Subject Pronouns Lesson ·...

14 Subject Pronouns Lesson Plan Learn and practice the subject pronouns in Spanish Please email any broken links or corrections to [email protected]

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Subject Pronouns Lesson Plan

Learn and practice the subject pronouns in Spanish

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Learn and practice the subject pronouns in Spanish (English Version)

Objectives ● By the end of this lesson, the students will have reviewed and used, written and orally, the subject

pronouns in singular and plural and how to conjugate them with regular verbs and ser an estar. Activity Summary Through an illustrated presentation, the students will learn the subject pronouns. Then, they will play two games to review and remember them. Finally, they will practice them orally by creating a series of sentences. Time Allocation One or two 40-50 minutes period Procedure - Activity 1 - Introduction – Subject pronouns presentation

a. The teacher hands out the Handout 1 for the students to take notes. Then, he/she will project and discuss the presentation Subject Pronouns in Spanish so the students familiarize themselves with all the subject pronouns. Through the presentation, the students will be completing the subject pronouns table on the Handout 1 part 1.

b. After the presentation, the students (individually or in pairs) will answer the questions on the

Handout 1 part 2. Students are meant to deduct by themselves the answers, as they are very easy once they have reviewed the presentation. Then, answers are compared with the rest of the class.

- Activity 2 – Memory game

a. Memory Game 1: Match the pronoun with the illustration. Divide the class in pairs of students. Each group receives a copy of the Handout 2 that includes the cards to play the memory game. (It is recommended to print it in cardstock.) Each group should cut the 24 cards (12 cards with the pronouns and 12 cards with the illustrations) and shuffle both sets together. Once they are shuffled, the 24 cars are placed face down in a 6 x 4 grid. To play, the students take turns to reveal 2 cards. The pronoun card should match its illustration. If they find a match, the student should say a simple sentence like, for example: Yo como en mi casa, Tú hablas español, Ella vive en Estados Unidos, Nosotros estamos en clase, Vosotros tenéis un coche, Ellos van al cine. Once the student says the sentence, he/she takes both cards. If the cards don’t match, they place it back face down and the other student gets to play. The student with the most cards is the winner.

b. Memory Game 2: Match the pronoun with the correct verb. The teacher regroups the class in new pairs of students to play a second version of the memory game. The students will use the same 12 pronouns cards again and will cut a new set of 12 cards now with conjugated verbs.

To play, they shuffle the 24 cards and place them face down on the table. The students take turns to find a correct match of pronoun and verb (there are verbs that match with more than one pronoun). Once they find a match, they say a simple sentence using that pronoun and verb.

- Activity 3 – Personal pronouns oral practice

a. Divide the class in groups of 4 students and have them sitting down like this:

Each student gets a card from the Handout 3 with the rules that they must follow to talk to the students of the table. Each student takes turns to complete 6 sentences following the rules on their cards. When they say the pronoun, they should point out the classmate they are referring to in the sentence. Before they begin, they have 5 minutes to look for the verbs that they don’t know in a dictionary or mobile device.

Suggested evaluation method It is advisable to have a rubric to assess speaking activities in which it should be clear to students how to move from one level to the next. A rubric indicating how a student is Meeting, Exceeding or not Meeting Expectations is the most useful. The suggested “Speaking Production Rubric” can be used (Handout 4). Materials Handouts: On the following pages, you will find the following ready-to-print handouts:

HANDOUT 1: Personal pronouns written practice (pages 5-6) HANDOUT 2: Memory game (pages 7-11 in 8.5” x 14” paper size) HANDOUT 3: Personal pronouns oral practice (page 12) HANDOUT 4: Speaking Production Rubric (page 13)

Others: Subject Pronouns in Spanish PDF presentation Scissors for all students Spanish-English dictionary


Name: __________________________________ ______________

Personal Pronouns in Spanish

Part 1. Complete the following table with the information provided by your teacher.

The Personal Pronouns or Subject Pronouns are: Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person





* This pronoun is used in Spain. **This pronoun matches with the verbs in third person. Part 2. Answer the following questions. 1. Elena is talking to her friend Ana. What subject pronouns will we use to talk about…?

a. La madre de Ana y Ana b. Elena y Ana c. El novio de Ana d. Una compañera de Ana e. El novio de Ana y Ana

2. If we are talking to a person older than us, we usually use the form “usted” as a polite form. Decide whether to use “usted” or “tú”.

a. El director del instituto te habla y tú respondes. b. Ves a una amiga y le preguntas si va a la piscina. c. Te encuentras con una viejecita y tú ofreces ayuda para llevar su compra. d. Preguntas a un niño una dirección.

3. A pronoun replaces a noun. Replace in the next examples the words in bold with the correct subject pronoun:

a. Mi amiga toca la flauta: __________ toca la flauta. b. Mi mamá y yo cocinamos juntas los domingos: ____________cocinamos juntas los domingos. c. Mis compañeros aprenden español: ___________ aprenden español. d. El Señor García trabaja en Dubái: _____ trabaja en Dubái. e. Mis amigos y yo vamos al teatro hoy: ________ vamos al teatro hoy.

