SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 IC.KET.S IN _ · SilK STRIKE· Steel M i llsCONTINUEMASS ·· GARY PLAN IS PICKETING l ft-1 TO KEEP HI·S . SILK WAI.KooT . SLAVES TAME Cops to Exclale 1 Commamst Spealtn:• , ' •••


Page 1: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ~~t.~~::'~ !.~';! :<:.';!:· ,..,. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924



SLAVES TAME Cops See~ to Exclale 1

Commamst Spealtn:• ,

' •••

Page 2: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't



Meet" Docfgu Again. WASJIISGTOS. S•pL u .- Prul·

dea l CoaUdca la oot dlepoatd to td:e any action ID lh• cue of O.ooral Smedley Botlor Ia Phlladelpbla.. It wee •tat~ oiBclally at tbe V.'lllte J-loute today. waaaald at the White IIIIUI II, lb• Dutl•r CU ll Ia one ot local Pbllad t~ l pbla POIIUca Ia which Cool· ldredoeeootureto be<o!ZI•In.,oh'ed .

British Coal Miners fo Give MacDonald' Their View!l- on Dawe5 Plan


ro~~o~i:~: ~:"!o:.d :;o;! ~~!·'::~:~:!::~;:::':~ :~: ~ Labor Party, to be held In London, Oct. 7. Thle Is the first national Labor Party &atherJn&' since J. Ramsay MacDonald ~arne premier. It will &iva a tare- number of tank and file dtltptes. from the trade unions and from th branches of the Labor Party and the Independent Labor Party, an op. portunity to say what they think of MacDonatd's covernment. What many of them will say, accordln&" to reports, will not be very ~aCo:nal~. '

In t]1e United States the bll' political parties eather qnce

::::y,!~u;,.!:r;:~:o ~:;;,:.r~~:o,:m m~"d~ :~~".~·~.,~ c::::;. can ride successfully Into offiCe. It Is· not even Intended .that the platform promises should be carrl~ out. The candidate Is usually a compromise to secure party harmony and kHp capitalism's political forcet 'lntact.

After the convention Is over the delegates are Mnt home to wait for another four years to roll by. Coolldce did not report to the Cleveland repu~llcan convention any more than did LaFollette to hit own a:atherinc In the sam, city: Thsy dictated their deslr .. to the auembled delegat .. and expectld to be obeyed without q~st~o rl.')

MacDonald would llke ·to do the aame In Enafand. But the British Labor Party affords· a little· expression of opinion. It It at least the semblance of a forum for the discunion of British labor's problem ..

MacDonald. like a lot of other "' labor" representatlv .... when they cet power, adopt the Coolida:e attitude. Instead

:.'o~:~7.1 ~h:~ado;~;nh,~1i~sP~~1::7~e1h!,~e t1;~;,r:: i~1r.; democrat ic fraud that he "represents all the people.'p

Thit a ttiude get• a .. labor" politician into {Tlany t l~ht

ft~:~~~~e:frj~1~a~lt:b~~np~~;~ retpontlble to an orcanlzat on . , . . Thus we find the "labor" premier, MacDonald, refusln& t~

meet with a deputation of coal mine rs, to discuss the titua.

~!:nc~~=-~o~ ~~~e~0[!~~~D:.':~f;~"·~f 't•!Ddo~!r~~r:~~ Asquith, the capitalist premiers before him ~ith the Labor Party Conference loom1n1 blc. ho)Never, MacDonald chana:~ his mind, and decided o.n a ~eari!'g w:th the miners Oct. 1.

These Biitish coal miners feel that the slave owner's whip thllt Ia laid across the backt of the Cerman worklnc clau It goin1 to hit them. too. The 10 and ' the 12·hour day In Oer· many, at low waa:u. under the Dawes plan, turning out cheap co.,, that can be bought ~tnd told In the British market by British profrteers, at ~treat profrt to themselves, meant In·

crea~~~~n~~~~~y_;ae~ttt~~~rJr~h~~::~:~D~~na~d~hat there

=~~ ~6~~,:::~~1s1 :T:~e~0~~:b'!;,e;l~ 1~er~e~ ~0o7;:,t;;!:ronn~ Hu~thts and Lamont put over the Dawes pl an. The BrltJsh workers are opposed to it. M. Tomsky, head of the Russian Trade Unions, told the British Trade Union Concrest recent· ' ly, what the Russi an workers thoust.t about lt. There doesn't seem to be so very much difference of opinion betNeen the Russian and the British workers abo ut this Wall Street plot aa:alnst all European labor,

dele:.~i~~ ·~;~~~ ~:a~nmli~~~~~~~~g.p~~~i~~eM:c~~~? J~: 1. less than a week before the opening of the Labor Party Conference.

