STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe...


Transcript of STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe...

Page 1: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,


Page 2: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

@SMSPumich SMSPNEWMAN myParish the App for Catholic Life Everyday 331 Thompson Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-663-0557 (f) 734-663-2756

As I write this, we do not yet know

the results of the national elections.

But by the time you read this the

majority of races will have probably

been decided. The campaign is over

and now what was a divided nation

must come together to face and

overcome the problems that have existed and continue

to exist in our world. None of these problems will be

solved without a united effort to do so.

We will not be free of the virus until all accept it as a

common enemy that must be attacked by all together.

The second world war was not won until all the factions

for and against it, came together. Poor and wealthy,

farmer and city dweller, Catholics, Mormons, Jews, and

Protestants, Democrat and Republican put aside their

differences in order to combat the common enemy.

This is what must be done now. But not only against the

virus, but also against all forces that cause sickness and

death. Inequality, racism, a sense of superiority over

others, all that stands in the way of true love and

eventual salvation must be overcome; because all are

common enemies that can destroy not only a nation,

but humanity itself.

God did not send His son to die for a disjointed, bipolar

humanity. Jesus came to extend the love of His father

to all His brothers and sisters without exception,

without any exclusion. He gave his life so that all of his

father’s daughters and sons could come home and live

in union with their father, their common father, for all


So, now that the distraction of the elections is past us,

let us put our sights on who we are and where we are

going. The gospel of today’s mass calls us to be

prepared to receive the bridegroom. That means filling

our hearts with the oil of love, mercy, and compassion

which opens the door to true peace and happiness. It

also means not being asleep or letting down our guard

to the true values of humanity. We have to wake up to

the fact that we are a family, that we need one another,

that only together can we bring this world to salvation.

These ideas are not new, nor mine. Sacred Scripture has

repeated them over and over again. Luke 11:17 “But

he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every

kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a

divided household falls.” Mark 3:25 “And if a house is

divided against itself, that house will not be able to

stand.” James 3:16 “For where jealousy and selfish

ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile

practice.” Colossians 3:14 “And above all these put on

love, which binds everything together in perfect

harmony.” Galatians 5:15 “But if you bite and devour

one another, watch out that you are not consumed by

one another. 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you,

brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all

of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you,

but that you be united in the same mind and the same


Maybe we are still far from being able to agree on

everything. But what we can and must do is express

differences while maintaining respect and love for one

another. If we do this, I think the “Bridegroom”, will

open the door, and invite us into the feast.

By Patrick M. Casey, S.J.

Page 3: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

NOVEMBER 8TH-16TH @ Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church, 1717 Broadway St.

We still need a few volunteer Overnight Hosts to stay the entire night (required), and take the first watch from 8:30-midnight-ish. Delonis is providing a supporting staff person for the rest of the evening to be with you.

Sign-up link: All guests and volunteers will be required to wear a mask, practice social distancing, have their temperature taken before entry, and complete a self-evaluation form.


NOVEMBER 15TH-22ND Follow us on social media via St. Mary's YouTube and Instagram as we listen to current students and parishioners in a week-long video series reflecting on the lives of the saints.

November 15-22 is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week and we will reflect on how the saints responded to the needs of the hungry and homeless.

The United States has long been considered a nation of immigrants. Attitudes towards new immigrants have vacillat-ed between welcoming and exclusionary over the years.

HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES: 1849-1860: The Know Nothing political party opposed immigrants, Irish and Germans at the time, and Roman Cath-olics. Party members harassed and spread political propa-ganda against their targets, all this to curtail any political influence of Catholics and immigrants.

1882: The Chinese Exclusion Act barred Chinese immigrants from entering the U.S. Anti-Chinese sentiments grew as Chinese laborers (only 0.002% of the U.S. population) became successful in America, yet white workers blamed them for their low wages.

1924: The National Origins Act excluded Asian and African immigrants, and severely reduced the immigration of South-ern and Eastern Europeans, many of whom were Catholics.

