Style Guide for the Envirodevelopment Logo - Vista...

Logo Style Guide

Transcript of Style Guide for the Envirodevelopment Logo - Vista...

Style Guide for the Envirodevelopment Logo

Logo Style Guide

A comprehensive guide outlining the correct usage of the EnviroDevelopment logo system by certified EnviroDevelopments and EnviroDevelopment Foundation Partners. Please be aware, a breach of these guidelines may result in legal action being taken.

Current as at: March 2009



The EnviroDevelopment Logo

Anatomy of the logo

Using the style guide

Accessing the logo


Various Logo Formats:

2.1.1 System 1

2.1.2 System 2

2.1.3 System 3

2.1.4 Marketing Logo

2.1.5 Foundation Partner logo

2.1.6 Initiative of the UDIA

2.2 Colour usage

2.2.1 CMYK & PMS Colours

2.2.2 Using the logo in mono and colour

2.3 Font type


Building your System 1 logo

Building your System 2 logo

Design Assistance


Use with other logos

Penalties for non-compliance

1.Introduction to the Logo1. 1The EnviroDevelopment Logo

The EnviroDevelopment logo has been developed by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland).

The ground-breaking environment branding system EnviroDevelopment allows developers to proudly advertise outstanding environmental achievements through a meaningful system of representative icons.

The EnviroDevelopment logo is based largely upon a young tree or plant, which has six leaves that stem off from the main section.

The title of the project is also included with a leaf acting as the point of the lower case I.

EnviroDevelopment focuses on six elements of sustainability, with individual icons providing recognition for:

Healthy, sustainable ecosystems based on natural processes and rich with native biodiversity;

Reduced waste sent to landfill, more efficient use of resources;

Reducing usage of polluting and non-renewable energy sources;

Environmentally responsible material usage;

Improved water use efficiency;

Vibrant, cohesive, healthy, happy, adaptable, sustainable communities.

The branch and leaf symbolise the obvious environmental aspects of the project, whilst the six individual leaves stemming out from the branch represent the six different elements of the project.

Each of these six elements has been allocated a corresponding icon:

These icons are incorporated into the base logo in either of two logo systems.

System 1 (Stacked):

System 2 (Inline):

The logo is a copyright protected design, and is trademarked under the Trademarks Act 1995. The logo can appear in several formats (covered under Logo Overview section), and may only be used when it is directly representing a certified EnviroDevelopment project, and with the expressed consent of the UDIA.

1. 2Anatomy of the logo

For the purposes of clarity in this document, the individual components of the EnviroDevelopment logo have been labelled as below:

(Water leafEnergy leafEcosystems leafStemCommunity leafMaterials leafWaste leafEnviro title)

1.3Using the style guide

Those using or reproducing the EnviroDevelopment logo are responsible for its correct stewardship. This style guide provides clear instructions for use of the EnviroDevelopment logo, and must be strictly adhered to by all those who will be working with it.

1.4Accessing the logo

Electronic versions of the logo are only available from UDIA Queensland.

Expressed permission must be sought from the Public Relations Manager, and specific details regarding the logos proposed use must be approved before consent may be given regarding the logos use.

Logos can be provided as both JPEG and EPS files.

Do not under any circumstances scan the logo or redraw it. Do not change the proportions of a logo if you are resizing it (i.e. changes to the width and height must be consistent so that the logo isnt stretched or squeezed).

For clarification or advice, please contact:

UDIA (Queensland) Director, Public Affairs

Phone:07 3229 1589

Email:[email protected]

2.Logo Use Overview2.1Various Forms of Appearance

The EnviroDevelopment logo can appear in several ways. These have been divided into six categories:

2.1.1 System 1

2.1.2 System 2

2.1.3 System 3

2.1.4 Marketing Logo

2.1.5 Foundation Partner

2.1.6 UDIA Initiative

2.1.1 System 1

System 1 involves the base logo appearing with some or all the element icons in place on the branchs leaves.

System 1 will be utilised by an organisation if they have met the criteria set out for certification in a number or all of the six elements of the EnviroDevelopment.

The EnviroDevelopment icon leaves must always be placed in the correct order, i.e: from top to bottom Community; Water; Materials; Energy; Waste; Ecosystems.

A developer is only authorised to display the icon leaves relevant to the elements in which the development has been certified. In the event that the development has not received certification in an element, the relevant leaf element would be left as a solid colour.

For example, the following logo denotes a development which has been certified in all elements except materials (therefore, has been certified in Ecosystems; Waste; Energy; Water and Community):

Under no circumstances is an organisation able to display an icon that has not been attained. Doing so would be in strict breach of these guidelines and would be seen as a non-compliance, and as such be liable under the penalties section of this document.

