Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh

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  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh













  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh



    I. In!"

    II. A#$n%&'!(!)!n*III. In*+%,#*-%nIV. /-# % C%++%-%nV. !/-%,+ % */-n'! *!!'

    VI. S,',+-# /#- /n'-n( 5*!) -n

    K,/n$,'/) N,#'!/+ P%&!+ P'/n*VII. P+%%! ,((!*-%nVIII. C%n#',-%nI6. -'-%(+/5

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh



    We(Siddharth and Sarvesh) would like to take this

    opportunity to thank the Senior Staf at Kudankulam

    Nuclear Power Project, NPC! "ecause they have

    #ranted us the chance to learn directly at the

    industrial scale "y visitin# this sa$e and secure $acility%

    Secondly, we would like to thank the &rs% !akshmi and

    &r% Shashikanth $or continuously #uidin# us, orientin#

    us with the $unctionalities, operation and maintenance

    o$ the plant% 'hey also arran#ed an ecellent

    orientation pro#ram $or the students o$ 'S*P!+N

    alon# with various project opportunities%

    'his study report on the Corrosion of stainless

    steel in the presence of sulphuric acid was allotted to

    us "y our mentor in Kudankulam nuclear power

    project, &r% Naveen alla% t is with his insi#ht and

    systematic #uidance that we have "een a"le to compile

    this report $or the a"ove stated topic%

    !astly, we would like to show appreciation towards

    our institute, irla nstitute o$ 'echnolo#y and Science,

    Pilani and its Practice School -ivision $or directin# us

    towards industrial eposure and helpin# us tackle real

    pro"lems in our .elds o$ interest as part o$ the

    Practice School pro#ram% +lso, all our work has "een

    completed under the #uidance and supervision o$ our

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    Practice School Pro$essor, -r% &icheal +lphonse,

    whose help has "een without dou"t, irreplacea"le in

    our eperience o$ the Practice School%


    Sulphuric acid is a chemical that is used in various

    industrial processes, includin# ones in Nuclear Power

    plants and speci.cally at Kudankulam Nuclear Power

    Project% t is produced $rom sulphur dioide, whichmay "e #enerated "y "urnin# sulphur, it may "e a "y*

    product o$ a metallur#ical smeltin# process, or it may

    "e produced "y thermal decomposition (re#eneration)

    o$ spent acid% 'he sulphur dioide is reacted with

    oy#en over a catalyst at /0123 to 4153C to $orm

    Sulphur trioide% 'he latter #as then reacts with water

    in the a"sor"in# towers to $orm sulphuric acid% 'his

    process is eothermic and the acid can reach

    temperatures as hi#h as 6723 to 1223C% &ost o$ this

    ener#y is recovered "y a ran#e o$ means to minimi8e

    ener#y consumption% 9sually the acid is then cooled

    $rom around 6223C to close to am"ient $or stora#e%

    'his process is used in many plants $or the production

    o$ sulphuric acid, and su"se:uently its stora#e%

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    n a nuclear power plant, handlin# o$ this

    corrosive sulphuric acid re:uires well desi#ned pipin#

    systems inclusive o$ special valves, stora#e tanks and

    miers% ;ach o$ these components re:uires speci.cmaterials to len#then their lives to reverse the efects

    o$ their continuous contact with sulphuric acid% 'he

    most commonly used material $or this is stainless steel,

    a class o$ steel with sli#htly varyin# compositions

    manu$actured to withstand oidation or reduction

    reactions with ions in the passin# rea#ents% 'here are

    hundreds o$ #rades and su" #rades in the stainlesssteel $amily, each desi#ned $or a special application%

    Chromium is the ma#ic element that trans$orms iron

    into stainless steel% Stainless steel must contain at

    least 62%5< chromium to provide ade:uate resistance

    to rustin#, and the more chromium the alloy contains,

    the "etter the corrosion resistance "ecomes% 'here is,

    however an upper limit to the amount o$ chromium theiron can hold% 'here$ore additional alloyin# elements

    are necessary to develop corrosion resistance to

    speci.c medias%

    'hus in this report, a study on the usa#e o$

    stainless steel is made, alon# with some other

    su"stitute materials, and their speci.c compositions

    and usa#e% 'his report also studies the phenomenon o$

    corrosion etensively%


  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    What is c!!si"#

    'echnically, corrosion is the tendency o$ any

    metal to return to its most sta"le thermodynamic state%Namely, that is the state with the most ne#ative $ree

    ener#y o$ $ormation% &ore simply stated, it is a

    chemical reaction o$ the metal with the environment to

    $orm an oide, car"onate, sul$ate, or other sta"le

    compound% n most cases, usin# a diferent alloy,

    material, proper coatin#, or impressed current can

    prevent corrosion pro"lems% When a metal part $ails inservice, it is essential to determine the cause o$ the