4. In Spanish, we don’t use subject pronouns in everyday life except for wanting to highlight the pronouns for some reason. Example: ¿Iréis al cine? Yo sí iré. Could you guess the subject pronouns of the following verbs?

a. Estamos b. Vais c. Soy d. Se llama e. Hablan

Name: ANSWERS ______________

Personal Pronouns in Spanish

Part 1. Complete the following table with the information provided by your teacher.

The Personal Pronouns or Subject Pronouns are: Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

1st Person

2nd Person

1st Person

3ra Persona





* This pronoun is used in Spain. **This pronoun matches with the verbs in third person. Part 2. Answer the following questions. 1. Elena is talking to her friend Ana. What subject pronouns will we use to talk about…?

a. La madre de Ana y Ana: vosotras/ustedes b. Elena y Ana: nosotras c. El novio de Ana: él d. Una compañera de Ana: ella e. El novio de Ana y Ana: vosotros/ustedes

2. If we are talking to a person older than us, we usually use the form “usted” as a polite form. Decide whether to use “usted” or “tú”.

a. El director del instituto te habla y tú respondes. usted b. Ves a una amiga y le preguntas si va a la piscina. tú c. Te encuentras con una viejecita y tú ofreces ayuda para llevar su compra. usted d. Preguntas a un niño una dirección. tú

3. A pronoun replaces a noun. Replace in the next examples the words in bold with the correct subject pronoun: a. Mi amiga toca la flauta: ella toca la flauta. b. Mi mamá y yo cocinamos juntas los domingos: nosotras cocinamos juntas los domingos. c. Mis compañeros aprenden español: ellos aprenden español. d. El Señor García trabaja en Dubái: él trabaja en Dubái. e. Mis amigos y yo vamos al teatro hoy: Nosotros vamos al teatro hoy. 4. In Spanish, we don’t use subject pronouns in everyday life except for wanting to highlight the pronouns for some reason. Example: ¿Iréis al cine? Yo sí iré. Could you guess the subject pronouns of the following verbs?

a. Estamos: nosotros b. Vais: vosotros c. Soy: yo d. Se llama: él, ella, usted e. Hablan: ellos, ellas

Juego  de  Memoria:  Los  pronombres  personales  /  Subject  Pronouns  Memory  Game  




Juego  1:  Los  pronombres  personales  ilustrados  /  Game  1:  Illustrated  Pronouns  

Juego  2:  Verbos  conjugados  /  Game  2:  Conjugated  verbs  

escucháis come pides

son caminamos sabéis

trabajan hablo está

necesita comparten escribimos



come TÚ







trabajan YO





necesita ELLOS/ELLAS/

USTEDES comparten



Respuestas  Juego  2  /  Game  2  Answers  

Juego  2:  Escribe  tus  verbos  /  Game  2:  Write  your  verbs

Personal Pronouns Oral Practice Card for Student A

Talk to… Use the pronoun… Use the verb… Complete the sentence with…

Everybody at your table Yo ser your name Student B Tú estar physical or personal trait Student B about Student D Él / Ella cantar a music genre Student C Nosotros / Nosotras vender a product Students B, C y D Ustedes pasear name of a place Student D Ellos / Ellas vivir name of a place

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card for Student B

Talk to… Use the pronoun… Use the verb… Complete the sentence with…

Everybody at your table Yo estar physical or personal trait Student A Tú ser name of your classmate Student A about Student D Él / Ella bailar a music genre Student C Nosotros / Nosotras correr when Students A, C y D Ustedes asistir name of place Student D Ellos / Ellas trabajar name of a place

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card for Student C

Talk to… Use the pronoun… Use the verb… Complete the sentence with…

Everybody at your table Yo limpiar name of an object Student B Tú beber name of a drink Student B about Student D Él / Ella ser name of your classmate Student C Nosotros / Nosotras partir name of a city Students B, C y D Ustedes estar name of a place Student D Ellos / Ellas aprender a language

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card for Student D

Talk to… Use the pronoun… Use the verb… Complete the sentence with…

Everybody at your table Yo nadar when Student B Tú barrer a place of the house Student B about Student A Él / Ella ayudar name of family member Student C Nosotros / Nosotras estar name of a place Students B, C y A Ustedes acudir name of a school Student A Ellos / Ellas ser name of your classmate


Name(s): _______________________________

Criteria NE ME EE

Comprehensibility I make myself understood but with difficulty. I must repeat or rephrase often.

Most of what I say in Spanish is easily understood by my teacher and peers.

Use of vocab I use some of the target vocabulary accurately.

I am confident using the target vocabulary accurately.

Use of language I can provide basic information using single words and English.

I can provide simple sentences without the use of English.

NE = Not Meeting Expectations | ME = Meeting Expectations | EE = Exceeding Expectations Notes:

RUBRIC FOR PERSONAL PRONOUNS ORAL PRACTICE Name(s): _______________________________

Criteria NE ME EE

Comprehensibility I make myself understood but with difficulty. I must repeat or rephrase often.

Most of what I say in Spanish is easily understood by my teacher and peers.

Use of vocab I use some of the target vocabulary accurately.

I am confident using the target vocabulary accurately.

Use of language I can provide basic information using single words and English.

I can provide simple sentences without the use of English.

NE = Not Meeting Expectations | ME = Meeting Expectations | EE = Exceeding Expectations Notes:

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