Succession Planning Simplified!

A NDEEL A LI Nerd, Geek, Otaku, Trainer, Orator, Manager, Activist, Consultant, Citizen Journalist, Cynic, Sarcastic LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION

Transcript of Succession Planning Simplified!

ANDEEL ALINerd, Geek, Otaku, Trainer,Orator, Manager, Activist,C o n s u l t a n t , C i t i z e nJournalist, Cynic, Sarcastic



Internal Succession Planning is a concept exclusive in Fortune

500 companies!

But I believe it should be implemented in Micro-

Small and Medium Enterprises too!

Why? Because I have a hunch

that this could be the disruption in the startups!

This process yielded awesome results in the Conglomerates that implemented it properly! And if we are supposed to compete with them, then we should try it


The thing is by doing so, we aren’t gonna

lose anything, but we could gain a lot!

6 Tips for implementing an

Internal Succession Planning system:

Rename the


First of all rename this process as a Succession Planning, Development and Implementation Program. Mere planning would not work. We need

to develop capacity of potential employees and implement it too.

Embed it across

the board!

Don’t just limit it to the C-Level Executives. Embed it vertically and horizontally in the organization. A

simple labor should also be given a task to mentor his/ her fellow colleague who is fresh and


Train them


Evaluate every employee, design a practical monitoring and evaluation system that

let’s HR dept. to keep the organization up to the mark.

A well trained and learned workforce can yield better results as compared to a

workforce that has stopped learning.

Mentor Them!

Sponsor Them!

Make mentoring and sponsoring a part of the organization’s culture.

Mentoring means going one step ahead and training a staff in the

field, assuring he/ she has absorbed the concepts properly.

Mentoring means going one step ahead and training a

staff in the field, assuring he/ she has absorbed the

concepts properly.

Whereas sponsoring means advocating for an employee that you have

mentored. Don’t abandon your mentees, discuss their success with your

colleagues and seniors and recommend them. A simple recommendation on

LinkedIn can also have a huge impact.

Enhance their Skills, Enrich their Experience!

Rotate staff on jobs, that are related to their core competencies, but in a practical

way. Don’t send a psychologist in the accounts dept. just to enhance his/her accounting skills. Let him/her stay in the HR dept. but they can be send to the PR

dept. because they know how to communicate.

Likewise don’t send an accountant in to the IT dept. But yes you can adjust him/ her in the project management dept. or even in the planning and development dept. Over there he/ she can utilize his/ her knowledge and increase the effective

and efficiency of the projects.

Don’t rely on


Do not rely on the family! Just because it is a family business does not means your every kith and kin is suitable for the job. You may end up

in applying Nepotism deliberately and negative selection


Nepotism means just doing welfare of your friends and family

regardless of their education, competence or expertise. If a job is

vacant then opt for the most suitable candidate not for the

closest relative.

Negative selection means hiring or selecting a less suitable person for a job. This could also means hiring an actually incompetent person, a

rubber stamp manager or executive for a job.

The prime reason for hiring such a person is to safe guard one’s own job and negating competition. Such a person will not do any good for

himself/ herself but in the longer run will ruin the progress of the


Let’s do a recap!

1. Don’t just call it a process, make it a program!

2. Make everyone a mentor!3. Create intense training


4. Create a culture of Mentoring and Sponsoring

5. Build Capacity of the staff continuously!

6. Don’t rely on relatives! But do Rely on Talent!

Just in case if you are wondering what

Succession Planning has to do with becoming a

legend? Good Question!

You mentees are going to galvanize your legacy!

We aren’t gonna stay here for ever!

But our, values, vision and work ethics are gonna survive via

them!And they will assure the

Sustenance of our ventures and movements in our absence!