1942 -1964: The “Bracero Program” allowed Mexicans to enter the U.S. as temporary seasonal workers. Exposure of substandard work conditions and wage discrimination even-tually led to the program’s termination. American farmers, however, continued to recruit Mexican workers illegally.

1965: The Immigration and Naturalization Act was signed, eliminating the use of nationality as a selection factor for immigrants; admission was now based on family ties, desirable job skills, or education.

1986: The Simpson-Mazzoli Act was signed, granting amnesty to more than 3 million immigrants living illegally in the U.S.

2003: ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) was creat-ed to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

2005-2014: Several comprehensive immigration bills stalled in Congress despite support from presidents Bush and Obama.

2012: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was approved which gives some undocumented youth work authorization and relief from deportation. This program does not provide legal status or a path to citizenship.

2017-2020: An attempt was initiated to end the DACA policy, and a proposal put forth to build a Border Wall with Mexico. In 2018, the Administration enacted a zero-tolerance policy for illegal border crossings, which led to mass detentions and the separation of children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

Many of us witness today the harmful cumulative effects that decades-long exclusionary immigration laws have had on our country's millions of undocumented brothers and sisters. We have a choice as a nation to repeat the mistakes of our past with unwelcoming and restrictive immigration laws, or we can advocate for more sensible and humane immigration policies.

As followers of Christ, we are called to welcome and love the immigrant as ourselves. Please pray for our undocumented brothers and sisters and for more merciful immigration policies in the days ahead.

What can we do?

Please visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants website for information on how you can advocate for change.

Contact Brian Cerabona, Campus Minister with any questions or further information at [email protected].

Page 4: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

IN-PERSON IG.NITE MASS THURS, NOV 12 I 5:10 PM Undergrads are invited to attend in-person mass on

Thursday. Please sign-up here:

We will also continue to live-stream the mass on our website!

Masks and social distancing are required.

THURS, NOV 19 I 6:30-7:30 PM BE SEEN, BE KNOWN, BE LOVED Recognizing National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week November 15-22, join us as we talk with a special guest speaker from the Ignatian Solidarity Project to talk about their ministry which provides retreats for those experiencing homelessness across the country.

It will be an a chance for all of us to reflect on how we can serve the needs of those on the margins, especially during this pandemic.

Sign up link:

Any adult man over the age of 18 from the Diocese of Lansing who has graduated from high school and desires to join a group of men who are not afraid to talk about priesthood and be open to God's call - whatever it is.

Peer support and prayer are the main focus of the group, along with diving into topics surrounding priestly discernment and Catholic identity.

All meetings are centered around a discussion about the chapter of the day from the book To Save a Thousand Souls. Books will be mailed to you.

The Group meets virtually Saturdays from 11:00 am-12 noon on: DEC 5, JAN 9, FEB 6, MAR 6, AND APR 3.

Contact Fr. Whitlock [email protected]

THURSDAYS AT 10:00 PM Take a break and end your week with a brief time of prayer shared with other young adults. We will host a virtual Night Prayer every Thursday at 10:00 PM on Zoom, beginning on September 17th. We will pray Night Prayer (Compline) from the Liturgy of the Hours, perhaps alternating with the Rosary, if the group chooses. No prior knowledge of either of these forms of prayer is needed, and each takes no more than about fifteen minutes.

The Zoom link for Night Prayer can be found in the Grad/YP Newsletter*.

MON, NOV 9 I 7:00 PM All grad students and young professionals are welcome to join us for our monthly mass and dinner gathering—Covid style. We will stream mass on Monday at 7:00 PM. Shortly after mass, we will switch to a Zoom room for an opportunity to eat “together" and share both social and spiritual conversation.

Links to both the streaming mass and the social afterward can be found in the Grad/YP Newsletter*.

MON, NOV 23 I 7:00 PM Join the Grad/YP community in a virtual game of Catholic trivia! Grab a friend or play solo and register your team to compete for the title of Patron Saint of Obscure Information*.

Please register beforehand:

*We don't actually have the power to do that.

Contact Brendan [email protected] with any questions.

*If you are a grad student or young professional, but are not receiving our Grad/YP Newsletter, please contact us at [email protected].

