Study in Germany – Study with a Vision! - DAAD Brasil · Study in Germany – Study with a...

Study in Germany – Study with a Vision! Webinar Series “Study in Germany” September 27 – 29, 2017 from 10:00 – 13:00 h Live from campus – online | Ask the universities directly For registration please go to or scan the QR-code

Transcript of Study in Germany – Study with a Vision! - DAAD Brasil · Study in Germany – Study with a...

Study in Germany – Study with a Vision!

Webinar Series

“Study in Germany” September 27 – 29, 2017 from 10:00 – 13:00 h

Live from campus – online | Ask the universities directly

For registration please go

or scan the QR-code

Day 1 Wednesday, September 27, 10:00 –13:00 hFocus on “Ciências Exatas”

10:00 –10:30 h German Academic Exchange Service

PT | * [email protected] presents an overview on studying in Germany: the German higher education system (access and characteristics), student life (housing, transport, expenses, visum and working) as well as the DAAD and its scholarships.

10:30 –11:00 h Technische Universität Dresden

EN | * [email protected] of 11 German Universities of Excellence, TUD is strong in research and offers first class programmes. All major aca-demic disciplines are covered, with a focus on Engineering and Sciences. Dresden is well known for its vibrant cultural life making it one of the most liveable cities in Germany.

Fields of Study: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Psychology, Medicine, Bioengi-neering/Biomedicine, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering

11:00 –11:30 h Schmalkalden University of Applied Science

PT | * [email protected] Schmalkalden University of Applied Science offers a program with a technical and economical focus. The university campus provides a perfect international atmosphere for students from all over the world and the classes aim to teach hands-on skills that prepare students for their professional career.

Fields of Study: International Business and Economics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, IT, Commercial Law

11:30 –12:00 h Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg

EN | * [email protected] is a small and young university with an excellent student-professor ratio, modern facilities and high technical qualities. About 24 % of our students come from abroad. Our research-orientated fields are: Energy, Smart Regions/Heritage, Biotechnology, Cognitive/Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems.

Fields of Study: Built Environment, Business Sciences, Cultural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Environment Sciences, Health/Social/ Music Pedagogy, Mathematics/Natural & Computer Sciences

12:00 –12:30 h TU Dortmund University

EN | * [email protected] in the vibrant Ruhr region TU Dortmund University offers an excellent education for international students interested in Engineering, particularly in Manufacturing Technology. In addition to a fully English-taught Master’s program (MMT) various German programs are being taught on our campuses.

Fields of Study: Engineering

12:30 –13:00 h Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

EN | * [email protected] Bachelor Program in Mechanical Engineering at the Carl Benz School of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT; Part-time Master Programs & certificate courses for engineers at the HECTOR School, Technology Busines School at the KIT

Fields of Study: Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences

Online presentations in Portuguese or English by German Institutions

EN Presentation in English PT Presentation in Portuguese

Day 2 Thursday, September 28, 10:00 –13:00 hFocus on “Ciências Exatas”, “Humanas” and “Cursos e exames de língua alemã”

10:00 –10:30 h German Academic Exchange Service

PT | * [email protected] presents an overview on studying in Germany: the German higher education system (access and characteristics), student life (housing, transport, expenses, visum and working) as well as the DAAD and its scholarships.

10:30 –11:00 h TestDaF-Institut

EN | * [email protected]: official German language test for study admission, recognised by all German universities. DUO: offers online German courses. DUO’s prep course “TestDaFtraining” is recommended by the TestDaF-Institut. TestAS: aptitude test for study admission. TestAS is required by about 50 universities.

Information: Test German as a foreign language: TestDaF/, TestDaF prep course:, Aptitude test for study admission: TestAS/

11:00 –11:30 h Professional Association German as a Foreign and Second Language (FaDaf e.V.)

EN | * [email protected] German in Germany: The FaDaF Consortium consists of 8 language institutes offering high quality German courses and further services at fair conditions. Get prepared for university studies and work in Germany through our academic intensive German courses, summer courses, technical language courses and German exams (DSH, TestDaF, telc).

Information: Intensive German courses for university preparation, German summer courses, Technical German courses, German Exami-nations (TestDaF/DSH/telc), Pre-study programmes

11:30 –12:00 h Hof University of Applied Sciences

EN | * [email protected] Operational Excellence (M.B.A and M.Eng) and General Management (M.B.A) at Hof University of Applied Sciences – a modern and international university in Bavaria. We focus on employability, state-of-the-art equipment and intensive personal support for our students.

