Successful singles-summon-virtual-headhunters

Successful Singles Summon Virtual Headhunters You might not be able to find a more fashionable phrase than the one stating that in these times, more than a relationship, many people seek to be a successful single. Women and men are now more focused on getting a promotion, or buy an apartment or a good car than getting married or starting a family. They define themselves with just three words: free, single and successful. Places like Six Degrees and Matchmaking thrive for many reasons, including people’s insecurity about their chances of getting paired on their own, their expectations, the avatars of racing to success, and their tiredness from the traditional ways of picking up someone else. If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help. Make Contact (832) 631 61 72 [email protected] 9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380 Is it TRUE? Many professionals are tired of using the same old methods of conquest, or even of the results their attempts to get a match by posting their profiles online. That’s why the social headhunters have become a good option for matchmaking. In Mexico, the stigma of divorced and separated people has already changed and as a matter of fact tends to disappear when it comes to finding a mate. Now men accept willingly partners belonging to a lower social and economic level, although women don’t seem to accept the same and they’d rather expect mates with an equal or higher social level. This new generation has been called Neosolteros, and encompasses both men and women between 28 and 60 years who prioritize their health and beauty, that enjoy travel, and like technology and dining out with friends. They are fond of trendy restaurants, designer shops, gadgets and movie premieres. They spend their spare time attending social events where they may have a chance to meet new people.

Transcript of Successful singles-summon-virtual-headhunters

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

How to Use Hashtags in a Marketing CampaignUse them WELL

Twenty years ago nobody thought that a little, seemingly insignificant symbol (#) would become such an important phenomenon in today's world. We can certainly say that 2013 has been the year of the triumph of hashtags.

The major social networks have incorporated it into their language and way of operation. By allowing us to create topics of interest organized under a symbol (#) followed by keywords, hashtags have become a fundamental tools for marketers.

This organization of publishing in real time allows users and marketing campaigns managers to monitor what is said about a topic, product, event or service.Hashtags also have a role in the generation and monitoring of trends.

Some networks like Google + have implemented the use of computer semantics by generating automated hashtags for postings by members of that network.

In today’s web, it’s helpful to use hashtags as the engine of marketing strategies both online and offline. Besides fostering social interaction, this simple device may also help users to follow up and monitor issues of their interest.

If you are about to launch a new marketing strategy, you should consider using hashtags to achieve a more interactive and successful campaign.

We recommend the following process in order to find the appropriate hashtag for your campaign:

1.-Create your hashtag before starting the campaign and include it in both physical and digital elements of your campaign. Begin to generate tweets that include your hashtag as a way to smoothly introduce your campaign.

2.-Consider a strategy that includes mystery, fun, game, information or promotion using the hashtag to encourage your followers to use your hashtag and position it as a trending topic.

3.-Mention your hashtag constantly at events. Encourage its use with promotions, discounts or special rewards. By using the hashtag at your events, you will also create sense of anticipation and probably help those who are hesitant to make a positive decision and join those who’ll attend.

4.-If you can, make alliances with other Twitter users, brands, services, sponsors or public figures involved in the event, and invite them to use the hashtag in their networks.

5.-Monitor the dissemination of your hashtag. Welcome the good comments and see why you may be getting some negative comments, if any.

6.-Use monitoring software to find out where you’ve been mentioned most, what demographic showed the most interested in your campaign.

7.-Use your campaign hashtag whenever you post exclusive content. And create exclusive content to support your hashtag.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

How Will the Internet Be in 2020?The Future Is NearA future where everyone has access to the Internet by 2020 sounds not far away.

Here we list some reasons why we believe that could be possible.