    $ailure so that the replacement part can "e

    manu$actured $rom the proper alloy to prevent $uture

    $ailure% &any times a $ailed part is replaced with the

    same alloy%

    Corrosion can "e "roadly classi.ed in two $orms=

    (1) chemical dissolution of the metal and

    (2) galvanic, or electrically driven%

    +"rasion, $rettin# and erosion sometimes are classi.ed

    as corrosion mechanisms, "ut technically they are a

    mechanical metal removal process as compared to a

    chemical removal process% Chemical reaction mayaccompany the mechanical removal process to speed

    up the dissolution, "ut the chemical reaction will .t

    into the two "asic $orms% Some authorities list other

    types o$ corrosion, "ut the other types #enerally are

    modi.cations o$ one o$ the eistin# corrosion $orms% +

    correct alloy choice $or one type o$ corrosion

    mechanism may "e entirely the wron# choice $oranother% 'here$ore, a proper dia#nosis o$ the $ailure is

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    essential to make the correct material choice% Within

    these two "asic classi.cations there are .ve types o$


    1.General or uniform corrosion

    9ni$orm corrosion occurs over lar#e areas o$ the metal

    sur$ace% 'his is the most common $orm o$ corrosion

    with steel and copper% t is the easiest $orm o$

    corrosion to measure, and service li$etime is easy to

    calculate% 'his is the only $orm o$ corrosion that may

    "e accurately calculated $or li$etime "e$ore $ailure andthe only corrosion mechanism in which increased

    section thickness #ives lon#er li$e% 'his type o$

    corrosion is measured "y corrosion rate, usually

    reported as mpy (mils per year), mm>y (millimeters per

    year), ipm (inches per month), or m#>sdm>yr

    (milli#rams per s:uare decimeter per year)% 'his type

    o$ corrosion may "e minimi8ed in the active metals "ypaintin# the sur$ace, and unepected $ailures can "e

    avoided "y periodic inspections% +cid cleanin# o$

    metals is an ea##erated eample o$ #eneral corrosion%

    ;very time a copper or car"on steel sur$ace is acid

    cleaned, the metal walls are thinned due to uni$orm

    corrosion% Stainless steel is su"ject to #eneral

    corrosion in many acids and some salt solutions% 'heyare not su"ject to #eneral corrosion in water?

    there$ore, no data is availa"le%

    9ni$orm corrosion can "e reduced or even prevented

    "y proper selection o$ materials that are resistant to

    the corrosive environment% Certain elements make the

    alloy more resistant to diferent media% @or eample,

    hi#h chromium content imparts oidation resistance%

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    'here$ore, look $or hi#h chromium $or use with nitric

    acid, the hi#her the "etter% Ai#h chromium is use$ul $or

    hi#h temperature oidation resistance? so, any

    stainless steel is "etter than car"on steel in elevatedtemperature applications% Ai#h copper content in

    stainless steel imparts resistance to sulphuric acid%

    Ai#h nickel content #ives resistance to reducin# acids

    and produces a ti#htly adherin# oide .lm in hi#h

    temperature oidation%

    2. Inter granular corrosion

    +ll metals are composed o$ small #rains that are

    normally oriented in a random $ashion% 'hese #rains

    are each composed o$ orderly arrays o$ atoms with the

    same spacin# "etween the atoms in every #rain%

    ecause o$ the random orientation o$ the #rains, there

    is a mismatch "etween the atomic layers where the

    #rains meet% 'his mismatch is called a B#rain

    "oundary%B n a typical stainless steel product, there

    are a"out 6,222 #rain "oundaries that intersect a one*

    inch (15 mm) line drawn on the sur$ace%

    rain "oundaries are re#ions o$ hi#h*ener#y

    concentration% 'here$ore, chemical or metallur#icalreactions usually occur at #rain "oundaries "e$ore they

    occur within the #rains% 'he most common reaction is

    $ormation o$ chromium car"ide in the heat*afected

    8one (A+D) durin# weldin#% 'hese car"ides, $ormed

    alon# the #rain "oundaries, are called Bsensiti8ation%B

    ecause the car"ides re:uire more chromium than is

    locally availa"le, the car"on pulls chromium $rom the

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    area around the car"on% 'his leaves a low chromium

