Substance Abuse Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Substance Abuse Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes Illicit drug use The use or sale of any substance that is illegal or other wise not permitted


Substance Abuse Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes Illicit drug use The use or sale of any substance that is illegal or other wise not permitted. What are factors that influence decisions about drugs?. Media Messages. Peer Pressure. Role Models. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Substance Abuse Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Page 1: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Substance Abuse ◦ Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical

substances for nonmedical purposes

Illicit drug use◦ The use or sale of any substance that is illegal or

other wise not permitted

Page 2: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

•Chemical substances that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sellIllegal Drugs (street drugs)

•Drugs available only by means of a doctor’s written instructions and can be dispensed only by a licensed pharmacist

Prescription Drugs

•Drugs that you can buy without a prescription. Can be harmful if not used properlyOver-the-

counter Drugs

Page 3: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

What are factors that influence decisions about drugs?


Family MembersRole Models



Page 4: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Unlike medicines, these substances are not monitored for quality, purity, or strength

Health Consequences of Drug UseIllegal drugs have harmful side effects that can range from minor to deadly

Physical ConsequencesBrain, heart, lungs, and other vital organs

Contraction of Diseases such as hepatitis B and HIV Overdose- a strong, sometimes fatal

reaction to taking a large amount of a


Page 5: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

MENTAL/ EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCESDrugs cloud reasoning and thinking, and users lose

control of their behavior

SOCIAL CONSEQUENCESNegative effect on relationships with friends and

family members; Substance abuse is a major factor in many crimes, suicides, and unintentional injuries

Page 6: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Side Effects of Drug usenausea


Loss of consciousness



Psychological dependence:A condition in which a person believes

That a drug is needed in order to feel good Or to function normally

Physiological Dependence:A condition in which the user has a chemical

Need for the drug

Addiction: A physiologicalOr psychological dependence on a drug

Page 7: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

a plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects


Page 8: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Also known as grass, weed, and pot

Hashish, or hash, is a stronger form of marijuana

An individual who uses marijuana is 17 times more likely to use cocaine than one who has never used marijuana.


Page 9: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Slow mental reflexes and may suffer sudden feelings of anxiety and paranoia

In males, regular use interferes with sperm production and lowers levels of testosterone

Females experience an INCREASE IN TESTOSTERONE LEVELS which may result in unwanted facial hair and can lead to infertility

Driving under the influence of marijuana can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated

Effects of Marijuana

Page 10: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 11: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achieve a mind-altering effect


Page 12: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Solvents Aerosols Glues Spray paints Gasoline Varnishes Nitrous oxides

Examples of Inhalants

Page 13: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Glassy stare Slurred speech Impaired judgment Permanent nervous system and brain

damage Sudden Death by:

◦ increasing heart rate resulting in cardiac arrest◦ suffocation

Consequences of inhalant use

Page 14: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 15: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone testosterone

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

Page 16: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Effects of Steroid use

The non-medical use of steroids is illegal for people of all ages in the United States

Anabolic refers to muscle building

Androgenic refers to increased male characteristics

• Mood swings• Impaired judgment

resulting from feelings of invincibility

• Paranoia• If needle injection used

the risk of disease-causing viruses ex: HIV

Page 17: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 18: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

4 Types◦Stimulants




Psychoactive Drugschemicals that affect the central nervous system and alter activity in the brain

Page 19: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

StimulantsCocaineCrackAmphetaminesMethamphetamineMethylphenidate (Ritalin)

Page 20: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

A rapid-acting, powerful, highly addictive stimulant that interrupts normal functioning of the central nervous system

Effects of Cocaine Include:





Physiological dependence


Cardiac Problems




Page 21: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

An even more dangerous form of cocaine

One of the most deadly drugs available





Page 22: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Prescription medicines to reduce fatigue and drowsiness and to suppress the appetite

Health Risks Easily developed tolerance can result in overdose Twitching Irregular heartbeat Paranoia Heart and blood vessel damage


Page 23: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Methamphetamines (Meth) Meth can be lethal, ADDICTIVE, and

unpredictable Club Drug Another form is Crystal Meth

Page 24: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 25: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Effects of Meth UseGeneral Effects Long Term Effects Elevated heart rate,

blood pressure and respiratory rate

Decreased Appetite Alertness Aggression Paranoia Depression Irritability Hallucinations Delusions

Strong psychological dependence

Malnutrition Skin abscesses Mood disturbances Kidney and other tissue

damage Cardiac and neurological

damage Meth Mouth

Page 26: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Both Ritalin and Adderall are the two most commonly abused prescription stimulants

When abused can lead to ◦Dangerously high body temperature

◦Irregular heartbeat◦Paranoia◦Cardiovascular failure◦Lethal Seizures

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Page 27: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes


Page 28: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system

The most commonly used depressants is



Page 29: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Known as Looks like an ordinary aspirin Rohypnol can be dissolved easily into a

beverage. The victim wakes up much later with no recollection of what may have happened during the last several hours

Rohypnolthe date rape drug

Page 30: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Another Date Rape Drug A person can easily overdose on GHB The drug leaves the blood relatively

quickly, making it hard to discover


Low Doses Higher DosagesDrowsinessDizzinessNauseaVisual Disturbances

UnconsciousnessSeizuresSevere Respiratory DepressionComa

Page 31: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes


Page 32: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

1. An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior, and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain.