Moore 's Law , observed by Gordon Moore , the cofounder of Intel, states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every two years , resulting in an increasing speed of response of computers and a lowering in production costs , and therefore in sales prices . This exponential growth has allowed computers to improve their performance about 3200 times in the last 26 years.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Mobile devices have also shown a high growth rate: the usage of phones and tablets has increased in the last five years to the point that they have displaced PC and laptops as preferred devices to access the Internet. It’s expected that in the coming years the cost of smartphones will drop so much that you may be able to get one for $ 10. If over that we add the decreasing prices of

Internet services and some government plans to offer free Internet, we can expect an easier access to the Web for every demographic segment.

It is possible that in the near future, in addition to a birth certificate, all new citizens be granted an email account and a space to store data in the Internet cloud.

Brands will not miss these new trends. And they might even be able to access all the data that users upload to the Web to offer them personalized products and services, customized according to the tastes of each user, location, mood and other values.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Important Elements for SEO [Part 1]Very Important Stuff.The position of your site in the search results of Google is based on a number of items that qualify -and may also disqualify- your Web presence.

These elements are as follows:

Site load time. Why is it so important? Because Google wants you to have a good user experience. Several studies indicate that the more it takes for a page to load the more people would drop it while waiting. Google doesn't want sites that generate a bad experience among the top results. If you want to have a chance to get on the top of Google search results, you need a very neat page, and test your page with the latest web browsers, such as Google Chrome, which today probably gives the best results from a load speed standpoint. Why may your site be slow? There are many probable reasons, and we'll talk about them in some other posts. But for now, you may want to test the speed of your website using this tool. Or this other one, that I highly recommend. After registering for free, Pingdom allows you to monitor how long your page takes to load.

Impact on social networks. Google added this requirement among its most recent algorithm changes. Although many social networks don't generate content indexing, their number and quality of users generate reputation and relevance. And when I say quality I don't mean the one that may come from the many simple "Likes" your site could get, but from the interaction with your content, which is linked to an URL, and ultimately to your website. Again, I promise I will discuss the effect of social networks on SEO. But we need to be aware that isn't enough just to put the Facebook, Twitter or Google+ icons on your page; what we need is the ability to connect directly with our users' profiles, and get feedback through their comments.

Navigation on mobile devices. This is also a requirement that search engines take in account. Just try this: on your computer, enter a search for some product or service, let's say "car rental". If you try the same on your mobile phone, you'll see that the results are different. And the results will differ as well whether you do your search in English or Spanish, or if you are on an Apple device. How is that possible? It's simple: it's just because the search algorithms reads that X results would have better answers depending on the device you are using, such as the connectivity you have at hand from a phone - the ability to make a call, the location maps and more. The better the search engines can interpret the pattern of possible user behaviors; the better, more efficient and faster will be the results delivered by the search engines. Even before HTML5 came on board, Responsive Design was usual to develop a mobile version for navigation. But HTML5 solves all these things, and today a single site based on HTML5 will work for all devices. The loading speed is again a factor.

WWW resolution. Nowadays people put the name without the www sites preceding the domain. And that has become the dominant search format. So you need to ensure that your site opens on any browser, Explorer from version 1 through 10 , Opera , Safari , Chrome , etc. Many sites have not been optimized yet for this, therefore search algorithms read that as an error on the site, and avoid putting them on top of results as a way to shed a bad user experience, as well explained on this Google post

IP canonicalization. This means the IP address is directed to your domain (you can find more information on the official Google blog).Robot text. It allows you to set restrictions to the search engines when scanning your website. The Robot Text informs the search spiders that they aren't allowed to index within your Try this tool to see if you have: Or you can try this other one if you need to create a Robot Text.

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Important Elements for SEO [Part 2]XML Sitemap. XML is a language that makes easy to put within the site labels that will carry Internet robots and spiders to the right place where content is hosted. These tags only work within the domain and not at the subdomain level. You can find more information on this on this site. If you need to create a site map you can go to this link:

Title. Title label is shown on top of each site and must not exceed 70 characters. It describes on the browser window the information on the site that is being browsed.

