Succi Handbook 2011-Web

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  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


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    SUCCIHea lth Plan

    Thund erhawks

    Varsity Athlet ics

    It s about respec t.

    SUCCIYour Student Union


    SUCCISpec ia l EventsWellness & Diversity

    Unive rsa l Bus Pass

    ConfederationCollegeStudent Services

    Phone Direc tory for Cam p usService s, Dep a rtment s,Reg iona l Ca mp uses & Prog ra mCoordinators.

    How to a p p ly for job s on c a mp us!Act ion Netwo rkjoin the a c tion!

    Everything you need to knowa b out your Stud ent Hea lth Plan.Opt IN/ OUT Dea d lines!

    Do you have w hat it takes to b e aThund erhaw k? Four va rsity sp o rtsa va ila b le: Go lf, Cross Co unt ry

    Runn ing, Ind oo r Soc c er & Cu rling.

    SUCC I & Co nfed eration C olleg esha red initiative he lping stud entsha ve suc c ess in the c lassroom &beyond.

    Me et t he SUCC I Exec utive & Sta ff;

    Lea rn ways to g et invo lved , SUCC IServic es, OASA, SUCCI Save r,Emerge nc y Foo d Ba nk, OMBUDSand m ore!

    Co mp lete list of o ur Fa ll &Winter ac tivities! All Ca mp usRec rea tio n events a re FREE,co me out & have fun!

    On c a mp us soc ial events &a c tiv ities! Thirsty Thursd a ys, sta rt ac lub o n c a mp us, we llness events,a c tivities, a nd initia tives.

    Wha t is the uPa ss? Wha t yo uneed to know ! Any Bus; Any Time;Any w he re; Thund er Ba y Tra nsitma p s, sc hed ules a nd Next Stop

    All you need to know a b out thestud ent service s on c a mp usthat w ill help you d uring you rac ad emic year!











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    Contact Information

    Negahneewin College 475-6465

    NEW Northwest Employment Works 473-3829

    Ombudsperson, Kim Morgan 475-6209

    Oshki-Anishna wbeg Stud ent Assoc ia tion


    Print Shop 475-6105

    Registra tion Services 475-6265

    Sec urity/ Campus Walk 623-0465

    Sib ley Ha ll Residenc e 475-6381Prog ram Coordinators

    Regional Campuses

    Dryden Campus (807) 223-3035

    Fort Franc es Campus (807) 274-5395

    Gera ld ton Campus (807) 854-0652

    Kenora Campus (807) 468-3121

    Mara thon Campus (807) 229-2464

    Red Lake Campus (807) 223-3035

    Sioux Lookout Campus (807) 737-2851

    Wawa Campus (807) 299-2464

    Additional Phone Numbers

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    4 I Website

    I wo uld like to welcom e everyone to

    Confed era tion Colleg e. I hop e youre a ll as

    exc ited to b e he re a t the Co lleg e, as I am.

    My nam e is Nao mi Ab otossawa y and I amyour Student Union President for the 2011/ 2012

    academic yea r. It is my p riority to listen, speak

    up a nd o f course ac t on your beha lf.

    This is your co llege; you w ill undoubted ly spend a

    lot o f time he re. We want to p rovide positive a nd

    effec tive lea dership w ithin the c o lleg e wa lls. It ha s

    been shown tha t students who pa rtic ipa te in som e

    form of extracurric ula r ac tivity w hile in school,a re likely to succee d. Discover the sense o f school

    sp irit and ma ke your ed uca tiona l experienc e the

    best it can be. I enc ourage a ll students to b ec om e

    involved in ca mp us life and take ad vantage of

    the va riety of ac tivities and events tha t we will be

    doing. SUCCI takes p ride in p rovid ing Ca mpus

    Emp loyme nt Service fo r stud ents. If you need to

    supp lement your income, please a pp ly fo r one

    of the many job s tha t a re a vailab le & e a rn somemoney.

    Confed eration Colleg e is p roud to be surrounded

    by c lea r wa ter, blue skies, and trees tha t enha nce

    our na tura l surround ings. This is a p lace w here you

    will beg in your path to higher ed uca tion tha t will

    inc lude new friend s, professors, co unsello rs, and

    teac hers tha t will last a lifetime. Be p roud of the

    fac t tha t this is your com munity c olleg e, your home

    awa y from home. This w ill be a n awesome yea r, aswe a ll beg in the a dventure to show everyone why

    Confed eration Co lleg e is the b est.

    Please drop by the SUCCI ofce anytime! Get to

    know your stud ent leaders as we want to meet you

    and, of course, get to know you.

    Best o f luc k in your stud ies for the 2011/ 2012

    ac ad emic year!

    SUCCI President

    Naomi Ab otossa wa y

    SUCCI President

    T: (807) 475-6610

    C: (807) 621-5361

    [email protected]

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    Website w w w.c onfederationc .on.c a I 5

    Welco me to Co nfed erat ion Colleg e a nd

    c ong ra tulations on m a king us your c ho ic e to

    pursue your ed uca tiona l and c a ree r goa ls.

    From the time you enter our d oors to themo ment you grad uate, our de d ic ated

    em p loyees wo rk diligently to meet your need s.You will nd that your faculty will know you by

    name a nd w ill help g uid e you throug h your

    stud ies. A num ber of sup port service s a re

    availa b le to you inc lud ing a c ad em ic c ounseling

    a nd tutoring and numerous staff, from the

    Reg istrar to o ur Dea ns a nd Co ord inato rs, a re

    eq ually co mm itted , a nd rea dy to support you.

    We a lso enc ourage you to get involved w ith your

    stud ent lea d ers and sup port the initia tives of the

    Stud ent Union o f Co nfed era tion Co lleg e (SUCCI)

    a nd Oshki Anishna wb eg Stud ent Assoc iation

    (OASA) and to p a rticipa te fully in c olleg e life.

    On b eha lf of the Boa rd o f Governors a nd the

    entire ac ad em ic a nd c orporate team , we look

    forwa rd to introd uc ing you to our ac a dem icc ommunity, the very la test in fa c ilities a nd

    services a nd the Confedera tion Co lleg e


    For those w ho a re returning , we lc om e b a c k!You too will see signicant changes and

    imp rovements inc luding the new REACH

    build ing a nd a d d itiona l renovations to the

    Shuniah b uild ing.A b ig w elc om e to our newest ca mp us

    c om munities of Red La ke a nd Wa wa and to

    a ll our lea rners in one o f the e ight reg iona l

    c ampuses we ha ve throug hout the no rthwest.

    Whethe r you join us a t the m a in ca mpus, from

    the reg ion, pa rticipa te via o nline o r a lternate

    lea rning mo d es, we a re he re to help you meet

    your expe c tat ions in the c om ing yea r.

    It is a n exc iting time for Co nfed era tion Co lleg e

    a nd w e a re extrem ely happy to have you here.I wish you a successful and full ling academic


    College, vp Academic

    Jud i Ma und rell

    Vice Preside nt


    Phone 475-6466


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    6 I Website

    Through pro-a c tive lea d ership and rep resenta tion,SUCCI w ill ad voc a te fo r the best inte rest of the stud entbod y a nd w ill p rovid e stud ent servic es whic h

    comp liment stud ent life, foster persona l g row th anddevelop ment, and enha nce the forma l ed uca tion p roc ess.

    These a re your

    2011-12 Boa rd ofDirectors!

    Check out

    for mo re informa tion,

    ofce hours, etc.

    Mission Statement




    [email protected]





    Vice Preside nt Externa lvp externa l@suc c i.c om





    Vice Preside nt Interna [email protected]






    Direc tor of Comm unica tionsco mm unica tions@succ i.c om


    Direc to r of Stud en t [email protected]




    Direc tor of [email protected]





    Direc to r of Resid en tia l [email protected]





    Direc to r of Sp ec ial Even [email protected]


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    Sena to r of Busine ss,Hosp itality, & M ed ia Artsb usiness@suc c m



    Sena to r of Hea lth &Com munity Serviceshea lth@suc c i.c om




    Sena tor of Tec hno log ytec hnolog y@succ





    Sena tor of Aviat iona viation@suc c i.c om





    Sena tor of Nega hnee winneg ah neew in@succ


    OASA Rep resenta tive




    Exec utive Direc torsa vela @suc c i.c om



    Ch ief Justic [email protected]



    Pa st Presid [email protected]


    Co lleg e Sup p ort Sta ffRepresentative



    Co lleg e Fa c ulty Rep .rtateb e@co nfed





    Ad min. Rep resenta tivekkimpton@c onfed erationc

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    8 I Website

    The SUCCI sta ff ca rry out the d a y-to-d a y op era tions of your Stud entAssoc iat ion. Ta ke ad vanta ge o f the ma ny services SUCCI of fers whileyou a re a stude nt at Confed eration Co lleg e.

    The SUCCI ofce is located on the 1st oor of the Shuniah Building, andis op en d a ily from 8:30 a m to 4:30 pm, Mond a y to Frid a y. Our do o rsa re op en and we a re here to help.

    Have q uestions, wa nt to get involved , o r need to know where to go?Stop by the SUCCI Ofce and our fun and friendly staff would be gladto o ffer a d vic e, get you invo lved o r point you in the right d irec tion.

    P: (807) 475-6226E: [email protected]: (807) 473-5160

    Susan Tuc ke r,Ad ministrato r -

    Ca mpus Rec rea [email protected]

    Thomas Russell,Ad ministrato r Wellness & Dive rsityrusse ll@suc c

    Cathy Gorrie,Ad ministrato r

    Accounting&[email protected]

    Carol Kennedy,Ad ministrato r Ca mp us Emp [email protected]

    Denise Mille r,Ad ministrato r

    Marketing & [email protected]

    Lynne Save la ,Exec utive Direc [email protected]



    Our doo rs a re open a ndwe a re here to help.

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    SUCCI offe rs ma ny

    op portunities forstud ents to take onlea d ership ro les.As a voluntee r w iththe Class PresidentSystem o r b eingelected to the Boa rdof Direc to rs, the re a rewa ys to be a lea d er

    a t every level.