Page 5: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

IN MEMORY OF Paul McAlindon

Harold Paul McAlindon

Mary McAlindon

Howard (Jack) Ketner

Teresa Schaffer

Janusz, Maria, Anatol & George Prociuk

Gregory Kascewicz, Sr.

Richard Sidorowicz

Lois & Neil Keith

Edward Provost

John F. Keane

Helen Pashup

Elizabeth & Chester Rozga

Eugene Joseph Schwartz

Larry Baldwin

Margaret & William Vanderveer

Catherine & Frank Baldwin

Thomas & Helen Wenthe

Margaret Wenthe

Patrick, Mark & Elisa Savageau

Paul Trame, Sr.

Jane Trame

Francis Howard

Loren Howard

Bob Howard

Larry Trame

Mary Trame

Nell Madden

Edward Hertel

Don & Sally Groulx

Antonio & Rosa Mele

Dearly Departed of the Montalbo Family

Dorothy & Jack Simms

Constance & William McCracken

Gladys & Joe Zanetti

James Harshfield, USN

Rod Cartone, USN

John F. Dillon, USN

Richard Miller, Sr.

Cecelia Miller

Roberta Miller

Gerry Keener

Antonio Jesus Osorio Cruz

Thomas Van Meter

Lehman & Betty Clevel

Bill Clevel

Ronnie Clevel

Chester & Edith Keating

Jacqueline Pilarski

Edward & Dorothy Somers

Edward & Nancy Somers

Thomas Baines

Helen Konopka & Burdette Banks

John Banks

Maureen Quick Banks

Tom Wilson

James Palmer, Jr.

COVID-19 victims

Marlene Talley

deceased members of Precious Blood & St. Peter Claver Catholic communities in Detroit;

Arthur "Crutchy" Fillbrunn

deceased members of Ann Arbor's homeless community;

Liz Daniels

all my deceased coworkers

Simon & Josephine Bury

Anthony Rosinski

Kelly Fish

Betty Morgan

Bridget Hannock

S&ra Frontczak

Cat Bordhi

Michael Gallagher

Michael Enright

Ron Karczewski

Earl Roy

Rita Weigate

Fran McCauley

Trizna famliy

Branchaw family

Vargo family

Harriet & James Sedgwick

John & Ludnmilla Kinney

Sue de Blois

Connie Harwood

Olga Nelson

Charlie Spiegel

Joan & Roman Huber

Walter & Adeline Elser

Robert Schwall

Marie Von Koss

all who have died and have no one to pray for them

Sue A. Gendernalik

Robert Lewis Sr.

our parents (Herstein)

Daniel James White, LSA '70

Keith Buhler

Ron Karchevski

Fran McCauley

Joseph Gmerek

Dolores Gmerek

Edward Gmerek

Jerry Wieciek

Ruth & Anthony Alexander

Robert Alexander

Raymond Marchetti Sr.

Marie Marchetti

Steven Gillman

Joseph & Norma Myers

Beth Murphy

Thomas Imse

Paul Imse

James Imse

Margaret Irene Heban

Anna Gertrude Zollner

Karl J. Zollner

Carlene Zollner

Colonel Patrick Heban

Jack & James Burke

Andre D’Ambroso

Camillus & Mary Grace O’Connell

Linda O’Connell

Mary Patricia O’Connell- Meyers

The Cahill family

Ronald Monroe

Henry Blain

Edna Blain

Ed Conklin

John Conklin

Elizabeth Higgins

James Higgins

Helen Higgins

James Grau

Brendan Higgins

David Leighty

Mark V. Klosterman

Julie Lyons

Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman

Filippo Minaudo

Marcella Hellebuyck

Julianne Augustine

Jean M. McCarthy

Slattery family

Konop family

McCarthy family

Robinson family

Johnson family

Slattery family

Pedro Nunez

Juan Santos

Juana Contreras

Vicente Contreras

Genaro Contreras

Maria Santos

Santiago Carmen

Jack Butler

Ignacio Gonzelez

Santos Trinidad

Maria Trinidad

Felipa Trinidad

Secondino Nunez

Nefske family

Mary Farrell

Gerald Farrell

Mary Toca

Gwendolyn Cole

William Barnds

SPECIAL INTENTION FOR The Schwartz & Larson Family

Edward & Catharine Baldwin

William Vanderveer

Families of the deceased -Thomas & Helen Wenthe, Margaret Wenthe, Patrick, Mark & Elisa Savageau

Ricardo Montalbo Young

Patricia Tenthorey, battling cancer

For healing and resolution of family relationships.

