing completion of a course at...

Page 1: ensign in U. S. Navy, is enjoying a 15-day leave fol lowing completion of a course at University of Arizona, Tuc- son. After June 1 he will re- poit lor ftn-t her study



AWARDED D. F.C. . . . Tech­

nical Sergeant Francis V. Kaspar

^PTorrance, Calif., radio opera­

tor and gunner on the Eighth

AAF B-17 Flying Fortress "Miss

Jeannie," lias been awarded the

Distinguished Flying Cross for

"extraordinary achievement"

while participating in a series of attacks on industrial and mili­ tary targets in Europe.

The citation stated that "dis­ playing great courage and skill, and in addition to warding off many enemy attacks from his gun position, Sgt. Kaspar dis­ tinguished himself by calm and skiUM operation of his radio during aerial combat."

Sgt. Kaspar is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaspar of 1736

JH4 mercy ave., Torrance, and

<ie entered the AAF in Sep­ tember, 1942.

\VII.I.IAM A. I.OKTi;.S . . . :icorporal, stationed at I'alni .Springs, spent the weekend with his hrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mis. II. K. Ullu-lght, here.

LESLIE I-OSTEK ... a ser­ geant, stationed at Sedalia Army Air Field, Kansas City, Mo.," is enjoying a ten-days' furlough he-re. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Fos­ ter of Oil C'ota ave.

ftllt.'KTON" LEE IJIMB . . .

is a private at Camp Hob- erts. Hi- i* a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lamb of this city.

TAT C'AKLIN . . . pharma­ cist's mate, 3/c, serving with the WAVE, stationed at San Diego, and her sister, Mrs. Steve Schmidt of this city, were leecnt dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kin-hen of Los Angeles.

NOK.MAN L. I'KTKKSON ...seaman, 1/c, serving in the South Pacific, arrived recently for a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Jesse L. Peter- Mill lit 1C.02 W. 223rd st.

1 KEDEKIt K CKIIAI.II WEST . . . has recently en­ listed in the Marine Corps Ke- seive and is now stationed at San Diego. He is a sun of Mi. and Mrs. Simon Joseph West of 22801 Pennsylvania ave. His father i.v a Marine veteran of the last war.

IAMEK A. DANIEL . .lieutenant in Army Air Fore recently arrived nt his n base at Kono, Nev.

...._.. KOSSI ... a staff sergeant, serving in the South Pacific, states- "I am still alive and ticking. Have been working steadily, now due for a little lost."

.< <-*



The Sensational Lumberjack


SLACKSUITSSmjit rayon lumberjack style jacket and

form-fittiny pleated slacks in the beautiful

new colors of Watcimelon Red, Gold,

Aqua, Tan, Biown and Navy. Sizes are 10

to 18 ... and the price so reasonable.

$7957Close-Out of All


S3.25and $7.50



I Ne«t to Toirance National Bank

MfANK It. KI.M'I'KIt . . .li:is lii'Cil ;i(|Viinc'C(| to col'[K)i:il.-it WcstuviT KiHcl, Mass. Ho is :i Kin (if Mrs. Bculah C. Klcppcr, 21040 Lomita !ivr., Ton-nice. Bi.-fori; cntci inn M'l-vki; her was a bailiff in I,. A. County Superior Com I.

IOE BAY . . . pharmacist's nwto 1/c, having served for tho past 15 months with an aviation Marine .squadron In thn South Padflc, is enjoying a ISO days' ]c;wi> with his par- cms hcrc>.

KICIIAIil) T. HIOOINS . . .has town transforied from Paterton, N. J., to Macon, Ga. Hu is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. If. HiKKins of 1329 Por- tol.-i ave.

* * *I'AltKi; MONTACJUK . . .

an ensign in U. S. Navy, is enjoying a 15-day leave fol­ lowing completion of a course at University of Arizona, Tuc- son. After June 1 he will re- poit lor ftn-t her study at Har­ vard University, iiccording In his mother, Mrs. i: I,. Parks.

HA i.i'ii i!i:<;ii.\i r . . .serving with the Army Air Forces at Douglas, Aiix., was host recently to his wife, Mickie, who arrived this we(U< for a two weeks' visit with him.

liOHIOItT .IOSKI'11 McNAI.-I.V ... is a machinist's male, 2/f, serving with the Naval Operations Base in the South Pacific.

WAl.TKIt <:'l.Al!SIN«i . . .serving with the Army Air Forces at Douglas, Ariz., was bust recently to his wife, the

cr Nurnia McConiiick, who arrived this week for a two weeks' visit with him.' IIOFKMAN ... asergeant, in a recent letter stated: "I am sold on radio as a piofession. Many of the things we are discovering on (he o|K-ration of new equip­ ment will he used for post-war radius, .-o 1 feel I am doing something to win the peace as well as the war."


a private at Fort Knew, Ky., has liec-n awarded a modal for rifle exports, according to a recent announcement by Col. N. li. Briscoo, Post Command'-

STKWAKT SMITH . . . HCM- niiin 2 i; in ;i ri'ocnt li'llcr ad- visi'd: "Jim Prime and I arc still toKFther and liltc HIP Navy and our radar .school."