    The SUCCI Boa rdof Direc tors

    The SUCCI Boa rd o f

    Direc to rs consists of

    14 elec ted stud ent

    representativesand 6 non-voting

    Boa rd me mb ers whorep resent a nd govern

    the stud ent b ody. As a

    me mber of the SUCCIBoa rd of Direc to rs, a

    stud ent w ill be g iven

    the op portunity to

    rep resent the ir pee rsand ga in valuab le


    Wha t Does the SUCCI Boa rd Do?

    A student leader identies issues and concernsof the ir pee rs, imp roves on c om munica tion,

    ga ins va luab le leadership skills, he lps p lanevents and ac tivities, rep resents the interests

    of the student bo dy and has a w hole lot of

    fun. Hono ra riums a re p rovided for me mb ers

    on the SUCCI Boa rd of Direc to rs as a token

    of app rec ia tion for the ir persona l time, effortand service. Most p ositions req uire a minimum

    of 4 ofce hours per week plus meetings; thePresident s position is full time.

    How Do I Bec om e a Boa rd M em be r?

    Elec tions for positions for the Boa rd of Direc to rsw ill be held in the w inter sem ester. In o rder

    to q ua lify, a stud ent m ust b e a full time p ost

    sec ond a ry stud ent returning to Co nfedera tion

    Co lleg e in the fa ll of 2012 and have a minimumGPA of 2.0 from the p revious semeste r.

    Why Should I Run For The SUCCI Board?You c an:

    Gain experience leading a group

    Become part of the best networking groupa t Confed era tion Colleg e

    Receive training that will help you in yourfuture ca reers and looks g rea t on a resume

    Help set direction for Confederation College

    Participate on committees that have animp ac t on co lleg e life

    Get involved planning and organizing socialactivities

    Have direct access to the decision makers atConfed erat ion Colleg e

    Make friends youll have for life & have fun

    For mo re info rma tion, che c k out


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    10 I Website

    The C lass Preside nts ro le is to a c t a s a conne c tion b et ween thestud ent b ody and the Boa rd of Direc to rs. SUCCI ha s imp ortantinforma tion tha t nee d s to b e c onveyed to the stud ent b od y. The

    stud ents ha ve essent ia l informa tion a nd need s tha t the Boa rdof Direc tors wa nt to hea r to e nsure tha t the Boa rd is effec tivelyrep resenting the ir mem bership. Reg ular me etings a re sc hed uleda nd c ha ired by the SUCCI Sena to rs. Class Presid ents a re selec ted o ra ppointed by their c la ss/ p rog ra m.

    Wha t Does a Cla ssPresident Do?

    Attend allmeetingssc hed uled by theSena to r of the irdivision.

    Communicatec onc erns, id ea sa nd suggestions

    from theirrespec tive c la ss

    Relay informationa nd d isc ussw ith the ir c lass,upcominga c tivities, services,events a nd c urrentissues affecting


    Increase thespotlight onyour a ca d em icprogram

    Meet to discusspote ntia l SUCCIa c tivities, servic esa nd issuesa ffec ting thestud ent bod y.

    Why Should I Be a Cla ss President?

    A C lass Preside nt rec eives a nd b uild s

    on va luab le skills suc h as interpersona lef fec tivene ss a nd lea d ership skills, looksgoo d on a resume, build s a persona l a ndp rofessiona l net wo rk of contac ts. You ca nmeet new friend s, have som e fun & a ffec tc hang e at our co lleg e.

    Your 2011-2012 Sena tors a re:

    Sena to r of Aviat ion Liisa Ko lehma inen,[email protected]

    Sena to r of Business, Hosp ita lity & Med ia Arts Allison Pellet ier, b usiness@suc c i.c om

    Sena tor of Hea lth & Co mmunity Services Allison Cra ne, hea lth@suc c i.c om

    Sena tor of Nega hneew in Armanda Cimon,neg a hneew in@succ i.c om

    Sena to r of Tec hno log y Aa ron Gullins,tec hno log y@succ i.c om


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    All full time post sec ond a ry stud ents pa y a Stud ent Ac tivity Fee of$185. (less fo r those students sta rting in Ja nua ry)

    The Stud ent Ac tivity Fee is a d ministe red by SUCCI to p rov id e p rog ra ms

    and services to the stud ent b od y. Some o f our p rog ra ms a nd servic esinclude:

    Advocacy &Representation


    Orientation eventsa nd a c tivities

    Student lounges ina ll build ings

    Big screente levisions in a llbuildings


    Fax services

    Varsity Athletics


    Food Ba nk


    Class/Clubbanking service

    Bursaries andAwards

    Club funding


    Special Events &

    Programming Wellness

    & DiversityProgramming

    Its about respect.

    Membership in theCo lleg e Stud entAlliance


    For more information,visit the SUCCI ofce

    loc ated off thestud ent loung e in theShuniah Build ing .

    E: [email protected]

    P: (807) 475-6226


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    12 I Website

    Vision Statement

    The ro le of OASA is to p rov id e a sup portiveenvironment tha t fac ilitates Ind igeno usinc lusion in post sec ond a ry ed uca tion, fosterspersona l g row th a nd furthe rs Ab orig ina lc ontrib utions to Ca nad ia n soc iety.

    Mission Sta tem ent

    OASA p rovides c ommunity ba sed lea d ership

    a nd a dvocac y that effec tively ad d ress thebest interests of Ind igenous Ca na d ia n andInterna tiona l lea rner need s a nd p rio rities inpost-sec ond a ry ed uca tion.

    In the w inter semeste r, OASA w ill host itsa nnual elections a nd we enco ura ge anystud ent interested in bec om ing a n ac tiveme mb er of our c olleg e c om munity to runfor a c ounc il position. We a t OASA respec t

    d iversity a nd our c ounc il inc ludes stud entsfrom a w id e range of cultura l ba c kg round s,experienc es a nd interests.

    We are situated in the SUCCI ofce area. Weloo k fo rwa rd to ho sting a variety o f eventsthis up c oming sc hoo l yea r: fea sts, d rumg roup s, guest sp ea kers, suic ide a wa renesssession, stress re lieve r event, etc .

    Plea se fee l free to visit: w w w.suc c m/oa safor more information.


    Oshki Anishna wb egStud ent Assoc iat ion

    Pho ne: (807) 475-6314

    Email: [email protected]

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    14 I Website

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    SUCCI and

    ConfederationCo lleg e inpa rtnership o pera tean em erge ncy foodba nk. This servic eis non -judg menta land condential.The foo d ba nk is notme a nt to supp lem ent

    OSAP or persona lbudg ets but toa ssist stud ents inthe rare times whenresources for fooda re unava ila b le.

    How Do I Ac cess the Foo d Bank?

    Stud ents ca n ac cess the foo d ba nk throug hone of the follow ing loc a tions: SUCCI, Stud entServic es, o r Financ ia l Aid b et ween 8:30ama nd 4:30pm . No a pp o intment is nec essa ry.

    Who Can Access the Food Bank?

    Only cu rrent stud ents c a n a cc ess thisem ergenc y servic e. Stud ents w ill be

    a sked to p rovid e a c urrent c olleg e stud entca rd . Referra ls to o the r c o lleg e a ndc om munity support servic es a re a vaila b lethrough the food ba nk. Stud ents show ingg rea ter need tha n the emerge ncy ca pa c ityof the stud ent food ba nk ma y be referred tooutsid e a genc ies.

    SUCCI: (807) 475-6237


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    16 I Website

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w w.c onfed erat ionc /o mb uds I 17


    As a rst resort when you:

    - Dont know where to turn.

    - Need informa tion on colleg e polic y a ndprocedures.

    - Need guidance with conict resolution.

    As a last resort when:

    - Too ma ny p eo p le a re offe ringconicting advice.

    - You have followed the reg ula r c ha nnelsb ut still need to reso lve your c onc ern.

    - The situa tion ha s esca la ted a nd you fee loverwhelmed.

    - You wa nt informa tion on the a ppea lp roc ed ure a nd your rig hts.

    At anytime when you:

    - Fee l like you have b ee n trea ted unfa irly.

    - Feel like your c onc erns a re notb eing listened to o r you a re c a ught inb urea ucratic red tap e.

    - Fee l like the co lleg e ha s ma d e an erro r

    b ut ha s not ac know led ged it.

    - Ha ve suggestions a bout how to imp rovethe co lleg e.

    Hours of Ope ra tion

    Mo nd a y - Wed nesd a y 10:30 a m to 4 p mThursd ay 10:30 a m to noon


    Kim Mo rga n,Ombudsperson

    Room A212, 2nd Floo rShuniah Building

    Tel: 475-6209Toll free:

    (800) 465-5493 [email protected]

    Drop in, ma ke a nap po intment, phoneor send a n em a il.

    independent impartial confdential

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    18 I Website

    The Extend ed Hea lth Pla n is ba sed up onthe p rem ise tha t full time p ost sec ond a rystud ents a t Confed era tion Co lleg e d esire

    hea lth c overa ge. This Hea lth a nd Denta lPla n p rovides a fford a b le hea lth insura nc edesigned especially for students on xedincomes.

    Benet books are available at the SUCCIOfce or available from the website.

    The he a lth p la n fee a utoma tic a lly ap p lies tofull time p ost second a ry stud ents reg iste red

    a t Confed era tion Co lleg e. The c overa geperiod is Septemb er 1, 2011 to Aug ust 31,2012 fo r those b eg inning in the fa ll 2011 a ndfor those b eg inning in Ja nua ry 2012, thecove rage p eriod runs from Janua ry 1, 2012till August 31, 2012. Those students coveredunde r a nother p la n ma y op t-out of the plan.(see d eta ils on follow ing p a ge)

    Schedule of Benets(see p rog ram b roc hure o r we bsite forspecics)

    1. Presc rip tion Drug s - 75% up to $1,000 a fte rrst $25 deductible per year; includes oralcontraceptives

    2. Dental Benets - $500 maximum(see brochure for specic coverage)

    3. Extended Health Care Benet -a mb ula nce, c hirop rac tor, ma ssa gethe ra py, p hysio, o rthop ed ic sup p lies,p rosthet ic a pp lia nc es, med ica l sup p lies,eq uip ment renta l & other elig ib le expenses

    4. Vision Ca re ($80 in any c onsec utive24 months)

    5. Ac c id enta l Dea th - $7,5006. Acc id enta l Dismem b erme nt

    7. Denta l Ac c id ent Expe nse - up to $1,000

    8. Tuto ria l Expense, Emergenc y Ta xi &Reha b ilita tion Expe nses

    HEALTH PLAN benefits

    Detailed brochuresoutlining all benetsa re a vaila b le a t theSUCCI Ofce, HealthServic es o r w w

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w w.wespea kstud ent.c om I 19

    To Op t-Out o f the Plan

    If you a re c overed under a nothe rcom p a rab le hea lth insurance p la n, you

    ma y op t-out o f the SUCCI Extend ed Hea lthPla n by show ing p roo f of othe r c overage.

