SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext. Write this as an essay...


Transcript of SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext. Write this as an essay...

Page 1: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Page 2: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

FORMAT In a two-page, typed document, analyze your

subtext. Write this as an essay instead of a list –

paragraphs rather than bullets. Use the prompts to focus your scrutiny. With each item, ask,

What do these say about me? What message/s do they send to others? Also, consider the LACK of any of these traits a

subtext, too.

2 pages typed headers TNR, 12” stapled

Page 3: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

YOUR TASK Step outside yourself for a moment.

Turn that critical eye on a different sort of document …the human document.

Analyze yourself as you have an advertisement. Be analytical

(not “critical” as in a masochistic, self-flagellating)

Be objective. Be honest. (with yourself)

Page 4: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Appearance Clothes

from head to toes hair style hats or no hats contacts, glasses, sunglasses make-up, none piercings, tattoos, studs,…or none jewelry, none clothes brand clothes styles shoes, kicks, flip-flops

Page 5: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Appearance what’s accentuated or not what’s been augmented or not

straightened, pierced, tattooed posture, bearing, pose, carriage attitude, personality, tone

Page 6: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Possessions What prized possession/s do you have?

For what object would you run back in to a burning building/rescue in a flood?

car decorations car modifications room decorations

Page 7: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Possessions Entertainment:

Art, Plays, Literature… Movies & TV shows:

DVDs, posters what you watch, go to the theater

Music the music we listen to often reflects who we are or

wish to be we are what we listen to

Page 8: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Food, Drink, Smoke we are what we eat (drink, smoke) what do you eat, drink, smoke-- quantity, quality

do you eat/drink healthily? too much, too little? fast food, home-cooked? vegan, omnivore?

alcohol, drugs?

Page 9: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Others Your FACEBOOK page

What do you have on your Facebook page? Pictures, poses, sayings, movies, … Friends, links, activities, ….

Any social media not just FB but your entire Web presence, e-self

Page 10: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Others Types of Friends

just as food & music the people we “hang out with” subtextually say

something about us Types of Relationships

boyfriends, girlfriends numbers of, quality of relationships how affectionate, open are you

Page 11: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Others The way you laugh, smile, cry

do you? often? never? forced or phony?

(our emotional behaviors)

How are your manners have any? often, frequently? at home vs. outside?

Page 12: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

PROMPTS: Others Talk

How do you talk: diction, word choice what kind of language do you use? is it rated PG or NC-17 is it college-level or juvenile

How do you talk about yourself How do you talk about the opposite sex How do you talk about the life

optimist, pessimist?

Page 13: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Page 14: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


A definition of “Subtext” Comment on “appearances”

“can’t judge a book by its cover”

Maybe something about our society

Page 15: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Start with you, your “body” Head to Toe or Toe to Head

Then radiate out to your “Subtext Satellites” Those other things about you & around you that emit

your subtext Your possessions Your car, Your room….

NOT everything

BUT those parts of you most “subtexty”

Page 16: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Describe an item & then discuss its subtext

What could others see in this? How might this be interpreted or taken by others?

*regardless if this interpretation is right or wrong* your intentions = irrelevant here

Page 17: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Your overall subtext Comment on “appearances”

“can’t judge a book by its cover” maybe something about our society

Anything you were unaware of Your desired VBA match your subtextual VBA? Perhaps changes you’d make

(more “so what?!” ideas below)

OK, so that’s your subtext?!

Page 18: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Page 19: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

YOUR SUBTEXT How do you express your values, beliefs,

attitudes (VBA)? Look to your answers to the prompts. What do they say about you? What messages do they send…subtextually?

You MUST analyze your subtext – not merely describe yourself.

Page 20: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

YOUR SUBTEXT What are your values, beliefs, attitudes?

based solely on your Subtext

* This concerns what VBA people could infer from your actions & appearances

• NOT what VBA you think you have. • the mask, not what’s behind it

Page 21: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

YOUR SUBTEXT Are there VBA you were unaware of?

that you didn’t realize you were broadcasting (subtextually)

that you were expressing unconsciously

Page 22: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

YOUR SUBTEXT Is that who you really are?

Do the messages you emit sync/jive with your intentions? with the image you thought you projected, the image

you want to radiate? with the “real” you?

Is that who you want to be? Do your desired VBA match your subtextual

VBA? If not, what changes do you plan to make?

Page 23: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.


Page 24: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

THE FINAL ANALYSIS So what does this Subtext Assignment

instruct you regarding the following:

Page 25: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! What’s the real multiculturalism?

each individual = many individuals each of us =

complex, complicated, diverse, multifarious multifaceted, multidimensional, multilayered, multi-

sided…. multicultural

Page 26: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! How do you treat other people?

If YOU = complex, multifaceted, then what about others?

judging or stereotyping others? getting to know people? the benefit of the doubt taking them with the grain of salt

Page 27: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! You can’t judge a book by its cover.

the stereotypes out there the stereotyping others do to us the stereotyping we do to ourselves

Empowerment & Personal Safety. awareness of & control over the messages you send to others

Page 28: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! How free is your will?

How much do we truly have? Who really has control over our lives? Are our choices really our own? What are the forces at work on us, how many are

there, and are we aware of them – all? Do you like what you like because you like it OR

because someone told you to like it?

Page 29: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! Jobs and Relationships.

job interviews performance evaluations working w/others, dealing w/customers impressions give off to significant others kinds of people we attract/repel

Page 30: SUBTEXT of YOU. FORMAT  In a two-page, typed document, analyze your subtext.  Write this as an essay instead of a list – paragraphs rather than bullets.

SO WHAT?! Communication:

words gestures images music clothes behaviors manners…