Sucker ROd Pump

KU ScholarWorks | The University of Kansas Theses and Dissertations Collection A Dynamic Investigation of Sucker-Rod Pumping Professor in Charge Floyd W. Preston by Roy M. Knapp B.S., University of Kansas, 1963 This work was digitized by the Scholarly Communications program staff in the KU Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship. Submitted to the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science.


Efficiency improvement

Transcript of Sucker ROd Pump

KU ScholarWorks | The University of Kansas Theses and Dissertations CollectionA Dynamic Investigation of Sucker-Rod PumpingProfessor in ChargeFloyd W. Prestonby Roy M. KnappB.S., University of Kansas, 1963This work was digitized by the Scholarly Communications program staff in the KU Libraries Center for Digital Scholarship.http://kuscholarworks.ku.eduSubmittedtotheDepartmentofChemicaland Petroleum Engineering of the University of Kansas inpartialfulfllmentoftherequirementsforthe Degree of Master of Science.ADYNAMI CI NVESTI GATI ON OF SUCKER- RODFUMPLNG by RoyM. Khapp B. S. ,Uni ver si t yofKansas,1963 Submi t t edt ot heDepart mentof Chemi cal andPet rol eumEngi neeri ngandt he Facul t y of t he Gr aduat eSchool oft he Uni ver si t yof Kansasi n par t i al f ul f i l l ment oft he r equi r ement sf or t he degr ee ofMast er of Sci ence.For t hedepar t mentRDD1Q7HHfiME TAI UJ :OFCONTENTS Papc Tabi cof Cont ent si iLi st oFi gur esi i iI . I nt r oduct i on1 Backgr ound"iTheSucker - RodPumpi ngSyst em 2 I I . For mul at i onof Anal yt i cl i quati ons4 l i quati onof Mot i on4 Boundar yCondi t i ons6 Ti meCondi t i ons6 Sur f aceCondi t i on7 PumpCondi t i on9 I I I . TheDer i vat i onof Fi ni t eDi f f erenceAnal ogi es15 t ot heAnal yt i cEquat i ons Repr esent at i onof t heEquat i onofMot i on3 5 Boundar yCondi t i onAnal ogs10 I V. Resul t sandConcl usi ons23 Appendi xA- St at i cEf f ect sandLoadCal cul at i ons28 Appendi xB- Pr ogr amDescr i pt i ons30 Appendi xC- FORTRANLi st i ngof Si mul at or Pr ogr am 33 Appendi xD- FORTRANLi st i ngofAnal yzer Pr ogr am 37 Appendi x1:- Tabl eof Nomencl at ur e3i.JRef er ences42 i iLI STOFFI GURES Fi gur ePage 1Schemat i c- di agr amof Sucker - RodPumpi ngSyst em 2 2Geomet r yof Sur f acePumpi ngUni t 7 3Pumpwi t hPl unger at Lowest Posi t i on10 4Pumpwi t hPl unger Begi nni ngUpst rokel w 5Pumpwi t hPl unger onUpst r oke10 6Pumpwi t hPl unger Begi nni ngDownst roke11 7Pumpwi t hPl unger Compl et i ngDownst r oke11 8I deal PumpCar d14 9Comput at i onal Mol ecul ef or Di f f erenceAnal og18 10Synt het i cPol i shedRodCar df or 1005Ef f i ci ent Pump24 11PumpCar dPr edi ct edf romSurf aceCar d25 i i iCI APTP. U II MTvOI UCri OMBackgr ound I nt hepast ,f i el dst udi esof sucker- rodpumpi ngsyst cnshave yi el dedonl yl i mi t edper f or mancei nf or mat i on. I t i spossi bl et o r eadi l ymeasur edi spl acement sandf orceat thesur f ace. However ,di r ect l yobt ai ni ngdi spl acement andf orcedat a bel owt hesur f acei s adi f f i cul t andexpensi vet ask. Si ncesucker- rodspumnappr oxi mat el v ni net yper cent of al lwel l susi ngart i f i ci al l i f t ,i t i si mpor t anttc under st andt hebehavi or of suchasvst em. Sucker RodPunmi npRcsoar ci ,Ii h . 1hasut i l i sedi i nuvhai iir:iIsi tni i l ntor riiul;iii:i1cm> ohi i ui