    Plea se g o to w w w.wespea kstud andselec t Confed era tion Co lleg e

    Click on the OPT-OUT Button

    Complete the online form - Plea se be

    a wa re tha t you w ill need to p rovid e p roo fof simila r cove rage e lsew he re (ie. As ad ep end ent und er your pa rents o r sp ousesinsurance)

    Print a copy of your conrmation form asp roof of op t-out

    You a re o nly elig ib le to op t-out b efore the

    deadline date of the rst semester you arereg istered in a nd you a re req uired to o pt-outeac h ac ad emic year.

    Fina l Op t-Out Da te Dea d lines:No excep tion w ill be a llowed for those m issingthe op t-out d ea d line.

    Fa ll 2011Dea d line: September 30, 2011 Refund : $195

    Winter 2012Dea d line: Janua ry 27, 2012 ** Refund : $153

    ** For those stud ents ONLY who were notreg iste red a s a Sep tember sta rt stud ent

    PLEASE NOTE: You w ill not be ab le to opt out a tany othe r point during this schoo l yea r.

    health plan opt-out

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    20 I Website

    health plan opt-in

    To Opt-In to the Plan(All cove rage w ill te rmina te on Aug . 31, 2012)

    Stud ents c overed und er the p la n m ay OPT-IN

    spouses a nd d ep end ents for an ad d itiona l fee.

    Full Time Non-Post Sec ond a ry stud ents notcovered by the Plan may op t-in a s we ll.

    In order to b e e lig ible: You must b e a full timeda y at tend ing stude nt at Co nfed era tionCo lleg e for a m inimum of one full sem ester& you must ha ve c urrent O HIP o r eq uiva lent

    coverage. You may opt-in at the SUCCI Ofcewith c a sh o r Mo ney o rd er or on line a tw w w.we spea kstud ent.c om w ith a VISA o rMasterCard!

    Click on the OPT-IN Button

    Complete the online form ma ke sure tod oub le c hec k your informa tion is sub mitted

    c orrec tly, ie. DOB for a ll Depend a nts. Print a copy of your conrmation form as

    p roo f of opt-in and keep for your rec ord s.

    Opt-In Ra tesSing le O pt-In fo r Full Time Non-PostSec ond a ry stud ents not c overed by the Pla n

    Fa ll 2011Dea d line: September 30, 2011 Co st: $200

    Winter 2012Dea d line: Janua ry 27, 2012 Cost: $158

    Family Opt-In Ra tes(fo r sp ouses a nd d ep end ents)

    You a re o nly elig ible

    to op t-in be fore thedead line da te of your

    rst semester, ie. Ifyou a re a Septembersta rt stud ent, youmust purchase familycoverage on orbefore Sept. 30, 2011.

    Fall 2011

    Deadline:Sept 30, 2011

    Winte r 2012

    Deadline:Jan 27, 2012

    One Dep end ent $410 $345

    Two Dep end ents $520 $440

    Three Depend ents $670 $555

    Four + Dep end ents $860 $720

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    Website I 21

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    22 I Website

    SUCCI ha s fund s ava ilab le for g roup s of stud ents w ishing to fo rm a ndpa rtic ipa te in c lubs on c a mp us. Clubs on c a mpus enha nc e stud entlife by providing recreation, sport, tness, cultural, social, educational

    a nd sp iritua l op portunities. Club pa c ka ges a re a vaila b le a t the SUCCIofce. The package outlines the criteria and process to follow inord er to q ua lify fo r fund ing . There a re two d ifferent c lub pa c kagesavailable;

    Sport Club Package

    Fo r sport o rrecreational clubs,

    Ap p roval forsport, tness andrec rea tion c lubs w illbe ma de by theCa mpus Rec rea tionLea d ership Counc il.

    Gene ra l ClubPackage

    All other clubs, nal

    a pp roval for gene ra lc lubs w ill be mad eby the SUCC I Boa rdof Direc to rs.

    Classes o rp rog ra ms involvedin fund ra ising fo reld trips, socials,

    graduationsor ac ad emicreq uirements w ill notbe c onsid ered fo rc lub funding.

    SUCCI of fers a ba nking servic e for c lasses a nd c lubs ra ising moneyfor education related eld trips, graduation & program initiatives toma inta in contro l of the ir fund s. This is a c onvenient se rvice for thec la sses & c lub s. To set up a n ac count, we a re a va ila b le Mond a y toFrid a y from 9:00 a m to 4:00 p m. Withd ra wa ls w ill be p rovided in theform of a c heq ue.

    SUCCI will assist aClass or Club with:

    Booking anda dvertising aThirsty Thursd a y

    Fundraising Ideas

    club funding

    banking services

    class + club fundraising


    Ca thy Go rrie,Acc ounting &Programming

    P: 475-6403E: [email protected]

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    Website I 23

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    24 I Website

    Co lleg e is a bout

    more tha n just wha thap pens in thec lassroom, ma kethe m ost of yourcolleg e exp erienc eby g etting invo lveda nd exp loring a llthe soc ia l a c tivitiesSUCCI ha s to offe r.

    Wha t a re Spec ia l Events?

    Spec ia l Events a re un ique a nd out of theord ina ry, a nd c a n ra nge from a ga me showin the ca feteria , to a interna tiona lly know nguest spea ker, to thing s like O rienta tionevents, a nd c a n hap pen in any a nd a llac ad em ic b uild ing s! You c a n win prizes,money, or just ha ve some fun! Events a ndac tivities a re o pen to a ll stud ents a nd a rea lmost a lwa ys free of c ha rge!

    When Do They Happen?

    Som e events a nd a c tivities hap pen o n areg ular ba sis, and some a re b ooked ba sedon o ppo rtunity. Most a c tivities ha p pen d uringthe d a y at p ea k hours.

    How Ca n I Get Involved?

    We ha ve lots of wa ys to g et involved; c ome tothe SUCCI Ofce and share an idea, attendan event, a pp ly to work with our events a ndp romotions tea m, the SUCCI Ac tion Netwo rk.



    Ca thy Go rrie,Acc ounting &Programming

    P: 475-6403E: [email protected]

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    Website I 25

    Livewell SUCCIs

    Wellness & Dive rsityOfce is committedto addressing,exploring , em b rac ingand integ ra tingd ive rsity and wellnessissues a nd top ics tha ta re o f interest to thestude nt bod y and

    college community.

    Wha t Is Wellness & Diversity ?

    We ta ke a six p illa red a p p roac h to w e llness,foc using on physic a l, em otiona l, intellec tua l,sp iritua l, c ommunity a nd soc ial we llness. Westrive towa rd s c rea ting a n inc lusive resp ec tfulwe llness c ulture tha t c e leb ra tes d ive rsity.

    How Do They Do Tha t?

    Throug h g uest spea kers, hand s-on a nd

    intera c tive a c tivities, d isp lays, d isc ussionpa ne ls and fa irs a nd pa rtnerships w ithc om munity ag enc ies we w ill ed uca te andsp a rk d isc ussion ab out a w id e rang e o ftop ic s; som e com mo np lac e a nd som ec ontroversial. We w ill work ha rd to p resenta n unb ia sed d ia log ue on a w id e variety ofwe llness and d iversity b a sed top ic s. Chec kout for

    monthly hea lth & wellness tips!

    How Can I Sha re An Idea?

    If the re is a n a rea of interest tha t you wouldlike a d d ressed o r you ha ve a q uestion o r justwa nt to visit p lea se c ome see us in the SUCCIofce, we will do our best to meet your needs.



    Thoma s Russell,Wellness & Dive rsity

    P: 475-6237E: russell@suc c

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    CES administers

    a p a rt-timeemploymentp rog ram fo rfull time p ostsecondarystud ents oncampus

    Positions areposted for most

    d ep a rtme nts ina ll of ou r co lleg ebuildings

    Hours of workare exible to astudents schedule

    Wages are$10.25 / hr a nd

    stud ents ca n ea rna m a ximum of$1000 per e lig ib lesemesters.

    Work Stud y

    To b e e lig ib le to w ork on ca mpus you mustmeet the follow ing c riteria:

    Must show demonstrated nancial need

    Must be a full time post secondary studentea c h sem ester

    Must have lived one year in Ontario beforea ttend ing sc hoo l a s a Ca na d ia n Citizen o r

    Perma nent Resid ent

    Application Instructions

    How to a pp ly fo r a position o n Ca mpus:

    Visit to view Job Postings

    Download the applications (there are two)or pick them up in the SUCCI Ofce

    Complete the forms attach your currentresume a nd return to SUCCI

    Watch your college email for noticationa bout the status of your a p p lic a tion

    Wha ts Next

    If approved: your application will be sent tod ep a rtments for view ing , they will c onta c tyou fo r a n inte rview. If hired you w ill bec onta c ted by SUCCI to sig n a c ontra c t.

    If not approved: Follow instructions fromFinanc ia l Aid



    Ca ro l Kenned y,Ca mpus Emp loymentService

    P: 475-6434E: [email protected]

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    30 I Website

    Get all of the details at

    tbaytel.net623-4400 | 1-800-264-9501



    Call Plans start at just $30Customize your plan by choosing one o our great reeoptions and save even more with our Student Value Packs.

    Student Value Pack FREECall Display, Voice Mail & Msg Notifcation, Canadian Text/MMS


    Student Smart Value Pack $20Call Display, Canadian Text/MMS Unlimited, Enhanced Voice

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  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website I 31

    SUCCI is exc ited tob ring to the ir stud entsa fun lled programof FREE enterta iningac tivities. Camp usRec rea tion w ill a d dto your co lleg eexperienc e in wa ystha t w ill lea ve youwa nting more.

