Substance abuse assignment




Transcript of Substance abuse assignment

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What is substance Abuse?

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent. The term "drug abuse" does not exclude dependency, but is otherwise used in a similar manner in nonmedical contexts. The terms have a huge range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical

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Harmful Effects of Alcohol

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Alcohol-Related Disorders

* Alcohol abuse and dependence.* Alcohol withdrawal* Alcohol induced dementia.* Alcohol induced amnestic disorders.*Alcohol induced psychotic disorders* Alcohol related mood disorder.

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Alcohol withdrawal

The classic signs of alcohol withdrawal are due to sympathetic over activity and tendency to develop epileptic convulsions.

Symptoms include tremulousness, sweating, restlessness and even excitement.

They may include psychotic symptoms (such as delusions and hallucinations).

Seizures and symptoms of delirium tremens may eventually develop.

Treatment is Benzodiazepines.

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Fetal alcohol syndrome

It occurs when fetuses are exposed in utero to alcohol by their mothers' drinking alcohol.

This syndrome is the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States.

Women with alcohol related disorders have a 35 percent risk of having a child with deficits.

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FAS Characteristics

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Types of Drugs of Abuse andDependence

• Most of substances known to be amenable for abuse and dependence (Addiction) can be grouped into the following classes:

1. Alcohol.

2. Sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics.

3. Cannabinoids [e.g. Bango - Hashish - Marijuana].

4. Opioids [e.g. Heroin, Opium, Morphine, Codeine and Codeine-containing cough sedatives].

5. Cocaine

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Types of Drugs of Abuse andDependence

. Amphetamines and other stimulants.7. Tobacco.8. Caffeine.9. Hallucinogens [e.g. LSD, Anticholinergic,

Mescaline 10. Phencyclidine [e.g. Ketamine]11. Volatile solvents.

N.B. Poly-substance abuse and dependence is common.

Substances may be mixed with others.

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Hazards of smoking

Death is the primary adverse effect of cigarette smoking.

Causes of death include:* Chronic bronchitis.* Emphysema.* Bronchogenic cancer.* Cerebrovascular disease.* Cardiovascular disease.

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Hazards of smoking in Pregnant Woman

In pregnant women, nicotine crosses the placenta freely and is in the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood of neonates.

Sustained exposure of the fetus causes:*Slow growth in utero and lower than

average birth weights.*Increased incidences of newborns with

persistent pulmonary hypertension.

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Dangers of drugs on a Pregnant Woman

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This is an adaptive psychological, physiological and biochemical state caused by the repeated exposure to a drug. Continued use of the drug becomes necessary for the well-being of the organism. Sometimes the word "dependence" is used as a synonym of addiction.

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it is a strong subjective drive to use the substance. It is likely to be experienced by most (if not all) individuals with substance dependence.

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The diagnosis of addiction implies the use of a drug with the following clinical criteria:

* The use of the drug is not upon medical indication

* Tolerance * Withdrawal

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Dependence cycle

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Signs and symptoms

Drug abuse, including alcohol and prescription drugs can induce symptomatology which resembles mental illness.

Drug abuse makes central nervous system (CNS) effects, which produce changes in mood, levels of awareness or perceptions and sensations.

These signs and symptoms cannot be fully stated as it varies in individual.

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Substance abuse can be prevent in two major ways. These are:

Educating the society. The government should make a policy

against the selling of unprescribed drugs.

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Management of Substance Abuse/Dependence

• Two major goals: the first is abstinence from the

substance; the second is physical, psychiatric, and

psychosocial well-being of the patient

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Management of Substance Abuse/Dependence

Inpatient or outpatient settings. * Detoxification, * Rehabilitation. * Throughout treatment, individual,

family, and group therapies (alcoholic & narcotic anonymous) can be effective.

* Any underling psychiatric disorder should be diagnosed and appropriately treated

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Rehabilitation Centre

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Pharmacological Treatment of Substance Abuse

Because substance abuse/dependence is in part a neuropharmacological phenomenon, there is at present an aggressive search for agents that may:

decrease the reinforcing properties of substances (block the drug euphoric effect)

decrease craving associated with substances

function as replacements for the drug of abuse

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Pharmacological Treatment of Substance Abuse

Naltrexone (an opiate receptor blocking agent) decreases alcohol consumption and relapse in alcoholic patients, also in opiate abuse.

* Nicotine replacement using nicotine gum, patch, spray and inhalation have been used with successful results in nicotine dependence.

* Methadone - an opiate receptor agonist - proved to be highly effective in abstinence from opiate use.

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Thank You

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Reference List

Halaesayyah, January 2014. Substance Abuse and Dependence.( Accessed 2014-03-07)

Lauragosnell, January 2014. Substance Abuse Disorders. ( Accessed 2014-03-07)

OsuntokiIbukunoluwa, August 2013.Basic knowledge about substance abuse.( Accessed: 2014-03-07)