Description. This information is what we see when we do a search; the search results anticipate what we will find on the site. It shouldn't exceed 160 characters.Keywords. They used to be important, but abuse and spam have made them almost irrelevant and search engines barely consider them now. Most new sites no longer use keywords, but legacy sites need a cleanup to get rid of low quality keywords.

Headers or headers. They are divided by levels. The H1 is the most important, but you should not have more than one H1 per page, with relevant keywords and consistency.

Images. This point is very important for me. I found very often sites where the designer or programmer who built them forgot to label the images with alternative text (the Alt attribute), which helps a lot to search results. Depending on the importance of the image, the Alt Txt can be a very helpful element to address website visits.

Ratio text/HTML. It talks of the amount of content on the site. A ratio where relevant content represents from 25 to 75 % of the page helps it not to be considered spam.

Flash or Ajax. Flash programming affects SEO seriously because it doesn't allow search engines to read what is within your page. Flash is a development that produces movie-like pages, and what's inside can not be found by search engines: when Google bot tries to see what's inside, it only can read: Loading. The only clue a Flash site could give a search engine is what has been left in the HTML where the Flash is mounted. While many designers are fans of Flash, this program is recommended only for specific sites or microsites, those that people go for some special reason and won't care about the load time or indexing. Before including Flash on your site, think about whether you want to achieve a SEO who sells, or how much you care whether your content is indexed by search engines.

Internal analysis of the site's pages. Search engines analyze each page of the site. Many designers and developers make the mistake of repeating the layouts, i.e. the same template throughout the site, because that may work for them as the standard facilitates the management and production of a site. But sometimes they forget to add the features or details that help to differentiate each section of the site. Then, the search engine may find that all the pages are the same thing. It is important to make sure that your site includes adequate information to identify and differentiate each section.

Site links. This part becomes very important because it allows the search engines to read what is and what is not beyond your own content, according to the labels you use. You can have as much as 200 links per page.

Keywords for SEO. Check the consistency between the words used in the content, title, description, and headers.

Page Rank. Is determined by a group of algorithms, They measure the importance of a site from 0 to 10, as the value within the browser, which is complemented by relevance and reputation. It is a complex indicator, described in detail in this link from Stanford University

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Important Elements for SEO [Part 3]More Important Stuff.The following items complete the list we started to detail in the first part of this article, Important Elements for SEO, Part 1 & 2.

Indexed pages. As its name implies, it verifies that your site is indexed in the Internet universe. In a major site, the size of indexed content should be equally large. The architecture of the site itself may determine the size of the indexing your site should have. The more the indexing the better, although care must be taken where the information is indexed, as low reputation directories don't help to improve SEO.

Validity of the domain. Domain registration is another factor to consider. Depending on the lifespan of a domain, the search engine can determine the exposure and response that will assign to the site. For example, the annual renewal of a domain won't help a site to get a better ranking. When you enter a search, if the engine finds two similar sites with different life time, it will tend to give more relevance to the one that with the domain that has been active longer, assuming that this would give a more certain results to the user.

SEO Backlinks. Those are the links from another site pointing to your site's presentations, videos, galleries, directories, etc. Depending on the reputation of the site where these links are located, search engines assume that it may become a recommendation, assigning a greater value to the destination site and placing it in a better position.

Favicon. It is the visual element that distinguishes your site in the file or tab that opens to navigate within the site. It often uses a brand element, like an icon or logo.

404 error page. It serves to inform the user that the link you were looking for no longer exist or can't be found. A broken link indicates that the information to which you were referred changed location within the site, or got a new URL, or its content was replaced by another, or the form no longer exists, or simply the link was removed.

Conversion forms. They are useful to convert a visit to prospect. It shouldn't be more than two clicks away, and it works great to track visits. The conversion can be measured very well by installing the Google Analytics code, which also will tell whether a site allows user feedback.

Language. Declaring the language within the site helps search engines to display information by location, region or language of use in searches. This can also be very useful to prevent your site from showing up in results that a user is not looking for; when that happens, it affects your SEO too.