    10 Pin Bow ling ..............................................FREE!

    La ser Ta g .......................................................FREE!Beac h Volleyb a ll .........................................FREE!Ca sino Night & Auc tion Night ...................FREE!Do d geb a ll ....................................................FREE!Da rts ..............................................................FREE!Reb a ll ............................................................FREE!

    SUCCI is exc ited to b e a b le to offe r the irstud ents a va riet y of ac tivities & eve nts tha tw ill entice even the no n ac tive p erson to

    pa rtic ipa te. If you a re interested in jo ining theaction stop by the Campus Rec ofce and wewill see w hat w e c a n do to ma ke your d ay.No e xperienc e necessa ry, only the w illing nessto ha ve FUN!

    Co me join the fun by visiting the Ca mpusRecreation ofce at SUCCI. See for yourselfwhy our mot to is Something fo r Everyone .

    Chec k out the next p ages to see wha ts in itfor you!

    Good Times. GreatFriends. Free Fun.


    Susa n Tuc ker,Ca mpus Rec rea tion

    P: 475-6481E: [email protected]



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    32 I Website


    FREE Family Fun Da y@ The Sports Dome

    Friday, Sept. 16 Sunday, Sept. 18

    Mixed Bea c hVolleyball

    Frid ay, Sept. 16 Tuesd ay, Sept. 20Wednesday, Sept. 21

    Mixed Fla g Footb all Thursd ay, Sept. 22 Mond ay, Sept. 26

    Mixed Reb a llCompetition

    Mond ay, Sept. 26 Wed nesd ay, Sept. 28

    Mixed Soccer Monday, Oc t. 3 Wednesday, Oc t. 5

    Doub les Mini PuttChallenge

    Tuesday, Oc t. 11 Wed nesday, Oc t. 12

    Mixed 5 Pin Bow lingRoll Offs

    Tuesd ay, Oc t. 18 Thursd ay, Oc t. 20

    Mens & WomensBillia rds

    Friday, Oc t. 21 Tuesday, Oc t. 25

    Mixed CurlingMinispiel

    Thursday, Nov.3 Sunday, Nov. 6

    FREE Casino &Auc tion Night

    Just Show Up!! Thursday, Nov. 10

    Doub les TennisTourney

    Thursday, Nov. 17 Saturday, Nov. 19

    Mixed Basketba ll Tuesday, Nov. 22 Thursday, Nov. 24Tuesday, Nov. 29

    Child rens ChristmasParty

    Wednesday, Nov. 30 Sunday, Dec . 4

    fall semester line-up

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    Mixed Dod geba ll Frida y, Ja n 13 Tuesd ay, Ja n 17

    Doub les DartsTourney

    Wednesday, Jan 25 Thursday, Jan 26

    Mixed Boot Hoc key Wed nesd ay, Ja n 25 Saturd ay, Ja n 28

    Mixed Laser Tag Monday, Jan 30 Wednesday, Feb 1

    Wigg les N Gigg les Tuesday, Feb 7 Wednesday, Feb 8

    Mixed Volleyba ll Tuesday, Feb 14 Thursday, Feb 16

    FREE Ski & Tub ingNight

    Just Show Up!!! Wednesday, Feb 22

    Bocc e Ball Wednesday, Feb 22 Friday, Feb 24

    Womens Squash Tuesday, Feb 28 Thursday, March 1

    Mens Squash Thursday, Ma rc h 1 Monday, Ma rc h 5

    Doub les Foosba ll Monda y, Ma rc h 19 Wed nesday, Ma rch 21

    Mixed 10 Pin Bow ling

    Roll Offs

    Mo nd ay, Ma rc h 26 Wednesda y, March 28

    SUCCI Athlet ics &Rec rea tion Awa rdsBanquet

    Just Show Up!!! Wednesday, Ap ril 11

    winter semester line-up

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    34 I Website

    SUCC I is p roud to sup p ort & sponsor Varsity Athlet ics he re a t

    Co nfed era tion Co lleg e. The Thund erha wks a re mem b ers of andcom pete in the Onta rio Co lleg es Athletic Assoc ia tion (OCA A). Allstud ent a thletes a re enc oura ged to try-out in the ir respec tive sport.

    Varsity Go lf

    Informa tion Me eting Mo nd a y, Sep tem b er 12th, 5:00 p.m., ShuniahBoa rd Room

    Coa c h Gloria Bourq ue

    Tryouts Tryouts w ill ta ke p la c e a t a loca l c ity courseand will involve a specic number of roundsof go lf

    Pra c tices Pra c tices w ill oc c ur a t c ity c ourses andpossib ly a round a t Whitewater Go lf Club

    Co mpetition Sc hed ule A tea m of 4 go lfers a nd one c oa c h w ill travelto the OCAA Cha mp ionship s sc hed uled forOc tob er 3 5, 2011 hosted by St. La w renc e

    Co lleg e, Cornwa ll, ON. Cha mp ionships w illbe p layed a t the Co rnwa ll Go lf & CountryClub.

    Varsity Cross Country Running

    Informa tion Mee ting Tuesd a y, September 13th, 5:00 p.m., Shun ia hBoa rd Room

    Coa c h John Ga rla nd

    Tryouts Runne rs w ill c ompete in seve ra l loc a l runs,w ith team selection oc c urring a b out 2we eks p rio r to the Cha mp ionships

    Pra c tice s Tea m p ra c tice times w ill be estab lished bythe co a c h at the informa tion me eting

    Co mpetition Sc hed ule A tea m o f 4 runners and one coa c h w ill travelto the OCAA Cha mp ionships whic h will be

    he ld O c tober 29th, 2011 in Kingston, ON ho sted

    by St. Lawrence Co lleg e. Cha mp ionship site isthe Old Fort Henry.

    varsity athleticsCONFEDERATION


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    Website I 35

    Varsity Mens Indo or Soc cer

    Informa tion Me eting Wed nesd a y, Sep tem ber 14th, 5:00 p .m.,Shuniah Boa rd Room

    Co ac h TBA

    Tryouts 2 o r 3 tryouts w ill take p la ce a t a n outdoo reld or the Sports Dome. Tryout dates will beestab lished b y the Informa tion Meeting

    Pra c tices In a dd ition to we ekly c ity ma tches, the tea m

    will usua lly pra c tic e onc e a we ekCo mpetition Sc hed ule Tea m w ill p la y wee kly in the Sp orts Dom e

    Me ns City Lea gue. The lea gue usua lly runsfrom ea rly Oc tob er to la te Ma rc h.

    A tea m o f 13 a thletes and a c oa c h will tra velto compete at the OCAA Reg iona l Indoo rSoc cer Cha mp ionships. The Cha mp ionshipsw ill p la y on Ma rc h 6th, 2012 hosted by

    Cone stog a Co lleg e a nd held a t the OSACentre in Va ugha n, ON.

    Wom ens Indoor Soc cer

    Info rma tion Meet ing Thursda y, Septemb er 15th, 5:00 p.m., ShuniahBoa rd Room

    Coac h Cosimo Va lente

    Tryouts 2 o r 3 tryouts w ill take p la ce a t a n outdoo r

    eld or the Sports Dome. Tryout dates will beestab lished b y the Informa tion Meeting

    Pra c tices In a dd ition to we ekly c ity ma tches, the tea mwill usua lly pra c tic e onc e a we ek

    Co mpetition Sc hed ule Tea m w ill p la y wee kly in the Thund er Ba yWomens Soc c er Club a t the Sports Dom e.The lea g ue usua lly runs from ea rly Oc tob erto late Ma rc h.

    A tea m o f 13 a thletes and a c oa c h will tra velto compete at the OCAA Reg iona l Indoo rSoc cer Cha mp ionships. The Cha mp ionshipsw ill p la y on Ma rc h 5th, 2012 hosted byCone stog a Co lleg e a nd held a t the OSACentre in Va ugha n, ON

    varsity athleticsCONFEDERATION


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    36 I Website

    varsity athletics

    Varsity Womens, Mens &/ Or Mixe d Curling

    Informa tion Mee ting Tuesd a y, September 27th, 5:00 p .m., Shun ia hBoa rd Room

    Coa c hes Pa ul Ca rr

    Tryouts Tryouts w ill occ ur late r in the semeste r. Da tesfor the t ryouts w ill b e e stab lished a t theInfo rma tion Meeting

    Pra c tices Tea ms w ill ha ve severa l p ra c tices, w ith

    interplay b etween the tea ms a nd exhib itionp lay with other tea ms

    Co mpetition Sc hed ule Tea ms w ill have the op p ortunity topa rtic ipa te in bo nsp iels throug hout thesea son. Tea m m em b ers a re expec ted top lay in loca l lea gues wherever possib le.

    A m a ximum of two tea ms (1 mens, 1wo mens o r 1 m ixed tea m) w ill travel to the

    OCAA Provinc ia l Curling Cha mp ionships.The Cha mp ionships w ill be hosted by Sa ultCo llege, Sa ult Ste. Ma rie, ON Feb rua ry 16th 20th, 2012. Cha mp ionships w ill p layed a t theSoo Curlers Club.

    Gene ral Informa tion for all Varsity Spo rts

    All va rsity playe rs mu st b e full time C on fed erat ion Co lleg estud ents and a re expe c ted to m a intain a p a ssing averag eGPA (2.0 o r hig he r). If any va rsity p laye r c ea ses to b e fu ll time,

    they must imm ed iately a dvise the ir c oa c h.All va rsity playe rs a re exp ec ted to c ont rib ute a sma ll fee toa uniform w hich t hey w ill reta in fo r the mselves. All p layersare expe cted to attend the ma jority of prac t ice s and loc a lma tc hes. The SUCC I Rec rea tion & Athlet ic Ba nq uet, he ldWed nesd a y, Ap ril 11th, 2012 is a req uired at tend a nc e fo r alltea m m em be rs, not out of town for sc hoo l.

    When selec ted to a varsity tea m, a p layer is expec ted totrave l with the tea m to the OC AA reg iona l or provinc ialc ha mp ionships. When ne ce ssa ry, arran ge me nts to b e a wa yfrom c lass o r wo rk sho uld b e m a d e w ell in a d va nc e. If issuesa rise with a va ila b ility for travel, the Athletic Direc to r or SUCCIAd ministrato r, Ca mp us Rec rea tion w ill atte mp t to a ssist w ithreso lutio n o f those issue s.

