
Subiecte 2005 –engleza oral 1 1.what influence have your parents had on your life?whose influence was stronger-your mothers’s or your father’s? 2.should member of a family all try to live in the same area?bring arguments and examples to illustrates your ideas. your opinion :people who practise sports and have active occupations are healthier” give ex to illustrate your arguments 4.speak about something you would liked to do but you have never had the time,the money or the chance to do it. 5.speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you. 6.more and more people use the Internet every day.what would you use the internet for?how will the internet influence our lives in the years to come? 7.there are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a about them and support your ideas with examples. about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give 2 reasons for your choice. about the town or village where you live.give 2 reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to visit it. about the character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give 2 reasons for your choice. 11.childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life.speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your stufies/personal life is said that the teenagers have a lot in common,that they share ideas and a certain way of your views on this matter. 13.choose one of your teacher you hava had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the otrhers teachers.point out his.her qualities/his/her moral and spiritual features,anything that it’s special about him/her. 1Friday, 12 August 2022



Transcript of Subiecte_2005_engleza_

Subiecte 2005 engleza oral

Subiecte 2005 engleza oral

1.what influence have your parents had on your life?whose influence was stronger-your motherss or your fathers?

2.should member of a family all try to live in the same area?bring arguments and examples to illustrates your ideas. your opinion :people who practise sports and have active occupations are healthier give ex to illustrate your arguments

4.speak about something you would liked to do but you have never had the time,the money or the chance to do it.

5.speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.

6.more and more people use the Internet every day.what would you use the internet for?how will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?

7.there are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a about them and support your ideas with examples. about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give 2 reasons for your choice. about the town or village where you live.give 2 reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to visit it. about the character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give 2 reasons for your choice.

11.childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a persons life.speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your stufies/personal life is said that the teenagers have a lot in common,that they share ideas and a certain way of your views on this matter.

13.choose one of your teacher you hava had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the otrhers teachers.point out his.her qualities/his/her moral and spiritual features,anything that its special about him/her.

14 .how important is that we should protect the invironment?give arguments and examples.15.the type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effetc on ones your ideas with examples from your studies/observations/personal experience.

16.what could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in?give examples to illustrate your ideas. your opinion:we are all responsible for our own deeds.give exampl to illustrates your arguments.

18.television.what kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular?give exampl to support your can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books,as about a book that influenced you in a particular way.

20.tourism can be a blessing or a curse.explain and give exam to support your ideas.

21.whisch of the mass-media has the greatest impact on the general public and which on you? Why?give arg to support your ideas. about a trip you once took and say what majes it special to you. do you usually spend your week-ends? you practise any sport or game,or do yu just like watching them?spaek about your favourite sportspersons.

25.which modern invention(s) would you find the most difficult to live without?give reasons to justify your choice.

26.descrebe a person/personality you admire and give reasons for your choice.explain how whether she/he has influenced you!

27.talking about friendshpi,how far would you go to protect it?bring arguments and examples to support your ideas.

28.speak about your best friend.

29.speak about the last week you spent at school with your teachers and mates.point out the special moments you lived together and the feeling you had in those days.

30.speak about 3 things you would change about yourself in order to become a better your opinion when in Rome ,do as Romans do! give examples to illustrates your arguments. group do you belong to(sport,elegant,ignore it) expand and give exampl to illustrates your opinions do you feel about eating meat?what do you think is the point of view of a vegetarian?expand and give examples to illustrate your opinion!

TIME \@ "dddd, d MMMM yyyy" miercuri, 28 iunie 2006

TIME \@ "dddd, d MMMM yyyy" miercuri, 28 iunie 2006