Microformats. They are used to improve the data sent to the search engines; they help Google to improve the results of sites.

Dublin Core. This is a metadata used to describe content and internal site searches on major search engines.

Google Analytics. For measuring the specific metric visits and visitors.

W3C Validity. It is a non-governmental, international consortium that determines web parameters and standards (i.e. HTML and XML) to improve the use and navigation of the Web.

Doc Type. It helps browsers to display properly the content of your website.

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Linkedin Joins the Elite of B2B Social Media

Elite Network

Linkedin has recently renewed its interface to allow a more friendly interaction and improve visual appeal. By June 2013 it had more than 225 million registered users. The company just acquired social networking sites SlideShare and Pulse. Thus Linkedin has taken a new step towards content marketing distribution on its own network.

Companies are also starting to find ways of taking advantage of the engagement style of LinkedIn users. For instance, Dutch airline KLM has activated a service in which users can choose to be located in adjacent seats with travelers who share interests in Linkedin. Don’t you think that’s a great way to meet potential clients while traveling?

ROC Luis Follow us and discover how to improve your Linkedin profile to attract more customers.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Phubbing, a New Threat to Personal RelationshipsVery Bad Manners.There is a new syndrome afflicting our society. It was named phubbing.

You see phubbing when you see someone that stops paying attention to people around us to pay more attention to the cell phone or electronic device in their hands.

The widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices, like tablets and some trendy gadgets, has caused many people to neglect personal relationships. Face to face talks are disrupted and replaced by preferences and status updates on any social network and messaging services -like WhatsApp or Line-, or even social games like Candy Crush.

One thing that stands out is that many people see the phubbing as normal. Of course, many others, perhaps a majority, believe that those who practice phubbing are showing disrespect by paying more attention to their device than to the person who they are supposedly talking with.

It’s common to see a scene in where a group of friends sitting around a table but they aren’t talking to each other. Instead, they are focused on their device. It is an increasingly common scene in restaurants, bars, concerts, parks, and many other social events. It’s also common to see how people sit at the same table keeps the conversation through mobile devices rather than face to face.

In order to stop this practice that threatens the traditional way of relating, a new movement was born under the name "Stop Phubbing ". It’s intended to create awareness about the loss of human touch that phubbing is simply mirroring.

On that movement’s website ( you can find statistics on an epidemic that spreads very quickly. You can even find posters, letters and anti-phubbing ideas –such as how to make an "intervention" to a friend, girlfriend, family member, co-worker or any other person who has been infected by the disease.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Strategy to Go Out at the Top With a New Site

Think before you act.

After understanding the Google Sandbox effect, now if we can only clear why our site does not appear in the first places.

What can we do? My recommendation and strategy is to create a landing page. A landing page is not what you may find very often: a "page under construction" that is useless and doesn't help the SEO.

But if you elaborate a simple landing page with basic content of what will be your place, contact area, at least one labeled image, phone, location in Google Maps, link to your social networks, so that the search will find information and not something that is "under construction ".

Besides giving notice to Google -through your Google Webmaster Tools account- or this other link if you don’t have yet the webmaster account.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

With these precautions, and while your site is in the construction stage, Sandbox can read what you have on the page. When you upload the final site and send again your URL to Google, Sandbox will see an improvement that will allow your site to gain relevance. On Google's eyes, these are points in your favor.

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The Importance of Having a Website

Having a web page today isn't a luxury, or something for a few. It is a

necessity, is the life of your business, of a character, a product, a brand online.



The technology is growing daily by leaps and bounds, changing the way we

do business, how we connect with people, with brands, with companies and

all the way around.

Your website makes it present on the Internet that absent reality where all the

information about you comes together. As your website becomes the DNA of

your project or business, your best promotion platform, why not giving it

everything it requires to be all the way up to 100%, all 365 days of the year?

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380


Your website doesn't take lunch breaks, doesn't go to the restroom, and doesn't sleep. It's there, working all the time, always ready to communicate or sell what

we want to sell.