The coal dluers demand the nationaiiz~tion of the mineL That is the first biK Issue on the qenda of the Oct. 7th gathering. The miners will want to know why Mac­Donald, the " labor" premier has not moved in thls~lon. It is also demanded that the a:Overnment take o the electric power 'lupply. --....

Then there Is the resolution th:~t the British Labor rty affiliate with the Communist International. .. ...

There are "labor" politlc In the British Labor Party , just as there are hordes of political careerists attac hed to the LaFollette movement, In this country, that · make war

~:~~et~eri~~~~~:~~~~i~th~:~jo~~~~a;jn~j~= :f~j~tf:~'!!ft~ the Labor Party. • ·

But the war upon the Communists withJn the Brit ish labor movement, has not solved the problems of the British worken, a ny more than the attack of Oompers and LaFol­lette on Communlats in the United States has presented the

~wr~b~:~:n~~·:~e;~~~:h~~~~~~~it~:~:ma IO~W,I:t" t~~ t:~~ oyert' dictatorship contin ues just the same,t;will contlntiJ'

J st as long as that dictatorship continues; until It Ia dl .. placed with the rule of

0 the .wor~ert.. • ·

towa~d~c~~~~~dp:~!. t~~~ :~:tt ~~jy ~h:~ ~~ .. ~ i~l: ~~dt:~ well as his servicu has been captured by the British rullnc class. Perhaps It never nuded capturing. But MacDonald has pa raded as a socht.llst f'W_ years, as a believer. In the class

~~p~f~:t 0!:;s~ :no;~te~a:f:~~~isc~:~!~l~s~~:~e~~.~~=~t~:~ Arthur Henderson, open colltborator ~ith capitalism, U• minister in the King's wa r government. became tho premier .

• e • • •

tht :;~1b0o":a~J ·~~~!~~. ;0°:e~e,;~=:,~ 1w~ij'::; t~ee,;l~~~~h1~:~ just as some Amerl5workers indul&'l in tfle nightmare that LaFollette is goi ng t 'nd an oasis for them in the capitalist desert. ·

Every act of the M cDonald a:overn~ment is openlna: the eyes of British workers, wider and' wider.

When MacDonald a t first refused to receive the deleca· t ion of coal miners~_fl e ftdded thousands of workerS 'o the Communist ranka. His defense of his "labor'' government 1\t the forth.coming"labor Party Conference will still furthe r disgust new thousands in Great Britain, just as the rea:ime of t he "socialist," Ebert, in Cermany, as added millions to the German Communi st army ,

The British Communist Party need not worry so much nbout 11.Hiliatlon with the British labor Party. if it can win the muses of t ho British workers to dfiliate ::>:ith lt. That it the drift at the present time within the r:tnks of British


Gar.y Orgamze~ to Halt U njoniz,ation

The ora:i.nlntJon . ~f1 the

~!:~::;.,:f.~~'""'!tnc~·~ . Ca')', Indiana, In !!t. 1-..­of the Untt.d States Steel oQ,._. \ poratlon to kHp the stHI Work~

:~·a~r!;!n o~a=~l: 'W-L.,.._ . =~~ n~:r..~ thS.:!:t"'b;t ~:. • ~1 ~O~eK:~~orter for the p~1~ y ... ·

JleeYC to)d 'of the la.tnt ef.l 1

fort of the stft;l workera fa Gary to orsantze at their maa meeting Jut nlSht In TumV Hall, and .declazed that tilt workers muat unite with tbeli' clus poUUcaUy under the baD­ner of Communllm, and become active workers for amaJ&ama- " Uon In their union u the onb"

:~:~ ~:~:. ~rt :=::~~j Gary aatt.

''Tile workeu of Gary do Dot bow that the Cbambef' or Commm:. or tUt )

::=:~:a=~ ·=.·:a:~:,~ k ~~.~~!-;'*C.:':~~~· labor anllabll. wbOM • ...,..... ~ ' !!o,~ enta .. boar,' .. Jleen; ......... • '

He told bow tlle IU)'Of' Jta,d ...,._. . '"': to fc••U,ata lba ~"Kat e.,.aoetoa CC • &Jut raruce Ia Oa.ry which ldiW ""'rat meo, aad. bh tbe O&rJ' ,.. T rlbuu, fortniDI a uclted treat wttb tbe Uolted Statu BtMI eorponts..,; I• da07 eomlllJ' oal wttll Ilea aboai protperltr ud ptnt1 of amplo)'aeat wbea "uad.reda or worken an loold:ta for JoN aTery day Ia the eleel •UI&.