Size Guide:

The minimum print size for the System 1 logo is 1.5cm wide as indicated below:


The minimum electronic/online size for the System 1 logo is 2.5cm (295 pixels) wide as below:

2.5cm (295 pixels)

2.1.2 System 2

System 2 involves the text component of the base logo appearing, alongside the relevant icons in which the development has been certified.

The guidelines for the use of the logo under system 2 are similar to

those that apply to system 1 in that a development may not display any icon unless it has received certification for that specific element.

However, in system 2, no solid colour leaves are used as placeholders. The number of leaf icons used will be representative of the number of elements in which the development has been certified. A development which has been certified in three elements, for example, will display the relevant three leaf icons in the correct order.

The order in which the element icons must be displayed should correspond with the graphic above, always left to right:

1. Ecosystems; 2. Waste; 3. Energy; 4. Materials; 5. Water; 6. Community.

For example, the following logo denotes a development which has been certified in Ecosystems; Waste; Energy; Water and Community.

Size Guide:

As the width of the System 2 logo will vary depending on the number of elements displayed, the minimum reproduction size for the System 2 logo should be guided by the size of the enviro-title (wording) section of the logo - from the bottom left corner of the wording to the black vertical line:

As such, the minimum print size for the System 2 logo will be where the enviro-title is 2cm wide as indicated for example below:

(2 cm)

The minimum electronic/online size for the System 2 logo is 4 cm (4 cm (472 pixels))(472 pixels) wide as indicated for example below:

2.1.3System 3

System 3 is an adaptation of System 1, with the addition of a key/legend explaining what each element means, as demonstrated below:

This logo is expected to be useful as an educational/reference tool where a developer is providing more comprehensive information about the branding system.

Size Guide:

The minimum print size for the System 1 logo is 2.5cm wide as indicated below:

(2.5 cm)

The minimum electronic/online size for the System 1 logo is 4cm (472 pixels) wide as below:

(4 cm (472 pixels))

2.1.4Marketing Logo

The marketing logo consists simply of the base EnviroDevelopment logo. It can appear in two variations - as a stacked logo, or as a more horizontal inline version, as demonstrated below:


The marketing logo may not under any circumstances be reproduced unless on an official UDIA publication and has been designed for UDIA use only.

Should this image appear in a non UDIA authorised publication, the offending organisation will be liable under the penalties section of this document.

Size Guide:

The minimum print size for the stacked marketing logo is 1.5cm wide as indicated below:

(1.5 cm)

The minimum print size for the inline marketing logo is 1.5cm wide as indicated below:

(1.5 cm)

The minimum electronic/online size for the inline marketing logo is (2.5cm (295 pixels))2.5cm (295 pixels) wide as below:

The minimum electronic/online size for the inline marketing logo is 3.5cm (413 pixels) wide as below:

(3.5cm (413 pixels))

2.1.5 Foundation Partner logo

The foundation partner format is essentially the same as the EnviroDevelopment marketing logo, however the words foundation partner are added underneath the Enviro title, separated by a black line. Again this logo can appear as stacked, or inline.


This format may be used only by foundation partners of the EnviroDevelopment. This includes Boral Limited.

Any use of this format by an organisation excluding the official foundation partners will be liable under the penalties section of this document.

2.1.6 UDIA Initiative

The logo can also appear in a format which draws attention to the fact that the EnviroDevelopment project is an initiative of the UDIA. This version is similar to the foundation partner version; however the words foundation partner are replaced with the words an initiative of the Urban Development Institute of Australia. The inline version includes the UDIA logo along with the words an initiative of.

This format is appropriate for those profiling the UDIA, or those wishing to add the UDIA branding whilst referencing the EnviroDevelopment project.

The expressed consent of the UDIA must be sought and received before this format may be used.

Failure to comply with this requirement will see the offending organisation liable under the penalties section of this document.

2.2Colour Usage2.2.1CMYK & PMS Colours

The CMYK colours for the base logo are contained in the diagram below:

The closest PMS colours (to be used only when CMYK is not available) are as follows:

Light green:PMS 7489

Red: PMS 180

Purple:PMS 235

Green:PMS 348

Blue:PMS 7461

Yellow:PMS 143

Dark Green:PMS 356

2.2.2Using the logo in mono and colour

Each format of the EnviroDevelopment logo is available in two colour schemes. The first version is in full colour, and the second is in single colour.