Walter Pilarski

That the 2020 election turn out well with the respect for both the poor and science being restored

My family and all families challenged by our troubling times.

Please, dear God, have mercy on us and save us from another four years of chaos.

Peace in the World

Georgia & Stephen Hannock

Andrea Wills

friends with serious illnesses

our children & grandchildren (Herstein)

Cure for cancer

Sarah Doolittle

Nefske family

Taylor Eagle

Alyssa Baker

Mary Keating

Debbie Dill

Peace for Dick Schultz family

Our country

Page 6: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,



5:00 PM Mass for +Rose DeVito


9:00 AM Mass for +Mary Kay Kidle

10:10 AM Mass for +Breda Ryan

2:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish

5:00 PM Mass for Christopher Barnes

8:00 PM Mass for +Fr. Stansislaus Czarnota


5:10 PM Mass for +Hely Merle

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 5:10 PM Mass for Mary Colombano

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 12:10 PM Mass for Joan Alexander & Family


5:00 PM Mass for Engaged Couples of SMSP

TUES, NOV 24 I 7:00 PM On 11/24/2020 at 7 PM the Diocese of Lansing Realign Resources for Mission Committee will host a virtual meeting with St. Mary staff and parishioners in an effort to explain the reason, rationale and methodology of the Realign Resources for Mission process and, most importantly, to listen to parishioners response of the process and how it could, potentially, impact upon our parish positively or negatively.

The meeting will start with a presentation on behalf of the Realign Resource for Mission Committee; discussion will follow with feedback from parishioners on your hopes and fears for the process; what you love or feel needs to be known about your parish; and any specific suggestions you may have for the future of your parish or the future of the diocese.

All are most welcome.

Here is the link for the meeting:


For more information please visit: https://

SUN, NOV 15 I 6:30 PM Join other high school students for our virtual High School Youth Group gatherings in November. These gatherings help teens stay connected to each other, and to their faith, during these unusual, and sometimes trying days.

Please email Rita for the meeting link: [email protected]

Despite the pandemic, our English as a Second Language Program (ESL) continues (virtually).

Whether you are an English-learner or want to help someone improve their language skills, we welcome you!

Tutors and learners meet individually or in small groups each week for 45-60 minutes over zoom. Meetings can be at a time that is convenient for you.

For tutors, no language or teaching experience is required - just an interest in helping others practice English! All levels of English learners are welcome, and the program is free.

For more information or to sign up, email Emily [email protected] or Ellie [email protected]


THURS, NOV 12 | 10:15 AM Women of every age are invited to connect, be inspired, and celebrate our faith with one another. Using a virtual format, we’ll gather the second Thursday of each month through May, from 10:15 AM to 12:00 noon.

We will return to last year’s theme entitled, “Continuing the Journey in Hope” because we had to stop abruptly last spring because of Covid-19.

Our first semester will explore echoes of hope in Scripture and in Christology. Our presenters will be Sister Maribeth Howell, O.P., Professor Emeritus of Aquinas Institute of Theology, and Sister Patricia Walter, O.P., retired Theology Professor of Siena Heights University.

Contact Julie Mussio [email protected] with any questions. She will be coordinating the Zoom gatherings so please forward to her your email address if you are new to Women of the Heart or have an updated email address.

Page 7: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

SUNDAY: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM


TUESDAY: 11:00 AM–6:00 PM

WEDNESDAY: 11:00 AM–6:00 PM

THURSDAY: 11:00 AM–6:00 PM

FRIDAY: 11:00 AM–2:00 PM


During our office hours, the office will be staffed to assist with scheduling, questions, donations, etc. You may also enter the church for individual prayer. Please enter through the main doors on Thompson Street.