Fields of Study: Business, Engineering, Computer Science

12:00 –12:30 h Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

PT | * [email protected] University of Münster was founded in 1780 and has 44,000 students. 280 high-quality study programmes (Bachelor, Master, PhD) in 120 subjects offer a broad portfolio of options in Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Medicine, Law, Business and Economics, Music.

Fields of Study: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine/Pharmacy, Business/Economics, Law, Computer Sciences, Geosciences/Geoinformatics, Sports, Music

12:30 –13:00 h University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen on the Rhine

EN | * [email protected] program Logistics – International Management & Consulting taught 100 % in English, a mixture of online and 3 short in-class residencies in Germany. Interdisciplinary, application-oriented program. University Ludwigshafen has approx. 4500 students.

Fields of Study: Logistics, Consulting, International Management, Business Administration, Healthcare, Social Work

Online presentations in Portuguese or English by German Institutions

EN Presentation in English PT Presentation in Portuguese

Online presentations in Portuguese or English by German Institutions

Day 3 Friday, September 29, 10:00 –13:00 hFocus on “Humanas”

10:00 –10:30 h German Academic Exchange Service

PT | * [email protected] presents an overview on studying in Germany: the German higher education system (access and characteristics), student life (housing, transport, expenses, visum and working) as well as the DAAD and its scholarships.

10:30 –11:00 h Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

EN | * [email protected] School is AASB and EQUIS accredited and one of Europe’s leading business schools delivering German excellence in management and finance education.

Fields of Study: Finance, Management, Business Administration

11:00 –11:30 h Berlin School of Economics and Law

EN | * [email protected] incl. specialisations (European Management, European-Asian Management, Transatlantic Management), Master’s degree programme “International Business Management” incl. specialisations (International Management, Digital Business Management and Leadership)

Fields of Study: Economics, International Management, Digital Business Management

11:30 –12:00 h Graduate School Esslingen

EN | * [email protected] is a medieval city close to Stuttgart’s industrial centre, a region full of big names like Bosch, EY, Daimler and Porsche. Many students stay in this one-of-a-kind business cluster to work in the industry: our Graduate School students are the business and engineering managers of tomorrow.

Fields of Study: Industrial Management, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Management

12:00 –12:30 h Darmstadt Business School

EN | * [email protected] MBA at Darmstadt Business School is an excellent choice for anyone seeking to prepare for a career in management. It is offered in part-time or full-time. Established in 2017 the programme has already earned a sound reputation and is ranked among the Top 20 MBA programmes in Europe.

Fields of Study: Master of Business Administration

12:30 –13:00 h University of Konstanz, Department of Economics

EN | * [email protected] double degree options. Fast track to a PhD. Sailing or skiing after class. Career opportunities in Germany. Sounds interesting? Join our english-taught Master’s programmes in Economics, Political Economy or Social and Economic Data Analysis at the University of Konstanz, Germany.

Fields of Study: MSc Economics, MSc Political Economy, MSc Social and Economic Data Analysis

EN Presentation in English PT Presentation in Portuguese

German higher education institutions enjoy an excellent reputation all over the world. German degrees carry great prestige while teaching and research provide impulses for innovation and progress. Many uni-versities cooperate with industry companies to ensure you benefit from a practise-oriented education that is relevant for the labour market.

More than 400 public higher education institutions offer in total almost 18,000 degree programmes, including more than 1,300 inter-national degree programmes conducted entirely or partly in English. Germany’s higher education landscape offers you great choices!

The webinar series consists in online presentations by 15 German universities and educational institutions followed by Q&A-sessions. A headset is needed. You can ask questions via chat. The webinar series addresses audiences in Brazil.

The webinars are conducted in Portuguese or English (see webinar schedule). You need to register for each day of the webinar series seperately. Each day is introduced by a short presentation on studying in Germany and funding opportunities.You can join the webinars any time.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a non-profit, state funded organization that promotes academic exchange and cooperation between Germany and other countries mainly through providing information and funding.

In Brazil, the DAAD has a regional office in Rio de Janeiro and an Information Center São Paulo that provide information on study and research in Germany.

Horário de atendimento (mediante agendamento):

Escritório Regional do DAAD Rio de JaneiroDe segunda a quinta-feira: 8h às 16h Sexta-feiras: 8h às 14h Telefone: (21) 2553-3296* [email protected]

Centro de Informação do DAAD em São Paulo (IC-SP)Segunda, terça, quinta e sexta-feira, das 14h às 17hTelefone: (11) 3061-5331* [email protected] DAADBrasil

DAAD in Brazil

Study in Germany

Webinar Series “Study in Germany”