    For more information contact Bob Grifths at 475.6231 orSusa n Tuc ker at 475.6481. You a re a lso en c ourag ed to visit theSUCCI ofce.



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    Website w w w.thund erba y.c a/ transit I 37

    TRANSIT uPassAny Bus. Anywhere. Anytime.

    Your student card will act asyour uPass. Simply show the

    Operator the front of your

    student card and you can go onany bus, anywhere Thunder BayTransit provides service.

    For route & scheduleinformation, visit

    * non-post-secondary students can apply to opt-in to the uPass** specific service dates will be noted at

    All full-time post-secondary students* can show their studentcard to get unlimited access to any Thunder Bay Transit bus

    from September 1, 2011 to May 4, 2012**.

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    38 I Website

    TRANSIT uPassFrequently Asked Questions

    What is a uPass?The uPass or Universal Bus Pass is an environmentally friendly, cost saving, and safe,mandatory plan that allows unlimited use of the city bus, any time, any day, anywhere that

    Thunder Bay Transit provides service.

    How much does it cost?Full-time post-secondary students at the Thunder Bay Campus pay the uPass fee of $75 aspart of their student fees. Your student card* will act as your uPass. Show the TransitOperator the front of your student card and go anywhere Thunder Bay Transit providesservice.

    When can I use the uPass?Students registered in the fall semester can use their uPass starting September 1, 2011until May 4, 2012. For students beginning courses in January, the uPass is valid fromJanuary 1 to May 4, 2012. (Reduced fee of $38)

    Your uPass is not active during summer months.

    How do I opt-in to the uPass?

    Students attending College full-time in one of our non-post-secondary programs(LBS,PCD,ACE, Apprenticeship), and part-time students registered in a post-secondaryprogram (minimum of two courses per semester) at the Thunder Bay Campus can chooseto pay the uPass fee of $75. Upon payment of the uPass Fee, a sticker will be applied toyour student card as proof of registration into the uPass program.

    Can I opt-out and receive a refund?The uPass is non-refundable. Students who live outside the Thunder Bay Transit servicearea can request to opt-out of the uPass with proof of residency and be issued a refund.Please visit SUCCI and opt-out prior to September 30, 2011. (No opt-outs will be acceptedafter September 30, 2011)

    Students with DisabilitiesStudents who use HAGI as their primary source of transportation are eligible to use thisprogram, although you may be eligible to opt-out out if you choose. Students with a CNIBpass are exempt from this program. To opt-out, please visit SUCCI prior to September 30.Visit for more information.

    *If you lose your student card, you have also lost your uPass. Students canreplace a student card at the Library for a fee.

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    Website w w w.thund erba y.c a / tra nsit I 39

    TRANSITFrequently Asked Questions

    Where can I find bus information?Bus schedules and route maps are located at the front desk of the SUCCI Office or oninformation posts at campus bus stops.

    For further transit schedule and route information, please call the Transit Helpline at684-3744 or visit them online at .

    What is NextBus?

    This service provides passengers with real-time schedules based on bus GPS locations.Simply go to on your computer or smartphone, enter your stopinformation, and the system will tell you exactly when the next bus will be arriving.

    Can I take my bike on the bus?Thunder Bay Transit has installed racks on all buses so cyclists can take their bikes withthem. Bike racks hold two bikes. The racks are designed for easy loading and unloadingand are available on a first come, first serve basis. There is no additional cost; your bikerides for free! For more information, please visit .

    Is my uPass eligible for a Federal Tax Credit?

    The uPass fee is eligible to claim for the Federal Transit Tax credit. uPass receipts areavailable online in your Student Banner account.

    How safe is Transit?Security cameras have been installed on every bus. The installation of surveillancecameras is intended to improve the protection and safety of employees and the generalpublic, to reduce and deter incidents of vandalism or criminal activity, and for theprotection of property and assets.

    Also, Transit offers a Night Stop program. After dark, you can ask your driver to drop youoff between bus stops, closer to your destination.

    How can I be a respectful rider?Public Transit means you are sharing a trip and sharing space with other passengers.Respect those you are riding with, and you can expect their respect in return. Here aresome things to remember: 1. Please do not place anything in the aisle 2. Try to occupy onlyone seat with you and your parcels 3. Leave the Priority Seating area for those who need it4. No foul language 5. Please refrain from loud conversation, music or cell phone calls6. No eating or drinking on board 7. Take any newspapers or litter with you when youdepart 8. Please exit at the rear doors.

    Common courtesy among passengers can make everyones tr ip more pleasant!

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    44 I Website

    gene ra lly, studentshave the right to:

    think, write, speak,lea rn; pursue soc ial,

    c ultura l and othe r

    inte rests sub jec t

    to the req uirem enttha t they respec tthe rights of o the rs.

    participate ina p hysica l and

    virtua l lea rning


    tha t is sa fe a ndcond ucive to


    to be free fromdiscrimination,


    no ise, andd isruption w ithin a ll


    receive feedbackon ac ad emic

    pe rforma nce a t

    mid sem ester andsem ester end .

    gene ra lly, stude ntsa re responsib le to:

    becomefamilia r w ith

    college policies,


    and rules andregulations,

    refrain fromcommunication,

    be haviour or


    unsuitable ordetrime ntal to

    the lea rning

    environmentinc lud ing use o f

    persona l elec tron icdevices (lapto ps,

    cell phone s, mp3

    players, etc.)

    demonstrate pridein our campus;

    trea ting a ll a rea sof the ca mp us

    and lea rning

    environme nt with

    respec t refrainingfrom d ama ge, litte r,

    grafti, etc.

    gene ra lly, studentsa re responsib le toac cep t the p rofessorsright to:

    manage theirc lassroom, in both

    physica l and v irtua lenvironments

    and dec ide on

    ac cepta b le use of

    elec tronic devices.

    determine subjectcontent, deliverymethods and

    g rade assessment

    formulate andenforce attendance

    req uirem ents, and

    set rea sona b ledea d lines for

    assigned wo rk.

    expect that studentswrite tests when

    sched uled a s we ll as

    expec t that studentssubmit wo rk tha t is

    their own.

    expect decorumand ap prop riate

    beha viour in

    c lassrooms, virtua l

    c lassrooms,labs, shops, eldplacements,

    internships, etc.

    As a stud ent, you ha ve rights and responsib ilities. The right to betrea ted fairly, a nd w ith resp ec t and the expe c tat ion tha t you w ill d othe sa me for others is pa ra mount. Fo llow ing is a b rief summa ry of wha t

    you ca n expec t from us a nd wha t we expec t from you. To summa rize:

    it's about respect.

    * Pa ra p hrased from The Cha rter of Stud ent sRights a nd Resp onsibilities found on o urweb site at w w nfed /academicpol ic ies

    your student rights & responsibi l i t ies

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    Website w w w.itsa bout respec t.c om I 45

    it starts with you.Ea c h memb er of the Confedera tion

    Co lleg e c ommunity is responsib le fo r he lp ingto c rea te a n environment tha t is ha ra ssmenta nd d isc rim ina tion free . Working , lea rninga nd soc ia lizing c a n be a cc om p lished in anenvironm ent of understand ing a nd mutua lrespec t for the d ignity a nd rig hts of ea c hind ivid ua l. The c lassroom is a p rofessiona lenvironment a nd should be t rea ted a s suc h.

    This a p p roac h em pha sizes tha t the c o lleg e isa n inc lusive lea rning community. As a c o lleg ewe inc lude a nd c eleb rate a wide ra nge ofd iversities. We a re a n a c cess c o lleg e andwe need to do a ll that we c a n to ma ke thec olleg e expe rienc e a positive a nd p rod uc tiveone for a ll stud ents, fa c ulty a nd sta ff. Plea serespec t your fac ulty, c la ssmates a nd theclassroom process.

    You have a right to an environmentc ond uc ive to lea rning w hic h exc lude sverba l, persona l, em otiona l, p hysica l,a nd e -ha ra ssment (msn, em a il, text cha t,soc ia l networking e tc .) and b ullying in a llits fo rms. Using e lec tron ic d evices in thec lassroom should b e d isc ussed w ith yourfac ulty to ensure using them is a cc ep tab le.All e-c om munica tion w ith your fa c ulty o r

    c lassmates should rema in p rofessiona l.

    w w w . i t s a b o u t r e s p e c t . c o m

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    46 I Website

    All full time postsec ond a ry stud entspa y the Co lleg e

    Services Fee. Thefee fo r the 2011-2012ac ad emic year is$394 for Thund erBay stud ents,$269 for Reg iona lstud ents a nd $244 fo rDistanc e Ed uca tionstudents.


    This fee is used to p rovid e a w ide va riet y ofstud ent services a nd inc ludes the follow ing :

    Annua lly the servic es sup p orted by theCo lleg e Servic es Fee a re reviewed a nd

    rec om mend a tions ma d e for a ny ad d itions,d eletions o r c ha ng es to the services.

    InformationTec hno log y &Co mp uter Servic es

    Fitness CentreGo ld Me mb ership(Thund er Ba y)

    Graduation andAwards

    Health Services

    Career Services


    Peer Tutoring andStud y Skills

    Student Card


    Ombuds Service

    Resource Centre

    Wellness &Diversity

    Life Time Transcript

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w I 47

    The Booksto re ha s a w id e va riet y ofmerc ha nd ise for sa le inc lud ing:

    Boo kstore Hours

    Mond a yFrid a y 8:30 a m 4:30 p mExtend ed hours w ill b e p osted a s req uired .

    Buy- Back o f Tex ts

    Ong oing buy ba c k throug hout the year, c hec kw ith the b oo kstore sta ff.


    Loc kers a re ava ilab le for renta l (Sep tem b er toMay) from the b ooksto re. Loc kers should b eleft em pt y at the end of the sec ond sem esterunless p rio r a rra ngem ents have b ee n ma d e

    to extend the renta l contrac t.

    Spec ial Orders

    Sp ec ia l o rd ers ca n be req uested a t a nytime. Provide the b oo ksto re w ith a s muc hinforma tion as possib le (autho r, title a nd ISBNnumber).

    Online Orders

    w w w.efollett.c om a nd follow the p rom pts.