    #rain "oundary 8one and creates a new low chromium

    alloy in that re#ion% Now there is a mismatch in

    #alvanic potential "etween the "ase metal and the#rain "oundary? so, #alvanic corrosion "e#ins% 'he

    #rain "oundaries corrode, allowin# the central #rain

    and the chromium car"ides to drop out as i$ particles

    o$ rusty sand%

    3. Galvanic corrosion including pitting and

    crevice corrosion

    alvanic corrosion occurs whenever two

    electrically diferent metals are connected in a circuit

    and are in an electrically conductive solution% 'his type

    o$ corrosion re:uires three conditions= two metals that

    difer in the #alvanic or electromotive series, an

    electrically conductive path "etween the metals and

    "oth metals su"mer#ed in a conductive solution%

    + variation o$ #alvanic corrosion can occur with

    passive .lm metals% $ the alloy loses the passive .lm in

    one spot, then it "ecomes active in that area% Now the

    metal has "oth passive and active sites on the same

    sur$ace% 'his is the mechanism $or pittin# and crevice

    corrosion% 'he $ollowin# ta"le is a list o$ materials and

    their relative position in the #alvanic series% 'his ta"le

    allows selection o$ metal pairs that are #alvanically

    compati"le% n #eneral, when an anode, $or eample

    aluminum, is connected to a cathode or no"le metal in

    salt water, the anode will corrode and the cathode will

    "e unafected%

    Metal Volt orresponding alloy

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    s&a#nesium *



    +luminum *6%EE +luminum

    Dinc *



    ron *


    Steel, ron, stainless steel(active),

    alloy C(active)Nickel *


    Nickel (active), +lloy 422 (active),

    +lloy *1Aydro#en 2%22

    Copper G2%


    rass, copper, &onel, Nickel

    (passive), alloy 422 (passive),

    stainless steel (passive)Silver G2%



    old G6%



    Aowever, there is another $actor called Barea

    relationshipB? i$ the anode is very lar#e, such as a

    vessel wall, and the cathode is small like a "olt head,

    the #alvanic action is sli#ht% ut, i$ the anode is small

    and the cathode is lar#e, the anode will corrode very


    !itting corrosionis a $orm o$ #alvanic corrosion

    in which the chromium in the passive layer is dissolved

    leavin# only the corrosion prone iron% 'he volta#e

    diference "etween the passive and active layer on an

    austenitic stainless steel is G2%F7 volts% +cid chlorides

    are the most common cause o$ pittin# in stainless

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    steel% Chlorides react with chromium to $orm the very

    solu"le chromium chloride (CrClE)% 'hus, chromium is

    removed $rom the passive layer leavin# only the active

    iron% +s the chromium is dissolved, the electricallydriven chlorides "ore into the stainless steel creatin# a

    spherical, smooth wall pit% 'he residual solution in the

    pit is $erric chloride (@eClE), which is very corrosive to

    stainless steel% 'his is the reason $erric chloride is

    used in so many o$ the corrosion tests $or stainless

    steel% When moly"denum and>or nitro#en is used as an

    alloyin# element in stainless steel, the pittin#corrosion resistance improves% n an attempt to

    :uanti$y the efect o$ alloyin# elements, a relationship

    o$ the various elements responsi"le $or corrosion

    resistance was developed% 'he resultin# e:uation is

    called the pittin# resistance e:uivalent num"er, or


    PH;N I

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    Crevice corrosion is usually the .rst to occur and is

    predicta"le as to when and where it will take place%

    !ike pittin#, a conductive solution must "e present?

    and, the presence o$ chlorides makes the reactionproceed at a $ast rate% Crevice corrosion depends on

    the environmental temperature, alloy content and

    metallur#ical cate#ory o$ the alloy% +lso, there is a

    relationship "etween the ti#htness o$ the crevice and

    the onset time and severity o$ corrosion% 'here is a

    Bcritical crevice corrosion temperatureB (CCC') "elow

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    which corrosion will not occur%