JOK VAN KKAI.INiiKN ...advi.scs thai while he has traveled extensively, he has lieen more or less cut off from civilization. He reports hav­ ing recently seen John Lyiiio, son of Mr. and Mis. John HallaiiKcr.

KIIIN UIOYNOl.ns ... aprivate, now convalescing from a serious illness, states: "Tho Alaskan town where I am sta- tiiini'd is similar lo many otlH'iw here with its nuid >ti(cls, board walks, gambling hoiiH's, cuilo shops and small rc.stnurants, whero one can a steak from $3.50 to $5.00. The inhabitants arc mostly While Knssians."


The home of Mrs. C, E. Eas- ley at Hollywood Riviera was a setting for an enjoyable party Tuesday evening when she entertained her bridge club. Arrangements of ruf- fled petunias and other col- "i ful blossoms enhanced tho setting for the tables. Club guests were Mmo.s. Fred Har­ der and her sister, Vivionne Twyman of Redondo Beach, and G. J. Derouin of this city. Refreshments were served.


Mrs. Fred Lydy, Mrs. Hazel Frauhigor and Miss Mildred Bower of 1309 Manuel St. are expected to arrive tonight from Foil Wayne and Bluff- ton, Ind., where they have been visiting for the past two weeks.


Honoring thoit son, Jim, on the occasion of his birthday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Post en­ tertained Friday evening at dinner at their home. Covers wore placed for the honoree, Bob Leech and John Agapito and Mrs. Harriett Leech. The boys, sworn in for naval train­ ing service last week, will leave Monday, May 29, follow­ ing graduation exercises at Toirance High school.


Rev. Ben Lingenfeltcr of 1050 W. Carson st. has made reservations for a trip to DOS Moines, Iowa, where he hopes to attend the 50th reunion of his class at Drake University. The commencement banquet will be held May 29.

I.A C'RESrENTA GUESTSMr. and Mrs. n. Sandstrom

of 1514 Madrid ave. are en­

tertaining her sister, Mrs. H.

HAVE WEEKEND GUESTMr. .-ind Mrs. John V. Mur­

ray entertained as their week­ end gurst her cousin,

L. Long and baby daughter of Ethel t'onovan of Beverly La Crescenta. . Hills.



Income Properties


615 S. Spring St. Los Angeles, Calif.

SECOND LIEUT. THOMAS A. FITZGERALD ... 21, of 2103 235th st.. To'rrance, Calif., at the hatch of the Flying Fortress "Groundpounder" at this Eighth AAF base in England.

The Tor ranee bombardier, holder of the Air Medal, has recently been awarded the first Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal for participation in and contributing to the success of Eighth AAF bombing assaults on Germany and occupied Europe. The presentation was made by his commanding offi­ cer, Colonel Hunter Harris, Jr., of Athens, Ga.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus J. Fitzgerald of the Torrancc address, Lt. Fitigerald was graduated from Narbonne high school and later worked at California Ship Building Corp. in V/ilmington. He entered the AAF in July, 1942, and was commissioned in July, 1943.

ItOBKKT A. KKNST ... ataff tt-rgcant, is serving in ho South Pacific. Ho is a on ol Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. i list of 1023 Madrid avr.


BEKYI.E COAST ... a cor­poral: "I have just completeda year's service with thisfighter squadron."

ftKKKI) W. EKNST ... a

private, is stationed at Rich­ mond, Va. His wife, Henri­ etta, is enjoying a visit here with family and friends.

WII.UAM KKKK WILSON'. . . has recently been com­ missioned as; second assistant engineer. His home is at 1551 E. Carson St.

ftPAUL V. JONES . . . car­

penter's mate 1/c, arrived home last. Friday from Male Island to spend a 15-day leave hero with his wife at 2030 Cabrillo ave. He has been an instructor since the first of the year and upon returning to hit- base will continue his



Hostesses t'oi this evening's Catholic ladies card party are Mrs. T. D. McNeil and her committee, Mines. Dean, Phoe­ nix, Welly, J. E. McMaster, Turner, Thompson . and Tap­ per. Everyone is cordially in­ vited. The fiist 'door prize will be drawn at 8 o'clock and games of contract and auc­ tion bridge, pinochle and 500 will begin immediately. He­ ll c'.shnienls will lie served.