    The Co llegeBooksto re, Fo llet tMa na ged Sto re, isloc ated nea r thema in entra nce o fthe Shun iahBuild ing . It is one

    of the servic es tha tConfederationCo lleg e p rovides forits stud ents, fac ultyand sta ff.

    textbooks, textb oo k renta l,d ig ita l textbook,refe renc e books,gene ra l interestreading

    supplies (generalor related to aspecic course)

    clothing & gifts

    computer softwareca n be ord ered


    bus & parkingpasses

    locker rental



    P: 475-6225


  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    48 I Website

    When som eo ne is:

    See Counselling for condential and friendlyservice.

    Qualied counsellors can help by:

    Hours of Op era tion

    Mo nd a y - Frid a y 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m


    First oor of the Shuniah Building in theStud ent Suc c ess Ce ntre right next to theInforma tion Hub.




    Under too muchp ressure

    Not experiencingsuc c ess in sc hoo l

    Unable to gure itout

    In the wrongprogram

    Short of money

    Having hassleswith friend s o rpartners


    Planning how tocope w ith stress

    Consulting withother ag enc iesupon req uest

    Referring tocommunity services



    Clarifying rights andresponsibilities

    Referral to faithg roup s and elde rs

    for assistanc e with

    sp iritua l matters.

    In a c risis?

    Come in right awa y!Reg iona l Ca mp us

    Stud ents ca n ut ilizeem a il, p hone o rvideoconferencingthroug h the c olleg ec om puter netwo rk.In Sep tember, a llc ounsello rs w illbe eq uipp ed w ithvideoconferencingc ap ab ility for fa ce -to-fa c e support.


    P: 475-6110

    Area ca mp usstudents

    Call 1-800-465-5493a nd a sk to sp ea kto the counsellingdepartment.

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website I 49


    The Financ ia lAid Ofce ofConfederation

    Co lleg e is ava ilab leto stud ents in nee d ofnancial assistance.Assista nc e isp rovid ed in thefollow ing wa ys.

    Onta rio Stud ent Assistanc e Prog ram (OSAP)

    The Financial Aid Ofce is responsiblefor ad ministering the OSAP p rog ra m for

    Co nfed era tion Co llege stud ents. OSAP isa nee d -ba sed p rog ra m that m ay help tosupp lem ent the c ost of a stud ent s ed uca tionp rima rily throug h inte rest free loa ns a ndg ra nts a s we ll a s a num ber of other p rog ra ms.For a com p lete listing of a va ila b le fund ingthroug h the OSAP p rog ra m, visit the ir websitea t http :// osa /


    Bursa ry/ sc ho larships a nd a wa rd s a reavaila b le for a pp lic a tion to full time p ostsec ond a ry stud ents throug h the Awa rd sProg ra m. This c onsists ma inly of ent ra nc e a ndin-prog ra m a wa rd s a long w ith other a wa rd sthat bec om e ava ila b le during the yea r.

    Ad d itiona l information reg a rd ing Awa rd s,the OSAP p rog ra m a nd othe r servic es theFinancial Aid Ofce provides, can be foundon the Financ ia l Aid w eb p

    If you are in need of nancial assistanceplease contact the Financial Aid Ofce.


    First oor of the Shuniah Building, Room A122.

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    50 I Website

    All full time postsec ond a ry stud entsa re go ld me mb ersof the Fitness Centre.This membership isvalid from Sep temb er

    2011 to Aug ust 2012.

    The Fitness Centreis comp rised of a na ir-sup po rt struc ture,co mm only known asthe Bub b le, a nd ama in co re b uild ing.

    Build ing Fea tures:

    Bubb le Fea tures:

    Outdoor Features:

    Show er a nd c ha ng e rooms a re a lsoavailab le. For a n a d d itiona l fee, stud entsma y choose to p urc hase a loc ker a nd towelservice.

    You r stud ent p hoto ID ca rd d oub les a s yourFitne ss Ce ntre G old Memb ership ca rd . Plea sep resent your ca rd when you c hec k into theFitness Centre.

    Hours of Op era tion (SeptemberAp ril)

    Mo nd a y - Thursd ay 5 a m 11 p mFrid ay 5 a m 10 p mSaturd a y Sund a y 7 a m 8 p m



    Manager,Fitness Centre475-6231

    Fitness Prog rams475-6484


    Co urt Booking s475-6239 or

    Cardio Centre


    Fitness classrooms

    3 international-sizesq ua sh c ourts

    5,000 and1,200-square-foot

    we ight roo ms

    Pace Circuit

    4-lane, 166-metre

    ba nked trac k

    Tennis, badminton,ba sketb a ll &volleyba ll c ourts

    Air-conditioned &

    insulated for yea r-round use

    4 lighted tenniscourts

    Beach volleyballcourt

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website I 51

    Lea rning to ta ke c a reof your ow n hea lth w ill

    be a very imp ortant

    pa rt of your life asa c olleg e student.The Colleg e Hea lth

    Centre is he re to assist

    you! Confed erat ion

    Co lleg es Hea lth

    Services p rovidesp rima ry hea lth and

    menta l hea lth ca re

    to on-ca mp us andreg iona l stud ents.

    Hea lth Services is

    op en throughoutthe ac ad emic year

    to ena b le student

    access to med ica l

    services to help them

    bec ome a ct ivepa rtic ipants in their

    own hea lth ca re.

    What Serv ice s a re Ava ilab le a t the Hea lthCentre?

    Reg ular physic ian c linics a re o ffered during

    the sc hoo l yea r exc lud ing ho lidays. Med ica lp rofessiona ls w ill p rovide:

    Hea lth Insuranc e

    Most med ica l services a re p a id by the Onta rioHea lth Insurance Plan. A hea lth ca rd must be

    p resented at each visit. Out o f p rovince students

    should rea d the ir insurance polic y ca refully to

    determine the ir coverage w hile out of p rovince.Interna tiona l stud ents a re responsible for

    ob taining their own med ica l insurance a nd

    determining coverage of services.

    Hours of Op erationMo nd ay to Thursday 8:30am -4:30pmClosed 12:00-1:00 da ily


    Ma in Floo r Inside the Shuniah Build ing ,Rm D102.



    For appointments,ca ll (807) 475-6169

    ($20 Fee w ill b ec ha rged for missedappointmentsw ithout 24 hrcancellation)

    Primary care forep isod ic illness andc hronic med ica l



    Physicals annual,3rd pa rty, Ministry

    of Transport, andAviation

    Tuberculin SkinTesting a nd advice

    w ith reg a rd to

    com pulsory hea lth

    req uirem ents for

    specic programs

    Birth controland emergency


    Massage therapy

    Liquid nitrogentrea tment for warts

    Nutrition, healthcounselling,

    b irth cont ro l,sexua lity, stress

    ma nage ment, etc .

    Health supervisionfor spec ia lcond itions

    asthma, d iabetes,


    ep ilep sy etc.

    Health promotion

    Pamphlets andlite ra ture on avariety of hea lth


  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    52 I Website

    A p ee r tutoringservice is ava ila b le,at no cha rge,

    for stud entsexperiencingdifculty with one ormore courses.

    How does a student app ly for a Pee r Tutor?

    Students experiencing difculty should meetwith the instructor rst for assistance. If after

    meet ing the instruc to r, assista nc e is stillreq uired , fo llow the se steps.

    1. Pick up a Tutee Ap p lic a tion Form fromThe Lea rning Centre (Room 153) o rd ow nloa d it from the Lea rning Centrewe bsite. ww w.c onfederat ionc

    2. Sub mit the com p leted form sig ned bythe a utho rizing instruc to r to The Lea rningCentre.

    3. Set up a n ap po intment w ith the TutoringCo ord inato r in The Lea rning Ce ntre. TheTuto ring Co o rd inato r w ill answer q uestionsreg a rd ing tuto ring a nd exp la in yourresponsibilities.

    How d oes a student becom e a Pee r Tutor?To q ua lify, a stud ent must ha ve a n A inthe sub jec t a nd a GPA o f 3.0 o r bet ter. Insome c a ses, a n instruc tor ma y rec ommenda stude nt or a stude nt with a d ip lom a ord eg ree from another p rog ra m or ed uca tiona linstitution ma y b e c onsid ered .

    1. Pick up a Tuto r a p p lic a tion from The

    Lea rning Cent re o r d ow nloa d it from TheLea rning Centre Web site. http:// w w

    2. Sub mit the com p leted form sig ned bythe a utho rizing instruc to r to The Lea rningCentre.

    3. Meet w ith the Tuto ring Co ord inato r in TheLea rning Cent re to d isc uss your ac a d em ic

    qualications and tutoring responsibilities.


    First oor of the Shuniah Building in StudentSuc c ess.

    peer tutoring

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    Website w w w.confed era tionc / lea rningc entre I 53

    The Lea rningCentres p rima ryfunc tion is to sup port

    the ac ad emicsuc cess of a llcolleg e stud entsinc lud ing those w ithdisabilities. Providingspec ia lized sup portservices for students,the LearningCentre p rom otes

    eq ua l ac c ess a ndopportunity.


    Disability Services

    The Lea rning Ce ntre p rovides individ ua la ssista nc e a nd sup p ort fo r stud ents w ith

    d isa b ilities. The need s of e a c h stud enta re unique; the refo re, ind ividua lizedac c om mo d ations a re ba sed ond oc ume ntation. Servic es may inc lude:

    Enha nced Services

    The Enha nc ed Servic es Prog ra m of fersd irec t a ssista nc e fo r stud ents w ith lea rningd isa b ilities. The p rog ra m foc uses on thec om b ina tion o f lea rning stra teg ies a nda ssistive tec hno log y to he lp stud ents suc c ee dat c ollege and beyond.


    First oor of the Shuniah Building in StudentSuc cess.

    developmentof Ind ivid ua lEd uc a tion Plans/accommodat ions

    academic,p ersona l & c a ree radvisement

    help in developingefcient learningstrategies




    P: (807) 475-6618TDD: (807) 475-6669F: (807) 475-0003

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    54 I Website w w w.confed era tionc / lea rningskills

    Stud ents who wouldlike to imp rove the irg ra d es ca n take

    ad vanta ge of thisFREE servic e.


    The Lea rning Ce ntre p rovides informa tion o n:

    How d oes a student get help w ith Lea rningSkills?

