Substance abuse unit 3 study guide


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Substance Abuse Unit 3 Study Guide

Defend or argue against the statement “It is my life I can use drugs if I want to, it will only hurt me.”

With the statement listed above, think about the following questions?

How can drug abuse affect an individual?

How can drug abuse affect a Family?

How can drug abuse affect a society?

Define and understand the following terms: pathway to addiction, tolerance, dependence, addiction, physical

addiction, psychological addiction.

What are the effects of a stimulant, depressant and a hallucinogen on the mind and body?

Know the information for 2 specific types of stimulants. Use the project guide for details

Know the information for the 2 specific types of depressants. Use the project guide for details

Know the information for 1 type of hallucinogen.

Reasons teenagers abuse drugs.

What are the signs of drug abuse in a person?

What would your response be in a situation where there are drugs available?

What are the basic refusal skills and how can you effectively use them if you are in the situation mentioned