Your website is an extension of you that communicates whatever you want. And if you are a seller, it helps you to explain what you are selling, what you sell, how

much it costs, what it does and how to purchase. If we can add a video to explain the benefits, including the testimonials of those who can tell how your product

worked, and you also have updated information manuals, catalogs and images that help to close the sale, do not hesitate to put it in your website.

Today there are more than 2 billion Internet users doing searches in the world according to this site. Asia is the continent with the largest number of Internet users,

but North America is the region with the highest penetration measured as the proportion of users compared to total population. The interesting thing is that today

there are over 8 billion websites, according to World Wide Websize. So it means you, we all, have a great opportunity to put our website to work and help us to

reach our goals. Internet is an intellectual revolution that has no stopping, and that many are looking for the same market as you. Make your website today.

Successful Singles Summon Virtual Headhunters

You might not be able to find a more fashionable phrase than the one stating

that in these times, more than a relationship, many people seek to be a

successful single.

Women and men are now more focused on getting a promotion, or buy an

apartment or a good car than getting married or starting a family. They

define themselves with just three words: free, single and successful.

Places like Six Degrees and Matchmaking thrive for many reasons,

including people’s insecurity about their chances of getting paired on their

own, their expectations, the avatars of racing to success, and their tiredness

from the traditional ways of picking up someone else.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Is it TRUE?

Many professionals are tired of using the same old methods of conquest, or even of the results their attempts to get a match by posting their profiles online.

That’s why the social headhunters have become a good option for matchmaking.

In Mexico, the stigma of divorced and separated people has already changed and as a matter of fact tends to disappear when it comes to finding a mate.

Now men accept willingly partners belonging to a lower social and economic level, although women don’t seem to accept the same and they’d rather expect

mates with an equal or higher social level.

This new generation has been called Neosolteros, and encompasses both men and women between 28 and 60 years who prioritize their health and beauty, that

enjoy travel, and like technology and dining out with friends.

They are fond of trendy restaurants, designer shops, gadgets and movie premieres. They spend their spare time attending social events where they may have

a chance to meet new people.

Unda Brings More Competition to Video Messaging

Unda, new instant messaging software made in Mexico, intended to compete with other services already established worldwide as WhatsApp, Viber and Line.

According to the creators of this software, Japanese Nao Tuki and Mexican Oscar Yasser Noriega, Unda’s main advantage over its competitors is that it focuses on sending video messages up to 10 seconds long with the intention of replacing text conversations with a more dynamic form of communication.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

The big next thing.

The user experience is very simple due to Unda’s ability to record a video and send it, say Tokui and Noriega.

The release of this app comes at a very opportune time, in which video platforms like Vine and Instagram are positioning themselves as the favorites of this year. The growth in the use of smartphones and video cameras, along bandwidths ever wider, increase the chances of success of this messaging network, which in its first month got 12,000 subscribers.

What Does it Cost to Make a Website?

The cost of a website can range from the free to the unimaginable. We

have built sites from $750 to $75,000. This price range is determined

by the simplicity or complexity of the website, which in turn is

proportional to the need and requirements of each client.

There are free platforms like conectanunegocio mx web of Google and

oriented to SMEs, and others such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,

Wix and many more. We'll talk about them in other articles.

But in any case, even when building a site independently, we must take

into account basic operating elements of the page, terms that are

necessary to know both during development and subsequent

maintenance, such as SEO, SEM, optimization, coding, etc.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

There are NO Bargains.

No matter if you are an SME or a large corporation, your business may require an advanced site because on the web the size isn't as much important as it is the

complexity and aggregated functions of your operation. In such cases, you may need some special programming that meets your needs, and there is when it

comes into play a web site development agency or consulting firm.