Masks and social distancing are required.

SUNDAYS | 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Communion will be distributed on Sundays from 11:30 AM-12:00 PM. If you arrive early, please wait in your car. The parish will remain locked until 11:30 AM. Enter through the William Street doors unless you require handicap accessibility through the Thompson side.

Masks and social distancing are required.

WEDNESDAYS | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM No reservation is required. Please enter through the main doors on Thompson Street and follow the signs.

Confessions will be offered both in the church and outside in the courtyard, weather permitting, or in Donnelly Hall.

We continue to live-stream masses as follows:


9:00 AM (English)

10:10 AM (Spanish)


5:10 PM Student-Led Ig.nite Mass

Masses can be watched live on our website: You may also watch a recording of mass anytime after the mass has finished.


SAT: 5:00 PM Vigil TUE: 5:10 PM SUN: 2:00 PM (Spanish) FRI: 12:10 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM

St. Mary is open to the public for mass per the schedule above. Our capacity is limited to 50 seats. Reservations are required. Click here to reserve your seat:

Please note, there are tabs at the top of the webpage for Sunday mass and daily mass.

To protect the health and safety of everyone at the mass, please note the following:

Reservations will be limited to registered parishioners and students.

Since we do not have pews, seating will be 50 individual chairs.

If you make a reservation for more than one seat, you will be sitting alone and you may not be sitting near anybody else on your reservation.

The moving of chairs will not be permitted.

We strongly discourage those with compromised immune systems or families with small children from attending mass.

Masks and social distancing are required.

TUESDAYS | 6:00 PM Everyone is invited to Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday after daily Mass until 8:00 pm. The third Tuesday of every month adoration will include the Divine Chaplet.

There will be an instrumental Praise and Worship session during Adoration on November 10. Through Praise and Worship we find another way of glorifying God and deepening our connection with him. Come spend as much time as you wish. All are welcome. Please allow mass-goers to leave the church before entering.

Masks and social distancing are required.

Page 8: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

You are invited to join Bishop Boyea in reading through the Holy Bible starting this Advent and continuing through the next 12 months. Each day, the Bishop will text or email a chapter of Sacred Scripture. Together with the Bishop – and all those taking part – you will then read it and meditate upon it. Over the weeks, Bishop Boyea will also text you invitations to events; share video reflections with you; and let you know about other Year of the Bible updates. To sign up, simply text BYOB, which stands for Bishop’s Year of the Bible to 84576.

Or, visit

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to stay up-to-date on relevant content and resources to assist you in growing as an intentional disciple of Christ.

To find us, simply search for "Diocese of Lansing" at your preferred social networking website.

SAT, NOV 14 I 9:30AM - 11AM The Diocese of Lansing is hosting this session ONLY on Zoom /phone (thanks to the assistance from St. Francis Parish Ann Arbor).

Our presenter will be Father Matthew Palkowski, OFM Cap, who has been serving in the Philadelphia PA county jail system for about nine years. As you may expect, he has lots of experience and wisdom to share with us.

Please continue to pray for inmates, cut off from family visits and our spiritual support. Certainly, this is a very difficult time for them and a challenging time for the officers and staff as well. May the Lord show the way for us to serve our incarcerated brothers and sisters. For those who have died due to the pandemic, may they rest in peace. Blessings upon their families too!

Let us know if you plan to join us online. An RSVP is helpful for planning the discussion accordingly.

Sign-up at:


Questions? Contact Scott Wright (cell:734-480-8422) [email protected]

The latest Diocese of Lansing Podcast features Dominic Iocco, the new President of Lansing Catholic High School, and Krystyn Schmerbeck, the new Principal of Lansing Catholic High School, discussing the influence of the school’s patron, Pope Saint John Paul II, upon their own lives and upon the past, present, and future of the school. To watch please visit our webpage at or find us on Facebook.