    The Lea rning Cent re o ffers g roup a nd one -on-one sessions a s we ll a s resource mate ria ls.

    Stud ents c a n:


    drop in to the Learning Centre to pickup resource m ateria l o r a cc ess it on theLea rning Cent re web site.

    Hours of Op era tion

    Mo nd a y - Frid a y 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m


    First oor of the Shuniah Building in StudentSuc cess.

    setting up aneffec tive stud yschedule

    writing essays andreferencing

    studying for tests

    taking notes andrea d ing textboo ks

    test takingstrategies

    make ana pp ointme nt fora session w ith theLea rning SkillsAdvisor

    watch for bulletinb oa rd notic es a ndem a ils on op enworkshop s of feredthroug hout the

    aca demic year


    P: (807) 475-6618TDD: (807) 475-6669F: (807) 475-0003

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w w.c onfederat ionc / lib ra ry I 55

    Engage Enrich

    EmpowerThe Lib ra rysmission is to enric hstud ent lea rning byconnec ting lea rnersto informa tionand p rovid inghigh qua lity lib ra ryservic es to sup p ort

    the c urric ulum.

    Hours of Ope ra tion

    Fa ll/ Winter (Septem ber Ap ril)

    Mond a y Thursd a y 8:00 a m - 9:00 p mFrid a y 8:00 a m - 4:30 p mSatu rd a y 1:00 p m - 4:00 p m(mid Sep t mid Dec ;m id Ja n m id Ap r)

    Sund a y 2:00 p m - 8:00 p m

    (mid Sep t mid Dec ;m id Ja n m id Ap r)

    Closed on ho lid a y wee kend s; Tha nksg iving,Fa mily Da y, Ea ste r, etc .

    Lowe r Level

    Da ily 7:00 a m - 11:00 p m

    Sum mer (Ma y Aug ust)

    Mond a y Frid a y 8:30 a m - 4:30 pm

    Closed even ing s, we ekend s a nd sta tuto ryholidays

    Paterson LibraryCommons

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    56 I Website

    Paterson LibraryCommons


    Print or onlineb oo ks, period ica ls,governmentdocuments

    AV and streamedvideo


    LibGuides (one-stop to e -resources24/ 7)

    Articles in a varietyof subject-specicdatabases

    Databases bysubject:

    - Aviation

    - Business

    - Careers

    - Child Stud ies

    - Education

    - Engineering

    - Hea lth Sc ienc es- La w

    - Soc ial Sc ienc es

    - Tec hno logy

    - Trave l/Hospitality


    Ask a Question

    Ask questions in-person, by phone or email

    AskOn Live Cha t

    Use the Library webpage to chat onlinewith lib ra ry sta ff

    Go to:

    a nd c lic k on the a skON ic on

    Child rens Corner

    Check out the designated area for yourc hild ren to q uietly rea d

    Com puter Workstations

    Use computers, printers (colour & b/w),

    sca nne rs to c omp lete a ssignments, sea rc hthe Net, nd job postings, network...

    Copy Mac hines

    Use coin or copycards to operate (cardsfor sa le a t d esk)

    Equip ment fo r Class Use

    Book video/digital cameras, CD players,etc.

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    Website w w w.c onfed erat ionc / lib ra ry I 57

    Paterson LibraryCommons

    Photo ID Cards

    Your student ID card is your library card

    You are responsible for all items borrowedon your c a rd

    Obtain a PIN from the Library to accessonline resourc es from home w ith your IDcard

    Libra ry Instruc tion / Workshop s

    Learn about library services, databases,the Net, 24-hour ac cess, resea rc hstrategies

    Interlibrary Loa n

    Obtain materials from other libraries inCa nad a (cha rge s ma y ap p ly)

    Reserves Find materials set aside by faculty to

    sup p lem ent c la ss lec tures

    Study Areas

    Book a Group Study Room; use the SilentStud y Room; use ind ivid ua l stud y ca rre ls;use AV view ing sta tions

    24/ 7 Virtua l Lib ra

    Access the Library 24/7 from home, ofceor resid enc e w ith your ID ca rd a nd PIN(ob ta in from Lib ra ry)

    Loan Periods

    Books -2 we eks

    A/ V Ma teria ls -loa ns va ry inquirea t d esk

    E-Books -variable

    Overdue FinesSchedule

    Books -$0.35/day

    AV/CDs -$2.00/day

    2-Hr/ 24-HrReserve Ite ms -$1.00/ ho ur

    1-Da y Reserve Items -$1.00/day

    Ma teria l Rec a lled -$1.00/ item /d a y

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    58 I Website

    The Interna tiona l Ed uc a tion Cent re (IEC) ha s a va riety of o p portunities

    a nd servic es for Ca na d ian and internat iona l stud ents.

    Services availab le forinternationa l students

    Interna tiona l stud entsat Confed erat ionColleg e c an a c c essa numb er of supportservices throug hthe Interna tiona lEd uca tion Centre.These services inc lude:

    Help withimmigrationapplications

    Referrals toappropriateservic e a genc ies

    Assistance withselec ting o rw ithd ra w ing fromc lasses

    Accommodationa nd home-stayplacement

    Languageimprovementactivities e.g.La ngua ge Budd yprogram


    Workshops ontopics specicallyfor internationalstudents


    Canad ian Stude nts Who Want to Study Ab roa d

    Confedera tion Colleg e ha s pa rtne rshipsw ith a num ber of universities a round theworld . If you wa nt to stud y in Finla nd , Fra nc e,Me xic o, Korea , Netherla nd s o r Portug a l, visitthe International Education Centre to ndout ab out the op portunities that ma y b eava ilab le in your area of stud y. The c o lleg ea lso o rga nizes sho rt-te rm stud y ab roadop portunities in the summer months.

    Bec om e a Voluntee r Language Budd y

    The La ng ua ge Bud d y Prog ra m p a irsinterna tiona l stud ents w ith Ca na d ia nstudents for a mutually benecial experience.

    Lang uage Buddy volunteers nee d tocom mit to meeting with their interna tiona l b udd y for a t lea st one hour pe r we ek. Thisop portunity he lps the interna tiona l stud entad just to the Ca nad ia n lifestyle and imp rovethe ir Eng lish, while p rovid ing the Ca na d ia nstud ent w ith insight into a nother c ulture a ndthe opp ortunity to ma ke a new friend for life!

    Sc hola rships to Study/ Work Ab roa d

    A num b er of sc ho la rship oppo rtunities a reava ilab le for stud ents w ishing to p ursue stud yor wo rk op po rtunities a b roa d . The availa b lesc ho la rships va ry ea c h yea r. Inq uire a t theInternationa l Ed uca tion Centre for moreinformation.

    For more information c onta c t Jennifer

    Ka p la nis by coming to the IEC, o r:

    E: jennifer.ka p lan is@c onfed era tionc .on.caP: 475-6467

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w w.c onfederationc .on.c a/ p rintshop I 59

    Let us he lp yo uw ith your c la ssa ssignments a nd

    presentations.We o ffer one stopshopp ing, fast, ea syand c onvenient.

    If you ha ve p red esigned ma teria l we c a np rint them in full c olour o r b la c k a nd white on8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14 a nd 11 x 17.

    We a lso o ffe r a va riety of servic es whichinclude:

    Colour Copy ing Prices

    8.5 x 11 $0.398.5 x 14 $0.3911 x 17 $0.44

    Blac k & White Copy ing Prices

    8.5 x 11 $0.058.5 x 14 $0.0511 x 17 $0.10


    First oor of the Shuniah building, Room B112.

    print shop

    Coil Binding (clearc over a nd c a rdb ac king) w hileyou wa it $5.00

    Booklet making(fold a nd sa dd lestich)


    Machine Folding(ha lf-fo ld , lette rfold, z-fold)

    3- Hole Dril l

    Laminating, from

    sma ll ID ca rd s upto 24 inches w ide

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    60 I Website

    Northwest Emp loyment Works a t Confed era tion Co lleg e offe rsa uniq ue o ne stop Co mmunity Emp loyment Resourc e Centre fo rstud ents, youth, ad ults a nd em p loyers in Thund er Ba y and the reg ion.

    Our se rvices inc lude free a cc ess to:

    This is p rima rily a se lf-d irec ted servic e; howeve r our friend ly, helpfu lstaff w ill be ha ppy to he lp you.

    Northwest Employment Works Com munity Employment Resource Centre

    Computers toc rea te, upd ate

    or ma ke c hanges

    to resumes, cove rletters o r any

    othe r job related


    All computers havewo rd p roc essing

    and Internet access

    Job related

    do cuments ca n befa xed to both loc a l

    and long d istanc e


    Photocopier, faxand telephone

    ava ilab le for job

    search Information

    on com munity


    Workshops thatcover top ic s

    suc h a s; resume,


    p rep a ration andApprenticeship


    Assistance fromthe Resource

    Centre Ad visor

    Referral toother com munityagencies

    Summer JobService Prog ram for

    stud ents returning

    to sc hoo l in the fall

    (Ap r-Sept)


    Open Mo n Fri8:30am 4:30pmThursd ay unt il 6:00p m

    52 Peninsula RdNo rth Bloc k, Suite 111Ma ratho n, ON

    P0T 2E0P: 1-866-602-6667F: (807) 229-1592

    Thund er Bay

    Op en M on Fri8:30am 4:30pmWednesday until6:00pm


    1450 Nakina DriveThunder Bay, ONP7C 4W1

    P: (807) 473-3829F: (807) 473-3869


    Open Mo n Fri8:30am 4:30pmThursda y unt il 7:00p m

    ConfederationCollege30 Ea rl Avenue

    Dryd en, ON P8N 1X5P: (807) 223-4006F: (807) 223-5242

  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    Website w w w.c onfed era tionc /c a ree rservices I 61

    Caree r Services Your Hire Education Centre

    Ca ree r Services wo rks ha rd a t p rovid ing youw ith a hire ed uca tion.

    Servic es inc lude:

    Career Readiness Preparation - book atime o r sign up for one o f our wo rkshops

    myJobbank part time, full time, contractjob p ostings

    Job Search Resources

    Student/Employer On Campus Events Ca reer/Job Fa irs, Emp loyers on Ca mpus

    Employer Liaison and Job Development

    Occupation and Career Information

    Student and Alumni Events

    Career services


    Ema il: ca reer@confederationc.