Depending on the environment in which the logo will be appearing, the corresponding colour scheme will apply. I.e. if the EnviroDevelopment logo is appearing in a full colour publication, then the full colour logo must be used. In a spot-colour or non-full colour print, the following colours, in order of preference, will be acceptable on a dark background:

1. White

2. Silver

3. Gold

4. Light Green

In a spot-colour or non-full colour print, the following colours, in order of preference, will be acceptable on a light background:

1. Green

2. Black

The EnviroDevelopment logo may appear on any background colour, as long as the integrity of the image is not compromised, that is, when appearing on a dark background, using the black mono logo would not be appropriate.

Under no circumstances is the full colour logo to appear as a greyscale or variant in a full colour publication. If the surrounding environment is anything other than full colour, the single colour logo must be used.2.3Font type

There are a limited number of ways in which the two styles of the EnviroDevelopment logo may be used. No variations are acceptable, and no other typeface is to be used in conjunction with the logo.

The relationship in size between the typeface and the logo is shown under the formats listed previously, and may not be altered in any way. Under no circumstances may the logo appear without the logo typeface. I.e. the branch and leaves appearing without the words: EnviroDevelopment.

When using the word EnviroDevelopment text must be in the same colour, preferable black.

3.Building your EnviroDevelopment Logo Set

For those developers preparing to use the EnviroDevelopment system who have achieved 5 or less elements of certification, a specific set of tailored EnviroDevelopment logos will need to be created for future use.

The following instructions should be provided to the graphic designer responsible for creating the EnviroDevelopment logo specific to your certification.

3.1Building your System 1 logo:

1.Start with the complete system 2 logo:

2.Remove the white icons from those element leaves which the developer is not certified to display, eg:

3. Create high quality art files in JPEG, EPS and TIFF and supply to client in full colour, and mono versions.

3.2Building your System 2 logo:

1. Start with the base Enviro title (wording section) of the Logo 2 eg:

2. Add the relevant element icons to the right of the base Enviro title eg:

3.Ensure the icons are placed in the correct order from left to right -

Ecosystems; Waste; Energy; Materials; Water; Community. Eg:

4. Aligning vertically: Ensure the top of each element icon corresponds with the top of the green enviro word (not including the light green leaf), ensure the bottom of each element title corresponds with the bottom of the black DEVELOPMENT word, eg:

5. (A = B)Aligning horizontally: Ensure the first element being placed next to the Enviro title base, corresponds with the spacing set out by the following guide:

Space A (between the end point of the M and the start of the vertical line) must equal space B (between the vertical line and the left tip of the first leaf icon).

When building the System 2 logo, the individual leaf icon files should fit together with no spaces between them, at the same size as the previous, and as stipulated above eg:

(Individual leaf icon files to be placed perfectly aligned along file borders, )

6. Create high quality art files in JPEG, EPS and TIFF and supply to client in full colour, and mono versions.

3.3Design Assistance

Please note: The UDIA (Qld) uses Brisbane design company Jolt as a preferred design supplier. Jolt is familiar with the EnviroDevelopment logo system and will be happy to tailor your EnviroDevelopment logo set for you. Please contact the design company directly should you wish to use their service as this relationship will be strictly between the developer client and Jolt.

The contact details for Jolt are as follows:

Jolt - Ph: 3261 0656, email: [email protected]

4.Incorrect use of the logo

An incorrect use of the EnviroDevelopment logo will result in a penalty. This will be incurred upon the usage of the EnviroDevelopment logo in any format not listed within this document. The formats contained in this document are the ONLY format in which the EnviroDevelopment logo may appear. Any non-compliance with this specification will result in the offending organisation being liable under the penalties section of this document.

4.1Use with other logos

The EnviroDevelopment logo may be used in conjunction with any other organisations logo that may be involved in the same project/publication. The EnviroDevelopment logo must be of equal size to the other logos used. Logos must appear along the same baseline, and the format of the logo must not deviate in any way from the formats contained in this document.

See below:

(Logos must appear at the same size)

(Logos must appear along the same baseline)

(Logo must appear in the same format as outlined in this document)

4.2Penalties for non-compliance

The inappropriate or unauthorised use of the EnviroDevelopment logo will be regarded as a breach of the procedures outlined in this document. Upon notification of the non-compliance, UDIA will contact the offending person or group and issue instructions for the relevant non-compliance issues to be resolved within five working days.

When, in the opinion of UDIA, the person or group has not taken reasonable steps to reach compliance within the specified time period, a report shall be written by the relevant UDIA staff and the matter referred to the UDIA Chief Executive for appropriate legal action.