Study visit uk march 2011 salar

Local action for local trust Civic participation and dialogue in the governance process


SALAR slides

Transcript of Study visit uk march 2011 salar

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Local action for local trust

Civic participationand dialogue in the governance process

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The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

- SALAR represents Sweden’s 290 municipalities and 20 county councils/regions.

- It acts as an employer’s organisation, and it defends and promotes the interests of its members, for example by working to strengthen local selfgovernment and the development of regional and local democracy.

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Local self-government

The decision-making power in the localauthorities is exercised by elected assemblies

The local authorities may levy taxes inorder to perform their tasks

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The role of the municipalities

Required by law:- Social services- Childcare and preschools- Elderly care- Care for the physically and intellectually

disabled- Primary and secondary education- Planning and building issues- Health and environmental protection- Refuse collection and waste management- Emergency services and emergency

preparedness- Water and sewerage

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Revenues of the municipalities…

Taxes 69%Government grants 14%Fees and charges 7%Sale of services and contracts1%Rents and leases 4%Other revenue 5%

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• 9 out of 10 swedes have acess to Internet at homefiber, adsl, mobile-internet

• 88% use Internet on a daily bases

• +30% have an facebook account

• We do most of our bank business over Internet

• We continously build a better accessnet all over the country


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» SALAR should support its members’ efforts to

create new forms of citizens’engagement and choice, and to integrate

citizen dialogue into governing processes and

public service developments. «

Our mission since 2007

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In 2007 SALAR invited local authorities, county councils and regions to participate in:

• Networks to improve knowledge

• Networks to develop and test methods

Our approach

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- Scout on the world and present ideas and examples

- Develop IT-tools if necessary

Citizen participation with IT

A parallel project with financial support from government

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It’s about supporting the representative democracy

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Ladder of participation



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- Consider when planning for decision- At least right to be heard - Explain why the change is proposed - Be clear about the aim - Good conditions to participate - Priority children and youth - Feedback to participants- Associations and organizations important

to involved- Evaluate and develop the dialogue process - Elected officials make decisions

Malmös Principals for citizens dialogue

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We need balance!

Democracy Actor



3.Understanding priorities


Service Operator

1.Provide services

2.Allocate resources

3.Quality Control

4.Setting standards

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Our budgetsimulator



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Open debate in Älmhult

County Council in Dalarna chatt with politicians

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Citizen panels via Internet and sms

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Facebook for dialogue

Local you-tube channels

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Simple and easy in Eskilstuna

Here, we plan to rejuvenate the tree stand.

We want to know what you think before we put the shovel in the ground.

More information at our website

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GIS panel in Botkyrka and Tyresö

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E-petitions in Malmö and Uddevalla

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It takes time to build trust

We have to be sustained and focused

We need structure and resources

We can learn much from others around the world

We must dare to try

We will use several methods

We must be transparent

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