Ree.,. df!Dda11e.d tha OUT adlool pleD, ,.aamed the Ptatooa scboot .,.. • tem, becauM f t t:ralaa lb• cbU4...e. to ba rood. alMI .t.rut slana whaa U.., abould be retU.q • ad•aUic ... nltval edacaUoa. Ha dadand tMt lha proftta of the Ulllt.ed ltalee llllal corporatl011 Ia ltU were Utl.1tT .... aad lbe a ... erqa Yaca or .. p&op;,

::a~:!au::r::: ~~~~·:e"'r'aitu.;:: aad tbe employen of labor reap aU U.. prollta.

Hlta O.fe"a• O.y. Victor ZOkalUa took 11P a pod ....

lecUoc at lhla maau-., u4 ..a7 · DAILY WOJU(Q.S ud boob .._. .old, llldftdlo.c waaula ta ltU.'".,. William Z. ro.t.r ud "'71t.e t.FoOatta mu•IOil. .. b1 Jay l.oiaatoe.e. · eo.rMe ZOka.IU.. told tha crowd Ui• n.l a.._ '.,_ l.q of the re«Dt aatloaal d.,eDM U::r. wblch wu aol. be dadued, C.O boeor O•••raJ', bat a tcn;t of lila ea}llt.alleti ta prepare lbe worken tor lhe aez-t wu. Ha plaaded tor eatabllahmeat tn lhl1 coaatrr ol a worlun· ud farmen' CO"erameet ~~e!1~ baa bMa e~tabllabed Ia ~·· J.

A lar&'e aad aacceu t11l 1ttaat.aa"t. lq waa alto held a t Ule cornr ' o(

Jlooae.,elt ud KanbB•Id. wttlt O-ae ll .. rer aa the prlactpal 1paaker. c-. nde Jola11ftr took up a DmlkUoa of ae•eraJ dollan. 'aotd maar boob ... o"e:r )0 DAILY WORXEilS.

Tba follow1Dr atreet me.U•p wQl be beld by lhe Work•n Party:

f'l'lcii)O', .... t.JI,ttt4.

t..!t':.':'P:: t.;."..~~~~r;;:_u~ _.:: T. w, L. ffp.alun : Pet• Jltnl &M ·\1 a-... :waurer.

W ll loa &114 0.1- l t-A .. Ill NWUI

~·~~~~r;~::::::: ~ -~ North w-t l!llatlfllo Bruch w. P. e,...J~. ' 1 en: :1. Xuilel' and J4& Dal..._ "-"~It &M H--.a~ fill r I

>•~JkaDclo.. ~lu Puk, W . P . , ff : .U ldot.alf &M DID x,._ ,.,,.,..,,.,,.Arr. · .~ ~ .. ~~-=-.. ~ : L?oa: :!-::~£~~~!!~ L Dnndl. ffpullcn : 1o .r:..,.aw atte1

end. loUchlp_,:;n_ en r.""· 8.....U:en; • n d eU1era. 8".-aootlloii-MJtra.IM:Il. : Oordcm OwtM .aad D.

A ll:tpl~ll( ' V

. ,:-.!: -~ · .... eM., . IIPMilen: l' ~

~ ;.~ ... ...._., Ill. W . P . I (I'Milen II .....

~hicago Pollce_5wap... Bullet& ~ Moonahine

F ana Martial Ardor ' Two db' d•tKtlne are wcnnide.,

o ne probablr , tetally, ap' a n1!11t of • plato! doel with two patrolmea biN ~· Jut nltht. Tbe Ylctlme .,.. ,.,... .. SperTJ" aad Patrick IA•. Wblla ol' duty, lbey are aald to hne drt ..... • •

::'~:t:~orm:1b~~::~o1:~~~::= ~ '·_, wltb l he!%1.. fa auw.r tb.,. an aakl to , h..,~ leaped out 'With draWD r•

.:~~~~ -;~ltlro~==-~ C:::· •c•ne. Tbe detectl"n 1tartld to drt"' away .ud opeaed 11re wbea Ull• ,.. t rolmea- on1ered Uaea to halt. A "ol.,er battle followed. Bot!L decect;: .. ... ~~, ... ~-~ ·

Page 3: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't

T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A


UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't 1tl4nd It, you krtow, And do111 't '"ttnd that you don't k111- to wh1t - ,..,.,, You kn­durn well U11t - mun tht Com-tnui'I IU uba,..t that 11 M lngglvon by tho Nol"th lldt bran~h of the Yo11ng .)'Yorlten l.ntuo tomorrow.J n loM. Sept. 77, a t tho Work"' L,... ' uurn, wl'llch, ae ls .... u knoWll, ll t lt ualtd at 2'7l3 Hinch llvd. '

We'll adm it that you don't know the 111r prltu tha t are tolng to be pulled o rr there, and by cr lcky, wo don' tpropou to 1111 them to you now. aurnu It to uy to t he wl10 utktn fo r revolution")' 1m111 .. ment th1 t th1 onlll"to lnmtnt tha t will bo uot up by ttlt Comrnunllt l1d1 and 1111111 11 unp,.udtntd In thl h lttOry (If tht IOCII II of tho rod· · lui rnovtrnenL Heaven and hell

.... ·~

JHE Chicago Tribune ia a fightinc, J aggreeaive newspaper. It is franklY.

for the interests of the Capitalist class. • But in a burst of fairness 0) it devotes very.often a part of its editorial page to l_ .