Torrance Foursquare Church Presents

THE WATSON PLAYERSIn a Four-Act Sacred Spoken


10 Characters Depicting thePersecution of the Jews In

Geimany Under Hitler


Thursday Night May 25th, at 7:45

7EV. RAX WATSON. DirectorREV. C. F. FREEMAN. Pastor



Touance Hobby Shop Ideal Ranch Market Bcu M.i. Beauty Salon Alien's Lunch Discount Drug Stoic Hie Gay Shop $5.00 Carson Meat Elite Cleaners Christy's Cifc Tonance Laundry Evans Gift Shop Hen House Cafe Baker Smith Jewelry Becky's Cafe

New Grand Sweet ShopStar FurnitureAber's Baby ShopBernard'sCharlene Sport ShopBusy Bee CafeDi.K. F. Siekmann, M.A.,Ph.D.Beacon DrugDaniels CafeStone & Myeis MoituarySchilling's CleanersJ. C. Penney Co.E. & D. MarketNational Home Appliance Co.

Many canned vegetables are in such plentiful supply right now GARDENSIDE

that you can stock up to your heart's content. And without worrying co,.iu ii, ,.i.,,.d,..., PMI Co,. 0( e«b35

about ration points! Safeway is offering special case-lot prices on * ' '"" ""' "<>"" &several of the popular kinds that have been made point-free. Take HIGHWAY PEAS

advantage of the savings to be had. Save points and money too! JS3ilm*i°ir<Mr diif Vr" lllr ' Coieol $O79



.^OKl'll.u.l (20-01.1 f*


Shredded Wheat^d" 'i"-12eRiceKrispies KBS3 5 'PV" ' He Shredded Ralston '^ 1 l c Wheat Nuts "' a,11 "£'21' Ritz Crackers 'P6£- 21" Busy Baker Crackers pk'gb; 17C

^J Thm Soiled Soda Crackers. 2-lb. pkj., 3Cc.

California Prunes J;'tb; 34°

Safeway Meats are literally and sincerely guaranteed: if you aren't pleased 100% in every way, your money will be'refunded.

PORK ROAST K(Loin End Roast, Ib., 33c; Center Cut, Ib., 38c). Ib.

PORK CHOPS C TTender, j uicy, fine-flavored pork. No poi nts. Ib.


BOILING BEEFPlot! rib beel. Cook with »gilobli

ICc LUNCHEON MEAT JOc ib. 13 jiic.dp.,ki,.i.u..i.,.. n d.i<h... ib. W Nob Hill Coffee B*;'nhd ib . 23°

BEEF SHANKS Iflc PURE LARD Iflc Edwards Coffee *'££, 'f* 27eC«nltl lull ol ihonk. Icononkol cur. ft. 10 Snqwy while. Pocked In I .pound corlon. Ib. Vccuum packed m glow ior.

^fe 4* Certo s «u '!c«ionDc 3 bVt",' 41 C

GROUND BEEF P?S flip f^el' B<*:!L »5*Freshly ground, under State Government Inspection, W Jels-nite 8 . oun« bollk 11

SLICED BACON 'SSw?' ?0C p *'<= 23:25=Grade A, quality. (Grade A Piece Bacon, Ib., 33c). Ib.

NOTE: All meat items listed above ore now "point-free".

Fruit Jars °™ B2«

THESE FOODS NOW POINT-FREE,. . ., pi,,, __, ouoii coc En'oy mon'h-o'-Moy freih frulti and vegotcblci by huylna"

WeSSOn VJll boiiu * " bom, ** '"<"" «"lwoy» at Safeway, where they're deliclauily freih andJ.-. • vcaciabie j.ib. eoc <old accurately by weight!w>riSCO |or OO Wartime Cookbook for lOc & label Alk for dcta

Royal Satin Sir, 3(«' 6 Luncheon Meat p^,B;°c"0d ',2.',,°"2 Jeviled Ham Cu0d,t',bb,u ;" on «"' 1 LETTUCEJOINTS RATIONED FOOD ITEMS "««IACH Rtd Slompi; VALUl

(2) Dalewood 0X°Z''«< '" 22s

(30) Chili Sauce 'b,° uii-15- (30) Chili Sauce M~.'"/," 19"


per head

TOMATOES °cper Ib.


By Head, undei OPA Regulation.

Medium Size, Imperial Valley Grown.



(3) Dinners -::: r 23- YOUNG CARROTS Jc FUERTE AVOCADOS OOc(6) Tomato Juice BL,^d ',';" 10s Ju" " ull « d - To ^ »« on. , b . «l p.,f«ctia 1-s I ,r,,..,t,,M.s i,i.,,i.. ,.,. 40

H7-OI ion. Jie. plui Ibpoinlil ^ ^ M

(6) Tomato Juice 5DUZ ",; " 9C B^M(-OI. («n,lll. ylyt 13 ^ ^ ^