2. A soothing, numbing agent or thing


Page 33: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 34: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Highly addictive Depresses the central nervous system

Slows breathing and pulse rate Infection of the heart lining and valvesLiver disease Coma Death



Page 35: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes


Page 36: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

A narcotic prescribed to relieve pain

OxyContin is a timed-releases version of Oxycodone

Do not take while drinking alcohol Dangerous side effects or death can occur when combined

It is a significant threat because it is only available in higher doses

OxycodoneExtremely Addictive

Page 38: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 39: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

A narcotic drug prescribed for pain control

Vicodin is one of the most commonly abused forms

Extremely Addictive


Page 40: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Short Term Effects Long Term Effects

Difficulty Breathing

Closing of the throat

Facial Swelling Hives Seizures Loss of

Consciousness Coma

Constipation Dryness of

Mouth Respiratory

Depression Physical

Tolerance Dependence

Page 41: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

HallucinogensPCPHallucinogenic Mushrooms MescalineKetamineLSD

Page 42: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

PCP Originally

considered for an anesthetic but discontinuedConsidered an Hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant and anesthetic

Induces Violent behaviorUnpredictable with reactionsFlashbacks can occur at anytime causing:• Panic• Confusio

n• Lack of





• Hallucinations

• Disorientation

• Impaired Coordination

• Coma• Stupor• Convulsions• Decreased

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

• Seizures• Death

• Overdose• Induced

destructive behavior

Page 43: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Preoperative anesthetic that is used in veterinary medicine

Makes the user feel detached from his or her environment

Has both analgesic (pain relief) and amnesic (memory loss) properties

Has been used in drug facilitated sexual assaults


Page 44: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes


Page 45: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Ketamine Today

Page 46: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Do you think that the USA should allow Ketamine induced comas?

Why or Why not?

Ketamine Coma

Page 47: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

The most potent and highly studied hallucinogen

Effects are

Effects can last from 2 hours to 12 hours depending on dosage

DOI is a drug that is very similar both in affects and form to LSD

Often times users conceal drugs in food such as gummy bears, cookies


Page 48: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Introducing LSD

Page 49: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Illusions Hallucinations Disorientation Impaired coordination Tremors Confusion

Effects Extreme mood

sings Impaired short-term

memory Prolong Depression Anxiety Flashbacks

Page 50: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Personal Stories

Page 51: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Other Drugs

Page 52: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Designer Drug: synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of hallucinogens and other dangerous drugs


Suppresses the need to eat Ecstasy Tablets come in many different

shapes, colors, sizes and with many logos.

MDMA Ecstasy

Page 53: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

Confusion Depression Sleep Difficulties Anxiety Panic Attacks Jaw Clenching/ Teeth



Ecstasy disrupts the body’s ability to regulate

temperature, thus heating to a point that can result in liver,

kidney and cardiovascular-system failure and sometimes


Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Liver Damage Paranoia Depression Damage to the brain

Page 54: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes
Page 55: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

A cough suppressing ingredient in a variety of over-the-counter cold and cough medications including syrup, tablets, and lozenges

DXMLoss of Muscle ControlRashFever and SweatingHigh Blood PressureLoss of ConsciousnessBrain DamageStrokeDeath

DiarrheaAbdominal PainNausea and Vomiting NumbnessComaCerebral HemorrhagesSeizuresMania

Page 56: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

MDPV “Bath Salts”

Page 57: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

A new, highly addictive designer drug labeled “Bath Salts” ◦ contains Mephedrone and MDPV


“Bath Salts” are so addicting that users crave the drug even after experiencing a trip to the Emergency Room

“Bath Salts”

Page 58: Substance Abuse  Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes

“Bath Salts” are known to produce side effects similar to Meth and Cocaine such as:◦ elevated heart rate◦ Hypertension◦ Irritability◦ extreme paranoia◦ delusions of super-human strength and

invincibility◦ Hallucinations◦ Suicide◦ aggressive and violent behavior◦ possibly even murder.


The effects of “Bath Salts” may be permanent