This week parish staff from across the Diocese of Lansing gathered to prayerfully re-imagine what a Catholic parish could be in the 21st century. Entitled “Deployed for Mission”, the October 20 event was led by Father John Riccardo of the Archdiocese of Detroit and a team from his Acts XXIX apostolate. To watch an overview of the day visit our website at or find us on Facebook.

Page 9: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

Many of you have signed up for online giving, which is a great help to us. Thank you. Some of you may be open to doing so. We recently introduced a new “online giving portal” through ParishSoft. This will eventually be the only online giving program that we will use. You can sign up and allocate gifts to particular funds here:

Contact Kristen Gowman with any questions about the new online portal [email protected].

Give like students give - straight from their smartphone. Venmo is a secure platform designed to allow you to make payments, transfer money, and donate quickly and easily to friends, groups, and businesses. Link your bank account (or debit card), choose the recipient of your choice, and hit pay. It’s that easy! Our Venmo username is @SMSPumich.


Thank you to everyone who has made a gift or pledge commit-ment to our Diocesan Services Appeal. Our gifts to DSA enable our diocese to provide services crucial to our parish. The programs and services funded by DSA offer direct assistance to individuals and families, and to parishes, schools, and Catholic Charities agencies. “Every good work” of the Church occurs through dozens of ongo-ing ministries made possible by our contributions to DSA. If you have not yet made a gift or a pledge, we invite you to do so today. You may give online at Your DSA gift will support the vital services and ministries that help bring the love of Christ to all we encounter.


Yes! The annual support of the faithful across the diocese is criti-cally important to fund our active, ongoing ministries. All gifts, of any size, will provide needed support for ministries that benefit your parish and the mission of the Catholic Church Catholic Dio-cese of Lansing throughout the diocese.

Our parish goal for 2020 is $97,785. If you are still prayerfully con-sidering your contribution, more information can be found online at

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PASTORAL STAFF 734-663-0557 Rev. James G. Gartland, S.J. Pastor ext 277 [email protected] Fr. Patrick M. Casey, S.J. Pastoral Associate ext 234 [email protected] Deacon Romolo Leone Pastoral Associate ext 233 [email protected]

CAMPUS MINISTRY STAFF Fr. Mark S. Mossa S.J. Director of Campus ext 221 [email protected]

Ministry Fr. Joseph F. Wagner S.J. Campus Minister ext 225 [email protected] Brian Cerabona Campus Minister ext 235 [email protected]

PARISH STAFF Cathy Welch Business Manager ext 224 [email protected] Lanette Mele Office Manager & ext 232 [email protected]

Liturgy Assistant Brittany Tobias Communications Director ext 240 [email protected] Carol Konczal Receptionist & ext 226 [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Julie Mussio Marriage Preparation & ext 243 [email protected]

Ministry Schedule Coordinator Amy Ketner Hispanic/Latino Ministry ext 248 [email protected]

Coordinator Kristen Gowman Bookkeeper ext 241 [email protected] Lori Feiler Family Ministry Program ext 245 [email protected] Director Karen Foster Family Ministry Program ext 247 [email protected] Coordinator Marcela Larios Hispanic/Latino Ministry ext 222 [email protected]

Sacramental Preparation Assistant Rita Zyber RCIA & Youth Ministry ext 230 [email protected]

Coordinator Ryan Migliore Interim Music Coordinator ext 0 [email protected] Sue Walters Database Coordinator ext 239 [email protected] Gary Pearce Operations Manager ext 231 [email protected] Dan Hankins Custodian ext 0 [email protected]