    SOURCE : reports


    'he #reater the diference "etween the CCC'

    and the operatin# temperature, the #reater the

    pro"a"ility that crevice corrosion will occur% 'his chart

    is very use$ul in determinin# the efect o$ temperature

    on corrosion "y indicatin# the approimate

    temperature at which pittin# corrosion "e#ins% 'he
  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    efect o$ temperature on pittin# corrosion is not as

    clear as that $or crevice corrosion, "ut "y addin#

    approimately 6223 @ (423 C) to the CCC', the

    approimate temperature at which pittin# starts can"e determined%

    ". #tress corrosion crac$ing

    Stress corrosion crackin# (SCC) is one o$ the

    most common and dan#erous $orms o$ corrosion%

    9sually it is associated with other types o$ corrosion

    that create a stress concentrator that leads to crackin#$ailure% Nickel containin# stainless steel is especially

    suscepti"le to chloride induced SCC%Stress corrosion

    crackin# (SCC) has three components= alloy

    composition, environment and the presence o$ tensile

    stress% +ll metals are suscepti"le to stress corrosion


  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    'he stress component is more su"tle% @irst the stress

    must "e tensile, and it must eceed the yield stren#tho$ the component% 'his sounds simple enou#h, "ut any

    time a component is "ent or strai#htened, or when any

    physical eertion is made to place the material into a

    .ed shape, the yield stren#th is eceeded% Net,

    matters can "e complicated "y stress multiplication

    $actors% $ a pit or other sharp notch is present, the

    residual stress is multiplied several times resultin# in astress $ar in ecess o$ the tensile yield stren#th% 'hus,

    SCC usually starts with pittin# or crevice corrosion as

    a precursor to $ormin# a stress concentrator%

    %. Micro&iologically induced corrosion (MI).

    n some cases, the meta"olic "yproducts react

    with the environmental solution to create a very

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    corrosive media% +n eample is the reaction o$ chlorine

    in water with the man#anese dioide "yproduct $rom

    #allionella "acteria on the sur$ace o$ the stainless

    steel% 'his reaction #enerates hydrochloric acid, whichcauses rapid pittin# o$ many common #rades o$

    stainless steel% ne o$ the most common $orms o$ &C

    is the meta"olic "yproduct o$ the sul$ur*.in# "acteria

    that produces sul$urous or sul$uric acid% 'hese

    "acteria cause rapid corrosion o$ the lower alloy

    stainless steels, like 'ypes E20! or E64!, resultin# in

    throu#h wall crevice corrosion under the "acteriacolonies%

    &any times, a metal starts to corrode "y one

    mechanism, $or eample pittin# corrosion, and then

    $ails "y a second mechanism, stress corrosion


  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh



    C%))%n */-n'! *!!' #%)%-*-%n

    'ame e r 'i Mo ' u #iE20 al 67 7 * * * * *E64 al 6F 62 1 * * * *E62 al 15 12 * * * * *

    +lloy 12 al 12 17 1%5 * E%5 * *


    al 15 F E%5 2%15 2%F 2%F 2%4

    152F al 15 F E%5 2%15 * * 2%4S*1E al 67 67 * * * * 5S*15 al 67 67 6 * 1 5S*SL al 67 67 6 * 1 5DeCor al 60 65 6 * 6 * 4

    'raditionally materials such as acid*"rick lined steel

    were used $or vessels, and ductile irons, such as

    &ondiM or low alloy austenitic stainless steels such as

    E64 $or pipin#, within a limited temperature and acid

    concentration ran#e% Aowever, the development o$

    modern, hi#h alloy stainless steels, with improved

    resistance to hot concentrated acid has chan#ed thematerials selection options% 'a"le 6 shows the

    composition o$ some stainless steels that are used with

    sulphuric acid% E20 and E64 are the common austenitic

    #rades that are widely used "y the chemical and

    process industry% +lloy E62 is a hi#h chromium, nickel

    austenitic alloy that has superior acid corrosion

    resistance compared with E20 and E64% D;HN622

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    and 152F are superduple stainless steels with an

    approimate 52>52 austenite>$errite phase "alance%

    'his structure #ives a much hi#her stren#th (/1

    times) than that o$ the austenitic alloys and ofers thepossi"ility o$ wall thickness savin#s $or applications

    involvin# hi#h pressures and>or temperatures%

    Saramet, Sandvik SL and DeCor are all proprietary

    austenitic stainless steels containin# / 5< silicon,

    which improves the corrosion resistance in hot stron#

    acid% Saramet comes in two variants, with sli#htly

    diferent compositions% DeCor is leaner in chromiumand nickel than the other two proprietary alloys "ut it

    contains more silicon, an element known to promote

    corrosion resistance in hot, stron# acid% 'he namin#

    and compositions (within 2%25

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    @i#ure 6 shows the iso*corrosion curves $or some

    common alloys in sulphuric acid% t can "e seen that

    the superduple alloys are superior to E64!% D;HN

    622 is also superior to 152F, which is "elieved to "e

    due to the deli"erate additions o$ tun#sten and copper

    to D;HN 622% +lloy 12 is commonly used in sulphuric

    acid and $rom a"out 52< to O2< acid it is superior to

    D;HN 622% Aowever, in stron# acid (O2

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    @i#ure 1 compares the iso*corrosion curves $or

    the three proprietary alloys containin# silicon and

    D;HN 622% 'here are clearly diferences "etween the

    alloys, with the silicon*containin# alloys showin#improved corrosion resistance in more dilute acid%

