Study Guide Slides

1. AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION •Agricultural Revolution – New farming methods invented (seed drill- Jethro Tull) •Lord Townshend in England introduced crop rotation – land could now be used year-round; certain crops revitalized soil •Enclosure movement

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•Agricultural Revolution – New farming methods invented (seed drill- Jethro Tull)•Lord Townshend in England introduced crop rotation – land could now be used year-round; certain crops revitalized soil•Enclosure movement had large land owners buying and then fencing public land

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First pumped water out of coal mines.

The steam engine was not just a transportation device. It ran entire factories the way rivers used to.

First pumped water out of coal mines.

The steam engine was not just a transportation device. It ran entire factories the way rivers used to.

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#3) Charles Darwin#3) Charles Darwin

Natural selection of the fittest

Species develop specialized traits to fit their environment

Natural selection of the fittest

Species develop specialized traits to fit their environment

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#4 ) How did women’s roles change?

#4 ) How did women’s roles change?

Learned new skills Demanded rights Worked to abolish

slavery (ABOLITION) Promoted public


Learned new skills Demanded rights Worked to abolish

slavery (ABOLITION) Promoted public


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#5 and #6 SMITH AND MARX

#5 and #6 SMITH AND MARX

Read the notes on the ECONOMIC SPECTRUM that Ms. Anders gave you! Understand the differences between them clearly!

Read the notes on the ECONOMIC SPECTRUM that Ms. Anders gave you! Understand the differences between them clearly!

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# 7) Why did the IR begin in UK?

# 7) Why did the IR begin in UK?

1. Rise in science + innovation2. Increasing productivity in agriculture3. Expanding population4. Merchant tradition- entrepreneurial spirit5. Capitalist philosophy (Adam Smith!)6. Geography (climate + soil = good farming)

1.Coal and iron deposits2.Navigable rivers3.Natural harbors4.Island location

7. Global trading, slave labor, gold & silver of the New World- COLONIES (in America, Africa, India)

8. State-supported economic development9. Constitutionalism/ democratic; Locke’s philosophy


1. Rise in science + innovation2. Increasing productivity in agriculture3. Expanding population4. Merchant tradition- entrepreneurial spirit5. Capitalist philosophy (Adam Smith!)6. Geography (climate + soil = good farming)

1.Coal and iron deposits2.Navigable rivers3.Natural harbors4.Island location

7. Global trading, slave labor, gold & silver of the New World- COLONIES (in America, Africa, India)

8. State-supported economic development9. Constitutionalism/ democratic; Locke’s philosophy


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#10) Why did things start to improve?

#10) Why did things start to improve?

Unions organized (strikes)

Socialist thinkers Laws (factory and mines) Suffragists demand

rights Free PUBLIC education Medicine and science

Unions organized (strikes)

Socialist thinkers Laws (factory and mines) Suffragists demand

rights Free PUBLIC education Medicine and science

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# 11) Suffragists# 11) Suffragists


We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men and women are created



We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men and women are created


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Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the grandmother of the movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the grandmother of the movement

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Women all over the USA and Britain paraded and protested for suffrage.

Women all over the USA and Britain paraded and protested for suffrage.

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Women’s suffrageWomen’s suffrage

Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights.

Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights.

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Suffering Til SuffrageSuffering Til Suffrage

QuickTime™ and aYUV420 codec decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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WWI helped women get the vote because they worked so hard during WWI.

WWI helped women get the vote because they worked so hard during WWI.

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The Nineteenth Amendment gave women’s suffrage.

The Nineteenth Amendment gave women’s suffrage.

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#12) Social Darwinism#12) Social Darwinism

Separate notion from the biological argument. Not something Charles Darwin would have likely advocated!

1. Society should allow the weak and less fit to fail and die.

2. Pre-existing prejudices were rationalized (RACISM) by the notion that colonized nations, poor people, or disadvantaged minorities must have deserved their situations because they were “less fit” than those who were better off. (rationalized colonies and eugenics)

Separate notion from the biological argument. Not something Charles Darwin would have likely advocated!

1. Society should allow the weak and less fit to fail and die.

2. Pre-existing prejudices were rationalized (RACISM) by the notion that colonized nations, poor people, or disadvantaged minorities must have deserved their situations because they were “less fit” than those who were better off. (rationalized colonies and eugenics)

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#13) Thomas Malthus#13) Thomas Malthus

Population increases faster than the food supply!

Malthusian…….. Is this true? When?

Population increases faster than the food supply!

Malthusian…….. Is this true? When?

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(#14) 1870-Louis Pasteur(#14) 1870-Louis Pasteur

Disease Prevention showed link between germs and

disease, developed a vaccine for rabies and developed pasteurization

1914- knew yellow fever and malaria were caused by mosquitoes

People bathed more 1846-anesthesia Joseph Lister-insisted surgeons sterilize

instruments and wash hands

Disease Prevention showed link between germs and

disease, developed a vaccine for rabies and developed pasteurization

1914- knew yellow fever and malaria were caused by mosquitoes

People bathed more 1846-anesthesia Joseph Lister-insisted surgeons sterilize

instruments and wash hands

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# 15) David Ricardo # 15) David Ricardo

“Iron law of wages” Believed that workers should

only be paid enough to survive

If they make more, they will only have more children and therefore become poor again or die off from starvation

Permanent Underclass (like Malthus)

“Iron law of wages” Believed that workers should

only be paid enough to survive

If they make more, they will only have more children and therefore become poor again or die off from starvation

Permanent Underclass (like Malthus)

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#16) John Stuart Mills-#16) John Stuart Mills-

Rise of Socialism Critics of the Industrial Revolution

began advocating for a more even distribution of the wealth.

Utilitarianism- government needed only to create greatest good for greatest number of people.

John Stuart Mills- Questioned unregulated capitalism More reforms in legal system and


Rise of Socialism Critics of the Industrial Revolution

began advocating for a more even distribution of the wealth.

Utilitarianism- government needed only to create greatest good for greatest number of people.

John Stuart Mills- Questioned unregulated capitalism More reforms in legal system and


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#17) John Owen#17) John Owen

Rise of Socialism Robert Owen set up an utopian

system in his factories, creating an ideal working community – workers worked less, children were taken care of while parents worked, productivity and profit increased

Rise of Socialism Robert Owen set up an utopian

system in his factories, creating an ideal working community – workers worked less, children were taken care of while parents worked, productivity and profit increased

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#18 Tull- Seed drill 19 Watt- Steam Engine #20 Hargreaves-

Spinning Jenny #21 Fulton- Steam ship #22 Edison- Light bulb,

movie camera and phonograph.

#18 Tull- Seed drill 19 Watt- Steam Engine #20 Hargreaves-

Spinning Jenny #21 Fulton- Steam ship #22 Edison- Light bulb,

movie camera and phonograph.