"Ths: Other Side." , I· • .. • • \ I .. ,

HERE it preaento the viewpoint of in- · terests opposed to theirs. ~ince tlie

opJ!Osite interest is that of -the working­man the Chicago Tribune co.aistentlY, chooses the articles and editorials of the DAILY WORKER to present "Th~ Other Side."

.. .. .. -..., ,

THE Chicago Tribwie recognizes the leading. paper in the world of Labor

presenting the vi.ews &f the worker and \ defending his interest. . t. . . . . .

IF you work for a living your intereato are on "The Other Side." Y ou]l find

·.i:. them well def~d in the pages of i 1 ~



The oany Worker . "The National Labor Daily"

1113 W. Washi~gton Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

111111r ro•mitltJIIC't:

lt:iflt thilf fifull k .

trill bri"!l i t



RATE~ (Outside of· Chicago)

$1j,ll0 a Year '"

$3.50 Six ")fonths $:!.00 Th ree ~ l ont hs

f. .. or t he enci~S .. 5<'nd the 0:~-lly \\'or,er

to tte address below ror .. .' . ...... . months ............ ye :~. r.

X a me

Strt'ft- &- No ...


Page 4: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't

• • •',;;: ... :.;;,:F;,;o;;;u;;,r ____ ..,;~ ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... """""""""""""'""'"',_""""'"..,..,;,~.,· ..,.""""""""""""!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!H"'E"""D"'A""'"'I L Y W 0 R K E R

SpQciat~New York ~o·mmunist · Campaign Page of THE DAIL-Y WOftK-ER.~

York Workers • , HARRY WINITZKY,

C• ,.P.• II" M.1n.tgtr, Workt rt ,arty, Dlllt lcl No.2.

TU£ Workers Party electlou cam· ,.lc'a I• well oo Ia way here.

TblrtJ' or 1110te t t.R<at me<~tlor;• are held ..,,,. week wllere our tpeall:· '"' brloc tbo munco of the Work· e,.. Party to t.h01:1aaad• of worken wbo como to Utteu ud feel P""~

It the m"lloc• •re adJourned tJ. forti mldalcbt. Tho ru ponae of lbe aadle11c:u a11d the quet tiOD.I put to our tpt:aker.. all l!!dlute tbe crowldk reallutlon that the •~

~claUtt pt.rty bu de-.erted tbe work· • ..... U4 Ulat ·the Worlera PU*-7


\ 1· THE-

AND . ·

BOLSHEVIK The Great Feature Film from Soviet Ruuia


Shown Again in New· York City Beginning First Week ,of Octo'!>er

Watch Preas for Place and' Date •

Ran at the Leno' Thutre for two weeks and was enthusiastically applauded by more than t en thousand peopl~.

< . •' I RUSSIAN ARTFILM BUREAU 208 E •. 12tlt St.

Page 5: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't


t ---

Stir the Shops! The Ttfl' beat pl-.ce to c.any on a •orlll111 t!U. c&11J~I111 11 Ill lbe

thope and ftc:torfe~~ where lll.._worhn aatbe r to earn tbclr IIY'IDJ. lt ,la the re that mlo~l• are oi:Min to the me .. uru, &:Mirt ln end eaodldate1 t.bllt for concrete aolutlotu of the problema or and batter fa clnl;: tbe worllhll" clan. It Ia In the abnpe thet llle worker. will ... 111011 clearly, for esample, Uln dlll'ereace between F'H ler, the a.nk)n orunl1er and tlrb ter for the worll tn~. end lAFoilette, the I&W"Jft' aDd nchte r for tbe midd le c: lau. (Ed ltorlel Dally Worhr.)

THE ABOVE " HITS THE NAIL .. on th e head. Notbllll' toald ' be edded to th&L lt'a up to JOU r eader, to do OYei'Jth lnl pbnlealiJ l)Os&lble toplaco . • •


. .... ,

Page 6: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IC.KET.S IN ·SilK STRIKE· · T H.E 0 A I L Y W 0 R K E A • ·woRKERS LYCEUM TO-BE SCEIIE OF AMOST , UMUSUAL EYEIIING Thoro It, rully _no naaon why you eho11ldn't

.- .. .. ~ -