    @i#ure E shows the iso*corrosion curves $or E20, E62

    and Saramet 1E in very stron# acid 6,1% t can "e seen

    that there is an increase in the corrosion resistance o$

    "oth E62 and Saramet in the temperature ran#e 672Q

    to 122QC% t is assumed that SL and DeCor show

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    similar "ehaviour% 'his means that these alloys can "e

    used in the hi#her temperature parts o$ acid plants%

    @i#ure 0 shows the corrosion rate o$ some

    stainless steels in stron# sulphuric acid at 6623C taken$rom the manu$acturersR pu"lished data% t can "e seen

    that the corrosion resistance o$ Saramet 1E decreases

    with increasin# acid concentration unlike the other

    alloys% +t acid concentrations #reater than 622< there

    is ecess sulphur trioide and the miture is then

    known as oleum% 'his is known to "e more corrosive to

    alloys like Saramet than to D;HN 622 and alloy E62%

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    +lthou#h there is no pu"licly availa"le data on

    E62 stainless in very stron# acid, there is a sin#le data

    point% +t an acid concentration o$ OO< and a

    temperature o$ 662QC, the corrosion rate o$ E62 was2%6mm>y6% 'his shows the improved resistance o$

    D;HN 622 over E62 stainless at this temperature

    (@i#ure 0)% D;HN 622 also has similar corrosion

    resistance to DeCor and Sandvik SL in stron#er acid,

    OF wt

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    @i#ure 5 shows the efect o$ 5ppm o$ iron on the

    corrosion rate o$ D;HN 622 at 6623C% t can "e seen

    that, within eperimental error, there was no

    si#ni.cant efect o$ iron on corrosion%

    *+ect of velocity of o-

    ecause stainless steels are o$ten active (as

    opposed to passive) in hot, concentrated sulphuric

    acid, the corrosion rate is a $unction o$ velocity% t is

    commonly recommended that alloys such as E64 andE62 "e restricted to a maimum Jow velocity o$

  • 7/24/2019 Study Project Report-siddharth, Sarvesh


    6%5m>sec 1% elocity tests have "een conducted in

    aerated O5 wt< sulphuric acid at F23C usin# rotatin#

    cylindrical samples%

    'he corrosion rate o$ D;HN 622 was hi#h $or

    the .rst two or three days% 'herea$ter the corrosion

    rate was less than 2%6mm>year% 'he hi#h initial rate o$

    corrosion was associated with the $ormation o$ a thin

    "lack .lm on the metal sur$ace% 'he .lm appears to

    con$er corrosion resistance as shown "y the

    su"se:uent low metal loss rate% 'hese results show

    that D;HN 622 can "e used at hi#her temperatures

    and velocities than E64! in stron# sulphuric acid% 'ests

    in stron#er acid showed even lower corrosion rates%

    Silicon additions tend to remove the velocity sensitivity

    o$ stainless steels to corrosion in hot, stron# sulphuric

    acid% Sandvik reported etremely low corrosion rates

    (T2%26mm>y) $or SL in O4< acid at F23C and 15m>sec

    in the alloy data sheet% 'hey o"tained a similar

    corrosion rate in O7%5< acid at 6653C and 62m>sec

    Jow velocity% Saramet E5 showed similar very low

    corrosion rates in O7%5< acid at 6123C at O and 15 m>s

    velocity0% +lthou#h there is no data pu"lished $or

    DeCor at hi#h velocities, it is presumed that it is also

    superior to the E20 and E64 #rades(most commonly

    used #rades o$ stainless steels)%

    +$ter conductin# multiple tests on most samples,

    it was $ound that since sulphuric acid density increases

    sharply with concentration alon# with its viscosity, it is

    advisa"le $or plant desi#ners to maintain a low velocity

    in acid pipin# systems to prevent the corrosion o$ the

    passive layer that protects the inner lyin# steel% + low

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    temperature .eld $urther aids the lon#evity o$ the

    pipin# systems%