STUDENT STAFF Daniela Hernandez Valentina House Christine Simon


Harrison Morton, Orlando Averion, Zenaida Averion, Victoria Tomalia, Maryjo Lum, Ric Chapman, Nathalie Ertel, Therese Sheffield, Dan Karczewski, Brianna Liker, Elpido Adrian, Marcelo Alvarez, Eddie Smith, Joan Lesneski, Daniel Leung, Francyn Chomic, Katie Bischoff, Mark Kintz, Benjamin Besa, Brian Weard, Joan Brown Alexander, Alicia Patterson, Shawn Brown, Jamie Ballew, Patrick Geary, Bob Schoeni, Rosemary Callahan, Ron Lesneski, Christopher Brown, Scott Alexander, Paul Schnackenberg, Wilmer Zhinin, Juan Ibarra-Gonsalez, Adam Lesneski, Stacey Simpson Duke, Walter Moilanen, Joanna Vuylsteke, Julia Zhinin, Wilmer Zhinin, Maria Ayauaca, Manuel Zhinin, Liz Groulx, Michael Patterson, Filiberto Zamorano, Nikolas Block, Rosemary Rodriguez, Cristina Magsino, Kate Hanson, Maria Delores Monicibas Aleman, Luis Mario Riano, Joesph Puttrich, Colin Beaumier, Monica Terhar, Senir Rivas, Maria Hernandez, Hilda & Henry Willis, Joan Benzie, Joe Ladago, Jan Buhler, Brent Horvath, Alicia Patterson, Marianna Hann, John Burns, Pablo Angiano Flores, Christine Geoghegan, Shawn & Laura Brown, Christopher Brown, Trinh Piper, Cindy McPherson, Gloria Grisales, Aurora Kobalz, Amaris Bolanos Luna, John Lanzatta, Curran Lawrence, Fred Metry, Tom Forner, Brian Cronin, Phil Simmons, Charlotte Jenkins, Theresa Bontekoe Deprest, Nancy Harknett, Matthew Casey, Amby Gallagher, Sara Zuleta, John Dunne, Clifton Chippewa, Nic Steadman, Bonnie Dean, Debbie Nigh, Arthur O'Neil, Augusto Silvino Garduno Esquivel, Kaylah Misiuk, Paul McNamara, Rosemary Callahan, Terri White Kaufman, Joseph D. Schwartz, Annie & Justin Siciliano, Bryan Tucker, Cynthia Lear, Barb Garren-Stratman, Guillermo Foncerrada, Dianna Nati, Pedro Osorio Soriano, Maria Enriqueta Ramirez Flores, Donna Osborne, Ernie Jones, Tina Jones, Bernie Lamey, Jo Lamey, Nancy Harknett, Monica Terhar, Flora Corrales, Juanita Esquivel, Julio Ramos, Hugo Lombardo, Sara Zuleta, Art Lamey, Jeanne McAree, Salvador Cuevas, Lou Terhar, Fr. Walter Moll, Jr, Helen Lucille Ceasar, Robert Hunter, Mary D’Souza, Sarah Schaefer, Robert Colby, Keisha Banks, Fausto Esquivel and Ángela Ekin


Patricia Carmody, Karen Jacobson, Rafael Ronquillo Bolaños, and Marie Jacobson

To add or remove a name: [email protected] or call 734-663-0557.

St. Mary Student Parish is a welcoming, Inclusive, caring, and diverse Catholic community, uniting residents and students.

We are Christ-centered with the Eucharist as the source of holiness in our vibrant liturgical life.

Inspired by Ignatian spirituality, we live a faith that does justice, reaching out to the marginalized.

As an apostolic parish, we are committed to ongoing formation of Christian witness, discipleship, and leadership.

Page 11: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

THIS BULLETIN IS FURNISHED TO THE PARISH WITHOUT CHARGE. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity.



Reading I Wis 6:12-16

Psalm Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

Reading II 1 Thes 4:13-18

Gospel Mt 25:1-13

Wisdom is found by those who seek her. God, through Jesus, will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!


Reading I Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

Psalm Ps 128

Reading II 1 Thess 5:1-6

Gospel Mt 25:14-30

She works with loving hands. Let the day of the Lord not overtake you like a thief. Since you were faithful in small matters, come, share your master’s joy.

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Page 12: STUNT PARS - St. Mary Student ParishNov 08, 2020  · McCracken Mark V. Klosterman Gladys & Joe Zanetti Julie Lyons James Harshfield, USN Adelina Marie Solitro Steinman Rod Cartone,

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All Occasion Flowers • Plants • Cards Religious & Inspirational Gifts Owner: Tim Galea - Parish Member

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