Costs can vary depending on your needs and the requirements of your brand, service or product. There are free platforms, but even doing custom development

on one of those platforms -WordPress, for instance- can be costly. It is very common to find people who tell you that "making a website is simple because there

are free templates with an easy administration panel and a few plugins that are easy and cheap". And the truth is that if you have the proper knowledge,

developing a website can be very simple or very complex. One person can make a site, but depending on the size of the project, building a site may sue the

participation of fifteen specialists, and this only as an example.

Those costs depend basically on time, complexity and resources of skilled labor (graphic designers, web designers, programmers, etc.) involved in the project.

Why a New Website Doesn't Appear at the Top

When you make a website, you and everyone else wants instant results and reach the top of search engine results overnight. But there are factors that Google

and other search engines take into account before they may let you reach to the top: they apply filters like the Sandbox.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380What am I doing wrong?

The Google Sandbox simply intends to prevent

new sites from spamming and positioning

themselves without fair competition with their


The Sandbox measures relevance, content

and other elements key before letting you get

into the race. So, whoever promises you that

they will make your website to get to the top

within a month is probably lying to you.

The investment of time on a website is

important, so there are strategies to minimize

the Sandbox waiting time.

Why Would Someone Like Me Have Twitter?

Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380Don't Miss the train.

The world in which we live is evolving faster and faster. With the advances of the Internet,

social networking sites like YouTube, MySpace and Facebook have become part of our

natural way to communicate every day. It’s now common to see television shows,

beverages, cultural events and even pet food inviting us to join their pack, with callings

such as "Follow us on Twitter", or on Facebook, or on any of the other 12,000 social


How about me? That’s the question that many of us ask ourselves. What would I get from

a network where I can only write 140 characters?

I remember my first experience on Twitter. It was quite puzzling, between words with a #,

short paragraphs, and small pictures of my friends having breakfast or showing off their

feet. It seemed banal and meaningless.

A few minutes later I closed the tab and let myself into oblivion for several months. However, the noise around social networks, especially around Twitter, continued to grow. So

I decided to go back to explore all the fuss. Already well informed as to what the hashtags were (words followed by a #, which are used to generate topics of interest), and other

functions of Twitter, such as photos and links, I discovered that it could be a really useful tool if you follow the right people and learn how to take advantage of it.

Suppose you live in Houston and want to know how traffic will be the weekend when visiting the mall. If you enter the hashtag #traffichouston, you’ll see which routes to avoid.

Are you bored and want some fun? You can find interesting facts with #DidYouKnow or a good laugh with #jokes. As you can imagine, the possibilities are endless. You can

follow the activity of real-time music festivals like #coachella or #ultramiami, or sports events like the Formula 1 #F1, the Champions League #championsleague, or the US

Open tennis championship #usopen. You can also follow your favorite artists, politicians, athletes, journalists or institutions of interest and learn about their latest activities or

some interesting details about them.

For businesses, Twitter has become a channel of choice to enable promotions and giveaways. If you follow some brands, you may come across tweets (postings in the Twitter

jargon) that prompt you to "Get 40% off your next purchase for the next thirty minutes", or ask you to "retweet and win a 2x1". In cases such as music, for example, is very

common to get backstage passes for concerts that are offered through their Twitter accounts.

You see, the new digital world of Twitter offers plenty of opportunities for all. I recommend you visit it one day and follow us at @LuisROC.

Your Business In Social Media Make Contact(832) 631 61 [email protected] Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380Your Businees NEEDS to be involved in Social Networks.

Social networks have changed the behavior and the ways people socialize and consumes information on the Internet; and after the explosion of social networks, information has also change the way it circulates.

This revolution has led all of us to interact in generalities and specializations depending on our interests and hobbies. These networks, in turn, have become potential channels to convey the message from our business, product or service. However, we need to keep in mind that you can't do whatever it pleases you.

It's very important to know how to distribute and spread the content so users feel close enough to take part of your network and be part of your brand. In social networks content is king, not quantity.There are brands that have never been in traditional media and are now on everyone's lips, selling and generating increased revenues through the proper use and management of these channels, as proven by cases such as Angry Birds.

If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.