Study of ethics



Study of ethics :)

Transcript of Study of ethics

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The value of studying ethics in life is a must responsibility and such, is also obligatory. Not because we are purposely driven nor illuminated by its essence, it is already deeply imbued to us. It only needs to be followed every time we undertake any actions or endeavor in life.

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Such actions are considered ethical or unethical depending on the intention and its effect to the receiver. Bear in mind that there is always an effect after every undertaking.

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In ethics, we ask if it must be. What you think is right is the bottomline. That’s ETHICS!

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ETHICSoIt is defined as the science of the morality of human acts.oDerived from the Greek word ethos meaning “characteristic way of living.” While in Latin is mos, mores meaning tradition or custom.

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Human Acts- are actions performed by

human, knowingly and freely- also called intentional or

deliberate actions, or, voluntary.

Acts of Man- in contrary to human acts, it

is involuntary and instinctive and unintentional.

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o Ethics is also said to be the study of human motivation, and ultimately, of human rational behavior.

o Ethics is morality.

*Morality – is the quality of human acts by which they are determined as good, bad, or indifferent.

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Ethics is Moral Philosophy and is distinguished from Moral Theology.

oAs a branch of philosophy, it relies solely on human reason to investigate truths.

oOn the other hand, Moral Theology employs reason insofar as it is enlightened by faith or divine revelation.

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ETHICS AS VALUE EDUCATIONoIt takes the value of Value Education by guiding individuals in choosing wisely his values and in acting upon them.oIt is also the rational foundation of any attempt at Values Education. It explains human values in relation to the ultimate purpose of human existence.

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THE ART OF CORRECT LIVINGIn this context, Ethics is an art.

Art, literally means appreciation of beauty. It implies order and harmony of parts in a given whole.

Human life does not imply merely physical survival. The demands of daily life includes and derives meaning from the cultivation of these traits that truly relates man’s innate dignity.

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1.It is the breath of life.

-It pulsates with the desire for growth and development.

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2. It is master plan.- It indicates where man must go and what he/she ought to do in order to live well.

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It is an indespensable knowledge.Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ought to be.oMorality is the foundation of every human society.

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This approach assumes that only matter exists and that man is only responsible to himself since there is no god who creates and rules the universe.It favors science than religion.It tries to centralized scientific ideology.Its followers are called atheist.

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1. Matter is the only reality.

2. Man is matter and does not have spiritual dimension.

3. Man is free and must exercise his freedom to promote society’s welfare.

4. There is no life after death.

5. Man is accountable to the state..

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It begins with the assumption that God is the Supreme Lawgiver.

Employs the aid of a favoring religion.

God’s will is the core of this approach. It believes that God is the point of origin.

With God’s will, man must exercise his freedom.

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1. God is the Supreme Creator and Lawgiver.

2. Man is free and must use his freedom to promote his personal and social interests along with his fellownmen.

3. Man has an immortal soul which cannot die.

4. Man is accountable for his actions, both good and evil.

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“To one who has faith, no explanation is needed. To one who has no faith,

no explanation is possible.”

- St. Thomas Aquinas

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This two is inseperable from one another for religion is a frontrunner of ethics and ethics has been a norm for every religion.It teaches the value of religion, presenting it as a duty to the Almighty.On the other hand, religion, composed of a unified hierarchy, teaches ethics and continues to enrich with its moral insight.

Ethics is a science and depends upon rational investigation of its truth. Religion is a system and practices based on faith or


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Ethics studies human motivation. It goes deeper than the study of external actions.

Law is concerned with the

externality of the act.

Just like religion, law is also inseperable from ethics.Ethics is governed by law and law is the basis of ethics.

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Ethical norms cover thoughts and feelings. Laws don’t judge man’s thoughts and feelings. Morality therefore, has a wider implication than law, because law can be moral or immoral,Ethics is not simply a body of do’s and don’ts in the manner laws are. It’s a personal commitment to uphold what is true and good.

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Even professions in every field are regulated by norms so not to produce any unwanted effect on their side as they practice it. Each profession is subject to a set of moral code. This Code of Ethics guides the actuation of a professional where the law is silent and inadequate.

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A Code of Ethics implies that, before anything else, a professional is a person who has the obligation to listen to the “dictates of reason.”

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A Code of Ethics implies that, before anything else, a professional is a person who has the obligation to listen to the “dictates of reason.”

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1. Honesty- this refers to the truthfulness and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating or theft. 

2. Integrity- the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.

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3. Transparency -  implies openness, communication, and accountability.4. Accountability - is blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving.5. Confidentiality - is a set of rules or a promise that limits access or places restrictions on certain types of information.

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6. Respect - gives a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity.7. Obedience to the law - faithfulness and being truthful to the law.