    Web site: w w

    Fa ce b ook: w w facebook

    Need a good job to beefup the g rocery budget?

    Visit my Job


    Username: job ba nk Pa ssword: job s

    Visit my Career Centre

    Your c entra l sourc e fo r job posting s,

    ca reer rea d iness a ssista nc e,a ppo intments,events inc luding job fa irs,em p loyer presenta tions a nd mo re.

    Questions?Ema il ca ree r@c onfed erationc


  • 8/4/2019 Succi Handbook 2011-Web


    62 I Website

    NegahneewinColleg e of Aca d em icand Comm unityDevelop ment isa c olleg e w ithina nd througho ut

    ConfederationCollege.NegahneewinCounc il, com p risedof Aborig ina lcommunityand co llegerepresentatives,is eng a ged in apartnership withConfederationCo lleg e to p rovid ed irec tion a ndlea d ership toNegahneewinCollege.

    This lea d ership is shown throug h theco ntinued ac ad emic and supp ortse rvices w ithin Neg a hneew in Co lleg e o f

    Aca d em ic a nd Com munity Develop me ntand throug hout Confedera tion Co lleg e.The Counc ils vision is expressed in thecom mitment towa rd s Nega hneew inColleg e of Aca d em ic a nd CommunityDevelop ment a nd is interwoven throug houtConfedera tion Co lleg es stra teg ic p la nningp rocess. This mod el of an inc lusive lea rningcom munity e nc oura ges stud ents, fa c ulty,

    sta ff and communities to c rea te a p rog ressivelea rning spac e tha t fosters c om munityd evelop ment. The d ia log ue p roc ess b etwe enand a mo ng Nega hneewin Counc il, theConfedera tion Co lleg e Boa rd Of Governo rsand the lea d ership throug hout the c olleg eem pha sizes the c om mitment to meetcommunity need s a nd interests.

    We a re responsive to c ommunity p rio ritieson a loc a l a nd reg iona l b a sis, c onne c tedto the id ea ls of peop le w ho live and wo rkin Northweste rn Onta rio to rea lize the ircommon future. This be lief is fund a menta l tothe p a rtnership tha t is Neg a hneew in Co lleg eand Confed eration Co lleg e.

    The staff a t Neg a hneew in Co lleg e o fAca d em ic a nd Com munity Develop me nt

    ca n a ssist stud ents a s they ente r co llege,make their transition to full time p ostsec ond a ry ed uca tion a nd, ultima tely,experience suc c essful comp letion ofcerticate, diploma and degree studies. Theyensure tha t stud ents a re fa milia r w ith thestruc ture a nd p roc esses insid e the c o lleg eand tha t stud ents a re a b le to ob ta in thesup po rts a nd se rvices they need a t va riousstages of the ir a c ad em ic life.


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    Website w w w.c onfed / nega hneewin I 63

    Negahneewinssup port is p a rtic ularlyimp o rtant forAb orig ina l stud entswho fac e c hallengesat c ol leg e d ue to

    issues suc h a s ala c k of fam ilia rityw ith la rge, urba neducat ioninstitutions, theirtra nsition to a newc ity a nd sep a rationfrom home a ndcommunity.

    This is c om pound ed by a ca d em ic c ha lleng essuc h as und er p rep a red ness, va ria nc es inhigh sc hoo l ac c red itat ion a nd the familia rity

    w ith the struc tura l a nd highly fo rma lizedd em a nd s of ed uca tion. Further, theexpe rienc e o f soc ia l iso la tion a nd c ultura la liena tion p revents the se stud ents frombec om ing c om fortab le in new surround ingsa nd d iscourages them from rea l eng a gementin lea rning . Neg a hneew in Colleg e ofAca d em ic a nd Community Develop me ntprovides students with an identiable space

    whic h is c ultura lly resp onsive and familia r. Thissett ing is rec ognizab le a nd a cc essib le in tha tit is where Aboriginal specic resources andac a d em ic p rog ra mm ing are availa b le.


    Nega hneewin Colleg e of Aca d em ica nd Com munity Develop me ntPO Box 398, 1450 Nakina DriveThund er Ba y, ON P7C 4W1

    Pho ne (807) 475-6135

    Fa x (807) 475-4876

    S. Brend a Sma ll, Dea n 475-6278

    Jennifer Oja , Administra tiveAssista nt to the Dea n 473-3820

    Janice Battiston,Ab orig ina l Co unse llo r 473-3708

    Pia Erkkila,Ad ministra tive Assista nt 475-6465

    Yoland a Twa nce, Aborig ina lStud ent Ad viso r 475-6240


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    64 I Website

    Anishna wbe Mushkiki ...................................................................343-4843Anishna wbe Mushkiki Clinic ........................................................ 343-4819Anishna wbek Emp loym ent a nd Tra ining Servic es ...................346-0307

    Anishna wbeg Po lic e Servic e Thund er Ba y Deta c hment .....625-0232Bea rskin A irlines .............................................................................475-0006Beend igen Inc ............................................................................... 344-9579Beendigen Head Ofce ................................................................ 622-1121Child ren s Cent re Thund er Ba y .................................................343-5000Dilico Anishina bek Fa mily Ca re ................................................623-a 8511Dilic o Trea tment Cent re ............................................................... 623-7963Eab a metoong Ed uc a tion Authority ........................................... 623-5973Fort Willia m First Na tion ................................................................623-9543

    Ind ian a nd No rthern Af fa irs Ca na d a .........................................623-3534Ka -na -c hi-hih Trea tment Cent re ..................................................626-1692Kate ri Churc h Cent re .................................................................... 622-7857Kinna -a weya Lega l Clinic ............................................................ 344-2478Lac De s Mille La c s First Na tion ..................................................... 622-9835Lake Sup erior First Na tions Deve lopment ..................................628-8330Ma hm owenc hike Fa mily Deve lop ment Centre ....................... 623-9580Mata wa Emp loyment a nd Tra ining ............................................344-4575Mata wa First Na tions Ma na gement ..........................................344-4575

    Mata wa Post Sec ond a ry ..................................................344-457 Ext. 226Metis Na tion o f Onta rio Hea lth Services .................................... 624-5010Met is Na tion o f Onta rio Communt iy Centre ............................. 624-5024Nana b ijou Child ca re Centre.......................................................343-8369Na tive Peop le Of Thund er Bay Housing ..................................... 343-9401Native Womens Crisis Hotline .....................................................346-4357New Experienc es Prog ra m ..........................................................343-6367Nishna wbe-Aski Lega l Services ....................................................622-1413Nishna wbe-Aski Na tion ................................................................623-8228Northern Nishna wbe Ed uc a tion Counc il .................................. 475-5225No rWest Commun ity Hea lth Cent re ........................................... 622-8235Onta rio Na tive Womens Assoc iation ........................................623-3442Oshki-Pima c he -O -Win Ed uc a tion & Tra ining Institute ............ .626-1880Reg iona l Multic ultura l Youth Counc il .........................................622-4666Red Sky Metis Ind ep end ent Na tion ............................................623-4635Sa nd Po int First Na tion)Bingw i Neyaa shi Anishina ab ek .......... 623-2724Seven Gene ra tions Ed uc a tion Institute ....................................... 622-1711

    Three Cs Re int rod uc tion Cent re .................................................. 767-4172Thund er Ba y Aborig ina l Hea d Sta rt ............................................ 768-2342Thund er Ba y Ind ian Friend ship Cent re .......................................345-5840Union Of O nta rio Ind ians ..............................................................623-8887Wasaya Airw ays .............................................................................473-1200Weq ued ong Lod ge: 228 South Arc hib a ld St ..............................623-1432Youth Emp loym ent Services (YES) ............................................... 623-0768

    local agencies

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    Website w w w.c onfed era tionc / resid enc e I 65

    Loca ted ac ross theriver fac ing Willia msStreet, Sib ley Hall

    ho uses 229 full tim estud ents who liveon ca mp us. SibleyHa ll is a fun, exc iting ,ac ad em ic foc usedhome a wa y fromhom e. A we ll tra inedded ic a ted staff liveson -site a nd he lp

    to ma ke stud entsfeel welcom e a ndvalued.


    If you ha ve q uestionsp lea se d on t hesita teto conta c t us.

    P: 475-6381

    sibley hall

    We o ffer ma ny events a nd a c tivities tosup p ort wha t is lea rned in the c la ssroo m a ndto suit a va riet y of interests. Beg inning a t our

    Move In Mond a y Orientation p la y da y wewa nt to enga ge stude nts, to b uild c om munitya nd to g et stud ents a c tive and involved.We ha ve a spec trum of ac tivities inc lud inga thletics, ed uc a tiona l events a nd spea kers,fam ily mea ls, movie nights a nd more.

    Sibley Ha ll a lso is home to a p erfo rming a rtsg roup who p resent on average 2 show s ayea r; a Ha llowee n Ha unted Hike a nd a la rgesca le m usica l show in the second semeste r.All stud ents a re welcome a t Resid enceevents.

    Op enings in resid enc e occ a siona lly oc c urd uring the c ourse of the ac a d em ic yea r.

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    66 I Website w w w.c onfed erationc.on.c a/ p ublic safety

    Campus Wa lk

    Ca mpus Wa lk is a g roup of stud ents, who a rea lso e mp loyed by SUCCI, through the Onta rio

    Work Stud y Prog ra m f rom e a rly Septemb er tola te Ap ril, Mond a y to Frid a y even ings. Tea mmem bers a re a vailab le to e sco rt ind ivid ua lswho w ish to b e a c co mp a nied to theirveh ic les, or b etween b uild ings. To req uestse rvice, contac t Ca mp us Sec urity Pa rtners, orvisit the Tea m a t The Hub.

    When Ca mp us Wa lk is of f d uty, escorts to

    vehic les a re p rovided through Sec urity.Co ntac t Ca mpus Sec urity Pa rtners forassistance.

    Cam pus Alone

    This p rog ra m is ava ila b le to ind ividua ls whoma y be w orking a lone o n ca mp us a fterregula r hours. When you sub mit your ent rypermit to be in the build ing a fter reg ula rhours, you m ay req uest Ca mpus Sec urityPa rtners to c hec k in on you while you a reon-site.

    Build ing