Study Questions. ammonia Light writing lenses A small room.

History of Photography Study Questions

Transcript of Study Questions. ammonia Light writing lenses A small room.

History of PhotographyStudy Questions

Scheele discovered that ____ would stop the darkening of exposed silver nitrate.

• ammonia

Define photography.

• Light writing

____ were added to the camera obscura to make smaller devices and sharper images.

• lenses

What did the first camera obscura look like?

• A small room

Who invented the camera?

• Several different inventors

How did Giovanni Pattista Della Porta describe the camera?

• An artist-tracing tool

What is John Hershel credited with?

• First to use the word photography

_____ discovered that silver nitrate tarnished when it was exposed to light.

• Shulze

What do Callotypes produce?

• A negative image

Who was 2 weeks late in announcing his photographic process called callotype?

• Talbot

What is Da Guerre credited with?

• The first practical photographic process

Who took the first existing photograph?

• Niepce

Who was unsuccessful in producing images on pottery?

• Thomas Wedgewood

What are the 3 parts of all types of cameras?

• Lens• Shutter• body

What happened in 1826?

• First photograph was taken

The French government made ____ available for free.

• Daguerreotype

What process cannot be copied?

• Daguerreotype

Kodak was ____ first camera.

• Eastman’s

How was the dry plate process better than the wet plate process?

• It could be developed at a later time

What process was made on tin?

• tintype

_____ uses an under developed negative on glass and is mounted on black paper to appear as a positive image.

• ambrotype

What needed a patent to use it?

• callotype

What process used egg whites?

• Albumin print

Why was wet plate called that?

• Needed to be developed while emulsion was still wet

Why was tintype so popular?

• Unbreakable and cheaper

What 2 things did Eastman invent?

• Film on a flexible celluloid base• First camera to use roll film

Which group of artists benefited first by the modern camera?

• Impressionists

______ was a main source of entertainment during Victorian Era.

• Stereoscopic travel images

Which part of war couldn’t be photographed because there was a long exposure time?

• action

Who was the first president to be photographed?

• Abraham lincoln

What was the first war to be photographed?

• Crimean

Who photographed the Union side of the Civil War?

• Alexander Gardner

What was the reason for establishing the National Park System?

• US geological survey teams

What was the subject of Muybridge’s pictures that lead to motion studies?

• horses

Fine art is intended to inspire ____.

• change

_____ is intended to impartially record an event.

• Photo journalism

What type of photography is intended for personal viewing?

• snapshot

What photography is meant to create a visual response?

• Social document